Aardvark Planning Law Specialists in planning & environmental law
Commerce Windows
Windows, doors & conservatories
David Williams IFA Chartered Financial Planners
Elite Clothing Ltd
Silk screen printers & embroiderers
Gowards, Chartered Accountants Specialist accountants
Handelsbanken Banking & mortgages
Hawsons Chartered Accountants
Hoofs Uk
Hunter & Uro Solicitors
Equestrian clothing
Family solicitors
Llewellyn (Safety Advisors) Europe Ltd Safety advisors
Matthew Oliver Windows
Printsense Ltd
Windows, doors & conservatories
Copiers & printers
Prop-Search Commercial property solutions
Richard Greener Estate Agents Estate Agents
Roka Dental Private dental practice
Scroxton & Scroxton Ltd Architects & builders
Specsavers Opticians
Vue Media Print, merchandise , signage & branding
WellingboroughSchool BusinessDirectory
Followingrequestsfromourparentstoadvertisetheirbusinesses intheNewsletters,weareexcitedtolaunchtheWellingborough SchoolBusinessDirectory.
Thedirectoryispublishedonourwebsiteandalinkincludedin eachoftheNewsletters,everyweek.
Wellingborough School reserves the right to refuse and remove any business listing or content at any time that could be determined as offensive, defamatory or bring the School’s values or reputation into disrepute.
Inclusion in the directory, is not to be considered an endorsement by Wellingborough School .
WellingboroughSchoolcannotbecome involvedinany concernsordisputeswithspecificbusinesses. Thesemustberaisedwiththecompanydirectly,orthrough otherchannelsasmaybeappropriate.
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Early Years Outdoor Learning Mornings - Thursday May 9th &
Wednesday June 12th
Senior School & Sixth Form:
Visitor Day, May 1st.