WellHealth CareConnection: Volume 1 | Issue 1

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CareConnection Innovative Healthcare in Your Backyard.

Volume 1 | Issue 1 | Summer 2014 Accountable Care pg 6 Hormone Health Center

pg 8

Surviving Breast Cancer... Twice pg 10 Dad, You’re Having a Baby Too! pg 13 WellHealth on Morning Blend

pg 15

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Credits MEDICAL EDITOR K. Warren Volker, MD, PhD


Meghan Bailey

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Donald W. Tice, MD Keith Brill, MD Ken Fulp, DO Kim LaMotte-Malone, MD


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Message from the CEO Now more than ever patients, physicians and payor groups are becoming increasingly more focused on their wants and needs in healthcare. WellHealth Quality Care is the first Accountable Care Network in the Las Vegas Valley ready to meet those needs. WellHealth’s multi-specialty provider network is made up of the finest medical professionals, including over a dozen medical specialties and 20 subspecialties. Our physicians, clinics, and hospitals have been carefully chosen as top performers in their fields. Based on the principle of providing the very best in patient care, with quality improvement measures constantly monitored and reviewed by physicians, WellHealth has set a new standard for truly accountable healthcare. For the patients, WellHealth is made up of only the most skilled and highly trained doctors from multiple medical specialties, dedicated to the improvement and management of your health. Our caring health professionals are committed to your well-being. They believe in a compassionate personal relationship between doctor and patient.


For the Physician, we provide the business guidance required to create efficiencies for healthcare providers and maximize the potential within a physician’s practice. We understand the challenges faced by medical professionals because we are medical professionals as well. For the Payors, WellHealth understands that, rather than accepting off-the-shelf benefits plans, larger employer groups are going to look to take advantage of creative and aggressive ways to control costs while delivering superior care to their employees. WellHealth is committed to providing a positive healthcare experience. I sincerely hope you enjoy the first of many Care Connection issues. We have created a platform to showcase the positive and innovative ways medicine is being practiced.

CEO K. Warren Volker, MD, PhD

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Letter from the Editor It’s often mentioned you always remember your firsts… The first time you win, the first time you go on a date, your first heartbreak and the first time you become a parent. Well, it is true. Experiencing a “first” is one of the reasons why I wanted to be a part of WellHealth Quality Care. You see, I am not a doctor, nurse, or medical professional. I cannot care for you unless you want some mean chicken noodle soup. So, when I learned about what Accountable Care was, I admit I was skeptical, as I am sure you are too. You’ve read about Accountable Care and how doctors are reviewed regularly to make sure they are giving the care you deserve, but what does it really mean? Coming from the inside – it means the care you are receiving from a WellHealth doctor is the best it can get. From music to movies, foodies to fashion models, everyone benefits from peer-to-peer responsibility. When the bar is raised in your line of work, you reach for it, try to better it and ultimately raise that bar even higher. This is what WellHealth Quality Care is doing for healthcare in Nevada.

that puts you back on your feet in less than a week, Metabolic and Hormonal testing that proves it’s not always just old age, to a program to help reduce the risk of premature babies, Nevada has some truly amazing medical care. As you take the time to read through this magazine, please remember healthcare is about you; you are your own advocate. Make choices that better your family from exercising together, eating right and making sure you manage your preventative care. Enjoy the first Care Connection… I know I did. Managing Editor Meghan Bailey

I’m here to tell you our state has many medical gems that many have yet to discover. From Minimally Invasive Surgery


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Accountable Care What is Accountable Care? Why does it matter for my family? Is this government mandated? Why should I care?

By: Meghan Bailey

SK – Yes and no. The term Accountable Care Organization, or ACO, usually refers to Medicare. An ACN is very similar in structure, but it’s meant for health plans other than Medicare, such as the traditional health plans your employer would provide or the individual health plans you buy for yourself or your family. MB – You mentioned “access to care.” Can you explain this a little further? SK – Of course! In most health plans, physicians are paid based on the number of patients they see and the number of services they provide to those patients. In some cases, this is fine, but sometimes, this leads to overcrowding in the physician’s office. This means that the patient cannot get in to receive the care they need, and when they do get in, they often feel rushed. That’s not the experience we want our patients to have when they see a WellHealth doctor. WellHealth makes it easy to get in to be seen. Our patients have Health Advisors whose job it is to ensure they’re able to receive the care that they need. Patients can call, email or reach their Advisors via the WellHealth mobile app… whatever is most convenient for them.

If you have had any of these questions, you are not alone. I sat down with Steven Keltie, President of Business Development, to get answers to the many questions patients have. MB – Let’s begin with the basics. What is an Accountable Care Network? Why is an Accountable Care Network important? SK – It’s important because it’s redefining the delivery of healthcare. An Accountable Care Network is a panel of carefully selected physicians, from all medical specialties, who all share the same goal and philosophy of delivering high quality and well coordinated patient care. Unlike other medical networks, these physicians work together closely to share ideas on patient care, review each other’s quality data and improve clinical protocols. Another key component is the need to provide proper access to the care a patient needs. It does no good to offer a large list of doctors if a patient cannot get in to see them for weeks at a time. If a doctor cannot get patients into the office in a reasonable amount of time, or if they do not want to work together with their colleagues to compare quality data and improve patient care… they do not belong on our network. MB – I’ve heard of an “Accountable Care Organization.” Is this the same thing?


MB – Why should patients start caring about their healthcare choice? SK – Over the years, healthcare has become complicated and confusing. People enroll in a health plan and a lot of the time, they do not understand how the whole system works. The thing is that not all medical networks are created equal, and we all need to be consumers when it comes to health care, just like we’re consumers in every other aspect of life. People pay good money for their health insurance coverage. They should know what it is they’re getting in return. High levels of customer service, timely physician appointments, and quality based care. These things are fundamental, and they do not have to be expensive! MB - So, when someone is shopping for coverage, these are the things they should be looking for? SK – Absolutely! Why not?!? Those are the kinds of things we demand from grocery stores, auto shops and restaurants, right? Why wouldn’t we demand the same from the healthcare industry? Look, if your cable company told you that you had to wait four weeks for them to turn on your service and that they wanted to be paid regardless of the quality of service they provide, you’d go somewhere else, right? Nevada has some amazing medical professionals. Physicians who thrive on taking great care of their patients. WellHealth has given them the ability to come together to do just that. MB- Thank you Steven for joining us today! Can I assume we’ll be hearing more about accountable care in the coming months? SK – You’re very welcome! WellHealth’s model of accountable care is redefining the delivery of healthcare in Nevada. That’s exciting to me and something that I love to talk about, so you will definitely be hearing more about it!

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Hormone Health Corner Let’s Talk Testosterone… By Dr. Donald W. Tice DID YOU KNOW:

2. Consume “good” fat like olive oil and grapeseed oil,

Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women. It’s not just a “Male Hormone.” Testosterone performs many important functions in our bodies, such as decreasing body fat, maintaining memory, increasing bone density, increasing muscle tone and increasing energy levels. Deficiency in either men or women causes a variety of symptoms that many people would attribute to pre-mature aging such as anxiety, loss of ambition, fatigue, dry skin, decreased sex drive, and weight gain, especially around your mid-section.

3. Avoid environmental estrogens (which can decrease


Testosterone is only a male hormone – women do not have testosterone.

flax seed oil or quality fish oil

Eliminate excess body fat; fat cells produce estrogen and aromatase enzymes that converts testosterone to estrogen (causing a decrease in testosterone). Men and women can decrease body fat and increase muscle mass by following some of these tips:

1. Eat more quality proteins such as

lean, hormone-free meats, fish, and eggs


the amount of testosterone in the body). These include: • Drinking hot liquids out of plastic or Styrofoam cups • Microwaving foods or drinks in plastic or Styrofoam containers • Avoid products with paraben preservatives (mostly cosmetic products like lotions, and make-ups)

QUICK TIP - Try using coconut oil as a moisturizer. MYTH BUSTING

FALSE! Women have about 5-10 times more testosterone than estrogen in their system and men have about 10-20 times more than that. Women will become more masculine with testosterone therapy. If the hormone therapy is properly dosed, they will get an improved lean muscle to fat ration and muscle will become more toned with workouts. Testosterone causes “Roid Rage” and anger problems. The hormone more responsible for “Roid Rage” is estrogen. The body can convert testosterone into estrogen (the hormone that causes PMS symptoms).

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Heart Healthy Cookbook Grilled Halibut

DIRECTIONS 01 | If fish steaks are large, cut into 6 serving pieces. Mix remaining ingredients except Tomato-Avocado Salsa in shallow glass or plastic dish. Add fish; turn to coat with marinade. Cover and refrigerate at least 30 minutes but no longer than 2 hours.

Betty Crocker’s Heart Healthy Cookbook shares a recipe! Want to add more fish to your diet? Try this tasty grilled fish with salsa. INGREDIENTS GRILLED HALIBUT • 1 1/2 pounds halibut, tuna or swordfish steaks, 3/4 to 1 inch thick • 2 tablespoons canola or soybean oil • 2 tablespoons lemon or lime juice • 1/4 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin • 1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne) • 1 clove garlic, finely chopped TOMATO-AVOCADO SALSA • 3 medium tomatoes, chopped (1 1/2 cups) • 1 medium avocado, pitted, peeled and coarsely chopped • 1 small jalapeño chili, seeded and finely chopped • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro • 2 teaspoons lemon or lime juice

02 | Meanwhile, in medium bowl, mix all tomato-avocado salsa ingredients together. Set aside until ready to serve. 03 | Heat coals or gas grill for direct heat. Remove fish from marinade; reserve marinade. Cover and grill fish 4 to 5 inches from medium heat 10 to 15 minutes, brushing 2 or 3 times with marinade and turning once, until fish flakes easily with fork. Discard any remaining marinade. Serve fish with salsa. NUTRITION INFORMATION

1 Serving Calories 200 ( Calories from Fat 90), Total Fat 10g (Saturated Fat 1 1/2g, Trans Fat 0g ), Cholesterol 60mg Sodium 170mg Total Carbohydrate 6g (Dietary Fiber 3g Sugars 2g ), Protein 23g ; % Daily Value*: Vitamin A 10%; Vitamin C 15%; Calcium 2%; Iron 6%; Exchanges: 0 Starch; 0 Fruit; 0 Other Carbohydrate; 0 Skim Milk; 0 LowFat Milk; 0 Milk; 1 Vegetable; 0 Very Lean Meat; 3 Lean Meat; 0 High-Fat Meat; 0 Fat; Carbohydrate Choices: 1/2 *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

For more recipes like this one, visit www.bettycrocker.com.

Welcoming New Patients If you are like one of the many men and women experiencing any of the following symptoms, call our office today and take your first step toward a healthier lifestyle.


Women’s Hormone Therapy Inability to Lose Weight Insomnia & Fatigue Low Testosterone WellHealth Metabolic


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Surviving Breast Cancer... Twice

The Story of Cathy Britt

According to the World Health Organization, the most common cancer found in women worldwide is Breast Cancer. One in eight American women will get breast cancer, and it is the second leading cause of death among women. I started to notice a tickle in my breast, but did not think anything of it. A tickle is not a symptom commonly talked about as cancer starts to form. During a self-breast exam, I felt a lump. It was below where you could quickly identify it, but there wasn’t any doubt there was a something there. I made an appointment right away with my doctor. After consulting with her and taking the proper steps to identify what the lump was, the results showed I had cancer. Shock is something no one truly understands until they experience a doctor telling them their health is in jeopardy. After the initial shock wore off, I started to have denial. I thought to myself this cannot be happening, maybe they missed something, maybe this is not happening. Once I cycled through shock and denial my inner fire came out. I was going to beat the cancer.


In December of 2008, I had a mastectomy to remove my left breast and the tissue surrounding it. The Oncologist performed an oncotype on the tissue; it came back in the intermediate to low risk for the cancer to return. With this news and advice from my doctors, I decided to not move forward with chemotherapy. The road to recovery was a long one. I had numerous surgeries including breast expander bags and implants hoping to return to normalcy, but just like life, cancer has a strong way of reminding you it has different plans. Shock, Denial and Fight all came to fruition one more time in September of 2010 when an MRI of my right breast revealed a small spot, after the initial test, the spot came back positive for cancer. I was knocked down to the ground and felt as if my world was crashing in around me. First it was a shock that this was happening again, things were just getting back to normal. Denial crept through making me think that

something was read wrong, but it was not, I had cancer, again. For the first time in my life, I looked in the mirror and couldn’t recognize the person staring back at me. In October of 2010, I had another mastectomy to remove my right breast, with the lymph nodes coming back positive I underwent six months of chemotherapy and five sessions a week of radiation for twelve weeks. I lost my sister to breast cancer, and not a day goes by that I do not realize how precious life truly is. So, even if I could not recognize my own reflection in the mirror, I was still alive, and I needed to live my life. My husband and my family were my rocks throughout every step of the way, when negative thoughts, or the will to fight was leaving me; they were there for me. Two and a half years later, I can stand here and know that this is not the end of my story but the beginning. I am Cancer Free.

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Get Screened Breast cancer has an approximately occurrence rate making it by far one of our most common cancers.

Mammogram testing is recommended yearly starting at 40 years old (although some studies say to wait until 50 years old).

Learning self-breast exams starting as young as 10 years old is an important part of helping to decrease the severity of the disease, because if caught early, outcomes are generally much better.

BRACA testing is also available for those with a strong family history of breast cancer. If one of two gene mutations is present, the risk of breast cancer can be as high as 85%

Monthly self-breast exams, mammogram testing, and BRACA testing (if appropriate), should be part of women’s breast awareness and care. 11

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Been There, Done That

Real Tips from Real Moms

So, you have done all the necessary prep work for your baby’s arrival. But once you have your precious newborn home, which skills do you need to master during their first month? We asked real moms to share their tips… 1. Swaddling and Shushing – Newborns are now in a world that is big and scary. Swaddling and shushing your newborn gives them sensations of being in the womb; this can trigger their calming reflex. Many parents think their newborn doesn’t like the swaddle because they continue to cry. Just remember, it is not an off switch, it takes time for them to calm down. – Marguerite, Mother of Katie 10 and Karen 10 2. Asking for Help – Mothers are warriors, but even a warrior needs an army. Do not be afraid to ask someone to watch your little one while you take a well-deserved nap, shower or eat a hot meal. This does not mean you are weak and can’t handle motherhood. Remember, you are still healing from giving birth yourself. – Carly, Mother of Joshua 9, Lauren 5, and Kiley 1 3. Quick Diaper Changes – By putting a clean diaper underneath the dirty diaper, you are setting yourself up for a fast change. Unhook the dirty diaper, clean up, pull it off and then fasten the new diaper in place. It’s much faster and is a life-saver if baby decides to poop right after taking the dirty diaper off. – Lynn, Mother of Lily age 2


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Dad, you’re having a baby too!

By Keith R. Brill, MD, FACOG, FACS

It’s Wednesday morning, time for the next prenatal appointment. Today’s the day we may find out what we’re having, a boy or a girl! How exciting! As an obstetrician, as well as a father, I am very familiar with the joy and excitement of watching a pregnancy develop, as well as the fears of the unknown—it’s a scary time, but the journey that moms and dads take together is all worth it, trust me. The waiting room may seem to be filled with pregnant moms of all shapes and sizes, but having the dad there by the mom’s side each step of the way can be empowering and rewarding for everyone! Dads, here are some tips for ways to get the most out of the pregnancy experience. • Attend prenatal visits and ultrasounds! Besides getting to hear the baby’s heartbeat, most of what occurs at each visit is actually educational! Education about healthy eating and drinking (water!) habits, ways to help alleviate discomfort, and things to watch out for. • Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Really, as providers we truly appreciate the “homework” that moms and dads prepare between visits. The most rewarding prenatal visits are ones where the provider not only makes sure baby and mom are “physically okay” but also ones where we are able to help ease the fear and anxiety of the pregnancy and upcoming birth experience. • Adopt some of the healthy habits that mom has! We all can benefit from exercising regularly (taking walks together is a great activity), drinking more water, eating small, healthy meals throughout the day, and, if applicable, not smoking or drinking alcohol. Especially when one or both parents smoked before the pregnancy, it is very hard for mom to cease smoking when her partner does not! Team support is essential. • Start preparing for the arrival of the baby early in the pregnancy! You’d be surprised, but the 40 weeks of pregnancy will go by faster than you may realize. Getting set up for childbirth classes, hospital tours and pre-registration, choosing a pediatrician, and getting your home “baby-ready” are all important steps to take. The final few weeks in the pregnancy will fly by, and you don’t want to leave important preparations to the last minute. • Be supportive! Most pregnant women are healthy and not accustomed to body changes, sleep deprivation and having to go pee all the time. Allow mom to take a nap, offer to help more at home, and plan on going to bed early. 13

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Childhood Obesity and the Effect on Our Children By Dr. Kim LaMotte-Malone Facts:

Prevention Starts with Family!

In the last 30 years, childhood obesity has increased dramatically in the United States leading to devastating complications including Type 2 Diabetes.

Prevention of childhood obesity, as defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics, includes

Obesity is defined simply as too much body fat and is clinically measured by a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than the 95th percentile in children 2 years of age or older.

How does obesity affect children? It can have many effects on a young person’s body including but not limited to: Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, and Hypertension.

• Promotion of Breast Feeding • Set healthy eating habits for the whole family that includes: 5 servings of fruits/vegetables per day • Kick the sugared drink habit • Teach healthy eating tips during the times you eat out • Start your day with a healthy breakfast • Stop using food as a reward • Get your family excited about proper nutrition • Limited TV screen time to less than 2 hours/day • Get out and play! 1 hour or more of physical activity is strongly encouraged • Visit your healthcare provider. It is imperative for physical exams, lab testing and continued support and guidance

• Endocrine problems including Type 2 Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and early puberty. • Gastrointestinal problems such as fatty liver disease and gallbladder disease. • Skin conditions such as acne and superficial The fastest growing infections. • Bone problems population inflicted with • Sleep disturbances

obesity…our children

Obesity also puts your child at risk for a whole host of Psychosocial issues including but not limited to depression, poor self-esteem, Eating Disorders, etc.

In 2013, 23.9 million children were considered obese

But what is the scariest and most important, obese children are at increased risk of becoming overweight and obese adults, which creates in itself an increased risk of mortality.


Anthem Hills Pediatrics is a part of the WellHealth Network. To ensure their patients are healthy during every Health Maintenance visit, their team will measure weight, height and BMI for all children over 2 years old. They then take the time to share this information with their families. “We counsel on nutrition, exercise and healthier diets to achieve desired goals and make the children feel that they are part of a positive plan that will include the entire family,” said Dr. Kim LaMotte-Malone.

ABC’s the Morning Blend

Three…two…one… “Good Morning Las Vegas, you are taking a live look outside…” Recently featured on ABC’s the Morning Blend; WellHealth Quality care had the privilege of sharing health tips that may change your life. “It was an amazing experience to be able to share the amazing leaps and bounds the healthcare industry has made,” said Dr. Tammy Kelly, Medical Director.

WellHealth was featured during three separate WellHealth Medical Weeks offering tips for women’s health, metabolic and cosmetic treatments, minimally invasive surgical techniques as well as introducing the partnership between WellHealth and the Nevada Health CO-OP. You can catch all of the segments online at wellhealthqc.com or by downloading the WellHealth mobile app.


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an· es· the· si· ol· o· gy n. The medical study and application of anesthetics. Before Shelby could celebrate her 78th birthday she was scheduled to undergo a total knee replacement. Shelby was convinced that this was her answer to alleviate the severe pain she has been experiencing for the longest time. She had high praise for her surgeon and her plans were almost complete but she still needed an anesthesiologist on her team. But how many patients actually meet with an anesthesiologist? How many patients know who their anesthesiologist is? How many know what they do beyond administering anesthetics? We caught up with Dr. Kenneth Fulp with WellHealth Anesthesia Associates to debunk some common misconceptions. Myth: Anesthesiologists are not Medical Doctors. Fact: Actually, Anesthesiologists graduate from some of the finest medical schools in the country. Upon graduation they enter into a 4 year post graduate residency followed by a 1-2 year fellowship training in specialties such as pain, high risk obstetric, pediatric and cardiac anesthesia.

“Modern day anesthesia allows patients undergoing surgery a higher success rate for during their surgery and recovery process,” said Dr. Fulp

Myth: Anesthesiologists only administer anesthetics for pain. Fact: A WellHealth Anesthesiologist plays an integral role for their patients. Daily you will find our anesthesiologists meeting with patients and their families through some of the most joyous, stressful and sometimes scariest times of their life. They act as your internist, intensivist and pharmacologist all rolled into one. Myth: Once an anesthesiologist administers anesthetics their job is done. Fact: An anesthesiologist job is far from done once they administer anesthetics. During a patients surgery, it is the job of an anesthesiologist to monitor their vitals. Anesthesia affects consciousness, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. Each patient is monitored with various techniques depended on what type of anesthetics they are administered.

At the end of the day, Anesthesia has evolved into one of the safest of all medical specialties providing the full spectrum of care from the tiniest of neonate to the 96-year-old geriatric patient and every size in between. WellHealth Anesthesia Associates provides the only dedicated 24-hour, 7-day-a-week in-house Anesthesia group in Las Vegas; each doctor is highly trained, educated and Board certified. 17

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Physician Profiles: DR. TICE has over 25 years experience and Fellowship Training in Obesity and Metabolic Medicine. He holds a Doctorate from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. He is also Board Certified in Family Medicine and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Biology from Wayne State University. DR. DHINGRA received her combined BS/MD degree while being on full tuition scholarship for six years. She completed one year of surgery and four years of Ob/Gyn residency in New York at affiliated hospitals of Cornell University and Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Dr. Dhingra then completed three year fellowship training in Uro-gynecology/ Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery at an affiliated pelvic health center of Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia. Dr. Dhingra is a minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon. Her expertise is in Uro-gynecology, which is the study and treatment of pelvic floor disorders in women. Her commitment to the field has been exemplified by her dedication to research in this field. DR. LAMOTTE-MALONE has been in practice for over 23 years. She attended USC and graduated in 1980. She subsequently went to Marquette Medical School and graduated in 1985; she completed her Internship and Residency at Stanford University Hospital in Pediatrics in 1988. Dr. LaMotte-Malone has been an active member in the community for over 20 years and has received the Children’s Health Care Champion Award, Vegas Life Magazine’s “Top Pediatrician,” among many others during her career. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association. She cares for children and their families, educating them while following their growth from birth until their 18th birthday. During her free time she enjoys scrapbooking, Zumba, and spending quality time with her family, including her two children.

DR. KELLY approaches medicine from a truly patient-centric point of view. She is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and has been affiliated with the American Medical Students Association and served as the Secretary of the American Medical Women’s Association. Dr. Kelly completed her residency at affiliated hospitals of the University of Nevada School of Medicine. 18

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WellHealth Quality Care A Multi-Specialty Accountable Care Network

The Nation’s Healthcare System is Changing! As a physician directed provider network, WellHealth is leading the way in the management of patient care. Each of our physician members have committed to working together with his or her colleagues to improve the delivery, quality and value of our healthcare system. wellhealthqc.com

(702) 545-6116 Call our provider network specialists today to discuss participation options.

wellhealthqc.com | facebook.com/WellhealthQualityCare | @wellhealthqc | (702) 545-6116


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