Wellesley At The Bay 2016

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Wellesley College - 611a Marine Drive, Days Bay Cover image: Flying Fox at Kaitoke by Phil Benge


Wellesley College 611a Marine Drive Days Bay www.wellesley.school.nz Cover image Boys being boys, Margie Beattie.

Cover and text stocks used in this publication are from Forestry Stewardship Council certified mills, using pulp from well-managed forests and other controlled sources.

Brendan Pitman, Principal See ya, Mr B! Farewell, Mrs Hooke Staff Matters Junior Syndicate Middle Syndicate Senior Syndicate my Field From Lord’s to the Pavilion: Jere

04 06 07 08 09 12 15 18 20

In the Field: Sport 22 Teach the Boys You're With #1 24 Opening Doors: The Arts 26 A Community That Gives: BOT 27 er Phil Benge: School Photograph 28 Top of Their Game: Awards 30 thorne From Eyeballs to Rats: Jo Haw Foundation 32 Promising Futures: Wellesley 33 The Parent Connection: PA 34 Boys The Art of Reconnection: Old 37 hives Personalised from the Start: Arc 38 Obituaries 40 Teach the Boys You're With #2 42 Sponsors 43 At the Bay Media

ATB MEDIA TEAM Wellesley Year 7 and 8 students, who worked as At the Bay journalists and photographers: Mickey-Finn Reddish, Leon Manning, Jonathon Hill, Felix Marner, Thomas Dai, Archie Riley, Oscar Jackson, Harry Hampton, Ned Lutyens, William Chandler.

EDITOR Mary McCallum



DESIGN Scratch Design, Petone

PHOTOGRAPHY Phil Benge and the ATB Media team.




The hum of the classrooms invites me in as I walk around the school enjoying the environment that surrounds us. The sea is calm and the sun is shining. The green of the bush behind the school is dotted with the multi-coloured shirts of Year 7 boys walking to the top of the hill. I like to think of the adventures they will have. It wasn’t that long ago that I walked the Wellesley driveway for the first time. On my arrival, the smiles of staff and students and the friendly gestures that accompanied each greeting were truly reassuring. Nearly two years on, nothing’s changed in regards to the warm and friendly culture here. As I reflect on 2016, I cast my mind back to conversations in the staff room. On each occasion staff were discussing the merits of a lesson, student celebration, areas for development and new initiatives in the classroom. Commonly

mentioned were the successes and challenges faced by individual students and ways to assist or take a better approach. Caring is the key component of every discussion. It is clear our staff consistently walk the extra mile for each boy. Walking into a Year 4 class one day, I watched groups of boys working collaboratively on a variety of tasks. Some were working on Chromebooks and enjoying the online programme Reading Eggs, others were working in books on their own or on a focus area with their teacher. I am always buoyed by the engagement of the boys with their tasks, the individualised approach in the classroom, the fun and conversations. One day in Chapel, the theme of the service was Sacred Stories. Numerous cultures and experiences were explained in detail and related back to our values at Wellesley. The service was a celebration of lessons learnt and gave some boys an opportunity to show their work. It was pleasing to see the others listening so intently. Another day I watched one of our boys taking off his rugby boots just after practice. He was heading off to choir for a cultural exchange where the Queen

Margaret College choir was coming to our school to sing. I remember one parent commenting positively on the progress of the Wellesley choir in 2016 and thought then how great it was to have such diversity in our school. You see, blending the great things about Wellesley’s culture with 21st century educational requirements brings challenges. Ones that we as educators face each day. In my time here, Wellesley has demonstrated time and again the “heart” needed for raising children. We all contribute as a community to develop each child in mind, body and spirit, and to do this we constantly embrace change and seek opportunities outside our comfort zone. In 1988, Principal Graeme Dreadon said, “I believe that schools that do not cope with change or proudly resist are in danger of becoming educational dinosaurs.” And in the same speech he said, “... the social and emotional development [of boys] is strong at Wellesley”. The dignity and respect of each boy is at the forefront as staff create a positive learning environment where the boys are happy. To use the catch phrase: “We teach the boys we’re with”.


Principal and House Captains

As a community we recently refreshed our values of Respect and Empathy, Perseverance for Personal Best and Risk-taking in Learning. We see the importance of holding true to these statements in raising our boys. Being united in our approach and having a common message is vital . The old saying about taking a village to raise a child still rings true and is just as important now as it ever was. Expanding our boys’ horizons to understand that caring is a key component of our school and ensuring they are hearing a common message from both home and school adds value to their development. Socially, this is important for one of the key competencies of self-management, and in developing ethical and critical thinking in boys.

Academically, again this year we resisted frontloading information to students and focused instead on developing each boy’s knowledge through authentic experiences, such as the ATB Media student journalists that have helped this year with At the Bay. We have also further developed our thoughts around a personalised approach to education and consolidated our expectations of ourselves. There is work still to be done on this front as we look towards next year and more exciting developments. Spiritually, I must compliment our Deputy House Captains who have taken a lead role in Chapels this year. We have strengthened our ties with St Alban’s – through House Chapel services and because they have moved their worship into our chapel for a short time. We continue to seek how a values-based

education founded in the Anglican tradition can be used to engage our boys and make them ethical thinkers with an expanded circle of concern. I am so proud of our boys this year and blessed to have such an amazing team of staff who are professional in their approach and dedicated to these fine young men. They work diligently in making Wellesley tick. I would like to thank all parents, staff and students for a successful 2016 and look forward now to what will be another amazing year.


See ya, Mr B! BY WILLIAM CHANDLER (YEAR 8) from Principal’s Pen Murray Blandford doesn't waste words. As a result, the words he does say have a huge impact, and for the last 32 years the man we call Mr B – the man with the wry smile, clever sense of humour and passion for teaching – has graced a certain room in Days Bay House, changing boys’ lives, one by one.

He is the catalyst for success, the ultimate driver towards personal bests, the man behind many of our achievements. Motivated and passionate, Mr B firmly believes that if you aren't going to commit to something 100%, then you might as well not commit at all. A talented rugby player, he played first-five, and represented Petone in over a hundred games as well as a handful for Wellington. In the words of Steve Girvan, “He was a very vocal player, always in the ear of the referee. He’d never shut up.” Mr B brought the same passion to the rugby field as he has done to the classroom, and retired at his selfprofessed peak. He coached the Wellesley 1st XV for over thirty years and is confident that in the future, as long as there is a talented group of players, the 1st XV shall succeed.

Mr B is hugely passionate about reading. As a child, he wasn’t the biggest reader around, and in his opinion it greatly affected his ability to write and speak as fluently as he would have liked to. Then he turned seventeen and somewhere, somehow, a switch flicked. He was away. Reading has had an enormous effect on his life, but later than it should have, so now he instils in boys the importance of reading. As preached by Murray Blandford himself, “Kids who read, succeed.” Mr Blandford loves maths. He just loves the problem-solving and the mental arithmetic. “With those skills, it sets you up for life. Gives you options,” he says. Anyone who has ever seen Mr Blandford getting hyped up over some good meaty problem-solving, the trademark vein bulging on the side of his head, the look of sheer passion and excitement dancing in his eyes, the quest for knowledge he

brings to the classroom in all areas, knows how much he loves what he does. His passion and influence will have a lasting impact on Wellesley. He is so much more than just a teacher for all of us boys. He’s a mentor, a role model, the epitome of hard work and passion. An integral part of Wellesley, he will be missed. We are truly grateful for 32 years of peerless dedication. Thank you, Mr B.


Farewell, Mrs Hooke BY MURRAY BLANDFORD from Principal’s Pen Ruth Hooke joined Wellesley as part of the resurgence of the school under Principal Graeme Dreadon. Her enthusiasm and her love of children and teaching were obvious from the outset, qualities that would remain during her nearly 30 years here.

Two of Ruth’s strengths and passions are children’s literature and the performing arts. Boys who were fortunate to have Ruth as a teacher enjoyed not only her book recommendations but also her ability to bring to life the books she chose to read aloud.

have taken part in over the last fifteen years.

Ruth was instrumental in ensuring the boys were exposed to the benefits of a balanced curriculum, especially the performing arts. A gifted musician and singer herself, she made sure all senior boys were introduced to drama, playing music, opera, live theatre and much more. After taking leave to have her daughter, Millie, she returned working part-time both here and at Muritai School. Ruth and ex-Wellesley teacher, Mary Prichard, were the drivers of Art Splash and DanceSplash, concerts that thousands of Wellington children

Ruth has been an integral part of Wellesley and her contribution cannot be underestimated. The staff who have taught with her and the hundreds of boys she has taught have been blessed. Ruth’s bubbly personality, love of life, welcoming smile and infectious laugh will be missed by us all and we wish her all the best for her future.

Ruth suffered tragedy last year when her husband and soul mate, Steve, died of cancer. Steve was a real supporter of the school.


Staff Matters STEVE GIRVAN DEPUTY PRINCIPAL PASTORAL CARE New Staff Robert Cross is our new Business Manager. He brings over 30 years of chartered accounting, tax compliance and small business advisory experience to Wellesley. Robert’s two sons are Wellesley Old Boys. Jeremy Field returns to New Zealand from teaching at a prep school in the UK, and before that he was on a US football scholarship. He joins Wellesley as Head of Sport. David Carr comes to Wellesley from teaching at an international school in Bangkok. Highlights of his year here include being assistant coach for the 2nd XV and 7C “cleaning up” at the science fair. Andrew Herrick has spent most of his teaching career in Upper Hutt, most recently at St Joseph’s, before moving to Wellesley. Andrew says the willingness of Wellesley boys to accept and excel at all challenges is infectious. Anand Ranchod is a former Wellesley pupil who came here after teaching at Muritai School, and before that in Auckland and London. “Giving back to a school that gave me so much is really

important to me,” he says. Anand is a talented hockey player and coaches the 1st XI hockey team. Nickie Slater hails from Tauranga, and as a teacher her professional interests include digital literacy and culturally responsive teaching methods. She runs an arboricultural business with her husband. Emma Favel joins us as a first-year teacher, although education has always been a big part of her life as her husband is a school principal. Emma has also practised family and general law. Rosie Torbit works part-time in the Development Office assisting Margie Beattie. A Wellesley parent, she grew up in Eastbourne. Nicole Cooper comes to us from Ngaio School and Roslyn School, Palmerston North. She has a toddler son and facilitates ante-natal classes.

Farewells Two long-serving teachers are leaving Wellesley College, both of whom have had a huge impact on the boys they’ve taught and on the life of the school. Senior Syndicate Head Murray Blandford started in 1984 and Performing Arts teacher Ruth Hooke in 1988. They will be sorely missed. We wish them all the very best – Murray in retirement and Ruth teaching at Muritai School.

Murray and I started our careers at Wellesley on the same day in May 1984 and what a wonderful journey it has been. Throughout the 32 years we have taught together I have valued him greatly as a teacher and as friend. You cannot readily replace such institutional knowledge or such a person – the void he leaves is immense. “Muz” has been instrumental in the many transformations Wellesley has gone through over the past decades and he will be remembered for his humour, passion and loyalty. As a teacher he is legendary, especially when it comes to reading and maths. Murray’s passion for good literature ignited a love of reading in countless boys. Likewise maths, I doubt there is another New Zealand teacher who has achieved as much success with their students. Ruth joined Wellesley in 1988 and I enjoyed teaching the Year 7 boys with her. Ruth’s sense of fun, her passion for life and teaching and her desire to do the very best for her students is outstanding. Then there were the Year 7 camps at Resolution Bay and the West Coast – so much fun and so many memories. The same passion Ruth had teaching Year 7 she brought to the role of performing arts teacher.





What is our whakapapa? Who are we? How do we develop a strong sense of connectedness and belonging as a young learner? What is good thinking and how is this developed? Personalised learning is a powerful way to guide the “learning to learn” model that sets our children up for success. At Wellesley we see the boys develop through student-led decision-making. They learn to understand the learning intention and what the success criteria are, so that they can show how successful they have been and provide information on how they can improve. We walk beside them in this process. In this way the boys become responsible for their learning and have a toolkit of strategies which they are able to use. Both teaching and learning have “stretch and tension” in their thinking with an expectation that there will be a shift in the way a child thinks, in his perspective and/or behaviour.

So how did we get the boys to respond creatively to the proposition “Should Goldilocks have gone into the bears’ house?”. A 7-year-old perspective I believe that Goldilocks shouldn't have gone into the house because if nobody answers the door you leave. And also it is rude to do that. Firstly I think that Goldilocks should fix baby bear's chair. Secondly the bears should tell Goldilocks' parents. If I was the parent I would be angry. Thirdly it is mean to the parents as well. Finally it is awkward on the parents and might have private stuff. The bears could have had precious stuff. However I think that I would be terrified of Goldilocks if I were Goldilocks and I was the parent, I would be scared to tell the bears. Experts say that she should stopped being nosey. Finally here are five questions answered just for you. Do you think that Goldilocks should have gone into the house? In the

house the reason why is because it is so rude and silly to do those kind of things. I wonder why Goldilocks parents let her out in the first place. I think Goldilocks should be sorry and should be fired from walking in the woods. This student immersed himself in reflective thinking in a powerful way. Our approach in the Junior School is to nurture new learning in a personalised learning framework, and we encourage our boys to think deeply about the world around them by providing opportunities to look at other perspectives and display empathy with wisdom.




Developing Talents Years 4-6 BY TONY ORBELL SYNDICATE HEAD


In the Middle Syndicate we are in the business of growing our boys in mind, body and spirit. Walk into any of our classes and you are likely to meet boys who represent Wellesley in a Year 5 and 6 sports team, in swimming or cross country. You’ll probably find others who are part of a club like robotics, the environmental group, fencing or chess. Some choose librarian or school councillor responsibilities, while others will be in a Tournament of Minds team or take part in maths or writing competitions. There will also be boys who sing in the choir, take music lessons or are the leads

in the Year 6 production, which this year was Robin Hood. Who could forget Ethan Chung’s masterful portrayal of the evil Sheriff of Nottingham: “There really is nothing that I wouldn’t do. I’d sell my own brother if I wanted to!”? Or Ari Maling as Maid Marian singing a haunting harmonic solo in the song “You’re in Great Danger”? These opportunities serve to help the boys explore their developing talents and find their inner (and for some outer) voice. We know boys thrive on strong relationships, and that they get the most out of their time at school when they feel that they are listened to, cared about and given every opportunity to succeed.

As part of building strong relationships we have our annual Year 4 and 5 camp in the school grounds, with fishing off the wharf and kayaking in the bay. This year a stormy second night under canvas sent us scuttling off to sleep in the classrooms! The Year 6 camp at Kaitoke provided the usual physical challenges for boys as individuals and in teams with a challenge course, flying fox and kayaking on the lake. Knowing each boy is critical in the delivery of a personalised strategy that will most effectively navigate them along their learning pathway. And you would be hard-pressed to beat the opportunities available to the boys who attend Wellesley.






“My ambition comes from my passion: finding what I love and then expanding on that.” This quote from Australian model Miranda Kerr is at the core of the independent studies that have been carried out for many years by our two combined Year 7 and 8 Independent Learning classes, and have been expanded this year to include our traditional Year 7 and 8 classes through a term-long Passion Project. Introduced by former Wellesley pupil and now Year 8 teacher Anand Ranchod, these studies have ensured more personalised learning opportunities for all the senior boys. They have a chance to explore what they are passionate

about – and after researching the topic in depth, they share this passion with their peers. Topics explored by the boys this year have been wide-ranging: from George Orwell and Greek culture to skiing and Rubik’s Cube, and everything in between, and most studies included a practical, hands-on component. The boys’ enthusiasm for the project was evident in both their planning and presentation. Wellesley is renowned for ensuring all boys are catered for across the curriculum areas, and tailored, selfinterest inquiry units have enhanced this. When boys are following their passions, they are more likely to share them with others, and their infectious enthusiasm is more likely to lead them to make more considered choices when deciding on a future direction.

This year we have seen Wellesley senior students achieve success in a range of subjects, with children’s literature, technology challenges, mathematics, musical opportunities and sport at the fore. This combined with their experiences in the classroom ensures boys leaving the school not only have a greater understanding of what they are good at, but are also ready to expand their horizons and give new experiences a go. This self-confidence and willingness to take risks is the perfect springboard from which to venture into adult life.



From Lord’s to the Pavilion ATB Media interview new Head of Sport, Jeremy Field.

Mr Field has been a teacher for 12 years, and for half of that he was a science teacher. Brought up in Hamilton, Mr Field went to Hillcrest Primary School, Berkley Intermediate, Hillcrest High School and Waikato University, where he gained a Bachelor of Sport and Leisure Studies and a Bachelor of Teaching. He is a talented football player. ATB: How did you get into football? I think probably I got into it because my older brother was into football. I came from a rugby family but my older brother tended to do football and then my friends at school were right into football as well so it just became part of my life, very slowly I guess.

ATB: What made you become a PE teacher? I got started with coaching football when I was about 15 or 16, in the holidays as part of earning some money. I really enjoyed coaching, and then got better and better and went to some courses, and then as a natural progression went from coaching to teaching. ATB: How is being a PE teacher here different from your last school? I was working at a school in central London – and the major difference is space and the availability of facilities. We’re very lucky here to have fields and the AstroTurf. At my last school there was one big building and we had to get bused out to all our facilities: to Battersea Park or to Hyde Park, to the Oval for cricket or the Queen’s Club for tennis, or the swimming pools. So we’re very very lucky to have all of those sorts of facilities here at Wellesley – we don't have to get bused everywhere! ATB: What ambitions do you have for Wellesley sport? My predecessor Mr Houston did an amazing job with the sport at Wellesley and I could see that in the first two terms

of being here. I would like to continue and grow the opportunities that the boys have. I want them to have as many opportunities to do as wide and varied amount of sports as possible so they can find what they’re actually into. Hopefully they will then develop their passion like I developed a passion for football. They’ll continue on with that sport or hobby for their whole life. That would be my ambition.


ATB: What are some of the best experiences you’ve had as a teacher? As a PE teacher I’ve been lucky enough to go to Wimbledon. I went to Lord’s and to the Oval cricket ground. I took the boys I taught down to an amazing boarding school in Dorset, and we played sport there. But I’ve also been very lucky to work with boys who are mad about sport and very keen to improve and get better, so every day – so long as there’s a positive outcome in my lessons – I leave feeling pretty good about things generally. ATB: Why did you come to New Zealand? I’m from New Zealand originally, and I left in 2003 to go to the United States on a football scholarship, then went from the United States to the UK where I started teaching at a prep school there. We came back mainly because I have a young son who we want to raise in

New Zealand so he has the same experience I had when I was growing up.

years old and doesn’t listen to me very much. A bit like 8B.

ATB: Why did you come to Wellesley?

Q: What do you enjoy most about Wellesley sport?

I saw the job advertised and I put in my CV. Mr Pitman gave me a call, and we did an interview over Skype. All the people I talked to and trusted were very positive about Wellington and positive about Wellesley, so it seemed like an exciting opportunity. ATB: Where would you be right now if you hadn't got into teaching? That’s a good question. I would probably be a coach – I would have thought – a football coach, or possibly a gardener. ATB: Are you planning to coach your son’s football team? I am planning on coaching my son’s football team, and I already do little bits and pieces with him. But he’s only three

What I enjoy most is the boys’ passion for it. There is no need to enthuse you all because you are already so passionate about sport and you’re keen to be involved. No one hangs around the edges, everyone wants to be involved and is keen to get active and into sport as quickly as possible. That’s what I like most about sport at Wellesley. Editors: Oscar Jackson and William Chandler (ATB Media).




Sport at Wellesley is about giving boys the opportunity to find their passion and develop a lifelong love of sport, movement and physical activity. Arriving here from my job at an English prep school, I could tell immediately that the sports programme was welldeveloped and effective. During PE we develop the boys' knowledge and understanding of a wide variety of sports and games. We aim to improve the basic co-ordination, skills and tactics of each boy, and teach them in match-play and modified games so boys are actively engaged and moving during lesson time. We cover many of the core sports such as tennis, cricket, rounders, softball, hockey, football, rugby, basketball, badminton, gymnastics and athletics, but we also include adventure-based

learning and team-building games, and games like Danish longball, dodgeball, matball, American football and a school game known as Tally-ho. There is no doubt that being part of a team plays a big part in the way the boys develop their social skills. Once boys reach Year 5 they are able to enter trials to represent the school sports teams during multiple fixtures that take place across the year. Cricket, tennis and softball headline the summer matches with eight teams. In the winter term, boys make up 11 teams in rugby, football and hockey to represent our school. This year these teams toured the Hawkes Bay playing fixtures against Lindisfarne and Hereworth schools. During term time the boys have the opportunity to sign up for afterschool sports leagues in basketball, underwater hockey, waterpolo or volleyball. Or they can take part in the lunchtime championships in badminton and table tennis. Boys can also join afterschool clubs and activities such as fencing, waterpolo, underwater hockey and chess. In Year 6, they take part in a regional dance competition known as DanceSplash.

Giving boys a wide range of options in PE and sport opens doors for them to find the sport or activity they love, and fuels a flame that will hopefully last a lifetime.






The Arts


At the art room door I am greeted by the sounds of a student singing from the adjoining studio. He is learning to use his high and low voice to sing a French song. Class lessons kick off with a performing arts session for Year 5 boys down in the music room. They are creating “freeze frames” of landmarks from around the world using only their bodies. The boys are working in small groups, and are finding it a real challenge trying to create the shapes. In the adjoining music practice rooms, individual boys are learning to play their favourite instruments – one is playing the guitar, another the drums. Close by a violin and piano can be heard. Upstairs, the art room is a hive of activity. It’s Senior Art Extension where the boys are designated time to investigate their individual artistic

passion – one boy has an interest in sculpture and is learning to create a wire armature. Another boy has a passion for snowboarding. He is turning his passion into an artwork by creating a snowboard template out of wood, and will paint it using stencils and patterns. Drawing portraits are another boy’s passion, and he is compiling a series using a variety of media. Meanwhile, down in the hall, the juniors are rehearsing their animal dances for a special production about their Zealandia inquiry. The lunch bell rings. A bunch of boys have come into the art room to continue working on their projects, or just to draw, or sit and reflect – a nice change from the busyness of the day. Another bell signals school assembly, with its focus on the performing and visual arts. Three senior presenters lead the assembly dressed as characters from the production. Our new piano is christened, and we are privileged to witness a fine duet. The photography boys talk about photos that they took on a recent trip to town, where they attended some exhibitions and viewed street art. Our

senior choir performs, followed by three soloists, who bravely step forward and project their voices into the audience. Our Year 1 boys tentatively assemble in front of the school and hold up their mixedmedia taniwha artworks. The rock band closes the assembly with an energetic rendition of a White Stripes song. There is rousing applause. As the school day is drawing to a close, the sounds of orchestral instruments playing “I Dreamed a Dream” can be heard floating through the inner quad and surrounding buildings – a lovely way to end a day in the arts at Wellesley. I shut my door and head home. I often think about what I loved about the arts when I was in school. It was always a place where I felt safe enough to express my creativity, and ultimately to express myself as an individual. Wellesley prides itself on offering many opportunities for boys to express their individuality in the arts. As teachers, our role is to open those doors and then let them decide if they want to step through and explore further or shut the door and open another.




For the Board, 2016 has been what Steve Hansen might call a “year of consolidation” – no World Cup, but some significant changes of personnel (trustees), the pleasure of watching the new captain (Brendan) really hit his straps, and some notable progress in a number of other areas which will stand us in good stead in years to come. Our focus – beyond monitoring the school’s finances and operations and supporting Brendan in his day-to-day work – has been primarily on assisting Brendan and his senior leadership team put into effect the new strategic plan, working with them to refresh and update our policies and procedures, improving our financial systems in order

to better support longer-term planning, and addressing current and future infrastructure matters. In this, we have been joined by four new trustees – Jeff Healey, Matthew Allen, Sharyn Mitchell and (very recently) Rev James Coleman. We have already benefitted from their general wisdom and their specific expertise, and I look forward to working with them, the other trustees, and Brendan and his team next year. Sadly, we have farewelled two trustees – Rev Ellie Sanderson and Murray Sim. Ellie has stepped down in order to focus more fully on her pastoral role at the school. The Board supports her in this, but we will all miss her calm, quiet good sense and wisdom. Murray was a trustee for nearly as long as the school’s trust deed permits, stepping down after over six years of dedicated service, five as Chair. It is difficult to overstate how ably we have been led by Murray. His dedication has been extraordinary, his insight has been acute, and his quiet, unassuming competence has inspired trust and confidence in his fellow trustees and in senior staff. He leaves a legacy of service and some big shoes to fill. As for his replacement … Wellesley has never felt to me to be “just a school”.

It has always felt more like a community: a joint enterprise with an agreed purpose and shared values, in which each member not only plays their part but also knows that each other member will do likewise, and that relies upon the commitment of all its members for its vitality and resilience. It is a community which shapes, and is shaped by, its members: committed teachers going the extra mile with personalised teaching and extracurricular activities; volunteers running ARTBOURNE and so much else; the Foundation working to futureproof the scholarship programme; the PA organising galas and golf; administrative staff keeping the school running efficiently; the leadership team putting the strategic plan into action; trustees planning the next steps; parents entrusting their boys to us and encouraging them to live our values; donors giving so generously ; and the boys themselves showing such pride in their individual academic, sporting, cultural and spiritual endeavours and in their collective successes as a school. All of you make Wellesley what it is – and we are the richer for it. On behalf of the Board, I thank you for your contributions to the Wellesley community. I wish you a blessed Christmas and a rewarding 2017.


Phil Benge School Photographer Interviewed by ATB Media

Have you been at a Wellesley event and seen a tall man with grey hair and a kind smile taking photographs? Phil Benge is a retired policeman who lives in Eastbourne and volunteers his time photographing the local community and life at Wellesley College. He has also been part of the ATB Media team, sharing his knowledge of photography. The team interviewed him. ATB: How did you first get a camera and start taking photos? When I was eleven. My father gave me his camera. And in 1971, the police put me on two courses to do police photography. That’s where I learned all about photography. ATB: What was it like working for the police? I really enjoyed it – it was a job I wanted to do. I was a police officer for 36 years.

I wanted to be a police sergeant – that was my aim – and I was a police sergeant for 25 years. ATB: What was the happiest moment in the police? It was to celebrate 100 years of policing in New Zealand. I was in a police pipe brass band, and in 1986 we played in cities from Auckland to Dunedin, and we played before the Queen. It was a wonderful festive occasion. ATB: Why did you start being a policeman?

coming to Wellesley is that you’ve got people of all ages here, from five-yearolds to the staff, and it’s all about dealing with people. To me it’s a lot of fun and a real privilege. ATB: Would you say you like this job more than your police officer’s role? I really liked the police, but when I was 55 it was time for me to leave – I had to retire. And I’m so happy with the choice I made. And now as my life progresses, I’m very happy photographing Wellesley and the Eastbourne community.

I wanted to. It was simple as that. I decided I wanted to be a police officer, and I applied, I joined, I was accepted – in Lower Hutt. I was 19. I had just left Hutt Valley High. ATB: Was there anything that sparked your need to be a police officer? I liked the idea of being a police officer. I liked dealing with people, right from early in my life, and that hasn’t changed now. And one of the reasons for my

A typical fun Phil shot - asking brother and sister to swap blazers.


Top of Their Game House and Deputy House Captains 2016 Croydon: Hugo Lethbridge Judd Adamson, Ethan McKenzie Marlborough: Gabe Giller Billy Healy-Melhuish, Tiaki Freeman Selwyn: Finley Kruger Peter Bonar, Ezra Esekia Savea Wellington: William Chandler Oscar Clarke, James McDonnell

Wellesley Teams Kids’ Lit Quiz, International Wellesley are the 2016 world champions! The all-conquering team was Tom Adams, Archie Chandler, William Chandler and Harry Hampton. The boys won the regional finals with 91 points out of 110. Third place went to Wellesley B of Oscar Clarke, Ben Mackenzie, Max Moir and Jack Morrah with 84 points. At the New Zealand final it was edge-of-your-seat stuff, with the last question clinching the win. The world final was held in Auckland, and at halfway Wellesley was second to the UK. The next four rounds saw our boys add 16 points to lead by 31-26.

To the boys’ dismay they got no points from a round guessing book titles, as many started with “this book is about a 12-year-old girl …”, and the final round was on poets. The UK team was within one point of our boys at the final question. Singapore answered, meaning Wellesley won by the most slender of margins, one point!

solving) and Eddie Lethbridge, Gaurav Navalkar and Leo Manktelow (multichoice) came second in the Year 5–6 competition at Mathswell. And Year 7–8 team of Archie Chandler, Ben Gordon and Anish Hota (problem-solving) and William Chandler, Thomas Dai and James Hoskin (multi-choice) came a creditable fifth in their section.

Hutt STEMM Schools Challenge – Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Manufacturing


Two teams were entered. The winning intermediate team was Wellesley 1 of Tom Adams, Krishin Cox, Josh Gates and Harry Hampton.

William Chandler

Tournament of Minds (Problem-solving) Five teams were entered. Our Year 7 and 8 science/technology team of Jude Albiston, Jack Dobson, James McDonnell, Finbar Mallett, Tom Power and Oscar Watson won the Wellington regional final and competed in the national final. So did our Year 5 and 6 social sciences team of Ashan Bernau, Nikhil Cox, Arthur Fell, Henry Isac, Eddie Lethbridge, Jack Pettit and Barnaby Stevens. Wellington Mathematics Association’s Mathswell The team of David Lillis, Joshua Langford and Jack Pettit (problem-

Senior Speech Cup NIWA Wellington Regional Science and Technology Fair 2016 Twenty-five Year 7 and 8 boys represented Wellesley at Victoria University of Wellington. Special congratulations go to Max Waiker. NZ Speech Board Assessments 93 boys in Years 3–6 gained Distinction, with 43 Highly Commended, 33 Commended and one Pass. Year 7 Father and Son House Breakfasts We continued this fine tradition at the Pavilion. House Captains spoke instead of guest speakers this year, with more time given for parents and boys to socialise.


Kids' Lit Quiz 2016 world champions

World Vision 20-hour Famine Wellesley College once again demonstrated its strong commitment towards World Vision, raising $10,218.00. Anzac Day Service A group of senior boys volunteered to sing “Sons of Gallipoli” at the Eastbourne service, a fast-growing tradition. Eastbourne RSA ANZAC Essay Krishin Cox was the winner of the Year 7–8 competition, and Harry Hampton was third. Daniel Andrews won the Year 5–6 competition with David Lillis second.

We are delighted that the Muritai stranglehold on the senior trophy has been broken at last!

Cross Country Tom Hercus (Year 8) Sam Fernyhough (Year 7)

Hutt City Youth Awards

Tennis Thomas Dai (singles), Thomas Dai and Thomas Pou (doubles)

James Biggins won an award for his determination and effort in fundraising to support life-changing surgery for Mila Gardner.

Senior Champions Swimming Thomas Pou Athletics Ethan McKenzie

Table Tennis Thomas Dai (singles), Finley Kruger and Julian McCarthy (doubles) Triathlon Team of Thomas Pou (swimming) Ethan McKenzie (running), Robert Davis (cycling)


From Eyeballs to Rats JO HAWTHORNE HEAD OF SCIENCENCIPAL Dissecting eyeballs, building crystal radio sets, launching rockets, racing robots and exploring our stream are just some of the opportunities our students get to experience in science and technology. As the specialist teacher, I lead the science and technology teaching at Wellesley, which allows the boys to participate in a range of experiences across the school. These sessions can be about almost anything depending on their class inquiry work and what’s going on in the world, but the focus is always hands-on, so the boys learn by doing, and by asking questions and working together. We want all our students to be curious about the world around them. This year we held our biennial science week where every student participates in science investigations. Our older students investigated an area that interested them and the term culminated in a science evening showcasing student work. Here are two examples of student investigations: Tom Hercus looked at concussion in junior rugby players, using himself as the test subject because he’d suffered concussion just before starting his science fair project. Overall

winner Adam Raitt investigated which drying device for hands got rid of the most bacteria: paper towels vs hand blowdryer. The paper towels come out on top. Our exhibits represented the school at the NIWA Wellington Regional Science and Technology Fair. And for the second year in a row, we won the Hutt STEMM Schools Challenge. Four teams also entered the EPro8 Technology Challenge, where students construct large machines/objects out of 3D printed materials. STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is becoming part of our everyday learning. 3D printers, robotics, coding and design provide students with the chance to explore areas of interest and develop the skills needed for the workforce. Lunchtime clubs such as robotics, science and “maker” club are hugely popular. We have also enjoyed hosting visiting speakers including past pupils who have shared their experiences and inspired our students. We’re always happy to hear from past pupils who’d like to be part of this! For the first half of this year I participated in the Royal Society Science Teaching

and Leadership Programme, working alongside scientists at Zealandia sanctuary. With my return, students have become more engaged in our local community and interested in contributing to real life science projects. Our Enviroschools programme continues to be actively involved with the little blue penguins who nest close by the school in the nesting boxes that students made in 2015, and the boys are also enthusiastically participating in a tracking and trapping programme with the aim of Wellesley being predator-free. What boy wouldn’t want to trap rats? Valuable learning happens when the context is real and authentic. So watch for more of the same next year.


Checking the rat and mouse trap



It’s been another great year for Wellesley College and the Foundation alike. We were delighted to be able to announce the Tim Jamieson Memorial Scholarship earlier this year after a most generous donation from Tim’s family. The Foundation has now been pledged $1.4 million since the commencement of our Promising Futures for Boys scholarship campaign. We are approaching our target but still have the pedal firmly down as we remain committed to the importance of what we are trying to do: ensure the financial security of the school and provide the opportunity for boys who would not otherwise be able to experience the amazing personalised learning environment of Wellesley. The more boys the Foundation can help to become

as good as they can be, the better for everyone. Thank you all for your ongoing support. ARTBOURNE was held in early November, the fifth time we’ve held this biennial Wellesley event to celebrate the arts at the school and raise money for the Foundation through art sales. Again we showcased an amazing range of work – from sculpture to photography to abstract oil painting, as well as selected work by students. The exhibition is also important in showing the boys that a creative career is possible. Nearly $90,000 worth of art was sold, with the Foundation’s Promising Futures for Boys campaign netting over $25,000 from artists donating a percentage of the sale of their works. Thank you to all the sponsors and Friends of ARTBOURNE, the countless numbers of Wellesley staff, current and former Wellesley families who helped out, and to all those who now have invested in a fabulous piece of art for their homes.



It has been another busy year for the Wellesley College Parents’Association. We were in the luxurious position of not having to organise a gala or Golf Day, or be in the midst of planning for a Centenary, but this gave us the opportunity to focus on our guest speaker event on 4 July and the annual Quiz Night. Our guest speaker was Susan McLean – Australia’s foremost expert in the area of cyber safety and young people, and a member of the Victoria Police for 27 years. It was a superb engagement for the school with educational sessions held for the middle and senior boys, followed by a parents’ education evening. Keeping our kids safe online is paramount today especially given that technology is an enabler of the education curriculum. Susan’s vibrant and engaging presentation

drew on years of experience working in cyberspace, and gave us an understanding of what cybersafe means, along with incredible insights into the world of social media and more. Susan’s book Sexts, Texts & Selfies provides a handy reference for how to keep children safe in the digital space. Our Quiz Night was, yet again, a fun evening for Wellesley parents and their friends and family, a chance to catch up and challenge each other’s knowledge. A huge thanks to our quizmaster Adrian Porter for an entertaining time. ARTBOURNE in November transformed Wellesley College hall into a contemporary art gallery, and we finished the year on 11 November with a Pirates of the Caribbean movie night. My first year as Chair has flown by, and we have already started planning for the biennial gala next year. A huge thank you to the WCPA committee – everyone has worked so hard this year. A special thanks to Lucy Ross who has been a pivotal member and Chair for many years. This is her last year with us and her passion and enthusiasm will be missed. And finally, a big thank

you to Brendan and the wider school community for their support and engagement.



Most people have strong memories of their college years, but tend to dismiss all too easily their formative primary school years. However, for most Wellesley Old Boys, this is not the case. So we’d encourage you all to reconnect and keep us in the loop. You can do this by updating your details via Friends of Wellesley on the school website, on our Facebook page and by email: alumni@wellesley.school.nz. Don’t be a stranger! The school is always available for a visit. And we love hearing your news. During 2016 we were delighted to have visits, phone calls and emails from many Old Boys and their families. The boys love hearing Old Boys’ stories, and imagining how they feel returning to their old school.

Leadership Jacob Masseurs (2009–2012) has been named Deputy Head Prefect at Wellington College for 2017. See “Sports” for his accolades this year.

Academic/Business Jerome Cargill (1998–2000) is a drama teacher, blogger and Year 12 Dean at Newlands College, and was awarded the prestigious Australian Scholarship Group National Excellence in Teaching Award from over 300 nominations. Nicholas Parkin (1995) returned to New Zealand in 2016 after working as a visiting lecturer at the University of Hong Kong. Nicholas created and delivered undergraduate and postgraduate courses on applied ethics and political philosophy in the Department of Politics and Public Administration. He is currently working at a Wellington law firm. While at Wellesley he was in the Tournament of Minds group that competed internationally, which he remembers with great pride. Evan Brenton-Rule (1999–2000) was awarded the Sir Paul Callaghan Eureka Award in 2013 for his work on pest

control. Currently studying at Victoria University, Wellington, for a PhD in Biological Sciences, he recently co-authored a published research paper on biodiversity threats through invasive species. The paper contends that New Zealand could dramatically reduce outbreaks of invasive species if it selectively chose its international trade partners. Evan returned to Wellesley in Term 4 to speak at an assembly on his current research. Neil Drummond-Nairn (2002–2003) completed his BCA in Banking and Finance, Economics at Victoria in 2012 including one semester on a scholarship at the University of California at Berkeley. He worked as an analyst at the New Zealand Stock Exchange and is now a credit analyst at Westpac. He has also had a short stint as an elf in The Hobbit! Craig Drummond-Nairn (2003–2006) had a gap year after finishing at Wellington College. He spent a couple of months as an elven warrior in The Hobbit and was a volunteer for the El Sistema programme which was just starting up in Taita. He completed his BMus in Classical Performance (Viola) in 2015 and will complete a BMus in Composition in 2016.


This is his fifth year in the National Youth Orchestra and he has been a member of the Wellington Youth Orchestra for the past eight years. Robert Ashe (1979–1982) and Chris Milne (1967–1972) were both re-elected in the October local council elections, Robert as a member of the Eastbourne Community Board and Chris as a Hutt City Councillor. Robert is also the current advisor in economics and conservation for the Green Party.

Sport Finn Tearney (2002–2003) is 2016 Kiwi tennis Number One. He made his Davis Cup debut against Pakistan and has experienced his first year on the pro tour. Ranked 457th in the world since turning pro, he's played in 11 countries, including Ecuador, Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand and the United States. He is determined to get his ranking down, perform consistently and push for the qualifying draws at the grand slams, as he doesn’t want to be playing smaller tournaments for too much longer. "Playing for my country is a dream come true," says the 26-yearold Wellingtonian. Jordan-Glen Bradbrook (2007–2008), known as JG, left in August on a twoyear rugby contract for the Heath rugby team in Halifax, England. JG finished his quantity surveying qualifications before leaving, and represented Wellington in the Under-19 rugby team. T J Va’a ( 2008–2009 ) was part of the NZ team that played in the Under-20

World Cup in England in June. He was also in the wider Hurricanes and Wellington Lions squad in 2015 and 2016. Olly Paotonu (2008–2012) had a season-ending injury in 1st XV rugby at Wellington College when his lower knee cap broke off his patella bone, which also broke in half. Ouch! Surgery followed, and Olly spent several months rehabilitating. He has healed well and is gearing up for the 2017 season. Tim Schulpen (2010–2011) is captain of Wellington College 1st X1 and represented Wellington in the Under-18 team and was nominated for the individual top sports award at the Black and Gold Awards. Jacob Masseurs (2009–2012) was named for the NZSS football team that toured Australia. He was also a member of the Wellington College 1st XI (runners-up in the youth grade competition) and Olympic Men’s team, who won the Central League title for the first time in six years. Jacob was a substitute in the second half and scored one of the winning goals. Jacob was also nominated for the individual top sports award at the Black and Gold Awards. Toka Sopoaga (2010–2011) and Gus McPherson (2004–2011) were in the Wellington College’s 1st XV who won Wellington First XV Premier 1 title 12-9 against St Pat’s Town, with Leo English (2011) in the St Pat’s team. Callum Harkin (2010–2011) of St Pat’s Silverstream and Toka were both members of the Wellington Under-18 representative rugby team.

Jerome Cargill

Toka Sopoaga (left) and Ngane Punivai


Ngane Punivai (2010) was selected for the national secondary schools rugby team, capping off a memorable year for the Christ's College Deputy Head Boy, who also captained his school 1st XV to the semi-finals of the UC Championship. At fullback Ngane was the top tryscorer for the New Zealand Schools team, crossing the line four times in games against Fiji Schools and Australia Schools. Ngane scored three times in New Zealand's 45-19 victory over Fiji, and bagged another try a week later in a hard-fought 32-22 win against Australia. He is heading to Lincoln in 2017 to study Commerce. Cameron Manuel Arnold (2006–2012) and Awatea Randall (2012) were both named in the Under-19 New Zealand Underwater Hockey team earlier this year. Cameron was recently named as Wellington’s Secondary Schools’ Sports for Underwater Hockey recipient. Ollie Whyte (2008–2012) joins Jacob Masseurs in the NZSS football team for 2016. Ollie is also a current Wellington Phoenix reserves squad member.

Arts Harry Russon (2007–2011), Deputy Head Prefect at Wellington College and arts obsessive, was joint winner of the top arts award at Wellington College’s Black and Gold Awards. Ethan Henry (2011–2015) starred as Piggy in Wellington College’s production Lord of the Flies.

Tom Kirkland (1995–2002) and Ivan Vegar (1996–1998) set up Aspire - a creative partnership between two Wellesley Old Boys and passionate Kiwis: Tom, a creative and critical writer, and Ivan, a digital artist. The subjects and themes explored in their works are broad in scope, as they are usually conceived within the unrestrictive boundaries of speculative fiction. Kosta Bogoiveski (2003–2006) performed in NZ choreographer Michael Parmenter’s Insolent River in Auckland in the October Tempo Dance Festival. Dominic Coffin (2008–2014) was part of the Scots College Pipe Band that won everything in the juvenile grade at a competition at Burntisland, Edinburgh, and then went on to come second in drumming and third overall at the Scottish Championships. Dom also attended the Australian Pipe Band Championships in Sydney and won the Scots College solos drumming event. He's won a scholarship to attend summer school in Canada in July next year. Hayden Nickel (2009–2010) has recently returned from several months in Europe, mainly in Germany and touring with the National Youth Orchestra. Hayden is a talented violinist and will be studying at the New Zealand School of Music in 2017. Alex Matangi (2007–2010) has just finished his first year of a BMus in Performance at Auckland. He’s studying classical performance but recently performed in a musical theatre competition as the music department like students to experience all genres.

Nick Purdie (2000–2003) has been no stranger to the stage since completing his degree in musical theatre from Whitireia Performing Arts School. His roles have taken him nationwide and overseas. This year Nick performed in Mary Poppins in the role of Bert. Nic Sampson (1999) has been dubbed the hardest-working actor in New Zealand by the NZ Herald. He's a standup comedian, a podcaster, a performer with the all-star comedy improv troupe Snort, the head writer for entertainment variety show Jono and Ben and a writer on the sketch show Funny Girls. He's appeared in comedy shows 7 Days, Go Girls and Step Dave and is the star of the ever-popular crime series The Brokenwood Mysteries. He's also the lead in Perplex, the Silo Theatre's Christmas production.



Personalised learning has long been a tradition at Wellesley, although through the years it has gone by different names, and has no doubt been the subject of much scrutiny and debate. Notwithstanding the prevailing educational theories of the day, one can see the ethos of personalised learning in the writings and teachings of the school since its origin. Mr Harry Amos, the founder of Wellesley, said: “The idea of education is so to develop a boy that his potentialities – physical, moral, and spiritual – may be developed to the fullest extent”. The school’s records show that Wellesley was established on the basis that all boys should “have the advantage of careful individual instruction and attention … (at) a school where the development of the boy’s character should be the paramount consideration of the masters”.


From the Headmaster’s prize-giving address in 1915: The tone of the school has been excellent, and is a result of the sympathetic and cordial understanding between the pupils and masters. The latter have loyally co-operated in the outdoor life of the school, and have taken part in the several excursions and picnics, the object of which has been to get a more intimate knowledge of the boys. Later, Mr Dreadon, Headmaster 1977– 1994, said Wellesley “offers an excellent all-round education in every respect. There is something here for every boy”.

Over the years an overwhelming thread recounted from Old Boys and their cherished school memories is: Wellesley provides something for everyone, whatever their interests. One only has to examine Wellesley Archive’s newspaper collection to read that over the course of over 100 years some things have simply not changed. Wellesley was founded on a “unique educational approach”, the concept of the individual and a “holistic curriculum”. The current path the school is on suggests that this direction will continue for some time yet.



David Arnold Ashe 1932–2016 (Class of 1944) We thank Old Boy and Hutt City Councillor Robert Ashe (Class of 1982) for his obituary on his father, David, and we send our condolences to the family. David Ashe was born in Australia on 25 February, 1932. He was the younger of two boys, his brother, Bruce, being 12 years his senior. David’s father Reg had a distinguished career in the Australian army, serving

in the signal corps and being amongst the first of the Anzac troops to land at Gallipoli. Reading the war journals of his father was one of David’s most recent pastimes. Reg never talked about his war experience, and WW2 cast an even greater shadow over David’s family when Bruce was killed late in the war.

completed his formal qualifications as an electrical engineer while working.

Reg moved his young family to Wellington in 1935 to establish the New Zealand head office of the Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society. And David was one of a handful of boys that went to school at Chilton Saint James. (He secretly enjoyed the status of being the oldest Old Boy of a school for girls!)

David was incredibly loyal to the places he worked for and highly innovative too. He worked for Philips, the giant Dutch multinational, at their major manufacturing facility in Naenae, helping to oversee the design and manufacturing of Kiwi consumer icons like the K9 colour TV.

David then went on to Croydon/ Wellesley College as a day boy, leaving in 1944 for Christ’s College.

David was an active parishioner at St James Anglican Church in Lower Hutt, involved in the babysitting group, youth group and the Samaritans counselling service, quietly living his family motto — Non nobis, sed omnibus (“Not for us but for everyone”).

David was smart and musical, but his passion was for technology. He ran the radio club at Christ’s College and used to keep in touch with his father over short-wave radio, saving on toll calls. He studied maths, chemistry and physics at Canterbury College and eventually graduated from Victoria University, Wellington, with a BSc in Science. He

It was around this time that he first laid eyes on Justine Rice. They married in 1956 in Ceylon and, after working abroad, returned to Lower Hutt to live for the rest of their lives together.

In 1971, David made his last major career move from Philips to join the Broadcasting Authority and return to his first love – radio. He was part of a dynamic team of engineers at the heart of New Zealand’s public radio and


television networks. David retired from work at the young age of 55 as the result of the collateral damage of Rogernomics and the rapid corporatisation and downsizing of New Zealand’s public service. Justine and David loved to travel in their retirement. They were active in Probus and danced regularly. David is survived by Justine; his three children: Susan Millard, Vivienne Holt and Robert Ashe; and his five grandchildren: David, Christina, and Rochelle Holt, and Emily and Thomas Millard. Constant, intense, unspoken love was David’s greatest, most enduring gift to us.

Friends of Wellesley It is with great sadness that we note and honour the deaths of past Wellesley parents who passed away in 2016. Andrew Stewart McIntyre passed away on 17 August, 2016, and his memorial service was held at Wellesley’s Centennial Hall. Andrew and Emma sent their two boys, Luke and Tom, to Wellesley, and Andrew was a well-loved and respected member of the local community, as evidenced by the full-tocapacity attendance at his farewell. Paul John McCready died on 2 September, 2016. Paul and wife Jo (Board member from 1999–2001 and

thereafter Wellesley’s first Development Manager) sent their two boys David and Samuel to Wellesley. Tim Paul Blundell died on 8 October, 2016. Brigid and Tim sent their three boys Christopher, George and Johnny to Wellesley, with Tim serving on the Board of Trustees from 2003–2006. Susan Margaret Bascand passed away peacefully on 14 June, 2016, surrounded by family at her Lowry Bay haven. Andrew and Sue sent their son James to Wellesley. Her memorial service was held at the Centennial Hall. Wellesley sends its warmest thoughts to these families for their losses.







The ATB Media team at work. Absent: William, Harry and Oscar.

ATB Media MICKEY-FINN REDDISH Ever since I started Wellesley in Year 4 I have looked through the school magazine At the Bay and thought: Wow this is so cool! I went on thinking about it. I thought: Who writes everything, who organises it and who interviews everybody? Well, I found out this year. Margie Beattie organises it. Phil Benge takes the photos. Teachers and other Wellesley staff do most of the writing and Mary McCallum edits it all.

This year everything changed when a handful of Year 7 and 8 boys were chosen to help make the magazine. We interviewed people, wrote reports, edited reports and picked almost all of the photos that are in “the Book” – including the cover – and took a few ourselves. It was a cool experience. I would really recommend it to people who like journalism and want to make such a cool magazine.

Cover and text stocked used in this publication are from Forestry Stewardship Council certified mills, using pulp from well-managed forests and other resources.

“Boys Being Boys” is what Wellesley is all about, and the values at the heart of Wellesley College are: Perseverance for Personal Best, Risk-taking in Learning, and Respect and Empathy. This year’s At the Bay focuses on personalised learning which is summed up in the catch phrase: “Teach the Boys You're With”.

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