Weekly Villager - October 20, 2017

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Bombers Defeat Newbury

photo by Andrew Yager

On Friday the 13th the Bombers defeated Newbury 54-22, this game coming off a grueling loss to Grand Valley. The Bombers came out strong and scored a touch down on their first drive down field. They continued their momentum throughout the game with big plays on offense. Next week the Bombers play away at Chalker.



THE VILLAGER | FRIDAY, October 20, 2017


Windham Township Trustee News D B |C R enise ly

ontributing eporter

Windham Twp - Windham Township Trustees met for their October meeting on October 5, 2017 with all board members present. The board members are, Chairman of the Board Brian Miller, trustees, Danny Burns and Rich Gano and the fiscal officer is Jayme Neikirk. The meeting was called to order by the chairman. The pledge of Allegiance was said, along with a moment of silence for our country’s problems and for a quick resolution to the strike at HWI. The minutes and expenditures were both approved unanimously. Guest Bill Isler Sr. was in attendance and had some historical sandstones that he would be placing around the new flag pole. The stones are believed to be the steps of the old school house that sat at Mahoning Corners, just north of the village. The stone with a chiseled date of 1844 was the cornerstone of the large barn on the Union Cooperative Farm just north of Mahoning Corners, most recently part of the Steve and Helen Farkas Farm. Isler will place the stones and mount a plaque on them that tells their history, or believed history, since they were unable to find documentation of the stones. The stones were given to the township by Steve and Helen Farkas and John and Paulette (Farkas) Roe.

Hiram Township Trustee News

Stacy Turner | Contributing Reporter Hiram Twp - In this month’s Fire Report, the response time was noted as roughly 6 minutes. In response to questions regarding the breakdown of Fire and EMS funds between the Hiram Township and the village, which jointly fund these services, Fire Chief Bill Byers was present at the last trustee meeting. He explained to trustees his understanding that his fire budget is paid through the capital fund by the village. Trustees wanted assurances that in the instance that fire funds were not used in a given year, those funds would be rolled over for the next budget year. Chief Byers noted that he would be meeting with both Township Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe and Village’s Chief Financial Officer Susan Skrovan together in order that all parties can clarify the situation. In similar news, the chief discussed the issues behind the problems with 911 service that were discussed at last month’s meeting where emergency calls were not routed properly. While the issue is being followed up with both Portage and Geauga Counties and the EMA, Chief Byers reiterated that residents should keep the department’s emergency number (330) 569-7505 at hand, either by their landline or programmed into their cell phones. He is looking into doing a mass-mailing to residents to share this information, as well. Moving forward, Chief Byers again thanked the trustees for their part in building the helipad, which is centrally located at the Township’s property on State Route 82. The helipad was created through cooperation among the township, the village, Whiting Trucking, and Ronyak Paving. According to Chief Byers, that teamwork recently came to fruition, as the helipad served as the landing site to transport a critically injured patient quickly to surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, saving her from a 40+ minute drive to the trauma center. “It humbles me that we had so much cooperation to make the vision of a local helipad a reality,” Byers shared. “The cooperation has been wonderful, and may help save many lives.” In other news, Chief Byers noted that the non-working emergency siren was serviced and found to have been damaged by a lightening strike. He also reported that the new squad was out at the graphics shop and would be in service by the end of October. Next, the trustees discussed the township’s contract with the Village Police Department. Each expressed


hearing positive feedback from township residents, who appreciated the increased visibility and coverage by village patrols. As a result, the township voted to continue with this increased coverage, which was budgeted through the summer months, but will now be continued through January 2018. In other financial news, Ms. Rodhe provided an update on the audit currently being conducted. She explained the auditor’s recommendations thus far, including that the township create a form so employees can request days off in advance for supervisor approval; they also offered direction on writing purchase orders in lieu of issuing ‘then and now’ documentation. She concluded, “So far, the audit is going well.” Lastly, Ms. Rodhe mentioned the need to streamline the township’s new hire procedures. Trustees asked that she identify a checklist of the steps she follows from the time of application to the employee’s first paycheck. In his Road Report, Tom Matota shared that the cold storage building at the State Route 82 property has been completed. Matota also asked that the trustees replace the Service Department land line with a new number, (330) 569-8908, noting that this cell phone number is the best way for trustees and residents to contact his team. The next regularly scheduled township trustee meeting will be held on November 7th at 7 pm.

In Roads, ditching has been completed along Colton Road. Gotham Road (east and west) has been chipped and sealed along with Wadsworth Road. Salt for the winter has been ordered. Some repair work at the end of Bryant Road was discussed. They are looking into putting in a culvert and catch basin to improve drainage. They also are looking at ways to improve the berm there as well In cemetery news, Gano reported that the lot pins have been raised and painted orange so they can be seen in the winter. The leaves are being removed as they fall and they will need nine footers poured for headstones. A resident questioned the placement of a sand stone that is being used for a headstone at the cemetery. The person was unhappy about it and thought it set a precedent as to what could be placed on graves in the future. They trustees took the comments under advisement. New cemetery rules and regulations came up again, and after some discussion, the trustees have tabled the vote until next month. In zoning, two permits were issued. One for a shed and one for an assigned land split. The monies for both have been turned in. Demolition of a trailer on Silica Sand is about complete. Debris clean-up is all that’s left. A bid for demolition of 9088 Horn Road went out; Zoning Inspector Joe Pinti is supposed to be notified by NDS before the demolition begins. Letters were sent to residents about violation of zoning. Pictures and a file have been started for each one. Trustees received a nuisance complaint about loud dirt bikes and ATV’s near the Stanley and Gotham Road intersection. The residents claim the bikes and ATV’s have no mufflers on them. The bikes and ATV’s are being ridden on their own private property, so trustees are unsure if anything can be done, but will seek a legal opinion on the matter. Fire district report: Gano said a new radio communication system was ordered and should be in soon. In old business, a discussion was held on whether to have culvert placed in the new cemetery so they can accesses the back section to maintain it. After some discussion, Danny Burns will look into purchasing the culverts. Currently they have been accessing it thru a neighbor’s property with permission. Community message board similar to the one at J.A. Garfield School has been ordered and will be in soon. Scotchman Electric will do the installation. In new business, Gano reported that the plow truck needs the oil pan replaced. After some discussion, the truck will be taken to John Sedensky in Nelson for repair. The trustees passed a resolution that requests that the Portage County Budget Commission distribute local government funding for Portage County cities, townships, and villages for a period of ten years 2019-2028. Basically they are looking for a more evenly division of the government local funding monies. The townships want a bigger piece of the pie, so to speak. They are looking to have the monies divided up by capita basis, having a minimum guaranteed amount go to each entity. Currently the distribution of funds is lopsided and many townships, villages and cities are seeking revision too. The next Trustees meeting will be November 2, 2017 at 7pm at the town hall. 8052 State St., Suite 1 Garrettsville, OH 44231 330-527-8191

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