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Things to Do - Column Find Your Talent

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Midcentral States

Find Your Talent

By Kandy Derden Things to Do Editor

What is your special talent?

Do you know yours or did you have to stop and think about it? Perhaps this question would be easier to answer for each other than for ourselves. You might be surprised what good qualities others see in you.

I have heard more than one person in this life say they have no talent. I refuse to believe it. They may not be singers, dancers, musicians, actors, writers, painters or sculptors. However, if we dig deep enough, we’ll find they are talented enough to excel at something.

Before we continue, allow me to explain one thing: there is a difference between a learned skill and a natural talent. I can play the piano. I took lessons for years and even taught lessons for a long time. Over the years, listeners have told me how talented they think I am. In truth, this is a learned skill. It didn’t come easily. I had to work at it. I still do.

In contrast, a naturally-talented musician can play without thinking about it. They can play by ear without any printed music and they even manage to make it look easy to boot. My poor brain isn’t wired as such.

Speaking of comparisons, have you ever noticed how some people can make even the simplest motions look awkward while others make the most mundane events magically entertaining through fluid movements? As an example, let’s observe bartenders. I don’t drink, but when we are somewhere with a skilled bartender, it is quite entertaining to watch the spinning glasses, shaking processes and even the act of pouring their concoctions is poetry in motion.

Another example might be cooking. Knives can look really dangerous in an uncoordinated person’s hands, but can be like paint brushes to an artist when in a truly-gifted chef’s hands.

Let’s discuss hidden talents. Some have the gift of putting others at ease. During a short conversation with them, even the shyest person will begin to emerge from their shell. A talented conversationalist can ask leading questions which cause the timid to bloom into the interesting person they are.

Another natural talent is seeing good qualities in others. Some have the gift of being able to say the right thing at the right time, all the time. I marvel at those who can quickly write flowing poetry, interesting prose or even a beautifully-worded letter or note.

Here’s one for you: can you remember names? That’s not only a talent; it’s a real gift!

So, just what does all this have to do with this month’s issue which features the performing arts? My first instinct is to suggest some sort of event where you would be a spectator. On second thought, I would urge you to get out there and experience something you have always wanted to do. Who cares if you aren’t the greatest at it? You’ll never know until you try. When asked, I find it difficult to tell anyone what my talent or talents might be. My regular readers know I include a recipe which is hopefully appropriate to discuss with our monthly theme. It probably wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to consider my selection of recipes a talent. Either that, or I just know by the ingredient list what flavors and textures pair well together. In reality, I include things I like. It’s as simple as that.

Therefore, this month’s treat was selected for several reasons. For starters, it is quick and easy to make during this busy travel and vacation season. Secondly, it doesn’t heat up your kitchen during these hot summer months. And finally, it sounds, looks and tastes great! What’s not to love?

Caramel Oreos

Dip Oreos in melted Kraft caramels. Allow to cool then dip them in chocolate. Drizzle with white chocolate if desired. Yum!

So, what’s my special talent? I can’t tell you. I’ll leave it to you to decide if it is because I don’t want to brag or because I am still looking for it.

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