funny wedding speeches

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June 10th, 2011

Published by: Joel45

The Funny Wedding Speeches Guide If you are getting married and need help or simply some ideas on how to come up with a great and funny wedding speech or toasts, then you need to read this FREE eBook.

Creating A Winning Funny Wedding Speech

and your spouse experienced. Almost everyone loves stories, whether its kids or even adults. Tip: Try discussing any stories involving your spouse as she or he may not like the fact that you are telling them to the public on a big and important day without her or him knowing about it. :)

A funny wedding speech as you may already know is a wedding speech created with the intention of making people laugh through humor, funny stories and jokes. Some people think it’s hard to come up with funny wedding speeches, but on the contrary, it is actually easy! Tell some funny wedding speech jokes with a sense of humor about the whole ceremony and not about one thing in particular. The idea is to keep your jokes as broad and general as possible as opposed to focusing on one thing. In my experience, doing it this way was much more interesting, and I could tell that my audience and even my bride loved it. Not good at telling jokes? That’s OKAY. Here is what I suggest, and this works really well, and that is tell funny stories. It could be stories about a few embarrassing moments that you

Tip 2: Try and make sure your speech is about 5 – 6 minutes long. So yes… tell a few embarrassing funny stories with a smile and a sense of humor, and believe me, your guests, bride and everyone in attendance will love it and appreciate it. You see, you don’t need to be naturally funny to come up with funny wedding toasts, if that is your main concern.


June 10th, 2011

The key is personality and body language! These two factors will determine whether or not your audience will connect or respond to what you are saying in a way that you would like them too. You don’t need to be the funniest guy or girl in the world to “wow” and amuse your guests. Whatever you do, I just pray and hope that your speech is not boring. :)

The Importance of Funny Wedding Speeches Funny wedding speeches in my experience are a crowd pleaser, and always will be. I will continue to make this point until I am blue in the face. Who am I, and why should you listen to me? Well, read my about me if you are interested. :) Continuing… If you’ve read some of the previous articles below, you find where I talk about the importance of a funny wedding speech. Guys… and gals, it’s your big day, an important day. Everyone in attendance will remember this day, and I assure you, they will definitely remember your wedding speech. So make it funny. The last thing you want is a boring speech. Nothing fancy… just short, funny and sweet. If you are here in search of some ideas on how to write funny wedding toast, then great! :) I hope you search around this blog, and you go through the articles below. I took a lot of time to write the articles myself, so I hope they assist you. I talk about making your maid of honor speeches, wedding poems, funny wedding jokes, some funny wedding speech examples, and much more. Anyway, that’s it for me as far funny wedding speeches are concerned, good luck!

How To Create A Good Funny Wedding Toast Hi there! It’s me, Edward again in case you missed that. ;) Thank you for checking out my blog, and if you are returning, welcome back! Before I begin, I thought I would share with you this picture below. Happy couple in this cute little picture, don’t you agree? :) Anyway… Quick Summary: So far I have written a few articles I think will help write you not only a write good speech, but also gave you some ideas on how to create a funny wedding toast. I also tried to convince those who leave out humor in their wedding speech that humor is a good thing… Instead of having a good wedding speech without humor, you would have a great wedding speech if you did include humor – a funny wedding speech is the way to go in my opinion. I forgot to mention a few things, which I will do so now. You may already know these things, but a quick reminder never hurts.

Published by: Joel45

Remember To Do The Following: 1) Tone: Speak in a good, warm, welcoming and confident tone. Do not speak in a shaky and low voice. Speak loud enough so people can here you and be clear. 2) Smile: Smile! Please… the last thing you want is project to your guests and everyone present that you are not happy. It is your big day after all, so smile and make eye contact. :) 3) Be sincere: Don’t try and make things up, and just speak from the heart. Your guests will feel your sincerity. 4) Be funny: My favourite part. You want to create a funny wedding speech, and not just a boring and dull wedding toast, tell a funny story that you remember. You don’t need jokes if you don’t think you are funny. Whether you are trying to write a funny maid of honor toast, funny irish wedding toast or simply just looking for funny wedding toast ideas… the fact is you need to make your wedding speech funny and memorable. … and if you are looking for some wedding quotes, click here. 5) Be Yourself: That’s pretty self-explanatory. Don’t try and be someone you are not. Just be you. I will end this post by saying, I wish you all the best, and have a great wedding. Thank you again for your time. I sincerely hope this post, along with my other articles assisted you in anyway. Oh… one last thing. Keep it simple! :)

Funny Wedding Speech – Include Humor in Your Wedding Speech A funny wedding speech is very important and key to having a good wedding speech… here is my quick story and why. Ready? Alright… let us begin. ;) It was only 3 years ago when I got married to my beautiful wife Ellen. Lucky for me, my friend got married a couple of months before I did. I remember sitting there listening to his groom speech, it was so boring and long. Then it was the bride’s turn. The exact same thing! I could clearly see that some people were uncomfortable, and bored, some even seemed irritated. None of their speeches were funny or had any humor at all. It was also painfully obvious that both the bride and groom were not fully prepared. My friend didn’t prepare a funny groom speech, it was just a boring, and regular speech, and of course his wife did not have a funny bridesmaid speech prepared either. The person who added humor and a lot of it, was his best man who toasted a very funny bestman speech. Now, it wasn’t all bad, because, thanks to that experience, on my big day, my wedding speech was not only great, but funny. Yeah, you heard that right, funny! Humor is an important part of your entire speech. In fact your wedding may be boring, but as long as it is funny, most of your guests, friends and family members won’t mind at all. Now, by funny, I am not suggesting your entire wedding


June 10th, 2011

speech be funny, but I am indeed suggesting that part of it be funny. I must admit, I am somewhat a funny guy, so I am all about delivering funny wedding speeches. :)

Published by: Joel45

I parked my car, and went out to see which tire and how it happened… so I’m standing there looking at my flat tire. I try to get back in car, so I wouldn’t get wet… I try opening the door… Guess what…?

As the saying goes… “laughter is the best medicine.” Deliver a funny wedding toast, but whatever you do, please make sure that your wedding speech doesn’t offend anyone. Be polite and respectful. The last thing you want to do is offend the very people you invited to your wedding.

The door was locked! So I stood there in the pouring rain, until my wife/husband came to pick me up.” Now you may or may not think that’s funny, but I heard lots of chuckling at my wedding when I told that joke. It is funny and romantic at the same time. I personally think I had a funny groom speech. :)

Ok, I think I said enough for now. The core message of this article is this: use humor in your speech as much as you possibly can, and keep it short. You can find a sample funny wedding speech on Google too for reference.

This article is starting to get a bit long, so I hope the ideas above has helped you come up with lots of ideas. I wish you all the best, and I hope you not only have a great speech, but a funny wedding speech!

The fact is, funny wedding speech jokes will make people feel comfortable, and in good spirits. There is lots of information out there should you need additional help coming up with a funny wedding speech.

Your Funny Wedding Speech Planning Although the title of this article says your funny wedding speech planning, I will also cover how to plan your wedding speech in general, so it is not only funny, but good. I suggest that you sit down with your partner, and just think of some ideas and what you should both write. Obviously anyone giving a wedding toast at your wedding, whether it’s the best man, the bridesmaid, you or your partner, you should start by first thanking everyone, your family members, your guests, the bride’s parents, the groom’s parents, and anyone who has been instrumental in your life. Thank everyone for coming. Below I listed some ideas that you can both discuss together that you both should include in your speeches, and the appropriate things to say. The last thing you want to do is say something that may offend each other, or anyone at your wedding! Anyway, I hope the ideas below helps you. Some Suggestions You Can Each Include In Your Wedding Speeches 1: How you met, and fell in love. 2: Why you think your spouse is the most amazing person in the world to you. 3: How romantic and special your first honeymoon was. 4: Be aware of time! Like I mentioned the other article, you don’t want to ramble on for too long and risk annoying everyone. I suggest keeping your speech between 5 – 7 minutes. The father of the bride may have his own speech, your spouse, best man, etc… you and your spouse are not the only one who have something to say even though it’s your big day. ;) 5: Include a few funny wedding speech jokes, but nothing offensive! Example: You could say “I remember this very rainy day, I was driving back home to work, and suddenly lost a front tire. 3

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