Best SEO Practices For Launching A New Website

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Best SEO Practices For Launching A New Website

Launching a new web site is an important milestone, whether you are a humble start-up or a big multi-national company. Along with all of the factors that make up a good web site, thinking about SEO is critical for a new web site too. SEO is a long-term process and results are rarely immediate, but the first steps can have a big impact on the website’s potential to page rank in the Google search for its target keywords and start bringing in traffic and leads. Here are the best SEO practices that you should follow before launching your new website. 1. Website Images: Images and graphics are an integral part of websites. Hence it is important to optimize them for the search engines by adding Image Name, Alt tags to them. Alt tags or alternate text is the textual description of a particular image that helps the search engines to understand the content of the image as it can't read the images and offer any context to the reader should the image fail to load. 2. Get the URL’s Right:

The first element of a page and the most important one. Having a clean, uncluttered and customized URL not only presents a structure and context to different pages, but also goes a long way in aiding the organic page ranking. Ensure that you have the right keywords integrated into your URL and additionally there are no unnecessary characters in the URLs. Here’s an example Bad URL Good URL 3. Optimize Your Meta Data: Each page of your website requires to have a unique Meta Title and Meta Description. A good meta information includes the right keywords and also meaningfully describes the page content. When constructing the title and descriptions for different pages, be mindful of best practices for length and the keywords that are most relevant to the page topic. 4. Generate Sitemap: Sitemaps tell search engines where to search the important content on your website which they can then crawl and index. You can usually find yours at 5. Set up Analytics and Google Search Console: Analytics and tracking are viewed as the foundation of all search engine optimization (SEO) strategies as it assists in estimating the conversion and the traffic of your website. Activate Google Search Console to help the Search Engine index your website and help identify potential errors that need fixing or pages that need more optimization. Visibility of your website on different search engine has always been important to get yourself ahead competition, yet many companies

cannot keep up with the rapidly changing technology. To have yourself synced with ever changing search engine algorithms and the competitiveness of other firms vying for the same visibility, search engine optimization is essential in increasing visits to your website. SEO Agency in Mumbai on experience, proven tactics, and results, utilizes an extensive SEO program to drive qualified traffic, and more importantly, deliver conversions for your business.

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