Website Marketing Magazine - May 2011 Edition

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7 killer tips For successful facebook

Advantages of social






5 articles will

Gadgets interviews

increase backlinks


products Q and A

and The evolution of



Advertising Feature .

Available on!

http://www.Press-­Release-­ WMM 3

Advertising Feature .


wmm contents Regular Columns .


Editor’s Letter Welcome to the May edition.


WMM Inbox Got something to say? Tell us what you think.


What’s On Seminars, Expos and Summits, oh my!


WMM News Stuff you should know about.


WMM Success Story MBA Graduate with a 5 year plan.


Subscribe Subscribe for free to win an ipad.


Ask the Expert Mike Ambrosio on SEO.


WMM Gadgets & Toys. You know you want them.


Advertise in WMM. Be seen by 150,000+ potential customers.


WMM Tools. Books, courses, Software etc.


Q & A A brief description


WMM Marketplace Buy & Sell domains and websites


Featured Products & Contributors The people and products that helped make this edition


Back Story Interview with an entrepreneur.

[ May 2011 ]

16 Sponsor a Wordpress Template . .

18 The Evolution of Blogs .

12 Organic Link Building .


wmm contents Features . 10

5 Articles will Increase Backlinks By Adam Snyder


Organic Link Building By Jeremy A Miller


Sponsor a Wordpress Template By Darren W Chow


The Evolution of Blogs By Greg Scott


Take Advantage of Social Media By Luigi Goyena Velasco

23 24

[ May 2011 ]

10 5 Articles Will Increase Backlinks .

21 Take Advantage of Social Media .

7 Killer Tips for Creating Successful Facebook Adverts By Simon M Evans Contributors Find out more about our Feature Article writers.

23 7 Killer Tips for Facebook Ads .

wmm editors letter Publishing is a great passion of mine. To create a product that will bring valuable information and lifechanging advice to our readers is an honor and privilege. It is with great pride that I introduce this month’s edition of Website Marketing Magazine. We’ve gathered some of the world’s greatest internet marketers and tapped their brains to gain an insight into what is really required to succeed online. To succeed in any field requires hours and hours of dedication. In fact according to some sources 10,000 hours is the minimum required to master anything – be it a foreign language, learning the piano, or making money online. 10,000 hours – that’s 10 years. We hope to cut that learning curve down for you slightly. After all why learn from your own mistakes when you can model successful entrepreneurs and get there in a fraction of the time. Welcome aboard. To your success, Leigh

Without passion, you don't have energy; without energy, you have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplish ed without passion. - Donald Trump

>> Talk to me Keeo your valuable feedback coming. I try to reply to every email, I appreciate Your input as it helps to make wmm the Best magazine possible. Drop me an email,and the best email will receive a new FlipCam. Write to me at: Follow me on Facebook:

WMM 6 Suite 25, 738 Burke Rd, Camberwell, VIC, 3124, Australia Subscription enquires: subscribe/ Order the printed edition: 813/follow Advertising enquires: advertise/ Contribute articles: m/contribute-an-article/ Website Marketing Magazine Published 12 times per year. Printed by MagCloud. Copyright © Leigh Burke and Website Marketing Magazine. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher Website Marketing Magazine.

Website Marketing Magazine Editor Leigh Burke Advertising Glenn Harrigan Contributors Various experts in their fields The instructions and advice in the magazine are for entertainment purposes only. The creators, producers, contributors and distributors or Website Marketing Magazine disclaim any liability for loss or lack of results from following the advice expressed herein.

Both the paper and our printer meet the international standard ISO 14001 for environmental management. The paper comes from sources certified under the Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification scheme (PEFC). Please recycle this magazine – or give it to a mate.


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If you tell us what you like and don’t like about Website Marketing Magazine, what worked for you or what you think sucks, then we can make it an even better magazine. So come on, flick us an email and let us know. You might win our great prize on page 4.



I want to start a membership site… Hi there, I want to setup a membership site and feed content to my members on a monthly basis. Can you recommend the best way to do this? – Iain. Check out Mike Filsaime’s Butterfly Marketing script. http://butterflyopensourceco It’s a free open source membership software script. – Ed.

Success Stories I’d like to see more success stories. Modelling yourself on successful entrepreneurs is a proven method for achieving your own success. -­‐ Saqib. We’ll be including more success stories in upcoming issues. If you have something to contribute, send it through and we’ll feature it in this section. -­ Ed. Excellent Job I love the mag. Keep up the great work. -­‐ Christina.

Inspiring and Informative I’m loving what you’re doing with the new mag. I find the interviews and success stories inspiring. Your feature articles are informative and I look forward to future issues so I can learn more to help with my online business. -­‐ Simone. Can I get a whoop whoop? A magazine like yours for the internet marketing industry is long overdue. There are a few floating around, but they are pretty light on for information and charge an arm and a leg for the physical edition. What a great concept to deliver a digital edition free online. I’ve subscribed and I look forward to reading next month’s edition on my new iPad2. -­‐ Benjamin.

Did you know: The search engine BING is forecast to overtake Google in 2012. It’s TRUE.


wmm what’s on April 27 – 28

Ad:Tech New Delhi < ad:tech is an interactive advertising and technology conference and exhibition..­

April 28 – 29

Search Marketing Expo (SMX) Toronto > Yes, Increase Search Visibility, Clicks and Conversion. There’s a technology wave, a social storm and vital energy that’s exploding across multiple platforms through multiple devices.

What’s on The most exciting events you need to see in the coming months.

April 27 – 28

Search Insider Summit Captiva Island Florida ^ Twice a year, the Search Insider Summit brings the best minds in the search industry together to share cutting edge information and experience on search marketing in a think-­‐ tank environment, while exploring new technology, strategies and tactics for effective campaigns.

June 16 – 17

May 16 – 17

Ad:Tech Singapore < ad:tech is an interactive advertising and technology conference and exhibition..­

Search Marketing Expo (SMX) Toronto > Yes, Increase Search Visibility, Clicks and Conversion. There’s a technology wave, a social storm and vital energy that’s exploding across multiple platforms through multiple devices. Quotable: It’s much easier to double your business by doubling your conversion rate than by doubling your traffic. -­‐ Jeff Eisenberg


wmm news A bad commute? A new service created by IBM Research, UC Berkeley, and the California Department of Transportation is designed to offer commuters predictive models about what their drive to work will be like in an hour. That could help reduce congestion throughout the transportation grid.

79% Of internet Marketers claim to have made no income from their online activities in the past month (According to March 2011 survey).

Scared of 3D? A new study out says 3D glasses and the high price of the TVs are scaring off buyers. The good news is prices are coming down. The bad news? We're still a long way from watching 3D TV without glasses.

Google adds pagination to Google Docs The editor in Google Docs can now show page breaks in a document. Also, you no longer need to convert documents to PDFs before printing them in Chrome. Read more:­‐5_3-­‐ 0.html?query=google&tag=srch&searchtype=news #ixzz1JQIWmBBp

Apple announces Final Cut Pro X Apple debuts a completely new version of its video-­‐editing software that's cheaper, faster, and borrows a few features from iMovie. Berners-­Lee calls for higher purpose of Web Designers of Web tech need to consider not just cool new features they can enable but also the impact that information sharing has on all of humanity, says Web inventor Tim Berners-­‐Lee at MIT.

Did you know: Bill Gates earns US$250 every SECOND, that's about US$20 Million a DAY and US$7.8 Billion a YEAR!

WMM 10

Feature Article . .

How 5 Articles Will Increase Your Inbound Links and Traffic Substantially The first thing you need to know when it comes to getting lots of traffic and inbound links is that your content matters the most. Most people think that they can easily set up a static site with copied content and their site will rank high on the search engines and start getting loads of traffic, this is not what happens. Normally what happens is the site will get hit and miss traffic and most likely it won't turn into any money being made. How would you like to write 5 articles and get lots of inbound links from high pr sites and also get lots of traffic without doing much? Well you are in luck, I have a sure fire way to do just that and the great part is it is all free. You never have to pay anything to get your site ranked high and get lots of traffic to it, all you have to do is a little bit of work here and there.

How it works First you need to write 5 unique and decent articles about your topic. Next you will submit one to EzineArticles, Hubpages, Squidoo, GoArticles, and Buzzle. You will use one link and link back to your website and the other link and link to one of the other articles. The point of this is to pass a little link juice from each article to the other so they can get high on the search engines. The reason you do this is to get pure traffic, the reason you link to your own site is for pure link juice. Once you have written all the articles and linked them to each other you then need to update your site with a new article as well. The reason you need to do this is so people don't think your site is never update, it shows that you are active on the site even if you really aren't. WMM

By Adam Snyder .

WMM 11

wmm success story > Ed was about to graduate with an MBA and a carefully thought out 5 year plan. All was not as it seemed… Success Story Name: Ed

MBA Geaduate with 5 year plan Ed was about to graduate with an MBA and a carefully thought out 5 year plan. He decided to get the help of a career coach to get him off to a good start. He and his wife had spent a great deal of time on the plan. They had done research to determine the salary range Ed could expect with little work experience and a lot of college. They were certain about their immediate expectations and the types of companies that would be likely to hire Ed. With what he thought was a perfect resume, Ed was not getting interviews for positions that offered anywhere near the low end of the salary range he expected. There were no recruiters for management level positions responding. He was only being considered for entry level positions. Both Ed and his wife were discouraged but neither of them realized the resume was the problem. When you aren't getting the right kinds of interviews, the resume is almost always the problem. In just one session, it became evident what the resume was lacking. There were many class projects that provided completely relevant accomplishment statements to show Ed's value to employers. In his classes, he had tackled just the same kinds of problems that managers face in the corporate world and some of them were for real world companies. Ed was stuck in the frame of mind that a resume is a job history and thought that "school work" had no place in a resume because he wasn't paid for it. During their meeting, the career coach asked Ed if he spoke any other languages. Ed beamed. He was fluent in French and had used it in business projects. His French language skills were so exceptional that he had received a medal from the French government, one that is very difficult to get. There was no mention of language skills in the resume because, again, Ed didn't get paid for using his language skills and thought it didn't belong in his resume. Targeting multinational companies that would value Ed's bilingual talents and his course work brought on the kinds of interviews that he had originally expected. Ed started his first job out of college at over $20,000 more than the upper end of the range that he and his wife had thought possible. WMM

Joy Montgomery saves time and money with skilled business systems analysis and accompanying clear, concise communication in a way that strengthens teams -­‐ a friendly way. She puts you in a position to succeed with consistently satisfied customers and employees. She uses the same skills to help job seekers.

Article Source:

Quotable: Twitter is like hugging. Just becuase it’s hard to measure the return on investment doesn’t mean there isn’t value there.. – Tony Hsiesh

WMM 12

Feature Article . .

By Jeremy R Miller .

Organic Link Building - Avoiding Ineffective Ways to Build Links to Your Website With an overwhelming number of website marketing companies diving into the worldwide web, it is absolutely imperative that you, as the consumer, have knowledge about what makes effective link building a part of growing your online business. To grasp the concept of organic or natural link building, the best way is to think of what is closest to natural link building techniques. In other words, think about a company whose business is featured on a television news website or a website that is listed on DMOZ (the most popular online website directory). What comes to mind is reliability and relevance and that is what you want any links to your business to convey - a website worthy of consumer or customer interest. o understand ineffective link building techniques is to start to master the art of website marketing. There are thousands of websites on the worldwide web offering one way links from other online websites that have a high Google PageRank. Your first instinct is to buy the package because the site may offer 10 Google PR5 one way links for $50. However, digging deeper into the actual perspective of the websites that your website is being marketed on, you discover that your business which is a business about automobile detailing is being marketed on a website about blackjack strategies. This will not only not hurt your website marketing efforts but, it could hurt your online reputation and cause you to drop in search engine rankings

Another common ineffective manner of marketing your business is through link farms and free for all websites that offer to give you thousands of links back to your website and also link out to thousands of other websites. Google has identified this type of link spamming to try and get your website ranking up a means by which your website can be significantly penalized in website rankings. This is not the way you want your website to be perceived on the worldwide web! Another very annoying and disturbing way people think they will build links back to their website is by commenting on every blog they see and typing a hyperlink back to their website in the blog comments back. Additionally, the person provides no information that is even useful in the comments back on the blog. They simply spam their website address in the comments and irritate both the blog owner and blog readers. If anything, it will have a negative impact on your search engine rankings and even provoke the right person to post an article about how they have discovered you like to go around and post your website to everybody's blogs with no good reason. The result is you get negative feedback about your business all over the web.

Jeremy Miller, owner of Bugon Website Services The best advice in marketing your business to provide relevant and helpful information on your website that people will find useful when they visit your website. Additionally, when building your marketing efforts, be sure to check out marketing companies that build natural links through search engine friendly manners. Make sure you ask questions about their website marketing techniques and that they do not use robots and automated methods to market your website. Summarizing, 15 minutes of effective online marketing will beat out hours of building junk links or paying a company in India to spam your business all over the web. Keep it simple, offer relevant and useful information to your clients, and build links the right away and you will see an optimal return on your online marketing investments. WMM


WMM 13



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Subscribe this month and win an iPad2! The winner will be announced in next month’s magazine. To subscribe for free, goto: The digital edition of our magazine is free. You can upgrade to receive the printed edition, or cancel your subscription at any time.

WMM 14

wmm ask the expert > The Top Five Questions to Ask When Hiring an SEO Expert Internet Marketing Expert > Michael Ambrosio

Michael Ambrosio has been doing business on the internet since 1999. He cut his teeth as a web host, starting not one, but TWO successful web hosting businesses. He also started a script installation business. Michael is also the author of several ebooks, and the developer of several programs and scripts as well. Michael continues to build his business by learning from other marketers, and also helps many other marketers make their first dollars on-­‐line. If you have had no luck driving traffic to your website, you may want to employ an expert in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When you start your search for an expert, there are several things you should consider:

1. Start by interviewing the expert. Find out if their style and philosophy will suit your purpose. Give them information about what you want to accomplish and ask them WHAT THEY WILL DO to help you achieve your goals. Ask specifically how they will address your objectives. Are you interested in increasing website traffic, increasing brand recognition, or increasing online sales? Are you planning to push one product or service over another on your website? How will they help you accomplish these goals? 2. Ask for examples of their previous work. Visit the websites they have already worked on and look at the sites. Perform searches with search engines to see where these sites rank on the search engine lists. 3. Find out who will be working on YOUR project. It may not be the person who sells you the service. You want to be sure that you have a good team of people assigned to perform various tasks.

In addition to sample websites, see if you can get actual references to call. Contact names and phone numbers for clients who have already worked with the SEO expert can be quite valuable.

- Mike Ambrosio

Turn over to read on


Quotable: Selling to people who actually want to hear from you is more effective than interrupting strangers who don't. – Seth Godin

WMM 15

wmm ask the expert 4. Ask for white papers, reports and any documented processes the SEO expert has to offer. What exactly does the SEO expert do for his fee? Is his or her process logical and thorough? You may not be a search engine expert. Nevertheless, if you look at the sequence of their processes, and the activities listed in the SEO process, you may find that your prospective SEO expert is using poor business practices to get information. Or perhaps he or she is recommending unrealistic methods or unscrupulous methods to deliver good search engine ranking. If this is the case, your initially good search engine ranking may rapidly change to NO search engine ranking when you find yourself booted off search engine lists for bad business practices. 5. What will the SEO expert charge for your project? Is it based on a fixed price project or an hourly rate? Will you have to pay travel expenses or other associated expenses?

What is included in the price? You should get a detailed accounting in writing, so that you KNOW what you can expect. Don't buy into the explanation that the price is higher, but there is a 'guarantee' of results.

Even the BEST SEO firms will find it hard to guarantee rankings and results when they don't know what your competitors are doing next and whether new keywords and action will be necessary next month to keep your rankings high. A guarantee of ranking and traffic can, at best, only guarantee results for a particular day or time period immediately after the project is completed, and even THEN it is unlikely the guarantee will be exact in terms of results. There are many other personal considerations you may have when hiring an expert in SEO. However, if you do nothing other than ask these five questions and get the information included in this research, you should be very pleased with the Search Engine Optimization expert you hire. WMM

Check out Mike’s to drive traffic to your site

WMM 16

Feature Article . .

By Darren W Chow .

Sponsor WordPress Templates The Ongoing Link Building Strategy It cannot be denied that one of the most important tools for most bloggers today is WordPress. WordPress basically started as a communication tool for the individual, but has now become an essential tool to businesses as well. There are many benefits that WordPress offers which are why it is not really surprising why practically most web sites require this tool in their web hosting plan. Aside from the fact that this CMS is so simple and easy to maintain, it also offers less overhead and time spent for creation and maintenance of the blog platform. Moreover, it allows you to keep the contents of the site fresh, which results into an increased search engine ranking for your site. Since companies need to keep their audience updated on their products and services, the blogging aspect of WordPress is really indispensable. It is one of the goals of any web site to build links and direct traffic into the site. There are actually a lot of ways to build incoming links. According to experts, sponsoring WordPress themes proved to be a great way to get varied links from various independent web sites. Although sponsored WordPress wouldn't be going on top page ranking sites generally since you don't have control over the theme of the site, you do have control over the anchor text. Having control over the anchor text is not really bad. You can still manipulate traffic into your web site through the anchor text. Sponsoring WordPress template has become one of the most popular link building strategies nowadays. Usually, the package includes two sponsored link theme at reasonable prices. However, things have changed lately, with the inflation and feeding frenzy, many developers have offered sponsor templates as well resulting into an oversaturation of the themes. Unfortunately, on high PR authority sites, these sponsored links are nowhere to be seen. Thus, it is very important to find a sponsor template that will make it even to some of these high PR sites.

For sponsored links, it is important to determine the number of sites which uses the theme. The only thing which counts is the number of site owners who uses the theme and leave in the sponsored links. However, the quality of the theme is vital to the success of a theme sponsorship. A mediocre theme has unfortunately no value at all. Thus, in choosing a sponsor WordPress template, you should consider the cross browser and cross platform compatibility. The absence of these means that quality issues are questionable and unreliable. WMM

WMM 17

wmm gadgets & toys iPad2 RRP From $499 < Need I say more? Coveted all over the world. Sold out on launch. Get yours now.

Cabo 44 HTX

RRP TBA > The integrated hardtop signifies the next step in express design evolution for CABO, utilizing its three-­‐ sided enclosure to offer better protection for the elements, improved visibility, and greater comfort on the helm deck..

You want it!

Go on splurge – you deserve it. It’s time to spend your hard earned cash.

Davidoff Adventure

RRP $23 -­ $65 ^ When you’re out on adventure you might as well smell great. Find your limits and push beyond them. m/fragrances/#/adventure/


RRP If you need to ask you can’t afford it < You’ve earnt it. Now spend it.

Nike Free Run+ 2

RRP $90 > Be light on your feet as you explore the world.

Did you know: Steve Jobs' net worth jumped $2.8 billion (51%) in the space of a year, according to Forbes, from $5.5 billion to $8.3 billion

WMM 18 WMM 1 8

Feature Article . .

The Evolution of Blogs

By Greg scott .

An advantageous tactic used by many a blogger today is to write short and creative blogs. These blogs hardly contain 300-400 words but are quite informative and make it easier for the online audience to read. This thus gives the blogger an advantage of greater audience in the increasingly competitive world of the blogosphere. One of the major constraints faced by bloggers is the fact that blogs seem to only brief an audience about a certain topic without getting into the details.This is caused due to the length restrictions on blogs. Blog writers stick to a pertaining specific field in order to even out the odds. But this can prove to be quite a nuisance as the article may appear shabby or vague and without relevant illustrations. Many a time home gardeners may access these articles and find them non informative.They require an in depth knowledge of botanical sciences whose volume is too large to be covered in a single blog. There has always been a constant battle among blog writers for search engine supremacy commonly referred to as the search engine optimization movement. Thus nowadays blogs are merely colorful and brief collages of words due to the blog sanitization by blog writers in order to achieve a higher listing. This is a persistent and bad trend and is influencing many a bloggers to succumb to the devious method. Blogs have many restrictions compared to real life books which are free from all the constraints. For starters real life books do not need to adhere to using key words many a time to get a higher listing. The book writer can go into comprehensive detail to make concepts clear and increase the level of understanding. The writer also doesn't have to adhere to any space or length restrictions. 3How can you over look the charisma a book showers on us. It is like having a peak back into the distant past when life was simple and reminds you of those blissful care free days without the melancholy of modern day urban life.



What's the difference between a great blog and one that people click away from? The secret is that a good blog offers its readers value. It's dynamic and interactive, so that it gives its readers more than just some old articles to read. Here are some ideas on how to make your blog a great place to hang out. It's Fresh And Up-To-Date A great blog has new content on a regular basis. This content offers up-to-date information to your readers. You've got to get into a regular posting schedule and keep all the content high quality. Once a blog is going, many blog owners decide to outsource their content creation to an article ghost writer. Why do this? Because you'll be so busy with other tasks that the writing will often become a chore, and they can give you the high quality content you need. The Blog Interacts With Its Readers People don't just read blogs, they interact with them. The more people can communicate with the blog, the more they'll enjoy it and feel like it belongs to them. This is why we put a comments plug-in on the blog and encourage people to use it. But lots of people don't fully take advantage of this. If you really want to make your blog successful, you've got to make it an interactive community. When somebody comments, reply to them. Always keep it friendly and respectful, even if they say something stupid or rude. A simple reply from the blog owner goes a long way. Widgetize And Get Plugins To make it even more interactive, you should take advantage of all the widgets and plugins out there. You can synchronize your blog with Facebook so that your readers can automatically "like" what they see. You can install a "Tweet This" button so that they can instantly talk about your post on Twitter. You can even create a simple membership and profile option for your readers and turn your blog into a social networking site. There is an endless array of stuff you can do to make it more interactive, but one warning - Don't over-widgetize. If you fill your blog full of buttons, widgets and doo-dads, it will only make it cluttered and hard to read. Instead, pick a few really good ones that will offer your readers value. Keep your blog going with fresh content from your article ghost writer and lots of interactive options for your readers. When people see that you offer more, they'll stick around and tell all of their friends about you.

WMM 19

advertise in wmm Website Marketing Magazine is an affordable way to reach a targeted audience for your internet marketing product or service. With over 160,000 electronic copies distributed per month, and up to 10,000+ physical copies, you can be assured a fantastic return on investment for your advertising dollar. Website marketing Magazine reaches a vast audience across the globe. Demographic information is detailed below. We have a number of advertising options including: Full page, Half page, 1/3 page, 2/3 page, 1/4 page, 2 page spread

Please contacts us at to book your advertising slot, or you can book via our store here:

*Your ad will remain in the FREE digital back issue available from our website for perpetuity

WMM 20

wmm tools > Books, Courses, Software, Tools and other Resources to help you succeed online. Synchronise your bookmarks between all your devices. PCs, Macs, iPhone and iPad are all supported. You can even synchronise all your open tabs in Google Chrome. This is awesome.


The NEW RULES of MARKETING & PR The New Rules of Marketing and PR shows you how to leverage the potential that Web-­‐based communication offers your business. Finally, you can speak directly to customers and buyers, establishing a personal link with the people who make your business work. An excellent task management app for your iPhone and iPad. Sync directly with iCal on your iMac or Outlook on your PC. You can also sync with MobileMe and Toodledo.

the zen of social media marketing Social media is a crucial tool for success in business today. People are already talking about your business using social media, whether you’re using it or not. By becoming part of the conversation, you can start connecting directly to your customers, as well as finding new ones, easily and inexpensively spreading the word about your products or services. A great place to publish your CDs, DVDs, and books and have them listed on Amazon.

Increase in Amazon sales from 2009 to 2010. Net sales were 34.20 billion. North America accounted for 54.7 of sales in 2010.

Did you know: Google’s first ever Tweet was “I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010.” “I’m feeling lucky.” In binary.

WMM 21

Feature Article . .

Take Advantage of Social Media to Earn Money

By Luigi Govena Velasco .

Social Media should be appreciated for make variety possible for us. Years ago, we only had limited number of products and services available. By limited I mean if you bought chocolate, it was only chocolate. However as social media enhanced, the chocolate companies found out that each customer has its own preference of the types of chocolate. Some customers prefer their chocolate melted on a wafer and some like to eat coconut with chocolate. Thus Kit Kat and Bounty were introduced in the world of chocolate.

Now that you have become familiar with the basic concept, we will move forward to telling you different ways in which you can use social media to earn money. All rounded communication is not just a phenomenon; it is a feature that can enable you to earn money like never before. Since competition is continuously rising, people want to avail whatever opportunity they can and what better way to provide different kind of opportunities to them than social media? You can earn money through social media in two basic ways which are providing services through social media or providing products through social media. These are two broad ways and a lot of different ways of earning are associated with each way. When earning through service is in consideration, you can use SM as a medium of delivery of the service that you are providing. Whether you have a training institute or a company, a college or a school or a technically assisting company you can now sell your service through Soc. Media. Just make sure that the customer is aware of the fact that your brand exists and your service campaign and marketing is attractive enough to persuade the customer to buy your service. How can you deliver your service? You can deliver your service via video conference, webinars, chat sessions etc. Simply sell your service and earn dollars. The second way is to sell or promote products. For instance, if you are a writer or an author, all you have to do is just create an e copy of your book and an online interface of yourself which would act as a virtual store of your brand. Upload the e book and sell it. You can also do the same for other products but for other products you will need to provide more features to such as a virtual gallery, product view, etc. You can also promote products via SM by doing different kinds of online marketing through SM that will also generate money for you. Be wise and use social media to your advantage, it's not just there; it is there for you to utilize it.

WMM 22


Getting Backlinks

Article Marketing can be an arduous and time consuming process. How to simplify it?

How many articles do you write each month? I have close to 30 articles written for me every month. I pay less than $10 for a high quality article including the process to submit them. How do you distribute your articles? I use Unique Article Wizard. This calls for 3 versions of each article, but the results are well worth it.

What kind of results are you achieving? Top 10 results are possible for competitive keywords (up to 400,000 monthly keyword searches) after about 120 days. You have to do this gradually, otherwise you’ll get pinged by the search engines which defeats the purpose. WMM

I try to spend as much of my day focused on the tasks at hand. - Leigh Burke

Article Marketing Creating articles and submitting them across the internet is still one of the best ways to achieve high quality backlinks to your website. You control the anchor text and signature box so can direct the link juice for maximum effect. Automation Writing articles by hand and submitting them one by one is so old school. Look to outsource your article writing using a website like elance and then automate submission of your articles using a service like Linkvana, Unique Article Wizard, SEO Linkvine or Rankarama.


The average number of days required to achieve optimum seo results.

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Feature Article . .

By Simon M Evans . Facebook Advertising is still in it's infancy compared to Google AdWords, Yahoo Search Marketing and Microsoft AdCenter. This means that there is plenty of room left to jump on the bandwagon before it will be considered saturated. According to leading Internet Marketers, 2011 will see an incredible increase in the amount of businesses that turn to Facebook's Advertising Channel and it is important to get in there NOW and really exploit the wonderful opportunity to raise your PPC success! Lets quickly look at the benefits of using Facebook Adverts: •

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Connect with more than 500 Million Potential Customers Select your audience by geographics and interests Simple to test both Image and Text based adverts to see what works best for you Controlling your daily budget with ease Have the option to only pay when people click or see your advert

7 Killer Tips For Creating Successful Facebook Adverts

Here are 7 Killer Tips To Help You Succeed When Creating A Facebook Advert 1) Interrupt: Use Curiosity or Controversy to capture the audiences attention. 2) Engage: Ask A Question, then Elaborate what you are offering, showing the benefit. 3) Educate: Provide the Facts Zero BS! Build Trust, Gain Customers. 4) Offer Lay out your offer, then let the audience know what you want them to do next and make a Promise you can Fulfill. 5) When using an Image it needs to Tell A Story, do NOT use a Logo! 6) The Body of the advert should include a Promise. A Promise is a strong statement of Intent and will help build trust with the audience. 7) The Promise Absolutely MUST be delivered on a Landing Page. Learning Internet Marketing can prove to be a daunting prospect. My partner and I are new to it but have found that despite the numerous people out there trying to sell you everything under the sun, it IS possible with hard work to achieve an High Income from it. Please check out our site and if we can be of any help to you we would be more than happy to help you. WMM

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Quotable: Art is making something out of nothing and selling it. -­‐ Frank Zappa

WMM 25

wmm featured products Resell Rights Profits Have you ever wondered how those other online marketers pump out product after product week in - week out while you struggle to get your first development project off the ground? The simple answer is they leverage other people's time and resources to create the products for them! That's right, you may have heard of Resell Rights products - also known as PLR (private label rights), white label products and MRR. Creating a Wordpress Membership Site just got a whole lot easier with this Wordpress Membership Site plugin! Introducing WP member Site. The Wordpress Membership Site plugin that allows you to quickly and easily turn your Wordpress Blog into a recurring income machine. Charge your members a monthly fee and watch your Paypal account expand with cash on a monthly basis. We have the cheapest article packs on the internet. Our experienced english speaking writers will quickly and expertly craft quality articles that will help you promote your business online and increase the ranking of your web pages. We also offer article submission services, press release writing services & sales copy writing. One of our more popular packs is our Combo Article Writing and Submission services. Click 'Combo Packs' on the left menu. We have the cheapest and best PLR content available a-lacarte on the internet. Our experienced english speaking writers & graphic designers expertly craft quality articles, ebooks, sales letters, graphics packs, templates and software on a weekly basis. You can purchase any PLR content and use it to help promote your business online and increase the ranking of your web pages. One of our more popular packs is our 319 Premium Wordpress Themes. Click 'Themes' on the left menu. It's currently FREE!

iPad2 Any iPad description you read will make note of the new slimmer size for the iPad 2, and it's one of the bigger features that Apple are promoting. The differences are very small, though anything that improves portability is useful for a device like this. If you're used to the old iPad, you'll probably notice the changes.

WMM 26

wmm contributors Adam Snyder I am a 23 year old internet marketer I enjoy helping people make money online and offline. I have a passion for finance, business, sports, health, and retail. I love to spend my time evaluating websites and stores rather than actually shopping.

Jeremy R Millier Jeremy Miller is the owner of Bugon Website Services. He has a a focused interest in search engine marketing techniques and the ability to utilize the combination of viable website design, web usability, search engine optimization and website marketing to collaboratively and cohesively build and hold a website business together.

Darren W Chow Darren Chow is the founder of a successful Article Distribution Service and has been marketing online since 2001.

Greg Scott Greg W. Scott is a freelance writer who specializes in SEO article writing. When not hunched over a computer hammering out quality content, he's either camping in Arizona or eating raw fish in Japan.

Luigi Govena Velasco Founder/CEO of SEO Services Provider. A former Webinar on Internet Intelligence Institute and a Virtual Assitant. The webstorm grasps my enthusiasm to give and provide services in order to earn and to provide a quality offers.

Simon M Evans The reason why I started my business was because I wanted to have control over our future and work from home or anywhere else we decided! My fiancé and I were both pretty fed up of the boring 9-5 situation we found ourselves in and decided to do something about it. We created our business because we love meeting people and networking with other entrepreneurs in the same situation as you and we really want to help and inspire them to discover a better alternative just like we did.

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wmm back story Chad French is President/CEO of Avlo Media Inc -­ parent company of the PeerFly Affiliate Network. A programmer by trade, Chad built PeerFly from the ground up using Windows Notepad and $0 in his pocket. Even though PeerFly is only two years old, it's now considered one of the fastest growing performance marketing networks in the industry and is best known for it's high payouts, and an amazing custom platform. 1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Where are you from? How old are you? I'm 25 years old. I was born in South Florida and raised in North Florida. I'm married with 2 children (6 year old boy & 2 year old girl). My wife is a full time college student at the University of Florida who also works for me part time in accounting. In my free time I enjoy watching weekend football (go Gators!), and mainly trying to spend time with my family. 2. How long have you been in affiliate marketing and how did you get involved? I've been in different types of online marketing since 1999 but didn't really start making good money until 2007 with an incentive rewards site. After selling that business in the summer of 2008 I dabbled in affiliate marketing and made some really good connections with people in the industry, mainly other affiliate network owners. I've been designing websites and programming since I was 15 years old... So, as a programmer, my initial intentions were to create a robust platform and then lease it to the bigger affiliate networks. However, the more I became familiar with everything in this industry the more I actually wanted to run one. It wasn't long before I started writing up a business plan and getting to work on creating my own affiliate network. The word "PeerFly" has no real meaning but I used it as the name because I already owned the domain and I honestly didn't have the $10 to get another domain name at the time. I started building the PeerFly platform in the fall of 2008 and then launched it in December. 3. How long was it before you realized you could live off your affiliate income? It was almost immediately. I came in at a perfect time when we could incentivize rebill offers. The first month in business was amazing. The only overhead I had was a $120 monthly server bill. 4. What has been your biggest success to date? I'd say the absolute biggest success I've had is creating something that is growing roots. Yeah, we're only two years old but we've seen a lot of growth and huge amount of success in our short business life. Our roots our growing and now so is our branches.

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5. Tell us a little bit about PeerFly and what you do over there?


PeerFly is a cost-­‐per-­‐action affiliate network. We extend the sales force of merchants, service providers, and product owners in the online world for free. They only pay when we deliver results rather than the promise to deliver results. We have nearly 200 client relationships, over 20k publisher accounts, and we're growing at an enormous rate. 6. How many employees does PeerFly has and where are your offices located? This may surprise you but we're actually quite small -­‐ only 6 people including myself and we have no central headquarters. We have a small work force due to the benefit of technology. A lot of tasks and stuff that other affiliate networks hire people for, we replace with automated processes (think robots) that do an even better job. We're working on an offer recommendation algorithm right now that will slap your typical affiliate manager in the face. My employees and I all work from the comfort of our home offices. I guess you could say we have 3 offices in Florida, 1 office in Missouri and 1 office in Illinois because that's where all of my guys live! We will probably all come together eventually and start expanding our departments but for right now, things couldn't be any better. 7. There are already so many CPA affiliate networks out there. What makes PeerFly different? True... there are many networks out there. Amongst other things, here are the top 5 reasons why Internet marketers (worldwide) should choose to work with PeerFly: a) We don't have a huge overhead so our profit margins are extremely small which creates the largest payouts. b) Our platform is unmatched and we're always adding new features. Publishers can even request specific CUSTOM features for their account. We have API feeds for everything (offers, stats, earnings). c) We have a lifetime 5% publisher referral program. We've had it since day one and will continue to encourage our publishers to refer others. In 2009 we paid out nearly $100k in referral earnings. d) We'll do just about anything to get your business including taking a negative margin to beat payouts on another network, giving monthly rewards, or helping you setup your campaign on the weekend at 3am. e) NO TELEPHONE INTERVIEWS! We have moved past telephone interviews on new applicants for a ton of reasons but mainly because we have enough tools to detect fraud and plenty of ways to communicate online and we know that everyone hates pressured phone interviews.

WMM 29 8. Do you offer bi-­weekly or weekly payments? If so, how much does one have to make to qualify?


We offer weeklies if the publisher can generate at least $1k a week. We also offer payments upon request (which virtually nobody else does) for a small fee. We pay many publishers every day using the payment request system. We've paid out requests as fast as 8 minutes after submitted. 9. Do you have any exclusive offers that other networks don't have? We have a few exclusive insurance offers (auto, health), a few promotional offers, and we're also currently exclusive with a mortgage lead gen offer. We have a lot of exclusive promotional zip submit offers coming soon. 10. Which offers are performing well on your network? We're huge in promotional e-­‐mail and zip submits -­‐ probably one of the biggest in the space. Our next largest vertical would be anything lead gen. We're also huge in "As Seen on TV" offers during the holiday season. 11. Which traffic sources prove to be the most effective for your top earning affiliates? Is it E-­mail, PPC, Pay Per View, Facebook, Media Buying or any others? Our strongest promotional methods are PPC, PPV, Display and Social (FB, Plenty of Fish). 12. What are the criteria for a marketer to be accepted at PeerFly? How does PeerFly prevent and handle fraud? We accept publishers worldwide although we will deny publishers who don't meet certain standards. We'll take in new industry affiliates (everyone's gotta' start somewhere, right?) but they need to at least know what affiliate marketing is and have some sort of goals in place. Our fraud detection and compliance team is unmatched. Upon registration we require ID uploads from certain countries and automatic phone verification. The data from new applicants are analyzed automatically by our system using over 20 different cross checks into known fraudulent accounts, fraudulently used IP addresses and a whole slew of other monotonous verification checks. After that, we have a full time fraud & compliance team managed by a guy who's awake 24/7 and lives on red bull and a lack of sunlight. You don't want to cross paths with him -­‐ it won't be pretty. 13. For those who are interested in working with you and your affiliate network -­ what's the best way/time to reach you? We have official business hours for phone calls but someone from our team is usually online via messenger at anytime of the day. We also try hard to get e-­‐mails answered within 24 hours.

14. What's the difference between a Super Affiliate and an Average Affiliate?

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A super affiliate runs with PeerFly, the rest go elsewhere!:D 15. If you could change one thing about the affiliate industry, what would it be? It would be getting rid of the scum networks that make our industry look like a get rich quick scheme. In addition -­‐ getting truly represented by an association who can get us access to the big brands and who will fight for us in Washington when it comes to online advertising matters. Affiliate marketing (I like "performance marketing" better) might be a small sector of online advertising but we're making huge footprints. 16. What do you think about where the industry is going? Where PeerFly may be going? We saw a boom when ring tones were big and a boom during the rebill era but those were nothing in comparison to what types of activity we will see as an industry once we clean up, become more organized, and start attracting the Ford's and Nike's. As for PeerFly, not only do we have big plans in store for our CPA platform but also we will soon be branching out into other forms of traditional online advertising. Look out for Adzur in 2011. 17. What are your goals for the rest of 2010? To make the 4th quarter our biggest ever and to also be prepared for our first ASW show where we've secured a meet market table and booth. 18. What's your favorite movie and why? I have so many favorites and my #1 movie seems to get replaced all the time. However, I really enjoyed Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio and can definitely say that it's in my top 10. Fantastic flick. 19. Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like. I wake up at 8am and get my daughter ready and take her to school. On the way home I usually stop and get a large coffee from McDonald's to help start my day and get me focused (it really does work wonders!). I work from about 10am -­‐ 5pm then I take a 2-­‐4 hour break to spend time with my family. I work again intermittently until about 2am. On the weekends I try to spend more time with the family but I still find myself working a lot, mostly in the evenings and into the morning hours. WMM For more details about this network please check out the Peerfly review page.

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