How To Get High Quality Backlinks

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How To Get High Quality Backlinks

Do you want to learn how to get backlinks for your blog or website?

Do you know link building still remains one of the strongest ranking signals used by search engines? I know you wondering, "How do I create amazing backlinks for my blog or website? "

Proven Techniques For Building High-Quality Backlinks For Blog

To learn how to get backlinks is one of the oldest and most effective SEO tactics. Link building isn’t rocket science. If you’re willing to efforts in the time it takes to earn valid quality links, it’s still entirely possible to boost your credibility (and website or blog rankings). But there are a variety of link building strategies and the best practices in building them. Since building backlinks is a very critical process and there is no simple, quick trick to get links back to your website. It’s important to take a look at the best practices to help generate backlinks to your blog or website and take them into consideration in your business. 1/6

That’s why in this article post, I’ll explain 101 smart ways to earn legitimate, high-quality backlinks for your any niche blog or website. Let’s get started. 1. Interlink to your blog and other posts, pages on your blog when writing on your blog content. 2. Convert your blog posts to pdf file format and submit it to document sharing sites, even you can upload on your blog or website and link them so that your end-user easily download. 3. Write high-quality content and you will get strong backlinks. 4. Have a special writing style that attracts people, have you seen everyone has their own style, make your style of writing. 5. Submit your blog to CSS directories. 6. Start Relevant Threads in Forums and Link to Your Blog Posts. (But make them from high-quality DA & PA authority) 7. Write how-to posts, they also tend to get more backlinks, they are more search in search engines and one of a popular type of blog post. 8. Submit Your Blog to Top Blogging directories (Again quality mattes here). 9. Make Use of Blogging Communities by Submitting Your Blog Posts to them. 10. Create viral YouTube niche videos and include links to your blog in the video and its description. 11. Submit your images to image directories and include a link to your blog in its copyright notice and as a requirement to use it. 12. Write a post comparing some top gurus in your niche industry. 13. Write a great post with a lot of pictures in it – let the post be pictures only. 14. Create a great ebook or membership site and make linking to your blog the requirement to get it. 15. Release a free WordPress blog theme and include a link to your blog in its footer, you can take help from a developer to build free themes. (Not recommended). 16. Update your blog regularly because this will make more people trust your website and it will also make you rank for more keywords which means more traffic and eventually more backlinks. 17. List your product on Amazon, eBay, Flipkart and include a link back to your blog. 18. Submit your blog to top niche directories. 19. Make use of web 2.0 sites to promote your blog. 20. Try to know which stories are hot (Trending stories) at the moment and make sure you blog about them. 2/6

21. Position yourself as an authority in your niche and try to get attention from the media. 22. Make Use of Discussion Boards by Linking to Your Blog in threads. Quora is one such HQ discussion board. 23. Submit your blog posts to all social bookmarking sites you know. 24. Create manuals and long tutorial posts on your blog, in your niche categories, this type of post do receive lots of backlinks. 25. Run a contest giving people physical products for free; make linking to your blog a requirement to join. 26. Exchange links with other bloggers in your niche industry. 27. Work on making your blog go viral on top social bookmarking sites, this alone can bring you tons of quality backlinks from authority sites. 28. Write top list posts because they can go viral easily. 29. Submit Guest Post to Other Blogs. This has long been a popular link building method which is used by top bloggers and marketers in their niche industry, since it’s a winwin for both sites, with a focus on providing helpful, high-quality content, guest posts can still be an effective link building tool. 30. Submit your website to local business directories, backlinks from these sites are regarded by Google as an authority. 31. Submit your blog to .edu and .gov forums and blogs, Google so much loves backlinks from these sites and regards them as an authority. 32. Create niche specific tutorials, which are not only unique but help the community. Such tutorial articles get lots of backlinks and getting quality targeted traffic. 33. Offer lots of free downloads on your blogs. It can be an ebook, software, app or other such digital products. 34. Run surveys on your blog and publish the results for everybody to see, if the survey is good and helpful you will definitely get a lot of backlinks to your blog. 35. Write a list of the “top 10 myths” or “top 10 mistakes” about something. 36. Start your affiliate program. 37. Create a news section on your blog with regularly updated news in your niche and you will begin to get links fast. 38. Render your services to top people in your niche industry. 39. Link to Your Blog in Your Forum Signatures (Only high quality forums) 40. Ask Questions related to your blog in Answer Sites like Yahoo Answers and Link to Your Blog in your questions. 41. Answer Questions in Yahoo Answers and Cite Your Blog as the Source. 42. Submit your blog to your top social networking sites. 43. Write a great and very useful whitepaper and share with your friends to help you distribute it around the web; make sure you include a link to your blog in the whitepaper. 44. Donate to charity sites, many of them will link back to your site. 45. Join blogging contest and you will most probably get backlinks if you win. 3/6

46. Release a free WordPress plugin and include a link to your blog in it. 47. Comment on do-follow blogs and make sure these blogs are relevant to your own blogs. They might not carry too much of link value, but it will still be beneficial for overall link-profile of your blog. 48. Write a mail to influencers who write on the same topic and encourage them to share it on the social network. You never know how much one sweet email can make a huge difference. 49. Contact your blog theme designer, if it’s customized and design by your designer and tell them to use your website as an example in their portfolio, they will most likely include a link back to your blog. 50. Blog about celebrities. 51. Start a blogging contest and make linking to your blog one of the requirements. Submit your RSS feed to RSS directories. 52. Do a weekly link love post and link to many bloggers, they will most likely return the favour. Take advantage of outbound link SEO. 53. Write Controversial posts. 54. Network with other bloggers in your niche (Online and offline) and links will automatically follow you. 55. Make use of in your niche. 56. Ask other bloggers to interview you. 57. Trade articles with other bloggers in your niche. 58. Write linkbait posts. 59. Submit your resume to resume directories while linking to your blog in your resume. 60. Provide testimonials for online marketers and also provide your link when doing so, they will most likely link back to you. 61. Most forums have a website review forum; review your blog on this forum. 62. Write posts that have “the ultimate” in the title. 63. Review top companies and products and they might link back to you. 64. Do a big product launch. 65. Broken link building is a great way to build valuable links, If you approach this strategy correctly, it’s an effective way to get the same results. 66. Skyscraper content, this concept was originally popularized by Brian Dean of Backlinko and is still a great way to come up with valuable content ideas that will earn links to your site. 67. Find competitors’ backlinks and “steal” them, go through the links and figure out how the competitor acquired each link. Then, you can determine whether their approach is something you can replicate for your own blog or web site. 68. Create Visually Driven Content; Content that is visually driven also can attract more quality backlinks. In fact, media such as charts, infographics, and videos are even more effective at attracting linking’s from other sites. 69. Have a Strong Social Sharing Strategy, A strong social strategy helps drive traffic to 4/6

your blog, website content and increase your exposure, which is great for your brand and also your link building efforts. 70. If your company has announcements, new projects, product, innovations, or other newsworthy information, issue a press release to draw attention that can result in legitimate backlinks for your blog or website. Final Thoughts If you implement all of the above tips, then you can get High-Quality Backlinks results and potentially instant improvement in your search engine rankings and while you can’t do everything in the list, it’s better to know as many links building tactics as you could.

Link building remains one of the most effective ways to rank better and drive more targeted traffic for your blog. Once you start using these above powerful link building methods, you’ll find that it’s not so difficult to earn quality backlinks after all. I hope that the backlink resources mentioned above will help you in creating high-quality backlinks for your blog or website. To keep pace with them, you need to devote the same level of effort and time to content strategy and link marketing. Of course, you can outsource some of the workloads to a VA or another member of your team if you want to move faster. Only build quality backlinks and never waste your time with links that might cause trouble. Now it’s your turn! Which link building strategy gets you the best backlinks ? If you have any other ideas about creating backlinks then please do share with us in the comment section. A very tiny request: If you liked this post, please share this? I know most people don’t share because they feel that us bloggers don’t need their "tiny" social share. But here's the truth... I built this blog piece by piece, one small share at a time, and will continue to do so. 5/6

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