Top 3 ways to improve your sleep naturally

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Top 3 ways to improve your sleep naturally Unhealthy lifestyle habits have negatively influenced our lives. From facing health concerns like obesity, constipation, and heart problems to feeling fatigued, our unhealthy lifestyle choices are impacting our quality of life. This has also led to a growing concern about sleep problems. According to the best general physician in Delhi, there is a continuous and significant increase in the number of insomnia cases.

Sleep problems majorly result from a poor diet, lack of exercise routine, and anxiety problems. These can also result from an underlying medical condition. If you are one of a kind, who is experiencing sleep concerns then check out the below-mentioned ways of improving your sleep quality as suggested by the leading General physician in South Delhi

1. Eat healthily As per the best general physician in South Delhi, healthy eating not only helps you to achieve a healthy body but also a healthy mind. When you start eating healthy and give up on processed foods and intoxicants, your mind feels relaxed and signals to release sleep hormones as well as happy hormones in the body. Hence, this in turn helps you to improve your sleep quality.

2. Exercise regularly Regular exercising or workout provides the same benefits as healthy eating does. When you work out or walk for a few miles regularly it changes the core temperature of your body signalling your brain that it is time to sleep. Likewise, it also helps with relaxing your brain and relieving stress and anxiety concerns.

3. Plan your day schedule The best general physician in South Ex advises planning out a proper schedule so that the balance between work life and personal life is maintained. Planning out a proper daily schedule allows you to sleep for about 7-8 hours a day, as your brain gets used to the schedule. It automatically gets prepared when it is time to sleep.

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