BVGS 2012-2013 Prospectus

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Bishop Vesey's Grammar School

Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School offers outstanding educational opportunities. With an academic profile which places it comfortably in the TOP 100 state secondary schools and with first-rate wide-ranging extra-curricular activities, BVGS offers the highly prized and much applauded ‘Vesey Experience’ within a culture which fosters the development of the individual and collective responsibility. The welcoming atmosphere within the school, which reaches out to all those who visit or join the school, emanates from a sense of purpose and togetherness. Staff and students enjoy an openness in relations which provides a platform for continuing the great traditions of the school, whilst remaining forward-thinking and embracing change. In recent years dramatic progress has been seen in many areas of the school’s development. Judged ‘Outstanding’ once again by Ofsted in June 2011, BVGS represents the rich and diverse cultural, linguistic and faith heritages of Birmingham and beyond, with community cohesion at the heart of the life of the school. Students are expected to engage in the school’s activities with energy and enthusiasm, adopting leadership roles which influence improvement planning. Through innovative strategies, students feel encouraged, empowered and trusted to bring about change. Those who are privileged to be associated with the school become deeply affiliated to it and look back on their time at the school with fond affection. Education at Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School leads to a life-long association with this dynamic and progressive school community. We believe that young people thrive in an environment in which they feel safe, secure and happy. Students are encouraged to see that true happiness and fulfilment in life come from service to others and that their own personal achievement can reach out to others to bring benefit to those who would welcome assistance and support. Our students have the capacity to be the future leaders who will shape and re-define the world in which we live. We continue to establish new performance records. Our ambitious, yet realistic expectations for further progress lead us to believe that another ‘step change’ is just round the corner! Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School - a story of rapid growth and increasing success!

David Iddon Headteacher May 2012

ADMISSION TO THE SCHOOL There are 124 places available in Year 7 and admission is by selective tests. The tests are held for places at one of the grammar schools within the ‘Consortium of Grammar Schools in Birmingham’. The Consortium of Grammar Schools in Birmingham consists of Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School King Edward VI Aston School King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys & Girls King Edward VI Five Ways (Boys & Girls) King Edward VI Handsworth School (Girls) Sutton Coldfield Grammar School for Girls Optional test forms and an explanatory brochure are available on request from the Consortium of Grammar Schools on telephone number 0121 415 6004 or you can apply online via a link on our website. The optional test form must be returned Friday 13 July 2012 to Grammar Schools' Consortium - Applications, PO BOX 15627, Birmingham, B16 6NL. The optional test will take place on Saturday 8 September 2012. The Open evening for Year 7 Admission 2013 is being held on Thursday 20 September 2012 4.30 pm – 8.30 pm The Open morning for Year 7 Admission 2013 is being held on Friday 21 September 2012 10.00 – 11.30 am. The optional test for entry to the Consortium of Grammar Schools in Birmingham consists of two exams, each of 45 minutes in duration. Papers will be divided into smaller individually timed sections which tests; - Verbal Reasoning and Literacy - Non Verbal Reasoning - Reading Comprehension - Mathematics Some of the questions will take a multiple choice format. A sample of questions will be included in the brochure which will be sent with the application form. Results of the entrance test will be sent via the post week commencing Monday 15 October 2012. Preference forms will be available from Monday 1 October 2012 and must be returned to the Local Authority by Wednesday 31 October 2012.


ADMISSION TO THE SIXTH FORM A special Sixth Form Open Evening is being held on Tuesday 6 November 2012 4.30 pm and Monday 12 November 2012 9.00 am to enable prospective Sixth Formers to discuss course options, activities and opportunities in the Sixth Form. Students contemplating joining our Sixth Form can access our prospectus via the school website. Students who are interested in joining Bishop Vesey’s are requested to complete an application form. Academic success and potential will then be assessed. Candidates expected to meet our entrance requirements will be invited to interview and a tour of the school.

ORGANISATIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SCHOOL THE OLD VESEYAN ASSOCIATION The school enjoys the support of an active and committed former students' association whose motto is 'The renewal of Old Friendships and the Welfare of the School'. The association supports the school in a variety of activities and provides a network of contacts all over the world. Members of the association have given significant financial support to the school particularly in large capital building projects such as the Randon Design Centre, the Sports Hall, the Clive Richards Centre and the all-weather pitch on Middle Field.

THE PARENTS' ASSOCIATION COUNCIL The aims of the Parents' Association Council are: − − − − −

To foster and support the welfare of Bishop Vesey’s Grammar School To raise funds for the school To provide input for careers advice and assistance To bring parents/carers together in social activities To be a forum for discussion and action on issues that concern the school

The PAC members meet monthly to co-ordinate and facilitate the activities of the association. The Council generally directs and controls the affairs of the association including the control and allocation of its funds. All new parents/carers receive automatic membership. We encourage and invite new members of the PAC to join the council.

BVGS ANNUAL FUND The annual fund is used to support: − − − −

Our high calibre and wide-ranging staffing levels Our curriculum developments and improvements Our outstanding range of opportunities beyond the classroom Our programme of refurbishment

BVGS Annual Fund donations are processed through ‘The Vesey Foundation’.


THE VESEY FOUNDATION Registered charity number 1121803 The Vesey Foundation was established, as a separate charitable trust, in 2008 to: − Bring together all who are associated with BVGS − Preserve the distinctive ethos and excellent resources at the school through fundraising efforts amongst all the members of the Vesey Community. We are grateful to parents and other benefactors who offer significant help to the school through regular donations.

STUDENT SUPPORT, CARE AND GUIDANCE PASTORAL CARE Our student community is representative of the rich and diverse cultural heritages of Birmingham and beyond. All students are able to take full advantage of the opportunities available at BVGS: − We seek to promote interest and success in the academic, social, cultural and sporting activities of the school − We give support for and offer advice on any challenges encountered − We actively encourage community spirit and social responsibility All members of the school community have a role to play in being awake to the comments and concerns of members of the public, parents, teaching staff and students.

DISCIPLINE The school exercises its influence through reasoned persuasion but it is not afraid to insist on respect and obedience for authority when they are needed to protect the safety and happiness of students. − Staff apply the Consequences Triangle in the classroom to promote positive behaviour − A serious view is taken on bullying which is not accepted as a part of growing up − The school has a zero tolerance towards drugs and weapons

GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND REWARDS The school aims to establish a purposeful and efficient learning environment by: − Promoting good behaviour and discipline − Promoting self-discipline − Ensuring fairness in the treatment of all − Encouraging consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour − Providing a safe environment − Encouraging a positive relationship with parents and carers 3

A school ethos of encouragement is central to the promotion of good behaviour. Rewards cover the broadest range of academic and non-academic achievements, including positive feedback, merits, certificates and sporting colours.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP Involving students in the running of the school and its activities is central to our aim to empower and share responsibility. Increased opportunities exist from Year 7 all the way to Sixth Form with a variety of roles, such as Form Captain, House Captain, School Council member and Charity Officer.

THE SCHOOL DAY 8.00 8.25 8.40 8.50 8.55 9.33 10.10 10.48 11.25

Dining Room Open Library Open School Open Registration Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4 Break

11.45 12.23 1.00 1.50 2.10 2.48 3.25 3.40 4.00

Period 5 Period 6 Lunch Registration / Assembly Period 7 Period 8 End of School Day Extended Games session ends Library closes

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITIES The school recognises the valuable contribution that the wide range of additional activities can make towards our students’ personal and social education, and so aims to promote and provide such activities both as part of a broad and balanced curriculum for the students of the school and as additional optional extras. This may include: − Residential Trips − Lectures

− Coaching Courses − Sporting Tours

ASSESSMENT POLICY Assessment is an integral part of the learning process and as such comprises marks for all formal classes and homework as well as tests. Students’ progress and achievement are assessed in a variety of ways to build up confidence and enthusiasm for future learning, and to check that depth of knowledge, level of understanding and the mastery of a skill have progressed within a period of time. The results of an assessment will be communicated to the students and they will be given advice on how to make further progress in the light of the assessment. Our tutor/students interview programme highlights strengths, helps students to practise self-assessment and to set targets for improvement.


ASSESSMENT AND PROGRESS REPORTS The school continuously assesses a student’s progress and at regular intervals parents receive a report. Full school ‘Reports’ with written comments from subject teachers and form tutors are issued at least once per year. They are supplemented by two interim statements of progress known as report marks in years 7-11. In addition, every student in the school has a designated interview with his/her tutor on at least two occasions during the year.

CURRICULUM The school operates a fortnightly timetable, with 40 teaching periods per week. Boys in Year 7 have a session of Physical Education per week. Years 8-11 have a session of Physical Education every fortnight. All students have an afternoon of Games and those in Years 7-11 have a Tutorial period as well as sessions of Citizenship incorporating Guidance education. Use is made of our extensive playing fields, a large all weather surface known as Middle Field, our Sports Hall, and the local Wyndley Leisure Centre. In the Sixth Form the students are able to pursue designated leisure interests throughout the city and there is an active community service and enrichment programme as well.

YEAR 7 The majority of lessons are taught in their house groups, or in subdivisions of them. There is a Form Tutor period every week. All students follow a broad and balanced programme of: − − − − − −

English Mathematics Integrated Science Course French German Geography

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History Religious Education Music Art Design & Information Technology PE / Games

YEAR 8 English, Geography, History and RE are taught in house groups. The separate sciences are taught in smaller mixed ability groups. Five ability groups are created in Mathematics. Students choose two languages, at least one from French/German plus Spanish or Urdu. Students study Art, Music plus D&T and each of these subjects is studied for two terms.


YEAR 9 All the boys study a Business Studies course incorporating Enterprise Education and Work Related Studies. Science continues to be taught in the separate sciences and ability groups are created. Geography, History and RE continue to be taught in House Groups. There is a choice of two subjects from Art/Music/D&T. Two languages are studied.

YEAR 10 Most boys will study a minimum of ten full GCSE courses plus P.E. and Games (nonexamination). There is a Citizenship / Guidance course which includes modules devoted to Sex and Relationships Education, Religious Education and Careers Guidance All students follow full GCSE courses in: − English − English Literature − Mathematics

− A Modern Language − The three separate sciences

The boys will sit some modules of their Science course at the end of this year. In addition, students can choose to study full GCSEs in any three of the following subjects: − Art − Design and Technology (Graphic Products) − Business Studies − Geography − History

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Music Religious Studies Physical Education Modern Foreign languages (French, German, Spanish, Urdu)

YEAR 11 Students continue with their Year 10 curriculum working towards the GCSE examinations in November, January, May and June.

LOWER SIXTH FORM Each student may take up to FOUR specialist subjects. There are inevitably some timetabling constraints, so not all combinations of subjects are possible, but we do our best to satisfy the vast majority of individual needs. Subject choices include: − − − − − − − − − −

Art and Design Biology Business Studies Chemistry Economics English Literature French Further Mathematics Geography Geology 6

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German Law Mathematics Music Physical Education Physics Psychology Religious Studies Spanish Spanish

UPPER SIXTH FORM Students select which subjects to take through to A2 level. Most will choose three, plus General Studies. Some exceptional candidates may take all four.

CAREERS The students will choose their GCSE subjects during the Spring term of Year 9 but before this choice is made, guidance is given on the career implications of the various alternatives. Some of the weekly tutor periods are devoted to careers education with advice given by external speakers and members of staff. Each student will also participate in two weeks' work experience. During Year 11, vital decisions have to be made and students must make a positive step towards joining our Sixth Form, or continuing their education elsewhere. The school provides as much support as possible and tries to ensure everyone is appropriately and positively placed. Sixth Formers receive personal and detailed guidance about relevant opportunities beyond A-Levels.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES MUSICAL INSTRUMENT LESSONS Students have the opportunity to partake in instrumental tuition from our visiting specialist teachers in woodwind, brass, percussion, strings, voice and keyboard. The Music Department also runs a number of ensembles for students who perform at school concerts. The principal aim of these groups is to consolidate the work of our visiting staff and prepare students for public performances.

INTER-SCHOOL SPORT FIXTURES There are a large number of fixtures organised at all age levels in major sports of rugby, hockey, rowing, cross-country, athletics and cricket. Some of these fixtures take place on games afternoons but the majority take place on Saturdays or at other times outside school hours. Chess, badminton, golf and tennis matches and competitions are also available to students on a regular basis.

INTER-HOUSE COMPETITIONS A variety of activities are provided to enable the students of all ages to take part in friendly and enthusiastic competition. Inter-house activities include Rugby, Hockey, Cross-country, Cricket, Chess, Badminton, Table Tennis, Swimming, Athletics, Junior Hobbies Competition and Merit Awards. The house that accumulates the most points across the levels is rewarded with the Roberts Cup at the end of the academic year.


CLUBS AND SOCIETIES All students are strongly encouraged to participate in activities. These are seen as a further platform for personal development. Some of which include: − − − − − − − −

Basketball Band Chess Choir Christian Union Drama Greenhouse Club Indoor Boardgames

Scalextric Power Car Club Science Club Swing Band Voluntary Service Wargaming Wind Band Young Enterprise

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The school has a long established tradition of supporting both local and national charities. This is done on a regular basis through form or year group charity efforts.

BVGS AND THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY : Our travel abroad We believe strongly in the importance of visits abroad, allowing learners to experience firsthand the countries whose language they are learning. As a flavour of our international travel diary: − This year the Historians visited New York and there have been previous trips to Krakow in 2009 and Berlin and Prague in 2011. − Rugby and Cricket players toured Argentina and Chile in 2007, and in 2009 a trinations tour took them to New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. In 2011, the Rugby squad toured Barbados and Canada and will embark on a tour of Australia and New Zealand in 2013. − Our rowing team visited our partner school in South Africa in 2009. − Science students have visited both Geneva and Florida in 2010 and 2011. − Geography students visited our partner school in New Delhi in 2010 and Iceland in 2011. − Other worldwide tours include trips to the Gambia, Cuba and Tanzania − We also run annual exchanges with schools in Germany and France, as well as short study visits for younger students. Our students have also hosted Polish counterparts and visited Poland. − In 2012 there will be a trip to Morocco organised in conjunction with World Challenge.


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