Erection Treatment

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Know the Benefits of Choosing Good Clinic for Treatment ED

For the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) or erectile dysfunction, the modern method of physical medicine is shock wave therapy. It is the latest generation equipment of the premium class, which helps men with pathologies of blood vessels and peripheral nervous system partially or completely restore a natural erection without pain and surgery.

How does this happen: Shock Wave Therapy ( SWT ) is a non-invasive procedure performed on an outpatient basis and can be immediately followed up with daily life. Shock wave therapy uses low-power mechanical impulses that do not require additional medical intervention. Shockwave pulses are generated externally and are directed to a specific area using a nozzle on the equipment handpiece. The procedure, which is performed using the Smart Focus technology, is painless, easily tolerated, and does not require any pain relievers. The wave impulses created by the waves activate natural mechanisms responsible for tissue repair. New small blood vessels develop in the tissues of the penis, thus improving the blood supply to the penis. The generated impulses restore both the corpora cavernous of the penis and the endings of tiny nerve fibers. This is very important for smokers with longterm experience and patients with diabetes mellitus. To begin with, it is necessary to consult a physical medicine physician. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to perform eight procedures two times a week. Cost of one procedure

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to achieve and maintain an erection long enough to be successful in intercourse. In most men, a violation of potency can be one of the first symptoms of specific physical diseases. If the problem persists within six months, it is recommended to visit a urologist to conduct appropriate examinations and start Erection treatment.

Common causes of erectile dysfunction:

Metabolic syndrome is a combined disorder of sugar metabolism that increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart and blood vessel disease. Diseases that affect the nervous system and affect the innervations of the penis, for example, various polyneuropathies, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, stroke, etc. Injured / pinched nerves that innervate the penis, for example, with a back injury, hip fracture, after penile surgery, genital radiation therapy, etc., as well as prolonged cycling, can negatively affect potency for a short time.

Treatment options for ED

The critical question is: Are we have Erectile dysfunction treatment options? If hormonal changes cause ED, this can be corrected by compensating for the missing hormones. The choice remains with symptomatic therapy - using medications, injections, vacuum devices, prostheses, or surgery. This provides instant or long-term potency without affecting the cause of the disease. Wave procedures by ED treatment clinic near kansas city provide eliminate pathological processes in the tissues that cause erectile dysfunction. After therapy, you can either completely abandon or significantly reduce the use of drugs that stimulate an erection.

Contact us

Hinsdale (630-908-7082) Leawood (913-400-3005) Redmond (425-869-5105) Elk Grove (916-667-8110) San Diego (619-458-9270) San Mateo (650-235-9401) Oklahoma City (405-842-8601)

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