Cherryville Eagle 1-20-21

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Volume 115 • Issue 3


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

City Council meeting

County supports long-term vision plan Approves proposed ‘P-Card’ policy plan for department heads; key City staff LIVESTRONG’s certified trainer Carl Greene and instructor Margaret Litton at the Dover YMCA, which offers the free program. (photo by MEP/CF Media)


Individual workout in group setting

At last Monday night’s, Jan. 11, City Council meeting, council members approved the Council minutes of Dec. 14, 2020, then heard from Mr. David Williams about Gaston County’s long-term vision plan. City Manager Jeff Cash said of Mr. Williams’ presentation, “The county is asking Cherryville for its support for the long-term vision for Gaston County. They want us to support and participate in the following: the development and implementation of a long-term community vision for Gaston County and the establishment and maintenance of a publicly accessible Community Indicators Data Dashboard.” Mr. Cash said there was no vote on the issue, adding, “It was mostly for informational purposes only. It is

Shelby YMCA’s free LIVESTRONG program Cherryville woman says instructors provide each participant with individual attention by MICHAEL E. POWELL Editor

Shelby’s Dover YMCA’s free “LIVESTRONG” is all about providing an individual workout in a group setting for cancer survivors 18 and older, said instructor Margaret Litton recently. She is quick to point out that many in the class though, range in age from their 60s to their 70s. Long-time Cherryville resident and Cherryville Historical Museum director Pat Sherrill – one of the LIVESTRONG class participants – said, “I love this class because it meets everyone where you are and the level you are on. It is not an age-related class. My class has people of different ages, so, as a senior, my level of energy may be different and it works.”

Sherrill continued, “Margaret and Carl are available to everyone throughout the class to make sure you are doing exercises safely. “If you do it incorrectly you could be hurt. Before anyone can take this class, they need approval from their doctor. “Recently I gave my doctor in Charlotte a copy of the YMCA flyer so maybe he would understand what he has signed me up for and hopefully get this class started in Charlotte, if they don’t have it already.” Mrs. Sherrill noted, “When the YMCA closed as ‘nonessential’ I even sent an email to the Governor because I disagree with (the definition of) ‘nonessential’. This class is also a discussion class.” Sherrill said she has been a “Y” member most of her life, since she was 18, adding, “The YMCA building on Park Road in Charlotte was built many years ago. As a Charlotte volunteer I also gave tours of the new

building. That was over 40 years ago.” For Mrs. Sherrill, the LIVESTRONG classes are important to her, not only for the health aspects but, she noted, she “…likes the personal interest taken by the class and its instructors.” Said Sherrill, “If someone is sick, they are missed and a card is sent. This is truly a Christian organization and is totally essential. I am amazed that such classes would be made available to the public free of charge. These aware people take Christianity to a new level.” Litton and fellow instructor Carl Greene, along with supervisor Johnny Stamey, oversee the program which has been going on at the Shelby “Y” for some time now. Litton and Greene noted their program goals include rebuilding strength and endurance; increasing/improving flexibility and ability; reducing cancer therapy severity and side effects; See YMCA, Page 4

Pharmacies bringing vaccinations to NC long-term care facilities Health experts alarmed that large numbers of long-term care staff are turning down COVID-19 vaccinations. by KATE MARTIN Carolina Public Press

As coronavirus infections reach new statewide highs and the beds of hospitals fill with COVID-19 patients, a

“glimmer of hope” has arrived in North Carolina nursing homes. Pharmacists and other health care workers have started vaccinating longterm care workers and residents. It’s a moment that nursing home owner Mack McKeithan has been waiting for. Last week, he was the first to roll up his sleeve to get the Moderna coronavirus vaccine. He said he wanted to set the example. “We have encouraged our staff to take it, but we can also understand all of the paranoia that’s out there and why,” said McKeithan, who

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owns Fair Haven of Forest City in Rutherford County. “We can’t force them to do it.” Vaccination teams from CVS and Walgreens are traveling throughout the state to inoculate residents and staff at long-term care facilities, guided by the federal government. Each location will be visited three times, roughly once per month, until all who want the vaccine receive a series of two shots. Research indicates the Moderna vaccine, like others on the market, is around 95 percent effective if both shots are taken. See VACCINATIONS, Page 6


The Cherryville City Council works on local issues at one of their regular session meetings, held every second Monday of each month. (Eagle/CF Media file photo by Michael E. Powell) early in the project at this point.” Next on the Council’s agenda was a consideration for a proposed community food pantry project, brought to the Council by Mr. Jody Fowler. This is proposed as a food pantry project brought to the Council by Mr. Fowler, who noted in a letter the project has been on his heart for a while now, adding he felt the community needs one as an outreach project that “could be easily accessible to those in need,” as he noted in his email to Mr. Cash, Mayor Beam, and the Council members. City Manager Cash noted nothing was decided

Cherryville soldier found deceased in Fort Bliss barracks 1st Armored Division soldier arraigned in court-martial proceedings FORT BLISS, TX – According to media releases from the office of Lt. Col. Allie Payne, 1st Armored Division and Fort Bliss Public Affairs Officer for Fort Bliss, an investigation is underway in the December 2020 death of a Cherryville soldier. Also, 1st Armored Division soldier was arraigned in court-martial proceedings, according to a Friday, Jan. 15, media release from LTC Payne’s office. As per the release, the arraignment for a 1st Armored Division soldier, identified as PFC Christian G. Alvarado, sent to court-martial took place Thursday, Jan. 14, at Fort Bliss. On Jan. 14, 2021, at a general court-martial convened on Fort Bliss, TX, a military judge arraigned PFC Alvarado on two specifications of making a false official statement, three specifications of sexual as-

PFC Asia M. Graham, of Cherryville. (photo provided by the U.S. Army) sault, and one specification of aggravated assault in violation of Articles 107, 120, and 128 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). The media release noted that the military judge has



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at the Monday night meeting, adding, “It was tabled to have additional discussion specifically about the location at the next Work Session, which will be Jan. 26, at 5:30 p.m., at the Fire Station.” Mr. Cash said the Council is supportive of the concept. Mayor H.L. Beam, III, proclaimed the week of Jan. 24-30, 2021 as School Choice Week in Cherryville, and read a proclamation to that effect. Some of the tenets put forth in the proclamation include: Cherryville’s children having access to the highest quality education See PLAN, Page 6


Dough yes we did

yet to set a trial date in this case. As per the release, “PFC Alvarado is assigned to the 1-501st Attack Battalion, 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade. He See SOLDIER, Page 6

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