Banner-News 4-21-22

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Gaston County’s

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

e m o c l e w We

! g n i r p S See Pages 8 and 9

Local news from local people! Volume 88 • Issue 16

• Belmont • Cramerton • Lowell • McAdenville • Mount Holly • Stanley

Thursday, April 21 , 2022

Belmont FD keeps skills sharp with realistic training By Alan Hodge

Proper training, and a dedication to the job, are vital to success in any profession and the Belmont Fire Dept. is rich in both regards. Last Monday saw a dozen Belmont firefighters, along with guests that included City of Belmont human resources director Debra Brown and this writer, travel to the Gaston College Regional Emergency Services Training Center for a morning of smoke and fire. The main exercise of the day involved loading a room at one of the “burn buildings”, with bales of straw and pallets, lighting the mix ablaze, then when things got toasty, going in with hoses to extinguish the conflagration. The exercise was designed to simulate a house fire. But before the first match is struck, the firefighters have to suit up. The jackets and pants are stifling hot and heavy. The oxygen mask grips your face like a clammy hand. The air tank weighs you down. The boots are clumsy, and the fire hat presses on your head. The equipment weights about 50 pounds. But that’s just the start. Once suited up, you must unload heavy coils of hose and drag them to the fire. Then you knock down a door to get See BELMONT FD, Pages 6 & 7

This group of Belmont Fire Dept. staff as well as City of Belmont personnel director Debra Brown (center), and intrepid BannerNews editor (in full gear), took part in training last week that involved entering a burning building at the Gaston College Regional Emergency Services Training Center. Photo by Matthew Hodge

Belmont High Class of 1961 members shared a wealth of memories By Alan Hodge

Folks are in their senior year in high school but once. For some it’s a time they had rather forget. For others, it’s a time the memories of which

they hold dear to their heart forever. The latter opinion is the case for a group of about a dozen members of the Belmont High School class of

Local students among those selected for NC Governor’s School program Seventeen students from Gaston County Schools have been selected to attend the 2022 session of the prestigious North Carolina Governor’s School. Students from South Point, East Gaston, and Stuart Cramer make up twelve of those picked. Held annually at two sites, Governor’s School East is at Meredith College in Raleigh and Governor’s School West is at Winston-Salem State University. The program runs June 19 through July 16.

Governor’s School is a summer enrichment program for 820 students from across the state. It is the oldest statewide summer residential program for academically and/ or intellectually gifted high school students in the nation. The experience provides an opportunity for outstanding students to explore the latest developments, problems, and theories in the various fields of the arts and sciences. See SCHOOL, Page 4

1961 who recently gathered at The Captain’s Cap restaurant for some seafood and socializing. Folks who showed up included Ronnie Robinson (who shared his BHS memories in a special column in the March 31 BannerNews), Kitty Helms, Bobby Finchum, Lamar Jackson, Judy Anderson, Burt Willis, Wayne Ray, Glenda Garrett, Howard Wooten, Charles Hicks, and Sherry Alexander. The classmates greeted each other warmly, then wasted little time bantering back and forth as they turned the clock back over six decades. The memories they shared had a heaping helping of humor and several related episodes that could best be described as “good, clean, fun”. “I was a letter girl,” said Kitty Helms. “I was the ‘B’. The thing I enjoyed most was marching in the parades. It was great!” Judy Helms recalled her

This group of Belmont High School Class of 1961 got together at The Captain’s Cap restaurant last week for some fried fish and friendship. The former Red Raiders enjoyed recollecting their days at the school and swapping stories. teenage job and claimed to be one of the ‘quiet ones’ even though her sparkling personality seemed to contradict that description.

“I worked at Catawba Pharmacy,” she said. “I was also very shy.” Burt Willis was a musician.

“I played clarinet and saxophone in the band,” he said. He also recalled the band teacher. See 1961, Page 5


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Thursday, April 21, 2022


Valentines in April I wonder if I am losing it. Back in February I made the annual trek to Wallymart to get Valentine cards and candy. I went in the early part of the month before the hordes of people who wait until the last minute rampage the card rack. This year was our 35th wedding anniversary and I took my time and carefully selected a nice anniversary card too. I took the bag of goodies home and hid them. That way I could get up on Valentine’s Day eve and tiptoe downstairs and put the cards and candy on the kitchen table for a nice surprise. Well, it’s not really a surprise as I have followed this pattern for over three decades. A few days before the 14th, I thought I had best go ahead and sign the cards. I went to my dresser and pulled open the drawer where I had hidden the stuff. But it was gone. I rummaged through every drawer. Nothing. I started to panic. I wondered if I had l had left the bag in my car. I went out and looked under the seats. Zip. My mind began racing. I went to the garage and looked everywhere. Zero. I looked in my roll top desk drawers. Nope. By now I was in trouble. Valentines was but two days away. I ran back to Wallymart and threw myself into the mob jostling for space in front of the card rack. The pickings were slim, but I managed to get a couple of cards and a box of candy. I rushed home and put them under my pile of blue jeans and stood back and said out loud to myself- “The cards and candy are under the jeans”. I did this twice to imprint the sound and image in

my brain. Fast forward to this past weekend. I was sitting in my favorite chair listening to WDAV and for some reason I stood up and pulled up the cushion and guess Alan Hodge what was under it? Banner-News Editor Thats right- the original Valentines cards and candy. Zeus and his pals no doubt got a big laugh out of that. Sharon was in the shower, and I put the stuff on the bed and when she got out of the shower she walked in the room and said “What’s this?” I told her the whole story and we had a good laugh and now it’s Valentines in April. PS the candy was smooshed in the slightly flattened box but still tasted good despite the fact it had been only a few inches from my buttocks for two months. Thank goodness for cellophane and cardboard. But wait. This is not the first time I’ve done something like that. Two Christmases go I ordered a package of underpants, I hid them and to this day can’t recall where they got stashed. I keep hoping that one day, the long-lost drawers will miraculously surface just like the candy and cards. But by now they have probably yellowed and got moth holes. The drawers that is. Is it just me? Do you stash stuff away and do such a good job of stashing that you can’t remember where it’s at? Please say yes because then I won’t be worried about going coocoo or any more coocoo than I already am.

By Tony Marciano I’ve had the opportunity to attend many funerals over the course of my life. The family speaks about the deceased and highlights their accomplishments. We do want to remember the deceased in a positive light. I was told you do not say anything negative about the dead. There was one funeral I attended that was different. Let me tell you why. But first, a story. Years ago, Jim Collins authored the book, “Good to Great.” Some have boiled it down to two phrases. The first question is, “Should this person be on the bus?” In other words, should they be on the team? Should they be working for this company? If the answer to that first question is “Yes,” there is a second question that must be answered. It asks, “Are they in the right seat?” In other words, yes, we are glad they are a part of this company. We are grateful they said yes to working for us. But are they doing the right job? Is the current position using their gifts and talents in their best way? Would they do better and be happier serving in a different capacity? In other words, you don’t

LOWELL NEWS BRIEFS Community Watch The Lowell Police Department has started a Community Watch Program. The Police Department will host meetings quarterly for each of the six zones in Lowell. For a map of the zones, the upcoming meeting dates and locations: www. community-watch-program. Lowell Citizens Academy grads Congratulations to Cathy Johnson, Jack Frye, Norris Lamb, and JoAnna Fulbright - they are the graduates of the Inaugural Lowell Citizens Academy. This group has completed ten sessions with different department heads learning about how city government works. They were recognized at January’s City Council meeting. The 2022 Citizens Academy will begin in September. Applications will be accepted from July 1 thru September 1. Lowell Women’s Club The Lowell Women’s Club meets on the fourth Tuesday

of every month at 6:00pm at the Lowell Fire Department. Membership registration is open and all are welcome! For questions, please contact Candy Funderburk at (704) 6780292. City calendar May 2022 3rd Planning Board, 6pm, City Hall 7th Mommy & Me Yoga, 10am, Harold Rankin Park 10th Council Meeting, 6pm, City Hall 23rd Community Committee Meeting, 6pm, City Hall 27th Memorial Day Service, 10am, Edgewood Cemetery 30th City Offices Closed (City Holiday) June 2022 4th Music in the Park, 7pm, Harold Rankin Park 7th Planning Board, 6pm, City Hall 14th Council Meeting, 6pm, City Hall 27th Community Committee Meeting, 6pm, City Hall.

Easter Rev. Trent Rankin Salvation Church, Gastonia, NC

We have just celebrated Easter together. For Christians all around the world, this is a day unlike any other. When know Easter was the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead, as He conquered sin and death for you and me. We celebrate this day, every year, but what does it really mean to us? How does Easter impact you? Matthew 28:1-10 records that first Easter. Mary Magdalene and other women who followed Jesus, set out early Easter Sunday and made their way to Jesus’s tomb. After

ask squirrels to go swimming. Nor do you ask fish to climb trees. The same can be said for the positions held by employees. Are they in the right seat? There is another line in the book that is often not included in discussions. In his book, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins, he describes a “Level 5” leader. This is someone who has a huge ego, but it is not about them, it is about their organization. At the funeral I attended, I heard about a Level 5 Leader. The service was for Iris DeVore. She started her church’s library. She founded the “Happy Times Club,” a social and travel group for senior citizens. It quickly grew from 15 to 120 members. She launched the “Melody Makers Senior Choir” to give back by traveling to various facilities and singing. She had a dream to build a Senior Center in Matthews. She gathered the support of the town for land with the understanding it had to be built within a certain period. She worked tirelessly to raise the funds. A large donation was received by Mr. Leon Levine. In 2006, this 19,500 square foot dream became a reality, named the Levine Senior Center. During the service, it was the former Mayor of Matthews who grabbed my at-

tention. He spoke about the fact that Iris never asked for anything for herTony Marciano self. It was always for the good of others. Later, after the service, I was talking to a woman who knew Iris. She had been struggling with life. Iris invited her to attend her Sunday School class. Some time later, she turned to Iris to thank her for inviting her to the class. Iris took her finger, pointed to heaven, and said, “It wasn’t me. It was God.” Iris won a number of community awards but in all that she did, she sought to give glory to God rather than to herself. She believed that her involvement in the community was directed by Him, and that He deserved the credit. Let me go back to the line from the book, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins, where he describes a “Level 5” leader. This is someone who has a huge ego, but it is not about them, it is about their organization. If you are a Christ follower, we take it a step further and say, “It’s His Deal.” It is not about us. I’ll be back in two weeks. Until then, live well my friend.

Announcing: Art Day! In honor of the annual Gaston County School Art Show, the Gaston County Museum will be hosting a celebration of the arts. May 14th, children of all ages and their families can participate in fun handson activities and crafts, enjoy music, performances, play games, and experience the magic of Soap Bubble Circus! Art Day will be held at the Gaston County Museum

from 10AM- 3PM. Come be creative and play! Art Day is a community art festival, free to the public. Call (704) 922-7681 for more details. Visit for more information. For questions about Art Day or if you’d like to be involved, please contact Patrick Stepp at Patrick.Stepp@gastongov. com. Phone 704-827-8526 Office: 503 N. Lafayette St. Shelby • NC 28150

4,000 copies published every Thursday and available free throughout the Montcross area at over 80 locations.

the Sabbath day on Saturday, they wanted to return and properly prepare the body of Jesus. As they arrived at the tomb, they found the stone covering the tomb’s entrance rolled away. An angel from God shining like lightning, had rolled the stone away and sat upon it. Jesus had walked out alive! The soldiers watching the tomb fled in fear. The angel told Mary and the others not to fear, Jesus was not there, He had arisen. They could see the empty tomb for themselves. He told them to go tell the disciples. Later, they encountered Jesus for themselves. They were all rejoicing to see Jesus! No other day in human

history has ever had the impact of this day. That first Easter indeed changed the world. The disciples, and all of the followers of Jesus had been broken-hearted at Jesus’ death. They were afraid, hopeless, and facing an unknown future. After they saw Jesus alive, they were changed. They were now followers ready to serve Jesus. They were bold, full of faith, and prepared to share Him with the world. As Jesus’s followers today, we should also be changed by this news of Jesus. If this event changed the world, then we His followers should be forever changed, committed to live for Jesus.

Jesus defeated sin that first Easter. Through His atoning sacrifice, we are free from the bonds of sin. Jesus defeated death. We fear death, yet Jesus laid down His life and took it up again. We can face anything this world throws our way because Jesus lives. We can face sorrow, uncertainty, fear, and temptation because we have Jesus with us today. He walks with us and will never leave us. I hope today, as we have just celebrated this awesome day again, we will be forever changed by Jesus. Live each day knowing, and proclaiming, Jesus is alive!

Alan Hodge - Editor

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a publication of


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Thursday, April 21, 2022

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Thank you!

Members of the Cramerton Community Committee and other volunteers took part in the 6th Annual South Fork River Sweep on March 27. The crowd collected 143 bags of trash, 11 tires, a grocery cart, oil drums, and countless other large items from the South Fork River and its surrounding banks and roadways. Thanks also to American Rivers who help put on the River Sweep every year. Here are some great scenes from the day. Photos provided


98.9% of our parents said they are happy with Compleat KiDZ.


Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Applied Behavior Analysis

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Ask your Doctor about:

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Thursday, April 21, 2022







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AM Clouds/PM Sun

Mostly Sunny

Mostly Sunny

Mostly Sunny

Mostly Sunny

Isolated Thunderstorms

Foster care parent recruitment event slated for April 23 in Dallas, NC

SCHOOL From Page 1 Nominations for Governor’s School are made by each local high school, reviewed by a local committee, and submitted to a state committee for final selection. The process is extremely competitive. Students are chosen based on academic standing or the ability to perform in an area of concentration such as dance, art, music, and drama. Superintendent of Schools W. Jeffrey Booker stated: “We would like to congratulate our students who were chosen to attend Governor’s School 2022. Being selected is one of the most significant accomplishments a high school student can achieve. The students are to be commended for their outstanding achievement and for being among the brightest and most talented students in our state.” A distinguished faculty chosen from public and private schools, colleges and universities, and private businesses and organizations serve as teachers in the pro-

Abby Michael

Mattie Branham

Hayden Dillard

Kathryn Meranto

Olivia Metts

Nicole Allen

Avery Boyd

Jordan Coffey

In an effort to address the great need for foster parents in the area, Gaston County DHHS along with community partners is hosting a Foster Parent Recruitment Event on Saturday, April 23 from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Dallas Park. There will be food, music, games and a chance for those interested in becoming foster care parents to ask questions of those already doing so currently, or those who have done so in the past. Over the past few years, the need for foster parents has grown significantly, especially for teens and sibling groups. Due to the lack

of foster families in Gaston County, many of the children in care are placed in other counties -- with a significant number being two or more hours away. These children are placed away from their family, friends, churches, sports teams, and communities during an already difficult time in their life. More information about becoming a foster care parent is available online at government/departments/ health_and_human_services/ social_services/adoption. php. You can also call (704) 862-6750.

318 South Washington St. • Shelby, NC

704-487-8114 •


_ James Crawford

Abigail Miss

gram. Nationally-recognized consultants also provide instruction. The following students from Gaston County

Governor’s School - East Sherry Ramos Martinez, Ashbrook High School - Math Abby Michael, Stuart W. Cramer High School - Dance Mattie Branham, East Gaston High School - Instrumental Music, Tuba Hayden Dillard, East Gaston High School - Instrumental Music, Trumpet Kathryn Meranto, East Gaston High School - Choral Music, Soprano 2 Olivia Metts, East Gaston High School - English Samuel Cook, Highland School of Technology - Social Science Nicole Allen, South Point High School - Math Avery Boyd, South Point High School - Math

Marley Prato

Kaitlyn Russell

Schools were chosen to attend Governor’s School this summer. The list includes their high school and area of study. Local students are pictured.

HENHOUSE PROWLERS Thursday, April 28th 8:00 PM Tickets Available

Jordan Coffey, South Point High School - Choral Music, Soprano 2 James Crawford, South Point High School - Instrumental Music, Percussion Abigail Miss, South Point High School - English Governor’s School - West Marley Prato, Stuart W. Cramer High School - Theater Kaitlyn Russell, East Gaston High School - Social Science A’ja Adams, Forestview High School - Social Science Sarah Younan, Forestview High School - Social Science Abigail Osborne, Highland School of Technology - Natural Science

PAUL THORN Friday, April 29th 8:00 PM Tickets Available


Upcoming Gospel Concerts... Join us on Saturday April 23rd 6pm - Lowesville Gospel ing only to be received. For more information ontact Carroll Concerts at Vineyard Church - 1062 South Hwy 16 - Stan- Cooke 704-618-9762. ley (Lowesville) NC presents in concert, The Chitans from Toronto Canada. Five siblings make up the southern gospel group. On Saturday April 30th 6pm a great bluegrass family band from Fredricktown MO - The Punches. We have had Mt. Holly Schools All Years Reunion will take place April this band for 10 years in a row, so if you love bluegrass 30 – 4pm until 9pm at the Tuckaseege Community Center in gospel, this should be your evening. Mt. Holly. Tickets $10 per person. Proceeds go to pay for the All our concerts are no admission cost. A freewill offer- facility and the rest will be donated. Food trucks on site.

Mt. Holly Schools reunion planned

Tickets Available

CHUBBY CHECKER Saturday, May 21st 5:00 PM & 8:00 PM Tickets Available

MENTION DISCOUNT CODE 9911 For A 10% Ticket Discount When Ordering Online Or In Person.


Saturday, May 14th

The Banner News /

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Prettiest and Most Handsome- Chester Cooke and Judy St. Claire.

Class of 1961 officers from left- Larry Huggins, president; Ellen Kirkley, secThe much discussed car on the school porch- a Fiat 600- retary; Vickie Collins, treasurer; Jim Steele, vice president. Nancy Ramsey and Buddy Finchum.

A collage of candid camera shots. Photos from 1961 BHS yearbook The Clarion courtesy Belmont Historical Society “His name was Mr. Widenhouse,” Willis recalled. “He was there a long time.” Lamar Jackson was a member of the From Page 1 football team. “We played our games at Davis Park and the ground there was really hard,” Jackson said. “I broke my leg and missed part of the season.” Moving around the table, Wayne Ray also recalled his sports days as a Red Raider- and how that legacy is continuing today. “I played football and basketball,” he said. “My grandson Cooper Ray goes to South Point and plays baseball.” Ray also recalled one of those ‘good, clean, fun’ episodes. “For the initiation into the Monogram Club you had to stand on the ground beside the school building while boys cracked eggs on the upper floor and dropped the yolks to try and hit the ones on the ground in the mouth.” Romance struck Glenda Garrett at BHS. “I met my future husband Buddy Garrett there,” she said. “He sold me a Red Raiders license tag. We’ve been together ever since.” Howard Wooten’s wry sense of humor emerged in his memory of BHS. “I wondered if I would ever get out that place,” he said. “Everybody was smarter than me!” The time that Charles Hicks spent at BHS was a precursor to military service. “There were a bunch of good people at that school,” he said. “After I graduated, I joined the Navy.” Sherry Alexander recalled learning to drive. “I remember my driver’s ed.ucation class,” she said. “I only cut class once, but the principal Mr. Cortner found out and called my daddy.” Speaking of driving, several of the Class of 61 lunch buddies remembered the time that a foreign car made a scene at school. The make of car sparked a bit of debate. “One time some boys put a little car on the sidewalk at the entrance of the school,” said Buddy Finchum. “I think it was a VW.” Other classmates exchanged opinions on the make and owner. One person said it was a girl named Joy Miller. Another said Nancy Ramsey. Another said the episode was documented with a photo in the Class of 61 yearbook “The Clarion”. Intrigued, this writer went to the Belmont Historical Society


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Lettergirls, cheerleaders, and the drum major.

museum where Red Raider yearbooks going back decades are kept, and grabbed the 1961 version. There the mystery was solveda photo showing Finchum and Ramsey in a Fiat 600 car in front of the school Principal Gerald Cortner. doors. One thing all members of the Class of 61 who meet last week agreed on- leave the Red Raiders mascot alone. The idea of changing it was not popular. Finchum summed it up“It sucks” he said. Basketball team.

Football team.

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Knocking in the fake door.

Photos by Alan Hodge and Matthew Hodge

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Debra Brown tries on her oxygen mask.

Intrepid editor and Debra Brown going in.

Division captain Craig Austin explains the fire scenario to City of Belmont human resources director Debra Brown. inside. Once that’s done, you enter what From Page 1 looks like the gates of Hades. Going into the practice burn house hallway, it’s smoky and dark. The fire in another room glows eerily. You get down on hands and knees to stay below the smoke which rises to the ceiling. The burning straw and pallets give off an acrid stench and the heat soaks into your protective gear. Being in the scene gives a perfect idea of why people and animals run away from fire- while firefighters run in. Brown says putting on the gear and entering the inferno gave her a greater appreciation of the job that the Belmont Fire Dept.- which has 25 full time and 21 part time employees- does every day. “I wanted to see what firefighters do,” Brown said. “When I went into the fire and got to put it out with the hose it was exhilarating. It was awesome. I got to see firsthand what it was like. Now, I appreciate our firefighters even more.” Last Monday’s training exercise was just the tip of the iceberg regarding what the Belmont Fire Dept. does to stay on their “A” game. BFD public information officer Matthew Hodge explained. “We train in some manner every day at the station, but here at Gaston College we can practice with live fire. We try to come here at least three times a year.” Hodge praised the Gaston College layout which offers firefighters several different training scenarios. “Fire departments from all over come here for training,” he said. “It’s awesome to have this level of facility so close by to us.”


Intrepid editor mulls what’s coming up. Division captain Craig Austin, who has 35 years in the fire service under his belt, also talked about the training day. “This type of training helps us save lives and property,” he said. “It also helps keep us out of danger.” So, the next time you see a firefighter from Belmont or anywhere else for that matter, be sure to thank them for the hard work they do. It’s thanks well deserved.

Intrepid editor suited up.

There’s fire in there.

The temperature is 160F in the hallway and there’s fire on the Post-fire critique session. See more scenes on page 7. other side of the wall.

The fire was in here.

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

Page 7

MORE BELMONT FIRE DEPT. - Firefighters exit the burning building.

Craig Austin and Debra Brown suiting up.

Firefighters and a simulated downed comrade.

Quickly unloading hose from the truck.

Photos by Alan Hodge and Matthew Hodge


Post-fire tailgate luncheon is served.

Joan R. Hoffman 1932 - 2022 Gastonia — Joan Ruth Hoffman, 89, went to be with the Lord April 7, 2022 surrounded by her family.

This thermal imaging device lets firefights ‘see’ in smokefilled spaces.

Creating memories with dignity & respect 101 Oak Grove St. Mt. Holly, NC 28120


She was born May 19, 1932, in Catawba Heights, Gaston County, daughter of the late Laura Lacey Poole Rumfelt and Conner Graham Rumfelt. Joan was a humble servant of the Lord faithfully using her gift of music; beginning at the age of 18, serving as the organist at East Belmont Baptist Church and then as the organist at Sandy Plains Baptist Church for over 40 years. She also served as the Church Secretary for Sandy Plains Baptist Church for 25 years. Joan never complained; she was always positive and never had a negative word to say about anyone regardless of how she was treated and/or the circumstances. A Private Graveside Service was held for the family

only on Sunday, April 10, 2022. For anyone who wished to honor the life of Joan Ruth Hoffman, the family was at the Family Life Center at Sandy Plains Baptist Church, Sunday April 10th at 4:00 p.m. This was an opportunity to remember Joan’s life and pay tribute to her memory. Joan is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Diane Hoffman Kenney and Robert Kenney; daughter, Bobbie Hoffman Mathieu; her sister, Jean Rumfelt Robinson and her grandchildren Janna Kenney, Morgan Mathieu Tran and Allen Tran, Andrew and Kassidy Kenney and Seth Mathieu and Macy Barfield. Joan was preceded in death by her husband Nelson P. Hoffman, her broth-

ers, Lloyd Nelson Rumfelt, Graham Coolidge Rumfelt, George Harding Rumfelt and sisters, Susan Samantha Rumfelt and Dorothy Classec Rumfelt Wyatt. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made in memory and honor of Joan’s many years of dedicated service as an organist and pianist in the community, we request that any memorials/contributions be sent to: Centerview Baptist Church Music Fund, Attn: Rev. Mark Costner, 2300 Acme Road, Belmont, NC 28012. Condolences may be made to Withers and Whisenant Funeral Home and Cremation Service, 2916 Union Road, Gastonia (704) 8645144 served the Family.

Songwriting workshop returns for the third year Are you a writer, a singer, a poet, a musician, or someone who might like to be? Carolina Pro Musica invites you to attend a songwriting workshop on Saturday, April 30, 2022. 11:00 AM, ballroom of The Haid, Belmont Abbey College, 100 Belmont-Mt Holly Rd Belmont, NC 28012 (exit 26 on I-85). The workshop is free. Members of Carolina Pro Musica assisted by Jocelyn Pharr Thompson will help in you in writing lyrics, composing a tune, or writing down something you’ve already created. The workshop will include a segment on musical illustrations of texts. This workshop is part of the Carolina Pro Musica GEMS (Gaston Early Music Series) which is supported by the NC Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, the Gaston Arts Council, and the Gaston Community Foundation. Photos furnished

Jocelyn Thompson

Eddie Ferrell

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we welcome

Thursday, April 21, 2022


NC Cooperative Extension workshops planned

Cooking Smart with Spring Foods Tues., April 26th | 10:00 - 11:00am (virtual) Contact or call 704.922.2127 by April 22nd Have an interest in local foods? Want to learn how to make tasty, delicious, and EASY meals this spring? If so, this workshop is for you! We’ll provide you with a fresh taste of spring

flavors and recipes that are sure to help you eat smart and to enjoy delicious foods all season long. Instructor: Linda J. Minges No cost to participants. Online registration required as listed above. Matter of Balance Tues., May 10th - June 28th (includes 8 sessions) 2-4pm | in-person at the Lucile Tatum Center (959 Osceola St., Gastonia) You will learn to: View falls as controllable Make changes to reduce fall risks at home Set goals for increasing activity

Now is a good time to submit soil samples for lawn and garden Spring brings our lawns and gardens alive from the winter. Spring is also an excellent time to submit your soil samples to the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services soil testing lab for lime and fertilizer recommendations. “Soil testing helps protect the environment by determining and advising users on what nutrients are needed to ensure optimal plant growth,” said Jagathi Kamalakanthan, NCDA&CS soil agronomist. “Plus, it can save people money especially since fertilizer costs have increased dramatically this year.” Homeowners, community gardeners, pasture and golf course managers are encouraged to use these services especially during the off-season time between April 1 and Oct. 31 when soil testing is free and turnaround times for test results range from 7 to 10 days. The Agronomic Services Division offers a variety of tests. The soil lab offers routine/predictive tests to analyze soil samples for soil pH and fertility levels. When starting a new lawn or garden, it is always a good idea to submit soil samples. “Based on the test results, you can plan either to amend the soil and grow the plants of

your choice or select plants to suit the soil pH and fertility levels of your lawn and garden,” Kamalakanthan said. O f t e n homeowners buy a large quantity of topsoil or amendments with the start of a new garden season. Kamalakanthan recommends getting them analyzed by the soil lab, too. Samples should be submitted to specific labs based on the actual material. Topsoil purchased in bags or in bulk, should be submitted to the soil lab. Compost, manure, soilless media or materials with less than 50% natural soil are best analyzed by the lab handling Plant/Waste/Solution/ Media. Irrigation water or nutrient solutions can also be tested by this lab. By knowing the fertility and pH levels of materials/ amendments ahead of time, you can make better decisions about how to use these materials for optimal plant growth. Once the growing season

Exercise to increase strength and balance You should consider attending this program if you: Want to improve balance, flexibility and strength Are concerned about falls or have fallen in the past Have restricted activities because of falling concerns Facilitators: Maren Brown, Dana Croston, Amanda Dawson, Linda Minges, & Ruth Murphy Need a ride to this workshop? If you are currently registered to ride ACCESS through the Senior Transportation program at DSS, you can make an appointment for this workshop. If you are not currently riding ACCESS and are at least 60 years old, call 704.862.7540 to enroll in Senior Transportation. No cost to participants. Sponsored by Centralina Area Agency on Aging. To register: Contact Linda J. Minges by May 3rd - linda_ or 704.922.2127 Intro to Home Canning Tues., May 17th | 10:00 - 11:30am (virtual) Learn how to safely preserve foods with water-bath canning and pressure canning. Guidelines on a variety of foods provided: jams, jellies, pickles, fruits, and vegetables. Also includes discussion of commonly used canning equipment. Instructor: Linda J. Minges, MPH, RD, LDN No cost to participants. Register by May 13th: 704.922.2127 or Eat Smart & Move More with MyPlate Wed., May 25th | 10:00 - 11:00am (virtual) Overview of online MyPlate resources and tools to help you eat smart, cook smart, and move more. Instructor: Linda J. Minges, MPH, RD, LDN No cost to participants. Register online by May 20th: 704.922.2127 or Cooking Smart with Fresh Herbs Thurs., May 26th | 10:00 - 11:00am (virtual) Summertime is perfect for enjoying the taste of fresh herbs. Learn how to add flavor to foods, while using less added salt and sugar. Recipes, storage tips, and much more to be provided. Instructor: Linda J. Minges, MPH, RD, LDN No cost to participants. Register online by May 20th: 704.922.2127 or

is underway, identifying the cause of plant growth problems can be a challenge. The Agronomic Division’s diagnostic services related to soil fertility and plant nutrition can assist in finding out the cause of poor growth. The division’s nematode assay lab can also determine if microscopic plant parasitic nematodes are affecting plant growth. More information can be found regarding the department’s agronomic services by visiting http://www.ncagr. gov/agronomi/ or by calling 919-664-1600 with questions. ROGER BELL LINDA BELL

Please Place Your Order Early!






Be sure to check out the NC Cooperative Extension’s upcoming workshops, podcasts, and volunteer opportunities. Virtual sessions are recorded and shared - view when most convenient for you. For more details about sessions or future workshops, contact Linda J. Minges – linda_minges@ncsu. edu or call 704.922.2127.

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The Banner News /

Thursday, April 21, 2022

we welcome

Page 9


Extension MASTER GARDENER Group of Gaston County annual plant sale The MASTER GARDENER Group of Gaston County (MGGGC) will hold their annual plant sale on Saturday, May 7, 2022, 8:00 -10:30 am, at the Citizens Resource Center, 1303 Cherryville Hwy (NC 279), Dallas, NC. You must come early for best selection. There is often a line at the door before the sale begins. It is helpful for those intending to buy several items to bring a wagon. Assistance is available to help carry purchases to the car. Quality plants from our own gardens will be available, including perennials, small trees, shrubs, annuals, house plants, herbs and vegetables. There will be a silent auction for garden-themed items, several made by local artists. The silent auction will end at 10:00 am and the highest bidder will be announced and called if not present. The winner must be available to pick up and pay for their item by 11:30 am.

Cash and credit card sales accepted. Please stop by to shop, visit, ask questions! All the proceeds from this annual event are used to fund MGGGC educational programs. The planning committee has worked hard to make this event safe for all to attend. All activities will not be in the main area; members will be available to provide direction to provide consistent flow and to allow for social distancing. The MASTER GARDENER GROUP of Gaston County has over 100 active volunteers serving the community in various educational gardening activities. Any questions regarding the NC State Extension Master Gardenersm Program may be directed to Area Extension Agent Julie Flowers, 704922-2104 or Barbara Linster, publicity contact for the group, can be reached at 704-674- 0860 or

Scene from a previous year’s plant sale.

Just Plain Dog Show coming up Join in for the 50th Anniversary Gaston Parks and Rec. Just Plain dog Show on Saturday, May 7. Begin with check-in at 10am. The Just Plain Dog Show is for all ages (6 years and older as long as they can control the dog) are eligible to participate, there will be two age groups for each event: 17 and under and 18+. Rain date will be Sunday, May 8th. There is no admission or entry fee. All dogs must be tagged and have a current rabies vaccination. Ribbons will be presented to the top two finishers in each class. All participants must arrive no later than

10:00am. You can pick up and turn in your entry forms at the Gaston County Parks and Recreation Department or email to For additional information please contact Gaston County Parks & Recreation at 704-922-2164 or visit the County’s website. Gaston County strives to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access its programs, services, and activities. If you require assistance to participate in a program, service or activity of Gaston County, contact Parks and Rec. at least 5 days before the event.

Safe Kids Gaston County celebrates 6th annual Safe Kids Day Mt. Holly Heating & A/C 107 Madora St. Mount Holly, NC Home Comfort Specialist

704-827-3421 • 704-827-6709

SOUTHERN EQUIPMENT RENTALS Residential & Commercial Sales & Rentals

Safe Kids Gaston County in coordination with the Gaston County Police, Gastonia City Police, and Gastonia City Fire Department is hosting a free Child Safety Fair, to celebrate kids and help families learn simple things they can do to keep kids safe. The event will take place April 30th, 2022 – 10AM to 2PM at 2557 W. Franklin Blvd. Gastonia (Parking Lot of Wow Supermarket).


The 6th Annual event is free to the public and will include a child safety seat inspection station, along with information in other areas of safety to include fire safety, bicycle safety, gun safety, medication safety and disposal, hyperthermia, water safety, animal safety, and much more. Professionals will be on hand to discuss, answer questions, and provide free

resources and materials on safety related topics. The

event will also include free hot dogs, and drinks.




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The Banner News /

Page 10

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Banner News Fellowship & Faith

Church Directory First F Fi i tB Baptist aptis ptist C Church Ch hurch h Mt Holly 300 S Main St • Mt Holly, NC

Mt. Holly Church of God 208 Rankin Ave. 704-827-8596

Mt. Sinai Baptist Church 339 S. Hawthorne St. 704-827-4320

New Covenant United Methodist 14514 Lucian Riverbend Hwy. 704-827-4468

New Providence Baptist Church New Saint Paul Holiness Church

151 8th Ave. 704-824-3889

1304 N. Main St. 704-827-6141

Redemption Hill Church

Restoration & Deliverance 804 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-820-0954

Revival Tabernacle of Mt. Holly

124 Georgia Belle Ave 704-965-1004

1120 Charlotte Ave. 704-530-5174

Henry’s Chapel Ame Zion Church

Second Baptist Church

151 Henry Chapel Rd 704-825-0711 455 Sacco St. 704-825-6007

Loves Chapel Presbyterian Church 210 Park Street, Belmont NC

704-825-9861 BELMONT Alexander Memorial Baptist Church 208 South Main Street 704-825-3216

Brotherhood/Sisterhood WNCC UMC 120 Park Street 704-825-1333

Catawba Heights Baptist Church 311 Belmont Road 704-827-8474

Christ Church Presbyterian Church 901 Catawba Street 704-461-8614

Core Church 2316 Acme Rd. 704-822-8033

CrossFix Ministries 6131 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-879-4499

Crossroads Church 101 Beaty Rd. 704-827-8381

Centerview Baptist Church 2300 Acme Road 704-827-2061

East Belmont Baptist Church 501 Catawba Street 704-825-5780

204 Lincoln St. 704-825-8342

Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter 216 N. Main St. 704-825-2483

Message of Love Church 306 Pearl Beaty Dr. 704-827-6500

Mount Moriah Baptist Church 110 Lincoln St. 704-825-2046

Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist 212 South Street 704-825-7269

New Hope Presbyterian Church 4357 S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-1697

New Life Baptist Church 201 Oak Trail 704-822-6195

New Mills Chapel Fire Baptized 104 Morning Glory Ave. 704-825-5457

O’Conner Grove Church Ame Zion 613 N. Main Street 704-825-5576

Park Street United Methodist 120 Park Street 704-825-8480

Power of the Spirit Church

East Belmont Church Of God

118 School Street 704-827-7071

320 E. Catawba Street 704- 825-8845

Queen Of The Apostles Catholic Church

East Belmont Free Will Baptist 909 Edgemont Ave 704-825-5346

Ebenezer United Methodist Church 120 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road 704-827-3366

Exodus Church 6325 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-755-5034

First Baptist Church 23 N. Central Avenue 704-825-3758

First Foursquare Gospel Church 8 Elizabeth Street 704-825-5811

First Presbyterian Church 102 S. Central Ave 704-825-3357

First Presbyterian-Belmont 112 S. Central Ave 704-829-0668

First United Methodist Church of Belmont 807 South Point Road 704-825-2106

Fresh Anointing Church of God 71 McAdenville Road 704-825-7283

Friendship Baptist Church 5008 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-3276

Gaston Christian Church

503 N. Main Street 704-825-9600

Sanctuary of Praise Ministries 124 Georgia Belle Ave. 704-579-7823

South Point Baptist Church 124 Horsley Ave. 704-825-9516

South Point Freewill Baptist 297 Gaither Rd. 704-825-8045

South Point United Methodist 510 South Point Church Rd. 704-825-4019

Springwood Freewill Baptist 826 Stanley-Spencer Mtn. Rd. 704-827-7801

St. Marks United Methodist Church 701 Secrest Ave. 704-825-8175

The Pointe 6700 Wilkinson Blvd 704-825-1709

Unity Baptist Church 1005 Catawba St. 704-825-8730

Upper Room United Pentecostal

Ridgeview Baptist Church River of Life Full Gospel Church

6014 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-7959

Hood Memorial AME Zion Church

826 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-2999 105 Pine Rd. 704-827-3856

Grace Wesleyan Church

Containers/Trailers Sales & Storage Rental

704-867-2317 Burge Memorial Methodist Church 312 W. Glendale Ave. 704-827-2726

Catawba Heights Church of God 122 Tomberlin Rd. 704-827-4225

CBC-Memorial Apostolic 230 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-0968

Chapel Baptist Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-5526

Community Christian Fellowship

740 Rankin Ave. 704-827-5181

Cramerton Free Will Baptist 416 Woodlawn Ave. 704-824-1745

Cramer Memorial United Methodist Church 154 N. Main St. 704-824-3831

Cramerton Temple of God Church East Wilkinson Blvd. 704-824-5319

First Baptist Church 235 8th Ave. 704-824-1991

Life Church 501 Cramer Mountain Rd. 704-824-4286

Riverside Baptist Church 171 S. Main St. 704-824-7785

Shiloh AME Zion Methodist

West Cramerton United Methodist Church

1117 Old NC Hwy 27 704-827-8826

207 Lowell Ave. 704-824-4213

St. Anthony of Padua Traditional Catholic Church


108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd. 704-827-8676

St. Paul FHB Church 1529 Old Hwy 27 Rd. 704-827-5851

Tuckaseege Baptist Church 511 Tuckaseege Rd. 704-827-4301

Way of the Cross Baptist Church 238 Lanier Ave. 704-827-8111

Wesley Chapel Holiness Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-1993

Westview Presbyterian Church

Gateway Cowboy Church The Barn at Sandcastle Farm 155 Sandcastle Rd.

STANLEY Amazing Grace Baptist Church 7280 Sifford Rd. 704-827-6277

Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran 203 S. Main St. 704-263-2621

Community Pentecostal Center 320 Ralph Handsel Blvd. 704-263-8731

1020 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-2026

First United Methodist Church

Cornerstone Family Worship


709 Rankin Ave. 704-671-8640

First Presbyterian Church

Bethlehem Church

512 Old Mount Holly Rd. 704-263-4275

2560 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-5881

Covenant United Methodist

3100 Bethlehem Church St. 704-823-5050

110 Underwood Dr. 704-820-0603

Carolina Community Baptist

Family Worship Center 1013 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-7656

Finish Line Christian Center 1792, 108 N. Main St. 704-980-285-8334

First Baptist Church-Mt. Holly 300 S. Main St. 704-827-2481

First Free Will Baptist Church 841 Noles Dr. 704-827-7461

604 Martha Ave 704-824-2872

Center Baptist Church S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-4121

Epic Church 100 Indian Walk 704-671-4652

Lowell Church of God 804 W. First Street 704-824-3383

Lowell Free Will Baptist Church

5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-263-2691

Gold Hill Missionary Baptist Church 7447 Old Plank Rd. 704-827-7966

New Faith Baptist Church 1224 Mayberry Rd. 704-263-0249

New Life Baptist Church 527 N. Buckoak St. 704-263-4647

Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church 2717 Dallas/Stanley Hwy. 704-263-4406

Springfield Memorial Baptist Church

3010 Lowell Rd. 704-824-9389

2920 Dallas-Stanley Highway 704-263-4426

133 S. Main St. 704-827-0521

Lowell Smyre United Methodist Church

Stanley Church of God

First United Methodist Church

201 N. Main St. 704-824-8814

First Presbyterian Church

140 N. Main St. 704-827-4855

Goshen Free Will Baptist Church 1300 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-3076

Grace Baptist Church 300 Westland Farm Rd. 704-827-8600

Hickory Grove Baptist Church 3717 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-827-3939

Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s Witnesses 1736 Kelly Rd. 704-263-0199

Lighthouse Full Gospel Church 530 N. Hawthorne St. 704-827-1442

Living Witness Ministries 541 Costner St. 704-827-0004

Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 120 Branch St. 704-824-4535

First Baptist Church of Lowell 400 W. 1st St. 704-824-1215

First Baptist Church 317 W. 1st St. 704-824-1213

New Life Church 128 Robbins St. 704-824-1356

Presbyterian Church of Lowell 207 E. 1st St. 704-824-3807

Restoration Church 1800 Spencer Mountain Rd. 704-824-5250

Woodlawn Baptist Church

1405 Armstrong Ford Rd. 704-825-0604

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

1101 N. Main St. 704-824-4261

Will of God Church

110 S. Main St. 704-827-4751


513 Woodlawn Ave. 704-827-5185

CRAMERTON Cramerton Independent Presbyterian Church

North Main Baptist Church

Employees of

300 E. Wesleyan Dr. 704-824-1073

1104 Old NC 27 Hwy. 704-827-0822 1529 Old Hwy. 27 Rd. 704-827-5851

Grace Korean Ch Assembly-God

McAdenville Wesleyan Church

Macedonia Baptist Church

5339 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-8252


1951 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-9224

Goshen Presbyterian Church

Bethel Baptist Church

Morningside Missionary Church

Roper Street 704-601-5146

NC Highway 273 704-827-9846

711 Morningside Dr. 704-822-9142

Lakeview Baptist Church 143 Church St. 704-824-5380

McAdenville Baptist Church 192 Main St. 704-824-2740

324 N. Main St. 704-263-4041

Stanley Pentecostal Holiness Church 113 E. Parkwood St. 704-263-2131

Trinity Full Gospel Church 303 Sunset Dr. 704-263-9765

United In Action of Stanley 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-524-0555

Welcome Baptist Church 811 Mauney Rd.

BESSEMER CITY Bright Light Baptist Church 112 White Jenkins Rd. 704-681-2017 Don’t see your church listed? Email us today at

For information on getting your business listed here call 704-825-0580

The Banner News /

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Page 11

East Gaston still has shot at conference championship



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By John Wilson

Going into last week the East Gaston baseball team had a legitimate shot at winning the Southern Piedmont 1A/2A. All the Warriors had to do was beat the Burns Bulldogs twice. Of course, that proved to be easier said than done and things didn’t turn out the way East Gaston would have liked it to. The Warriors beat the Bulldogs 3-0 on Tuesday but Burns turned things around and dealt EG a tough 6-1 lost on Thursday. In Tuesday’s game the Warriors got the job done with some strong pitching and smart play. East Gaston was able to take advantage of some first inning opportu-

Thank You!

nities and jumped out to an early 3-0 lead. Parker Agosta got the start and didn’t make things easy on the Bulldogs. Agosta finished the game with five strike outs and with the help of the EG defense kept Burns off the scoreboard. “Parker Agosta pitched an outstanding game by shutting out a team with only one previous loss.” head coach Randy Sellers. “We scored early and held on to win against a very good ball club.” On offense, East Gaston was limited to five hits but they made each one count. Logan Agosta, Aiden Cloninger, Parker Agosta, Dylan Howell and Riley Hawkins all connected with hits. In Thursday’s game the Bulldogs played hard and EG just couldn’t seal the deal. The Warriors had ample chances to win the day, but they just couldn’t make it happen. “We were unable to capitalize on our opportunities to score,” coach Sellers said. “We left the bases loaded twice and had a runner on third with one out and were unable to produce. Give Burns credit and their pitcher, Coby Putnam for their outstanding play.”

In the end the Warriors ended up splitting their series with Burns. Now EG finds themselves in somewhat uncharted territory. Had East Gaston won both games, they would have been the conference champs. However, Thursday’s loss changed the dynamics of the conference standings. At 12-5 overall and 10-2 in conference play East Gaston is now sitting in second place in the Southern Piedmont 1A/2A with no more conference games left on their schedule. At the moment the Warriors find themselves one game back from the 9-1 Burns Bulldogs. However, it’s not over just yet. Due to early season game cancelations and rescheduling issues, Burns isn’t done with their conference schedule. So as things sit right now the Bulldogs hold on first isn’t quite a lock just yet. In the last week of April, the Bulldogs have a twogame series against the Shelby. What happens in that series will determine who wins the Southern Piedmont. “We have finished our conference play and stand one game in the loss column behind Burns,” Sellers explained. “We need help but still have an outside chance

of tying for a conference championship if Burns and Shelby split or being the outright Southern Piedmont champions if Shelby were to win both games of that series.” What will end up happening in the Southern Piedmont is anyone’s guess. However, at the moment there is nothing the Warriors can do about it. They just need to see how things play out. With that said, don’t look for East Gaston to dwell on what may or may not happen two weeks from now. Right now, EG plans on playing some baseball. This week the Warriors are set to play in the Gaston County Easter Tournament at Sims Legion Park in Gastonia. In addition to East Gaston, Ashbrook, Bessemer City, Forestview, Highland Tech, Hunter Huss, North Gaston, and Stuart Cramer are set to compete in this year’s tournament. “We will be ready to play tomorrow in the Gaston County Spring Break Tournament,” coach Sellers said on Sunday. “All games this time of year have significant importance.”

On Saturday, April 2, the City of Lowell held its 2nd annual spring Litter Sweep. Volunteers filled about 20-25 trash bags with litter from areas around Lowell and at the city limits. Thank you to all the volunteers. The next cleanup opportunity which will be the fall River Sweep event.

for supporting the music you love during our Spring Fund Drive!

You can still donate today at

The Banner News /

Page 12

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Gaston Schools Good News for April 2022 The following students were chosen as the “Do the Right Thing” award winners for April: Jace Lineberger, Page Primary; Zayden Miller, Brookside Elementary; Alexandria Price, Southwest Middle; and Sydney Crain, North Gaston High School. Seventeen students from Gaston County Schools were selected to attend the 2022 session of the prestigious North Carolina Governor’s School. Students attending Governor’s School East at Meredith College are Sherry Ramos Martinez, Ashbrook High School; Abby Michael, Stuart W. Cramer High School; Mattie Branham, East Gaston High School; Hayden Dillard, East Gaston High School; Kathryn Meranto, East Gaston High School; Olivia Metts, East Gaston High School; Samuel Cook, Highland School of Technology; Nicole Allen, South Point High School; Avery Boyd, South Point High School; Jordan Coffey, South Point High School; James Crawford, South Point High School; and Abigail Miss, South Point High School. Students attending Governor’s School West at Winston-Salem State University are Marley Prato, Stuart W. Cramer High School; Kaitlyn Russell, East Gaston High School; A’ja Adams, Forestview High School; Sarah Younan, Forestview High School; and Abigail Osborne, Highland School of Technology. Gaston County Schools in collaboration with the Gaston County Museum of Art and History is sponsoring the “Through An Artist’s Eyes” exhibit, which features student artwork in 12 different categories: painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, comic art, ceramics, digital art, color drawing, mixed media, fiber arts, crafts, and black and white drawing. Hunter Huss High School senior Rhiannon Wollmuth earned “Best in Show” for her award-winning piece titled “ARIZONA.” Southwest Middle School student Trinity Ledford received the James C. Biggers Award for her piece titled “Kaleidoscope.” The Director’s Choice Award was presented to Ashbrook High School student Erin Poteat for her painting titled “Bowie.” The following Career and Technical Education teachers received a $500 grant from Dominion Energy in celebration of Women’s History Month: Anna Guzauskas, Ashbrook High School; Holly Hite, Cramerton Middle School; Jill Lenox, East Gaston High School; and Angela Sanders, Southwest Middle School. Linda Cathcart of Belmont Middle School was named the Gaston County Schools Media Specialist of the Year for 2022-2023. Caitlin Garvey of East Gaston High School was named the Gas-

ton County Schools School Psychologist of the Year for 2022-2023. Dr. Melissa Balknight, associate superintendent of academic services for Gaston County Schools, participated in a recent “Tar Heel Teachers at Home” web episode. Gaston County Schools athletic director Chad Duncan was elected to serve as president of the North Carolina Athletic Directors Association (NCADA) and received the State Award of Merit from the NCADA and NIAAA (National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association). Dr. Aaron Slutsky, chief technology officer for Gaston County Schools, completed the North Carolina School Superintendents Association’s Aspiring Superintendents Program. Belmont Middle School student Rex Dover won The Gaston Gazette Spelling Bee. He will go on to represent Gaston County Schools at the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Paolo Sexton of York Chester Middle School was the runner-up. The following schools won awards at the fourth annual Gaston County Schools High School Battle of the Books competition: Stuart W. Cramer High School, first place; Forestview High School, second place; and Bessemer City High School, third place. Chapel Grove Elementary was named the “grand champion” of the Elementary Battle of the Books competition and will represent Gaston County Schools in the regional competition. The East Division winners in the Battle of the Books competition were W.A. Bess Elementary, first place; Costner Elementary, second place; Belmont Central Elementary, third place; and New Hope Elementary, fourth place. The West Division winners were Chapel Grove Elementary, first place; W.B. Beam Intermediate, second place; Catawba Heights Elementary, third place; and Gardner Park Elementary, fourth place. Belmont Middle School placed second at the Region VI Battle of the Books virtual competition. Media specialist Linda Cathcart is the school’s coach. Media specialist Julie Shatterly challenged students at W.A. Bess Elementary to read 500 minutes during the “March into Spring Reading” program. Collectively, students read 500,000 minutes. In addition, members of the community participated in the reading program by reading a book to students via a video recording. The students who met their reading goal received a gift certificate for a free pizza at Bubba’s 33. North Carolina Senator Kathy Harrington visited with students in Victoria Brown’s second grade class at Chapel Grove Elementary.

Cherryville Elementary students in Kelly Brown’s second grade class wrote a letter to Cherryville Mayor H.L. Beam and asked him several questions about local government. In return, Mayor Beam surprised the students with a visit to the class to answer their questions. The North Carolina Theater Conference presented the K-12 Educator of the Year Award to Stuart W. Cramer High School teacher Chuck Stowe. The presentation took place on opening night of the school’s spring performance of “Done to Death.” Zoe Deo and Kelly Smith of Stuart W. Cramer High School received an honorable mention at the Region 6 North Carolina Science and Engineering Fair for their project titled “Crime Scene Chemistry: The Action of Luminol to Blood Stain Alternative.” Tindol Ford and Gastonia Dodge donated $1,320 to support East Gaston High School automotive students, who attended the SkillsUSA state competition in Greensboro. East Gaston High School senior Hannah Mullis competed at the North Carolina Junior Science and Humanities Symposium as a presenter and won second place. She also competed at the NC Student Academy of Science competition and placed second in the biological sciences division. Forestview High School senior Evan Friday received the Wayne F. Shovelin Scholarship. He plans to attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The Forestview High School prom closet provided new prom attire to more than 100 students. Gaston Early College High School senior Allen Chen achieved a perfect score on the math section of the SAT. Gaston Early College High School students worked with the Gastonia Street Ministry to put together more than 300 care bags for the homeless community. Gaston Early College of Medical Sciences freshman Andre Gaddy earned third place in the biology division at the Region 6 North Carolina Science and Engineering Fair for his project titled “Light Intensity and its Effect on Plant Growth.” The City of Gastonia installed a school pride rock at Hawks Nest STEAM Academy. Eleven Highland School of Technology delegates attended the 46th annual North Carolina Future Health Professionals (HOSA) State Leadership Conference in Greensboro and received several awards, including the Gold Star Chapter Award and the Gold Star Advisor Award. In addition, the following students placed at the competition: Jordan Abernathy, first, dental science; Amy Okonkwo, first, medical assisting; Osra Johnson, second, dental science; Regis Lu, second, dental terminology; and Myla Howe, third, dental terminology. Hunter Huss High School athletic director Elliott Bridges was awarded the North Carolina Athletic Directors Association’s Citation Award. Additionally, South Point High School ath-

letic director Kent Hyde was awarded the Athletic Director of Excellence Award. For the second year in a row, New Hope Elementary students and staff exceeded their fundraising goal to support the American Heart Association by collecting more than $15,000. Students who raised a certain amount had the opportunity to make “human sundaes” out of principal Lynn Whiteside and assistant principal Ken Loudon. North Belmont Elementary teacher Vanessa Hariston was featured on the Kenan Fellows Program website. Through a partnership with Cornerstone Building Brands, Hariston designed a lesson for fourth grade students to give them a hands-on understanding of the science behind electromagnetism in STEM workplace settings. Page Primary School held its PTO Spring Carnival, and it was the largest in school history. Student volunteers from Belmont Middle School, South Point High School, and Stuart W. Cramer High School assisted with the carnival, which served as a school fundraiser. The Pleasant Ridge Elementary Junior Beta Club is having an American flag fly over the North Carolina State Capitol building in Raleigh on the first day of Teacher Appreciation Week. Later, the flag will be presented to the school. The Pleasant Ridge Elementary “Roaring Panthers” band had the opportunity to perform at a recent Charlotte Checkers game. Stanley Middle School had 12 teams to compete in the Envirothon regional com-

petition. Four teams finished in the top 10 out of 37 teams. Diana Baxter is the school’s Envirothon adviser. The following students were chosen as the “Do the Right Thing” award winners for April: Jace Lineberger, Page Primary; Zayden Miller, Brookside Elementary; Alexandria Price, Southwest Middle; and Sydney Crain, North Gaston High School. Seventeen students from Gaston County Schools were selected to attend the 2022 session of the prestigious North Carolina Governor’s School. Students attending Governor’s School East at Meredith College are Sherry Ramos Martinez, Ashbrook High School; Abby Michael, Stuart W. Cramer High School; Mattie Branham, East Gaston High School; Hayden Dillard, East Gaston High School; Kathryn Meranto, East Gaston High School; Olivia Metts, East Gaston High School; Samuel Cook, Highland School of Technology; Nicole Allen, South Point High School; Avery Boyd, South Point High School; Jordan Coffey, South Point High School; James Crawford, South Point High School; and Abigail Miss, South Point High School. Students attending Governor’s School West at Winston-Salem State University are Marley Prato, Stuart W. Cramer High School; Kaitlyn Russell, East Gaston High School; A’ja Adams, Forestview High School; Sarah Younan, Forestview High School; and Abigail Osborne, Highland School of Technology.

Gaston Day School rakes in Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Gaston Day School students received a total of 29 regional art and writing awards from the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: 11 art awards and 18 writing awards. Gabriela Salas received additional recognition for her personal essay and memoir by receiving one of five regional nominations for the American Voices Award. Neha Patel was one of only two students in the Mid-Carolina region to receive a Gold Key for her Writing Portfolio “Ebbing and Flowing.” Middle School Gold Key recognition in art was given to Jovy Davis and Jackson Collins, and Grace Hohman received a Silver Key. The Mid-Carolina Region is comprised of Alexander, Alleghany, Anson, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cleveland, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Gaston, Guilford, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Randolph, Richmond, Rockingham, Rowan, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Union, Wilkes, Yadkin, and York counties and is administered by the UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture. The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards have grown to become the longest-running, most prestigious program for creative teens in the U.S. and the nation’s

largest source of scholarships for young artists and writers. Students across America submitted nearly 340,000 original works last year. The top art and writing at the regional level were moved on to the national stage, where more than 2,700 students earned national medals. Through the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, students receive

opportunities for recognition, exhibition, publication, and scholarships. The Mid-Carolina Region Gold and Silver Key Exhibition is at the Mint Museum Uptown now. All Gold Key recipients’ work will compete at the national level with winners announced at a later date.

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Thursday, April 21, 2022

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Connect the Dots: It’s all about Him: Character By Dennis Siracusa My wife and I love a strong cup of coffee early each morning. Recently we’ve discovered the majesty of French Press coffee. We grind our beans fresh and follow the instructions to steep the grounds for 4 minutes or more and then press them with a fine mesh press to release the character of the brew. As they say in France, C’est Magnifique! What is Character? If pressed, can we imagine an accurate definition? It depends! Generally, character is our “inward inclination to do what is right,” and there’s the rub because situation ethics is alarmingly loose in our culture and “right and wrong” changes depending on character. Let’s look at one frame of reference affecting our modern work force. A Bank America officer

this morning noted their 3% staff shortage and lamented knowing they’re never coming back; regardless of incentives that have been and could reasonably be offered. Recently too, a fast food minimum wage earner openly declared she gave minimum wage effort for her minimum wage pay, and alarmingly, NC overall, has a high rate of job turnover; more than most other states. What’s going on? “Good Character” is generally esteemed as very valuable, but its formation is dependent on our choices. If we are inclined to construct our own system of ethics where God doesn’t exist or is merely watching us or something equally flimsy, then our motivations will be self-centered and often lukewarm at best. If we, however, believe in God’s creation story, then

our choices will develop an altogether more wholesome direction. Proverbs 16:4 teaches that all creation has been made for God’s eternal purpose. God doesn’t want a lukewarm life for us or one stressed out and barely clinging on. He wants relationship with us and has a unique wonderful plan for each of us; one built on valuable character; one with priorities: God first, then family, church, focus/goals, hard work, recreation and community; one destined for our welfare not our calamity. Proverbs 4:18 NIV says “The path of righteousness is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.” And verse 23 reminds us to “guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.” A Chinese proverb agrees; “If there is righteousness in the heart there will

be beauty in character….. and eventually peace in the world.” We all want success and peace, don’t we, so how do we infuse our hearts with righteous character and find success and peace? Proverbs 1:7 is instructive; “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” And Proverbs 2:12; “wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, who have left the straight paths to walk in dark ways….” Guarding our hearts is vital. Messages impacting our minds daily need to be screened because they affect our choices. And godly character isn’t for us alone, we are responsible to build character into our family and friendship groups too and if we find ourselves veering off course remember it’s easier to stop a cause than repair a result.

National Network Classified Ads Reader Advisory: the National Trade Associations we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

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The Keep Belmont Beautiful plant sale will be part of the Living History Day scene. Photo by Alan Hodge

Belmont Historical Society plans “Living History Day” event The Belmont Historical Society will be hosting their annual “Living History Day” event on Saturday, April 30th at the museum, located at 40 Catawba Street, Belmont, NC. The event will be held from 10:00am-1:00 pm. The three main museum buildings will be open for touring; the 1899 Robert L. Stowe Home, the 1899 Free standing kitchen/cooks quarters and the restored 1930’s textile mill house. On the grounds will be many different exhibitors including: Piedmont Fiber Guild, Military Memorabilia, Basket Weaving: Nancy Duffie, Ancestor: Gary Griffin from family of the 1916 Flood of

Western North Carolina, Local Authors:Dixie Abernathy and Gloria Sloan, Gaston County Beekeepers Association, Children’s activity. The main house will feature new displays Belmont Police Department memorabilia and Carolina Pottery. Please come and bring the family to learn about Belmont’s past. The event is free. Included also on the 30th will be a Plant Sale, sponsored by Keep Belmont Beautiful. Lovely hanging baskets and pots of Supertunia’s. Preorder if interested. Herbs will be available for sale on day of event. For more information, contact Elizabeth 704-8132648.


Associate Pastor/Youth Position Patterson Grove Baptist Church, Kings Mountain, NC is seeking a full time Associate Pastor/Youth, to serve as the primary support person for the Youth. Responsibilities include serving as the direct support person for the senior pastor. Plan and promote Bible study and activities. Prompt spiritual growth for the youth, develop programs to enlist and retain the youth, etc. If interested, please email questions or resumes by mail to Patterson Grove Baptist Church, 301 Oak Grove Road, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 or email

LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GASTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS Having qualified on 31st day of March, 2022 as Executrix of the Estate of MICKIE LEE FERGUSON, deceased, of Gaston County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, Christina Elizabeth McDaniel, Executrix, on or before the 20th day of July, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said estate to please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 20th day of April, 2022. Christina Elizabeth McDaniel, Executrix Estate of: Mickie Lee Ferguson 307 Starview Lane Dallas, NC 28034


CE (4/20, 27, 5/04 & 11/2022)

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Page 14

Thursday, April 21, 2022

CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 ANNOUNCEMENTS



MOTHERS DAY AND SUMMER SALE! Get all your summer, beach and pool toys and Mother’s Day gifts at 70-95% off retail! SIDE DOOR SALE, Saturday May 7th, 9am-5pm. CASH ONLY. Next to MIGHTY DOLLAR, Forest City.

FOREST CITY SATURDAY YARD HELPER. Needed for 5 hours 9:30 to 2:30 pm pulling weeds, small projects, cleaning outdoor surfaces, mowing grass, etc. Must be able to lift/ carry 40lbs up and down hills, occasionally. (828) 467-0942

NOW HIRING FOR TEACHERS. CONNECTED KIDS CDC. Call Mandy or Erica. (704) 487-5792

NURSING HALL OF FAME Dr. Wanda Lancaster, a Shelby native, was recently inducted into the East Carolina University College of Nursing Hall of Fame. She is the daughter of Louse Lancaster & the late Melvin Lancaster of South Shelby & a graduate of Shelby High School. Dr. Lancaster is an Associate Professor & Director of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Concentration at ECU. She is a board certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner with a dedicated career in clinical practice & education. The CON Hall of Fame recognizes significant & impactful contributions to the nursing profession. MEDICARE AND YOU. Learn About Your Medicare Options... You’re Invited! to a FREE Medicare Workshop. Two Dates and Locations (Tuesday, April 19th at 9am at Lilly Bean 108 E. Warren St., Shelby AND Tuesday, May 3rd at 11am at Golden Coral 1712 E. Dixon Blvd., Shelby) Call to Reserve Your Seat 704-489-6970 NC Insurance Exchange, Inc. (sponsored by : NC Insurance Exchange. * Not connected with the U.S. Government of Federal Medicare program.

COINS * COINS * COINS. We Buy & Sell Coins. “Coin Collector Supplies.” JAKE’S KNIVES & COLLECTIBLES. 1008 South Lafayette Street, Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 (980) 295-5568

FULL-TIME ASSOCIATE PASTOR/YOUTH POSITION. Patterson Grove Baptist Church, Kings Mountain NC is seeking a Full-time Associate Pastor/ Youth to serve as the primary support person for the Youth. Responsibilities include serving as the direct support person for the senior pastor, plan and promote Bible study and activities to prompt spiritual growth for the youth, develop programs to enlist and retain the youth, etc. If interested, please email questions or resumes by mail to Patterson Grove Baptist Church, 301 Oak Grove Road, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 or email COLLECTOR’S POSITION PART TIME. JOB DESCRIPTION: Duties include locating, notifying, and securing payments from customers with delinquent accounts. MINIMUM SKILLS: High school diploma or equivalent required. Valid driver’s license, Six months to one year of practical collections/clerical experience. Good written and oral communication skills. Good organizational skills. Self-motivated. EMPLOYER CONDUCTS BACKGROUND CHECK. Apply at: www.farmershomefurniture. com or INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION WORKER NEEDED. Some experience necessary. Must have own transportation. 40 hrs. week, $17 per hour, based on experience. (704) 435-1065 FUEL TECH POSITION NOW AVAILABLE. Will Train. Starting Salary of $45,000 annually. Must Have Driver License, iPad Experience A Plus. Some Travel Required. (980) 900-9694 gene@ ONE ON ONE CARE is hiring for full/part time in the group homes for 2nd shift. Transport experience recommended not required. Hrs are 2p-11p weekdays and 8p-8a weekends. Apply in person at 203 Lee St. Shelby


LOCAL COMPANY IN BELMONT, NC is looking to fill several positions. Part time help needed 40 hours per month starting in early May doing internet research and document editing for a government contractor. Hours are flexible. No experience necessary but basic computer skills preferred; will train as needed. To qualify, you must have a VALID NC driver’s license or State ID and live in a qualified HUBZone. To determine if you live in a HUBZone, go to and enter your address. Once you have entered your address, it will state whether your address qualifies or not. If interested and qualified, please send your name, address, and phone number to, or call Stacey at (704) 461-8680.

FULL TIME GROUNDS KEEPER NEEDED. Maintain landscaping for rental property. Must have valid NC Drivers license. Pay depends on experience. 704-473-4299

COATS PERFORMANCE YARN. 501 York Road, Kings Mountain, NC. 8 hour shifts. Apply within. For more info, email kimberly.durden@coats. com or call 980-291-5331.

GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. visit our NEW LOCATION .....Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. We’re located at 104 Oliver Ave. (behind El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Boiling Springs), Shelby 704-297-0102 or 704-297-0103

NOW HIRING FOR TEACHERS. Bloom CDC. Ask for Tina Pettis. (704) 313-7019 HELP WANTED: RIVERSIDE RIDING STABLES. Trail Guide, own transportation, dependable, prefer female. Full/ Part-time. Must have experience with horses. Serious Inquiries Only! 828-288-1302.

BUSINESS SERVICES HOPE HEATING AND COOLING. Summer Service $79.00 Service Call Diagnostic $25.00 Call for an Appointment (704) 215-1559 MALE CNA WILL SIT WITH family member on weekends. 704-584-8543. No calls after 6 pm, please. REASONABLE RATES LAWNCARE. Mow, Trim and Edge. 704-472-4737. COMPUTER REPAIRS AND MORE!! Free estimates with computer repairs, virus clearing, data recovery and forgotten passwords. Need help setting up a new application on your cell phone or how to use them? Do you have a Ring doorbell you still need to hook up? I can help! Serving Cleveland County and surrounding areas. Call Tim (661) 312-6159 TRIPLE D PAINTING, LLC. All your painting needs. Free estimates. Over 25 yrs experience! Facial board replacement available!!! Making your home, building or business look new again. (704) 418-5736 JIM’S PAINTING SERVICES. Exterior painting only. Free estimates. You will be pleased with our work. We have references. 828-287-9272. 828-429-7511. (828) 429-7511 J & M LAWNCARE SERVICE. Reasonable Rates! “Shelby area.” Mowing, trimming, edging & blowing. Insured! (704) 974-9981 RETIRED GENERAL CONTRACTOR AVAILABLE. “SPECIALIZING IN DECKS” Repairs and New Construction. Rutherford/Cleveland County areas. Contact Bob at (828) 476-6058 IT’S TIME TO TRIM CREPE MYRTLE TREES. Spreading Mulch or Gravel, minor chainsaw work and storm clean-up. I can do many of your outside chores with over 15 years experience all over Cleveland County and stretching to the Forest City area. Nice, honest, dependable, clean, drug-free, he’s an all around great guy and handyman, so call Rob today and see what I can help you with. 980-295-0750. CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Spring Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704477-9119 or 704-472-9367. SHIPMAN’S MASONRY- 48 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Brick, Block & Stone, Outside Fireplaces, Foundations, Underpinnings. “Free Estimates”. 1st Quality Work! (863) 532-1587

BUSINESS SERVICES BUSHHOGGING / MOWING. Bushhoging/mowing in Rutherford and Cleveland counties. Please contact (704)-4667487. Thanks (704) 466-7487


HANDYMAN SERVICES. NOW IS THE TIME. Over 25 years Exp! Install Replace Hot water Heaters, Mulching, Trees and Bushes trimmed, Minor Repairs,Ceiling Fans, Mini Blind Installation, Any Handyman Services. No Job too Big or Small! References available. We will show up and do the job. Call us first, 704-692-4449. CAMP’S COMPLETE LAWN CARE and RESIDENTIAL FENCING. “30 + Years Experience”. Call Donnie at (704) 480-7405

$40 COUPON. Great Deal! Scooterman John has $40 coupon for any used chair in April 2022. Call Scooterman John (704) 951-4224 BUILDINGS, GARAGES, SHOPS with Concrete Slab. “We Got’Em” and “We do them Turn Key” J. Johnson Sales INC., Forest City, NC. 828-2455895. WANT A GARAGE, BARN, WORKSHOP, STORAGE BUILDING? “WE GOT ‘EM” 20’X20’, 24X30’, 30’X60’. LARGE ON SITE DISPLAY. WE DO GRADING, GRAVEL, CONCRETE, POWER, ETC..... TURN KEY. J JOHNSON SALES, FOREST CITY, NC 828-245-5895

I WILL COME TO YOU! Experienced Diesel/Auto Mechanic, Welding & Tractor Work. Honest, Reliable. If no answer, leave message (704) 300-7590

STORAGE AUCTION. Storage Auction Saturday, April 23, 9am, Mountain Storage of Lake Lure, 926 Bills Creek Road, Lake Lure, NC 28746. Call 828625-8988

YARD SALES GASTON COUNTY BIG YARD SALE. SAT., April 23, 7am-1pm. Furniture, bedding, Christmas, outdoor yard items, too much to list. **No baby toys or items**. 819 Delview Rd., Cherryville, NC 28021

PORTABLE ELECTRIC SCOREBOARD FOR SALE Best Offer! Score, Timer, Buzzer. All functions work. (704) 524-8761 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE-CLEVELAND MEM. PARK $2000.00 (828) 6571951

CHROME TEXAS CHEVROLET. WHEELS 6 LUGS. CHEVROLET TEXAS WHEELS SET OF 4, 22X9.5 WITH 305/40/22 TIRES (1500 MILES ON TIRES, WHEELS LIKE NEW!) $1200 CALL (704) 460-5965 OLD GAMBLING MACHINE $150. Would make a good man cave piece. (704) 300-1818

24 HOUR MOBILE MECHANIC. I will come to you to repair any car, lawnmower or tractor. Honest & reliable. (704) 3002332



JOHN DEERE RIDING MOWER L118. Runs Good and is in Good Condition! 22 H.P., 42” Cut. Asking $895.00 Call Mobile 704-477-4360 or Home (704) 434-7210 2 CEMETERY PLOTS FOR SALE. $1,000. Cleveland Memorial Park, Shelby, NC. 828657-1951.

HOME REMODELING. Interior and exterior remodeling. Tile, decks, flooring, we do it all! Call Charlie today for your free estimate! (828) 244-7087

Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon

3 DOG KENNELS. (2) 6’x10’ and (1) 4’x10’. Chain link. Like new. All 3 for $250. (704) 6928001 PRIDE MOBILITY CHAIR. $795 Electric wheel chair with handy seat lift, lifts seat to 26@“. Good batteries, delivered, warranty. 225 lb weight limit. Call Scooterman John. (704) 951-4224 BUSHHOG LIKE NEW. Wheel Horse Mower (nice). 54” cut Zero Kubota mower (diesel), low hours. Wall mount gas heater. Chesnee, SC. (601) 740-0837

USED CAMPER TOPS: BUY/ SALE/TRADE. Various sizes and styles. (828) 980-0881 ALL METAL GARAGES. Big Discounts! Zero down. Call for more details. 828-382-0455. DRIVE COLBALT MOBILITY CHAIR. Mobility Chair for under 175 lbs., 2 years since new motors. Some wear does show, delivered, warranty, training. Call Scooterman John for a picture. (704) 9514224 mobilityservices07@

ATTIC SALE. Sat., April 23rd. 7:30 AM-1 PM. Washer/Dryer, Glassware, Clothes, Shoes, Home Decor’ and etc. 380 Woodlawn St., Belmont, NC 28012

RUTHERFORD COUNTY ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE. Foothills Pilot Club of North Carolina Annual Rummage Sale Sat., May 7th, 2022 from 07:00 AM - 12:00 PM, First Wesleyan Church, 700 South Church Street, Forest City, NC. Our Prohjects include Adult Day Care Parties, Caregiver Recognition, Christmas Candy Canes, Church Of The exceptional, Grand Parents Day, Law Enforcement Support, Penny Davis Scholarship, Project Livesaver, Forest City, NC 28043


LAWN MOWER FOR SALE. Best Offer! Toro self propelled push mower. Hasn’t been used in three years. Excellent condition. (704) 524-8761 FULL SIZE BEDROOM SUITE. Marble top table, lighted china cabinet, 4 piece living room suite. All in excellent condition. 704-473-6587 or (704) 4738311 PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788 FLAG POLES & FLAGS. 15ft., 20ft., 25ft. “All American Made!” Delivery and installation is available. J. Johnson Sales INC, Forest City, NC. Call 828245-5895.

4 WHEEL SCOOTER $795.00. Pride 4 wheel scooter, 2020 model, charger, basket, delivered with a tech warranty. Call Scooterman John (704) 951-4224 mobilityservices07@ CARPORTS, GARAGES, RV COVERS, BOAT TRACTOR COVERS IN STOCK. Areas largest on site display. Best Selection, Options. Quality you can getting one place! J. Johnson Sales, Inc. Forest City, NC. 828-245-5895. STORAGE BUILDINGS. “We Buy, Sell, Trade” J. Johnson Sales INC. Forest City, NC 828245-5895. RENT TO OWN CARPORTS, BUILDINGS GARAGES. J. Johnson Sales Inc., Forest City, NC. Call 828-245-5895.

The Banner News /

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Page 15

CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047

Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon







RENT TO OWN DUMP TRAILERS. 7 ton $1400 down, $599 month. 5 ton $1000 down, $399 month. Limited supply. “Rent to own on all trailers”. J. Johnson Sales Inc. Forest City, NC 828245-5895.

LOOKING TO PURCHASE VINTAGE FIREARMS. For restoring or parts. Grips, boxes, any gun related items. Rifles, pistols. Preferred 22’s. (704) 600-8560

REGISTERED ROTTWEILER PUPS. Tails docked and dew claws removed. Vaccinations and worming up to date. Nice big pups. $1400. (828) 4479976

1983 FORD CROWN VICTORIA. White, Automatic, New Tires & Battery, Excellent Condition, 93,000 miles, $4500. (704) 629-5929



RENT TO OWN TRAILERS. DUMPS, GOOSENECK, ENCLOSED, EQUIPMENT, CAR HAULERS, ALL TRAILERS - RENT TO OWN 24, 36 &48 MONTHS. “NO CREDIT CHECK”. J JOHNSON SALES, FOREST CITY, NC 828-245-5895 “AVAILABLE NC, SC, TN, GA”. TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC.704-434-6389, (704) 473-0867 2021 PRIDE SCOOTER Cover, Lift and Charger. New Battery. $2300 OR OBO. 704-884-5428 serious inquires only. WESTERN SADDLE 17 INCH, like new, $225. Braided hall runner rug 9x2’ $60. Vintage Gone With The Wind plates $10 each. 1950s walnut dressing table with three-way mirror $325. 828-429-3884.

FARM & GARDEN 4 FOOT TILLER. 3 point hitch 4 foot tiller (County Line brand) like brand new used one season. $1500.00 CALL Dean @ Carpenters Real Estate 704 813 1839 (704) 813-1839 GARDEN TILLING SERVICES AVAILABLE Tractor with 6’ rototiller. Within 40 miles of Shelby. No job too big or small. (704) 692-4079

FLEMISH GIANT RABBITS FOR SALE. Located in Kings Mountain. Call, text, email for more info. (704) 734-8392

FESCUE HAY 4x5 round bales fescue hay, $35-$40. (704) 215-0214 tgcooper2001@

CKC MINIATURE DACHSHUNDS. 6 wks, shots UTD & wormed. Short haired, black & tan. (704) 300-7225

DEUTZ ALLIS TRACTOR. 26 HP diesel includes 5 ft. bush hog and 4 ft. box blade, 1989. Steering easy for woman or man. Quick change implements, 1200 hours. $6900. (828) 228-4016

KENNELS, DOG KENNELS, DOG HOUSES. 7x7x4, 5x10x6, 10x10x4, 10x10x6, 10x20x6, 20x20x6. Roof tops. Delivery & Installation is Available! J. Johnson Sales INC, Forest City,NC. 828-245-5895.


TWO CEMETERY PLOTS FOR SALE. $2500 for both. Plus transfer fee. Cleveland Memorial Park Cemetery, Shelby, NC. David Whitaker (704) 434-7760 REFRIGERATORS, STOVES, WASHERS, DRYERS. Discount Prices. 1205 Earl Road, Shelby NC. (704) 487-4443 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Long wheelbase load. Fully loaded. $70.00/load. Delivered. 864492-4793 or 803-627-9408. RIDING/PUSH MOWERS, GARDEN TILLERS, GOKARTS, MINI-BIKES. Ready to mow. All in excellent condition. Can deliver, 30+ years experience in repair work. 828980-0853, 704-476-9383.


BEAUTIFUL BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES. I have 4 male CKC Boston Terrier puppies looking for loving homes. Parents on site. Will have 1st shots and dewormed. Vet health check. Taking deposits now $1000 (704) 616-6114 DENISEBROWN344@GMAIL.COM CKC TOY YORKIE POO PUPPIES. 2 blonde males. Vet checked, all shots UTD & wormed, comes with Puppy Chow kit. $800 ea. (828) 3910919

WANT TO BUY. Good used tractor or old John Deere mower 140 or 314. (601) 740-0837

WANT TO BUY. ATV’s, PopUp Campers and Small Travel Trailers. Call 828-429-3935.

WE BUY JUNK VEHICLES WE BUY JUNK CARS, TRUCKS AND VANS, PAYING CASH!!!! (704) 4875244 WANT TO BUY CARS, TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006

GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES Multigenerational F1B. Non shed coats, CKC registered and vet exam, $1500, www. (828) 546-2757 graceisours@

LABRADOODLE Labradoodle, medium size, Male. Has had his shots, wormed and looking for a good home now. Parents tested and cleared. Born 12/16/21. $500 (252) 999-0720

WOULD LIKE TO BUY CEMETERY PLOT. Located in Mountain Rest Cemetery, Kings Mountain, NC. (864) 266-7962

I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197

FREE PIGS TO GOOD HOME! 3 sibling pigs; 2 females and 1 neutered male that are looking for a new home. They are 3 years old and have been very well taken care of. Family no longer able to give them the attention they deserve. They are mostly black with some white markings, weigh round 50 pounds. Rutherfordton, NC Area. If interested call Ami 828-286-0700 Or call or text Jena 828-429-7256

GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES. F1. CREAMS AND parti. Two litters of cream and parti F1 Goldendoodles. CKC. First shots. Dewormed 3 X’s. Call for more information (828) 962-2217 leslee_bekemeier@

DANNY’S AUTOWERKS. Buying used or junk cars. Competitive prices. Call Danny 828-289-3081 or Jimmy 828289-1175.

WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.

AKC ENGLISH COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. 10 weeks old. Golden. Ready to go to new home. $1600. Call or text, 704806-6422. Serious inquiries only.

2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH HOUSE. 2,000 sq. ft. with large shop in back. New siding, carpet, floor covering, bathroom. Quiet area near Pinnacle Academy. Recent appraisal, $233,000. Bids now being taken. 704-473-6587 or (704) 473-8311 TURN YOUR HOUSE INTO CASH? I PURCHASE UNWANTED RENTAL PROPERTY AND/OR STARTER HOMES. MUST BE PRICED TO SELL! “QUICK CLOSINGS”! Call 704-472-0006.

HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, (704) 487-6354

FOR RENT CLEVELAND COUNTY LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, (704) 482-7723

2006 TOYOTA CAMRY 211,000 miles, $5500, well maintained, clean inside and out, non-smoker, runs very well with no mechanical issues. Willing to negotiate. (980) 233-1462


1985 WINNEBAGO MINNIE WINNIE 21ft. Class C 7.5L V8 engine, Sleep 4, 91k miles, stored inside. $1200. more info at: (828) 559-2881 CAMPERS Don’t Wait! 2005 Eagle Camper 34ft Located at Lake James Landing, Gated Community,Lake View, Close to Dock. Call for Details 828-2451660 or 828-429-0559

MOTORCYCLES & ATVS 2016 CUSTOM MOTORCYCLE. (VW Trike) New build. $18,000 obo. Contact Randy, (704) 472-7800 1999 HONDA GL 1500 SE Goldwing. Less than 30,000 miles. Clean bike. $8,500. 828429-7495.


MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. $200 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. (704) 473-4299 MOBILE HOMES & APARTMENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417 NICE MODULAR FOR RENT SHELBY. 3B/2B MODULAR HOME FOR RENT. $950.00 MONTHLY $950 DEPOSIT ON DATE OF LEASE SIGN. VERY CLEAN UNIT, QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD, BIG YARD, YOU MAINTAIN. REFRIG AND STOVE INCLUDED. CITY WATER AND POWER NOT INCLUDED. SMALL STORAGE BLDG ON BACK OF PROPERTY. FRONT AND BACK DECKS. BACKGROUND AND CREDIT CHECK REQUIRED. WE DO NOT ACCEPT HUD VOUCHERS. NO PETS, OR SMOKING. PREFER SINGLE RENTERS OR COUPLES WITH NO CHILDREN. LANDLORDS LIVE ON ADJACENT PROPERTY AND RESERVE RIGHT TO INSPECT MONTHLY. (704) 692-0984 MAFJAFJDW@GMAIL.COM 2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, 704-739-0259. 2&3 BEDROOM TOWN HOMES. Townhomes located in Shelby, NC. We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list. Rent is based on income (and some expenses are deducted). Please visit us today at Laurel Hill Apartments 1526 Eaves Rd., Shelby NC or call for more information 704-487-1114. Equal Housing Opportunity.

HUGE, REFRESHED APARTMENTS! GREAT LOCATION! Love where you live! Available now! 2 bed/1bath; approx 1000 sqft. Modernized large floorpan, ample bedrooms with two closets, eat in kitchen, washer/dryer hookups. Professionally managed by Property Management Corp. Call today to schedule a tour or apply. 704-705-4516. (704) 705-4516

RESIDENCES AT HUMBOLDT PARK (55+) Refreshed Units Available Now! Quiet, Comfortable, 55+ Community. Shelby’s best Senior Living! Be at Home, in a Humboldt home. Call Property Management Corp today or come by for a tour. 715 Dellinger Rd, Shelby, 704-705-4516 or 704705-4533 (Leave a message if voicemail) (704) 705-4533 rentals@thehumboldtpark. net

RUTHERFORD COUNTY 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, on secluded 1 acre lot. No pets. First, last, security. 55 & older. Background check. Shiloh area. 828-429-9831. 2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $550 per month. 828-382-0475.


YORKIES AND CHORKIES AND TCUPS 8 weeks and up with deworming and updated shots (919) 229-1059 dreameycowgirl97@gmail. com

GERMAN POLICE AND LAB MIX, $300. Bird dog, $75; small Chihuahua and Feist mix, $75. All male. (704) 473-8300

2006 NISSAN FRONTIER 130,000 miles. $7500.00, clean inside & out! Need to see & drive to appreciate! South Shelby. Serious inquiries only. (704) 482-2870

OCEAN LAKES MYRTLE BEACH. Cottage N34. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den, kitchen, dining, covered deck, near country store. Call Dorcas, 803-7182659.

POODLE PUPPIES BORN MARCH 6. Tails docked, declawed, owner responsible for shots. Ready April 21. Will be 15-18lbs. $900. 828-305-2181.

ADULT QUAIL $5 EACH. Quail Chicks $1.50 ea. Quail eggs $3 per doz. 10% to 20% off adult birds. (704) 476-9943

2003 CHEVROLET CORVETTE 50TH ANNIVERSARY Edition. Convertible, red, automatic, $12,000; 2009 Harley Davidson Electric Glide Ultra, $7500 (704) 300-9223

NEED TO BUY small house, fenced for horses, Sold by owner. No Realtors, please. Leave message-704-472-1247.

Banner News

SPRING SPECIAL! THREE BLACK & THREE CHOCOLATE Lab puppies. AKC Registered. Parents on site. Champion Bloodline. Excellent disposition. Vet checked and ready to go! $700. (704) 914-8241


The Banner News /

Page 16

The “big kids” line up for the egg dash.

First Assembly of Faith Childcare from Dallas came to the egg hunt.

Rebecca Spivey, Jackson Spivey, and the Easter Bunny.

Brooks Bovee caught two goldfish at once.

Grownups like Cindy Henry had fun too.

The Mt. Holly branch library craft table was busy. Sophia Shoutd and Sadie Shoutd show off their crafts.

Elle Murray, Brian Galbraith, and Reagan Gal- Copely Bell and Brenley Hudspeth It’s all good. Patrick Peterson, baby Aria grabbed plenty of eggs. Peterson, and Jenny Peterson. braith with their baskets.

Mt. Holly Parks and Rec. holds Easter egg hunt Last Wednesday the Mt. Holly Parks and Rec. Dept. held its first Easter egg hunt in two years at Tuck Park. A big crowd showed up and the dash was on for toy-filled plastic eggs. Photos by Alan Hodge (Left) Eleanor Stoker and the Easter Bunny. (Right) Moms and grandmoms helped out.

Ready for action.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The dash is on.

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