Banner-News 3-3-22

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Gaston County’s

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Volume 88 • Issue 9





4-7-22 -7777-222 7-22 2


News from a neighbor!

Thursday, March 3, 2022


• Belmont • Cramerton • Lowell • McAdenville • Mount Holly • Stanley







Thursday, March 3, 2022

East Gaston senior Hannah Mullis is helping horses help people By Alan Hodge

Take an inquisitive scientific mind, a love of horses, blend in a desire to do good deeds for others, and you have the formula that inspired East Gaston High senior Hannah Mullis to come up with a prize winning way to further the cause of hippotherapy at Shining Hope Farms near Stanley- and beyond. Never heard of hippotherapy? The term hippotherapy refers to how occupational

therapy, physical therapy and speech-language pathology professionals use evidencebased practice and clinical reasoning in the purposeful manipulation of equine movement as a therapy tool to engage sensory, neuromotor and cognitive systems to promote functional outcomes. Mullis has been visiting Shining Hope Farms for about five years riding horses and learning more about the therapeutic work that goes on there. “I started volunteering at

Shining Hope because I loved horses,” she said. “Then I realized how much I enjoyed being a part of therapy and I now want to be a therapist after college.” A couple of years ago it occurred to Mullis that it would make an interesting research project to investigate just exactly what the horses experience as they carry hippotherapy patients around the riding rink. With the exception of Mr. Ed, horses can’t talk, so Mullis came up with the idea of See MULLIS, Page 5

East Gaston senior Hannah Mullis loves horses and helping others. She’s seen at Shining Hope Farms with one of her favorite steeds named Duncan. Photo by Alan Hodge

Work on new Belmont Parks and Recreation facility well underway By Alan Hodge

Work on the new $13.5 million Parks and Rec. facility for Belmont is moving forward at a vigorous clip. Last week saw employees from Edifice General Contractors and other companies working like beavers preparing the site on E. Catawba St. in front of the CityWorks building. A visit to the site showed heavy equipment being jockeyed around moving dirt and stacks of construction materials such as rebar and pipes being stockpiled. Edifice superintendent Andrew Simonds is on the job every day and seems pleased with the progress so far. “We are off to a good start,” he said. “We are in the grading and foundation Edifice General Contractors site superintendent Andrew Simonds, Sheba the wonder dog, and Belmont Parks and Rec. director Zip Stowe checkstage.” Photo by Alan Hodge See PARKS, Page 3 ing out progress on the new building.

Speakers at Cramerton Historical Society’s celebration of Black History Month were (from left) Dot Guthrie, Fred Glenn, Cramerton Historical Museum Chairman Richard Atkinson, Minerva Hardy and Gastonia Mayor Walker E. Reid, III.

Cramerton celebrates Black History Month Cramerton residents observed Black History Month with a program featuring three speakers at the Cramerton Historical Society Museum on Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022. See BLACK HISTORY, Page 4



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Rollin’ and Tumblin’ One of my favorite tunes is the 1960s classic by Canned Heat called Rollin’ and Tumblin’. But the rollin’ and tumblin’ that I am fixin’ to talk about is neither cute, clever, nor funny. It is deadly serious. I am talking about adults, especially senior adults, who fall down and the aftermath of that tumble. Back in August of 2014, my mom tripped and fell down three steps leading from her laundry room to the garage. The fall knocked her out. We estimate she lay on the garage floor for about a day and a half. The garage door was down and it was over 100F in there. I had tried to call her but no answer so I called my sister in California and told her I was going to have the Mint Hill police kick the door down and find out what was going on. My sister said she would call the neighbor who had a key. The neighbor went over and found mom on the floor, delirious from dehydration. She had broken her shoulder and arm and was too weak to get up. She was in the hospital for two weeks then rehab for over a month. She got somewhat better but passed away a few months later. I had a friend whose father tripped and plunged headlong into a doorknob. The knob hit him on the forehead and he died. We had a lady in the neighborhood in Charlotte where I grew up who slipped on a gumball from one of the trees in her yard. She shattered her hip. She lived alone and spent the rest of her days in a bed placed by the front window so she could at least see out. A few weeks ago my brother in law slipped on some ice whilst carrying a chili bean pot. He shattered his elbow, cracked some ribs, broke his wrists, and got a big gash on his head. He is slowly recovering. Last week, Sharon slipped down the stairs at home. She landed in a heap at the front door. She twisted her foot badly and had to go to the doctor she was in such pain. Last week I nearly fell in the shower. I got soap in my eyes and lost my equilibrium. I

slipped and had to do a Michael Jackson pirouette in order to grab the wall. It was close but no cigar as far as a hit was concerned but it got my attention for sure. Why I tell you Alan Hodge this? Banner-News Editor Remember when you were a child and you took a fall? You could bounce up like you were made of rubber. Guess what. As folks age the ground gets farther away and harder. Falls are not funny. They can kill you or cripple you. Read up on how to fall-proof your house. Roll up throw rugs because the name says they can throw you down in a flash. Put a rubber mat in the shower. Take your time going up and down stairs. Be extra careful toting things that can obstruct your view of the ground like clothes baskets or chili bean pots. Linda Minges with NC Cooperative Extension offers this info regarding falls/prevention: National Council on Aging – great resources: health/prevention/falls-prevention CDC: National Council on Aging has great info and supports the Matter of Balance program – practical info. Also, be sure to encourage your family to let their primary healthcare provider know about their falls. Depending on the severity of falls, physical therapy can be very useful…check with MD for more info. Also, Silver Sneakers is a great program – check with insurance/Medicare benefits since it may be provided at no cost. Plus, additional resources may be provided by health care insurance co…check with benefits plan. Watch your step. Here’s Canned Heat... enjoy. watch?v=mBpu3ia7Lwo

Are you looking for the big break? Rev. Mark Costner

doing in our lives. f we are looking for a big break, here it is. It’s not a change in our circumstances. It’s not a change in our Philippians 4:11 I don’t say this financial situation. It’s not a promoout of need, for I have learned to be tion in our job or an unexpected incontend in whatever circumstances heritance. The big break comes when I find myself. we choose to turn away from the lust A pastor was leading a chapel serof the flesh: greed, envy, bitterness, vice at a local cancer hospital, a male worry, and strife. Then we can expeMark Costner cancer patient spoke up, “This mornrience the freedom and contentment ing I woke up, and I was able to open that is ours through Christ. Paul knew the setwo gifts. Do you know what they were?” The chapel congregation looked around, and one cret of contentment. It didn’t matter whether man who could not speak due to the cancer he was rich or poor, hungry or well fed. It impacting his vocal chords pointed with two was all about living in the love Christ had fingers to his eyes. The first man agreed: for him and experiencing God supplying his “Yes, they were my eyes.” Then he shared every need. Like the cancer patient who found about being able to open his eyes and see contentment in being alive and seeing, we can for another day. Many then realized what it find contentment through Christ in any situmeant to be truly content with what God is ation. Centerview baptist North Belmont NC

Taking a walk down memory lane This past week I learned a friend and (former coworker) was in the hospital…preparing to undergo heart bypass surgery. We started working together over 27 1/2 years ago. She, along with many other friends, (I’ve worked with) remain in close touch. My memories of yesteryear began to swirl in my head … tapping me ever so gently in reminding me of the years gone by. It seems just like yesterday that I walked into this local company preparing to begin a long journey of employment. Along the way, I met and made golden friendships here. One other friend and former coworker from this same company (she was my boss),

I Love Me! Rev. Trent Rankin Salvation Church, Gastonia, NC

All this month we’ve been talking about love. We talked of the love we should have for each other, love for our marriages and families, and especially the love God has for us, and in return, we have for Him. There is one kind of love we don’t talk a lot about, and that is the love we have for ourselves. We shy away from love of self often because it seems so selfish to love our own selves. In 1 Samuel 20:24-42, we find the friendship of David and Jonathan. These were unlikely friends. Jonathan was the son of Saul, king of Israel. David was the man God intended to make king after Saul had sinned and rebelled against Him. Saul was attempting to kill David because he knew God would soon replace him with David. In the midst of this turmoil, Jonathan and David remained the closest of friends. Jonathan, knowing his father was trying to kill David, protected David from Saul, and told David to flee the area, so he would be spared. Saul was angry with Jonathan, because he would not give David over to him, so he could be killed. He reminded Jonathan that he would never be king as long as David survived. Jonathan was the crown prince; he was due to be king. He had it all as a royal prince. There is no doubt Jonathan loved himself, and the posi-

Creating memories with dignity & respect 101 Oak Grove St. Mt. Holly, NC 28120


Thursday, March 3, 2022

tion he had in life. However, he gave all that up for his friend. He protected David, and God made David king. Saul died in battle, because of his sins against God. Tragically, Jonathan died too in the same battle. We can take a lesson from Jonathan. Rev. Trent Rankin It is okay to love yourself. You are God’s child. He loves you so much that He sent Jesus to die for you so you can spend eternity with Him. Love yourself, respect yourself. The Holy Spirit dwells in you as a follower of Jesus. Love yourself, but don’t let that love turn to sin as Saul did. When we focus on ourselves so much, we forget about others, and even our relationship with God. Everything becomes about us. We even approach our relationship with God based on what He does for us, and not what we can do for Him. Jonathan gave everything up for his friend. Jesus left the glories of heaven to die for you and me. Love yourself and everything God has given you. However, don’t forget to love others as you love yourself.

we still keep in touch too. She actually lives in another state now…having relocated during our time of employment together. Yet, regardless of the miles and years apart, our friendship never ended. To me, these are moments in time that brought me to the realization of life’s rarest gift… friendship. Most of all, being able to look back and reflect on time. Yes, there have been other jobs and faces along the way, but from this one place of really turned into a beautiful life adventure. Another friend from this work place recently lost her husband. She is now preparing to move out of state to be closer to her children. I will miss her. Oh, but those precious memories of days gone by will never go away. I can’t leave out yet another wonderful and beautiful friend (former coworker too) that graced my life way back in 1983. I’m telling my age now, yes, but once again,

this chapter in my life bred yet another friendship… one that is most precious to me. We Lisa were mere Harper young-uns, and beginning our work history together… she now resides in Florida. By the way, when we met, I called Texas home then. What a journey it has been. Good times, and not so good times. But, from life we learn and move ahead. For if it wasn’t for these pieces of time, we wouldn’t be able to understand where and who we are now. Sometimes a short walk down memory lane is all it takes to appreciate where you are today. Life brings tears, smiles, and memories. The tears dry, the smiles fade, but the memories last forever. I’m so glad I can share these memories with you. Phone 704-825-0580 Fax 704-825-0894 Office: 128-C N Main St. Belmont • NC

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Thursday, March 3, 2022

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Here are some action scenes from the new Belmont Parks and Rec. building project.

Photos by Alan Hodge

PARKS From Page 1 Recent bad weather had an effect on the work, but Simonds says his crews took it in stride. “The weekend of rain and snow cost us some time but we are sticking to the schedule,” he said. According to Simonds, the next phase will see a large retaining wall built between the new building and CityWorks. “The wall will be the first piece of vertical construction,” he said. “It will be formed in place.” Simonds praised the cooperation he has been getting from the city staff. “They have been fantastic to work with,” he said. Parks and Rec. director Zip Stowe was beaming as he looked over the construction scene. “They are moving fast,” he said. “We are set for our opening date next March.” Belmont is the only town in our area without its own building where things like basketball games can be held. What currently serves the city as a parks and rec. place is the decades old J. Paul Ford Center on Woodrow Ave., but the city’s needs have far outgrown that one medium sized building. The new building will be

two stories high and have 45,000 sq. ft. of space. The first floor will feature three basketball courts, a media room for gaming, an exercise studio, a kitchen, a kids play area, and a large lobby. The second floor will feature a walking track, an exercise room, a catering kitchen, a lounge, and more play space. The second floor will also feature a balcony with sweeping views of the Catawba River and Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park. Just a few of the activities the new center can host includes pickle ball, gymnastics, cheerleading, karate, movies, ping pong, dance, badminton, classes of various types and many, many more. Folks will be able to rent space in the building for meetings, weddings, birthday parties, and that sort of thing. Stowe sees the new center not only as a boon to the local activities scene, but as an economic driver as well. “The center will be a place where we can hold events such as basketball tournaments and invite as many as fifty teams,” he said. ‘This will bring people to Belmont who will shop, stay in local hotels, and eat in local restaurants. It will be a big boost economically.” Meanwhile, across Ca-

tawba St. at Kevin Loftin Riverfront Park, the playground area is still closed for replacement of the wooden climbing structures, but that will be settled soon. “The new equipment will be arriving any day now,” said Stowe. Some of the current playground equipment that’s made of plastic and metal was saved and moved to another park. “The rock wall and boardwalk will also be reused,”

Stowe said. In other Belmont Parks and Rec. updates, work on the long awaited skate park will also begin soon. “The materials are on the way,” Stowe said. A new addition to the original plan will be a dedicated area for beginners. “We got a grant for the beginner’s area,” said Stowe. The park will be located on a strip of land beside City- The inside of the building. Works.

This architectural rendering shows the main entrance of the new City of Belmont Parks and Rec. facility.

This rendering shows the front.

Connect the Dots: It’s all about Him: Boundaries By Dennis Siracusa

Strict childhood, schooling, and military training; I’ve experienced it all…. begrudgingly. As a foolish adolescent I judged my parents as being “too strict.” I couldn’t understand the why’s of our unusual boundaries. Since then I’ve learned a couple things; we can’t walk in someone else’s shoes and really know what they think and why. Second, although I never saw a bible used in my home or heard my parents discussing their formula for me and my two sisters’ upbringing, I now suspect, like Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth discovered…. “My parents established for us what they felt to be wise practices and limitations for our family.” This is my firm position confirmed now whenever I mentally alter a few adolescent rules and financial circumstances, while fully understanding I’d be dead or ruined today. Somehow they knew! Even within the framework of those rules, I made mistakes and later, outside the umbrella of my parent’s watchful eyes, I made bad choices and hurt many; I use that pain and knowledge to do my best to help others today. Another area with boundaries that few speak about is sex, and I will attempt to do so delicately. Sex is powerful; few fully understand it. Adolescently, I learned the rudiments through scraps of information and schoolyard chatter. No one ever explained the big picture; or even the little picture, for that matter. Fantastically, while in college, a female classmate asked me to meet with another female classmate and explain human reproduction to her. “How did that

happen?” I only had a few mechanics figured out, no real spiritual underpinnings, and couldn’t really see the grandeur of God’s human creation. Still, I engaged my assignment with respect and caution and was able to impart the limited mechanics I understood; apparently it was enough. But here’s the thing, the bible speaks a lot about the power of sex but also its vitally important boundaries. Why??? Because we didn’t evolve out of a slime pond into an ape and then humans so we can make sexual relations whatever we desire them to be whenever we want. No, we were created by almighty God, in His image (Genesis 1:26 NIV) with a body, soul and spirit AND we have a purpose to relate to Him and bring honor to Him with all our thoughts and actions while we walk out our God ordained calling in life within His boundaries. In Exodus 20, God and Moses were preparing the nation of Israel to be formally consecrated to the Lord. Within that preparation, in verse 15 God relayed through Moses the boundary to “abstain from sexual relations one particular night.” I think the reason is this. Husbands and wives are to be sensitive to one another’s needs. We each are fearfully and wonderfully made (psalm 139:14) and within our covenantal marriage relationship we are on a journey of fantastic sharing and discovery. God wants preeminence in our lives but He loves us and sets boundaries allowing for our human need for community and covenantal marital intimacy, which He created. God is truly an awesome, wise, loving, sovereign God!

This conceptual drawing shows what the beginner’s section of the skate park will look like.

Here’s how the new Kevin Loftin Park playground equipment will look.

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Thursday, March 3, 2022







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cinct for four years. She is active in encouraging residents to register to vote and instructing new voters in how to get involved in local issues. In 1982, she was recognized by the Gaston County NAACP and Gaston County Concerned Citizens for successfully working to obtain home mail delivery in the Baltimore community. United States Army and Vietnam War veteran Fred Glenn was born in Cramerton and graduated from Reid High School in Belmont. He attended NCA&T State University before enlisting in the army. After serving in Vietnam as a door gunner with the 118th Assault Helicopter Unit, and later as a drill ser-

geant at Fort Bragg, NC, he attended Gaston College to pursue becoming a tool and die maker and later owned and operated his own machine shop. He retired from Phillip Morris after 20 years as a technician. The Cramerton Historical Society was formed in 2015, and the Museum opened in 2021. Members receive invitations to special events, discounts in the museum store and discounts on rentals. For more information, visit Cramertonhistoricalsociety. org, see the Cramerton Historical Society on Facebook, or call Richard Atkinson at 704.906.5339.

BLACK HISTORY From Page 1 Mill in Gastonia. Mrs. Guthrie is a life-long educator, serving more than 40 years as a teacher, school librarian, media specialist, central office staff member and member of the Gaston County Board of Education. She also is an author and is associate pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church in Gastonia. Among her many awards is the prestigious Coretta Scott KingVirginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement. Minerva Hardy has been an outstanding citizen of Cramerton for many years, and she received Cramerton’s Lifetime Citizen Award in 2021. She served on the town’s Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for six years and as chief judge for the Gaston County Board of Election’s Cramerton Pre-

Gaston County’s third confirmed rabies case of 2022 On Monday, February 14, 2022 at 5:54pm Gaston County Police Animal Care and Enforcement answered a call for service in the 200 Block of Park Drive Belmont, NC 28012. The caller advised a raccoon was walking in circles. Animal Care and EnforceSat March 12th 6PM - Lowesville Gospel Concerts at Vineyard ment Specialists investigated Church - 1062 S Hwy 16 Business - Stanley (Lowesville) NC the incident. The raccoon was presents in concert two very good southern gospel artists that transferred to Carolina Wildlove our Lord, and love to sing his praises. Fields of Grace, life for rehabilitation. The (above) a trio from Candler, NC plus The Living Faith Quartet raccoon was tested for rabies (below) from Cullman AL. All our concerts are no admission at the State of North Carolina costs, so bring a friend and come enjoy the gospel in song. Virology lab and on Friday February 18, 2022 the racContact: Carroll Cooke 704-618-9762. coon specimen tested positive for rabies. Animal Care and Enforcement completed a neighborhood canvas in the area

Gospel concert set

of 200 Block of Park Drive Belmont to notify the community of the positive rabies result and verify rabies vaccinations for family animals in the area. Gaston County Animal Care and Enforcement also notified the Gaston County Department Health and Human Services. The Gaston County Police Department Animal Care and Enforcement Unit stresses the importance of having a valid rabies vaccination for all of your pet’s health and safety as well as the health and safety of animal owners and community. This represents the third confirmed rabies case in Gaston County this year. No further information is available at this time

BANNER-NEWS WELCOMES YOUR COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS email: Include your name, address and phone number. Submissions are subject to editorial review.

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Cramerton natives Minerva Hardy and Fred Glenn were joined on the program by Dot Guthrie, founder and curator of the AfricanAmerican Museum of History and Culture in Gastonia and member of the Gaston County Board of Education. Gastonia Mayor Walker E. Reid, III introduced the speakers. Town of Cramerton Mayor Nelson Wills and Historical Society President Jeff Ramsey welcomed guests. Cramerton Historical Museum Chairman Richard Atkinson also made comments. Dot Guthrie opened the program by displaying a quilt depicting 175 years of African-American history, which is on exhibit at the AfricanCramerton mayor Nelson Wills at the podium. American Museum of HisPhoto by Ted Hall tory and Culture at the Loray

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Banner News /

Congratulations to Izzy Hoover on being crowned Gaston Christian School homecoming queen and Cannon Gale for winning Mr. GCS. Ladies left to right- Mackenzie Moore, Grace Marlowe, Megan Givan (2021 Homecoming Queen), Izzy Hoover (2022 Homecoming Queen), Kenna Matheney, Ayden Main and Giulia Chitu.

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Patient Milo Hopper mounts Hamilton the horse with help from Shining Hope Farms instructor Rachel Evans.

MULLIS From Page 1

Cannon Gale and Izzy Hoover.

measuring the horse’s heartbeat with a stethoscope as she played music from her phone. “I played a variety of music from pop to classical,” Mullis said. “I found out that the faster the music, the faster the horse’s heart would beat.” In a follow up project, Mullis also measured the heartbeat of horses as they had a person mount up, as they walked across a little footbridge, or as a rider stretched out to place a ring on a pole. She used both an experienced rider and a therapy client in the tests. “The horses reacted differently to the level of rider experience,” said Mullis. The purpose of the projects was to examine ways that the horses could go about their work in an efficient manner that put the least amount of stress on them. “Hannah’s work can have implications for the hippotherapy industry as a whole,” said Shining Hope Farms founder Milinda Kirkpatrick. “It will allow us to make tweaks in our day to day operations and activities.” Mullis hopes her work will build equestrian equilibrium and inner peace. “I hope it helps horses be even happier than they are now,” she said. During her project, Mullis had help from her East

Hannah Mullis with her teacher Brian Johnson of East Gaston. Gaston biology teacher Brian Johnson. “He is a very supportive and awesome teacher,” she said. Johnson had these to say about Mullis. ”She is a very driven, remarkable student and very advanced for her grade level,” said Johnson. “The project was her own idea and she did it on her own time.” The inventive, detailed work that Mullis did and documented has brought her well-deserved recognition. Her project won first place at the Gaston County Science Fair. At the virtual UNCCharlotte Science Fair she took Best in Fair Grand Prize. That honor qualified her for the International Science and Engineering Fair that will be

held in Atlanta May 7-13. She is the first East Gaston student to go to that event and the first from Gaston County in ten years. So, what’s the future hold for Mullis? After graduation in June she will be attending Appalachian State and majoring in Exercise Science or Communication Science. No matter what her career path, there’s bound to be a horse not far away. “I believe there will always be a horse in my future,” she said. “As well as some form of work with children who have special needs.” For more information about Shining Hope Farms visit

Check us out at: The City of Belmont has some great events lined up for the coming year. Check out the calendar. Learn more at

Bill Bostick 704-813-6262

Bill Bostick Photography

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Thursday, March 3, 2022

Banner News Fellowship & Faith

Church Directory Eastt B E Belmo Belmont l ontt Baptist Church Catawba St • Belmont, NC

Mt. Holly Church of God 208 Rankin Ave. 704-827-8596

Mt. Sinai Baptist Church 339 S. Hawthorne St. 704-827-4320

New Covenant United Methodist 14514 Lucian Riverbend Hwy. 704-827-4468

New Providence Baptist Church New Saint Paul Holiness Church

151 8th Ave. 704-824-3889

1304 N. Main St. 704-827-6141

Redemption Hill Church

Cramerton Temple of God Church

105 Pine Rd. 704-827-3856

River of Life Full Gospel Church 1120 Charlotte Ave. 704-530-5174

Henry’s Chapel Ame Zion Church

Second Baptist Church

151 Henry Chapel Rd 704-825-0711

Containers/Trailers Sales & Storage Rental

704-867-2317 BELMONT Alexander Memorial Baptist Church 208 South Main Street 704-825-3216

Brotherhood/Sisterhood WNCC UMC 120 Park Street 704-825-1333

Catawba Heights Baptist Church 311 Belmont Road 704-827-8474

Christ Church Presbyterian Church 901 Catawba Street 704-461-8614

Core Church 2316 Acme Rd. 704-822-8033

CrossFix Ministries 6131 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-879-4499

Crossroads Church 101 Beaty Rd. 704-827-8381

Centerview Baptist Church 2300 Acme Road 704-827-2061

East Belmont Baptist Church 501 Catawba Street 704-825-5780

455 Sacco St. 704-825-6007

Loves Chapel Presbyterian Church 204 Lincoln St. 704-825-8342

Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter 216 N. Main St. 704-825-2483

Message of Love Church 306 Pearl Beaty Dr. 704-827-6500

Mount Moriah Baptist Church 110 Lincoln St. 704-825-2046

Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist 212 South Street 704-825-7269

New Hope Presbyterian Church 4357 S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-1697

New Life Baptist Church 201 Oak Trail 704-822-6195

New Mills Chapel Fire Baptized 104 Morning Glory Ave. 704-825-5457

O’Conner Grove Church Ame Zion 613 N. Main Street 704-825-5576

Park Street United Methodist 120 Park Street 704-825-8480

Power of the Spirit Church

East Belmont Church Of God

118 School Street 704-827-7071

320 E. Catawba Street 704- 825-8845

Queen Of The Apostles Catholic Church

East Belmont Free Will Baptist 909 Edgemont Ave 704-825-5346

Ebenezer United Methodist Church 120 Belmont-Mt. Holly Road 704-827-3366

Exodus Church 6325 Wilkinson Blvd. 704-755-5034

First Baptist Church 23 N. Central Avenue 704-825-3758

First Foursquare Gospel Church 8 Elizabeth Street 704-825-5811

First Presbyterian Church 102 S. Central Ave 704-825-3357

First Presbyterian-Belmont 112 S. Central Ave 704-829-0668

First United Methodist Church of Belmont 807 South Point Road 704-825-2106

Fresh Anointing Church of God 71 McAdenville Road 704-825-7283

Friendship Baptist Church 5008 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-3276

Gaston Christian Church

740 Rankin Ave. 704-827-5181

Hood Memorial AME Zion Church

503 N. Main Street 704-825-9600

Sanctuary of Praise Ministries 124 Georgia Belle Ave. 704-579-7823

South Point Baptist Church 124 Horsley Ave. 704-825-9516

South Point Freewill Baptist 297 Gaither Rd. 704-825-8045

South Point United Methodist 510 South Point Church Rd. 704-825-4019

Springwood Freewill Baptist 826 Stanley-Spencer Mtn. Rd. 704-827-7801

St. Marks United Methodist Church 701 Secrest Ave. 704-825-8175

The Pointe 6700 Wilkinson Blvd 704-825-1709

Unity Baptist Church 1005 Catawba St. 704-825-8730

Upper Room United Pentecostal

210 Park Street, Belmont NC

704-825-9861 Burge Memorial Methodist Church 312 W. Glendale Ave. 704-827-2726

Catawba Heights Church of God 122 Tomberlin Rd. 704-827-4225

CBC-Memorial Apostolic 230 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-0968

Chapel Baptist Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-5526

East Wilkinson Blvd. 704-824-5319

First Baptist Church 235 8th Ave. 704-824-1991

Life Church 501 Cramer Mountain Rd. 704-824-4286

Riverside Baptist Church 171 S. Main St. 704-824-7785

Shiloh AME Zion Methodist

West Cramerton United Methodist Church

1117 Old NC Hwy 27 704-827-8826

207 Lowell Ave. 704-824-4213

St. Anthony of Padua Traditional Catholic Church


108 Horseshoe Bend Beach Rd. 704-827-8676

Gateway Cowboy Church

St. Paul FHB Church

The Barn at Sandcastle Farm 155 Sandcastle Rd.

1529 Old Hwy 27 Rd. 704-827-5851


Tuckaseege Baptist Church 511 Tuckaseege Rd. 704-827-4301

Way of the Cross Baptist Church 238 Lanier Ave. 704-827-8111

Wesley Chapel Holiness Church 324 N. Lee St. 704-827-1993

Westview Presbyterian Church

Amazing Grace Baptist Church 7280 Sifford Rd. 704-827-6277

Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran 203 S. Main St. 704-263-2621

Community Pentecostal Center 320 Ralph Handsel Blvd. 704-263-8731

1020 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-2026

First United Methodist Church

Cornerstone Family Worship


First Presbyterian Church

709 Rankin Ave. 704-671-8640

Bethlehem Church

512 Old Mount Holly Rd. 704-263-4275

Community Christian Fellowship 2560 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-5881

Covenant United Methodist

3100 Bethlehem Church St. 704-823-5050

110 Underwood Dr. 704-820-0603

Carolina Community Baptist

Family Worship Center 1013 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-7656

Finish Line Christian Center 1792, 108 N. Main St. 704-980-285-8334

First Baptist Church-Mt. Holly 300 S. Main St. 704-827-2481

First Free Will Baptist Church 841 Noles Dr. 704-827-7461

First Presbyterian Church

604 Martha Ave 704-824-2872

Center Baptist Church S. New Hope Rd. 704-824-4121

Epic Church 100 Indian Walk 704-671-4652

Lowell Church of God 804 W. First Street 704-824-3383

Lowell Free Will Baptist Church 3010 Lowell Rd. 704-824-9389

133 S. Main St. 704-827-0521

Lowell Smyre United Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church

201 N. Main St. 704-824-8814

140 N. Main St. 704-827-4855

Goshen Free Will Baptist Church 1300 W. Catawba Ave. 704-827-3076

Grace Baptist Church 300 Westland Farm Rd. 704-827-8600

Hickory Grove Baptist Church 3717 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-827-3939

Kingdom Hall Jehovah’s Witnesses 1736 Kelly Rd. 704-263-0199

Lighthouse Full Gospel Church 530 N. Hawthorne St. 704-827-1442

Living Witness Ministries 541 Costner St. 704-827-0004

Mt. Calvary Baptist Church 120 Branch St. 704-824-4535

First Baptist Church of Lowell 400 W. 1st St. 704-824-1215

First Baptist Church 317 W. 1st St. 704-824-1213

New Life Church 128 Robbins St. 704-824-1356

Presbyterian Church of Lowell 207 E. 1st St. 704-824-3807

Restoration Church 1800 Spencer Mountain Rd. 704-824-5250

Woodlawn Baptist Church

1405 Armstrong Ford Rd. 704-825-0604

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd

1101 N. Main St. 704-824-4261

Will of God Church

110 S. Main St. 704-827-4751


513 Woodlawn Ave. 704-827-5185

Cramer Memorial United Methodist Church

804 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-820-0954

Ridgeview Baptist Church

6014 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-7959

416 Woodlawn Ave. 704-824-1745

154 N. Main St. 704-824-3831

826 W. Charlotte Ave. 704-827-2999

Grace Wesleyan Church

Cramerton Free Will Baptist

Restoration & Deliverance Revival Tabernacle of Mt. Holly

124 Georgia Belle Ave 704-965-1004

CRAMERTON Cramerton Independent Presbyterian Church

North Main Baptist Church

Employees of

300 E. Wesleyan Dr. 704-824-1073

1104 Old NC 27 Hwy. 704-827-0822 1529 Old Hwy. 27 Rd. 704-827-5851

Grace Korean Ch Assembly-God

McAdenville Wesleyan Church

Macedonia Baptist Church

5339 S. New Hope Rd 704-825-8252


1951 Stanley Lucia Rd. 704-827-9224

Goshen Presbyterian Church

Bethel Baptist Church

Morningside Missionary Church

Roper Street 704-601-5146

NC Highway 273 704-827-9846

711 Morningside Dr. 704-822-9142

Lakeview Baptist Church 143 Church St. 704-824-5380

McAdenville Baptist Church 192 Main St. 704-824-2740

5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-263-2691

Gold Hill Missionary Baptist Church 7447 Old Plank Rd. 704-827-7966

New Faith Baptist Church 1224 Mayberry Rd. 704-263-0249

New Life Baptist Church 527 N. Buckoak St. 704-263-4647

Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church 2717 Dallas/Stanley Hwy. 704-263-4406

Springfield Memorial Baptist Church 2920 Dallas-Stanley Highway 704-263-4426

Stanley Church of God 324 N. Main St. 704-263-4041

Stanley Pentecostal Holiness Church 113 E. Parkwood St. 704-263-2131

Trinity Full Gospel Church 303 Sunset Dr. 704-263-9765

United In Action of Stanley 5481 Hickory Grove Rd. 704-524-0555

Welcome Baptist Church 811 Mauney Rd.

BESSEMER CITY Bright Light Baptist Church 112 White Jenkins Rd. 704-681-2017 Don’t see your church listed? Email us today at

For information on getting your business listed here call 704-825-0580

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Banner News /

Page 7

Mr. Charles Sawyer of Mt. Holly celebrated his 100th birthday on February 23. He is a US Navy WWII veteran. His birthday event was held at First Baptist Church Mt. Holly. A large throng of friends, family, Mt. Holly Police, Mt. Holly Fire Department and other citizens showed up to wish him Happy Birthday. Mr. Sawyer is a treasure and much beloved in his community and elsewhere. Congratulations!! Photos provided

On February 23rd, 2022 members of the Mount Holly Police Department had the distinct honor and pleasure to wish Mr. Charles Stratford Sawyer a Happy 100th Birthday! Mr. Sawyer is a WWII Navy Veteran and life-long Mount Holly resident. Everyone wishes him good health and many more birthdays to come.

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Thursday, March 3, 2022


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The Banner News /

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Mt. Holly Historical Society produces video The MHHS has produced a virtual video for their contribution to Black History Month. The video is entitled: “I Have a Dream”(From the Past, In the Present, To the Future) featuring a performance by Joy Walker as Harriet Tubman, from the Past, Bert Free-

man, an Olympian Fencer, in the Present, and Words of Wisdom for future generations, Brandon Robinson. Take some time to view it in its entirety. It can be viewed on YouTube and Facebook.

Mt. Holly Fire Dept. news At its recent meeting, the Mt. Holly city council recognized Assistant Chief Eddie Summerlin, right for his 40-year career with Mount Holly Fire Department and the Mount Holly Life Saving Crew. Chief Summerlin started his volunteer career in 1982. Mayor Hough and Council presented Chief Summerlin with a Resolution honoring him for his service, and the department gave him a golden axe. These are small thank yous compared to the sacrifice and service Summerlin has given to MHFD, the citizens of Mount Holly, and Gaston County. Thank you, Chief, and we are holding you to your promise of 10 more years!

The Gaston Day School Spartan swim teams recently traveled to Greensboro for the NCISAA Division III Championship Meet. The girls’ team made school history by capturing Gaston Day’s first ever team state championship in swimming. The girls edged out The O’Neal School by nine points. The boys set a team goal of finishing in the top-15, and they finished right on that number. Congratulations on a job well done.

What does music mean to you?

Mt. Holly firefighters also recently completed an air consumption test. The purpose of the training was to give each firefighter an idea of how much time they have to work until the “Low Air Alarm” activates on their air pack. Firefighters cycled through the different stations set up to simulate activities encountered on a fire scene.

Support the music you love during our Spring Fund Drive April 3-9. Matteo Miselli (pictured) posted a double-double of 13 kills and 12 digs, but Emmanuel posted a 3-1 (19-25, 25-23, 25-19, 25-18) victory over Belmont Abbey in Conference Carolinas men’s volleyball action last Saturday. Andrew Kohut also reached double figures in kills with 12. He registered a .130 hitting percentage. Jack Walsh and Zach Cramer shared setting duties, registering 23 and 13 assists, respectively. Daniel Cerqua led the defensive effort with 13 digs. Belmont Abbey hit .230 as a team, but only 0.084 after the first set. Belmont Abbey Photo

Or donate today at

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Banner News /

Mt. Holly Lady Hawks fall to Stanley The Mt. Holly Middle School Lady Hawks basketball team played the Stanley Middle School lady Blue Devils last week in an exciting game of basketball. When the final buzzer sounded, Stanley had prevailed by a score of 22-13. Here are some scenes from the contest. Photos by Jennifer Hall

The Mt. Holly Middle School Hawks boys basketball team played the Stanley Middle School Blue Devils squad last week. In the end, the Hawks flew all over the Blue Devils by a score of 66-38. Enjoy these scenes from the action-packed hardwood hoedown. Photos by Jennifer Hall

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The Banner News /

Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Belmont Parks and Rec. 7-8 basketball league championship game took place Saturday Feb 26 at Foursquare Gym, Belmont. The Vipers (16 points) secured the win over Belmont Tarheels (10 points) and took the crown. Here are some shots from the fun filled afternoon.

NC homeowners financially impacted by pandemic may be eligible for housing-related help The NC Homeowner Assistance Fund is now accepting applications from North Carolina homeowners whose finances were impacted by the pandemic and who need assistance with housing-related expenses. Established through the 2021 American Rescue Plan to prevent mortgage delinquencies, defaults, displacements and foreclosures for homeowners experiencing financial difficulties due to the coronavirus pandemic, the fund offers assistance of up to $40,000 for qualified homeowners as long as funding is

available. This is a state-level program and is NOT administered through Gaston County DSS. For qualified homeowners, the fund offers: Housing payment assistance for primary residence in North Carolina (for example, single-family home, townhome, condo or mobile home). Assistance for mortgage reinstatement to catch up on late payments (first or second mortgages) or other housingrelated costs due to a period of forbearance, delinquency or default. Assistance covering

other housing-related costs such as homeowner’s insurance, flood insurance, mortgage insurance, homeowner’s association dues/ fees or delinquent property taxes to prevent foreclosure. Homeowners may be eligible for assistance if they are experiencing financial hardship due to job loss or business closure, reduction in hours or pay, difficulty obtaining new employment, death of a spouse or co-borrower or increased expenses due to the pandemic. Increased expenses can be due

to health care, the need to care for a family member, increased child care costs due to school closures or increased costs associated with quarantine. Applicants must be seeking assistance for a primary residence in North Carolina and meet income and other requirements. Homeowners can learn more and apply for help by calling 1-855-MY-NCHAF (1-855696-2423) or by visiting

The Banner News /

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Page 13

Despite playoff loss Cramer had a great year By John Wilson

For Stuart Cramer High, the 2021-22 basketball season is over. The Storm beat Central Davidson 69-58 in the first round of the 3A West playoffs but then fell in the second round in a tough 91-38 loss to Central Cabarrus. In the first-round win over the Central Davidson Trojans the Storm got solid production out of Will Kelly, Justin Rocquemore and Jacob Joyner. Kelly finished the game with 30 points while Rocquemore scored 14 points and Joyner scored an additional 13. In the second-round loss to Central Cabarrus there isn’t much to say. The Vikings are undefeated and

may well be the favorites to take the 3A championship. While the 2021-22 season may be over for Cramer there can be no doubt that this season was a success. The Storm finished the year 20-7 overall and 9-5 in Big South conference action. Over the course of the season Cramer showed just how far the school’s basketball program has come since the Storm first took the court in 2013. The 2013-14 season was unmemorable to say the least. Starting from scratch is never easy. That season, Cramer finished with a 2-23 overall record and a disappointing 0-14 tally in conference play. Over the coming years Storm basketball would have its ups and downs. Sometimes the team did well, other times they didn’t. There was

never a break out season. That all changed this year. This season proved to be the Storm’s best as the team hit several milestones. In 2021-22 Cramer had their first 20-win season and first ever win over Hunter Huss. This season the Storm posted their best ever Big South record and first second round playoff appearance in team history. This team truly has come a long way. Cramer head coach David Sloan has been there from the beginning. He’s the only head coach Storm basketball has ever known. Over the years coach Sloan has seen the good, bad, and the ugly. While at Cramer, coach Sloan has had a chance to work with some great players. He’s had a chance to watch the program grow and

mature. One thing coach Sloan has worked hard on is trying to establish a team-oriented mindset. A concept that players can believe in. A mindset that shows players that with a bit of hard work and commitment anything is possible. Establishing that mindset hasn’t been easy. It takes dedication and a special group of players. This year it looks like the stars aligned and everything came together. “The thing I’m most proud of this year was the way the players changed the culture at Stuart Cramer High School,” coach Sloan said. “The biggest thing in years past was we would have a player or two who worked hard, but this year we had a whole group who bought into working hard every day and

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holding people accountable. They bought into the team concept.” Playing as a team has been a big reason why Cramer had been so successful this year. This year’s squad had a lot of talent across the board. If there was one aspect about this year’s team that really stood out, it would be the offense. This season the Strom’s offensive production was the best in team history. The Cramer offense was not only productive, it was explosive. As the season went on Cramer would churn out nine wins where they put up over 75 points a game. Offensively the Storm has been very impressive this season. When asked if this is the best team, he’s ever coached Sloan didn’t hesitate to credit past players while also praising his current group “By far this is the best team we’ve ever had,” Sloan said. “That’s not to knock other teams, but this group has a high basketball IQ.

They have a tremendous work ethic. This year was the first 20-win season it was the first time we went to the second round of the playoffs.” This year’s team sported a group of dynamic players who were capable of getting the job done. Standout players that contributed to the team’s success this year include seniors Will Kelly and Justin Rocquemore along with junior Jacob Joyner. Kelly and Joyner led the Storm is scoring with Kelly putting up 775 points this year and Joyner scoring 238 for the season. While Kelly, Rocquemore and Joyner all played well they were not alone. Mason Craig, Francisco Verdezas, and John Hill also contributed in a big way. All five players are a big reason that Cramer had the season they did. This group took the Cramer basketball program to a whole new level.

Reader Advisory: the National Trade Associations we belong to has purchased the following classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

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Congratulations GEMS! Congratulations to GEMS Paramedics Victoria Owens, Troy O’Neil, and EMT Keith Sturghill for providing outstanding care to a patient in cardiac arrest. These “superhero” clinicians were awarded a Code Save challenge coin to celebrate their achievement. GEMS photo

LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GASTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS Having qualified on 4th day of February, 2022 as Administrator CTA of the Estate of DOROTHY DELLINGER PUNCH; AKA, DOROTHY JEAN PUNCH, deceased, of Gaston County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms, and corporations having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, Nathan Forb, Administrator CTA, on or before the 23rd day of May, 2022 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms, and corporations indebted to the said estate to please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of February, 2022. Nathan Forb, Administrator CTA Estate of: Dorothy Dellinger Punch; aka, Dorothy Jean Punch Counsel for the Estate McINTYRE ELDER LAW 233 E. Graham Street Shelby, NC 28150


CE (2/23, 3/02, 09, & 16/2022)

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The Banner News /

Thursday, March 3, 2022


To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 ANNOUNCEMENTS TOY SHOW & COLLECTIBLES. Saturday, April 2nd, Old Mooresboro School Gym, 308 Main Street, Mooresboro, NC 28114, 9:00AM-3:00PM. Admission $5, under 10 free; $30 setup fee, limit 3 tables, bring your own table, setup time 7:00AM-9:00AM. Call 828-3518822 or 704-692-7702.


ONE ON ONE CARE is hiring for full/part time in the group homes for 2nd shift. Transport experience recommended not required. Hrs are 2p-11p weekdays and 8p-8a weekends. Apply in person at 203 Lee St. Shelby COINS * COINS * COINS. We Buy & Sell Coins. “Coin Collector Supplies.” JAKE’S KNIVES & COLLECTIBLES. 1008 South Lafayette Street, Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 (980) 295-5568

COMMUNITY EVENTS SPRING FLING POP UP SHOP. There will be several small businesses selling men and women’s clothing, accessories, candles, homemade beauty products, gourmet treats, and so much more. The event will be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2022 from 10:30am3pm at The Social Event Center located inside of Eastridge Mall, Gastonia, NC 28054. The venue is on the lower level beside Curt’s. (704) 981-0936

Q&A WITH BOARD OF EDUCATION CANDIDATES. Danny, Annette, and Ronnie at Landmark Baptist Church Fellowship Hall Saturday, March 5th, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Food and drink items for small purchase. 1724 E. Dixon Blvd, Shelby, NC. Contact # 704-751-2980


LARGEST SIDE DOOR SALE! We have the largest selection of merchandise ever, Saturday March 5th, 9am-5pm. Easter, Housewares, garden and new pet section. “ALL” Easter items shown in photo $2.99. Special this sale Candles by Yankee and Williamsburg. Selected candles pictured only $2.99. Saturday, March 5th, 9am-5pm, CASH ONLY. Next to Mighty Dollar, Forest City

PART TIME MAINTENANCE. Apartment Complex in Kings Mountain is looking for a part time handyman/maintenance technician. Painting, cleaning, carpentry, light knowledge of plumbing and electrical most helpful. Must have valid drivers license. Please call for more info. (704) 739-6591 CARPENTER AND HANDYMAN NEEDED to update rental units. Pay based on experience. 336-225-1050. PART-TIME HELP needed on chicken farm near Casar. 704692-8752 or 704-692-7362.

SPECIALITY GLOVE LIQUIDATION SALE. SAVE UP TO 85% OFF RETAIL! All gloves only $2.99! Side Door sale, March 5th, 9am-5pm. CASH ONLY. Next to Mighty Dollar, Forest City. EVERYTHING STILL ONLY $1.00! Why pay more? MIGHTY DOLLAR

GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. visit our NEW LOCATION .....Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. We’re located at 104 Oliver Ave. (behind El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Boiling Springs), Shelby 704-297-0102 or 704-297-0103 CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS!


NEED SOMEONE TO HELP CLEAN HOUSE one day a week in Dallas area. Must be able to lift. 704-675-2983. SALON BOOTH FOR RENT. Booth and your own area for rent $60 per week in good location on 180 N (704) 692-8740 COMPLETE CARE INC. Is seeking CNAs / In Home Aides for Cleveland and Gaston Counties. Apply M-F, 8am-4pm at 404 W. Warren St, Shelby, NC 28150 or call (704) 4809340 RETAIL STORE MANAGER. Immediate opening for experienced store manager in a small business setting directing a staff of 20. Successful candidate has good communication skills, enjoys problem solving, has experience in directing, motivating and developing a team, has excellent customer service skills, and is local to the Kings Mountain area. Interested? Send resume to tmnkm@ with “Retail Store Manager” in the subject line (704) 739-5461 FULL TIME EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC. Apply In Person at A+ Automotive at 1900 Elizabeth Ave., Shelby, NC (704) 482-0441

FULL TIME MAINTENANCE MAN NEEDED. Maintain rental properties. Must have valid NC Drivers license. Pay depends on experience. (704) 473-4299 JANITORIAL / HOUSEKEEPING. Full time and part time janitorial positions in Blacksburg. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd shift available. Pay starts at $14/hr. Must pass Drug Screen. Call 864-5907675 for more information. (864) 590-7675 COATS PERFORMANCE YARN. 501 York Road, Kings Mountain, NC. 8 & 12 hour shifts. Apply within. For more info, email kimberly.durden@ or call 980-2915331.

BUSINESS SERVICES CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Spring Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704477-9119 or 704-472-9367. JIM’S PAINTING SERVICES. Exterior painting only. Free estimates. You will be pleased with our work. We have references. 828-287-9272. 828-429-7511. (828) 429-7511 24 HOUR MOBILE MECHANIC. I will come to you to repair any car, lawnmower or tractor. Honest & reliable. (704) 3002332 GENERAL LAND MANAGEMENT. Bush Hogging, Backhoe & Box Blade Work. “We Do Land Clearing & Cleanup. Driveways and Roads. Tree and Debris Removal. “Reasonable Rates!” Satisfaction Guaranteed! Contact David Gregory at (256) 636-1255 RETIRED GENERAL CONTRACTOR AVAILABLE “SPECIALIZING IN DECKS” Repairs and New Construction. Rutherford/Cleveland County areas. Contact Bob at (828) 476-6058 IT’S TIME TO TRIM CREPE MYRTLE TREES. Spreading Mulch or Gravel, minor chainsaw work and storm clean-up. I can do many of your outside chores with over 15 years experience all over Cleveland County and stretching to the Forest City area. Nice, honest, dependable, clean, drug-free, he’s an all around great guy and handyman, so call Rob today and see what I can help you with. 980-295-0750. CAMP’S COMPLETE LAWN CARE and RESIDENTIAL FENCING. “30 + Years Experience”. Call Donnie at (704) 480-7405 SHIPMAN’S MASONRY- 48 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Brick, Block & Stone, Outside Fireplaces, Foundations, Underpinnings. “Free Estimates”. 1st Quality Work! (863) 532-1587

BUSINESS SERVICES WILL CUT GRASS AND YARD WORK. Clover & York, SC area. (803) 627-9867

FOR SALE PORTABLE WASHER AND DRYER. Portable “Magic Chef” Washer and Dryer, used once. No room. $475 for both. Call 980-404-0516. A RESTORED OLD FOOTED TUB. with hardware. $1000. By appointment only. 704-8255201. FUTON WITH TWIN BUNK BED Futon Mattress, Twin Bed, Ladders on each end $135.00 (704) 822-0544

Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon



GREENWORKS PREMIUM ELECTRIC PRESSURE WASHER. 1800 psi, good condition, $60. Includes 3 spray nozzles. (704) 756-0551


1998 HARLEY DAVIDSON ULTRA CLASSIC. 95th Gold Anniversary Edition. Motorcycle in excellent condition. Burgandy -$9,500. Also, 4 new tires, P-255-70-R18 Bridgestone Dueler tires with rims and center caps. Taken off a Toyato Tundra-$450. 704-297-8344. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Long wheelbase load. Fully loaded. $70.00/load. Delivered. 864492-4793 or 803-627-9408. SOLID OAK ROLL TOP DESK. Great condition. $500. Call or text (704) 473-6617


FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Seasoned, green, all types. Dump truck load $250. Pickup load $125, short bed $100. (828) 461-2379

USED CAMPER TOPS: BUY/ SALE/TRADE. Various sizes and styles. 828-980-0881.

LOG SPLITTER, HEAVY DUTY, ELECTRIC START Kohler engine, LS 200 Vermeer. $980. Please leave text message 828-429-5473.

1999 DODGE 1500. $800. I have ‘99 Dodge pickup, been wrecked, has some good body parts, has good 360 engine and new radiator. (704) 300-1818 TWO CHIHUAHUA/JACK RUSSELL PUPS Small adorable brother and sister, shots up-to-date. Male has certificate to be neutered at no cost $150 each. (803) 289-9839 8N FORD TRACTOR Good Metal & Rubber. Several New Parts. Starts & Runs Good. $2800 Firm. John Deere Riding Mower (Model LA145) 48” Cut, 22 HP. Looks & Runs Good. $500 Firm. (704) 466-2184 2 CEMETERY PLOTS $1400 or Best Offer. Westview Gardens-Bessemer City-Floral Gardens section. Seller will pay transfer fee (704) 974-4605 GUITARS. 2008 CF Martin-DXIR-$390, Late 1960’s Ibanez Cherry Burst-$95. 864-6199372. FOR SALE Great Deal! 250 gallon Propane Tank $300.00 Alum Tool box $125.00 Bedliner 6.5 feet Fits 05 Ford $100.00 call 828-817-0311 FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Seasoned Oak by truck load also bundles. Will deliver within 15 miles of Cherryville. (704) 4353970 YAMAHA KEYBOARD ON METAL STAND $50; Picnic Table with Side Seats “Non Wood” $95. (704) 482-2912

SPECIALITY GLOVE LIQUIDATION SALE. SAVE UP TO 85% OFF RETAIL! All gloves only $2.99! Side Door sale, March 5th, 9am-5pm. CASH ONLY. Next to Mighty Dollar, Forest City.

ANTIQUE DRESSER. with Big Mirror, Old oil lamps and almost new car seat for baby-1-3 years old. Call for price.704-466-8741.

ASSORTMENT OF CHILTON REPAIR MANUALS. I have a large assortment of Chilton Auto Repair Manuals. Some are imports and trucks. Some Motor Manuals all are hard back copies. Best Offer! (704) 300-1818 BROYHILL PREMIER SOLID OAK TABLE. 6 chairs, 2 leaves, $250. 704-974-4851 WANT A GARAGE, BARN, WORKSHOP, STORAGE BUILDING? “WE GOT ‘EM” 20’X20’, 24X30’, 30’X60’. LARGE ON SITE DISPLAY. WE DO GRADING, GRAVEL, CONCRETE, POWER, ETC..... TURN KEY. J JOHNSON SALES, FOREST CITY, NC 828-245-5895

STORAGE BUILDINGS. “We Buy, Sell, Trade” J. Johnson Sales INC. Forest City, NC 828245-5895. BUILDINGS, GARAGES, SHOPS with Concrete Slab. “We Got’Em” and “We do them Turn Key” J. Johnson Sales INC., Forest City, NC. 828-2455895. FLAG POLES & FLAGS. 15ft., 20ft., 25ft. “All American Made!” Delivery and installation is available. J. Johnson Sales INC, Forest City, NC. Call 828245-5895. CARPORTS, GARAGES, RV COVERS, BOAT TRACTOR COVERS IN STOCK. Areas largest on site display. Best Selection, Options. Quality you can getting one place! J. Johnson Sales, Inc. Forest City, NC. 828-245-5895. HORSE QUALITY HAY. Square and round bales. Call (704) 487-6855 RENT TO OWN CARPORTS, BUILDINGS GARAGES. J. Johnson Sales Inc., Forest City, NC. Call 828-245-5895. PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788 ALL METAL GARAGES. Big Discounts! Zero down. Call for more details. 828-382-0455. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. All types already split. Can deliver. Truck & Trailer loads, starting at $75. Will negotiate. 704-4667623


FOR SALE Best Offer! Couch excellent Shape, Off White in color $175.00 Round Glass Coffee Table, 36x36 $50.00 call 828-429-1573

LOOKING TO PURCHASE VINTAGE FIREARMS. For restoring or parts. Grips, boxes, any gun related items. Rifles, pistols. Preferred 22’s. (704) 600-8560

RIDING/PUSH MOWERS, GARDEN TILLERS, GOKARTS, MINI-BIKES. Ready to mow. All in excellent condition. Can deliver, 30+ years experience in repair work. 828980-0853, 704-476-9383.


2 CEMETERY PLOTS FOR SALE. Cleveland Memorial Park Boiling Springs NC. If interested please call andmake offer. Call 704-284-0227.

OLDER FURNITURE MADE BY DANIEL W. FOSTER. 18701929. Local carpenter, my great grandfather. Also anything else about him photos, etc. 828-9801896.

TRAILERS, EQUIPMENT, DECKOVERS, GOOSENECK DUMP. CAR HAULER, HIGH SIDE, ENCLOSED. Cash, Credit Cards, Financing, Rent to Own Options. J. Johnson Sales INC. Forest City, NC 828245-5895. TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC.704-434-6389, (704) 473-0867

GOOD, USED 16’ GALVANIZED BOAT TRAILER. Call 704-678-5264. Leave message, and I will return your call. CAMPER Looking for a Scotty Camper. Pay for help finding one.704-418-1388. WANT TO BUY. ATV’s, PopUp Campers and Small Travel Trailers. Call 828-429-3935. I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197

The Banner News /

Thursday, March 3, 2022

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CLASSIFIED ADS To place your ad go to or call 704-484-1047 WANT TO BUY


CASH FOR YOUR CAR running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-692-6767, (704) 487-0228

TWO SEVEN YEAR OLD YORKIES. 1 male, 1 female. Need fenced yard or house-kept. All shots. 828-200-7441.

WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.


GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES. 8 weeks old. CKC reg. These puppies will grow up to be great family protectors. Shots & worming UTD. $300 ea. (704) 466-3135

WANT TO BUY CARS, TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006

FARM & GARDEN FREE HORSE MANURE COMPOST Free horse manure. Great for gardens. (828) 447-0652 2020 KUBOTA 35HP L-3301 TRACTOR 4x4. 73 hours. Loader w/teeth. 4 pieces quick-attach equipment: 6’ blade tilts/ turns, 1 row cultivator, 16 disc harrow, 5’ tiller. $25,000. (704) 538-3337 L100 JOHN DEERE RIDING MOWER. 42” deck, 17 HP, $550. F725 John Deere Riding Mower, 54’ deck 20 HP, $1300. Great condition for both. Call or text (704) 473-6617

TAILS UP STANDARD POODLES. AKC registered standard poodle puppies, 11 & 12 wks. Parents OFA certified, Embark tested, AKC Reunite microchipped, shots, dewormed, tails docked, no dewclaws, health certificate, ch bloodlines, 2 year guarantee, brown, black, red, apricot, cream and Partis limited 2000, full 2500 website: or Facebook page: Tails Up Standard Poodles (318) 614-1130 MINIATURE BOAR PIG. 6 months old, has many black & white spots. 60 lbs, $150 cash. Delivery available. Call anytime. 704-300-2502 BOER BILLY GOAT for breeding. Two years old. $225. 828980-5067.

FARM TRAILER. Farm Trailer For Sale, 6’ x 10’ with pin type hitch. Heavy duty with wood bed, truck size tires. Great for hauling hay bales, farm produce from field, lumber, etc. Asking $300 obo. (864) 706-9368


MILL-SEC K9 OBEDIENCE TRAINING. Starting at $25.00 Rutherford County area. Board and train options available. 828755-7335. ADULT QUAIL $5 EACH. Quail Chicks $1.50 ea. Quail eggs $3 per doz, 50% hatch rate guaranteed. (704) 476-9943

PIGMY GOAT WITH TWO eight week old babies. Both are nannies. Sell only together. Will not separate. $350. 828248-8060. KENNELS, DOG KENNELS, DOG HOUSES. 7x7x4, 5x10x6, 10x10x4, 10x10x6, 10x20x6, 20x20x6. Roof tops. Delivery & Installation is Available! J. Johnson Sales INC, Forest City,NC. 828-245-5895. TEA CUP MALTESE PUPPIES. Tiny Tea Cup Maltese puppies for sale at only $850. More info and pics upon request. (213) 222-6177 BEAUTIFUL LABRADOODLES Born 11/14/2021 F2’s. No shedding, 2 males, one red, one black. I also have 2 straight haired doddles (reduced pricing) Vet checked and first shots on all. Text for more info. Located in Gaffney (864) 492-2880

COCKAPOO PUPPIES BORN JANUARY 6. Tails docked, dew clawed. Parents on site. Ready February 21. $200 deposit. Call Greg after 8am. 828-305-2181.

CARS & TRUCKS 2008 KIA SPORTAGE low mileage. Asking $4000. Please leave message and phone #. If no answer. (980) 745-5396 2001 TOYOTA SIENNA. ONE OWNER. All service records, new tires & brakes, Tune Up, Leather, Vehicle Entertainment System, 181,000 original miles, $5495.00, (828) 429-9473 2011 FORD FUSION SEL. Leather inside, aluminum wheels, 111,000 miles, $5,750. 828-287-3820

MOTORCYCLES & ATVS 2015 INDIAN CHIEFTON. If you are in the market for an Indian motorcycle, don’t overlook this one. Pristine condition, Thunder black, 32K miles. Many very nice extras, too many to list. Garage kept & covered, been in rain twice. $16,500. Call James. In Shelby. Serious buyers only. (704) 3002233




OCEAN LAKES MYRTLE BEACH. Cottage N34. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den, kitchen, dining, covered deck, near country store. Call Dorcas, 803-7182659.



HUGE, REFRESHED APARTMENTS! GREAT LOCATION! Love where you live! Available now! 2 bed/1bath; approx 1000 sqft. Come see these wonderfully modernized, huge units and beautifully restored hardwood floors and new quartz countertops. Large floorpan, ample bedrooms with two closets, eat in kitchen, washer/dryer hookups. The property has a freshly repaved parking lot and professional landscaping; it’s beautiful. Everything you need to love where you live! Be at Home, in a Humboldt home! Chamberlain Oaks is located at 940 W Warren St in a quiet area with great access to Hwy 74. Professionally managed by Property Management Corp. Call today to schedule a tour or apply. 704-705-4513 // (704) 705-4513 rhp55plus@outlook. com

RESIDENCES AT HUMBOLDT PARK Refreshed Units Available Now! Quiet, Comfortable, 55+ Community. We are conveniently located just off Charles Rd. in Shelby. Under new management, continuing improvements are being made to the units, common areas and amenities. Humboldt Park keeps getting better! Our residents enjoy our on site amenities and quiet, peaceful, park like atmosphere. Our refreshed units offer the highest quality of modern living. Humboldt Partners provides safe, clean, quality affordable housing to our residents and communities. Be at Home, in a Humboldt home. Call Property Management Corp today or come by for a tour. 715 Dellinger Rd Shelby // 704705-4533 (704) 705-4533

NO HEAT BILLS HERE. 3 room apartment, (1 BR, 1 BA), Shelby, excellent location, Second floor. Not HAP eligible. No pets or smoking. Heat & water included in $525 month. Available 3/1/22. 704-487-5480.

LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, (704) 482-7723

REAL ESTATE CLEVELAND COUNTY HOUSE FOR SALE. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1996 double wide on 3.3 private wooded acres, approximately 1850 sq ft, brick foundation including steps and porches, open floor plan, fridge, stove, washer and dryer included, connected to county water, carpet and vinyl floors need to be replaced. Casar area. Call 704-284-3331 for more info. $149,000 OBO. Call after 5pm. Lawndale, NC 28090 (704) 284-3331 TURN YOUR HOUSE INTO CASH? I PURCHASE UNWANTED RENTAL PROPERTY AND/OR STARTER HOMES. MUST BE PRICED TO SELL! “QUICK CLOSINGS”! Call 704-472-0006.

OUT OF AREA GREAT FIXER UPPERS WITH LAND. Two Great Fixer uppers with 4.91 acres of land. Excellent location, hwy 21, 2 mins. from I-77 close to town. Houses have hardwood floors and do not leak, just need some TLC. Endless possibilities for this property. Serious inquiries only. $275,000. OBO. Jonesville, NC 28642 (336) 462-5796

2&3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, 704-739-0259.



OAKLAND ROAD 2BR APARTMENT. Like new. Appliances, sewer, water, garbage included $650. 1BR like new $575 plus deposit & references. 828-248-1776.

MOBILE HOMES & APARTMENTS. In Kings Mountain. Price starting at $100 per week. Call (704) 739-4417

BEACH HOUSE AT OCEAN LAKES. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6. Golf cart included. Weeks and long weekends available. 704-473-1494.


3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH, on secluded 1 acre lot. No pets. First, last, security. 55 & older. Background check. Shiloh area. 828-429-9831.



Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 by 3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9 using logic.



2&3 BEDROOM TOWN HOMES. Townhomes located in Shelby, NC. We are currently accepting applications for our waiting list. Rent is based on income (and some expenses are deducted). Please visit us today at Laurel Hill Apartments 1526 Eaves Rd., Shelby NC or call for more information 704-487-1114. Equal Housing Opportunity.


Deadline: Friday at 12:00 Noon

HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, (704) 487-6354 MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. $195 weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. Visit us online at Oakwood Rentals, Shelby. Call (704) 473-4299

2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $550 per month. 828-382-0475.






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Miss Mt Holly’s Outstanding Teen Zoe Gambino presents the trophy to the Mt Holly Middle team for raising the most money.

The Banner News /

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Polar Plunge raises funds for the NC Special Olympics The Gaston County Polar Plunge took place Feb. 18th at Lineberger Park. Several local schools took the plunge and raised over $8,000.00 for the Gaston County Special Olympics. Schools included- Stuart Cramer High, Ashbrook High, Webb Street, and Mt Holly Middle. Top fundraiser was Mt. Holly Middle. Above: Students from Stuart Cramer make the Polar Plunge jump. Photos by Bill Bostick/Tarheel Sports Photography

A wide variety of local celebrities were on hand.

DISCOVER WHY OUR TEAM MEMBERS LOVE THEIR JOBS • PTO from day 1 • Climate controlled facilities • Annual company contribution The Mt. Holly Middle School team raised $2957!

of $500-$1000 in HSA • $1,000 referral bonus • Company-paid life insurance and more!


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