Navvies 272

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Start them young...

What does MBE stand for? As you’ll already have read on the editor’s piece on pages 4-7, our Chairman Mike Palmer got the MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List. So what is an MBE, then? Well, before all you cleverdicks at the back pipe up, I’m well aware that it means he’s now a Member of the Order of the British Empire. Now I know that it’s long been said in Civil Service circles that ‘MBE’ stands for ‘My Bloody Efforts’; whereas ‘OBE’ is ‘Other Buggers’ Efforts’. But I’m sure we can do much better. I kicked it off by suggesting on the WRG Facebook page (which Mike famously doesn’t read!) that perhaps it stands for “More Beer, Everyone?” And then I sat back and watched the rest of the crowd do it so much better... Move Beyond expectations Make BIG Excavations Muddy But Exciting Mike Better Emigrate Master of Brilliant Excuses Might Bounce Enthusiastically Many Bleeping Expletives Models Binbags Eccentrically Meat banned entirely Mighty brilliant engineer May Bullshit Effortlessly Monorail Building Expert Moving Backwards Excitedly My Boots are Egregious Malty Beer Experiment Manipulating bricks expertly Mighty Beards Encouraged Many Broken Excavators Mont’s Biggest Enthusiast Marvellous bloke, Evidently Mend Brimscombe, Eventually? Metabolises Beer Efficiently. My ‘Bonfire’’s Enormous Mighty Bearded Extrovert Thank you to everyone who contributed.

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...or can anyone suggest a caption for this picture of Tim Lewis and young friend on a recent London WRG dig on the Basingstoke?

And speaking of London WRG... ...our Metropolitan branch seem to have got themselves a bit of a reputation as troublemakers in recent times. First there was the well-known northern canal restoration where the local community cancelled London WRG’s booking for the village hall when they found out the that the volunteers who were due to come up and spend a weekened restoring their canal for them came from London (horrors!) And now we hear that there have been complaints from the local neighbours after the London WRG tool-painting weekend. Apparently they were heard... wait for it... laughing and joking as they painted. Bunch of hell-raisers, clearly.

Congrats... Tom and Kath Rawlings on their recent wedding, which seems from this photograph to have been a somewhat unorthodox affair. I don’t suppose wedding outfitters often get requests for a dress with a carabiner...

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