Washington Way - Issue 08

Page 35


So what exactly does recycling achieve? Perhaps the biggest benefit is that it reduces the waste sent to landfill where it sits and rots, sending toxins into the soil. From here a lot of plastic can blow away because it’s so light in weight and then go on to find its way into streams, rivers and eventually the ocean. Recycling helps preserve natural resources by cutting the need to use raw materials to make new products which in turn saves energy in the manufacturing process. Because it reduces the need to extract raw materials, it cuts the amount of air and water pollution, while also reducing greenhouse gas emissions – which is vital in the fight to tackle climate change. In Washington, we’re already taking it seriously. Pass any street on blue bin day and you’ll a lot piled high with plastics and cardboard – but often a lot of what’s in there, shouldn’t be. EASY MISTAKES Flies around a blue bin in summer

WASHINGTON WAY » washingtonway.co.uk » Issue 8

suggests there’s old food matter in there somewhere, and that’s a big no-no. In our office poll, more than half admitted they never washed anything out before throwing it in the bin and nobody realised that pizza boxes were generally not meant to be in there. Others – myself included – have been throwing foil products in the general waste when we shouldn’t have been while some didn’t realise Polystyrene was on the banned list. We’ve compiled a full list of what can and can’t be recycled and it’s worth a check because the chances are you may be missing something. It’s essential to remember to wash all cans, cartons and food cartons out before binning them and remember not to put greasy takeaway boxes in – these belong in general waste. Blue bins are designed to feature a top compartment which slots into the top – if yours is missing or you have an issue with your bin, you can report it on the w Sunderland Council website.


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