Washington City Paper (September 7, 2018)

Page 3

INSIDE COVER StORy: LOSt ARt 10 It’s not easy to produce art in D.C. As studios close, local artists look for space.

DIStRICt LINE 5 housing complex: Fancy “co-living” spaces are not as glamorous as advertised. 6 what’s up, Mayor?: Mayor Muriel Bowser’s public schedule disappeared this summer.

SpORtS 8 high barre: Art and athletics come together at The Washington Ballet. 9 the scoreboard

FOOD 15 a two-hour tour: Party yachts in the Potomac encounter pirates and dancing drinkers. 17 Joust desserts: The best snacks to sample at the Maryland Renaissance Festival 17 hangover helper: America Eats Tavern’s Pork Belly and Egg Sandwich

ARtS 18 wonder years: Looking back on the D.C. Wonder Woman 1984 tries to recreate 20 short subjects: Gittell on Madeline’s Madeline and Zilberman on The Apparition 21 sketches: Devine on Lost Time at Brentwood Arts Exchange

CIty LISt 23 26 27 28

Music books theater film

DIVERSIONS 29 savage love 30 classifieds 31 crossword

DARROw MONtgOMERy rFK stadium, Lot 7.b, august 25


editor: AlexA mills Managing editor: cAroline jones arts editor: mAtt cohen food editor: lAurA hAyes sports editor: Kelyn soong city lights editor: KAylA rAndAll housing coMplex reporter: morgAn BAsKin staff photographer: dArrow montgomery MultiMedia and copy editor: will wArren creative director: stephAnie rudig contributing writers: john Anderson, VAnce BrinKley, Kriston cApps, chAd clArK, rAchel m. cohen, riley croghAn, jeffry cudlin, eddie deAn, erin deVine, tim eBner, cAsey emBert, jAKe emen, jonAthAn l. fischer, noAh gittell, lAurA irene, AmAndA Kolson hurley, louis jAcoBson, rAchAel johnson, chris Kelly, steVe KiViAt, chris KlimeK, priyA Konings, julyssA lopez, Amy lyons, neVin mArtell, Keith mAthiAs, pABlo mAurer, j.f. meils, BriAn murphy, triciA olszewsKi, eVe ottenBerg, miKe pAArlBerg, pAt pAduA, justin peters, reBeccA j. ritzel, ABid shAh, tom sherwood, Quintin simmons, mAtt terl, dAn tromBly, KAArin VemBAr, emily wAlz, joe wArminsKy, AlonA wArtofsKy, justin weBer, michAel j. west, diAnA yAp, AlAn zilBermAn


publisher: eric norwood sales Manager: melAnie BABB senior account executives: renee hicKs, Arlene KAminsKy, mArK KulKosKy account executive: chAd VAle sales operations Manager: heAther mcAndrews director of Marketing, events, and business developMent: edgArd izAguirre operations director: jeff Boswell senior sales operation and production coordinator: jAne mArtinAche publisher eMeritus: Amy Austin

LELAnD InvEsTmEnT cORp. owner: mArK d. ein

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