Magazine EM Q4-2011

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EXPERT ARKETEER EXPERTMMARKETEER Quarterly Magazine of Expert Marketeer - Q4 - 2011 -





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YOUNG TALENT PROGRAMME 4. ‘No Bullshit Social Media’ The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing 4. ‘Free Marketing’ 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business, Online and Off 5. ‘Managing Content Marketing’ The Real-World Guide for Creating Passionate Subscribers to Your Brand 5. ‘Secrets of Success in Brand Licensing’ 5. ‘Hegarty on Advertising’ Turning Intelligence into Magic


PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME 6. ‘Marketing to the New Majority’ Strategies for a Diverse World 7. ‘Brandwashed’ Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy 7. ‘Guerrilla Advertising’ More Unconventional Brand Communications 8. ‘Pricing’ Segmentation and Analytics 8. ‘Marketing Metrics’ The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance 9. ‘The 30 Day MBA in Marketing’ Your Fast Track Guide to Business Success


EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME 10. ‘Pricing and Profitability Management’ A Practical Guide for Business Leaders 11. ‘The Green Executive’ Corporate Leadership in a Low Carbon Economy 11. ‘Islamic Branding and Marketing’ Creating A Global Islamic Business 12. ‘Capturing New Markets’ Discover How Smart Companies Create Opportunities Others Don’t 12. ‘Creating Breakthrough Products’ Innovation from Product Planning to Program Approval 13. ‘Brand Thinking’ and Other Noble Pursuits







Dear Marketeer, welcome to this issue of the Expert Marketeer Magazine, the quarterly Magazine for the members of Expert Marketeer. We wish you inspiring reading and welcome your book choice before November 30’th. Unless, of course, you accept our Advisory Board’s default choice for your programme. Thanks for your interest and for the members of Stichting Marketing: looking forward to welcome you as a new member. Ward Vandorpe Director Brand & Soul, Belgium & UK Director Expert Marketeer

“Business moves so fast today that you need to keep constantly re-evaluating what to keep and what to completely re-invent. Keeping track of how others are thinking won’t make these decisions for you - but at least it will provoke & challenge your point of view. Welcome.

Andy Weston-Webb Former President Snackfood Europe at Mars, UK Advisor Expert Marketeer

Expert Marketeer is founded to provide an easy way for marketeers to keep up to date with current theories, practices, and evolutionary communication techniques which are breaking ground as we speak. It is the mission of Expert Marketeer to inspire marketeers to evolve with our changing world through knowledge that comes from the written word Welcome.. Marc Van de Perre Managing Partner Interface Marketing, President Stichting Marketing, Belgium Advisor Expert Marketeer

“Reading the latest marketing books is like having a conversation with the profession’s best minds. Being part of that conversation is essential, if you want to sharpen your thinking and improve your practice.” Welcome. Ezri Carlebach Director of Communications and Research for Lifelong Learning, UK Advisor Expert Marketeer

Expert Marketeer integrates the advantages of a book club and a book discussion club in a unique knowledge platform for professional marketeers worldwide. As a member you will not only receive quarterly a professional marketing book, you will also join the member-exclusive Forum of Expert Marketeer where you will participate in discussions with like minded marketeers, Expert Marketeer’s Senior Advisory Board and the renowned authors of the respective books. Welcome. Marc Michils CEO Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels, Belgium Advisor Expert Marketeer

“A passionate marketing professional needs constant stimulation to accomplish his own success stories. Reading provides a great access to insights, thought processes and business cases that can be inspiring to generate your own next competitive advantage.” Welcome. Bernard Kreilmann President & CEO of Ferrero USA Inc., USA Advisor Expert Marketeer Interested? Read on and enjoy this Magazine. The back cover tells you how to join. Welcome. Belen Ordas Managing Director Pepper Consulting, Belgium Advisor Expert Marketeer




YOUNG TALENT PROGRAMME Designed primarily for young graduates and start-out marketing professionals who want to explore marketing in more detail. There’s an emphasis on the practical marketing approaches which advances you past the theoretical marketing books promoted in college or university courses. Content of the Young Talent Programme • 4 practical marketing books a year. • 4 Magazines - one every quarter to make your personal book selection from the offer in the Young Talent Programme. • Forum access to the Young Talent Programme to discuss content of books with likewise marketeers worldwide.

No Bullshit Social Media The All-Business, No-Hype Guide to Social Media Marketing


Jason Falls, Erik Deckers September 2011 The In-Your-Face, Results-Focused, No-“Kumbaya” Guide to Social Media for Business! •Detailed techniques for increasing sales, profits, market share, and efficiency •Specific solutions for brand-building, customer service, R&D, and reputation management •Facts, statistics, real-world case studies, and rock-solid metrics Stop hiding from social media--or treating it as if it’s a playground. Start using it strategically. Identify specific, actionable goals. Apply business discipline and proven best practices. Stop fearing risks. Start mitigating them. Measure performance. Get results. You can. This book shows you how. Jason Falls and Erik Deckers serve up practical social media techniques and metrics for building brands, strengthening awareness, improving service, optimizing R&D, driving better leads--and closing more sales. “Conversations” and “communities” are wonderful, but they’re not enough. Get this book and get what you really want from social media: profits. Jason Falls, is a consultant, speaker, strategist, and thinker in the world of digital marketing and social media. He is the owner of Social Media Explorer, a social media consulting service, as well as Exploring Social Media, a learning community. He works with corporate clients, developing and managing their social media and PR strategies. Erik Deckers is the co-owner and vice president of creative services of Professional Blog Service, a ghost blogging and social media agency. His company works with both small businesses and large corporations.


Free Marketing 101 Low and No-Cost Ways to Grow Your Business, Online and Off Jim Cockrum 327 pages October 2011 There’s never been a better time to be a marketer or entrepreneur than right now. Thanks to the Internet, a new world of free and inexpensive tactics can help get the word out to the prospects of any business with a limited marketing budget. Free Marketing delivers more than 100 ideas to help any small business owner or marketer generate new revenue-with little or no marketing budget. With both Internet-based and creative offline ideas, you’ll discover ways to turn your top customers into your unpaid sales force, get your competitors to help you promote your new products, and other innovative ways to get the word out. Jim Cockrum, ranked “the most trusted marketer on the Internet” by, has inspired more than 100,000 online entrepreneurs with his creative training style. He has sold millions of dollars worth of products and services online and has helped thousands of others start and grow successful businesses. He has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, eBay radio, and hosts the weekly radio broadcast Creative Internet Income Strategies. He is the bestselling author of The Silent Sales Machine.





Managing Content Marketing The Real-World Guide for Creating Passionate Subscribers to Your Brand Robert Rose, Joe Pulizzi 138 pages August 2011 The book builds on the foundation of Get Content Get Customers that Joe Pulizzi cowrote with Newt Barrett at the outset of the content marketing revolution in early 2008. Joe’s first book explained all about the importance and inevitability of the content marketing as a core business component. Back then, few marketers were familiar with the term ’content marketing’, much less what it was all about or why it was so important to the future of their organization. In 2011, how times it changed! Content marketing is all the rage. In fact, brands around the world are spending (on average) over 25% of their total marketing budget on content marketing. What’s been missing…until now…is the book that tells marketers exactly how to put content marketing to work with a structured, repeatable process. Authors, Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi, have teamed up to help marketing pros and business owners develop a content marketing plan that goes beyond theories and explains exactly how to turn that plan into reality.


Secrets of Success in Brand Licensing Andrew Levy, Judy Bartkowiak 200 pages October 2011 Brand Licensing is the most exciting and inspiring element of the marketing mix, reaching all of us in every product sector from clothing, food, giftware, household, music and publishing to stationery and toys. Brand Licenses can come from a fantastic variety of backgrounds including the arts, design, entertainment, celebrities, online and sport. Whether you are a brand owner looking to license out your brand or a manufacturer thinking of buying into a license, getting it RIGHT has never been so important. Secrets of $uccess in Brand Licensing is written by Brand Licensing Industry experts, Andrew Levy and Judy Bartkowiak who share their years of practical experience and contacts worldwide to bring you the inside story on todays successful brand licensing campaigns. What is Brand Licensing?; What makes a successful Brand License?; The process of Brand Licensing; The role of key players in Brand Licensing; Promoting your Brand License; Maximising Retail Impact; Keeping up with information and news on Brand Licensing. There is a plethora of successful globally Licensed Brands all competing for a share of retail space.


Hegarty on Advertising Turning Intelligence into Magic John Hegarty 224 pages June 2011 Written by one of the world’s legendary advertising men, Hegarty on Advertising contains over four decades’ worth of wisdom from the man behind hugely influential campaigns for brands such as Levi Strauss, Audi, Boddingtons and Unilever. Both a credo for creativity and a brilliantly entertaining memoir, Hegarty on Advertising tells you what lies behind great ideas and effective advertising and provides unparalleled industry insight. This is a book that every creative professional and anyone who values ideas and creativity in business must read. John Hegarty is one of the world’s most famous advertising creatives. He was knighted in 2007 for services to advertising. Founding partner and Worldwide Creative Director of Bartle Bogle Hegarty (BBH), with offices in London, New York, Singapore, Shanghai, Mumbai and São Paulo, he has received, among other awards, the D&AD President’s Award for outstanding achievement and has been inducted into both the New York Art Directors Club Hall of Fame and The One Club, as well as receiving a Clio Lifetime Achievement Award.





PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME Designed for all professional marketeers with a solid experience, working in an agency (advertising, research, design, PR, media, consultancy,...) or in-house (all industry sectors) with responsibilities covering any or all aspects of marketing. Content of the Professional Programme • 4 strategic marketing books a year. • 1 professional career development book a year (recommended by our Advisory Board) • 4 Magazines - one every quarter to make your personal book selection from the offer in the Professional Programme. • Forum access to the Professional and the Young Talent Programme to discuss content of books with professional marketeers worldwide with active involvement of our Senior Advisory Board.

DEFA Marketing to the New Majorityy CH ULT OICE Strategies for a Diverse World David Burgos, Ola Mobolade 256 pages September 2011 An exploration and analysis of American increasingly diverse consumer population, and the implications for marketers hoping to connect with this new mainstream Today, diversity is the default, not the exception. “Minorities” are already the majority in some of the biggest cities in the United States, and demographers predict that the same will be true of the country as a whole before 2050. Yet companies continue to address the “general market” as a separate audience from ethnic consumers, rather than acknowledging that the new mainstream is itself multicultural. In addition, many who do target multicultural audiences still employ ad strategies that rely heavily on stereotypes and fail to resonate with minority communities. Here, David Burgos and Ola Mobolade look at the changed marketplace revealed in the new 2010 Census data, and show marketers how to develop integrated campaigns that effectively reach these culturally diverse consumer populations. Drawing on interviews with industry leaders and Millward Brown’s vast database of consumer research, this book will be a roadmap to the opportunities and challenges of marketing to the new mainstream in a way that feels natural, respectful, and inclusive. David Burgos, Vice President, Millward Brown David Burgos is the head of the Multicultural Practice at Millward Brown, one of the world’s leading market research agencies. An industry expert in market segmentation, new product development, and brand and communications research, David speaks frequently about the changing face of multicultural markets at conferences and industry events. He is Co-Chair of the Advertising Research Foundation’s People Forum and a past recipient of the ARF’s Great Mind Award for his contribution to the marketing research industry. David holds an MBA from Esan University in Peru. He currently resides in the Chicago suburbs with his wife Adriana and two children, Lorenzo and Renata. Ola Mobolade, Managing Director, Firefly Millward Brown Ola is a master at turning street-level social trends into insights and implications for marketers. Her knowledge of multicultural markets, trend-leader segments, and youth demographics allows her to bring exceptional strategic marketing capabilities to Firefly’s clients. Prior to working at Firefly, Ola was a senior account planner at a marketing communications agency, where she spearheaded qualitative research efforts for brands including Oldsmobile, Wal-Mart, Nestlé Purina, Hefty, and Shore Bank. Since moving to qualitative research, Ola has developed, consulted on, and conducted studies for leading brands with focuses on brand/product positioning, national/local marketing assessment, new product launch testing, new product development, market segmentation, target lifestyles and motivations. Her experience spans a wide range of categories, including fast food, packaged goods, alcohol, telecommunications, financial services, retail, cosmetics, and senior organizations. Ola holds a B.A. from Harvard University in Psychology and Afro-American Studies

“many still employ ad strategies

that rely heavily on stereotypes and fail to resonate with minority communities.





Brandwashed Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy Martin Lindstrom 291 pages September 2011 From the bestselling author of Buyology comes a shocking insider’s look at how today’s global giants conspire to obscure the truth and manipulate our minds, all in service of persuading us to buy. Marketing visionary Martin Lindstrom has been on the front lines of the branding wars for over twenty years. Here, he turns the spotlight on his own industry, drawing on all he has witnessed behind closed doors, exposing for the first time the full extent of the psychological tricks and traps that companies devise to win our hard-earned dollars. Picking up from where Vance Packard’s bestselling classic, The Hidden Persuaders, left off more than half-a-century ago, Lindstrom reveals: • New findings that reveal how advertisers and marketers intentionally target children at an alarmingly young age – starting when they are still in the womb! • Shocking results of an fMRI study which uncovered what heterosexual men really think about when they see sexually provocative advertising (hint: it isn’t their girlfriends). • How marketers and retailers stoke the flames of public panic and capitalize on paranoia over global contagions, extreme weather events, and food contamination scares. • The first ever neuroscientific evidence proving how addicted we all are to our iPhones and our Blackberry’s (and the shocking reality of cell phone addiction - it can be harder to shake than addictions to drugs and alcohol). • How companies of all stripes are secretly mining our digital footprints to uncover some of the most intimate details of our private lives, then using that information to target us with ads and offers ‘perfectly tailored’ to our psychological profiles. • How certain companies, like the maker of one popular lip balm, purposely adjust their formulas in order to make their products chemically addictive. • What a 3-month long guerilla marketing experiment, conducted specifically for this book, tells us about the most powerful hidden persuader of them all. • And much, much more. This searing expose introduces a new class of tricks, techniques, and seductions – the Hidden Persuaders of the 21st century- and shows why they are more insidious and pervasive than ever.


Guerrilla Advertising More Unconventional Brand Communications Gavin Lucas 192 pages September 2011 Advertising is changing fast, in order to hold its own in an ever-changing media landscape. The traditional channels of TV, press and poster simply won’t reach some target audiences. Instead, clients demand project-specific solutions involving social media networks, stunts in public places, street propaganda and more. This book showcases the varied and inventive tactics that are being used today by big-name brands, non-profit organizations and individuals to promote themselves, their ideas and their products. Projects include: giant afro combs stuck in topiaried shrubs to promote a play set in a barber shop; an inflatable pig wedged between two skinny Manhattan buildings to advertise dental floss; musical grooves in a road, only audible if you drive at the safe limit of 40 mph; street buskers launching a new Oasis album in New York. Over 70 international campaigns are featured, grouped according to their approach: Stunts, Street Propaganda, Sneaky Tactics, Site-specific campaigns and Multi-fronted attacks. Gavin Lucas lives in London and is Senior Writer at the leading communication arts journal and blog Creative Review. He is the author of Guerrilla Advertising (2006) and Badge Button Pin (2007), both published by Laurence King, and has contributed features and reviews to magazines including Wonderland, Plastique and Le Cool.





Pricing Segmentation and Analytics Tudor Bodea 200 pages September 2011 Pricing analytics uses historical sales data with mathematical optimization to set and update prices offered through various channels in order to maximize profit. A familiar example is the passenger airline industry, where a carrier may sell seats on the same flight at many different prices. Pricing analytics practices have transformed the transportation and hospitality industries, and are increasingly important in industries as diverse as retail, telecommunications, banking, health care and manufacturing. The aim of this book is to guide on how to identify and exploit pricing opportunities in different business contexts. The first chapter looks at pricing from an economist’s viewpoint, beginning with the basic concept of price elasticity and how it differs at the product, firm, and industry levels as well as the short term versus long term. Next, the common assumptions regarding the customer population’s willingness-to-pay is discussed along with the price response curves that result from this assumption. Basic price optimization techniques are then explored with extensions provided for alternative objective functions and constrained supply. The second chapter looks at these same topics, but from a more practical standpoint, with examples provided from several consulting projects. The third chapter is on dynamic pricing, with a special emphasis on the most common application: markdown pricing. Similar to the first two chapters, both the theory and the application aspects will be covered. The fourth chapter covers the new field of customized pricing analytics, where a firm responds to a requestfor-bids or request-for-proposals with a customized price response. In this situation, the firm will only have historical win/loss data and traditional methods involving price elasticity do not apply. The pricing analytics methodology along with several case studies will be provided. The final chapter covers the relevant aspects of behavioral science to pricing. Examples include the asymmetry of joy/pain that customers feel in response to price decreases/increases. A set of best pricing practices will be presented that are based on these behavioral responses. Finally, the appendix will contain the details needed to build and implement a pricing analytics system in practice.


Marketing Metrics The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance Paul Farris, Neil Bendle, Phillip Pfeifer, David Reibstein 432 pages August 2011 Marketing Metrics, is the definitive guide to today’s most valuable marketing metrics. In this thoroughly updated and significantly expanded book, four leading marketing researchers show exactly how to choose the right metrics for every challenge. The authors show how to use marketing dashboards to view market dynamics from multiple perspectives, maximize accuracy, and “triangulate” to optimal solutions. You’ll discover high-value metrics for virtually every facet of marketing: promotional strategy, advertising, and distribution; customer perceptions; market share; competitors’ power; margins and pricing; products and portfolios; customer profitability; sales forces and channels; and more. This edition introduces essential new metrics ranging from Net Promoter to social media and brand equity measurement. Last, but not least, it shows how to build comprehensive models to support planning--and optimize every marketing decision you make. This award-winning book will show you how to apply the right metrics to all your marketing investments, get accurate answers, and use them to systematically improve ROI. Paul W. Farris is Landmark Communications Professor and Professor of Marketing at The Darden Graduate Business School, University of Virginia, where he has taught since 1980. Professor Farris’s research has produced award-winning articles on retail power and the measurement of advertising effects. Neil T. Bendle is a Ph.D. candidate in marketing at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. Phillip E. Pfeifer, Richard S. Reynolds Professor of Business Administration at The Darden Graduate Business School, currently specializes in direct/interactive marketing. He has published a popular MBA textbook and more than 35 refereed articles in journals such as the Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Database Marketing, Decision Sciences, and the Journal of Forecasting. David J. Reibstein is Managing Director of CMO Partners and William Stewart Woodside Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School.





The 30 Day MBA in Marketing Your Fast Track Guide to Business Success

Colin Barrow 256 pages August 2011

BONUS BOOK FOR FREE IN THE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAMME In the Professional programme, once a year our professional members will receive a selfdevelopment book to build their marketing/management career. A personal branding moment for the ambitious marketeer.

The 30 Day MBA in Marketing gives you all the marketing skills and know-how you would get from an MBA course at a top business school - at a tiny fraction of the cost. The 30 Day MBA in Marketing provides a complete marketing ‘course’ spanning twelve disciplinary areas, and including such hot topics as Buyer behaviour, Marketing strategy, Promotion and advertising, Pricing, Managing the marketing organization and Marketing and the law. Each chapter includes at least one practical real life example to illustrate how marketing concepts apply to business decision making. Learn what they teach you on professional marketing courses and at the world’s top Business Schools and why it matters to you; eliminate gaps in your marketing knowledge and take part in business decision making on an equal footing with MBA graduates or your company marketing director. This book includes detailed information on how to find and analyse market data on any business or market anywhere and online appendices that provide an invaluable guide to finding further information and free resources on each topic covered.

“The 30 Day MBA in Marketing provides a complete marketing ‘course’ spanning twelve disciplinary areas, and including such hot topics as Buyer behaviour, Marketing strategy, Promotion and advertising, Pricing, Managing the marketing organization and Marketing and the law

Colin Barrow has spent 15 years applying the principles and knowledge acquired through his own MBA to successfully running companies. He has lectured, researched and collaborated with colleagues in business schools in the UK, America, Australia, the Far East and throughout Europe and is currently a visiting fellow at Cranfield University and teaches there regularly.





EXECUTIVE PROGRAMME The Executive Programme is designed for top level marketeers in senior management roles such as CEO, President, Vice President or Director. Expert Marketeer Executive will cover general management topics but always with an ephasis/inclination to marketing. Content of the Executive Programme • 4 marketing management books a year. • 2 philosophical business books a year (recommended by our Advisory Board) • 4 Magazines - one every quarter to make your personal book selection from the offer in the Executive Programme. • Forum access to the Executive, Professional and Young Talent Programme to discuss content of books with senior managers worldwide, involvement of our Senior Advisory Board and participation of the respective book authors.

Pricing and Profitability Management A Practical Guide for Business Leaders


Julie Meehan, Mike Simonetto, Larry Montan, Chris Goodin 320 pages June 2011 Most business leaders understand that pricing is a powerful lever they can use to gain a competitive edge. One study has shown that 90 percent of pricing investment meets or exceeds return on investment (ROI) expectations.i Put another way: for any dollar invested in performance improvement, the most significant return comes when it is invested in pricing. Why then do so few organizations use pricing to its fullest advantage today? For starters, pricing and profitability management can be extremely complex and risky. Do it right and you’ll reap the rewards. But do it wrong and the bottom can fall out. And many companies simply don’t have the internal capabilities and the information they need to get the job done effectively. In this new book, Julie Meehan, Mike Simonetto, Larry Montan and Chris Goodin offer a practical guide to putting the principles of pricing and profitability management to work today. The book is full of strategic advice as well as practice insight to help your organization in its efforts to improve pricing management capabilities. It takes readers deep into the nooks and crannies of pricing, from data management and technology to tax, governance, pricing analytics and beyond. Want to know more? Explore the resources below. Julie Meehan Is Pricing more art than science? Ask Julie Meehan, principal in the Pricing and Profitability Management Practice of Deloitte Consulting LLP. She has more than a decade of experience in consulting with a focus on strategy development and operational improvement, including profit enhancement through pricing. Read Julie’s full profile. Mike Simonetto You can’t put a price on everything. But, if you’re Mike Simonetto, principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP and leader of the global Pricing and Profitability Management practice, you can help companies turn what can be priced into profit. Mike has spent the last 15 years providing consulting services to a variety of clients and has experience in pricing strategy development, pricing execution, pricing software selection and implementation, business process design, acquisition due diligence and integration, strategic sourcing and new product development. Read Mike’s full profile. Larry Montan It is widely known that prices have changed with the times. But what about the human side of pricing? Larry Montan, director in the Sales Force Effectiveness Practice of Deloitte Consulting LLP, has dedicated his career to helping companies transform their approach to pricing with an emphasis on sales force productivity. For 24 years, he has worked with sales and marketing organizations on issues like customer profitability, pricing and sales and marketing effectiveness. Read Larry’s full profile Chris Goodin There’s a lot more to pricing than what ends up on the tag. Chris Goodin, leader of the Global Consumer Business Pricing and Profitability Management Practice of Deloitte Consulting LLP, has a solid understanding of pricing concepts, principles and practices. For 18 years, he has helped consumer products manufacturers and retailers transform their pricing capabilities, integrate revenue management analytics and deliver innovative pricing strategies and tactics. Read Chris’ full profile.





The Green Executive Corporate Leadership in a Low Carbon Economy Gareth Kane 288 pages August 2011 Over the last five years, the corporate sustainability debate has shifted from one of compliance to one of strategic competitive advantage. Accordingly, responsibility for environmental and sustainability issues has risen from management functions to director level executives.

“provides everything you need to know to develop a winning sustainability strategy and the leadership skills

The Green Executive provides everything you need to know to develop a winning sustainability strategy and the leadership skills you require to implement that strategy. The first part of the book explores the business case for action taking into consideration opportunities, threats of inaction, risks of action and the ethical dimension. This is followed by an overview of global environmental problems, including the big three: climate change, resource depletion and toxic materials, and global solutions – including eco-efficiency and industrial ecology. The third part translates these large scale solutions into practical actions for a single business ranging from simple housekeeping measures through to innovative business models. The final, crucial part introduces the sustainability maturity model and provides an insight into how the highest level of that model can be achieved.

Gareth Kane is the author of The Three Secrets of Green Business (Earthscan 2009). An environmental consultant, he has worked with hundreds of organizations to improve their environmental performance. He has appeared as a media pundit on sustainability issues on the BBC Six O’Clock News, Countryfile and The Politics Show. In 2008, The Journal newspaper named Gareth as a ‘Rising Star, Future Leader’ for his work on sustainability.


Islamic Branding and Marketing Creating A Global Islamic Business Paul Temporal 256 pages June 2011 Islamic Branding and Marketing: Creating A Global Islamic Business provides a complete guide to building brands in the largest consumer market in the world. The global Muslim market is now approximately 23 percent of the world’s population, and is projected to grow by about 35 percent in the next 20 years. If current trends continue, there are expected to be 2.2 billion Muslims in 2030 that will make up 26.4 percent of the world’s total projected population of 8.3 billion. As companies currently compete for the markets of China and India, few have realized the global Muslim market represents potentially larger opportunities. Author Paul Temporal explains how to develop and manage brands and businesses for the fast-growing Muslim market through sophisticated strategies that will ensure sustainable value, and addresses issues such as: • How is the global Muslim market structured? • What opportunities are there in Islamic brand categories, including the digital world? • What strategies should non-Muslim companies adopt in Muslim countries? More than 30 case studies illustrate practical applications of the topics covered, including Brunei Halal Brand, Godiva Chocolatier, Johor Corporations, Nestle, Unilever, Fulla, Muxlim Inc, and more. Whether you are in control of an established company, starting up a new one, or have responsibility for a brand within an Islamic country looking for growth, Islamic Branding and Marketing is an indispensable resource that will help build, improve and secure brand equity and value for your company. Dr. Paul Temporal is a leading global expert on brand strategy and management. He has over 30 years of experience in consulting and training, and is a much sought after international speaker. He has consulted for many of the top corporations and governments around the world, and is well known for his practical and results-oriented approach.





Capturing New Markets Discover How Smart Companies Create Opportunities Others Don’t Stephen Wunker 272 pages July 2011 New markets have powered the greatest business successes in history, from Standard Oil to Facebook. How can you discover and pursue new markets to make your business thrive? In Capturing New Markets, world-renowned business strategist Stephen Wunker argues that the first step is to stop applying traditional formulas of success and understand the unique dynamics in fast-changing new markets. He guides you through the process of creating counterintuitive strategies, such as treating competitors as collaborators, timing market entry, and targeting narrow niches before big customer segments. Drawing on dozens of case studies plus data-driven research, this revolutionary approach to business shows you how to turn new markets into the drivers of growth’propelling you and your company into a whole new world of opportunity. You’ll learn how to anticipate customer demands and meet emerging needs before anyone else does. You’ll discover how to spot ideas ready for explosive growth, and how to lead new markets while your competitors are just waking up to the opportunity. You’ll also see how to make these strategies work in companies that are both small and very large. Capturing New Markets upends traditional thinking about business strategy, showing what will work in a new economy marked by turbulence and change. This is the resource you need to transform industries and the prospects of companies within them. Stephen Wunker is an entrepreneur and a widely published strategy consultant who has created successful ventures for his own companies and clients across six continents. He has led teams that developed some of the world’s first mobile Internet devices, mobile commerce businesses, and mobile marketing campaigns. After earning degrees from Princeton, Columbia, and Harvard Business School, he became a long time colleague of Harvard professor Clayton Christensen in building a consulting practice based on Christensen’s research on disruptive innovation. Wunker now leads New Markets Advisors, a firm dedicated to helping companies find, enter, and win in new markets.


Creating Breakthrough Products Innovation from Product Planning to Program Approval Craig Vogel, Jonathan Cagan 350 pages June 2011 Creating Breakthrough Products identifies key factors associated with successful innovation, and presents an insightful and comprehensive approach to building products and services that redefine markets -- or create new ones. Learn to identify Product Opportunity Gaps that can lead to enormous success; control and navigate the “Fuzzy Front End” of the product development process; and leverage contributions from diverse product teams -- while staying relentlessly focused on your customer’s values and lifestyles. Features: • Techniques for identifying breakthrough opportunities • Today’s seven most important value-adds • Extensive case study focus • Broad applicability in both consumer and industrial markets • Extensive coverage of early-stage product design • Key factors associated with successful innovation • Systematic approach to understanding customer values and lifestyles • New insights into leveraging product team diversity Jonathan Cagan is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. His work focuses on the early stages of product development with emphasis on engineering design, interdisciplinary collaborations, formal design synthesis, and computational design tools. Dr. Cagan is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and a registered Professional Engineer. Craig Vogel is a Professor in the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University. His areas of expertise include product design, product aesthetics, design history, team management, and design patent litigation. Professor Vogel is a Fellow, and former President, of the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA).





Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits

Debbie Millman 256 pages Sept 2011

BONUS BOOK FOR FREE IN THE EXECUTIVE UTIVE PROGRAMME In the Executive programme, twice a year we want to surprise our members with a philosophical view upon business and life. A point of reflection for the highly experienced business leader.

We are now living in a world with over one hundred brands of bottled water. The United States alone is home to over 45,000 shopping malls. And there are more than 19 million customized beverage choices a barista can whip up at your local Starbucks. Whether it’s good or bad, the real question is why we behave this way in the first place. Why do we telegraph our affiliations or our beliefs with symbols, signs, and codes? Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits contains twenty interviews with the world’s leading designers and thinkers in branding. The interviews contain spirited views on how and why humans have branded the world around us, and the ideas, inventions, and insight inherent in the search. The list of 20 leading design and brand “thinkers” interviewed range from the universally well-known Malcolm Gladwell to Seth Godin to Tom Peters. The latter is certainly known for his strategic consulting but branding? A reoccurring theme in the answers to Ms. Millman’s queries revolves around emotion. We read responses like, “It’s not cerebral; it’s visceral” says Wally Olins, Chairman of Saffron Brand Consultants and cofounder of Wolff Olins; and “Brands can make a person feel connected to others which makes them feel better about themselves” adds Brian Collins, Chairman and Chief Creative Officer, Collins. Cheryl Swanson asserts that “Successful branding is about making someone feel that they’ve made the right choice.” Therefore a question may arise in the mind of a reader, “Could branding be used to manipulate the consumer?” The general answer may be obvious, yet the interviewees seemed to agree that those who create branding have a responsibility to use branding to influence consumers in a positive way. The contributors almost universally share a feeling that the industry has a responsibility to do good rather than evil with branding. One of the responses, again by Phil Duncan includes the thought that the main idea of purpose-driven brands is to recognize, embrace, and celebrate the fact that brands can enhance people’s lives.

“Why do we telegraph our affiliations or our beliefs with symbols, signs, and codes?

Debbie Millman has worked in the design business for over 25 years. She is President of the design division at Sterling Brands. She has been there for 16 years and in that time she has worked on the redesign of over 200 global brands. Debbie is President Emeritus of the AIGA, the largest professional association for design. She is a contributing editor at Print Magazine, a design writer at and Chair of the Masters in Branding Program at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. In 2005, she began hosting the first weekly radio talk show about design on the Internet. The show is titled “Design Matters with Debbie Millman” and it is now featured on





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