1975 spring

Page 1

-EDl1'0RIA L- - - - - - - - - - - -- -

America' S newest refugees feel the na tion's heartbeat Tu•o nc::wit lllOC'le.t pcrt$inins

us•• bc:1n1 partic:ula rl )• One- 4uo1ed t-:d Burke-. c:h1cr uf tM office or vclerans •tr•1c:es tot lb~ \Yashina:1on 1>w,.nmen1 of Sol.,


other tei1v.: ' ' #tetemcnt from Gov. fJan l':\t#fl ! Burke, " big cx.).1arinc. b r111 tied when ht' h ~;trd people criticb:lng th"' rcfuJ!ee proa:r11m lie .servtod ifl V1~1nam as a tor· ward ~f'\tlf' lD 1"1 Then h~ compsnrWll• •mbt.dbedoorthof

Hue- Sc:-\~llt)'•fl\C per cent of Burke '• unl 1 waa tilled or wuuDl.l'itd.

c:tothff •nd food. Searby • " n

was lo•i.Jln@ up a VietnantcM f&~n1l y for ('nouti.ni; 31 Spanaway

\, ":, . I

:d al\d H<!ah2' ServK."eS , and rhc


1ed and Mukd :.1 <.:arup Ji.fu.rra)'. The: otbor da)' we bad the pnvilc* c.r\'i!t>lliug lhercfu1a1. .\ R!'ltNd Army cob:tel and ha• WlfC dr'O\tl Up with bundfd of'

0- ,

1q Vlern(ilmciac R°fUK-t!les -'ltruck


'fho Qhl1r..:h :1po nsora wore ttln11sll1tull)' auemen1in Q 1h e 1y p1cal An1cric:;11n picnic fare of hoi 110¥.J. ham and pot ..10 i.fll•d 111i•1th rice: and aa)'thing cl&c the


V1etname1ot ramify m.i.gh1cbooile

a1 a SUlk'f'm•rkd. Ot:hC1' cart c.amc W1thollen ol

Gov. Daniel J . Evans

\.\' bi le flv ht lrlQ with tho Vietn (I p)ette. U u rkc: l.fevc::h.>(lt:J


great ftdm1n1thu' for them a_nd

their cultui>e. "I think "' tot of people in 1h1J cocuitry are raci11:· Mid Burk.?, wbo ~arkadff Pf'OCC$$j•g ol re:fugees be-lnat 1emporar1ly housed lit lh.i \Vu hington Nia

1hc)' m1s ht dt~ tn V1c11H1t11 ·• (io\' £\'iJnt1, 1,~:ho Oj>lincd th<" ..ita1c lor retuett: rcK"llh:1n~d1.

11>t.1gcct>tcd 1M1 cn111:11m or the cm1.grauoc of ttf~, u won-t kind uCb)(IU(ru)


''l:"erfbod1 1" lh1"' c:ouatr) ror the I OOluO• <•me here:

1101lal Cunrd ll t!adquarters, C t1m p 1tt11r1•aiy ••1 think the y rorge1 1hr11 the)', lht!1nsel\'es. aro


t hat chew r onple ~a 1ne here \\1ith no1hi11i; . bec•u5c they "''""rt!

t Ncbr (li,ka,. the otht'r) U> open ilt1 hoort to t h e \ticlnarne•e. Up· w•tdit ot -400 Will be l)l'l)e~CIJ.

i 1noHl8"" '1111. 1 '1111y d o n "t ,...,..1;.,..

afraid. brc11utoe 1he)' lhoucht

E\•;in.: 11"1d . b.: fu.!i ll)' Pl'Oud th.al

O!i reru~eeli,"



'.11i; 11n1: oft~O •tate s

W r1<1hl11r.1nn "

food und clu1 h l: n~ . Somcon• deb\•i!red \'Ollcy buU.i and other rrc r o111 lo11 e quipment. Th.: ph<111e buttod w ith ino re orf~rt. A meri~J1's heart still bent" "'' ith worm1 h , c:o1npasa ion, k1ndnc11" i·11e dissiden t1, I he bfpo<r•tca. the raci$l$ ma)' cau>.t> •alip or1woaou>aad 1Mn But 1.Ut hc.o.rt i$ WTI u big and he:)llhy • • It was when It \loctcomcd !he first rclua:ccs IO m;1ny )oiart llRO And we In \Va.shlngton S1a1r uni 1llC11t fo1·tuntlto, F1~r ii Ii bett 1ha1 w e c11n f eel and full y e1t(krl,..rlCO that a r c;ll hto...&r1bfoa1

of ;\mcrlat


Support wor ks two ways Edilur; Af1cr re1td111;;: your 3.rdc le in the! \VLOlf'r 1975 i,..,;uc- on ·-'\\T lves '\!tn the Guard'" Praise.•• I mutt confea: to Si'\ er· al mixed fttl "IP'· As a wife of• Navol Rdit'Yttl for the ~st 7\2 roallA ~ the retention \•aloe uf g lvln1t the w1re ttt0Rni Hon, t hereby h~lpine her to ht! more 11<1lldl)' bch inJ her husband in hi.s role in the <~ u ard, Now as a

>·ears, I


Guardswomnn, I can doubly appr~ t .. t~

hclp aod bllC:kltli:,

mt Jlusband 11ves me in the-

Guard acti\•i1 i e~ lluw much harder 11 1nu..101 tW:

for• man to st~p ln10 lhc role or

••mother·· and

·hou•~• itf' ··

while h1~ ••ff' beads out for k•K". AJT. d·rill >ll:haoiJ:. t:ti:. )If <llJC$tion then Is - Yi'by n·t tht Certificate ror t.ttr1torJOus Scrvlt.'1t 'l\'r"Htcn to include ei ther h\lllt>.1nd or v.ife't \\'heo I f irlit re.iu.l 1ht! ~1nlc.le. J lhou1ht, "Now co1ne on J(.))'CC aon·1 bC' :so pickr1 Of c:our-.e J1 i$ •n11en f« tM wife Aftc-r all.


Cover photo : Watermelo n k nows no language barrier Of' internatk>nal frontier. Neither do frtendship, compa.eton and concern. Tacoma News Tr•bune photographer Bruce Ketlman, formerly a mem-

~1ome" h1ive only beeo i n 1hc C.uitr'd fur the 1ou1 t~ yt iU't and 1hi"tl11141ren't pine toc:Mn.s<' O\.et'l!IJC:bl ·•Bui •h)' tttl'1 they? It i$ now • f•ct tba1 1}'ere •rT '9'omrn in the Guard. \\'e d ntrve and Deed t he tame recocn 11io 11 a s our fellow G u nnl~ nl V1l and our hut1bund11 dcserv1:1 ••n\I 11eed t.be sam e rec· ognlllon It " 'ivci; of Guitrds 1u en. Think r1l)()1.11 It men.

Spc< 4 Jo)·c:c A. llc/fer111u HHD. WashARNC

ber of lhe 122nd Pt Det. captuTed tn.t mes.sage in our "'o.d." CO\ler photo. We extend our thank& to Brue:• and th• New1 Tribune for allowing ut to use thi1 and 01ner1 of their photographs.

Page 2


Viet Visitors Cal I Cp Murray Hom ~ Dy l,A. John Ellin&$On

The-ljtde l(rttn houses at Canlp f\t U l'"rO'i)', hef:t<IQutt.r1tr$ C)f the

Washington Arm}' National Guarn, aren·1 i11ucl110 look a1, bu l 1oso1ne· one who has spent da)'S in a tent at Camp Pendle1on, Calif., t hey dQ11'l loolc too bad.

·r hlrtY·taur Vletnamese

refugee:s. the vanguord or more than S(ll) retui:ees headed fo 1• Wil~hingtCJn by invill'llion o fth e 80\'•

ernor, arrived at Camp Murray on 1*1:i)' '20, nol 11 monlh ;lfter 1he

Saii.':on l?OVernment capitulated to it.i1 ene1nie.'I. 'The)• "-'C«: onl)' a small part of 111e flJ)J>ruxinia1ely l.}O,flOO SQurh Vk:t nPmcso v.·ho fled before the fall

of satgcnl, b1.11 1hey were 1unoos 1he first to find a rca1 ""'clcomc in the united S1&1es. \Vtll$hing1on <il.>\'ernor Dani el J,


Evans opened the doors of the state 10 the rerugee5, a11 did 1hc :;t"ic of Nebraska, and ordered the s1a1e·s Depurtment or E.mergcnc.y 54:1'\•ices (DES) to sec to lbc ca.re o( the \ 'ie.O\sme:se u1u1I the'/<:<1uld (ind homes and jobs. J AU other sta1eage1lcle11 we: re lqld to cooperate with DES - and that lncluded the National Guard. \\'1111c r epres~ n1;111 \'C5 of 1ne state's Ocpartntcnt of Social and Hcal1b Services ( l)$H.S) fie"'' to California to recruit future cirlzen.s 10 rome to W:ishini;;1on, J>B.5 beii;in lookioa for a place to house them when they 3.l"rh1ed. T hey stopped lookjne when they fouttd C'.a.1np Murray. Camp Murray had facilities to house and f~ l at'ge Jluntbtor " of pe(>plc:, CQuhl provide 5eelusion and pri\•acy ror the. Vletnanlese, :i.nd i1' IQCaled Close 10 t he majo r popula· lion ccoter of the state, t be. J.'"uge1 Sou1ld bash1. where mo111 cir th<i refuij'ees probabl)' will settle. MG Howard S. ~t c(;ce, Adju~nl General or tbc slate, liked the Idea, and the \Va!lhir1g1ou Arnly Ni1ti9ntd Gu~rd'$ headquarters became the Vietnamese Atilstance C~l\ICr. A laree classroom and ao office complex. iii tbe Camp ~lurr;i y O(rm(lry were :set aside for DSHS aod DES offices , lnter,•iew rooms a 11d fire$$ f;:1ciUtit:s. Squad-eized barracks on " l he! l1UI, .. a !lec;lude4 $ile on the Camp 1'turra)' grouod.s. we.re turned over fO the refugees tor living qu;irte-ns. The pace of activit)' et Canlp Murray ac.eelera1ed when ii wi_111 l earned that the Vietnamese were coming.

Used as troop q ua rte rs ro r weeke11d drilli :ind during <innual l rtlinio2, the buildings wercn·1up10 snuff ror pel·rua11eot r'C$idc:nt$ especi&lly for people t1'01n a tropical climate who are tinused In \V\tlShinvton's winds 3ntl rah-..$. T h(! Guard's s ix maintenance 1,eople were beefed up with six 1nen from 11n(lther .iiu11c: ngcnc;y l(I mnke th.inc:s ready. T he :;hchcr~· hoilf w;>lls were closed up, end windows re placed !hit! Qren 1'c:rccning 1ha1 used tC) $it atq-p the old walls. T h e fi rs• seven bli11ding..-c wt!rtin s u l a t.cd , re1A.•i red, sided . shee1roc~d . heated &•id p& i ot~i.1 "''ifhin ei week. As t he Living quarte J' S -.1.•ere r¢;idicd f(lr t he V i e 1 n.;1n11;~se, 11q ,.,.as the rest o f C-amp 1'.turray. Sisn roi in!ers CU I stencils in Victnamcsc to point the way toll\'· ing are~;; . 1ness la.cili1ic1' ~ind Assistance Center orfices. and Vietu.lniese wive!! of (ils living in Tacoma bclpc:d add t he p ronuncie· tion s ynlbols tll3t A.1ue.r1c.an !dt!r!Ci.I machines can't produce. The same women ac.ied as 111terpreters when l he refugees arrived. AUIC!nc:;i.n Keet Cru ~ anll $ 11lva1ioo Army volunteers offered their kr\•ice11; 10 belp e101he rind Cf1rto fC)r t he ncwco1uers. and lhc.y also were glveu space ln the :trmory <•r nn the hill for their offices. • Lt. Col. Jl 1n Kr ... mer, lhc Guard's installations officer. band· led mus1 of the Na11on:il c; uard suppon. ··1·m the fac11i1ie:1 o ff icer, .. Km.mer .st1id " That makes me lhe: landlord." Tile \-'ilriou.s <1BCn<.tics invol,•ed to lhc project had about 90 people ill Cttu1p ri.turr~)'· K r~1mcr·s C)Jfice arranged fol' suc.b 1bings as 1ele· pbclrte St!rVu':c •1nd nfricc $pl1CO for them. So1ne af their requ e~t,j wcrt!n'I possible to fulfill, Kra1ner said. "but we haven't bsd 3d)' crises... Gu:Jrd 1ec hoic lt111~ from the equipmen t ml'intcnance !!hop~ hauJed ill beds and l\l~1 1 re$S"from nciar!J)' F'l. l.el'l·i11, aQd did the ~r~hmtnary housekeeplns in the livlng ;ire.a. Normal supply source!! wi:re byp~·11'$Cd 10 a h1rgedes:rcc. bee.a use of the panicipation of federal :ind s tr.1e t1.genc:-ic:.!I in111cad 1.>f militar)' channels. Food for the Vietna1T1CK came throuab a state p roc-uren1en1 office Page 3

A new role lor Camp Murray. rather1ha1' the :\r nlr me11:s5ys1cm . :\nd rorcook$-you ~ues.sed ht be Cu3rd ··dra.f1ed' ' some ru et.:h>inics.

A ca.U \lo'ent out t'ur \•c1lun1c:c:rs. and :tbc>u1 10 roeo answ~·rcd it. A couple wore- avlonlc!I !IJ)Cc1ali111:; fr<1n1 lhc .ivi .. liv u r .......ui t)", .... 1.1 others "'ere machinJsts. mechiinic:..-1 and Wh:it ha \'C yl)u, f\io st , ho wever. had so111c ex perience ss Gu :lrd mcs5 per:son nel

£.ven w11b exper1e11cc. 111 ~9 wcn:n·1 cnlin:ly readr ror the cook· lnr. chores tha1 face them. Bcc;•u1'c 1he: Vietn "n1es(' diet

differs from the s1andatd A1·n1 y 1nenu, so1nf! t1npr11vi11;;li<1ns h"d to ht' made Ri~"'f' ls ser\·ed 11lree 1hnc:11 ti day ··Thit!y di.dn't wi1n1 hasti·bro1A.'n!I lol' breakfas1.·· one cook sa1d - and 3 fe\v unw;uai 1tll!mt1 like fish sauce,


b<imboo sboo1s and bean s1)rout.s b3d b'> bu found T be· Victnames.e \\1 omer1 t-m· ploytd :1:¢ inler-prc:r¢rs f.O\'C the t:wks some culinary hints before t he rcfui:,ecs arr I vi:d, but 1h~ \'tetna1ne.11e, 1he1111'elvc'i, r.:111sed on ;1 fe-.1.• tips l'fter their arrival. ·rbto i dea wa.s to k~ep the: Vietna1nese at camp "11.1rr.t)' ror as little 1i m e <16 pos&ible untJI tl1cy could be settled el!le.,..·he re. Then. 01her.:1 "''Ould 11.1ke their place. The little erttn houses ()11 t he bill. tbough m ore ~ub :st<intial than their CaJifornia tents. were o nl y wsy st3tu>nS a1<u1~ lhc: n:ind to new lives in Amt'rica.

Kids "°'

C•mp &lurray 1tie. son of lacc you wovld .it$.socinte w11h


Hit' .. ""·

ll•rd lo lmagiM people: ninnina around 1111 tl'Ol)p quarters and me&!I halls pley1n1 tn1 or h ide·and·GO· seek

f'rl•bcca ba,1e nown h e:cr~ betott - bul only a1 lunch breaks durina Wf:ekcn<I d rill.s, (Ir wheu the- 11u1' f• uu l Around nooll


the- rull•lirn e>

cm_pl(>ycc11 C.:OIU t! UU1.

Still , with the arr iv0tl (If 1l1i' Vietn111mei1-e refugees aod 1be-1r chJlclrt-n, Uxt pl&ee bcg:.in to lOok nwtt Ilk• a kids' 1umino:r camp

tbaa • N•t1ooal Guard head Qtartt.n..

Smll&Q@'. w-avmg,. lal&lhioa, '-oll

l:na_ "'•rtna and ponder1o:c.


ch1kt1cn .ccmcd to Rtldily adopt Camp Mu.rray as their new home lt oaJy • temporary home.

\ ·'Ii,, •

A werm smile and a wave mark tht: end of a long Journey .

Photos by Bruce Kellman, Tacoma News T ribune Photographer, and The Associated Press Page .t

A doll and a sucker -

mu•I be home.


capture Camp Murray

.. "1"'- °" ,


-.. . .. -~





~.... ....... -·~"



- - ·


Troop• shelter& Mcome homes and a nice place t.o t tt'Oll.

Frisbff1 ere internaUonal.



A via tors' Alpine Activities

Pilots dig survival school NatKion.fll Guard lf\•l1111or1 this .:11p,.111:c bundled toa.s1J ••rm ao O\-ernighl c•vtt bolllh\"itd out of !l.ltOW.

The cavos eot .:so warm tba1 <iullrJ smcn l"'ked holes 0111 11~ to p t<.1 let tiO nU~ w11r ni au• e"CllPC Md

prevent 111now 1ncltin& M<!mben ol the .sob l\\1•lion

I~ OIUlrJsmen $00n k•mcd -llUn'l\.'AI CbClnc;es an? gttaJtt ln,1de


a snow c:o1\t: thao cx-po~J In <A Ce th

C!r outs ide It "'' "" l"Ulrt O( lbe ' 111lt' i1 t.lurch


trt1inlng exerci'o ,., \\tlute

Pai&s. The- men •t'.te t.r•in1n11 tor a poss1bl~ Mhcopter ditch 1a the c.:ascedc ~1r,u111al.n ruse 1~1 could p iJ rn:t l'l llCllln.st nt1ture. torturl.lll~

ly the 1r111niug ha5 nc:vi,ir been nl!iN!ed. i~h i11w 1u.rvi\'~I "·~r'1


11.?')'I, dJtt<11w ut outdoor duCiltio.n

for 1be Ont.,:oo )lu.seumd Sc:'tt-nce and lftdu,.;1r.,-, and Colburt Burt, a mu:seun1


Some ti$ :aviators hollowl!d oui l \vl)-man Cl1Ve3 Csix·b)'·ei1&ht by·

1b rce r.-~ 1 ) 111 Lhl! deep "'' •nli!r snow. Sl'lu.gsl~ tn"uJe, tl.e 11\armlh W4l' cr~trd by lbtlT bod)' b~at

Tbt' eold -.eatJter

shrh~r w-as

'"'""t nE sun1~:al cra1n1n1t A\'liltOr"i :ii.so lcarnc:d tw1w tu set

""'ly • -

· '3n:ire"' t ru p11 It> eacoh s m ;1ll animals 'or food. p rep.;1re "lll'UCC· need le IC•. 'l l ~• rl :l ftt4: •net lllloC S-AO"'"h.;1r "

Fliers l and in new office

Art Whllten {left), Andy Anderson dig cave

The Guard's crack Mlicopter outfit is ope,.tlng out of a new $1 mllllon evietion comp._x. A concrete block avl.a· 1lon bu.tiding, new hOme of the S40th Aviation Co., dedicated May 9 al FL U.wl1' Gray Field. The building contains edmlnl 1trative otflce1, a complete flight eurgeon's faclllly. two flight 1imu1ator1 and • large cla11room. Pago6


A rare sight i n Canadian akles. hellcopters fly above snowy mountains

Helicopters head north

Canadians 'borrow' fliers llellcop1er cnws 1rom 111e WNhllljtOCI Army Na11onsl Guard fOillowccdl CM g~ DOnb to ('an;td;t. thi" •dk•nd to parttc.,p~teln r.ram-

lft.f: rn.Aeuven with C.uiadi;:in lafr..nlt")' unilt

Cec.c, tlow~vcr. are rn milia r vl11l1ort to Caniad1tui skies. wtuJ('

hclleupcerit {IN 1101. 1::vor)'wh4;rc the 1nt!(t ar the S40th Av1tttlu11 Co, Ocw. (IC:OJ'le r&o t1•om the ir hom o•. a1 u1)ped their cari;. a lon11 ror.d.i1IJ ~.s audstared unlil !he chopper• h•d p•u1);ed. Tl'le Cl'lnadlan troops 3lt-e)





cn11.s. a m:.a:e up

much 1he1 1•.-1tcd 1.bc avia1or5

ol meon from all o'"cr Vaooou,·C'r ld.1~

Thll' tl1eors

rirst met rhe

·"'• only


to s.tt (Ca:udiaa

hc!h..:~len> h rice i i )·eo~ar,.. .i:llid

('a064l4J1t l.o:.t year- wbie.a a platoon Of hch~optfrS from the- C:0111J)Sft) fltw up to '<u1>Pur1 one of their e:<en:-1>1'1•. 'l'hCY wcrci t he (irst Amer1C3R

th.: Scutl'ih Regh11c 111.

" \.\\: -.r~ g~ulng a c ltis~ llfli.sun v111na whh 1hc.:.S4-0th, ··he sald, "and '' I~ vi~r.. lng ~xtrt!IUtdy wt:U.

rl'.'li<'t\'\I l orccs to Crl.'lj.'I tin 1n1er nn 1u,1rU1I bu\1nl1;1ry co support f()relgn l f'C">l'll

'' /\n unoftlclal a lJlancc has been

A1,d, tho Cttnl'd1.-ni; enjoyed it i:n

l lll'i(~.:I." h~


••ri•ud ··vou have m0tt bclitt11llc1.,., In your Na1t0n•I (;WI.I'd lhall we have tn •II al our armed fOl"tts:· ooe rlllaman lrom the Caoadian

Sco111•h Kte1mcn1. the


MAry't, t.ad 1111c Ataencaos 1'wtnl)'•one bclicopteri' ;ind 11bout 90 rnen rrol'll tbe av1a11onunh, wtuch It bo~ a t F't. t.ew1lii, took parl iH lhe exercl.ses.

T ho oper.ali-.>n"' wer-e he-Id on Vl1ncouvtr Jaland at Comux

Canadlpn F°(•r~" ll<Jiie, :i '-·<uub1ned nir find na\•aJ base ) <-0"lo• J; lul!ate-d abour 125 miles nortl't of V1c:torn1 on (he i,slijn!J'si!b1


The C•nadra n Sco1111ih Rc1imcn1. CN~ ut Ca.nada·.lll most


- ...... · '':Cao •

i '- ,


Col R1ch11rd Talbot. command('ror



? ..........

Canadian troops hit the din and scatter Page 7

Walla Walla's waste holds Guard history .

1lldden benc:tith o bluer tor tho la1 t 100 )'esra, t he earthly n:111t1hlt o l •• f' Troop" rcccntf)' •·et(> un OO\'crcd bJ s1ud~ntt rrom \\'alta Walla Communil) C~le._-c.

Tbc stud•n1•, as par1 01 a

Nor1hw•cn hijlur) cou rse. weredll 11lng tit the sifo of\lwgarb<tgeduml) nr old Por• \Valla Wt1lla when 1h.i cr~1siied


111 Ca,·oelry. •en"




at "f" Cump11ny.


States Army

~ . bottom. stldl c.asi1111l-. wh1Skcr lltl$'U and bits ot chin•


or ll~e ardfac:11'- \Ul•

1:r,r1lled b)' 1h.: .tudcnt!J..

" Thl.s may well be one ()I lhc


si&niric.ant aniract site•


W•11binaton Stat e malitary

btttory;· satd D•le CrMs~ \\!SU ••tbtopologUI 111oho anbtt!'CJ ltl the

d ig Croes,• member



Cuard·11 1l2J1d PI Dc:t1u:lune1u . is

cun-entl)' llf$1;11111:ihng a hl1tvt'y uf 1be .tnililary ln \\1a&bingt'"' ~tal(' for tbcGwird "°'Tbl!'k 11ndacts."' ~~id. -.W ta\15C tl\t m1hlaT) bsstOf')' uf tti.s lmportcan1 W111ahu1gton 5 11110 fort to com~ bsck to life !or-tbe upcu1nlng biecntennil1l," Fon \\lallb Walla, eltt1bl111lled io J858, w.tt anunports.n1m1hltar)'Ollt· post for the U.S. Army and pla)'Cd• $ign1ftce.ru """ u:i. the Bannocll:, Nu Pere~. arid Modoc: Jf'Clil:l.n \Vari Frorn 18.'i3 until i91(1, when tbc 1-'ott was c:lti~d . wai:i:on11 lur.ded with !he t'tfutc of Claily 1tr1ny life dumped t h~Jr loads O\'er lt!c- bluff wi:ddit tilt POfl. Tbi:f tn.b., $0 usdc$s thc-n, DOW pro\•ide1 l'tk11l'Olilo:swt1b tftVafu.1ble

lhrtat.11110 lhe fabrl e of ~rrn )' life lfl the !titll cen tury. Ju11 bo•• ex1en$i\•e t hiJ archculugicaJ futd II will not be known until latcr thi• sum.mer. "We·, it UtenJly Jll•t ac-ralchl!d the aurfac;c, - Croct ia14. C l a11 mcmber1, a33i3ted b)' Croes "nd fuM)lhf!r anthro.poloei1t fronl \\'SU will retum to the dump lhi• ~u m 1uer. A lClt CXQV'11tion ltt":ncb \ljj tll bt d•a •nd con? sa.mp)cot tden The x. alona wil b 1tw ttsults ol a

thn.,,1o19h sutface ~lf«tton, will :awt 1he t&N>hcoluki:st<.i co 111•p aod grid thi;: u~n

ror future cncc1'v1;1ti(Jn.

"If lh.i$ tron1111i1•'.11 work PfO\'CI the alte ls as valu1ble :is wt

expec1 ;· N10 crou. ··a run sca.k exc•,·atM)a wil l l tkelr M

ww•s. ··



Photos by SPS Dale Croes, Text by S P6 Bill Dunn


0•1• Croes. Gu•rd"' a• n

e x.amlne-.s some Walla walta


"F Troop'" lne1gnla and buttons dale to the 1870• when Willa Wallo was an active fort.

t Scroenlng soil une11rths m1ny small mlllt•ry obj.eta eologlst , taelt~

Page 9

97th Association gathering

Guard Association to meet in Seattle About 3,000 per 11<.>nll trcun aa·ound 1he country soon wUI be on their way t o vlait t he Everi;:reeo State a& ttv? Nationa l Gu ard Association or the uuited Sta tes hQld:s it:i 9ith hn·

nual Coovention in ~tile. T he conven1lon, scheduled to ta ke p lace bc:1ween September 22· 24, will d r;1w d elegates from eac:.h o f lhc SO state:s. tht Distt lct of C.olum· b ia. P QC:rtn Rico snd the Virgin

lsland:s. Se a tt le was picked four yc:ir s ;igo 10 be- the host for the 1975 con · ventiOl'l, a.od for the pa:it iwu >·e.:'lrll <:Qmmh teea ha,•e been w(lrkin.g to'4'8.rd 1·nakinl! the convcnliOf1a good

qne. The Nation.al Guard A~~il1t io.n Na tional Convention is held each )'Ca r to ado pt r esolu t i o ns ..·hi e h beeome a part o f tht le8JS:l.,ti\•e package bac.ked by the AslSC)Ciitti qn. In the J>l'Sl 1he: cun vcn l il}l'.I h:-tll

ad'Op ted re:soluti<)nti wh ich h{l\•e led to commiti~ry n nd P X p ri,•ilt!gcs

for Guardsmen a.nd wom en. a nd It.ave p romoted higher pay and bet · ter bon c fiti; rar N{lt\on al G uard personnel. This y ea r , oi.c~o rd lrti;; 10 Maj. Da ,•c Hanl>crS, cxecu1lve secretary of the Nati ona l G uard Assoc.fatlon of Washin gt(>n, ii ls expected that the con\·enti01) will a dop t a rcsolu· tion Cl'llins frJr :t reducdon lo retirement age rrcun 60 to SS. In a J dltlou LO the b us ioC$S meet · l:ngs wbJch will be held on ~fond<iy, 1'uesday and \\1cdnei;da)', socitd tuuctloos have been ploinnod. T he Co vcmor's rece-pl iQn will be hel d aboa rd two $Upt;:r ft:rrle.$ <)ll !)ug et Sou nd and the 1r aditional States Dinner .,..·ill con.clud ecbe con· \'ention o o Vi'cdncsd<ty. 1io!ore help will be nC-(:ded llc:tti11g up t he con\•ention, 1-l:>nli.:rg s a id, a nd those inte.rct11cd in partleipat· ina shou.ld eon t~•ci 1~1·c E.Uls £ga n. SSl-3837, or " 'ri1e co him at: NC A OS CorJferc ncc, c/ o Camp Murra y.

Former State Surgeon

Dr. Link follows the call Or. Richard l\. I.i nk . forme.r St;,11:: $urt;:con of the \\'.-$hingt<1n Ar m)' Nation al G 1.1 ~rd, could have :spcn1 h i.-i ret iremen t on thccc.iuntry club eirc\1i1 c.if 8hlf games a n d c(1ck tail pa 11ies. Instead he c:l.ose to pluoee into ~" under-staffed h ospi1:1I i n a n OV('r-Cro"·dc:d pa rt of the world. Lin k tct Lthis s p ring fo r ;ti lc:i!oi>l a '"''0 y~r $til1t hi a CAREh%p i1~ l in Sutakarta. l ndone$ii1. " I always figured when I retired from active " 'Ork I'd go &bc&d w ith w m e :iort of mi ssion." Link :sa id . "I 1houtrhl 1h3t was part o f a doc:aor' !P J<ib whe n J .,.., as )•clung. This. I think, is one way of doinK it.·· Link, a •~i••l ~t in ob$tetrlcs. pcdia1r ics and gynecology, s<d d the biggest p roblem tur bl<1 b ran ch of medich1oe Ul Indonesia is that()C:(lpte don't know " 'h;tt'it available . ··our job 1s 10 u p a r a d c: the d~tlver)' of medical service to 11.e pcc.1plcol' Indonesia, aod 10 u pgrade the bos pital," O n ~ u f t he problems. l~ink 111rgeted ""1~ 1bc bureaucracy t ht1I local d octo rs have 1c1 work under. ··1 am QOing 10 try to $ta)' u n a d vi :ior s tatus," L i nd ll.:\ld. "l don ' t

beli e~·c

in doin e th int1:s f<)r tl1e1n." Link will be ad\•i.sin& o isu.afr c.if f:I or 9 docton, he $:>Id , an d ins truct· ing 1nedical stud ents. He ;idmilled l llat he needed a In· tJe bru11hing up himself. P rior to h i.$ r e tire rnen1 Link ~·orked in a veterans hospital - flQt m vch w(1rk ror ~1n abstto.lr ici:iu there. Link is QO is-tr.:-ingcr In S(Juthc:&!\I Allioi. He :ser v1;id :i lw O~)'ear 101.11· ln \'ietnam as a m cdjcal 011lvi5or under ~ USAfD p rogra111 1n 1970-72. ••1 knOVI' wbat the)' " r e v r

haod " 11 dtipl!'ndl' ;. ijood deaf on 1ny health a Lt bat time," he said. ..T he d ()ct<ir in li'donesl3. now is eoine to Afeanistan fur two murc ye:.irs. •~1t's postiible.... "




ul!l<!"lil'l$1, .. 1.h1k said.

Link $poke ph i10$ophic;illy fur a momen t when asked wb y he was d oing whnt he d1>lng. • • 1 c an 't give my med i<;{ll $ervi c~ :.1"·11y," be said. He pointed out tha t .bfe d icare oc 1'fcd lc3id 1>r·osr8(r'I S "ow au101na1icaUy p a y for the kind of ..:hilrity ~tr,·iCt! h.e: bel ieves ls part o f a doctor's. resp9n$itrili1y. ··t was raised 10 bclie\•e l h nt thi$ Is r.ne ot 1he 1hhlgs d octors did contribute " After bis two )'ear tour is O\'('r Vr. Llok wlU be free to jc.iin th ~ country club .set - but. on the other


Paoe to

Or. Richard Link

Around the state

Guard backs bikers, hikers N&lion~d Ou~rd u n its thl'OuQhOul the at ate spent a butly 11prina provid· Ing per:ul'nncl and cqulpme.121 ror

community project• and ruodrahlng e'1ea1s. A benefit ''bl k• hike ·· or ••waJkalo1;· an •nidcial rtt( In


PuQet Sound for •n underwater

... a comn1unily service collection

park and a plays round were amoniz

th e projec111 in which Cuard!ln'len

•nd womm helped,

NatioMI Cua rd units io Spokane, Yakima and Kent helped weary traYeters du.tins Mattb a.ad April

whb bike.Gikn to raise money for the Washt.oa1c.a A11ocia.tioo for Rc1arded Citizen• Spok11ne A Comb.;it Support Co1n~ ny or

S...11'41 Soldiers of tbt llls1 Support Bact.alioa had • lo!. more ro handle durina the Ftftb Annual '-1:tr<:h ur Dimes Super W al knfo1 thl'ough ScattJtl in April

atariooed in lc.JC.11t'lont aloag lbe 20

T he G u ~ r J 11 rt1cin a n d women at(1lled first aid 11t11lons ato1~ 1bc 10-mile route, which beaan and

those 1101 i n condition for 1hc c:xhlvsting trek . Yakima

ended a1 Se.attic Cent•r. Tbey ttt•t~ bli.s:te,.. 1t1Ml bnli&CS. ..\\'ie O'Nld.n·1 bl!~ do.ae it with· out chem, .. tald Ont! \\'alk11lot

t he 161st l.ula111ry, Spokaoc. was

mile SpoWe colilrM co aive aid to

The 30Ji'd Armor over-$.-w be· tween 2.SOO a.nd J,000 bicyclists peJ.. 1h1a over a 26 mUe ¢0\1 r sc in Yakima, and 1nunncd checkpolot1 to m•lte$WC everything 1A·en1 well l<.Cftt

About 200 youncster.t from Rcntoa foDowed • It-mile www

and hundreds or J(cnt bors ud girl• lc.aa-ed out a l.J·mlle oour1oe throuah

lli•l ~i1 y. Aull "l•Jldtns oy to aid the

hlker11> .,._nd bh:yclJ•I• were N11tiuopJ Ouardsnl en.


Gul'lr-dsmcn and wuule11 fn.11n unha throughout t he 111010 helped uu1 111 :l l1ruidful (I( ocbcr aectvirit!lf Pugel SouAd The l'4-llh Tr1n1por1a1 1on Battaition used landing c rar1 to dell\"tt toDS 01 t1ret band~ tOGtth•r to dump tnto Puae-c Sound ::11 Salt Water Sta1e Park 11c~r Des Moines The tires will be uacd rt1 r .iin arrifi· cit'1I r«-1' for l•nt.l"'rwotcr marinu llfe,


lleadqua.nert L>et iachmen'C o( Che lh-&1 Suppon n.:.11alton Pf'O'"ided a G1111nma Go•t, ' tllrl:·~·hieel dri\·c vehicle, for ll•li.ll\lll"h'11 cmeri<'oey p rep:trednt::iJ• program. 11u: u 11i1 ul so is su,ppl yJng 1'1nlf, healer'$. fut.I

e nd r:tdio cr.1mm11nlc11do119. Yakima Nati<lnal Ovard was on the ,ocicne at a mockdu1•"1ercltcrc1se In Yakima, delive:rlna bodJes and in JUf'ed pi::r&0n• to lhe bu!l"pi1al. -

HelUutlhllm 8eJ Ji n11 h•n'l't bully 2 86th F.n1tinet'rs haul ed l ows fro m c11v waterfront toANumP<Mlll Setwul ~

part of • proJtct to put a new playground al lbcl tothool. b\ \'.!"ell

Four N:.11un " I C":nAl! tl , ,.., , ••• wc111 throuehoul t:\•f:rctl collectini.i food for a city wido food d.rlvc f~n· 111e Nt!ighbon lo Need Food Baok

Oil spill mop up may be Guard job Tbt W;1.shin1ton Army Noitional Guard may be 8"1tln11 into the oU tplll c lea.n up b 1.1s lnc11. l,.t. Col. Oooald Kt'OC<:hc1 of the 116fh Supporr Ccnttr. Olympi.;a, i11>

worllil\& oo a ••.i.a t• concin1cncy pl1n.•· to .. c;u11rd•mea a.ad equ1pm~t for coat ainina: aod cleaning up oll .11plll1 on Pugel Sound. If the plao Is funded. Natlo.:iul Ou• rd ht!I icQpl er• or the S-IOt h Avia •


tiQn Co. might b• c mplo)•ed 10 " bo1nb"" lhe .spill.. whh peat tnOI».

0114 ol 1he be•t abtorlknl• of oil

Meaowbile, Galrd tuabosts~ a b ar&C' and l•11dinc cr•ft from T1coma'& 1•4tb Transportation

BanaHoti c»uld ri1ht 1he SpilJ from lhc w~ter, Key 10 lhc pltin, howe-ver, i1

,whether the State l~c1is l a1ure • tpproves a Cour-cent tu on e~ch

barrel of oil ab1 p~d i nto •tate waten by ta.Dkeh. , A.ttboug.b l'Ulsted by oil


t.'Qmpanies. 1he IMM It beins sough1 b)' i t&lt! c.ilTi~inl1, f\lt1r111g majo r o iJ • plll11 if supertau.k111"- 1trcaJlo"'•ed 10 come lnto P1.1&ct SOund. The tax wouJd b1.1lld U.P a fund of hop.fully $20 ro S25 l'llill!Od toean-y out Krw:iccbcl'• cont1t1ge-ncy plu

1'be. money wol,l)d ~o to help train Nntional Cuat'd11mcn 1n cleanu p pr<lCcdurc:s, b u y abo1,1t 200,00l>cublc

)'arda of pe:it mot.1 nnd "''a~hou$CI

l(l keep it in and 1>0011111 10 con13ln

t11>illed oJJ.

1·t1ie Guard alto ~+ould .s-uppl y helicoptera, bttAIS aoJ 01her

equ1p1Mnt "'TM Guard b • aood source'" manpo"·er-;· P.td HatTy Tr.-~y o( lhc .state Ikpr.rt 1n~n1 of Ecokigy "II is fl $0Urcc: Of a I rcn1t:ndou.o1 Hn11111n 1 o f cqul1>ll1c111 ••

Okanogan County honors the Guard Ok.aoog:a:n Nat100al (fuanb;fD(.n

r•cc1ved ttcognlllon Ian Match rrom the OkanQcO:n County Com mlt11icu1er5, Th~ com1ni11•turuir11 declared l h ll (> f .\f ;:1rch 16 ro l'2 <1 1 "Minuteman " 'eek" ~ nd issued a


S)f'l)Cl11ma1ion wtdcb ttads ltl part· ··0i:1eoC1hedlllinlCQlsh1ng m.ub ol the Natiooal C~rd, throughout

P19t 11

Its hul1ory, is that 1t al~ays has bffn comPG$<'d otvuluntttn •horon~10

C"r 1he Meit.,,rily of lhti:!1r State and Ni1tioa as UQ> pl'loril)' Clf r.lletr 11 ...~t "Theretorl!, \''0, Co1nrnb1i;ioner1 or the Count y of Ok,.•K>iHtn , Statt! tr 'r\'a'lh1na:coo. du h.iroby PN><.:loiim ~(•r<b 16 1hrou1h Miarch l l as ~ll!llUTE).L\.'l \\ t-.t: K 1n Olca~n

Cau nty ..

New top noncom won't be inside Ry SPS .Jetr)' P ugnettl S(lmc day S{>l. ?.taj. James S. Pattf! r.son. the Gui1rd'S 1,Qp

enJi!fted ll).8ll., may tromp into the adjutant ecn cr:11'i; ofl'ice with 1nuddy baots.. He wQ11l d n '1 be d')lng It to :lbow dJsttspect. But he sa.i d it i$ lhe onl)• w;ty 1r1 find ou1 problenls

E:llllsted mco race i.o their unit:s.

"Sitt ins i n .an ortlce won't get

problems solved," Patter.son JJl:li d. ''You've 8<H to get some

mud on )'our boots jmt like the Pfc. 1u fi nd out what's on his mind. ' ' A W•)rld \\'at JI marioe ve teran, Pattcr:son<iffi<:-i;.llly ..-•ill

t&.kce O\'er in July as command screeant m;.,jor or 1~ Ns11c111.a l Guard headquarters.

Ho will repor1 dtrectl)' to MaJ.

(}en. llow;1rd S. AlcGee, ;adjutanl

aencraJ. P1.1 11e .. son, un oii r c r aft

mt:chanic at tho R('nton Alrpot1 as 3 civilian, hti.!! hb; d c-.:;k .umong aenertlh~ and colonels i n the Camp ~l u rl'ay headqullrtcr:s b u ildinB. But he said he' ll nircly be thett. " The nu1nbcr of Jl'lll:i I w ill spend a1 beadqu:•rtcr,; will be fe:M' ;)Ud (".r bet'A'CCn," be safd, "I' ll probably spend :itio-118() per ce111 ur lbe time in the field :· His new Guard position :Jl.l;r.1 will C(l11.$\1me about two or three "''eektnds a month . \Vltl1 ~ i8'1 r h <1nKil'.IK o ut o f the corner of h is m outh. Pa1tt:n1on

said he "'ill be in the field tor one rei!SOn - to hridgc .1he com · munications eap bctwttn reitu· Ja r (}uardilnicn 11nd t h e i r

1;lUpCr:i(lr \; .

·· r..tany problerna boil d<"1w n llt t'lctly 10 ""<luur1uniciativn &;· he said. ''The Guard is oo duterent fn..nn oiny Qther o rftaojzation. ··ri.1any t irne$ J)roblen11i c;)n be solved just by listening." A.nd th.at i.fl v1h:11 P:ittcrsor.1 i~ for He enc.ourai:cs M}' e nlisted nlan fO wrneo1• teleplM>ne bin1 t!t hiti Ri;n ton home or at "'Ork. A 25-year \•eteran of the Wa:;hing ton A r mr N"tionn l C u a rd, be replaces Sgt. ri.taj. Sl & nl~ y \Vftrd , wh<1 retired. Patterson SPtRI five )'C8J'S as a ~l1:trb1~ 1nran1ryn1:u1 io \\'()Th.I War Tl, includina 21 months in t h e sou 1 h Psclflc . li e p;iriici p~11-0d in lhe battles of (;u:.111 .;·i nd GuttdaJcanal T 11e Af i dwctlit f<•rm bo)' returned 10 Nebraska after t he w oi r :·i nd wor k i;d Oltl ti co:i.r mec h anic He jo i ned tbe .Nebraska Ntitianul c;utird. A£ler movine to Scatllc i n · 19so. f•atu?t'son Joined the Nfl· lir.1nid G u ;1rd .ful}'


1951) in t he

old tlst 01,,l.sion. He worked hl.ll 'A'l\Y lhr rn1gh the r;i nks :tnd be e.ante .sergeant ma.Jor of 1be lllsit l nfi1nl ry BriQiuJc. In his n~YI' po:;.ition, Palle r:;.on sata be Wlll have only o n e PU1'(1(1~.

Comman d Ser geant Major James S. Patters o n

Camp Murray bea ch open Picnk:king, $Wi mnliug, boating and ~a1nping - thes e arc some of the t hinp: Nati<111al Ciullrdtmen can do rlgh1 a 1 Ca.m p Murr.-y. stilte hc.-dqu;trter:t. You s ee . Cacop Mutra.y has a beach alon1 a portion .,r beautiful A.1nerfcan Lake. The bc:ieh is 6pen rot use by au N'atiooaJ Guardsmen, Cu;\rd tm· plo yes 3J)d ad viaort for both Army and Air N11tio1..'ll Gut!rd.

Tbe privi:lc~e to use the beach ror

rec re.at.ion extends uni ii ()Cll)bcr IS.


Because t he beach a r en i.$ ,:l ean~ u 11 ~old 1n aln1alned, there tt k charge of SO cents per ~a r rordtty·

me 1.1se, sz.so for c-ampln@overlght :tnd SIS (cir :1even days or


ampina. Sc.,•en d-ays js t he ot s t.ay unl ess

there ~ plet1l)' nr sp:1ce ufN.:.laimcd. Jn that case you can &-tay lon1ter. Campintt spaee Is limited, so adv:i.nce r e!le.r vat ions 1nus t be made. 'The)' m<1)· be made b}' 'A'ril· l11g 10 Cltirence Riple y. % Ca.ntp Murr ay Beach. Camp }.turr ay.

i ·acont.a, \VA., 984.30, or b)· c-allin..i;;

him at S8<1·24<11. Tho beach also is o pen to 1.-rec groupsrnrooeday. R:t1e..<1depe.o d on the &iT.c or the e rou.P

" I musl ser\'e every 1nan in 1hi: N~1liont1I G1,.1tird i o tbe bi:isl of my nbilit}' aod make s ure everyone 1$ hapJ>)'.''

E phrata unit earns honor T'be 1161st TN1.n1tpor1a1Jon Ctim • r:.n y of Ephrata hois been a'A'ardcd the National Guard Bureau A"'·:ird r(lr erficii:ncr in maintenance. The award was announced b)' M;~j. Gl;ln. llQ"'i'1rll S. Mc.Gee, ad·

jutanl general. Orders rru"idinv for t he award c i ted the u nit's ··ou1s1111iding erflciency in mai l'.l tenance operatio ns and m ai n tenance procedure$ ...


t• IJ11 ll I) II f) IJ SI~ ... w/1at'sgoingon in the Guard

m'9.xintum lengtll

Page 12


Summe,r ca1np sch,e dule

Our units to cover country ""°"'"'hit1gton G•1u:r1.J.'lmeon will 1 ravel foir a1ld 111,•h.le :ia-::un thL'< !';am w~r as on iti. com.Juel Dll 11 ua I lr"&i 11 in~ ;~ var-inus pl.,ces •1roour.J lhc Oil ll IJtr~ T ile be~t su in rner c:;1 m r:i o f all,

however• .5CC iiL'< to ll.avc: bee11 dra w11 by p.a rt or tJti- S(J6rh Tl'"an~ort :l tioo Cil .• o su hordm0;1 re unl1 o f l'at:nm 3 's I :Um T rensporra1mn B.n. ac-cordir.I~ to wm c ob~vett. T he 5%t b ·Ii se•• goH1K tuc hu<i t "'ill be lt.!a ·• ia g o n J um~ 6. to haul s e;ff~O In•m l";acnm u to Am:haNll!IC:, AJ&.'tkM

\.. i ll b~ •1 barg ~ l ufH ft! d vrith J<J M 116 per- ~0 1rn ~ l c:s rricr~ de:. ,ined 111 h«o1m~ prop~rwo 1 the .:\.hiska N'n

R.ohJad tbl!'

t u~ lmat

tiOitaJ C UOI m,

L~11d 1n.g c rah lrom Taco1n11's llJRth 'l'r.mspurtacion Co., picker.J u p 1 n~ C;Jrri en end • rn1bponed t hem d1rough 1he 'fl:lt:0ma Narrows lo th~ PoJ'l ;tf T.a t:nm 3 Tile~ the)• were loaded onto Lhc-


The ..:rew uJ 1hc tllgboal w1llron isist Of .ibOIJI IS nwn , ~hn 'Iii Ill lake Hi~ hoa t ~ n d ba rt;:c for 1lie ruu nd i.nr rass&gr" up rhe w .. ~t II Ls ~x~1~1.1 thal l he

ill ts.k I'" abu11 t or l'WD


•.·0)1 .P~e

20 i.J;1}'S. I 11ctudt11g a .a 1 do.:k i; jr.J ... 1 u


Oependrng on 1he ..ve•1 ther-, tbt: 50t.itb ~c1 tcnci"U>' ha s •lie be:5l

sunun..-r cs111p inuai_nabJc While rhe rughllate rt1 are un thejr

wa}' to Alaskil, othe..- Olt! rnbcr"!'G of the .Sl'ltitb will job1 !he JI l~th people for allll\l<J l traininy a t \Vhidbey Nsvu l A1r Sratli1n Thl'J.' wil l bit:

tb.:re betwec:m 19 July 2 All~usc . Parr of the paren• unit. 'he l<Wtb Tr.anspor-motion Ba - will ht' at Wbid!>e)', wb ll~ anocJJcr ,p.;1rt of 1he ht!ar.Jquart~ wJ 11 be tr~ining oul of !1 1iltC- a l Ft J.'rckctt Vir~io.l n Le;s via~ cm June I , t~)' will t..-ain1 w:1J if JunC! 14~ ll&th 5.uppcin Center, CHAO ~ wm trs.IJ1 "t v~kima Firin8 Center hum L2·2'ti.Juliy, and •ho 1.3.:JntA:rmy H ti 11 d h&:. a sch~tlule for coD~ll:"rt d:l lCS bf:tdnn1 ng Jwh~ 7 a11d rumling nottl .•une ?I Stick•RH prer 1 yclo~e to lh.imotbis li um incr wm be I he 24a•b Tr.a 118ponation Rn and i1t1 :subordliaatt! units. rhc s-4f)Lb A viati on Co.. 1ho l Ull!!-I T i•.an s p-ur f MLim Co., the lOHst T rt1 n1:1purtatlfl11 Co-. m td tbic hlls:t Si1111al ?ft . Wi tl1 I he exoeptJo.n ot th~ fUe~ ;ind slgriaf pr~toon, tht!y all trsjq at F r Lewis from 31 Mey-11



'f ht helicopter comp~n)• will bl! a1 F t . lkwis fmm l-16 August, with ui1e platuon .at \'aklma l-'ir i ng Cenlcr from 7-21 Jun~ The ~ i i::na I p Ea1oun wl 11 trmn at Ft. l.cwi~ from .S llt J1,1ly. An()llJcr u nit beoidia:g lllJt ohtate will ~ the ISi lln.• l!i!Jrd Armor, wtilch will be gQin~ to ad100l - the Armor sct1ool - •1t _E.·~ . Kno)(, K;·. Tile 11111ken w1H be gnnt! l'r~nu 16-30 Aa~ u st

Also guin.R b;:sck 10 sebu(ll wlll bo l.-d Ba , 16l!tl tnr.antry, whtch wdJ bo ht!nded for thm; 1nf~ qtry S(;hool uf Fr Be11niag., Ga. S\1m mer t;rainiug for •hem will nm Imm 17 July-Hl Auau~r_

Judge rules Guardsman's job safe while at training A K ll llil p Cuu11 t y S upcrfor Cuurl

.rudge recen• lr CtJund Ln fa\• ur of a N~ Lional Guai'11tm:w 11.iho wa'S .:Us mia6ed by h i~ cmpluyer fo r Na1;onaJ Huard osc.:tivh i e.s. A iinal order fnr eH hc-r en1 1•loymen 1 or- r e.st i 1ut1011 15 pe 1t d in ~ in the cn&e. bu 1 tile m~sai;~ for empluyc:rs snd Gua..-ds rn..:!n wbo .u re r::mpl.uye';!i LB t.:lell r . Th1:1t jub vo11 Jert wllea yo u pack~ >·our IJ;s ns lor lllnnu.ii r :summ~r cam~• riramlll~ in d1t: Naa 1cmoi! I ual'tl will be wuuus for }oil when r@U P,Cl b.:11;1';.

• Und er 1.hr: kdet;:i l 'Vt! tenrn·~ e:ulj us tment A&!n~tant.:e /\ct o f 74 , CP lU11rds:n1c n ~ r-c= £-Jl tat'lt!'!!I to

taki;: ti111e off from ..-e~uJar- Jubs rar

.immmer ~~snp. Time u(ft bWC\•eT, RI USt be re~areskJ from i;;mp loyen; in oidv.oll'QC! nnd nuai"tlii;men ruu!l1 report immedia tt!ly back ro i;i.•ork .alt e r rite I OA•o-w~ <.luty

ends_ Wboo Guardsmen retllrn tu their c1viliaa1 jobs, tbey a~ assllrclll by· law uJ po.!!h lom~ of tilt! :san1i::: &et1ior t1}' . ~at u ~, pay and vac: tion rigtn o:; •hey Wt.>Uld bne eamod hud rhcl~· no1 been n bun• for tra.ltiin~M o t' c Jnforme1iQn on l:!mpJoy mt!"rH ri~h~~ of Guarosmi::n ~~ .ll\J•1 ilabre fruni t1te fedf; r&J L abur Manageru~nc Services Adrninl..;trauan a~oi, offtOl", roorn JI.JS 1'-eden1J Of"fice RuUding. Sca~tle 9817-l Page 13

Other ua~ts . their ti·ajmng date-'< a nd1 loc.atioas: i ncludf' - JfHC, 81!11 Tnfam r y .Btk.• at Vskima f'irmg Cclll4;r , H -28 Jtme. - 13lst Support Ba- . at Yt'lkima FLn1Je Genlor. 14-lH J1me. - hr Bn., l 6 l.t1 t Infa ntry, at Ya Ima ~ning Center, 14-2R Jw1e _ - ·rroop E . 3-{}.) rd c-.."·elry 1 at Ya.kim11 t.-iirin~ Center, 7-21 Jwae_ - Uc'i•b Eneinei:r Cu ,, a~ Ft. Lc:Wltl , M-18 June. - 2!ltl Dn .• 146ch F'it!M ArdJJe r y,

;it FL I .c-wss, 14:-lR Jul'le-

A c<:i upjc Qf !lp~cisl sum m Qr & re: in Lhc w11rks foT tltLci

progr;a ms l' f?.ilr. too.

You 1h 'l'uda). " ptot!TB lll fo r

y o u n ~ people whic h be-g ~ n l :i-"t )'t!ti r . Wi II bl! co11ducter.J ar f'..amp Murn~y durin~ A~1~1.

In September- tl1 e \\i.a,;hrn 8 ton Army Na tliJnal Guard wiU be hos1 ID!!I Se:m le '7.S, the ;JJm ua I c.o nv~a ­ cion of tbe NnbOJl."11 Gu."J rd As~ocJa­ tiom.

.i\11 have


rfle Giu:irJ ;ip~i'rS tu bu.."<y fuLLr months ahead_



New payroll system to

start soon .r

.Beeimll ng ln u1y 1h~ Na1JonaJ Guard Jump to ~ De'W pa y .i; y s rC!m J ur Gun r d.s m en .Hrul'.



Caned die Jl'.MPS~y tC":m . •he new pay pr-oc~dure will be ~nd· ~n~ Guar.d pr:ioplit! ;11 cbt!<:'k t'\'e ry mu 11th. h 1stear.J of c.nc check ~ ..·ory



There will. b.otA't'Ver. be a lng

lw:twet:n the driU ltmt' yo1.1 pua In and •~ p-&)' y,ou r ccel ;.•c,.

For Lns;ta ar.:~ . ii you perr~J:rm a

weekend drill on 11-13 .fu ly, yot1r un it AST wi[J rt.' p O rl [bt!' pcrro rmant:e rhr1t dr-i II (0 I Ile miltt a.q• pi;!, )' br-a nr; b am t be Uni r ed S1011tcs Propeir(y al)d Finance omce (us r:•t-"O • Durtng Che £ir&t pu.rt of AugtL~l USP f'O rellfJTti: tt1c penurmanc.e of rhco driU to tho U.S . Army FinanL;t and Acco1111 tio,s Comer, It i !IJilJC!S the Cbt!<; ~ 81 th~ t!lld of that m 1111tb ffir tbe J1;1Jy treinrna asse.rnbJy _ BetlA·ecn the firlil ~nd tho ft.ftti


of SepH~m ber you r cht!i,:k for' I he Ju l y dr-111 w i ll arr;ive :it the o:addTti!I~ )'Ou ha\'~

listed. From 1ln:n on, you S'(:'t a check

:s rnomh


f; tJAll DHft lJ SI~ ... continued

Centr alia eye s co-op facility


A n•w National Gu•rd Annary ha• been pro1~ at Centralio, but h won't be juit <1n ;,rmory. /\ com1nllltt ortheCentralii'.1 ~nd ChuhullJ Chambe r 1.>t Commerce is ttudylnit ti poiulble a rmory•rnultl· pur1>Ut t comm\1nii» oe.nt er at t he Sou t hwest 'A'as h in l!lt o o 1·'1lr1 rou ndJ.. COii or che buildina hs w1ma1ed mcwc then SI million. The bu 1ldtn.1: would be u.Wd as an armory for Troop £ . 303rd ea..-alry, by 1W lair•• aauhitiit ball and by Ute: twin c:uw.s for stniorc:itizcn a"4 cornmuait,. unter. The f•~r·• participation depcod• larae1y on buytng additional falr11rouad land. A pur chaae c1.1rrently i" ~ndlngon 1Sac re&.ju11 s outh o r the rairgrounds •• e po11lblo file ror t he facilit)" T he fac lllly wou ld repla ce the31· year.oh.I Dr mory on Scmin;•ry I Ull.


SP4 Jemo1 Redl shows his wife, SP5 Alice, how to assemble l ht M16

OOnker, 1aid m• lnt~nance cos t• a rc too arc..t i n the existing ar"mot)'.

At hom e on the ran ge

A family affair Coard tr111n101 war. a family affair for 1M- :?lls1 Sten-Al Bn:s hr· 1nu l'Xt!l"CI"· rct:t'ntly. Vf'C' Cn•h)• Renz ~ved able 1n~1r111.itl.bn frvnl hi;!!'" father, ssc; 1.lurv lil Rt!n.t, flrinc the f\ll6 at thc-

Nu1•th 1-'0M run11rj. Aln1011t 11tM>u1dcr '" shuul der "'' fl!C 1hll hull.hnnd wll'e team of AliCt! :.ud •ln111c11 Hc:dl, e-S Ali1:1:. a full·timc: (;uArd l'Ccruiler. ~ot help f ro1u her

Col. Wayne ?iofc:Da11lels , assi~tanl adJu111n1 Qel'lera1 and a Ceit11ralla

hu.Nftd. E..S Jamd Kedl. qU11lify tnM: ••th the .u pistol

Pt"C Rent, 11 Guards"''Oman for about 11 mo nths no""" 1s an enthu11r1111c suppt>rtcr o f Gu.arcl

Huitt 1n t9J8 10 house three cor:n ' p;in1·1l;ced ur'liu, thie« is ldS than

on, cOlft1'ilny·slzed unit now in Ccmn.llti

Tank schools taught her e More than40 National Gu;&rd em·

•C:tlvltit•. acoordinQ le'> ber father. Syt Rcni. Al her job with the De1n..'

OIO)'d recently 1ouk & four·we-ek 1ralni nr.1 ~c>ur1e o n ta n\)l wilhoot h flvlnG to vi 1i1 t h e A r m y ' • tank

tr111111dt ror Unc

tr11lnlna •chool at Ft. Knox . ·r 1to nk1 to the Y a k ima Valley Colleao and ch e Ar"m y·s 9th Re•d1nu1 Re1ition at t~L Lewis. 1wo

nt N1\ll.ll'AI Rcsource!l, s he ball tiopct or 11lin lng up some cir her girl ~<•mpany

on the firinw


were tct up at Y3.ldma Fir·

•RI C._titer abd at Ft. Lewis.


lnttruc:ton trom c.ol]qe and Fl. t...wb; cal)gb:1 1be course• on opcfalln1 llnd maint.aiain1 a tad.

Omdah esttm.at.ed the ()l)IW"tCa

1a\'ed 1he National Guard mon than $50,000 it would ha\'C had 10 lf)enO to send it• emplo)'e• to Kentucky.



~"SSG'·M:arvln Renz ins truct&d1ugh t1r. PFC l<eth y, on tiring lhtM16

Page 14

The Way It Was

Retired writer remembers Ry Jfomcr l'o!lt Anned 1' un.:e:c; Publi..: In fo r rn.atJcm Sen·ice) Thac wu .a ~"' idea t.l1a1 didn' t bet.:omc <1«-epled Ii>• top nat101101 I cl•·frnse offidals even dur li•l:i World Wal' I. II"! fact. oul)' .idvt'T&E! pubhc~•Y rcs.ul1iJ1~ rmm such mcitlents as the c11u11 nmrtial of .Mo:ij, Gen. Mi1c:h.~ ll of che Alt Fri r i;.e. Lon~ at1i:IJ" 'lbc war, 1

g.a\le Ar med Fcwci=..o.; officinldoan I he i dea t ba1 lii!'llini:: the publlA.: ii& own .!lf.ory "''on ld be oJ 1.1 ny uec to 1h~r ur garuza nu11~ v.•tlcn , hov. ev~r ,

;:st a Ta c u 11 rn

Mayor's req1.1~•. marti_al law was decl.:u·t!d m t hat cil y, voi(:(!;S n:.i.s~ Iu prL1rest O'>'E!l' 1b~ ~nti rn !llBlt=.


action of 1h~ Ta.com~ m u~~or was occttsioa od b)' mtu.· 5rrike ut 1ho

Lumber a rnl S~wmiJJ \'!lm·k.i:rs durm~ wb 1t:h ;i bomb w.a11 morowo 011 Llic fro at po.rcb ul oi wurkcl'" wllo hildn' t stniclr:.

la those d:Jy~ J was ~lve 11 the job of repot11ne for th~ Tai:;nma Nc'l!.•l:j Trit.inne, lbi.: W::i.i1h i ni;on Na1Imm.I G uani :m nual cncamprncTifS ill th~ e1:1 ri)' I ?:J"()s. [ was [ Q wril(,' oaJr or llu: ;:,c:tndt)'

of the! HllCb F . .I\ , a o oJJ h(lfSO c,avalqt 1.mi• ;\nyway. othcl"r-i; of the l4Jl t fl F.A.. .,,,.l:!re 11Lcascd 1,1,Lch publicity, ~peci~ll:i,r alc~r Lhc Guard w.u.s ordt.•red by the f!O"'ornor tu enforce Law 1 n Tacoma d uri a g the sc:rLk~-

la r•ml:!.

I Wl'S tnll!lfer n:d from

bt!iny Jt sec tion !ler-ecnnr Jn F , Battt'ry ca s r;s rr scrt;:e-an1 m He.adq,ua rtt!'r s B~tter>' Bnd m n dc J•10. J $pen t one whnle: Sa turd a)• WllA h Col Peou1.i:;1oa

dis.c11ssit1& Cl uard




We knew wtt baJ 1L1 win bad.. Guard t>OJ>Ulari1y - well, su.t just wi o pupu lari ty, b ut al~t t n cstn.bU&b s:nor~le

for potet1l L;ll r-«ruiu_ Tht.:! gencrnl pubLLc had ht learn tlt3 l a It houi=h Lie-arninH to be fl !!uod sol diet• Wo11>!1 ~ l•tr~c pa• Luruur tl'ainLrig, l hen:· w.es 3lsri .imme fuil in vo(vcd in u Tbt!- attitude fO"- a rd th-c G 11ard m~e r t ne s.1~1 I!: 01 l lh:is ume. rite: rrridl93(F !>, w;;is oxempllf recl by an In· i:i1.h:nt at J::IJeJl!ih••rE when t!-u: .?nd Bn or clle 1 ~m F .A. Wt!nl the~ to "tim1mstrecc a re lll ~r)' m eneu v~ r ~ ot the £.ILen!j;bP/lr~ Rodt!u. Wt: wc.-e- encamped on t be flu I ·

&ku· L ~ o f

the cir:y 1:1 m.I "-'t:n: ~wen r 11e

' 'cDfd s houlder" by many ,pt!nf'IC we p aa6i:!d wh i le oo l ~u~·c

SuddeoJy, there w ; !'S



ttun anead of a group of ua and a hig, hurly maJJ in denims rulled imo the

c;uHt!r ;md lay t hert: We .-us bet.I up ;,i nd found o ae of our bo y.~ 11tandmg over 1hi:: ciYil11m gJ;1ri 11g a t t:um,

r11;,,, dendled..

··He f;<dlcd our ooan t <t bunch


k e - b r eHikt r SO H ... , •• the! G uard..~nn0'1 n I old u_s Ct .,.,•.,JS a diHereu1 i;cory, chou~b. ac the 11.l~ht ~how afte r wi: m.s· n t!Ll"' en:d LO the i"ndto arena_ Ooi: of our men wss a T.a coma. polke-mun 31 r i

who caught five o r !11>1 DOck:e1ptekt!r.i; o,pcraci us N::.IJr n conc~.i1!1 ion :s 1<.md H.·e su l L; over $ROO 'il'fl:!i ttroven!dl by Bta(e p11~ rolmcn a nd EI l t:nsbur~ poll~i: to t be .::rear re liC1f of those whn had lost thcil" c.as)L Afll'"r that. Wt! ~wl d have b;1d the town. 'fbe Gu.ord bad proved hs lAIOMb ~

Tt wa!I um lope: bcfor.~ J "''OS fiod· rn g t:: n c; 11 mp men m m 11 t t-rjaJ 1h;i i w«:H1ld ahow it.~ 0 us rd h •1d iIS morm~1 •L.,; n (

m E!'r rlJutt=nl Thett "''a!!. fo r in.scancie, l lir;,: time

a 14Hth 1-· A licut enan1 cn1onel ll;:id bought a acw pair ot artUI ery b1Jots Now tbose hnots harked h<1 1:'k to cltl! hor~e·d rawn ar ti llery d ay~ bul

were &Ull prnpcr IDt!CMil i'.led uni[_

unLfc1rm for a

A j eel' d.-iver wa!S ;i:is lgnc-d tu a '1£1lr mile lo t br mcetiaig. T tie Qfficer. re.splcndcm I11 h1 ~ l"!OW shined 111' booui. louli:ect ii roWJd for cht jeep af.-er 1 b~ staff m~cml!I h u l Do j e e p w a s 1 J1 ~ rt" ( all p res rrn~cd L Now. •f you 1'il ve <' \ 11r t,1,•altic:d in a brand new pair oJ un brokon booL!j; for borse-rldin 1 when the)' "''en~ a httile ri~hl I Y">U k.no\\' wha• I bti m lieuc"nam euJmk':I irndure(J Jn hLS half..-mJlc w••lk back co hi.; qanirter-a. Wh.i1• he !>-IUd !~ u np r m c3 l'ISe but my le ad lor tim shon :r~ ~• t.ll'O int~ N' t:W:'1i Tnbune r3 n lho.s . .. Wl'te..n do the dog... uf war bark~ Wh4:'11 t.hc•r daii~ oo.-k. •• Tht'!.o fol IQ!i''Cd t he Lie t., i Is of h uw Le lulppcncd. Ob. of cn111r.50. titer~ w ere s1ori~lii l;uilte t he Uemen:ii nt colonel


f'tomer Post gives pointers 10 SPI Dave Wright

Homer Post prepares PIO Homor A. P'os.c, ~ mJ\'fll as the ..deau ur hlell sc;hool jour-oa lism ti:aG~rs" ln lhe Northwest, u. s tilJ a.:: Li\•el y dnin.r. hLB p;:i rl to 1r,jin buddial! •A•riter-s. Recent.I y. ?it!;t held a iit!'ru;:s o( !ly n1 pnlii um5 for the NG' s Pu bhc Infonna.tJ011 Olrii;e-stoff a t <.:01mp M11N'.1!f.

Ht: i~ usine ~us bunk, ''NEWS IN PRJ:N l .," lo Imel(! clrutif)' che mam points of nt?W!I. v.rnr ina for the Cuard "''r.l l i:n. CuJut1n~ti 11e e van ed career 10 thC' DO'il'SP.SIJ~ f' £ield •.Mr. Pn:i.t retired in1m i.lctive te~ chi ng in 19$3 nftcr 23 )'t!&f'l'· at L incol n

Hip Sc.he>nl.

i;iage 15

o f iht! ,;~rioll!I side of Ollr wurk. ol ~1.u;:ccsstuJ niancuveW'!I o.n tb e Fi

Lewj!li re~rvathin , ol our regimcncisl haad's .!luccess. of l bc: brilha a~ ·' pass in re-.·jew.. before the ~o'\1 c rnor on tbe firs t Sunday of lhf' c:nca m1,m e a1:. But when Wurld War IJ 1hrca.tor1ed. t he wor d t1'at can11e fTom th!! c:ntlni 41 M Diii.·Jslou was: ·'We are rrertd)' to Seil ready r''

') o.d. Is published quarter!)' b)' lhe tnform;stic.>n Office, Washington

Al'1ny National Gu;;1rd, Cn1n 1> ~fu rr l1.)' , 1' &coma, \Vasbingtoo 98430. (2()6) S.S2.J896, 'rhi~ puhllca· lil)n iJJ fin uoortlclal publication as a uthorized unde r 1he provblons of AR .160·3 1, a nd t he vie ws aod o pinions ex prt! S~t!d are not 11ece!ls&rlly t h o se o f the Ocpartmeo1.:>f l he Army. o.d. jsdl.g. 1rlhuted free to pcl'$0onel of the \\'ai;hingtQO Arnty National Guard and other interested per:soni; upun rcquc.st. Vol. S, No. 2.







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Page 16


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