1890 Adjutant General's Report

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headquarters, in the case of Second Lieutenant Gorham, First Retimeat, National Guard of Washington, with my review and repi '1 upon the same. The technical objections of Lieutenant Gorham to the jurisd Ition of the court appear to me to have been not well taken. ru record in the case shows everything necessary to constitute a g(eral court martial, and that defenil:tnt was "served with a copy I the charges and specifications." Special Order No. 9 is 5Uffi(ii for the purpose of appointing a court martial, and the portion of said order excusing fertain officers theretofore appointed. to serve by Special Order No. 4 did not in any way affect the defendant or his rights. The record, while not as precise as it should be, shows the defendant to have had legal and actual notice, and is sufficient. The findings are sustained by the evidence, and the sentence is just. Proceedings, findings and sentence are approved. C. E. CLAYPOOL,

Colonel and Tudge Advocate General X. (?. W EXECUTIVE CHAMBERS,

September 9, 1890. The sentence in the foregoing case of Second Lieutenant W. H. Gorham, Company "D," First Regiment, National Guard of Washington, is confirmed. ELISHA P. FERRY.

GENERAL HEADQUARTERS,NATIONAL (iIARD or WASHINGTON ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE. OLYMPIA, WASH., September 9, 1890. General Orh r No. 8. 1. Before a general court martin I, coli yen id by Special Order No. 9, C. S., from the headqil;tll(.rs and of xvllicli Lieutenant Colonel 'John Carr is president, was tried Second Lieutenant W. H. Gorham, Company D, First Jnfa itry, National Gun i'd of Washington. Charge 1. Conduct to the plejudi(.e of good order and :military discipline. in violation of I lie 62d Article of War. Witli stindi-v specificatioiis to the said charge. To which charge and lie sIt tifiet ions thereto. file accused, Second Lieutenant W. H. Gorham, ('no Jniliv D. First Infantry, pleads as follows: Second Litit tin it W. 11. Gorham filed a Idea denying the jurisdiction of the court, u bitt1 Idol being overrtilI liv to appear fu"ll"' ill defett. of said charge, tie court, and he declining the plea of not guilty is entered.




'F1'' court having itiattirely considered the case, finds the accused, SecOlI(l Lieutenant W. 11. (oiliirn, Company D, First lift it iv, National Guard of Washington: Of the lust speciticat ion. tint guilty. Of the second speeitn:ti ion, not guilty. Of the third speciticat 'it''. not guilty. Of the fourth specilicatioll, not. guilty. Of the lift It specification. not guilty. Of the sixth pecitieatioti. 1101 guilty. Of the seventh spc'i that ion. iiot guilty. Of the eight Ii specification. gui liv. Oftthe olin rue, guilty. And the court does th enfoic sentence him, the said W. H. Gorham, eCOfl(l Licitteiu:tnt, ('outipally D, First Regiment, National Guard of \Vl'ittgt ouu, to he dismissed t-om the service of the National Guard of \Vashuiuugt ott. 2. The proceedings, lln(Iiugs and sentence in the case of Second Lieutenant W. H. Gorham. Company I). First Regiment, National Guard of Washington, is approved. ittil Second Lietitenatit W. H. Gorham, Company D, First Regiment. liiftuiii'y, National Guard ()t Washington, is dismissed from the service of the National Guard of W'ashington. 3. The general court martial convened by Special Order No. 9, C. S., is heretv dissolved. 1W order ot'the Commander-in-Chief, R. G. O'BRIEN,

Adjutant General.

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