Walking madrid verano 2013

Page 22

Clínica CEMTRO Tu salud nuestro objetivo

la maratónamiento y un reconocimiento Día antes de buen plan de entren un ido

Por supuesto has ten médico deportivo. y calentamiento. Sesión de estiramiento es, sin productos que habitual rica en azucar nea rrá dite me ta die : Nutrición . liflor, judías, repollo…) produzcan gases (co alcohólicas. o tes itan exc s ida No tomar café, beb con agua o similar. Hidratación correcta

Previou P revi re viou iou ous sd days da ays s tto o the th M Marath arathon on • You have obviously followed an adequate training program and have undergone a medical check-up. Include race-pace in your workouts. If you want to run it in under 4 hours, your workouts should include such a pace. • Warm-up and stretching workout should be under half an hour. • Nutrition: Typical Mediterranean diet, rich in sugars, free of any kind of gas-producing product (coli ower, beans, cabbage…) No time to try out new products you’ve never had before and may give you heavy digestions. • Drink no coffee, alcohol or stimulating drinks. • Correct hydration with water or similar. • Make sure you include enough rest in days up to the race.

n Dayy On Maratho

. hours. • Sleep 6-7 ulating shower. No bath like • Take a stim what the weather will be • Keep in mind old, sunny...) and (c h between 2 try on race-day t kfast or lunc • Usual brea re the marathon. Don’ fo 2,5 hours be s. the out new thing of times throughout ty • Drink plen ps, no big gulps. oes. si and running sh race. Small usual out t is brand-new. • Wear your at th ng hi to anyt Do not wear bricant at skin-folds lu e/ lin se Va s. • n side effect reduce frictioder on sweaty areas.. from w • Talcum po the race you suffer est • If during ms, you pull a muscle, ch sly ou cramps, spas or you are continu . lp s pain, tremor , … look for medical he air gasping for

Día D í marató ón

Dormir 6-7 horas. Ducha tonificante no baño. Tener en cuenta el clima que va a haber el día de la carrera (frío, soleado..) Desayuno o comida habitual de 2-2,5 horas antes de la maratón. Beber a lo largo de la carrera a sorbos pequeños. Indumentaria y zapatillas habituales, no gastadas, no nuevas. Crema/vaselina en la zona de los pliegues de roce. After runnin Polvos de talco en las zonas de sudoración g the Maratho . Cooling n

Post maratón

down technique-co and nscious drill • Eat nothing s. w • Mild stretc ithin the next 2 hours. hing exercise • Cold water s. ba lower limbs th, especially on .

Ejercicios y técnica de vuelta a la calma. Estiramientos suaves. Baño con agua fría sobretodo de miembros inferiores. intensa. forma o ha sudado caluroso si ha sido un día julio walkingmadrid.com - septiembre 2013 - de verano - summer 20Rehidratación

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