Hitler vs Stalin The WWII on The Eastern Front in Photographs

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August, they were able to blunt operations by Western and Kalinin

Teheran. It was Stalin, flushed with victories, who came to dominate and

Fronts and retake Smolensk. Soviet offensives in the north and at the

domineer at Teheran at the end of November. He had taken great care on

centre unrolled against prepared German defences and difficult terrain.

his way to Teheran to preserve himself from mishap. He travelled by train

The gains were appreciably smaller than those in the southern theatre,

to Baku. At the airfield two aircraft waited, one for Stalin, piloted by a

where the prospect of a major breakthrough to the Dnieper, at the

colonel-general, the other for officials piloted by a colonel. Stalin chose

junction of two German Army Groups, now beckoned.

the colonel's aircraft, saying: "Colonel-generals don't often pilot aircraft".

Late in September, Soviet armies driving over ISO miles

On 6 November 1943, Kiev, "the mother of Russian cities", was

(240 kilometres) to the west drew up to the Dnieper. Within a week,

cleared of enemy troops. The Stavka planned to smash in the "Dnieper

23 bridgeheads dotted the Dnieper's western bank. During the night

line", hurling a great mass of men and tanks on Army Group South.

of 26 September, the Airborne Forces dropped 4,575 men in 296

The General Staff had completed the attack timetables for the

aircraft sorties into the Bukrin bridgehead, an ambitious airborne

winter offensive. Designed to destroy German forces at Leningrad, in

operation marred by over-hasty improvisation and lack of unified

Belorussia, the western Ukraine and the Crimea, the main attack was

command. The Soviet rush to the great river line became a frontal

to be mounted in the southwestern theatre, the quicker to bring Soviet

pursuit of the Germans complicated by dwindling supplies of fuel and

troops to the 1941 frontiers.

ammunition. Astride the river, the Soviet command now planned the

What Stalin wanted and pressed for at Teheran was a definite date

battle for the entire "Dnieper line". On 22 August, the Stavka approved

for Overlord, the cross-Channel attack. He asked pointedly, "Who

the revised plan for the Smolensk operation further north. The final

will command Overlord?" Churchill's proposals for a Third Front,

attack opened on 15 September, toppling German defensive bastions

a landing in southern France, attacking the German flank in the

one by one. Smolensk, torched by retreating Germans, fell on 25

Balkans, were brutally shoved aside. Stalin fought to nail down

September. Soviet losses were heavy — the price the Soviet command

Overlord. Did the British really believe in it or was this just "to keep

paid for holding down 55 German divisions to prevent reinforcement

the Russian quiet?" Resorting to ill-concealed blackmail, Stalin asserted

reaching the southern wing, which the Red Army aimed to annihilate.

that without Overlord materializing in May 1944, to coincide with

Early in October, the briefest lull settled across the Soviet—German

Soviet offensive operations, the Red Army might falter and the

front. Stalin planned to unleash an autumnal storm over two regional

Russians succumb to war-weariness. With Overlord on time, there

capitals: Minsk in Belorussia and Kiev in the Ukraine. Orders for the

would be no need "to take steps" to counter feelings of "isolation" in

attack on Kiev had been issued and those for the liberation of Belorussia

the Red Army. What Stalin could not win from Churchill he finally

were readied. German military intelligence predicted, correctly, a

extracted at a lunch attended by all three Allied leaders: Overlordwas

powerful Soviet winter offensive, plus the chilling forecast that "the

timed for May 1944, enjoined as an Anglo—American decision and

Soviet—Russian enemy will surpass Germany in terms of manpower,

duly confirmed in the third plenary session.

equipment and propaganda." Already the great dispersal of German

The Teheran conference dispersed with a common decision formally

forces, the very essence of Stalin's "war-shortening" strategy, had begun.

agreed, though fundamental divisions shone through, glowing like hot

Plans were in train for a massive winter attack to bring the Red Army

coals. Stalin could congratulate himself: Overlord was now immovably

to a line from which to launch decisive blows that would necessarily

anchored in the late spring of 1944, rival armies were diverted from his

require full co-operation on the part of the Western allies. To this end,

southern flank, Poland had been splintered, the Baltic states retained

in late October, several Foreign Ministers met in Moscow to prepare for

and a provisional territorial claim staked out in the Far East. Churchill

the "Big Three" conference to be attended by Roosevelt, Churchill and

departed Teheran in good order but was a prey to foreboding, seized

Stalin - it was to be held, at Stalin's insistence, in the Iranian capital,

with the urgent need to "do something with these bloody Russians".


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