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Weather Arrangements

Our priority is for the safety of our students. As a general principle, we will only close the school in exceptional circumstances. If any emergency interrupts normal school attendance we follow these guidelines.

We will communicate changes via our website and parent portal, FireFly as early in the morning / as quickly as possible.

Students will be free to leave if a parent or older sibling collects them. If the school coaches are arranged to leave early then children travelling on them will be released, if we have prior permission for this. We will attempt to contact parents by telephone beforehand to determine that there will be an adult at home. It is therefore most important that, at times when the weather is threatening, children carry a telephone number at which parents may be contacted during the day.

Jubilee Hall will remain open for those who need to wait for special transport and until every student has been collected.

Hot Weather

We advise parents to apply sunscreen with 12 hour protection to their children before bringing them to school. Any sun cream brought into school must be clearly named, used only by that child and applied by themselves.

On residential visits students will apply sun cream prior to beginning their activities and they will carry it with them during the day, reapplying it as and when necessary. Care will be taken to ensure that the children are appropriately dressed for the weather conditions.

Children are encouraged to wear a sunhat at all times when they are outside in hot weather. Extra shade is provided in hot weather and during extremely hot weather all children will be encouraged to spend some of this break in the shaded areas in all playgrounds.

Children will be encouraged to drink more frequently during hot weather. All girls have water bottles in their classrooms which can be refilled as and when necessary. Extra drinks are taken on school visits in hot weather.