Keeping A Journal- Morning Writing For Writers

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Keeping A Journal- Morning Writing For Writers Jumping into the world of writing is like trying to collect a massive amount of feathers falling to the ground at once. Just imagine an exploded chicken in the sky and the happy dance you'd have to do to collect each feather before it hits the ground. That's what it feels like to jump into writing as a career. If you don't have a formal education in writing, you are starting from square one. One question leads to another, then another, and another. Writing is such a huge umbrella for so many different subcategories. • Freelance • Non-fiction authors • Fiction authors • Copywriting • Blogging • Website content • Poetry • Children's literature On and on it goes. To write articles for websites and blogs, you practice SEO, sub-headings, 2nd person POV, etc. To author a book you need stamina, imagination, skill, and persistence. To write poetry you need creativity and inspiration. Depending on the writing you do, your left or right brain needs to take control. Try combining them all together and your head just might explode. After what appeared to be a minor schizophrenic meltdown, I found a cure for my frenzied mind; journaling. No, this is not a daily log of everything you did in a day, it is so much more than that. I'll give you my routine- inspired from the great Natalie Goldberg, author of Writing Down to the Bones. Being a young tech-nerd born during the computer boom, I do everything on a device. I almost forgot how to write in cursive until Evan came home and needed help on his penmanship. I didn't even realize they taught that in school anymore? Anyway, with the distraction of the Internet and the detached way of typing, you must journal in a notebook with a pen. Keep your computer away from you. Find a comfortable notebook and pen that you like for your routine- it'll help I promise. I decided to use a binder filled with lined paper. That way when it fills up, I can just keep adding more. The binder has one of those front sheet cover "thingys" so I can draw some funny artwork or put a picture in it to inspire me. I know I know, the kids need you, the dog needs you, your rigorous exercise plan needs you. Here's why the morning is perfect- you are fresh. There is no spilled milk, annoying emails, or arguments with the kids to clutter your head. To tap into that brain of creativity, passion, and spontaneity, do it in the morning. Just set your alarm for fifteen minutes earlier and keep your notebook and pen by your bed. You won't even have to get out before you journal. Huh? Just follow me for a minute. If you are a right-handed person, that's a sign that your left brain is

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