How to Repair a Foundation Crack

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How to Repair a Foundation Crack

If you've noticed cracks in your foundation, don't panic. In this presentation, we'll walk you through the process of assessing and repairing foundation cracks, along with tips of House Foundation Repair on preventing future damage.

Identifying Signs of Foundation Cracks

Vertical Cracks

These cracks run straight up and down and are a common sign of normal settling in the foundation. If they're less than 1/4 inch wide, they usually don't require professional repair.

Diagonal Cracks

These cracks run at an angle and can indicate a more serious issue. If the crack is wider at the top than at the bottom, it could be a sign of foundation movement.

Horizontal Cracks

Stair-Step Cracks

These cracks look like a flight of stairs and are a sign of foundation shifting. If the crack is wider than 1/4 inch, it's time to call a professional.

These cracks run parallel to the ground and suggest that the foundation is under too much pressure. This could be due to soil pressure or water damage.

Causes of Foundation Cracks

Water Damage

Excessive water can cause the soil to expand and contract, putting pressure on the foundation and causing cracks

Soil Movement

If the soil around your foundation shifts it can cause stress on the foundation and result in cracking


Foundations naturally settle over time, but if it's happening unevenly or you have a weak foundation, it can cause cracks

Types of Foundation Cracks

1 Shrinkage Cracks

These are hairline cracks caused by normal curing of the concrete and are usually harmless.

2 Heaving Cracks

These occur when the soil freezes and expands and can worsen over time if not addressed.

3 Settlement Cracks

These cracks are caused by the foundation settling and can be caused by soil movement or poor soil compaction during construction.

Assessing the Severity of Cracks

The Direction of the Cracks

Vertical or diagonal cracks are often minor, but horizontal cracks can signal a bigger problem and should be looked at by a professional.

Size Matters

A narrow crack usually isn’t a big deal, but if it's wider than 1/4 inch, it could be a sign of more serious issues.

The Number of Cracks

If you see one crack, you should be okay. However, if you have multiple cracks in one area or throughout the foundation, it's time to call in a pro.


Repair Options

Epoxy Injection

This process involves injecting resin into the cracks, bonding the concrete back together. It's a quick and affordable option for minor cracks.

Carbon Fiber Reinforcement

Helical Piers

If your foundation is under a lot of pressure, carbon fiber strips can be applied to the cracks to reinforce the foundation.

If your foundation is sinking, helical piers can be installed to lift the foundation back to its original position.

DIY vs Hiring a Professional

If you have a small crack that isn't causing any structural issues, a DIY repair can be a good option However, if you're not experienced with foundation repairs, it's best to bring in a pro

Hiring A Professional

A professional will be able to quickly identify the cause of the cracks and the best solution They also have the specialized tools and experience needed to make long-lasting repairs


Preventative Measures

Watch for Signs of Moisture

Ensure your gutters and downspouts are functioning properly, and make sure water is draining away from your foundation.

Plant Trees and Shrubs Away from the House

Tree roots can cause the soil to shift and put pressure on the foundation. Keep trees and shrubs a safe distance from the house.

Grade Your Yard

Be sure that the soil around your house slopes away from the foundation, reducing the pressure that can cause cracks.

Maintain Consistent Moisture


Fluctuations in moisture levels can cause the soil to expand and contract, putting pressure on the foundation. Keep consistent moisture levels around your foundation.

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