7 minute read

Review by Euna Leist:

Alice-Miranda on Holiday

by Jacqueline Harvey (Coming soon to the WAC Library)


Alice-Miranda on Holiday is a book for 9+ and the sequel to the book Alice-Miranda at School which I recommend reading first.

The author of the series Alice-Miranda which is still not completed but already has a whopping amount of 20 books is Jacqueline Harvey. The series Alice-Miranda is very international, every book is placed in a different country such as France, Japan, China and Egypt.

The book plays during the summer holidays that Alice-Miranda is spending with her friend Jacinta Headlington-Bear. A cranky boy is causing some mischief, a movie star has come to visit and a stranger is snooping around. You cannot forget AliceMiranda's cheeky pony Bonaparte (Bony) and a story wouldn‘t be good without a sprinkle of romance.

Jacinta and Alice-Miranda racing down the stair railing and showing how good their friendship really is, is a part that I could read over and over again. It is personally one of my favourites even though it is neither dramatic nor is it exciting.

This book was particularly difficult for me to review because it has so many plot twists and little details that are important to mention, but if I did it would spoil the whole story. I find this an extremely well written book that is still interesting to read even if you have read it many times.

Euna Leist

Vice President - Karin Weidner

Karin is from Germany and received her PhD in chemistry from the University of Bern. She lived in Barcelona, San Diego and Tokyo, where she worked as researcher for University/pharmaceutical company. Since spring 2018, she is living in Uster with her husband and two children.

She became a member of the WAC when her daughter started preschool, in 2019. In the meanwhile, Karin has served multiple terms as a Board member at the WAC: first in marketing and currently as the Vice President.

Karin’s children are now at complete ease with English despite having two nonnative speakers as parents; they enjoy being part of the WAC community and can even hold independent conversations when on holidays overseas.

Treasurer- Tosyn Thomas

My name is Tosyn Thomas and I have been a member at WAC since I moved to Switzerland in 2014. My kids have attended and are still attending different classes at the WAC, which they really enjoy for both it's educational and social aspects.

In my past years as the Treasurer, I have helped achieve financial stability at WAC through implementation of some financial strategies, which continues to make the WAC financially strong yearly. I will like to continue with this in the coming year and I look forward to your supporting vote.

Secretary - Yick Han Cheung

Hi everyone, my name is Yick Han Cheung. I am a Dutch-born Chinese and I have been living in Uster for almost 9 years together with my husband Karl and son Matthias. Before moving to Switzerland, I worked as a pension specialist and was finishing my study as an Actuary.

Since a few years my son is attending the English classes at WAC with immense joy, while I am trying to learn Swiss German through the great classes taught by Denise and Monika. I have met a lot of wonderful people through WAC and it really helped me to feel more at home in Uster.

Having been a stay-at-home mum and participated several terms in the parents’ council of my son’s school, I was ready for new challenges and was happy to have found such a challenge at WAC. I have been working as the Secretary to the WAC Board since last year and continue to love the experience. It is very rewarding to help organise, support and participate in the numerous successful WAC events. I loved the energy of the volunteers (and the delicious food)!

My current Secretary role still excites me and I would like to continue in this role to actively support WAC. Also, I am looking forward to working with a great team of dedicated volunteers.

Events - Swati Gupta D’silva

Hello Everyone,

My name is Swati. I come originally from Mumbai, India. I live in Gutenswil very close to Uster. I am married and am a mother of a 10 year old boy. My son used to visit WAC, when he was 4 years old.

I look forward to meeting you all and organizing some interesting Events at WAC.

Business - Dionne Brown

Dionne is from London in the UK and first came to Switzerland in 2018 as a trailing spouse with her then 2-yearold daughter.

Previously, Dionne spent many years working in Corporate London as an European Commercial Real Estate Manager inside the Mining Industry with a Health and Safety, Procurement and Corporate Event background.

In her free time, Dionne enjoys bike riding, socializing with other families, exploring the different cantons in Switzerland, and International travel. Dionne’s husband enjoys snowboarding and she is yet to try this as she much prefers the sun to snow.

After the initial settling in period of moving to a new country with a small child, she found the WAC after doing a Google search and is very happy that she did. Dionne was excited to join the WAC Board in 2022 to create fun and exciting events for all.

After a successful year of events, Dionne has decided to continue being a Board member and run for the Business Board position.

Marketing - Ana Rodriguez

Ana is from Mexico and has been living in Switzerland with her Swiss husband for more than a decade. They have two very active sons and joined the WAC four years ago when their eldest was a toddler. Last year, Ana helped to run the WAC’s playgroups but as she was previously a marketing specialist, this year she’s offering the WAC the benefit of her professional skills. Having already been in the role for the last two months, Ana is keen to continue for the next year.

(to be voted in by the new board at their first meeting)

Library - Kate Hofstetter

My name is Kate Hofstetter. I've been with WAC for 8 years ever since my older daughter was 18 months old. I spent 3 years as a business board member and have volunteered in the WAC's library for 6 years. WAC is a home away from home to me. My kids grew up with it and I've made a lot of good friends here. This year I would like to take over as head librarian to help keep this valuable resource running smoothly.

IT - Petar Vasilev

Petar is Bulgarian and since graduating from university with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, has worked as a software developer as well as a technical consultant in Bulgaria, The Netherlands, Australia, UK and since 2017, Switzerland. He is offering his expertise in the field of technology to the WAC for the coming year.

Publications - Tamsin Cartwright

I’m Tamsin and my family and I have been living in Switzerland since November 2011. Originally from England, we came here after two years living in the Channel Islands. We have two children, who both benefitted from the reading and writing classes at the WAC which they enjoyed immensely.

In addition to volunteering in the library, I took on the role of Publications Chairperson in 2016 and I am looking forward to continuing in the role for the next year.

Membership - Amanda Carr

I would love to stay at the WAC as the Membership Chairperson. I would be very happy to be voted in again! I joined the WAC Board in August 2020 and have enjoyed working in the Membership role and getting to know our new members. The position has given me an opportunity to do something for myself which I find is very rewarding. In 2023, the position will no longer be on the board but will be a chair position. The role remains the same for me apart from that it is not on the board. I will host 2 welcome meetings each year for the new members to come along to at the WAC. Every time a new member joins, I will send them a WAC info pack in the post to help them get to know the WAC. I love to meet all our new members and spread the love of the WAC!

I have been in Switzerland with my husband Tom since 2007, and I have been coming to the WAC since our first child was born in 2014. We have three children aged 9, 7 and 5 years old. They attend several different classes at the WAC each week, along with other activities at the WAC too. They love to come to the WAC to see their friends, and equally I love to come to the WAC to see my friends too!

Prior to having our children, I used to work in the Oil Industry. I was an Account Manager selling Software and Services to Oil companies. I was always travelling, mainly in Europe to visit clients. My background is a Geology and Geography Bsc Hons Degree from Keele University, U.K. My hobbies are swimming, cycling, walking and skiing. I am most often a taxi-driver for my children to shuttle them from activity to activity! And I get a lot of pleasure from chatting to my fellow Mummy friends along the way too at these various activities!!

I am looking forward to volunteering at the WAC again this year and making it “The Place To Be”!

Playgroups - Julia Neale

Julia Neale is originally from Canada and moved to Switzerland in 2009. She’s lived in Zurich, Glattbrugg, Winterthur and Basel; but the Zurich Oberland is where she now calls home. Her husband is Swiss/ English and they have two young children. She is a former international school teacher and has completed courses on psychology, children’s yoga teaching, visual art instruction and is a certified hypnobirthing educator. She loves being a parent, bringing communities of people together, learning, being creative and gardening.

Interior/Exterior - Kellie Hüsler

Originally from Southern California, I transplanted to Switzerland in 2008 and my life has since grown deep roots. I moved here for love, to be with my Swiss then fiancé and now husband. I have been a member of the WAC since 2013, joining the Babies and Bumps group when still pregnant with my oldest. I now have two Little Ladies, Mia and Megan. As tough as those early days were, they were made significantly easier by coming to the weekly playgroups and finding support from other mommies (and daddies!) who were also in the trenches of parenthood. We have enjoyed the full gamut of courses at the WAC including the playgroups, preschool and Spielgruppe, Explorers, and Reading & Writing classes. As the girls have gotten older and more independent, I have found a new hobby: gardening. It’s time to give back and I am more than happy to spread the seeds of joy at the WAC. You’ll most probably see me nosing around the pots and plants, splashing some water here and there, picking away at weeds, or planting a seedling of some sort. I’m looking forward to seeing what blooms and grows!