1 minute read

Note from the Board

Ana Rodriguez, Marketing

Lovely readers,


I am so delighted to have the chance to write an article about me in this WoT, let me first tell you my name and my position. I am Ana Rodriguez and currently being part of the WAC Board in the marketing position for 2 months. I am truly convinced on being part of the WAC because I would like my kids to grow in an international, empathic and healthy world. I believe that the only way to have a better world is through constant education, as well as opening our social, physical and mental boundaries.

As a part of the board this year, I look forward to welcoming the digital age to maximize communication efficiency between members, parents and teachers. My family is an adventure junkie. During winter, as the soft white flakes turn the swiss mountains into a fairy-tale beauty, we enjoy playing together in the snow, we enjoy hitting the slopes very early in the morning to be the first ones sliding through sparkling snow and we enjoy eating a delicious plate of “pommes” with an Erdinger in our hands on a sunny terrace with a stunning view.

Unfortunately, daddy had a knee surgery last September. This forced us to take the decision to stay at home during this sports holidays. As winter is finishing, the days are getting longer, the sun is getting stronger, and the layers of clothes are becoming less. That gives us the chance to do activities in and around the city with our bicycles and friends.

On behalf of the board, I would like to invite you to join the AGM. I know, what does that even mean? That happened to me at the beginning as well. The AGM is the Annual General Meeting where you can meet a lot of members, you can take part in the decisions that are taken for the WAC, having some snacks alongside. The AGM will take place on Tuesday

28th March, 2023 from 7-9pm at the WAC Clubroom. I look forward to seeing you all there and together with you make the WAC a perfect place to support expat families settling into Switzerland. Have a beautiful beginning of Spring and see you soon, Ana