Hotline | September 2021

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50 Years of WASA

Celebrating five decades of transforming Washington’s schools. THE 1970s



Take a trip down memory lane with Howard Coble.

What was it like to be a WASA member 50 years ago?

Doyle Winter reflects on WASA’s first 50 years of leadership.




NEW BEGINNINGS Welcome, new school administrators and superintendents! We’re so glad you’re here.


HOTLINE A Look Back to Look Ahead

FIFTY AND FABULOUS WASA will celebrate its 50th birthday at the 2022 Summer Conference in Spokane. Between now and then, a year-long anniversary celebration has been planned to honor the past, while looking forward to an exciting future. This particular issue of the WASA Hotline will highlight the early days of WASA, including a look back to the 1970s.


President Aaron Leavell reflects on the COVID-19 pandemic and shares words of encouragement as we head back to school.

Unveiling the New WASA Logo 50th Anniversary Sponsors


Our sponsors are true partners in all we do at WASA. Help us thank our eight amazing 50th anniversary sponsors!

Welcoming Our President-elect


Meet Michelle Whitney, our president-elect! Read about Michelle’s goals for WASA 2022–23.

Superintendent of the Year


Nominate a leader you know for the 2022 Washington SOY.

Presidential Inauguration


Dr. Aaron Leavell assumes his post as the 2021–22 WASA president.

2021–22 Goals and Actions


Learn how we’re putting our foundational pillars of leadership, trust, and advocacy into action this year.

Welcoming Our New Members


WASA welcomes 111 new members in this issue of Hotline.


We’re celebrating incoming superintendents from every corner of the state. Congratulations!

WASA Employee Spotlight Cover collage: A peek into the 1970s from the WASA archives, including an early issue of Hotline, our 1967 and 1978 logos, group and individual photos of WASA leaders, and snapshots of conference participants.


Our new logo reflects where our organization is after 50 years of service—and where we want to go from here.

Incoming Superintendents JOEL AUNE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR



Eve Johnson joined WASA more than 35 years ago—and she continues to be a vital part of our organization today.

Inclusionary Practices Project


IPP can transform student outcomes in your district.

SIRS Corner


Read about the benefits of joining SIRS.

AASA Corner


Browse upcoming events and opportunities from AASA.

Contact Us


We’re here for you. Find the contact information you need for our departments and staff.

Professional Learning Calendar




A Look Back to Look Ahead Greetings WASA friends and family! By the time you are reading this message, we will have returned from summer break and are back to school! As we look to the future, I thought it would be necessary to reflect on where we have been the past 18 months with COVID-19. Looking back to the dreaded month of March 2020, where ultimately all school districts in Washington state were closed to in-person learning, there were many bright spots to celebrate as we all learned to immediately pivot to a new way of meeting the needs of more than 1.2 million scholars across our state. Leaders at all levels were bold in not only demonstrating leadership, but also in exposing our vulnerability as administrators and vulnerabilities throughout our school systems. It was incredible to witness the shifts from in-person instruction to the many opportunities created in a virtual world, knowing that failure was not an option.

I do not know where this school year will take us and what the next life-changing scenario is ahead, but I am confident if we move forward together, we will be better. We acknowledged stark, widespread equity issues and prioritized the identification of the most basic needs of our students and families, such as access to electronic devices and daily meals. District leaders scrambled to secure hotspots, installed Wi-Fi on school buses and in public facilities, created grab-’n-go meal service at school sites and delivery

by bus to familiar stops in your neighborhoods, teamed up with childcare providers, and held a laser focus on mental health services and social-emotional learning in a new arena. And as last summer came and went, the new challenge of opening schools in the fall of 2020 in an ongoing pandemic with challenges of masks, hand sanitizer, social distancing, and HEPA filters would quickly activate yet another first for educators and families in our lifetime. But we did it! Despite the hardships, fear, and emotions all school districts opened for some form of in-person learning by the spring of 2021! This past summer has flown by and even though we all figured this virus would be in the rearview mirror, we find ourselves in a similar, but more complicated situation than before. The delta variant has made its presence known in record-setting numbers and is accompanied by a new wave of uncertainty for school district leaders and their staff and families. In this round, state mandates for safety of all saw the return of masks for all students and employees and a decision to require all K–12 public school employees and contractors to be fully vaccinated, decisions that have divided communities along political lines and strongly held personal beliefs. Yet, you are all there to absorb the shock and fallout and continue to push forward for your students. As with any decision, we clearly all do not agree nor are we all on the same page. However, we are clearly aligned with the outcome of wanting what’s best for each and every student we serve in our unique communities. I do not know where this school year will take us and what next life-changing scenario is ahead, but I am confident that if we move forward together, we will be better. WASA, as an organization, its staff, and board, are here to serve you and we recognize that we are needed more now, than ever. Please lean on us, continue to communicate your successes, failures forward, and frustrations, so we can tackle the difficult tasks with you with respect and dignity, and continue to learn how to best represent and serve all districts and members across the state. I couldn’t be more fortunate to be the president of such an amazing and impactful organization and I am excited to help lead us through these challenging times. We got this!

Take good care everyone!



In 1988, the WASA Board approved the Special Housing Taskforce recommendation to purchase a 6,400 square foot office building in Olympia that would serve members for many years.

WASA Office Relocates to Tumwater

Earlier this month, a deal was finalized to sell our office building—WASA’s home since 1988. The WASA Office is now located at ESD 113 in Tumwater.

WASA Launches Website Redesign Earlier this summer, WASA launched a newly designed website. Our new site is designed to better support members in finding information when they need it. In addition to a sharp new look, the information is now delivered with faster search capabilities and clearer pathways to related content.


Hotline was established in 1971 during the legislative session to keep WASA’s membership informed about the status of legislation important to schools. Hotline was sent monthly to WASA members to provide information on events to report or action to suggest. During the session in 1975, members received Hotline and a weekly newsletter called Target as changes occurred in education legislation.




As part of WASA’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, a new logo has been designed as we look forward to a bright and exciting future.

COMPONENTS The logo is a representation of the three foundational pillars of WASA—leadership, trust, and advocacy—along with a commitment to equity that threads through all we do at WASA.

DESIGN The gradient effect shows movement both forward and upward as we envision a future full of possibility for WASA and for you.

COLORS Blue represents trustworthiness, maturity, security, and reliability, while gold promotes optimism and hope.

OUR MISSION The Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) is an organization for professional administrators that is committed to leadership. This leadership includes: • Leadership in providing equity and excellence in student learning. • Leadership in developing competent, ethical, and visionary leaders by: » Providing member services. » Offering growth opportunities for leaders. » Promoting community and legislative support for education. WASA’s beliefs are anchored in leadership, trust, and advocacy. WASA is first and foremost about leadership for equity and excellence for all students. WASA members exemplify trust through competence, integrity, and vision. WASA’s advocacy efforts focus on building widespread support and a singular voice to secure the resources and policy necessary to advance public education in Washington.

THANK YOU, SPONSORS! Corporate sponsorship has always been an essential element of WASA’s ability to provide an exemplary professional learning and networking experience for our members at a reasonable cost. But our sponsors provide more than just resources for WASA to deliver affordable conferences, workshops, institutes, and academies. Our corporate sponsors are true partners, as they view this relationship with you as a unique and altruistic one. Thank you, 50th Anniversary sponsors!




Executive Director Howard Coble reflects on WASA’s first 10 years The Washington Association of School Administrators had its origin as the Department of Administration and Supervision in the Washington Education Association in the 1950s.

At approximately the same time, fledgling associations of principals and superintendents were organized with leadership from the Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. A major impetus to the growth of an association for administrators occurred when the WEA dropped non-teachers from membership. WASA, emerging from the early superintendents’ group, was chartered as a not-for-profit corporation in June 1972.

In the early years, the Association was managed by the elected officers and was still primarily an organization of superintendents. One main conference was held each year, and some volunteer efforts were made in the legislative


1970 201

1974 438

arena. A major step was taken in 1974 with the employment of a part-time Executive Secretary. Murray Taylor served both WASA and the School Information and Research Service (SIRS) until 1977. During that period, programs and services were gradually expanded to include fall and summer conferences, with program components for non-superintendents.

Membership in 1975 numbered 404, with an annual budget of $100,000. The WASA staff, consisting of a half-time Executive Secretary and a half-time secretary, was housed in the office of the Washington State School Directors’ Association in Olympia.1977 was a benchmark year for WASA. The budget totaled $188,492, with a membership of 658. This was also the year Doyle Winter was selected as the first fulltime Executive Director, and WASA moved into a small 600 square foot rented office of its own. That fall, Jan Hoffer, became the first full-time support staff member.

1977 $189K


1979 $325K

1975 $100K


This article is a reproduction of historical documents written by Howard Coble before his passing in 2016.

The Early Years The 1970s represent a decade of rapid change and growth in both the field of education and our blossoming organization. But what was that decade like for our first 1,000 members?


In 1979 the WASA Board of Directors, in conjunction with SIRS, purchased a 3,000 square foot remodeled house as an office for WASA and SIRS staff. The budget for 1979–80 was approximately $325,000, supported by an active membership of 803. In the spring of 1980, the Board employed Howard Coble as its second fulltime Executive Director.

A DECADE OF CHANGE In less than a decade since its founding, WASA had quadrupled in size to represent nearly 1,000 school administrators statewide.

1979 948

During the next three years, several significant changes occurred. WASA was organized into job-alike groups with support for the eleven growing regional organizations. Conferences were held for special education, superintendents, negotiators, personnel, and on legal matters. Legislative influence was expanded, and a second professional staff member was added along with two additional support staff. The 1979–80 year marked the planning phase of what was to become the very popular Project Leadership.

JOB-ALIKE CATEGORIES As members joined WASA, they had the opportunity to select a job-alike category or categories they wished to be identified with. Job-alike groups elected chairpersons and vice-chairpersons annually from members of their special interest category. The job-alike groups held meetings for in-service, made presentations at conferences, and represented WASA in their special interest category throughout the state.

Examples of the job-alike categories included: • • Special Education • • Superintendents • • Vocational Directors • • General Administration • • Principals • • Business Services • • Personnel Administrators • • Curriculum & Instruction Specialists • • Negotiators • • Pupil Services • • Federal Project Management • • Grants Manager In 1975, the WASA membership voted unanimously to broaden the scope of the organization to encompass the entire administrative team. In January 1976, WASA became a broadly-based organization with 35 different job categories. (continued on page 4)


The mid-70s were a time of great change at WASA, culminating in the implementation of a representative assembly. REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY At the 1975 WASA Summer Conference, WASA membership unanimously approved implementing a representative assembly as our form of governance. The purpose of the Representative Assembly was to develop policies for translating the purposes of WASA into action programs.

AD HOC COMMITTEES Ad hoc committees were named by the president of the association for study of specific topics or concern.

Women in WASA In 1976, Monica Schmidt and Mona Bailey, assistant superintendents of SPI, approached president-elect Bob Sealey, regarding the need for greater involvement of women administrators in the WASA organization. Sealey informed the Board that the Association should create a climate in WASA so that women administrators felt they had a voice in the organization.

WASA Leadership in the 1970s

By the end of the decade, more than 100 people had served in leadership roles in WASA. School administrators served as delegates in our Representative Assembly, organization presidents, executive secretaries and directors, and board members. Delegate members included 9 members from standing committees, 10 from job-alike groups, 15 from the board of directors, and 25 regional representatives. REGIONAL REPRESENTATION Our regional representatives were part of WASA region organizations, representing Regions 101, 104, 105, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 123, and 167/171. In addition to a Representative Assembly delegate, each region organization had its own president, president-elect, and secretary-treasurer. STANDING COMMITTEES AND SUBCOMMITTEES The lifeline of WASA has been the activity of its committees. Each WASA region was allowed one representative on each committee. Standing Committees consisted of a chairperson, vicechairperson, and a representative from each WASA region. Committees and subcommittees included the following: • Legislation and Finance » Federal Legislation » Building Liaison » ESD » Small Schools » Intermediate Districts » Negotiations • Ad Hoc Bylaws • Collective Bargaining • Resolutions • Honorary Awards • Special Services and Benefits » Membership » Publications • Professional Development • Curriculum and Instruction • Professional Standards and Ethics • Membership

Our board of directors included representatives from each of our regions, and our past president, current president, and presidentelect. Ten presidents served WASA during the 1970s: 1970–71 Robert Woodroof 1971–72 Marvin Schroeder 1972–73 Charles R. (Bob) Marshall 1973–74 Donald Gibbs 1974–75 William Stevenson 1975–76 Jack Hill 1976–77 Robert Sealey 1977–78 Charles McNurlin 1978–79 George Daniel 1979–80 Donald Anderson In 1971, our leadership team was joined by a part-time interim executive secretary, Roland Upton. Murray Taylor became our full-time permanent executive secretary in 1972 and supported WASA and SIRS through 1977. Doyle Winter served WASA from 1977 to 1980 as our first executive director.

Benefits of WASA Membership

Even our earliest members benefitted greatly from a WASA membership, with access to dozens of programs and professional development opportunities. WASA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Association provided professional development conferences, workshops, and seminars such as: • Fall Conference • Summer Conference • Special Education Conference

• • • • •

Negotiators Conference Inservice Workshops Leadership Conferences Seminars Project Leadership

WASA ENTERS THE POLITICAL ARENA WASA joined the Washington State School Directors Association and the Association of Washington School Principals in a cooperative legislative effort. CONFEDERATION OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS (CWSA) CWSA was established in December 1974 for administrators to become more effective and efficient through joint participation and to speak as one group on legislation that affected education and to communicate concern to the public. Members included: • Washington Association of School Personnel Administrators (WASPA) • Washington Association of School Business Officials (WASBO) • Washington Association of Administrators of Special Education (WAASE) • Washington Association of School Administrators (WASA) • Washington Association of Administrators of Pupil Services (WAAPS) KEY EDUCATION LEGISLATION • Full funding for schools • Special levy relief • Negotiations and collective bargaining • Teacher continuing contract law • Teacher retirement system • Teachers’ right to strike • Tax reform • Student transportation, testing, and discipline • Funding for Special Education • Basic Education Bill SESSION THEMES 1973–74 “WASA—On the Move” “The times, they are a’ changin” “United we stand, divided we fall” “In unity there is strength” 1974–75 “A Year of Change” “The only thing that’s constant is change.”

PUBLICATIONS Publications in our early years included: • Our Code of Ethics, established in 1974. The Code set standards of ethical behavior that reflect the honor and dignity of profession of school administration. • First Aid Kit for the Superintendent Selection Process • Legal Considerations Regarding Strikes in Washington State


SPECIAL SERVICES School Administration Special Services (SASS) SASS offered WASA members quality coverage and broad long-lasting benefits including: • Group Term Life Insurance • Professional Liability Insurance • Income Protection • Automotive Lease Plan • Travel • PEMCO Home Insurance • Family Life Plan • Washington School Employees Credit Union



First 50 Years of Leadership Congratulations to WASA for 50 years of outstanding leadership. As a member for 47 years, including 14 years as an executive and 20 years as a retired member, I have been impressed with the quality of leadership and participation provided by our members, executives, and support staff, which included Jan Hoffer (23 years) and Eve Johnson (33 years).

Doyle Winter & Jan Hoffer

WASA was originally housed in a motel room next to the WSSDA office with one executive and a half-time clerical person. We moved from an organization primarily for superintendents to an organization that represented all central office administrators during the early years. With the increase in membership, WASA

moved from annual conferences to specific job alike conferences and the joint AWSP/ WASA conference to help meet the professional development of all members.

I have been impressed with the quality of leadership and participation provided by our members, executives, and support staff. One of the most popular programs was Project Leadership, which maintained a membership of 400 attendees for 20 years. Many of the conference sites no longer exist. One of the more interesting situations during my first year as executive director was when Chuck McNurlin, superintendent of Selah, was elected WASA president and then took the position of assistant superintendent of finance at SPI. It was quite the conflict for a while, but he remained WASA president.

Doyle Winter speaks at a WASA event.

WASA became a significant influence with the Governor’s office, Legislature, SPI, and WSSDA because of the quality of our elected leadership and strength of membership. WASA, the organization, and its members had significant roles with AASA. In 1978, William Stevenson, former Superintendent of Shoreline, was elected president of AASA. Other members have served on the Board and committees. WASA superintendents have been selected as finalists seven times as the AASA National Superintendent of the year—with two, Janet Barry, Central Kitsap, and Michelle Reid, Northshore, winning the award.

SHARE YOUR STORY. Do you have a story to share? We’d like to highlight your experience with WASA in our 50th Anniversary Celebration issues of Hotline. As

we celebrate, reminisce, and reflect on the past 50 years, we know that none of it would have been possible without you, our members. If you’d like to share your story in the next issue of Hotline, please email Shari Parsons.


SUPERINTENDENT OF THE YEAR 2022 The 2022 Washington Superintendent of the Year process is underway! The online application can be found on the AASA website. To be considered for Washington’s SOY process, the deadline to apply is October 1, 2021. A panel of evaluators will be convened by WASA to review and score the applications submitted and determine Washington’s Superintendent of the Year for 2022.

the 2022 AASA National Superintendent of the Year. AASA will announce the 2022 National Superintendent of the Year at the 2022 AASA National Conference on Education, February 17–19, 2022, in Nashville, Tennessee.


More information on the Superintendent of the Year program and process is available on the AASA website. For questions on Washington’s SOY process, contact Shari Parsons by email or by phone at 360.459.3641.

WASA places a high priority on supporting its members 24 hours a day. WASA executives are experienced, professional colleagues who are available to advise members on personal and professional matters in situations related to their roles as education leaders.


The selected candidate for Washington state will be submitted to AASA to be considered for



WASA members have elected Michelle Whitney, Pasco School District superintendent, as president-elect.

Through the WASA Professional Assistance Program, active WASA members are eligible to access: • Advice and Legal Counsel • Legal Services • Ethics Assistance • Conflict Intervention • Contract Review • Mentorship If you have any questions about the WASA Professional Assistance Program, please contact Andy Wolf. Andy can be reached at 360.489.3646 or by email.

Michelle will assume the presidency on July 1, 2022, following the term of WASA president Aaron Leavell. As WASA’s president-elect, Michelle’s goals are to: •

Capitalize on innovations implemented statewide in response to COVID-19 to leverage sustained change in public education.

Protect investments that are already working and have a direct and immediate impact on student success.

Leverage WASA’s leadership to dismantle inequity in education policies, systems, and services to ensure every student has inclusive access to the mental health support, academic support, coursework, and technology they need.

Michelle Whitney “These are urgent times, but they are filled with possibility if we build on the collective insight and wisdom we have gained.”

Maximize WASA’s position within AASA to connect across the country to identify innovations for systemic improvement.

Repair and restore the spirits of WA state administrators by finding ways to celebrate the tremendous work of our colleagues across the state.

Center equity in WASA’s actions and decision-making by incorporating diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice as hard-and-fast principles, not just words.

CONNECT WITH US! Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for information on upcoming conferences and workshops, legislative news and updates, and school news.

PLEASE UPDATE YOUR PROFILE. If you haven’t already, please help us keep our membership directory up to date by taking a moment to upload your photo to your WASA member profile page. Contact Sheila Chard if you have questions or need assistance.



Presidential Inauguration Aaron Leavell’s term as WASA president begins.

Photos by Larry Steagall, Bremerton School District

President Dr. Aaron Leavell was joined by Bremerton staff, friends, family, and WASA Board members to celebrate his inauguration as WASA President for the 2021–22 school year. The event was held at the Kitsap Convention Center Bremerton Harborside on Thursday, August 12, 2021. We thank our gracious sponsors The Beresford Company, BLRB Architects, D.A. Davidson & Co., Gaggle, McKinstry, and OAC Services for hosting this event.


Goals & Actions Goal I—Leadership

Cultivate transformative, equity-driven administrators to lead public education in their communities. ACTION A Recruit, support, and retain effective leaders in all district level positions who reflect the diversity of our student populations, including ethnicity and gender. ACTION B Design and deliver professional learning in a format that best supports individual leadership and systems-level improvement to ensure equity and excellence for each student. ACTION C Advance leadership efficacy among WASA members in order to share knowledge, learnings, and expertise.

ACTION B Provide support for WASA members, state agencies, educational organizations, and other stakeholders to ensure the provision of necessary learning supports, opportunities, and programming for each student. ACTION C From a position of equity, communicate through words, actions, and deliverables to build a unified voice among members, partner organizations, and the general public regarding the value of a world-class public education system that is just, equitable, and accessible to all.

Goal III—Advocacy

Goal II—Trust

Champion the fundamental role of public education in an inclusive democracy.

ACTION A Build strong relationships with and among WASA members and other stakeholders to develop and sustain a shared voice in support of our public schools and the students in them.

ACTION A Provide leadership and support for ongoing relationships and engagement with legislators and other

Develop and sustain trust to promote equity, accessibility, and excellence in public education.

policymakers to influence legislation and education policy that promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion, to ensure opportunities for each student. ACTION B In a unified, compelling voice, advance budget and policy positions that support the provision of consistent, equitable, and ample resources to all school districts that will ensure equitable learning opportunities and fair treatment for each student. ACTION C Actively influence federal policy to positively impact each student.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers President: Aaron Leavell, Bremerton President-elect: Michelle Whitney, Pasco Past president: Brian Talbott, Nine Mile Falls Secretary: Jennifer Bethman, Bethel Treasurer: Linda McKay, NCESD 171

New WASA Members More than 110 new members join WASA this fall. Our newest class of WASA members joins nearly 2,000 members from across the state. Collectively, they represent diverse districts from every corner of our state.


Please join us in welcoming:

101 105 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 123 171

Marnie Allen, ESD 112 Kevin Allen, Everett Alexa Allman, Deer Park Thu Ament, Sumner-Bonney Lake Gina Anderson, Lake Stevens Jeff Baerwald, Nine Mile Falls Monica Bauer, Snohomish Scott Beebe, Snoqualmie Valley Jonathan Bell, Bremerton Tim Berndt, Easton Lisa Bjorklund, Central Valley Karst Brandsma, Oak Harbor Steven Burleigh, Lake Stevens Darby Carroll, North Beach Calisa Castillo, Dieringer Debi Christensen, Orting Robert Clark, Washtucna Hanna Coffman, Bridgeport John Cordell, Tekoa Carrie Crickmore, Concrete Elisa Danskin, Central Kitsap Brittane DeBard, Bremerton Dan Dizon, Mukilteo Jacqueline Downey, Highline Thomas Edwards, South Kitsap Kelwy El-Haj, Tonasket Clinton Endicott, Tenino Stephanie Evans, North Beach Steve Fisk, Colville Kyle Fletcher, Enumclaw Lisa Fundane’t, South Kitsap Analia Galloway, Auburn Rob Gannon, Seattle Joi Grant, Everett Kristen Haizlip, Bainbridge Island Kari Hanson, North Kitsap Jane Hendrickson, Auburn Kristi Irion, Selah Alicia Jacob, Selah Jerrad Jeske, Liberty Wyeth Jessee, Shelton Amanda Jewell, Tenino Michael Jones, Palouse Brent Jones, Seattle Helen Joung, Edmonds Heather Korten, Olympic ESD 114 Amy Koster, Pioneer Margaret Larkey, Puyallup Jamie Lee, Puyallup Angela Lyte Crowther, North Beach Michelle Mace, Nine Mile Falls

Jake Dingman, Oakesdale Kevin McKay, Sunnyside Larry Francois, NWESD 189 Chrys Sweeting, Arlington TBD Laurie Dent, Summer-Bonnie Lake Nathan McCann, Ridgefield Patrick Murphy, Olympia Dana Rosenbach, North Mason Wade Smith, Walla Walla John Boyd, Quincy

Components BPAC: Sarah Thorton, chair; Melissa Beard, Steilacoom, chair-elect IPAC: Jennifer Bethman, Bethel, chair; Jenny Rodriguez, Yakima, chair-elect; Linda McKay, NCESD 171, past chair Principals: Matt Yarkosky, Bethel, Chair Special Education: John Sander, Franklin Pierce, chair Superintendents: Jeff Snell, Vancouver, chair; James Everett, Meridian, chair-elect; Deb Clemens, North Thurston, past chair

Liasons AASA: Kevin McKay, Sunnyside; Michelle Price, NCESD 171; Nathan McCann, Ridgefield; Krestin Bahr, Peninsula Higher Ed: Marge Chow, City University OSPI: Michaela Miller PESB: Alexandra Manuel Retirees: Rick Anthony SBE: Susana Reyes, Shoreline WIAA: Doug Burge, Zillah

REGION PRESIDENTS Region 101 Travis Hanson, Deer Park Region 105 Jinger Haberer, Ellensburg Region 108 Mary Sewright, Mount Baker Region 109 Dana Geaslen, Edmonds Region 110 Ron Thiele, Issaquah Region 111 Michael Farmer, Dieringer Region 112 Mary Beth Tack, Kelso Region 113 Brian Wharton, Yelm Region 114 Marty Brewer, Port Angeles Region 123 Michelle Whitney, Pasco Region 171 John Boyd, Quincy

Laura Marcoe, Puyallup Larry Markuson, Mossyrock Andrea McCormick, Issaquah Wendy McCoy, North Beach Sean McGeeney, White Salmon Valley Kevin Mensonides, Puyallup Bruce Merritt, Auburn Elizabeth Mills, Granite Falls Rebecca Morgan, Lynden Ed Murray, Lopez Island Christy Nauta, Medical Lake Gary Neal, Eatonville Lisa Neighbours, Issaquah Thadeus Nelson, Adna Darren Nelson, Mead Nancy Nelson, Chief Leschi Christie Nelson, Clover Park Lindsay Nowakowski, Blaine Courtney O’Catherine, PSESD 121 Rosie Ogren, Kennewick William Oman, Vancouver Kate Orozco, Kahlotus Tiffany Osgood, Satsop Ryan Ovenell, Stanwood-Camano Marlene Perez, North Beach Jason Perrins, Chewelah Kathryn Peterson, Highline Charles Pierce, Lamont Gioia Pitts, Renton Thomas Poulos, Renton Amii Pratt, Bainbridge Island Pamela Pratt, North River Chad Prewitt, Davenport Greg Rayl, Glenwood Kelly Raymond, Mukilteo Sheila Redick, Renton Melinda Reynvaan, Issaquah David Rodriguez, Mount Vernon Linda Rosenbury, Port Townsend Deena Russo, Highline Antonio Sandifer, North Thurston Courtney Schrieve, North Thurston Dawn Siemiller, Satsop Hunter Sissom, Selah Adrienne Somera, Meridian Jeremy Sullivan, North Kitsap Jennifer Tenney, Mount Adams Meghan Terwillegar, Highline Adina Thea, Highline Matthew Toth, East Valley-Yakima Tammy Unruh, Issaquah Julie Van Wijk, Lynden Jedediah Watters, West Valley-Yakima Stephanie Watts, Battle Ground Andie Webb, Yakima Kari Weed, College Place Kathy Whitlock, ESD 112 Paul Wieneke, Southside BJ Wilson, Grandview John Wiseman, Othello

WE’RE HERE TO HELP. Are you an incoming superintendent? As you navigate your new position, your colleagues at WASA are here to provide mentorship, support, and guidance. Explore our Incoming Superintendent Resources page for recommendations, resources, and programs designed just for you.


INCOMING SUPERINTENDENTS Jeff Baerwald, Nine Mile Falls Krestin Bahr, Peninsula David Baker, Raymond Brett Baum, Great Northern Brett Baum, Rosalia Tim Berndt, Easton Karst Brandsma, Oak Harbor Robert Clark, Washtucna Ken Collins, Lake Stevens John Cordell, Tekoa Scot Embrey, Cosmopolis Clinton Endicott, Tenino Steve Fisk, Colville Tracy Franke, Darrington Matt Galley, Nooksack Valley Lance Gibbon, Snoqualmie Valley William Hatzenbeler, Orting Russ Hill, East Valley-Yakima David Holmes, Green Mountain Doug Hood, Camas Arthur Jarvis, Bellevue Jerrad Jeske, Liberty

Wyeth Jessee, Shelton Brent Jones, Seattle Michael Jones, Palouse Aaron Kombol, Onion Creek Kyle MacDonald, Evaline Larry Markuson, Mossyrock Scott Mauk, Chimacum Sean McGeeney, White Salmon Valley Kari McVeigh, Shaw Island Miriam Mickelson, Sedro-Woolley Mick Miller, Benge Tabatha Mires, Palisades Ed Murray, Lopez Island Gary Neal, Eatonville Thadeus Nelson, Adna William Nelson, La Conner Christopher Nesmith, Elma Kate Orozco, Kahlotus Tiffany Osgood, Satsop Pete Perez, Othello Jason Perrins, Chewelah Danielle Pfeiffe, Federal Way

Charles Pierce, Lamont Pamela Pratt, North River Kassidy Probert, Benge Greg Rayl, Glenwood Dan Read, Almira Susana Reyes, Shoreline Linda Rosenbury, Port Townsend Peter Rosenkranz, La Center Bulmaro Ruiz, Roosevelt Deborah Rumbaugh, Stanwood-Camano Jeff Snell, Vancouver Todd Spear, Mary Walker Mike Stromme, Lynden Brian Talbott, East Valley-Spokane Israel Vela, Kent Angel Von Essen, Kittitas Denny Waters, Battle Ground Scott West, Warden Paul Wieneke, Southside Lance Young, Orondo


WASA Employee Spotlight someone is greatly appreciated! I know I value her knowledge, commitment, and wonderful sense of humor. She is one of the engines that helps make WASA go! A great colleague and friend!”

What does your job entail at WASA? I am responsible for all technology, infrastructure, and financial aspects of the association’s operations.

What do you like most about your job? Constant change. My job and responsibilities are always changing, especially with technology. I really enjoy change, as it keeps my job interesting.

How has WASA changed since you were hired?

In this issue of Hotline, we’re proud to spotlight Business and Infrastructure Manager Eve Johnson. Eve joined WASA in 1985. Assistant Director Andy Wolf shares: “Eve is a talented and valued employee! Her responsibilities here at WASA are diverse and many. She is our go-to for all questions that concern finances, technology, and everything in between. Her willingness to drop everything and help

The biggest change is in the membership. When I started in 1985, there were not many female members and very few leaders of color. The membership is much more diverse today in both regards. The membership is more actively involved in association activities as well. 35 years ago, the members were active in legislative advocacy, but now more members are involved in other aspects of WASA.

What were you doing before you were hired at WASA? I was working for Community Youth Services.

What is your favorite memory at WASA? When John Fotheringham was Executive Director, we talked sports every morning. He was an avid sports fan, and I too love sports. When hired at WASA, I got $950 per month and medical benefits. I was very excited about that. At that time, the WASA Office was in a little two-story house, and we had six staff.

What do you like to do when you aren’t working? I love watching sports and spending time with my family, sisters, and grandchildren.

Best vacation ever? A family vacation to Hawaii and an unscripted three-week road trip that Walt (my husband) and I went on to the Midwest.

Where’s your favorite place in the world? I have two—Hawaii and Wynoochee Falls.

Do you have story about a former staff member that WASA members might enjoy? When John Fotheringham was the Executive Director at WASA, he was traveling back to the office, and someone had been trying to reach him. When he called to check in, I said, “John, where in the h*** are you?” I had no idea there were others with John, and this was greeted by loud laughter in the car (I know one of the individuals was Mike Bernazzani). John and the passengers in the car gave me a hard time about it for years.



Inclusionary Practices Project

Transforming student outcomes across Washington state As the 2021–22 school year begins, WASA’s Inclusionary Practices Project enters its program year as well. With nearly 60 districts continuing and/or beginning this journey to supporting more fully inclusive learning environments for students with disabilities, it’s going to be an exciting adventure! The project is based on the following Theory of Action: “If we provide the assistance needed to help districts increase supports and resources for teachers of targeted students and deepen districts’ understanding of what is needed to plan and implement Universal Design for Learning/Inclusionary Practices work across a district system, then the percentage of those targeted students placed/successfully participating in core classes and feeling safe and welcomed in their school will increase.”

“This work has propelled our district into making significant changes in culture and academic experiences for all students.”

Fueled by the passion, experience, and expertise of Dr. Katie Novak and her associates, districts participate in relevant professional learning to increase their knowledge of Universal Design for Learning. Additionally, participating districts engage in developing and putting in place the systems necessary to achieve their vision of positive outcomes for all students. The work of the project moves the districts from merely placing students with disabilities in general education settings to what is truly an inclusionary placement—one where all students get what they need. Many of the districts’ leadership teams have used this project to unify disparate initiatives under the broader category of equity for all and, thereby, increase the likelihood of creating a coherent system. The WASA Inclusionary Practices Project Team offers additional support to the District Leadership Team, most specifically

to the District Team Facilitator, through ongoing meetings, resource sharing, and technical assistance.

“UDL isn’t just choices — it is about clear learning targets, variability, breaking down barriers, teaching student executive functioning and 21st-century skills and so much more.” 2020–21 IPP Participant For more information about the project, please contact Helene Paroff.

2020–21 IPP Participant


The Reliable Information Network. Find out more about the benefits of becoming a SIRS member district. SIRS is a nonprofit organization that provides data and information on school organization, administration, operation, finance, and instruction to specifically meet the needs of superintendents, central office administrators, principals, and school board members. SIRS contracts with WASA for management services. Andy Wolf, WASA’s Assistant Executive Director for Administrative Services, serves as the SIRS Executive Director.

LEADERSHIP INFORMATION (LI) LI is a series of monthly and quarterly articles that will help to shape and inform your educational leadership practice. These articles contain relevant school information research on the best practices being utilized in today’s educational setting. SIRS has partnered with Hanover Research to provide this service to our members. SIRS SALARY SURVEY REPORTS SIRS annually compiles and publishes a timely salary-and-benefits report of Washington’s school employees in three parts: 1) administrators, 2) classified personnel, and 3) teachers. Only SIRS members can access the full online surveys. The Excel spreadsheets, allowing members to create specialized reports by grouping information for any position from any size district.

SIRS LEGISLATIVE HANDBOOK SIRS Legislative Handbook is an annual guide to the Washington State Legislature. It provides school administrators and professional associations with information about our state government including directories, website links and email addresses, legislative maps, and much more. The handbook is a valuable tool for participating effectively in the legislative process. It is also an excellent addition for social studies classrooms and school libraries. The handbook is available online to SIRS members and can be downloaded and distributed to your staff.



Celebrating Superintendents The 2021–22 year is brimming with opportunities to connect with and celebrate colleagues nationwide. Join AASA, the School Superintendents Association, at the National Conference on Education February 17–19. Browse award and scholarship opportunities, and nominate a leader in your life today. NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION Registration is now open for the 2022 AASA National Conference on Education to be held in Nashville Tennessee, February 17–19, 2022. The theme for this year’s conference is “Student-Centered, Equity-Focused.” Visit the AASA website to view the schedule. Register early to get the lowest prices and early access to the room block in Nashville. WOMEN IN SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AWARDS The AASA Women in School Leadership Award program is designed to recognize the exceptional leadership of active, front-line female leaders who are making a difference in the lives of students every day.

October 8, 2021. Finalists will be announced November 15, 2021. Winners will be announced on February 17–19, 2022, at the AASA National Conference. The FAQ, application, and procedure are on the AASA website. EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION SCHOLARSHIPS AASA’s Educational Administration Scholarships were created in 1949 to provide incentive, honor, and financial assistance to outstanding graduate students in school administration who intend to make the school superintendency a career. Seven top graduate students in educational administration will receive a scholarship from AASA. The scholarships are given in honor of AASA’s former executive directors. Further information can be found on the AASA website. The deadline to submit an application is September 30, 2021. 2022 DR. EFFIE H. JONES HUMANITARIAN AWARD Dr. Effie H. Jones was a school administrator,

teacher, counselor, organizer of the Office of Minority Affairs at AASA and a champion of women and minorities in educational leadership. The Dr. Effie H. Jones Humanitarian Award is directly related to the AASA equity goal re: vulnerable children and superintendent pipeline issues. The Award honors leadership in educational equity and excellence. Nominees must be AASA members who evidence commitment to the advancement and mentorship of women and minorities in positions of educational leadership and/or demonstrate a commitment to address social justice issues among children, youth, and adults in schools. The deadline for nomination is Friday, October 22, 2021. All applications must be complete, on time, and in accordance with the guidelines outlined in the nomination form to be considered. The application is available for download on the AASA website.

Three awards are available — the Superintendent Award, Central Office/ Principal Award, and The School Driven Leadership Award. Applicants are judged on the following criteria: leadership for learning, communication, professionalism, and community involvement. Applications must be submitted online on the AASA website by


360.489.3641 / 360.352.6873 (FAX)


360.489.3640 / 360.352.6873 (FAX)

Mike Nelson, Assistant Executive Director | Jamie Chylinski, Professional Learning Coordinator

Lisa Gehman, Professional Learning/ Membership Assistant

Joel Aune, Executive Director |

ACCOUNTING 360.489.3643 / 360.352.6873 (FAX)

Shari Parsons, Executive Assistant |

Eve Johnson, Business/Infrastructure Manager



Dan Steele, Assistant Executive Director |


Sheila Chard, Administrative Assistant |

Andy Wolf, Assistant Executive Director |


Aaron Leavell, Bremerton


Michelle Whitney, Pasco


Brian Talbott, East Valley–Spokane


Jennifer Bethman, Bethel


Linda McKay, NCESD 171

2021–22 HIGHLIGHTS Equity For the 2021–22 school year, Dr. Tammy Campbell will facilitate a suite of learning opportunities focused on how superintendents and district leaders move from talking about equity to implementing equity through organizational design with a systems approach. Learn more and register at

SEPTEMBER September 15 Aspiring Superintendents Academy

September 17 Inclusionary Practices Project District Team Facilitator Meeting

September 20 Mentor and Early Career Superintendent Academies

September 26–28 Fall Conference

September 29 PLC at Work Project School Board Session

Fall Conference Join us in-person at Campbell’s Resort in Lake Chelan for our Fall Conference. This year’s conference will feature incredible sessions from speakers who could each have their own keynote! See the schedule and register at

OCTOBER October 1 PLC at Work Project District Workshop

October 6 Inclusionary Practices Project District Team Convening

October 12

Instructional Leadership Network WASA is launching a two-year instructional leadership network for administrators of teaching and learning. Our network is committed to a vision and focus on the learning and engagement of students and adults. Learn more at

WASA/OSPI Special Education Conference Session 3 of 5

October 13 Aspiring Superintendents Academy

October 18 Mentor and Early Career Superintendent Academies

October 25 Equity Initiative Regional Workshop | Spokane

October 26 Equity Initiative Regional Workshop | Wenatchee

October 27 Equity Initiative Regional Workshop | Yakima

October 28 Equity Initiative Regional Workshop | Renton

October 28 PLC at Work Project Implementation Workshop

NOVEMBER November 2 Equity Initiative “Caste” Book Study 1 of 7

November 4 WASA/OSPI Special Education Conference Session 4 of 5

November 9 Inclusionary Practices Project District Team Facilitator Meeting

November 10 Aspiring Superintendents Academy

November 19

PLC at Work Project Implementation Workshop

Inclusionary Practices Project Webinar: Firm Goals and Standards Based Instruction and Standards-Based Grading

October 15

November 19

October 14

Inclusionary Practices Webinar: PL Communities the UDL Way and Using a Universal Screener to Monitor Progress

Superintendent Component Meeting

Professional Learning Opportunities Continue your professional learning and growth with conferences, academies, and workshops from WASA Professional Learning. Find more at

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