W42ST issue 13 - Super Power Your Life

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ZAP KICK START life bOOm yoga fitness 2016 excercise SLAm health RELATIONSHIPS CARE ERSMASH PLUS

HEAlTHY (and some not so much) EATING & DRINKING, DECLUTTERING tips from THE MASTER, A FOOLPROOF GUIDE TO COACHING, people and places, what's happening where, real estate ... & DOGS!

CONTENTS January Edition It’s difficult to look ahead to a new year, to make plans for a better, healthier, more positive you, without also looking back at the year that’s been. Many resolutions are tinged with a hint of what might have been, of dreams not quite realized. This time it’ll be different, we tell ourselves. But we’re not really ones for regrets here at W42ST. We like to live in the moment, seize the day. And if things go wrong, well, what have we learned? So if you make any resolutions at all this month, make it that you won’t live with regrets or excuses. No more what ifs ... try on why the hell not for size. Feels good, doesn’t it? THE TEAM THAT BROUGHT YOU W42ST

PUBLISHER PHIL O’BRIEN phil@w42st.com (646) 535-4407

EDITOR RUTH WALKER ruth@w42st.com (646) 847-9645

SALES DIRECTOR BOB BRUNO bob@w42st.com (929) 428-0767




SOCIAL MEDIA ED SANDRA MANGAN sandra@w42st. com CHIEF REVENUE OFFICER CHRIS QUIRIN chris@w42st.com (646) 715-5219


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used without written permission of the publisher ©2016. Please note: Every effort has been made to avoid errors, misspellings, and omissions in this publication. However, if you spot one please accept our sincere apologies.



have their work in our mag. Hashtag your pics #W42ST; we’ll do the rest.



Facts, figures and trivia – Hell’s Kitchen, we’ve got your number.


Things I’ve learned from 2015 – and how 2016 can go take a reality check.


New York’s celebrity kid whisperer Aaron Goldschmidt reveals where he works, rests and plays in the hood.

Local businesses that have signed up to the #W42ST sticker get listed here. If you want to sign up too, email sticker@w42st.com.


Take a look inside the luxury floating gym on the Hudson ... and get a load of that groovy sportswear, baby!








Say hello to our favorite magazine hawker – and be nice. She’s human too, you know.

Release yourself from the tyranny of stuff. Andrew Mellen can show you how. Make 2016 the year you do something for nothing. Want to know why? Read on, people, read on!


Anyone with an eye for a picture and a half-decent cameraphone could

Our diary of happenings, from theater to stand-up to family fun, is the only guide you’ll need this month. The best of what’s coming up this month, from dance, to music, to comedy, to theater. New Year’s resolutions are strictly for the birds. So let us introduce you to the people who are all set to take off in 2016.

28 AND SO IT BEGINS Make this the year you finally








test of strength. So open your mind and reach for the sky.



60 READY, SET ...

Jenna Rainey comes clean on the juicing mantra and when it’s OK to cheat a little. (A very little spoilsport!)




put pen to paper and write your own future. It could be much closer than you think.


Go veggie (or vegan). Go gluten-free. Or just go healthy. This is our guide to the nabe’s gems when a pizza slice and soda just won’t cut it.


No apologies for this one, folks. We’re going alcohol free for January. You’ll thank us in the long run.


How low is low-alcohol? And is it even remotely drinkable? We have all the answers.


A word to the wise. And by “wise” we mean those crazy fools who think signing up for dry January is a good idea.

Buying this year instead of renting? You may want to rethink things. At Eddie Lee’s place, that’s where! His Hell’s Kitchen apartment has been built for entertaining.


When you need a little extra help to make the most of you, but don’t know where to turn, we take the confusion out of the coaching maze.


The seasons can affect our exercise regime. We apply the theories of Ayurveda to help beat the cold.


Try out ALL the fitness classes before you commit to just one. Sounds cool – so what’s the catch?


Climbing is much more than a physical

From the hottest workout gear to technologically advanced sneakers and high-tech scales ... your resolutions to get fit start here. COVER This month’s cover is by Rich Bernatovech and Ihor Loboda. Rich is a New Yorkbased artist and writer who creates comics for Drumfish Productions (www.drumfish productions. com). Ihor is an artist and colorist whose work can be seen in the upcoming comic Blessed Sons (www.igloinor. tumblr.com).


You have our permission to slouch. Run marathons. Pick up bad habits. Christopher Shelley will be waiting for you.



When a nervous pooch meets an exotic fish tank, you’d better have some Tupperware handy.


The dogs are back! Get involved by emailing waggingtales@w42st.com.


Cats and dogs have never had it so good – here’s our gift guide for your furry friends. Mohawk dog helmet anyone?







Resolutions? This year Jaci is getting realistic


nother year, another lapsed gym membership. Another New Year in which I will sign up to everything that, come January 8, I will give up on while pondering my foolishness during happy hour(s). That was last year, though. This year, I am resisting the temptation because, with advancing age, I finally know what the outcome will be. The spirit of resolution is willing, the flesh will always be weak, so I have devised a realistic plan to stop me falling into the same traps: old arguments versus reality. Welcome to the new me. MERCEDES GYM CLUB MEMBERSHIP REASONING: It’s a short walk from my apartment, so I’ll be warmed up by the time I get there. I can also do my shopping in Mercedes House market and not have to shout at people who block the salad aisle in Food Emporium. FACT: I tried Mercedes for a week. Well, a day. The other six, I spent in the market en route. In Food Emporium, I have never so much as seen a leaf, let alone tempted to put one in my basket. Where’s the pizza cabinet?

I’ve found a pocket of gorgeousness in L’ybane (8th Ave - 45th St). A Mediterranean wine bar and restaurant with terrific food and an even more exciting wine list ($54 for a bottle of barolo? I haven’t seen that since 1982). Server Ruth and bartender Sasha are so welcoming, and the place comes alive at night with music from DJ Mengie (it’s not too loud, either). Sasha’s martinis are the best I’ve tasted in New York (the peach is nectar from the gods), and mojitos and margaritas are $7 – all the time! I’ve signed up to restaurant. com for discounts – this place is easily the best on their list.


Above: The new Jaci is giving up men, sticking with pizza, and stepping up to the mic ...

ALCOHOL FREE JANUARY REASONING: It wouldn’t hurt and, who knows, I might like it so much, I could continue for the rest of the year. FACT: Are you nuts? IMAGE: WALTER VAN DYK


MEN REASONING: This will be the year in which I don’t allow toxic men into my life. Men are always bad news. They will make me cry, sulk, fume, and do and say all manner of things that will ruin every day of my existence. I’m too old for this. FACT: Men wear pants where they stock things I want. Where’s the man cabinet? HOBBIES AND INTERESTS REASONING: I’m a trained singer and really would love to return to it. I’ve started writing my one-woman show and am booking singing lessons again. FACT: I really am doing this, people. Honestly. Be afraid. Be very afraid. I’ll be the one standing on the piano.

HEALTHY EATING REASONING: I over-indulged at Christmas and could do with dropping a few pounds. Only about seven. FACT: Where’s the pizza cabinet?

I’ve brought my onesie back from the UK and will be holed up for the winter. Stay warm and see you all in April.


Owen Sheers’s I Saw a Man. A totally compelling and outstanding novel from my fellow Welshman.


Probably something I didn’t get to see when I was throwing away $200 on something I walked out of during the interval. Hand to God? God, why did I just waste that money?


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There is no Martini in a vodka martini. There are no straight men in Hell’s Kitchen. The free hot dogs in Rudy’s are no substitute for a meat and two veg roast dinner.


There are a lot of free straight men in Rudy’s (I take back number two – partially: I’m talking after 2am when I’m the only choice left and the guy has a plane to catch in five hours).

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New York drivers are just psychopaths on wheels. When they say they have to close at 4am, they really do. Sadly.


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Jimmy Choo five-inch heels are incompatible with the sidewalks. Going everywhere via Times Square will add a day and half, plus a small mortgage, to your taxi journey.


Walking everywhere via Times Square will add a week and a half to your journey. Yelling “OUTTA MY WAY, PEOPLE!” is the only way to get anywhere.







Know someone cool who’d make a great subject for My Hell’s Kitchen? Put us in touch, we’ll do the rest. Email news@w42st.com

DOWN WITH THE KIDS Aaron Goldschmidt comes out to play Photograph Ilona Lieberman How long have you lived in Hell’s Kitchen? I’ve lived on W42nd St since December of 2000. I moved into River Place when it was the only building on the block and have been here ever since. The view from my living room was the police horse stables, a parking lot next door, and a gas station across the street. Things look very different now – it’s all glass and steel. But there’s something very comforting (and now even retro) about my big brick building on the river. What brought you here? I knew I wanted to live in NYC since I came with my family in 1986. It was all the people, the noise, the action, the lights. I’ve been in Manhattan since 1992 when I came to study at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. What has your experience been? Watching this neighborhood develop has been incredible. I’ve always moved into fringe neighborhoods and have been witness to their progress. My first apartment was on Avenue C in 1993. It looked very different than it does now. And so did HK in 2000, especially my little area so far west. It’s been fun to grow and age with a neighborhood. HK has become one of the significant relationships in my life. We fight sometimes, but the love is real. How has it changed since you came here? The city is ever-changing and that’s exciting to me. It’s impossible to embrace the future if we’re holding too tightly on to the past. However, as with all growing neighborhoods on this expensive island, we have to fight to keep our flavor and not lose all our small businesses and diversity. I make sure to shop in as many local shops as I can. I don’t want Times Square to expand and turn the neighborhood into one big mall. What do you eat in the area? Well, I love to eat and there’s no shortage

“HK has become one of the significant relationships in my life. We fight sometimes, but the love is real.” of good food in HK. Honestly, call me and I can give you a very long list. Gotham West Market has been an incredible addition to the neighborhood. I like to walk over, sit at a counter, and eat pretty much anything there. Indie Fresh is on speed dial in the winter for delivery of their amazing soups and mashes. I also love a nice wine, cheese, and small plate so Casellula and Ardesia are two places where you can find me overindulging. And my go-to hangover cure is a bowl of Cantonese noodle soup with roast pork from Mee. What bars or cafes do you recommend? My friends and I love sitting at a restaurant bar and drinking a nice wine or martini. Some of our favorites are Chez Josephine, Marseilles, and 44&X. I also love meeting at DBL for the cheap drinks and throwback vibe. And although it’s not a bar or café, Domus is the perfect place to grab a lastminute gift or host present. What’s your favorite place locally? The International Grocer is by far my favorite place in HK. It’s like going on vacation to the Mediterranean. I also love Espositio’s for meats, Sea Breeze for fish, Poseidon Bakery, Sullivan Street Bakery, and the Vintner Wine Market. Between those places, the small ethnic markets along 10th Avenue, the extensive amount of Asian ingredients at Sunac, and the produce at the 43rd St CSA and Amish Market, you never have to leave the neighborhood to cook very well.


What’s the best thing about HK living? Did I mention the food? Seriously though, it’s a very convenient neighborhood. My business is all about being “on-the-go” so the central location helps. My office is also in HK on 9th Avenue, near all the subways. It’s so easy for my team to get to me to pick up supplies for classes and parties. The green space along the Hudson is gorgeous. As a biker, I love living right on the cycle path – I can get anywhere very quickly and with the most beautiful views. We also get the sunset over here, which feels like it brings longer days. And the worst? I know this sounds a cliché, but it’s the amount of tourists. I’m proud to show off my neighborhood and glad people are coming to and spending money here but sometimes I just want to go about my daily routine and not have to fight the crowds. Social order is just lost when everyone is staring up at buildings or down at their phone or a map. How does the neighborhood compare to others in Manhattan? I really don’t think there’s another neighborhood that can combine food, culture, community, and the proximity to the rest of the island the way we do in HK. Who do you admire here? As a business owner, I’m super impressed with Mark Fisher and how he has grown his gym into a brand. I’m proud to be a part of his ever-growing ninja army. I train there one or two times per week and have not only seen amazing improvements in my health and hotness but also have learned a great deal about running a business. Do you have an HK secret? You can trust us ... we won’t tell a soul If you walk down 43rd Street between 9th and 10th Avenues in the afternoon, your world will smell like The Little Pie Company’s sour cream apple walnut pie.


They call him New York’s “Kid Whisperer”, and he counts Heidi Klum and the Rockefellers among his clients. The creator and director of Shine, his mission is to help children explore their artistic side with music, fashion and cooking, or sometimes just with a rockin’ good party. www.shinenyc. net Aaron’s HK

RESTAURANTS Gotham West Market, 11th Ave44th/45th St Casellula, W52nd St - 9th Ave Ardesia, W52nd 10th Ave Mee, 9th Ave 53rd St

BARS DBL, 10th Ave 47th St Marseille, 9th Ave - 44th/45th St 44&X, 10th Ave 44th St

SHOPPING International Grocer, 9th Ave 40th St



A year of hawking


Hard to believe, but it can be tough giving out W42ST on the streets. Thankfully, Carla Duval is more than up to the task


or the past year, I’ve earned part of my living as a hawker, a promoter, a “brand ambassador.” Whatever you call it, it’s the same gig. I get paid to stand on street corners and shout a slogan while flapping my arm in front of me, trying to get passersby to take some paper product (flyers, newspapers, W42ST magazines, etc.) out of my grasp. I’m really good at it, too. My expertise began when I was three years old, at the weekly family dinner. It was my job to go around the table with a bread basket and offer carby goodness to my relatives. When my uncle first brought my future aunt to dinner, I bounced around the table and stood patiently by her seat, waiting for her to grab a roll. She said: “No thanks. I’m all set.” “Take the bread,” my uncle whispered. “But I don’t want any …” “Just take the bread!” But it was too late. I’d already burst into tears. Which, of course, resulted in her taking multiple rolls to placate me. I was satisfied and continued on my way. Twenty years later, I’m still up to my old tricks: oozing with the same charm and finesse as the toddler with the bread basket and the quivering lip. Despite my natural talent, I still get rejected by more people than not. Over time, I’ve come to realize these rejections fall into six categories. Which one are you?


THE HUMAN This usually involves a simple “No, thank you,” while making eye contact and acknowledging that, hey, I’m human too, and New York is an expensive place to live, so here I am.


ALL EXCUSES Also known as “I’m saying ‘I would if I

a Pavlovian dog, I’m trained to reach out to raised hands, not pull away. So now I’m pushing something on you that you think you’ve already clearly denied and it’s just awkward for all parties involved.


“Nope. Not happening. We made a deal, buddy. If you take it out of my hand, then it’s out of my hands.” could’ but we both know I just don’t want to.” This often involves someone having their hands full – or trying to make it seem as though their hands are full – and telling me, “Sorry,” as they hurry away. But I’ve slipped pamphlets between two fingers of a woman hauling six Trader Joe’s bags. I’ve unzipped the backpack of a man carrying his Starbucks and placed a magazine inside. If you don’t want to take my handouts that’s fine, but you can’t fool a seasoned pro like me.


THE HAND Instead of saying anything, some people just hold their hand up as though to repel a leper. But here’s the catch: like


Above: Go ahead, make her day and take a magazine before she starts blubbering!

THE GHOST Many people find me and my work annoying (cue the collective “Noooooo!”). Most times they’ll flat out refuse to acknowledge my existence. Sometimes they conveniently have to check their phone as they approach. Believe me, I get it. Just please, try not to hit me with your umbrella or bag as you walk by. I’m not a ghost. That stuff hurts!


NO TAG-BACKS This is the rejection that aggravates me the most. Someone will take a product from me, study it, then try to give it back. Nope. Not happening. We made a deal, buddy. If you take it out of my hand, then it’s out of my hands.


THE TOURIST ATTRACTION This has only happened to me four times, but it’s my favorite rejection. I’ll catch a tourist snapping pictures of me as though I’m an iconic NYC attraction. They never get close enough to actually take my handout, but they brighten my day, nonetheless. Look, Mom, I’ve made it! Despite the constant rejections, I actually love my unglamorous job. I’ve met more kinds of people than I would have otherwise, I have great stories to tell, and I’ve even had some opportunities present themselves (like working for W42ST!). So if you see me, come say, “Hello.” You can find me every month on W57th St - 10th Ave hawking for W42ST. I won’t bite, just simply hawk my wares. Why not take one?






Shake it OFF

Uncluttering your world won’t just make things tidier, it will set you free! Andrew Mellen makes it all sound so simple


tuff. Some of us have more of it than others, but almost all of us have too much and most of us have probably, at one point or another, wished for less. Oh to have a more streamlined life. And, no, buying even more of those storage boxes from Bed, Bath & Beyond doesn’t count. Decluttering, if we’re serious about it, requires more than just discipline; it’s about changing the way we look at the things we gather around ourselves. Do we really need it? REALLY? Andrew Mellen is the “most organized man in America”. He’s helped clients relocate across town, across the country, and across continents. He’s created storage solutions for the six trading floors at Goldman Sachs and trained the staff at the US Department of Homeland Security and the Office of Naval Intelligence. He’s worked with entrepreneurs, artists, filmmakers, psychologists, attorneys, CPAs, doctors, designers, stay-at-home parents, seniors as old as 94 and kids as young as seven, SMEs just starting out and Fortune 100 companies including American Express and Bank of America. So he can probably help you too. But, for all that success, you’ll be glad to know he wasn’t always this neat. “I was organized about the things that mattered to me, like my baseball card collection, my Matchbox car collection and my chemistry set,” he says. “I didn’t pay attention to much else. “I’m sure if you asked my mom she would tell you that I wasn’t a total slob but I certainly wasn’t tidy either. Like most kids, I would drop my clothes on the floor and somehow magically they’d be clean and back in a drawer or in the closet the

Artwork Diego Terros

“With few exceptions, it’s unlikely that a thing is going to make your life that much better to justify the clutter it’s also going to create.” next day. It never occurred to me that somebody – meaning my mom – would have been responsible for the transformation of the dirty clothes into clean clothes. The path to mindfulness has been long and slow. Of course I get it now.” Based in Hell’s Kitchen (he describes his apartment as “not minimalist in the strictest sense of the word, although I only have things I actually use”), the former theater director and producer almost became an organizational expert by accident. Which wasn’t very organized of him! “I was hired to coproduce an award ceremony at the Kennedy Center. One of the awardees was a Nobel Peace Prize winner. I went to his office to collect some photographs that we were going to use to create a short slide show. The photos were a mess: some were mislabeled, some were misfiled and others were simply missing. “In the process of pulling together what I needed, we talked about my background and plans – and by the time we had finished, he asked if I wanted the job of


organizing his photographs for him.” In the end, the job didn’t happen, but in the interim Andrew had told anyone who would listen that he had this amazing gig creating a photographic archive for a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Word spread, people asked him to help them out, word spread some more. “People began contacting me and literally showing up with bags and boxes filled with receipts, threatening letters from tax agencies and the look of panic on their faces.” Eighteen years ago he left the theater behind for good. And this month, he shares his expertise with us. The biggest obstacles to us getting our stuff together, he explains, is story. “The story you tell yourself about what you’re going to do with it ‘someday’ or where something came from or who gave it to you or how much it cost or what a bargain it was. It might also be really beautiful, it might be something you made or someone made for you – it might be something you picked up off the street. On some level, the specifics of the story don’t matter at all – only that there is a story and the story is keeping you bound to the object. “If you can separate the object from the story, you can let the object go. If you have no awareness of the story but you’re just living inside the story, you’ll be stuck to that object for the rest of your life. “When it comes to getting and staying organized, it’s really very simple. It isn’t always easy, because of the story, but it’s almost always simple.” Stuff, of course, would be all very well if it didn’t keep getting in the way! “In some ways, the physical clutter is the least intrusive,” he says. “The psychological, emotional, and spiritual obstacles that often come with clutter are far more debilitating then the objects themselves. That is, unless they’ve become a health

Opposite and this page: Things are just things. Once we appreciate that and stop giving them stories, we can start to become more organized.

continued over


COMMUNITY hazard or you are often tripping over them.” As a result, he is often far more than simply a removal man. “When I am working with the client, I am often their best friend and perhaps their worst nightmare — in that I’m the one person who will tell them the truth and not let them get away with their usual baloney. “I am their confidant — I know things about some of my clients that even their most intimate family and friends don’t know; Sgt. major — I’m remarkably successful at motivating people to stretch beyond their comfort zone to achieve a level of success they didn’t think possible; I’m probably cheaper than their shrink and, unlike their therapist, I actually make house calls.” He’s created what he calls the Organizational Triangle to help us all make sense of our mess. It goes something like this:


“Everything has one home and only one home. Where that home is, is completely up to you. Where you keep your keys can be different from where I keep my keys but your keys have a home and my keys have a home. That means that your keys can only ever be in one of two places: in your hands unlocking something or in their home.”


“All like objects live together – not most of them but all of them. So all your office supplies live together, all your tools live together, all your outerwear lives together, all your bathroom products live together. If you apply these two rules throughout your home or office, you will get organized and you will be able to find anything in 30 seconds or less.”


“If you can’t find a home for something, chances are its home isn’t inside your home – it needs to find a new home someplace else, like a thrift store, the recycle bin, or the curb with a sign saying ‘free’ on it.” Keep to these three rules, he says, and you will have achieved stuff equilibrium

Above: That big, old cabinet or clock of Grandma’s ... is it just taking up valuable room space?

– enough of everything that serves you, and nothing that doesn’t. “You won’t be buying things unnecessarily based on story — telling yourself that you can’t live without it, or that it’s a bargain, or that you deserve it, or that you will definitely use it and it will make your life better. With few exceptions, it’s unlikely that a thing is going to make your life that much better to justify the clutter it’s also going to create.” He insists none of this is about being spartan. “More than focusing on the quantity of things, I encourage people to focus on the quality of their life. Seldom will more things, more stuff, help you to achieve the things you want to achieve in this world.” Is anyone a hopeless case? Fortunately, he doesn’t think so. “If they are willing and committed to walking step-by-step through the process ahead of them, I believe anyone can get and stay organized for good. I’ve worked with people with severe mental and emotional disabilities, and they were able to make lasting

“Remove every physical obstacle standing between you and happiness, and start enjoying the life you think you can’t have.” sustainable changes in their lives – so, no, there are no exceptions when it comes to simplifying your life.” “One of the things I love most about my work is helping people set themselves free from years of deferred dreams and wasted time. Since someday doesn’t exist, it makes perfect sense to make today the day that matters. Clear the clutter out of the way, remove every single physical obstacle standing between you and happiness, and start enjoying the life you think you can’t have or don’t deserve because you can have it and you do deserve it. Nothing short of liberation from clutter, disorganization and lost time are the prizes you receive when you get and stay organized — and everyone already has the winning ticket in their hand.” www.andrewmellen.com


Excuses, excuses ... Oh, but it reminds me of my dear departed Granny Goldschmidt ... “Your grandmother is not the teacup, your father is not the clock, and your best friend is not the bracelet or sweater,” says Andrew. “Don’t confuse people with objects, and don’t make objects responsible for keeping the deceased or the absent present in your life.” It’ll come in handy someday ... “As far as I know there are only seven days in a week, and none of those are someday. If you are waiting for someday, you’ll be waiting forever.” I can’t throw it out, it cost me a fortune! “Whether it cost a fortune or was a ridiculous bargain, if you don’t need it and you’re not using it, it’s still clutter.” It’s my favorite thing ... “When everything is precious, nothing is precious. You have to be able to tell the difference between trash and treasure – and if everything is your favorite, then nothing is your favorite.” It was a gift from *insert name here* ... “Nothing freely given is ever meant to be a burden. If you’re only holding on to something because you would feel guilty letting it go, you have permission to cut the string. If something doesn’t make your life more comfortable, convenient or beautiful, let it go. “ I just don’t know where to start ... “Start right where you are. Any action is better than no action. Start someplace challenging or start someplace easy. The key is to start now.”




SUPERHEROES Use your power for good, people! You really can make a difference. Just ask Mark Fisher


hey say charity begins at home. And for the guys at Mark Fisher Fitness, the inspiration to give back to the community was inspired by what they saw right on their W39th St doorstep. So when Clinton Housing Development Company (CHDC) was looking to renovate Teresa’s Park – the neighborhood oasis named after longtime resident and passionate gardener Teresa Mattia – they dug deep. (See what we just did there?) “We started out with a modest Kickstarter goal, and within 30 minutes had raised over $2,500,” says Mark. “In all we raised over $10,000 and continue to care for the park with CHDC’s help.” Since then, they’ve also sponsored Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS’s annual fundraiser Broadway Bares, and members have raised nearly $150,000 for the cause. “After Hurricane Sandy, we partnered with the cast of Wicked for a special onenight fundraiser ‘Broadway Blows Back’ to support relief efforts. Every time we have sounded the call, the Ninja Army – which is what we call our extended family – has responded in force.” So, they figured, what would happen if they practiced their special brand of audacious community generosity all year long, and not just once or twice a year? The question prompted them to formalize their efforts and establish The Uprising, with a mission to empower an army of everyday superheroes to rise up and face the challenges thrown up New York City. “The idea is pretty simple. Our members donate their time, talent, and treasure and we direct those resources to NYC organizations that need our help to support New Yorkers in need. “This year, our efforts provided health and empowerment opportunities to New


“Research shows regular service is the ‘happiness equivalent’ of doubling your salary. That’s an idea most people can get behind.”


York City teens. We made $5,000 financial grants to both the Ali Forney Center and the 52nd Street Project, and our volunteers donated over 500 hours of time.” Their story is not just one of handing out cheques to big, faceless groups; it’s one of swooping to the aid of real people in need. “Jess is the incredible human who was singlehandedly responsible for making 50,000 meals in 2014 for homeless LGBT youth,” says Mark. “As head chef of the Ali Forney Center, Jess has to balance the demands of a tight budget, dire nutritional needs, and the emotional and psychological value of shared meals. “Facing the upcoming Fall Ball – one of the few nights a year when many of these young people get to enjoy a festive atmosphere free of the stress and crisis

Above: The Uprising army high on good deeds.


No more putting it off – there’s a ton of opportunities to get involved in the hood

Above: Someone needs our help! The Uprising flies ot their rescue.

RAUSCHENBUSCH METRO MINISTRIES Metro Baptist Church, W40th St - 9th/ Dyer Ave RMM promises to find a place for any interested volunteer, and staff will help match your skills and schedule with their needs. Options include working in the food pantry, teen center, Page Turners After School program, Hell’s Kitchen Farm Project, and winter clothes closet. Call RMM’s office (212) 594-4464 or email volunteer@rmmnyc.org. www.rmmnyc.org FRIENDS OF HUDSON RIVER PARK Once the weather gets a little warmer, you can head outdoors to help keep our local park beautiful. Tasks include planting, weeding, pruning, mulching, trimming of ornamental grasses, and other general gardening tasks. Contact Katy Siegel to sign up (917) 661-6834. www.hudsonriverpark.org LIVEONNY W34th St - Dyer/10th Ave There are 9,959 in the state of New York waiting for organ transplants. Yet NY ranks 50th in the U.S. when it comes to percentage of registered donors. Help LiveOnNY change that by volunteering at enrollment drives, taking part in marketing campaigns and helping with admin. On Thursday, January 7, it’s holding a volunteer orientation at its office in Hell’s Kitchen. www.liveonny.org


CULTIVATE HKNY W40th St - 9th/Dyer Ave

There are all kinds of ways to get involved in this group that develops green space in the neighborhood, including gardening and park clean-up days. There’s also the opportunity to volunteer with tenants of Clinton Housing Development Company. Email aeubanks@ clintonhousing.org to be added to the volunteer list. www.facebook.com/cultivatehkny ST LUKE’S SOUP KITCHEN W46th St - 8th/9th Ave Every Tuesday and Thursday, the theater space at this HK church is transformed into a dining area where between 160 and 220 people receive a hot meal. Volunteers include members of the congregation, local office workers looking for an alternative lunch break, and out-of-town mission and youth groups, but more are always welcome. www.stlukesnyc.org HOLY APOSTLES SOUP KITCHEN 9th Ave - 28th St Every day at 10:30am, hundreds of hungry and homeless New Yorkers receive a warm meal, see a friendly face, and get help to find their way towards a better way of life. It’s only possible thanks to an army of volunteers who greet guests, serve food, clean tables, and pass out haircut vouchers. www.holyapostlessoupkitchen.org HARTLEY HOUSE W46th St - 9th/10th Ave Founded back in 1897, Hartley House exists to support the children, youth, and seniors of HK. Volunteer at afterschool, summer camp, senior, and creative arts programs. Or give your time to day-to-day projects. More details are on the website. www.hartleyhouse.org


that often occupies their days – Jess needed help. So he called on The Uprising. Our volunteer group of superheroes sliced, diced, and served up a party to remember, contributing to an evening that reminded these young people that they are seen and valued and loved. “Then there’s Principal Anthony Pirro. Anthony was named the new principal of PS 54, a desperately under-resourced elementary school in the heart of Bed-Stuy Brooklyn. When he took the reigns this summer, 87% of students were failing the state standardized exam, yet Anthony saw hope. “But how could he get a fresh start and remove decades worth of clutter from a five-story school with no elevators? He asked The Uprising, and on the last beautiful Sunday in August, 100 superheroes descended upon that onceforgotten corner of Brooklyn. Eight hours and 1,200+ cubic feet of garbage later, PS 54 began a new year and a new era.” Stirring stuff. But we’re all so busy, right? “Many people feel the same way about ‘giving’ (either making financial gifts or volunteering) as they do about working out and eating right. It’s something we all feel we should be doing, but the tired list of excuses is the same: ‘I’ll do it when I have more time,’ ‘I feel stupid,’ ‘I don’t know where to start,’ and the worst ‘I don’t think it will even make a difference.’ And just like working out, once service is a part of your life, it’s a habit – one that you can’t imagine living without. “Research shows that regular service is the ‘happiness equivalent’ of doubling your salary. That’s an idea most people can get behind. And it makes sense: you build bonds with your community, practice gratitude (both giving and receiving it), develop your social network, and celebrate your personal power.” www.uprisingnyc.org

THE DWELLING PLACE W40th St - 9th/Dyer Ave A privately-funded transitional residence for homeless women, this group has provided housing, food, and support to thousands in need since 1977. Contact Sr. Pat Ginty (212) 564-7887 for information on how to get involved. www.thedwellingplaceofny.org


what’s going on in


Every day’s a play day with our guide to the month’s events in and around Hell’s Kitchen.

January 1 & 2 Tyce Green 54 Below

The singer’s one-man show is all about classics, contemporary, gender-bending, and a killer Patti LuPone impression. www.54below.com

All month Dead Treez January 6-24 The Screwtape Letters

January 7 Showgasm

Pearl Theatre

Ars Nova



C.S. Lewis’ novel about spiritual warfare is set in an office in Hell, following the scheming of one of Satan’s senior tempters.

The monthly variety show-meetsparty brings fresh music, comedy, theater, burlesque, vaudeville and a whole lot more to the stage.

Celebrate SUPER BOWL’S 50th Anniversary

Book Your Special Corporate Event Here

MAD Museum The first solo New York show by Ebony G. Patterson, incorporating mixed-media installations and jacquard photo tapestries that explore visibility, in terms of class, gender, race, and the media. www.madmuseum.org

January 9 One Snowflake Columbus Library

An interactive series about the NY winter wonderland, using songs about snow and rain. Aimed at children up to four years old.

Until January 16 Boogie Stomp Elektra Theatre


This musical telling the story of the music that has shaped today’s popular culture has been extended until the middle of the month. www.boogiestomp.com

Until January 23 Sanctuary

From January 8 Two artists

Exclusive Party Packages Available For Corporate or Private Events

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508 9th Ave, (Bet. 38th & 39th Street) (646) 490 4803 scallywagsnyc.com



Theatre Row

Sean Kelly Gallery



A multimedia performance focusing on three women – a mother, a war correspondent, and a POW – affected by war.

The gallery’s reputation for showing major international artists continues with exhibitions by Diana Fonseca Quiñones and Ilse D’Hollander.

January 15 & 16 Fred Hersch & friends

January 12 & 26 Financial literacy

January 12-16 Morphia Series

Columbus Library

Baryshnikov Arts Center

Jazz at Lincoln Center




Help teens learn about making money, tracking spending, setting a budget and ... maybe there should be a class for grown-ups too?

A series of visual haikus, inspired by Morpheus, son of Hypnos and the god of dreams, and performed for an audience of only 12 people.

Not Mondays Trip of Love

Weekends The Velveteen Rabbit

Stage 42

New Victory Theater



A song-and-dance show in which a girl journeys down the rabbit hole and up to a musical high, all to the soundtrack of the Swinging Sixties.

London’s Unicorn Theatre brings Margery Williams’ classic tale of about love, loss, and growing up to life.

The ten-time Grammy nominee is joined by clarinetist Anat Cohen, guitarist Julian Lage, and fellow pianist Sullivan Fortner.

Not Tuesdays Clever Little Lies

January 17 Flying in Style Intrepid

Families get up close to Intrepid’s aircraft to find out how symbols and colors set each one apart. Then create your own insignia! www.intrepidmuseum.org

January 19-23 Stacey Kent

Westside Theatre




Now extended through March 20, this comedy starring Marlo Thomas and Greg Mullvaney is all sex, love, and secrets.

Grammy-nominated singer with a longtime creative collaboration with novelist Kazuo Ishiguro brings her melodic storytelling to the hood.

All month 2 Across

From January 26 Smart People

St Luke’s Theatre

Second Stage



Andrea McArdle, the original Broadway star of Annie, returns to the NY stage in this comedy about crosswords.

Set on the eve of Obama’s first election, four Harvard intellectuals become entangled in a web of social and sexual politics.

Until January 16 Phalaris’s Bull Theatre Row Neither play nor lecture, this performance uses art, narrative, poetry, and science to track a contemporary philosopher’s quest to fulfill Einstein’s ambition “to solve the riddle of the great, big world.” Can molecular biologist, visual artist, and underground philosopher Steven Friedman really offer a solution to the world’s pain? www.theatrerow.org


January 28 Next W42ST out All around Hell’s Kitchen

Love is in the air and next month we’re all about romance. And style, since it’s Fashion Week. If you’d like to be featured, contact us on news@w42st.com.

January 30 Bea Arthur: Astral Dame Laurie Beechman Theatre

Jason B. Schmidt brings the most sassy of the Golden Girls to NY for one night only, performing signature numbers, comedy, and quips. www.westbankcafe.com



We’re not in

CLEVELAND ANYMORE, TOTO Shake yourself back into that New York state of mind with this month’s pick of the shows. Hillary Reeves is your tour guide AN EVENING WITH MOONDRUNK

Ars Nova January 9 Ars Nova always serves as our postholidaze go-to. If you’re looking for some new names to latch onto as they rise to fame, this is your spot. But it’s also a great venue for finding funny, wacky works that bring you out of that January slump. This month, we’ll swing by for An Evening with Moondrunk, for a night of music, comedy, gangster rap and overall awesomeness. If you’re feeling like you need a pick-meup after that crazy week spent at home with your family in Cleveland, this one will whip you back into that state of New York weirdness we all live for. www.arsnovanyc.com


New World Stages January 27 through May 29 James Ortiz has mastered, at a young age I might add, the art of subversive, sometimes spooky puppetry and we can’t get enough of his work. His latest, The Woodsman, premieres this month at New World Stages and brings to life the story of the Tin Man you know from The Wizard of Oz, but illuminates, prequel-style, how the Tin Woodsman arrived in Oz without a heart and with a vendetta for a wicked witch. While it sounds cliche, this is truly a work of art that the whole family will love. Handmade, gorgeous beings come to life in a way that will dazzle and excite kids while also challenging their expectations. Adults will marvel at the incredible,



PREVIEWS intricate artistry of Ortiz and Strangemen & Co., as well as enjoy the retelling of a familiar tale. www.newworldstages.com


New World Stages Until March 13 This Thanksgiving, I took a long break from real life and spent my quiet, work-free hours reading about the art of tap dancing. Aside from jazz, it’s (arguably) the only other fully American artform. While its roots can be traced to Irish jigs and West African Juba dance, the tap style we know today found its heart on American shores. Sit back and take a day to appreciate the incredible dance style with a performance by Maurice Hines. Along with his brother Gregory, he’s a well-known master of the artform and will introduce newbies to tap with a virtuosic flare – but he’ll also leave dance aficionados with dropped jaws thanks to his mastery. www.newworldstages.com


“You’ll laugh your face off and be touched by tender moments. That is, if you can get tickets before all of the theater nerds snatch ‘em up first!”

Above: Maurice Hines taps it out. Left: Comedy gold with Old Hats. Below: The Woodsman. Opposite: Moondrunk.


Signature Theatre January 26 through March Old Hats: one of those shows that will likely sell out among theater-lovers thanks to the star power alone. While the larger public might not be familiar with the names Bill Irwin and David Shiner, once you see the grimaces on these two, you’ll instantly recognize the physical comedians from shows like Sesame Street, or movies like Man of the House. If someone you know has ever uttered the abominable words: “I hate clowns,” buy tickets for Old Hats pronto and show them what a real clown can do. You’ll laugh your face off and be touched by tender moments. That is, if you can get tickets before


all of the theater nerds snatch ‘em up first! www.signaturetheatre.org


Second Stage January 26 through March 6 Smart People takes place in the nottoo-distant past, on the eve of Obama’s first election in 2008 – a day when most of us New Yorkers can recall audible celebrations outside our windows and parties in Times Square that marked a tangible shift in our country with the election of our first black president. In the play, four Harvard intellectuals debate the role of race in our identities and personal stories. Backed by enormous talent on the creative team – written by Lydia R. Diamond (Stick Fly), and helmed by Kenny Leon (The Wiz), the Tony Awardwinning director of the 2014 revival of A Raisin in the Sun – this one’s sure to be a provocative, thoughtful review of race in our current climate. www.2st.com


! t i g n i r B Photographs

It’s 2016, clean slate time. Now, how will you fill it?

Nacho Guevara & Ortal Mizrahi

The Man


THE PLAN: “To book and play characters of substance in major films and television shows. And to be a better person in every moment than I was last year.” WWW.BLACKANGELSOVERTUSKEGEE.COM





The Woman

Temi Hason CELLIST

THE PLAN: “I moved from Istanbul to New York six years ago on Christmas Day to make my Broadway dreams come true. My new beginning this year is to get closer to those dreams, and to introduce the love of music to children.” WWW.TEMIHASON.COM


continued over




The Woman


THE PLAN: “What is a new beginning? This picture is an illustration of one. It’s about health and fitness goals; it’s about flying and breaking out. It’s about a fresh, white sheet to make a mark on. And it’s about looking at things from above and seeing the big picture, the new beginning that awaits us.”





The Man


THE PLAN: “Well, I already floss, so I guess my resolution is to be more like my dog. He seems to have things pretty well figured out.”

continued over






The Woman

Liljana Llalla HAIRDRESSER

THE PLAN: “I’ve been called by B. Michael, a very talented designer, to do the hair for his show at Fashion Week in February. I’ve worked on Fashion Week in the past, but this year is special. It has been my dream to work with a major influence like this. I was so honored he asked me to collaborate with him and present our passion to the world.” WWW.BEBABLUE.COM DIGITAL EDITION







Make 2016 the year you write your own future


ill this be the year you finally write your memoirs? Or pluck up the courage to try standup? Write a No. 1 song? A Broadway script? Your own resume? We all have a story to tell. And the drive for some of us to put pen to paper (or, at least, fingertips to keyboard) can be so strong … yet where to start? And how? But have you ever considered the possibility that, really, you’re asking the wrong questions? Because it’s not so much a case of how or where … you simply need to start. “Writing is a craft that can be learned, as is carpentry or playing an instrument,” says Alex Steele, president of Gotham Writers. The neighborhood writing school (their home is on 8th Ave - between 37th and 38th St) counts among its past teachers many who have gone on to have the kind of careers most writers dream of. Marlon James? He only won the Man Booker Prize for fiction, for his novel A Brief History of Seven Killings. Jennifer Lee was responsible for writing and co-directing the mahoosive Disney hit Frozen. Tracy K. Smith won a Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for Life on Mars. And Jonathan Ames created the HBO series Bored to Death (which even featured a version of A Gotham Writers Workshop). “You can begin a class without any experience or any awareness of so-called talent,” insists Alex, “and we’ll help you find the stories inside yourself and show you how to tell them well. You’ll learn the time-tested techniques that go into good writing, and you will write better, regardless of where you start. How far you go, well, that depends on how hard you’re willing to work.” The school is now 22 years old – nine of those based in Hell’s Kitchen because, says Alex: “We like being in the center of

“This class was what I needed to reacquaint myself with the nuts and bolts of writing fiction. I was spending too much time reading fiction and telling myself, ‘I could write something better.’” Mimi Kerr, fiction writing


everything. For one thing, it’s easy to get to via subways, Penn Station, and Grand Central. But also the excitement and energy of this area suits our personality.” But while their NYC students come from all over the tri-state area – and many from the creative community right on their doorstep – the online classes draw students from practically every country in the world. “Some have serious professional goals: to be published or produced or start a career in writing. Some want to find out if they have the ability for those things. And some are largely just interested in stretching themselves creatively.” However, it’s doubtful that, 22 years ago, along with the creative writing, comedy, and script-writing, they were offering classes in subjects such as blog writing (“how to write blogs strangers will want to read”), video game writing (“video games are

Above: A writing class deep in creative thought.

continued over


ARTS “I used to think that the 8th wonder of the world was the ability to write a full-length play (or a complete novel). It felt almost insurmountable, until I took this course.” Ken Einhorn, playwriting

very story-oriented, and they need writers to craft those stories”), and comic books and graphic novels (“comics are bigger than ever, and graphic novels are now an established form of literature”). There are some very practical courses. Grammar, for instance. Or business writing. “Our business writing classes are taught with a creative twist, making them entertaining to take, while also encouraging a ‘human’ approach to writing in the workplace. For example, we teach storytelling. On a cover letter for a job application, what’s better? To say you are ‘detail-oriented’? Or tell a little story that illustrates this point? If you tell the story, then suddenly it’s not just a letter, but a human being with beating heart, which is much harder to ignore.” The school has taken its business writing classes on the road, to companies including NASCAR, Ogilvy, and the UN Development Program. “For creative writing,” adds Alex, “it’s fun and challenging to stretch yourself creatively. Also, it helps develop your powers of observation and imagination, sharpen your critical and organizational

Above: One of Gotham Writers summer classes in Bryant Park. Left: The group’s iconic yellow boxes can be seen all over Manhattan.

“I had a story in mind but didn’t even know how to begin. Now my first book is underway and the process has been fun and adventurous.” Elizabeth Baker, romance writing

skills, and forge a sense of discipline.” But if you still don’t know which subject piques your interest, you can try a bunch of them for free, at one of the regular drop-in classes (the next open house is on January 5 and 6). Maybe you just want to have fun and make friends while exploring your writing potential? And drinking? After all, John Cheever said: “The excitement of alcohol and the excitement of fantasy are very similar.” He’d have loved the bi-monthly Write-In: a chance to hang out with other writers, eat, drink some wine, write some more … and just see where your creative juices take you. www.writingclasses.com

“I understand now that to be taken seriously I must perfect all business communications and edit, edit, edit.” Colleen Steele, business writing






Know anyone who works in Hell’s Kitchen who’d be great for the Staff Survey? Don’t keep them a secret, share the love with news@w42st.com



MAKER Jenna Rainey dishes the juicy gossip on cleansing, going vegan, and when it’s OK to cheat Photograph Ilona Lieberman What’s your personal approach to healthy eating? I have been vegan for five years. I firmly believe that leaving out processed foods is an important step in healthy eating. I also make sure to start every morning with a ginger juice, strictly follow proper food combining, and incorporate at least one green juice daily. I also make sure to drink three litres of water a day. Do you have a guilty “cheat”? I do – it’s vegan ice-cream. There’s a local company, Steve’s, that makes the best mint cacao chip. I’ve been known to eat a pint in one sitting. What’s the best part about working for Juice Press? The lifestyle. I definitely practice what I preach, and I enjoy teaching people every day about healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. What’s your favorite thing on the menu? The green tea matcha latte made in store and poured over ice. I’m not even a caffeine person but when we launched this I did some research on matcha and decided its positive attributes outweighed my personal thoughts on caffeine, and now I have one every day. What’s the question you’re most often asked by customers? “How long do I need to cleanse for?” My response: every day you can continue to


Left: Jenna extols the joy of ginger.

“It’s what you leave out of your diet that counts, and ginger is your best friend.” go, you should. A week is a good start. Two weeks is a deep clean. Longer is just a personal goal and once your body is ready to eat, it will let you know. It’s such a great feeling to cleanse. If you could serve anyone, who would it be? Anyone that’s curious. My favorite customer is the first-time visitor. It doesn’t matter who they are or where they are from. Giving someone their first taste of a green juice and watching them smile because they actually like it is so rewarding. Are there any other places you eat and drink in Hell’s Kitchen? Definitely Blossom. I love their vegan menu. What’s your No. 1 health tip? It’s what you leave out of your diet that counts (think processed foods), and ginger is your best friend.

JUICE PRESS (917) 597-0860 www.juicepress.com 630 9TH AVE - 44TH/45TH ST



Clean up in


Knock those healthy eating resolutions right out the park



o one ever said getting healthy in January was going to be easy, but whether you’re going veggie, gluten-free, trying a juice cleanse, or just cutting down a little on calories, we’ve got your back. No need to thank us … just part of the service.


4 9


8 1 5

Meske 2 Chow down on some traditional Ethiopian cooking – the popular veggie combo including miser alech, miser wat, shro wat, and collard greens is a must-try.


468 W47th St - 10th Ave www.meskeethiopianrestaurant.com GRAB AND GO ReViVer 3 This little eatery not only counts calories, it also has its own “ReViVer Score” to show the ratio of nutrition per calorie so you can be sure every calorie counts. 934 8th Ave - 55th/56th Ave www.revivernyc.com LOW

Al Horno Lean Mexican Kitchen Mexican dishes and juices that do your body good as well as your tastebuds. Be sure to check out the “energy tacos” made either with whole wheat or gluten-free. 417 W47th St - 9th/10th Ave www.alhornokitchen.com





947 8th Ave - 55th/56th Ave www.foodbarbyotarian.com Indie Fresh Tucked within Gotham West Market is this health haven whose owners don’t believe in having a “cheat day.” Instead, they promise you can eat clean food and tasty food at the same time. Their butternut squash and chicken soup is perfect for the cold weather. 600 11th Ave - 44th/45th Ave www.indiefresh.com










SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP Nizza 1 An Italian restaurant with a touch of je ne sais quoi, it offers an extensive gluten-free menu including pizza with a chickpea crust. They can accommodate to vegan requests too, and have several vegetable sides and appetizers. 630 9th Ave - 44th/45th St www.nizzanyc.com

cake to satisfy your sweet tooth.


JUICY LUCY Healthy Corner Juice Bar 8 This place has been serving Hell’s Kitchen for years, offering “hot juices” as well as the staple fruit juices, wheatgrass shots, smoothies and more. You can grab some healthy eating options here while you’re at it. 637 9th Ave - 45th St www.healthycornerjuicebar.com Juice Generation Eric Helms began by opening a small juice bar in Hell’s Kitchen in 1999. Today, our neighborhood houses two of the 15 Manhattan stores and continues to uphold Eric’s mission to offer convenient and affordable juices to all New Yorkers. 644 9th Ave - 45th St & 979 8th Ave 57th/58th St www.juicegeneration.com



Blossom du Jour An alternative fast food option that carries 100% vegan dishes and is environmentally conscious to boot. You can also take part in its one-to five-day juice cleanses. 617 9th Ave - 43rd/44th St www.blossomdujour.com


Otarian A U.K.-based, cafeteria-style chain that has more health-conscious options than you’ll know what to do with. Try the Perfect Protein Bliss entrée to keep you going all day, or the gluten-free chocolate








Jamba Juice This place gets through 250 million servings of fruit and veg every year – that’s 249,999,990 more than you’ll ever need to worry about! Port Authority Bus Terminal www.jambajuice.com





AVOCADO MANGO MATCHA SMOOTHIE Ingredients Coconut water Coconut milk Avocado Mango Plant based protein Matcha green tea powder Spinach


Method This baby is the holy trinity of goodness: vegan, gluten free, and dairy free. The avocado and spinach deliver the rich flavor and a healthy dose of natural greens, not to mention more than 100% of your daily dose of Vitamins A, C and K. Then you get the sweetness, courtesy of the mango and coconut milk. Finish up with a kick of matcha powder, and as much protein as an egg, and you have the perfect post-workout snack or meal.

INDIE FRESH Gotham West Market 11th Ave - 44th/45th St www.indiefresh.com





nachoguevara.com nachoguevara73



Keep it on

THE DOWN LOW Cutting back for January? Don’t cut back too far, advises Jeremy Kaplan, or you’ll be drinking juice …


’d never suggest you stop drinking wine – there’s so much that’s good about it! – but if one of your resolutions is to rein things in a little, you might want to consider drinking wine with less alcohol in it. Alcohol is the “bad” part of wine, and its consumption slows metabolism, meaning you burn booze and store fat. So if you can cut a degree of alcohol here or there, all the better. And you have plenty of choices. In fact, when I find wines with lower alcohol, I find it refreshing – it usually means you can taste more of the wine rather than the heat of the alcohol. So what is lower alcohol? I did a quick survey, inspecting two dozen wines at random, and found the average bottle has almost 14% alcohol by volume. That’s pretty high. I prefer my wines to have A (alcohol by volume) of 13% or lower, and you can find this information on the front or back label. Some wines sit at 16.5% and higher and, in these cases, the strong levels of alcohol get in the way of enjoying the wine itself. But it’s also about the type of wine. Amarone and zinfandel tend to have the highest levels of alcohol, whereas reislings from Germany have the lowest, sometimes as low as 9%. So how does a wine get boozy? Alcohol is a natural part of the wine making process. As grapes ferment and yeasts consume the sugar, they make ethanol and CO2 as a byproduct. Wine makers can control the amount of alcohol by manipulating the sugar, yeasts, and temperature during fermentation. In the dawn of wine making, there was no way to tell how much booze was present, so it was hit or miss and I’m sure there were equal amounts of disappointment as there were headaches. So when looking for

SPARKLING WINE I’m not sure why, but my survey revealed that almost every bottle of sparkling wine I inspected – Champagne, prosecco, or cava – had 12% ABV. This is good news, because Champagne is the best wine in the world. And if I’m going to hold back, it might as well be with Champagne. You might even lose a couple pounds as well ... just in time for Valentine’s Day, when you can start over again. Jeremy Kaplan, Veritas Studio Wines (www.facebook.com/Veritasstudiowines) Above: OK, so if we’re reducing our alcohol intake, there are worse ways to do it than with Champagne!

wines with lower alcohol, here are three options that will make your life easier. But first I’ll say this: don’t drink dealcoholized wines. They’re crap, glorified bottles of grape juice that actually have a small amount of alcohol in them. Likewise, steer clear of the low alcohol wines you can buy in delis and grocery stores. Again, poor quality in a package that looks familiar. NATURAL AND ORGANIC WINES Generally speaking, these have less ABV then their counterparts. They are made with the highest attention to detail and often have less in the way of preservatives. I find they average around 12% ABV. They are not always inexpensive, but there are plenty of options in the $15-$25 range. GERMAN WINES Though most of your choices are going to be reisling, sylvaner, and a smattering of pinot noir, German wines also tend to be lower in alcohol – below 10%. I suspect this is due to the cool climate, and that the grapes can’t make the levels of sugar you might find in the new world or, say, Spain or Sicily.


CORK TALK DOM DELESVAUX, ANJOU, LE ROC, CAB FRANC, 2013 Not only organic, but bio-dynamic too. An unheard of 11.5% ABV. Pure red wine. ($15) WEINGUT RAPP, RIESLING KABINETT, NAHE, GERMANY, 2011 Minerally with balanced acid ensures this wine comes off dry. Super complex and only 15% ABV. ($16) CHAMPAGNE JEAN PERNET, RESERVE, GRAND CRU, LE MESNIL SUR OGER, CHARDONNAY NV If you’re gonna take a break from booze, it might as well be the best. Champagne. How we suffer. ($48)




For tomorrow you dry. But Ciera Coyan cautions against such rash resolutions


have a question for the general public: Why did we pick January as the month to better ourselves? I understand this is a time of reflection and fresh starts, but New Year’s is one day, and it’s usually a day defined by a hangover. To me, most New Year’s resolutions sound like promises we’ve all made when hungover: I’m never drinking again, I’ll start eating better, I’ll stop spending so


“I’m all for healthy eating, but kale smoothies are for spring. Beer is for winter.”

Right: What else is there to do in January, says Ciera, but drink?

much money ... you get the idea. Ernest Hemingway famously said: “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk.” I’d like to propose an addendum to that statement: never take seriously what you said you’d do hungover. Of course, I’m talking about the famous Dry January. Dry January sounds like a good idea during the revelry of the holidays. Binge drinking for half of December seems much more justified when you can slur to somebody at a holiday party that you’re about to take a month off from drinking. And sure, in the first week or so of the month a break from drinking can feel great. You can pat yourself on the back, wake up clear-eyed, and feel idealistic about the entire year to come. But then some time passes and you realize: it’s January, the bleakest month of all. The festive (aka boozy) holiday season blinds us all to the fact that winter is fast approaching, but in January there’s no denying the elements.


The sparkle of December is gone and we’re left with a cold, dark month from which we can’t even see a hint of spring. My friends, that’s where drinking comes in. What else can you do on a freezing day when the sun disappears before you finish work but post up on your local bar stool and try and warm up with a buzz? Besides there being nothing else to do in January but lose a few hours in a cozy bar, there’s also the plethora of amazing craft beer that begs to be drunk in the dead of winter. Big, boozy stouts have no place in any other season but winter. AleSmith Speedway Stout, Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout, and Bell’s Expedition Stout (which wasn’t even available in NYC last January but is now) all are perfect for keeping spirits lifted and insides thawed in this depressing month. I’m all for healthy eating, but kale smoothies are for spring. Beer is for winter. Besides, when Dry January is bookended by a drunken December and a booze-filled February (between Super Bowl parties and the annual mess that is Valentine’s Day there’s a whole lot of consumption happening) it starts to seem a little pointless. Here’s an idea: try that moderation thing people are always going on about. Don’t go too crazy next December, try not to drown your sorrows in February, and you can actually enjoy yourself in January. As for me, I’ll be at the bar.




Whether you’re renting or buying, you may need to change the way you think, says Ian TD Smith


he New Year is a time when most of you will be making resolutions to do all sorts of things. A few have been scrimping and saving, foregoing those beach trips with your friends so you can put yourselves in the position to buy your first apartment in the Greatest City in The World. When you’re looking for that first apartment to buy, you need to adjust your mindset and think a little differently than you have been used to, because

“When you rent, it’s fine to schlep your groceries up that crummy staircase to cut down on your monthly costs.”


buying means looking for things in a very different way than you did as a renter. This month, I compare some common factors to show how buyers and renters think differently about the same thing. LOCATION The #1 factor in real estate and especially important in Manhattan. Renter: Walking a few avenues from the train to save a few hundred dollars a month on rent makes you savvy. Most renters are operating on a budget and are willing to add a little bit of annoyance to their commute for the extra space or cheaper rent. Buyer: Buyers know that the price per square foot can go up dramatically when you’re on the same avenue or street as mass transit. That centrally located apartment means a lot at resale, so adding a few hundred dollars a month to the mortgage at this stage is worth it when you buy.

LOCATION This refers to the choice of walk-up, co-op, condo – you get what you pay for Renter: Walking up four or five flights of stairs is a rite of passage for most New Yorkers so, when you rent, it’s fine to schlep your groceries up that crummy staircase to cut down on your monthly costs. If walk-ups aren’t your style, one great way to cut costs is to rent in a lower priced co-op, but remember to look for a sponsor unit because preparing a board package is no fun. Buyer: I went into a lot of detail about this last month but buyers look for different things when it comes to the type of building to buy in. Condos are a great investment but prepare for a lot of absentee owners versus the tougher-topurchase co-op, where most of the people in the building own a piece of it. SIZE Let’s face it … it matters! Renter: When a renter is looking for a place to live, the best way to get a nicer place is


Above: Ian at home in Hell’s Kitchen.

to look for roommates. Most renters are in some sort of share situation so when landlords price their single bedrooms that can be converted to two bedrooms, they make them attractive by marketing them as only $xxxx per person. . Buyer: When you are looking for something to buy, the one metric you always hear is price per square foot. As you go bigger you get more value. While studios and one beds will sell faster, buying a larger apartment can give you healthier returns when the time comes to sell your place. So maybe the annoyance of a roommate is worth it when you get that extra $100k many years from now. Whether you buy or sell, remember to make the most of your time in the place, one day you will look back fondly upon your month/years or decades in that cramped yet adorable apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. Ian TD Smith is a licensed real estate broker. Contact him at ian@adomee.com






Welcome to


Eddie Lee’s apartment is a pure reflection of his colorful personality Photographs Patrick Cline


hen Eddie Lee was a precocious ten-year-old with a passion for the world beyond his window and a keen eye for interior decorating, he tore apart his father’s treasured collection of National Geographics to create a very personal project. “I love traveling more than anything,” he says. “So I took every map out and wallpapered my room – walls and ceiling. It felt like I was living inside a globe – it was fabulous!” Dad was less impressed. His decorating technique is less primitive these days, but his love of the exotic is undimmed, and his W47th St apartment is home to an extensive collection of globes of all shapes and sizes. “I can just spin them and look at Brazil and fantasize about traveling there,” he smiles.

“I love reading, I love entertaining and movies, and art – this apartment is an expression of who I am.”

Opposite page: The open living space is built for sociability. This page (clockwise from top): His collection of ginger portraits; take a seat, there’s plenty room; Meet Eddie.

There’s also artwork from Morocco, a collection of marble obelisks and “grand tour” sculptures, photographs of hot redheads from London, a slightly frayed pommel horse from Connecticut … “It’s French, from the 1940s,” he says. “I thought, ‘I have no use for it,’ but it’s so cool.”

continued over



REAL ESTATE It’s a party for the senses, though he prefers the phrase “curated maximalist” – full without feeling cluttered. “I always fantasized about having a white on white on white apartment, but it’s just not me. I’m not a minimalist, as much as I’d like to be. I love reading, I love entertaining and movies, and art – this apartment is an expression of who I am.” When he moved in in June, he’d been looking to buy in Hell’s Kitchen for some time. “I’ve lived in New York for 22 years so didn’t want a concierge building. I was looking for lofty, open, tall ceilings, which is hard to find unless you have about $2m. “I’d been living in the Garment District, but it was neither Chelsea nor Hell’s Kitchen. I’d always go to restaurants in one or the other. And so many of my friends have moved here, my social life is here. I knew I wanted to live here. It’s so vibrant. “The first night I moved in, it was a mess, I had nothing in to eat, and I walked out the door straight into Gotham West Market. It was perfect. It’s like my kitchen now.” Not that the apartment was his dream place. Not yet. “It was beige on beige on beige. It was charming and cosy, but it wasn’t me. So my vision was to raise the ceiling and have the biggest public space as possible because I love entertaining and always have friends round for drinks.” The entire space was opened up and rearranged, and no detail was overlooked. A screen even drops down for movie nights.”It’s all about the entertaining.” The key colors are charcoals, grays, and whites – the wallpaper is warm and textured, the statement ceiling a bold black, echoed in the shaggy rug on the floor. “I’ve always liked dark ceilings,” he says. “I think they’re moody and there’s something sexy about them. I would only do it in one of two spaces: a tiny powder room or something where you’re doing it all the same color and it makes an impact, or in a space with 12 foot ceilings where it can handle it.” The sheetrock on the walls was stripped back to reveal the original brickwork, now painted white. And the room is dominated by a huge, the-morethe-merrier sofa and floor-to-ceiling, turquoise-tiled chimney breast. “I’d seen this tile,” he says. “It’s from California, hand-glazed brick. I’d used it for a client in Soho and thought it looked


Clockwise from top: A spare roommeets-library; his art must have an emotional response to win wall space; the kitchen: grape anyone? Opposite: Cloud lighting in a dream-like bedroom.

“I’ve always liked dark ceilings. I think they’re moody and there’s something sexy about them.”


fabulous. I liked keeping the brick story consistent.” The art on the walls is eclectic by anyone’s standards. Jill Greenberg’s Sad Bear. A series from Red Hot, London photographer Thomas Knights’ portraits of beautiful gingers. There’s a paper collage of drowning people by the door. And an ethereal, sparkly fairytale. “I’m never one to say, ‘Have the art match your apartment,’” he says. “The thread of someone’s art collection is just that they’re the ones collecting it. You have to have a visceral reaction to something. I’m drawn to a piece of art if it moves me in some way, or sometimes four different ways. Sometimes it’s just really pretty, sometimes there’s something spiritual about it, or socio-political about it.” Then, through a dressing room to the bedroom and the vibe changes completely from party to peaceful – one softly textured blue wall, another mirrored, blue linen, and Brooklyn artist Richard Clarkson’s phantasmagorical cloud lighting. “I wanted to feel almost like a genie in a bottle,” says Eddie. “It’s such a haven. I was sick with the flu recently and it was the perfect room. Blue and gray are my go-to colors. And you should always surround yourself with what you like.” www.eddieleeinc.com








The coaching

REVOLUTION More of us are turning to professionals to help us reach our full potential. But when the marketplace is dizzying, where do we turn, asks Elizabeth Foster

continued over



very New Year, we make a resolution. This will be the year of a “New You,” the time to start a fitness plan, to finally write that book, embark on a new career, or learn to conquer your fears. What may start out as a commitment, though, often gets lost in the noise of life, and the motivation fades. Modern lives can be so demanding, confusing, overwhelming, and even a bit intimidating. Whether it’s a resolution for the New Year, or simply a need to make a lifestyle change, sometimes we need a little help getting there. A coach, perhaps, to help us maneuver through life, to develop new skills, boost our confidence, support us through difficulties, and help us explore our goals and reach our aspirations. Coaches are not typical counselors, psychotherapists, or teachers – though they often use the same skills and toolsets. Their job is to provide the kind of support that enhances the skills, resources, and creativity we already have. Having an experienced coach to confide in, develop new skills from, and strategize with can be just the thing we need to unlock significant opportunities and transform our lives into something more. We all need support of some kind in our lives. When we’re young, we have our parents and teachers to provide that role (if we’re lucky). Think of the teacher who helped you fall in love with literature and encouraged you to pursue your dreams. Or the basketball coach who saw your talent and helped you reach your potential.





“Think of the teacher who helped you fall in love with literature and encouraged you to pursue your dreams. Or the basketball coach who saw your talent and helped you reach your potential.” However, when we venture into adulthood, that support can be minimized or distant. Sure, our family may still be there for us in emergencies or times of personal crisis, but there’s an underlying expectation to act like an adult and make it on our own. Even in the midst of the hustle and bustle of city streets, and surrounded by the thousands of people we may connect with online every day, we can still feel disconnected and isolated. This can lead to introversion or even depression, a breeding ground for negativity and self-doubt. As adults, many of us have learned to face the difficulties of life on our own, rather than through a support system. So when we go through difficult times, or if we begin to question our path in life, we may not automatically think of going to a professional coach. But if athletes have relied on coaches for years to reach their full potential, why shouldn’t you? “Is it worth it?” people ask. In a recent global survey by Price Waterhouse Coopers and the Association Resource Centre, it was found that “the mean return on investment in coaching was seven times the initial investment, and over a quarter of coaching clients reported an ROI of 10 to 49 times the cost.” It has also been estimated that more than 70% of organizations use coaches. Now the question is, how exactly do you find the right one? How do you recognize the type of coach best suited to your personal or professional needs?


Above: Whether your goal is to lose weight or just get healthy, a coach will listen to your concerns and help you discover the root cause of your struggles.


OK, so you’re not happy with your job. Every morning, you wake up wishing you didn’t have to go to the office. You don’t feel you are accomplishing your career goals, your need a change and you wish you could have another chance at the profession you really want. If this is your life, a career coach is the person you need. They’ll help you find another path, hold you accountable to your goals and encourage you to make the changes you keep putting on the back burner. As experts in business, they can help steer you in the right direction and provide invaluable feedback that can help boost your work performance.


“Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?” Bob Marley


“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”

Your love life is going nowhere, and you’re wondering why. You’re in a relationship that makes you unhappy, but you’re waiting to see it through … just in case. You’re ready to get over your ex, but don’t know where to start. If any of the above statements is true for you, the passage of time won’t help, so take action now. A relationship coach can help you navigate dating, help you move past an old love, or help heal a troubled relationship.

John Donne


You’re unhappy with your weight, or feel you’ve tried everything to lose those last few pounds. You need help balancing your fitness, home, and work routine. Health and fitness coaches can help you achieve the healthy lifestyle and fitness regime you aspire to. Whether your goal is to lose weight, increase your energy or just get healthy, they’ll listen to your concerns, help you discover the root cause of your struggles, and navigate the excess of nutritional advice to figure out exactly what works for your body.


While you might already be a successful entrepreneur, hiring a coach can help you get to the next level. Entrepreneur coaches are trained to identify your potential and help you address any blind spots you might have that are holding you back. If you’re just starting out, they’ll help kick start your new venture. They can ask the questions you wouldn’t think to ask yourself, and challenge you to be the best in everything you do. Above and left: A career coach will hold you accountable to your goals and encourage you to make the changes you keep putting on the back burner, while encouraging you to balance work and play time.


Sometimes you feel out of touch with your environment. Something just isn’t right … but what do you do? The ancient Chinese art of feng shui is about more than just being mindful of the direction your furniture faces. It’s a philosophy on space and harmony with your environment that helps improve your entire quality of life. A feng shui coach will help you harmonize with your surroundings, learn to be in tune with natural forces, and enable you to lead a richer and more productive life.


Elizabeth Foster is founder of Connect 2 Coach (C2C), which acts like a sophisticated dating system, making the whole process of finding the right coach easier for everyone. The client’s primary needs and concerns are taken into consideration, then coaches are matched with them based on their chemistry and energy rather than just personality types. Only professional coaches with a minimum of three years experience and the relevant training and certification are invited to be part of the program. www.connect-2-coach.com




#W42ST Hashtag your Instagram pics and they could star in the mag! From hazy morning sunshine to subterranean nightclubbing ; dog walking to donut munching; superhero fire fighting to star spotting – our Instagram family keep us smiling through this darkest of months. Remember, anyone can get involved -- just tag your pics #W42ST and they just might end up in the next issue of the magazine.







Fight back




LIFESTYLE We can beat the cold with warming yoga poses, the right kind of diet, and lots of yellow, says Brooke Blocker Photographs Elodie Saracco


s we enter the coldest month of the year, January brings a time of reflection and stillness. The holiday spirit is waning, and we experience prolonged darkness and what sometimes seems like unceasing grey clouds. Animals hibernate and plants die or lie dormant, but we have to get on with life – finding every excuse to stay indoors, while every outfit gets old. This sullen, dark environment can take its toll on all of us. We can become tested with seasonal depression, lethargy, stress, and isolation. But there are simple things you can do to fight these winter dangers. Yoga and its sister science, Ayurveda, can help zap the heaviness. Warming poses, breathing techniques, and eating correctly for the season, can all help balance the dark with some light. Ayurveda teaches simple techniques for balancing one’s mind, body, and environment. An influence of early Eastern medicine, Ayurveda teaches that humans are beings of nature and we must counterbalance the elements of space, air, water, fire, and earth within ourselves. The science further breaks down these elements into three “doshas” –vata, pitta, and kapha. The doshas serve as a system to categorize our physical, emotional, and mental traits. When doshas are compromised, imbalance occurs. According to Ayurveda, winter is associated with the element water (think freezing rain, fog, sleet, and snow). The cold, heavy, and wet nature of the season lends itself to qualities of kapha so much that the second half of winter is called kapha-season. The characteristics of the seasons can influence our systems, and

“The characteristics of the seasons can influence our systems, and in this case dampen our moods. But you knew that already, didn’t you?” in this case dampen our moods. But you knew that already, didn’t you? Excess kapha expresses itself in sluggishness, dullness, and congestion. Sound familiar? There’s a good chance of kapha imbalance during winter, but Ayurvedic practices can help neutralize these negative traits and return our lives to a normal, happier state. With longer nights, it’s natural for the body to long for extra rest – Ayurveda recommends honoring your body by staying cozy and rising a little later than your typical routine. So if your boss asks, just tell them Ayurveda said it was OK … :) When it comes to food, counteract the cold weather and sluggish digestion by eating light, warming foods that will pacify the system. Specifically, try cooked meals with bitter and pungent tastes. Celebrate the season’s fruits by eating root vegetables and legume soups. Preparing foods with lemon, honey, ginger, turmeric, and garlic provides a mixture of nurturing tastes. This potent combination also makes a killer immune-boosting tincture – literally – as the components share antibacterial, anti-fungal, antimicrobial,

anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Added to warm water, it’s a staple for prevention of the common cold and flu that thrives in the dry, indoor winter climate. It’s also best to avoid too much salty, sour, and sweet tastes. So, skip the sugary Starbucks and soda and opt for peppermint tea, which is relaxing and aids digestion. Along with diet and daily routine, there are some simple ways to use yoga to our advantage this winter. One of yoga’s key teachings is of chakras, spinning axes of qi (pronounced chi), which are energy centers within our body responsible for balancing our system. There are seven in total, from the “root” at the base of the spine up to the “crown” extending beyond the skull. In the winter, the “manipura” chakra comes into focus. Located at the solar plexus, it’s associated with the fire element, the sun, the color yellow, and governs energy, power, and wellbeing. Since winter brings feelings of lackluster and diminished light, it’s essential to work and rebalance the manipura chakra. To do this, we can meditate on the color yellow, and practice yoga poses that target the core. Just as outdoor life retreats during winter, so do we. Although the trees are bare and seemingly inactive, there is actually work happening underground; plants are conserving energy and preparing for the spring. Likewise, winter presents us with the rare opportunity to slow down our frenzied lives, look inward, and reflect. Instead of succumbing to the grips of winter, recharge yourself for spring. After all, winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, has already passed. From here on out, the days will only get longer and lighter.

Left: Brooke strikes a King Dancer pose.

continued over

To beat the winter slump, try this five-minute Manipura meditation: • Find a quiet and conducive space for meditation. • Settle into a comfortable seated, upright position. • Close the eyes and bring hands

to the knees (with palms facing upwards). • Begin focusing on the breath and becoming truly present. • Visualize the color yellow (continue


throughout remaining steps). • Deeply inhale for four counts from the depths of the solar plexus. • Hold the breath for four counts. Slowly exhale for four counts.

• Repeat eight times. • To boost this meditation, light a candle to set the meditative mood or take the practice to another level by gazing into the flame.



COBRA POSE opens the shoulders and chest while stretching and toning the core. Like all backbend poses, it creates heat and improves circulation. It also reverses the detrimental effects of sitting and slouching. Come into this posture by lying on your stomach and placing the forearms on the ground while bringing the elbows directly below the shoulders (making a 90-degree angle with the arms). Gaze forward and contract the shoulder blades towards the spine. SPINAL TWISTS (Half Lord of the Fishes) help wring out the internal organs, providing a detoxifying effect, especially helpful for all the indulgences brought on by the holidays. Sitting in an upright position, bend the right knee towards the left buttocks. Position the left foot on the ground to the outside of the right thigh. Slowly inhale and lengthen through the spine (creating more room for spinal rotation), and slowly exhale, twisting the upper body towards the left side. If available, hook the right arm/elbow/hand to the outside of the left thigh. The left hand can grip the ground behind and help further rotation.

SUN SALUTATIONS (Surya Namaskar) provide warmth and energy through the flowy sequence. Translating to “a bow to the Supreme Light,” the poses activate our inner sun. Starting in Mountain Pose, stand with intention with your feet flat on the ground. Next, bend at the waist into a Forward Fold, letting gravity take your fingertips towards the ground (keep a slight bend in the knees). Plant the palms and step back with the right leg into Low Lunge, then step the left leg back, bringing the body to Plank position. Next, bend at the elbows to lower the body into Chaturanga while keeping the elbows pulled towards the ribs, then flow into Up Dog by extending the elbows yet keeping the hips and legs sunken and broaden through the chest and shoulders. Raise the hips up and back to Down Dog, creating an inverted V as the heels reach for the ground. Step the right foot forward into Low Lunge then step the left foot forward into Forward Fold. Slowly rise back into Mountain Pose.

FIRE LOG requires patience through the intense hip flexor stretch. Hips hold built-up energy and this releasing pose can provide a platform for introspection and stillness. In a seated position, bend the right knee until the shin is parallel and slowly stack the left leg on top, aligning the right knee and left ankle and vice versa. It’s OK if the gap between the legs doesn’t close. Hold the pose for one to three minutes. Make sure to repeat poses on both sides to ensure balance. Take your time and, most importantly, honor your body and be careful not to overexert yourself or strain your muscles.

BOAT POSE fires up the core and improves balance. Sitting on your tush, extend the legs straight out while leaning the upper body back forming a V shape. Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds.




Fitness forcommitmentphobes Why should you choose just one, when there’s a whole candy store of studios out there, reasons Brooke Blocker


on’t you wish you could try out all kinds of classes without having to commit to just one studio or gym? There’s an app for that. It’s called ClassPass and it’s taken New York (and beyond) by storm. When I first moved to NYC, I was overwhelmed by the number of options available. As a yoga instructor, I wanted to test out every single yoga studio to find the ONE that really felt like home. But I couldn’t stomach paying the exorbitant drop-in fee for 30+ studios on my list. I scoured the internet for firsttimer perks and most results showed a hefty discount if I committed to a month membership on my first visit. Cue my next problem – I don’t have time to commit to 30+ gyms for a month each. I was sitting at brunch, watching the yoga mats roll in two by two, and wondering how I could justify spending 35 bucks for a workout BEFORE dropping $60 on NYC brunch (bottomless mimosas get me every time) when one of my compatriots told me about ClassPass. It charges a monthly fee for access to the majority of gyms/studios in the city. The only stipulation is that you can’t attend the same studio (or brand if they have multiple locations) more than three times each month. For $125, you pay about the same as a monthly membership at most boutique studios. Given that single class fees run around $25-35, it’s worth it if you workout at least five times a month. And those extra workouts more than cover the caloric cost of brunch! Over the course of the next few months, I tried out kickboxing, barre, TRX, spinning, and my fair share of yoga variations: vinyasa, hot, hip-hop, and meditation. I even tried wackier classes like trampoline, outdoor high intensity, and handstands. The hardest part is that if the number of studios around NYC isn’t staggering and overwhelming in itself, try picking

TRY IT in HK MKC (Manhattan Kayak), Pier 84. Seasonal, meaning you’ve missed the summer program, but keep an eye out for next spring’s schedule. (www. manhattankayak. com) Cyc spin studio, 8th Ave - 44th/45th St (www.cycfitness. com)

“I tried out kickboxing, barre, TRX, spinning, and my fair share of yoga. I even tried trampoline, outdoor high intensity, and handstands.”


a single class! From over 500 fitness locations, users can book classes up to seven days in advance and popular classes tend to go quickly. The first step is to choose a filter – be it location, class style, time, a specific studio, or some combination of all of the above. OK, that’s really the only step, but definitely the most important while sifting through hundreds of daily options. In addition to boutique studios, ClassPass also caters to those wishing to work out on their own or, as they call it, “gym time.” They’ve partnered with big gyms such as Crunch, and offer users about an hour of access to the multifunctional facilities. The membership renews automatically each month and is unlimited, meaning that you can have a fitness marathon and take classes all day if desired. You’re also not limited by location: users to book classes globally in participating cities. It allows users to try new trends and overcome plateaus. It also appeals to those noncommittal types and offers a fabulous way to jumpstart that New Year fitness resolution. www.classpass.com

Revolutions 55 spin studio, W55th St - 9th/10th Ave (www. revolutions55. com) Alvin Ailey Extension dance studio - W55th St - 9th Ave (www. alvinailey.org) trampoLEAN high-energy mini-trampoline workout, W38th St - 8th/9th (www. trampolean.nyc) Title Boxing, W37th St - 10th Ave (www. titleboxingclub. com)






Call of the wild

Something spiritual happens when man climbs a mountain, a meeting of mind and body … and a good, strong rope! Photographs Elodie Saracco


here’s a sweeping opening sequence in Mission: Impossible 2 in which Tom Cruise (and, yes, it really WAS him, the nimble-footed little sprite) scales the red rocks of Dead Horse, Utah. It’s the kind of scene that will give you so much in the heebie-jeebie department you’ll never want to climb anything higher than your own shoe lifts again. Or maybe, just maybe … Utah is, of course, a long way from Hell’s Kitchen, but for those keen to live out their rock climbing fantasies, that Dead Horse training ground is probably closer than you realize. Hidden behind W42ST, nestled between the towers of Manhattan Plaza, there is 5,000 square feet of climbing gym, with routes that change every week to ensure all abilities, whether secret agent or absolute beginner, stay on their toes. “I’ve been climbing for 19 years,” says Elodie Saracco, an accomplished climber and photographer who discovered Manhattan Plaza when she arrived in the city and asked friends where she might climb to train. “I’d never heard about climbing when my cousin, who was living in the south of France, nearby amazing crags, took me for a first experience. As I stepped on the rock and tried to make my way to the top, I fell in love with it immediately. It struck me: rock climbing was something I was meant to do. Right there at that very moment, I knew I’d found my calling.” It has taken her all over the world, from Europe (including her native France, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Sardinia) to Asia (China, Thailand, India), South Africa, New Zealand, the USA, and Canada. And while she needs to be fit to do it properly, it is as much a state of

“Climbing brings up many different emotions, from excitement, pure joy, fear, focus, meditation, doubting, fighting …”


mind as a health regime. “This is what I love about it,” she says, “your mind has to work with your body: a strong mind in a strong body. A big part of climbing is ‘reading’ a route or a boulder problem. ‘Reading’ in that instance means figuring out how to utilize the holds and climb-up. It’s like putting a puzzle together and it’s a big part of the thrill. “It’s a very spiritual practice and definitely a way of life. The climbing community is incredible and as a climber I am part of a big family sharing the same values and mindset. “it’s not dangerous,” she insists, “as long as it’s practiced safely.” Though she adds: “There is no zero risk whatever you’re doing.” But the role of the belayer is crucial in preventing falls. “As a climber, you have to be responsible and only take risks you accept and are aware of.

About Elodie: “World explorer and soul searcher, I find meaning in growing from each new opportunity and challenge. I am an artist and life student committed to excellence who loves working with others to meet a common goal.”

continued over


LIFESTYLE “The thrill of danger may be part of the appeal, but to me, the excitement comes more in getting out of your comfort zone and facing your fears and pushing your limits. “Climbing brings up many different emotions, from excitement, pure joy, fear, focus, meditation, being in the zone, doubting, fighting … Mixed emotions come up as you climb up, and you have to deal with all those and try to quiet your mind in order to stay focused and on point. “Climbing forces you to be present and in the moment, one move after another. I can see lots of parallels with Buddhist teaching and meditation; your breathing giving a rhythm to your climb. “Climbing always energizes me. Even when I feel the most depleted, it refills me with good vibes and brings me peace and joy.” Of course, living in Manhattan means


“Climbing always energizes me. Even when I feel the most depleted, it refills me with good vibes and brings me peace and joy.” she can’t always get out there in the wild mountains and climb, so to maintain fitness she walks everywhere, does light core exercises, and tries to do some yoga or stretching few times a week. And, when wide open spaces call, there’s always a little bouldering to be done in Central Park or, a little further from the city, in the Gunks (New Paltz). For beginners, she advises: “I’d go to the gym and take a clinic to get the basics and understand what climbing is about: how to move your body and position yourself on the wall and how to use your feet.” Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to climb at least twice a week to improve your skills. “After almost 20 years, I’m still learning each time I climb and I love this never-ending learning process and challenge.” Pick up a pair of shoes (“the ones that are slightly tight but not too


Above and previous page: The climbing wall at Manhattan Plaza Health Club.

uncomfortable”), then a chalk bag. If you want to rope climb, you’ll also need a harness and a belay device (don’t worry, you can rent these at the gym, though Elodie recommends you get your own if you plan to continue climbing). “Now if you decide to venture outside (which I encourage you to do),” says Elodie, “you’ll need to have a rope (usually 60m is plenty for many crags), a dozen of quickdraws (and some cams and friends if you choose to plug gear), maybe a helmet (depending on where and what you climb), and a comfy bag pack to fit it all in. No specific clothing is required – just wear clothes that allow you to move freely.” This message will self-destruct in five seconds … four … www.mphc.com/climbinggym


Rock climbing has many expressions and forms which are all similar but very different. “I’m at heart a sport climber,” says Elodie. “In this practice, you ascend the rock freely, putting on climbing shoes for more precision (climbing is technical and the footwork is crucial), and wearing a harness on which you tie in a knot with the rope (that will hold you if you fall).” The rope is clipped into bolts drilled into the rock to secure progression. “Sport climbing is very much about the movement and how you place your body and use your technique and strength. It is like dancing on the rock.” But it all started with traditional climbing: which means no bolts! You have to place your own protection as you ascent. “As you climb, you carry at your waist a heavy load of gear and you have to learn how to read the rock and where to safely place your protection. It is more physical and burly, it can also be very heady as you may not be able to find a good spot to secure your ascent.” In bouldering, there is no rope, but that’s OK, because you’re usually not high enough to kill yourself if you fall! “It requires a minimum of gear (only a pair of shoes, a chalk bag and a crash pad) and can be done alone (but it’s often good to have a spotter) – unlike sport or trad that requires a belayer. “Bouldering has become popular as it is playful and more social; doing it with others is part of the fun. It is more intense and powerful as the difficulty is condensed in a few moves.”


The high life

Elodie’s top five climbing destinations, from the US and beyond Red River Gorge, KY

“A sandstone jewel nestled in the heart of pretty Kentucky. The climbing is fun and playful: pulling on steep walls, here, it’s mostly a question of endurance. You’ll rarely be THAT pumped anywhere else! What brought me to KY is the rock; what kept me there are the people.”

Maple Canyon, UT

“Fun and physical climbing, pulling on massive cobbles (and sometimes praying they’ll stay in place and not come loose!). There’s a nice community and sweet social life around the fire pit.”

Kalymnos, Greece

“Climbing with a view, on sculpted limestone, pinching tufas and riding stalactites. The main crags are a walkable distance from the little village and Kalymnos offers a wide range of beautiful routes in any grade so everybody can come and play.”

Ten Sleep, WY

“The limestone of Ten Sleep reminds me of the European rock I learned to climb on: gray, pocketty, and sharp. I love the technical and fingery style that requires exceptional footwork. It’s an amazing setting with a river and wild camping.”

Tonsai, Thailand

“This is climbing relaxation country – it’s hot hot hot so you can’t move too fast. Here you’ll be experiencing 3D climbing, with many stalactites. Life is easy and simple: you’ll be on the beach, sipping on fresh green coconut, eating spicy delicious meals and watching a gorgeous sunset drinking beer with friends. Tonsai is a little paradise.”




l a n io t a iv t o M shopping

New brands, new technology, or just cool stuff that make staying healthy a whole lot easier HEART RATE MONITOR

When time is tight, efficiency is key. So make your workout count with a heart rate monitor, ensuring you’re always exercising at the optimum level. The Garmin VO2 Max doesn’t just monitor your heart rate though, it also features audio prompts to keep you in the zone. $299.99 (www.jackrabbit.com)


Wherever you plan to run, chances are you’re going to need an assortment of keys, cash, lip balm, tissues, and phone. Well, how else will you take those cute “get me, I’m so fit!” selfies? This stretchy training pak by Nathan expands to squeeze in a whole lot more than you’d think. Plus, it stays secure while you do your thing. $25 (www.nathansports.com)


The original dude girl was Dorothy Dodge McElhinney, who traveled on horseback from Laramie, Wyoming to The Pinto Ranch in Southern California in 1928. Inspired by that pioneering spirit, her granddaughter, Kim McElhinney, launched Dude Girl, a range of high-performance cycling clothing designed specifically for women. Yee-ha! Prices range from $39 for arm warmers to $129 for a cycling jersey (www.dudegirl.com)


Dentists recommend we change our toothbrush every three months to avoid bacteria buildup. But we forget. And time passes … The Boka subscription box takes care of all that for you. Every three months a brand new, charcoal bristle brush (which naturally reduces bacteria growth) arrives at your door, along with beeswax floss and toothpaste. Now all you have to do is remember to brush. Perhaps this little titbit will help: having a healthy mouth can extend your life by up to ten years! $14.50 for one shipment; $49 for a year (www.loveyourboka.com)




Water. Kind of boring, right? But add fruit, herbs or even flavored ice and – zing! The rove bottle has taken our NYC on-the-go lifestyle to the next level by creating an inner flavor infuser. And, of course, you’re not buying a plastic bottle every day so you save time, money, and the environment. Win, win, win. $19.99 (www.ttustore.com/shop)



When it starts getting dark just after lunchtime, it kind of restricts our outdoors exercise possibilities. Strap this bad boy to your head, however, and you’ll be good to glow. The first ever headlamp designed specifically for runners, the Nebula Fire is lightweight, powerful, and covers both distance and proximity, keeping you safe at night. $75 (www.nathansports.com)

Combining stability and support for cardio or strength training in a super-flexible and lightweight package, the Ahnu Yoga Flex shoe takes on anything even the most intense hybrid workouts can throw at it. The dual layered mesh upper provides comfort and breathability, the engineered forefoot lets the foot bend naturally, and the memory foam footbed and heel pod ensure balance, comfort, flexibility, and support. Namaste. $110 (www.ahnu.com)


Long-sleeved cycling jersey made from super-cozy merino wool and with eyecatching red stitching on the front. $190 (www.shop.nycvelo.com)


Fresh out of a Kickstarter campaign, this beauty is now available for pre-order. Billed as the “most versatile rolling and myofascial release tool ever made”, it targets every part of the body, acting like the hands of a masseuse, squeezing and releasing muscles. $59.95, released January 30 (www.acumobility.com)


Now you can get the kind of technology normally only available at your gym in your own bathroom … at a fraction of the price. These scales team with Pivotal Living’s app to measure not just weight but also BMI, basal metabolic rate, body fat and lean body mass. $39.95 (www.pivotalliving.com)


Most runners are torn between wanting a neutral sole, but the desire to still feel protected. Responsiveness versus cushioning. So when you know the Topo Magnifly is created by runners for runners, you kind of have to assume they’re on to something. Minimal 5mm drop sole? Check. Roomy fit for the toes to spread out (but snug where you need it – around the middle and heel)? Check. Add to that package a dual-density midsole that delivers cushioning and response just where you need it, and you’re in a tick-all-the-boxes situation. $110 (www.topoathletic.com)



blocker yoga Brooke Blocker is a certified yoga instructor who teaches classes in Hell’s Kitchen and Chelsea. Her classes, dubbed the YogaLab, are a wholistic experience challenging the mind and body. With a background in research and psychology, Brooke teaches from a level of exploration with intent to expand students’ beings mentally, physically, and spiritually. A typical class includes flowing through vinyasa, experimenting with bold poses, and delving into heavy meditation. The purpose of the YogaLab is to provide a platform, or baseline, for self-analysis with the goal of ongoing progression and eventual equanimity within. Brooke teaches group and private sessions as well as corporate yoga. She also has experience planning and leading yoga retreats.

Reach out at: blockeryoga@gmail.com Check out current schedule: www.blockeryoga.com Follow for updates (Instagram): @vbblocker



Go hurt yourself

We dare you. Christopher Shelley needs the money



efore clients leave our Hell’s Kitchen massage therapy studio, we give them advice on how they can hurt less, take better care of themselves, and maybe prevent the aches and pains that led them to us in the first place. We are such hypocrites. We are business people and our business is pain. What we really need is for our clients to go right back into the world and hurt themselves all over again, so they’ll come see us again. In the James Bond film Goldeneye, the villain was a sadistic killer named Xenia Onatopp, who found orgasmic joy in causing pain. We’re not quite at Xenia’s level, but there is joy in seeing repeat clients. On one hand, it’s frustrating when a client completely disregards your advice. On the other hand, he’s a regular client. His body will find its way on to our table multiple times. This leads to dollars, and dollars seem to be what the bank wants from us every month. Our inner Xenia moans in delight. So, clients, squint at your computer. Spend at least eight to ten hours a day slouching at your desk. Don’t get your eyes checked, just squint at those spreadsheets as long as possible. The headaches, lower back pain, neck strain, and shortened quads will get your wallet back to us. Do you have a smartphone? Hold it close to your chest and let your head bend to a 90-degree angle to look at it. The more your head and neck make you look like a question mark, the better. Do you and your partner have a baby yet? Go make love. Vigorously. Every which way. Yes, even that way. Have a baby. Impatient? Adopt a baby. Carry the baby. Chase the baby. The ensuing lower back pain, rounded shoulders, terrible diet, and lack of self-care will lead you and your wallet back to our tables of zen. Do you work out? You must, because you have to stay sexy in this city. Go do

“The best thing would be to run a marathon while letting your neck hang forward as you stare at a video of your wife in labor.” P90X. Get addicted to Crossfit. The pain will get you and your wallet back to our comfy den of zen-nicity. You’ve heard yoga is a good idea, huh? Yeah, it’s always a good idea to let someone else tell you what cockamamie positions to put your body into, especially if you’ve never put your body into those positions before. If the room is heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, even better. You’ll push your muscles harder than normal, pull muscles you didn’t know you had, and you and your wallet will be back in our quiet, (less) warm, oasis of zen-dipity. Do you like espresso? Guzzle down that


Above: Yep, go do all that stuff that causes you pain ... Christopher will be waiting!

stress-a-chino, caffeine fiend. Shake up those nerves. The resulting headaches, dry, dehydrated muscles and hyper-tense everything will lead you back to the nirvana nether world of our zen-tastic studio. Are you a runner? Then run, run, run! There can’t be anything smarter to do in the whole world. Train yourself into an agony-thin tower of shredded cartilage, blisters and bloody nipples. Yes, bloody nipples – it’s a real thing, look it up, and yes, it’s disgusting. In fact, the best thing you can do for us would be to run a marathon while letting your neck hang forward as you stare at a video of your wife in labor, then going to the hospital to do 100 trunk-twists while holding your baby, simultaneously sucking on a grande frappuccino. You can name your child Crampy. Teach him to be just like you; one day he’ll be one of our clients. Christopher Shelley is a wedding celebrant, humorist and massage therapist. He makes people better from West 49 Massage. Read about his life at www.IlluminatingCeremonies.com.


Illuminating Ceremonies Christopher Frost Shelley Wedding Celebrant. Writer. Celebwriter.

Fun, personalized and unforgettable ceremonies!

718-222-0110 www.IlluminatingCeremonies.com christopherfrostshelley@gmail.com


Dina the

r e k l a w dog

A nervous shiba inu goes into the New Year with a splash




love New Years, when you make resolutions to better your life and convince yourself you won’t make all the same mistakes you’ve been making for years. It’s almost as if that hope lingers for a few weeks, until reality kicks back in. Usually, I luck out and the optimism sticks around for at least a week, but not this year. Day two of the New Year, Rasta had me right back to reality. Rasta is a very loving shiba inu, but the most anxious, nervous wreck I have ever met. You think timid or quiet when you think nervous. Nope, Rasta’s over-the-top anxiety is expressed by stress-eating everything he possibly can, hiding in small spaces stealthily, and slithering out of any type of confinement like a trained contortionist. I mean ANY type! I left him in my bedroom one day, ran mail to the post office, came home, Rasta had eaten his way through my plastered bedroom wall, figured out his way into my refrigerator, and helped himself to my leftover pasta. I’ve called him Rasta Pasta ever since. Rasta was my last drop-off on Wednesday afternoon. His owner is a graphic designer for Marvel and decorated all the walls with famous Marvel legends. As a Comic Con goer, annually geared up as Jessica Jones, I am always in awe and feel like I am inside an actual comic book. So, as per usual I did a stroll around the room taking a few Snapchat shots to send to my other comic junkies. Usually, Rasta follows me around until I put him in his crate and leave. Between the expensive paintings, sculptures, and a 280 gallon fish tank

Above: An anxious dog and an exotic fish tank don’t always mix ...

“Between the expensive paintings, sculptures, and a 280 gallon fish tank filled with exotic fish and even a shark, Rasta always needs to be crated when unsupervised.” filled with exotic fish and even a shark, Rasta always needs to be crated when unsupervised. Suddenly, a loud and vibrating thunder struck outside. Before I could say Rasta, he was pinned up in the very minimal space between


the fish tank and the wall. His butt pushed harder and harder back and before I could grab him he managed to push out the tube from the water filter. It was like a tidal wave in one of those “end of the world” movies. This beautiful, comic-themed penthouse quickly flooded. All I could think was: “Where’s that shark?” Rasta was on the couch barking at the thunder, as I scooped each fish into bowls, cups, even a gravy ladle. I kept hopping out of the water thinking the shark was scaling the side of my leg. Thankfully, the shark was stuck in the flowing current seeping out the bottom of the front door. I had no choice but to grab a giant antique vase and a Tupperware from the kitchen to trap it. Mark, Rasta’s owner, rushed home to his apartment now filled ankle-high with water, colorful fish isolated in bowls and cups all over, and angry neighbors from downstairs, whose apartment had flooded as well. I was standing with my jeans rolled up, no shoes, and was speechless. Mark knew this had Rasta written all over it. After refusing to take Mark’s money, I left still in shock. Did that really just happen? I was most relieved the shark didn’t get me, to be honest. Poor Rasta really needed some sort of dog therapy, like in the movie Best in Show, to figure out the root of his anxiety. Well that’s how my 2015 ended. Is it a sign of what my year will be like? Will I be able to handle anything that’s thrown my way? All I know is I found myself unable to be mad at my little Rasta Pasta and blamed it all on the thunder. Happy New Year!



Wagging Daisy

Dreidel Human’s name: Marjorie. Breed: Chihuahua. Age: Somewhere between nine and 11, the vet thinks. What makes me bark? When Mom leaves me alone. Three words that describe me best: Loving, sweet, grateful. Confession: Sometimes I pee in my crate. Shhhh.


Sunny Human’s name: Stacie. Breed: Maltipom. Age: Two years young. What makes me bark: I only bark at the dog park, when I am telling other dogs they should come in and play with me. Three words that describe me best: I am a playful, loving, and cheeky lady. Confession: If Mom leaves grocery bags on the floor, I’ll eat her kale.


Human’s name: Austin. Breed: Miniature goldendoodle (75% poodle, 25% golden retriever). Age: One year. What makes me bark? Literal response: essentially nothin I only bark when I’m barked at. Figurative response: going to the Pier 84 dog run and PEANUT BUTTER! Three words that describe me best: Fluffy, cuddly, charismatic. Confession: I once relieved myself in the middle of a crosswalk and showed no shame (tongue hanging out smiling while doing it). Luckily the guy making a left turn stopped and smiled right back. Did I mention I’m charismatic?


These camera-happy canines took a time out from the morning stroll for a quick Q&A with W42ST

Take a



Milo Humans’ names: Rolo and Sean Breed: I’m a Yorkie and Jack Russell mix. Age: Ten months old. What makes me bark: I bark when my human’s putting on pants, and try to run with him on the streets while biting on his shoe lace and pants. I don’t like pants! Three words that describe me best: I’m lovable, friendly, and super hyper. Confession: Hmm, well I’ve destroyed seven pairs of flip-flops (always the right side – weird!), two pairs of sneakers and a brand new T-shirt that my human left on the floor by mistake. Instadog: @milojan31


Lola Human’s name: Jenai. Breed: Long-haired chihuahua. Age: Five and a half. What makes me bark: I only bark in my apartment, at anyone near the door, rolling bags, or maintenance sweeping the hallway. Three words that describe me best: Sweet, silly, energetic. Confession: I take my food out of the bowl and hide it in shoes or under the bed to eat when no-one’s watching.


o many of you have contacted us, asking how your own happy hound can be included in Wagging Tales. Well, we’ve heard your pleas, duly considered them, and thought, hey, what the heck, why not? (We must have been barking mad not to have thought of it sooner!) This all means, of course, that you can now send us the finest photograph you can find of your furry best friend, answer the questions below, then cross your paws you’ll be included in our monthly column of local canine celebrities. Your name: Dog’s name: Breed: How old? What makes your dog bark? Three words that describe them best: Naughty confessions (dish the dirt – not literally, of course!): And are you an Instadog? Send it to waggingtales@w42st.com and we’ll do the rest.



Creature comforts

Happy new year to hounds and kitties – get in shape and style for 2016



$19.95, www.hammacherschlemmer.com

$90, www.chrome-bones.com



$29.95, www.fabuleash.com

$15.97, www.jet.com

People say cats are smart, but your dumb kitty can’t work out there’s not REALLY a mouse scurrying around under this mat. We know that it’s just a spinning wand changing direction at random to imitate a rodent.

Now the whole family can support the team, with this jersey made specially for dogs. The front has the NFL team logo; the back has player numbers and shield patch. Go Giants!



You want more bling? We give you more bling. This chrome leash will make every walk a dazzling one. The printed leash extends to 3m, so your dog can really stretch their legs.

Our tiny NY apartments barely have room for ourselves, let alone a pet fish. But with this wall-mounted fish bowlk, you don’t even need to take up valuable countertop space. Fish not included.





$28, www.ralphlauren.com

$6.81, www.chewy.com

$20, barkshop.com




$12.99, Petco

$75, www.rockstarpuppyboutique.com

$99.95, www.whistle.com

Made with a hint of stretch to keep your canine comfortable, this shirt comes with the signature embroidered Big Pony at the back, complimentary personalization, and a discreet hole at the back for a leash.

The world is abuzz with the new Star Wars movie. But your dog can defeat the dark side single handedly when they get their teeth into this Darth Vader toy. The Force is strong with this one …

You like a nutritious protein bar after your workout, so why shouldn’t your dog too? These healthy treats come in a variety of flavors – beef and bison with blueberries is our personal favorite.

Don’t ask us what its for – we don’t know either. All we know is that it ROCKS! Made with plastic and rubber, it’ll give your pet pooch a punk edge in the dog run. Available in three sizes.


The jury’s still out on whether this buxom beach costume is hilarious – oh how we laugh! – or in appalling taste – down with the patriarchy! Designed to emulate the curves of a Baywatch babe, we’ll let you decide …

Basically like a Fitbit for your dog, the Whistle Activity Monitor enables you to set goals for daily activity levels and creates a record that is then sent to your smartphone. It attaches to any collar.


Directory Animal Care


Scallywag’s Irish Pub

Best Barber

730 11th Ave - 51st/52nd St (212) 956-5822




Coco and Toto


The Spot Experience

600 W42nd St - 11th/12th Ave (646) 767- 4199


Westside Animal Hospital 453 W46th St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 247-8600


237 W35th St - 8th Ave (212) 967-2511

508 9th Ave - 38th/39th St (646) 490-4803

694 10th Ave - W48th/49th St (646) 791-0560


Social Bar & Lounge

David Ryan Salon




639 10th Ave -45th/46th St (212) 649-4695

795 8th Ave - 48th St (212) 459-1323

429 W46th St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 956-1830

Landsdowne Road

Stitch Bar & Lounge

Erik’s Barbershop




599 10th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 239-8020

247 W37th St - 7th/8th Ave (212) 852-4826

660 10th Ave - 46th/47th St (212) 459-2884

Latitude Bar & Lounge

The Pony Bar

Hell’s Kitchen Barbers




Auto Services

783 8th Ave - 47th/48th St (212) 245-3034

415 W54th St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 265-3120

McGee’s Pub

The Jolly Monk

Luxe Den Salon & Spa




54th Street Auto Center www.54thstreetautocenter.com

Cybert Tire and Car Care 726 11th Ave - 51st/52nd St (212) 265-1177 www.cyberttire.com

Bars & Clubs

240 W55th St - 8th Ave/Broadway (212) 957-3536

637 10th Ave - 45th/46th St (212) 586-2707

701 9th Ave - 48th St (646) 657-0080

410 W56th St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 470-5027

519 8th Ave - 35th/36th St (212) 9716100

Molloy’s Irish Pub

Tir Na Nog

Massage Envy




737 9th Ave - 49th/50th St (212) 247-3400

315 W39th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 760-0072

525 W42nd St - 10th/11th Ave (212) 473-3689

Beer Authority

Mr. Biggs Bar & Grill

White Oak Oyster Bar

Pura Dermatology





300 W40th St - 8th Ave (212) 510-8415

596 10th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 246-2030

818 10th Ave - 54th/55th St (646) 692 9347

446 W38th St - 9th/10th Ave (646) 706-7747


New York Beer Company

The Waylon

West Vibe Hair Salon





520 8th Ave - 37th St (212) 643-0034

House of Brews

302 W51st St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 541-7080


Iron Bar

321 W44th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 245-2337

Pacha New York

618 W46th St - 11th/12th Ave (212) 209-7500 www.pachanyc.com

Quinn’s Bar & Grill

736 10th Ave - 50th/51st St (212) 265-0010

Beauty & Well-being 42nd Nails & Spa

570 9th Ave - 41st/42nd St (212) 256-1065

451 W46th St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 265-6794

Beer, Wine & Spirits 34th Street Wine & Spirits 460 W34th St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 564-6830


356 W44th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 445-0131

9th Avenue Barbershop www.9thavenuebarbershop.com

507 W42nd St - 10th/11th Ave (212) 736-1375


Rattle ‘N Hum

Albano Salon

Grand Cru Wine & Spirits





713 8th Ave - 45th/46th St (212) 961-7507 www.ironbarnyc.com

944 8th Ave - 56th St (212) 459 9444


306 W39th St - 8th/9th Ave (917) 262-0423


495 9th Ave - 37th/38th St

450 9th Ave - 35th/36th St (212) 967-4726

42nd Street Wine Loft

570 11th Ave - 43rd/44th St (646) 682-9278

Ninth Avenue Vintner

Ninth Avenue Vintner





669 9th Ave - 46th/47th St (212) 664-9463

Veritas Studio Wines

527 W45th St - 10th/11th Ave (212) 581-3163

Cycle Shops

Al’s Cycle Solutions

693 10th Ave - 47th/48th St (212) 247-3300


Enoch’s Bike Shop

480 10th Ave - 36th/37th St (212) 582-0620 www.enochsbikes.com

Liberty Bicycles

846 9th Ave - 55th/56th St (212) 757-2418 www.libertybikesny.com

Metro Bicycles

653 10th Ave - 46th/47th St (212) 581-4500 www.metrobicycles.com

NYC Velo

600 11th Ave - 45th St (212) 582-7949 www.nycvelo.com

Delis, Food & Drink Bread & Honey

941 8th Ave - 56th/57th St (212) 245-0007


Empire Coffee & Tea Company 568 9th Ave - 41st/42nd St (212) 268-1220


Garden City Deli

607 9th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 974-0573

International Grocery 543 9th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 279-1000


671 9th Ave - 46th/47th St (212) 957-7500

Port Deli

681 8th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 245-2362

Poseidon Greek Bakery

330 W42nd St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 695-4444

The ReGallery

362 W36th St - 8th/9th Ave


Mid-City Gym



647 W42nd St - 11th/12th Ave (212) 594-4312

345 W42nd St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 757-0850

42nd Street Pizza


362 W45th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 757-6173

Rolates Pilates

Sea Breeze Fish Market


410 W43rd St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 273-0737

Professional services

Afghan Kebab House

541 9th Ave - 40th St (212) 563-7537


Stiles Farmers’ Market 352 W52nd St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 582-3088

939 8th Ave - 55th/56th St (212) 247-9603

Epstein’s Paint Center

562 W52nd St - 10th/11th Ave 212-265-3960 www.epsteinpaint.com



764 9th Ave - 37th/38th St (212) 303-1612


Tehuitzingo Deli & Grocery

Gotham Mini Storage

510 W52nd St - 10th/11th Ave (212) 247-9191




695 10th Ave - 47th/48th St (212) 397-5956

Taqueria Tehuitzingo

578 9th Ave - 41st/42nd St (646) 707-3916

Westerly Natural Market 911 8th Ave - 54th/55th St (212) 586-5262

501 10th Ave - 38th/39th St (212) 931-5731


Hartley House

465 W51st St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 262-2920


Better Being 940

413 W46th St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 246-9885


Jadite Picture Framing

537 9th Ave - 40th/41st St (212) 353-1986


662 10th Ave - 46th/47th St (212) 977-6190 www.jaditeart.com

Blue Bottle Coffee


Keep Your Home Clean


444 W43rd St - 10th/11th Ave (646) 473-0274


Fresh Cut Flowers, Inc. www.freshcut444.com

353 W48th St - 9th/10th Ave (646) 238-5924


Health & Fitness

CrossFit Hell’s Kitchen NYC

365 W36th St - 8th/9th Ave www.lanyon36.com

315 W36th St - 8th/9th Ave (646) 234-8425

M2 Organic Cleaners


826 9th Ave - 54th/55th St (212) 954-7417

Manhattan Plaza Health Club

Prudence Design & Events

482 W43rd St - 9th/10th Ave (212) 563-7001 www.mphc.com


347 W36th St - 8th/9th Ave



600 11th Ave - 45th St

Bourbon Street Bar & Grille 346 W46th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 245 2030 www.bourbonny.com

Bricco Ristorante

304 W56th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 245-7160 www.bricconyc.com

Brickyard Gastropub

785 9th Ave - 52nd/53rd St (212) 767-0077 www.brickyardnyc.com

continued over


The Cafe Grind

Kava Cafe





477 10th Ave - 36th/37th St (212) 279-4100

470 W42nd St - 10th/11th Ave (212) 239-4442


Adam 99 Cents Plus

641 10th Ave - 45th/46th St (212) 245-4601

760 10th Ave - 51st/52nd St

American Home Hardware

Chimichurri Grill


Staghorn Steakhouse




609 9th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 586-8655

774 9th Ave - 51st/52nd St (212) 256-0207

315 W36th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 239-4390

590 9th Ave - 42nd/43rd St (212) 765-7356

Columbus Hardware Inc.

Cupcake Cafe

La Vela Dining & Bar


852 9th Ave - 55th/56th St (212) 265-2425




Crystal Art & Craft Design www.crystalartandcraftdesign.com

545 9th Ave - 40th/41st St (212) 465-1530

558 11th Ave - 42nd/43rd St (212) 695-2112

653 9th Ave - 45th/46th St (646) 590-0577

493 9th Ave - 37th/38th St

Dafni Greek Taverna

Lucky’s Famous Burgers

Troy Turkish Grill




325 W42nd St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 315-1010

Frisson Espresso

326 W47th St - 8th/9th Ave (646) 850-3928

370 W52nd St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 247-6717

Nano Ecuadorian Kitchen 691 10th Ave - 47th/48th St www.nanobarnyc.com

Genuine Roadside




539 9th Ave - 40th St (212) 465-0888

F & D Pawnbrokers

359 W54th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 586-3707

Tulcingo Del Valle

665 10th Ave - 46th/47th St (212) 262-5510


Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market

W39th St - 9th/10th Ave (Sat/Sun) www.annexmarkets.com

(212) 243-5343

830 9th Ave - 54th/55th St (646) 669-7828

Uncle Vanya Cafe


315 W54th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 262-0542

Morning Star News

Gotham West Market


West End Bar & Grill

Popular Carpet Distributors




600 11th Ave - 44th St (212) 582-7941

600 11th Ave - 44th/45th St (212) 582-7940

Green Nature Coffee House

Pio Pio



555 W42nd St - 10th/11th Ave (917) 916-9408

604 10th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 459-2929

Hell’s Chicken

Route 66 Cafe



641 10th Ave - 45th/46th St (212) 757-1120

Sangria 46



The Jolly Goat

517 W47th St - 10th/11th Ave (646) 509-8957 www.thejollygoat.com

Jonny’s Panini

439 9th Ave - 9th/10th Ave (646) 484-5733 www.jonnypanini.com

Zoob Zib

432 W38th St - 9th/10th Ave www.popularcarpet.com

Thrift & New Shop

462 9th Ave - 35th/36th St (212) 971-8530

602 9th Ave - 43rd/44th St (212) 265-3087

Columbus Hardware

858 9th Ave - 55th/56th St (212) 977-7600

Il Forno

713 8th Ave - 45th/46th St (212) 247-1978

813 8th Ave - 49th St (212) 707-8986

496 9th Ave - 37th/38th St (212) 967-3892

412 W43rd St - 9th/10th Ave

Locksmith Hardware Paints Plumbing Hardware

338 W46th St - 8th/9th Ave (212) 581-8482

Schmackary’s Cookies 362 W45th St - 8th/9th Ave www.schmackarys.com

Sergimmo Salumeria 456 9th Ave - 35th/36th St (212) 967-4212

Mon-Fri: 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Sat: 9.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m. We offer Merchant and Contractor Discounts

852 9th ave - W55/W56 Call 212-265-2425 Fax 212-265-7588 www.columbushardwareinc.com



Join at www.climbingfish.com




Gymnasium aboard the S.S. Normandie, 1935


ever mind Mark Fisher Fitness and Mercedes Club – this was at one time the most glamorous gym Hell’s Kitchen had ever seen, and it lay deep in the middle of the S.S. Normandy, docked at Pier 88 (at the end of 48th St). The gym wasn’t the only special feature of the liner. The swimming pool boasted a lavish bar, and there was a dog kennel and a 100-car garage. Built in France, Normandie was the largest and fastest passenger ship afloat. She set sail on her maiden voyage on May 29, 1935 from Le Havre, reaching New York in four days, three hours, and 14 minutes. The time earned her a Blue Riband for the fastest transatlantic

crossing, and an estimated 100,000 spectators lined the harbor for her arrival. The French Line commissioned artists to create posters for the liner, which became icons of the age. One of the most famous was by Adolphe Mouron Cassandre. Its passengers were even more celebrated: the author Ernest Hemingway; songwriters Noël Coward and Irving Berlin; and Hollywood celebrities such as Fred Astaire, Marlene Dietrich, Walt Disney, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr.; and James Stewart all sailed on the Normandie. Sadly, after just seven years, the ship ended her life in Hell’s Kitchen. The war in Europe had compelled her to seek haven in New York, where the US government interned her on September 3, 1939, two


Top: Gym wear sure has come a long way ... Above: The poster by Adolphe Mouron Cassandre.

days after Germany invaded Poland. The vessel was renamed USS Lafayette. Three years later, she caught fire while being converted to a troopship, capsized on to her port side, and came to rest on the mud of the Hudson River at Pier 88, the site of the current New York Passenger Ship Terminal. Enemy sabotage was widely suspected – and newspapers were filled with theories for months after the fire. Members of organized crime also claimed they had sabotaged the ship, to help secure the release from prison of Charles “Lucky” Luciano. But a congressional investigation concluded the fire was completely accidental. WORDS BY PHIL O’BRIEN




31 Pocket Bar NYC

It may be little, but this wine bar packs a powerful punch.

35 City Kitchen

Popular food hall in Row NYC hotel.



36 Flaming Saddles


Gotham West Market


The legendary aircraft carrier is now a museum that hosts events, exhibitions, and is only home to the Space Shuttle!

10 Jacob Javits Center

Vast convention center plays host to everything from the New York Boat Show to Comic Con.

Restaurant Row


9th Ave - 44th/45th St One of the original dive bars, where the famous are said to drink until late, and where they dish out hotdogs with every beer. Look out for the six-foot pig at the door. www.rudysbarnyc.com

39 Barcelona Bar

Special occasion cakes, cupcakes and more, all made with organic and fair trade ingredients.

Flaming cocktails – for when a quiet night out just isn’t an option.

20 Sullivan Street Bakery

40 Clyde Frazier’s Wine & Dine

Famous for its bread, pizzas, and pastries that have been keeping Hell’s Kitchen’s hunger at bay for 20 years.

21 The Pony Bar

A constantly rotating menu of more than 20 craft beers.

22 Underwest Donuts

Seriously good doughnuts served up in a fully operational carwash.




Little Pie Company

Seasonally changing comfort food that scores highly on the gluten free scale.

Neighborhood bakery that’s famous far and wide for its pies.


The Marshal


Amy’s Bread

Farm-to-table cooking.

Famous bakery still operating in its original Hell’s Kitchen location.

29 Schmackary’s

You want cookies? We got cookies! (And coffee, for dunking purposes.)


There’s free kayaking in the summer, but you can enjoy the public art at any time of year, including Private Passage by Malcolm Cochran, a wine bottle resting on its side. Inside he’s recreated a representation of a stateroom from the Queen Mary. www.hudsonriverpark.org

38 Rudy’s Bar & Grill

The Press Lounge

H Bake Shop

W55th St- 9th Ave Studio space and classes for professionals and enthusiastic amateurs. www.alvinailey.org

11 Pier 96

Eat your way around the world, all in the space of one street.


Alvin Ailey American

4 Dance Theater

11th Ave - 44th/45th St Buzzing food hall that’s home to Ivan Ramen’s Slurp Shop, Ample Hills’ dreamy ice-cream, Blue Bottle coffee and a whole lot more. www.gothamwestmarket.com



High-kicking country and western joint where the bartenders climb up on the bar and perform dance numbers. It’s like Coyote Ugly, except for the boys.

Go for the killer views from the rooftop at sunset, stay for the stunning seasonal cocktail list.



Vast restaurant owned by the former Knicks star where you can watch the game and drop a few shots of your own on the in-house basketball court.

41 Rex Coffee

Sandwiches. Coffee. Pastries. All human needs fulfilled right there.


South-west gateway to Central Park and home to a boutique shopping mall.

The New Yorker A Wyndham

2 Hotel VIA

Dramatic Bjarke Ingels-designed residential building overlooking the Hudson.



Worldwide Plaza


Tom Otterness playground


NY Waterway


Pier 84

Sightseeing cruises to the Statue of Liberty or around the island.

Mercedes House

Luxury apartment building with a gym on the roof and a food market at street level.


SHOPPING Hell’s Kitchen flea market

Every Saturday and Sunday you’ll find a mix of antiques, collectibles, and vintage clothing and jewelry.

Post-war skyscraper defines the HK skyline and is home to apartments and businesses.


Hop aboard a ferry to New Jersey from the end of W39th St.


Space Ibiza


Signature Theatre

Light-filled space designed by Frank Gehry, with not just theaters but a cafe, cocktail bar, and free wifi.


Birdland Jazz Club

Classic jazz club named after Charlie Parker that has played host to all the greats. And we mean ALL of them!

Fine and Dandy

W49th St - 9th/10th Ave A teeny tiny shop packed full of everything the dandy gent could wish for, from bow-ties and suspenders to hip flasks, tie pins, and all manner of stylish accessories. www.fineanddandyshop.com

$1m sculpture that doubles as a children’s play park.

For when you feel the call of the strobe light and the EDM beat, baby.

Iconic jazz-age hotel.



Circle Line

The Daily Show

Satirical gem of a TV show is filmed right here in the neighborhood, with comedian Trevor Noah in the hot seat.


Kayaking and sunbathing spot in the summer, home to boot camps, a dog park, and a fresh air escape from the city.

Columbus Circle




Hand-picked individual gifts for the home and stylish accesslories made by artisans from all over the world.


Mark Fisher Fitness


Best Barber

Enchanted Ninja Clubhouse of Glory and Dreams. It’s a gym, but not like one you’ve ever visited before.

Old-school barber-style haircuts in stylish surroundings. MAP ILLUSTRATION BY JEANINE HENDERSON

The best of

HELL’S KITCHEN Introducing our new directory section, an essential guide to everything that makes our neighborhood hot as hell


otice something different about us this month? Open up and inside you’ll find our pick of neighborhood hotspots – the best of the westside. We’re unbelievably proud to be a part of Hell’s Kitchen, and we want everyone to discover its best bits too. Over our first year in business in Hell’s Kitchen, you’ve told us how much you love the magazine. You say we’ve helped you discover new places for to eat, drink, hang out – or even where to take a great picture of a sunset or mural. But often you ask: “Where is that?” Well, now we can tell you. Our team of artists and editors has been hard at work creating the “go-to” guide for what’s happening in the ‘hood (a huuuuge thank you to Jeanine Henderson, the artist behind our summer issue cover who blew us away with this illustrated map). Next month, there’ll be even more. We’re launching W42ST+ at the back of the magazine. This will be a combination of guide and directory that will not only include this map, but will be continuously updated with fun places to go, and listings of local businesses (I’ve been struggling to find an electrician and a chiropractor this month ... sound familiar?). We’d love your feedback. What have we missed? (We know for sure there’ll be heaps.) What are the bits you like? What would make it easier for you to find new places – and rediscover old favorites? What would you like to see in the guide? Maybe you have an idea for a walking map of Hell’s Kitchen? Could you plot the best architecture? Share your secret cocktail spots? Do you want to know where all the no-broker fee rentals are on the Westside? Or perhaps you’d just like to know where to get a great cup of coffee? We won’t know unless you tell us, so please share. Email me, phil@w42st.com, or contact us via social media. We’d love to hear from you. Have a very happy 2016.

Phil O’Brien, Publisher

“Our team of artists and editors has been hard at work creating the “go-to” guide for what’s happening in the ‘hood.”

To advertise in this section, email bob@w42st.com or call him on (929) 428-0767





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