VultureHound Magazine | Issue 1

Page 7


2014’s Most Anticipated Films


One of the great trends in early colour cinema was the biblical epic. Great tales from the old and new testaments that provided special effects companies in Hollywood the platform to wow audiences the world over with miraculous spectacle. How we know many of the great bible stories today is heavily informed by their depictions, which means we mainly know the sanitised, family friendly versions. Darren Aronofsky’s Noah and Ridley Scott’s Exodus are finally bringing the raw uncut versions of the Bible to the big screen, hopefully without all the anti-Semitic propaganda that plagued The Passion. Both are Old Testament tales which means we get an angrier, more vengeful god, the kind that would make the activities in Hostel look like a weekend away in Centreparks. The Bible has always used some of the most uniquely insane fantasy elements to dramatize its teachings and capture the imaginations of the faithful. I can’t wait to see what people who think they know all the Bible has to offer, think about this.

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Wes Anderson’s latest quirky effort is a tribute to the early 20th century adventurers, heroes and resourceful valets. In it, Ralph Fiennes plays Gustav H, the world’s greatest concierge in employment for The Grand Budapest Hotel. Gustav plays like a cross between Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Arsène Lupin, a man who knows exactly when to bring you your night cap and how much vermouth you like in your Martini; whilst simultaneously knowing where you keep your family jewels and the sneakiest way to pilfer them. Exhibiting the trademark Anderson style (Wes’, not Paul Thomas’ or god forbid Paul W.S’) in static, emotionally absent delivery straight to camera and colourful cast of middle class characters, The Grand Budapest Hotel is starting to look like the distinctive directors greatest hits package.


Our picks of the most anticipated and sometimes unexpected films of the year.

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