1042: Bruce LaBruce

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#1042 / oct 15 – oct 21, 2015 vueweekly.com

Alberta’s unbroken glass ceiling 6 Jon Ronson tackles social-media shaming 10


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VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

10/5/15 1:43 PM

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

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"It is unacceptable that women still need to choose between their families and their careers." // 6



"My new thing is cook backwards: look in your fridge, see what you have, and make a recipe out of it." // 8



"All we have to do is think of Twitter as a window into other people’s worlds and as a place to be curious." // 10



"Some people say, 'Oh, you're just doing that to be provocative or for shock value' and it's like, 'Yeah. What's wrong with that?" // 16


Daily Food and Drink Specials


"I turned 30 when I basically finished this record, so I'm really excited for the next decade and that's a lot of what the record means to me." // 19

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VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015

CONTRIBUTORS Ricardo Acuña, Shawn Bernard, Kate Black, Rob Brezsny, Bruce Cinnamon, Gwynne Dyer, Brian Gibson, Fish Grikowsky, Scott Lingley, Jordyn Marcellus, Samantha Power, Dan Savage, Mimi Williams, Mike Winters

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NEWS EDITOR: mel priestley MEL@vueweekly.com

Ricardo Acuña // ricardo@vueweekly.com

Team extreme gets it wrong again Countering the right-wing rhetoric on Alberta's financial woes Well, they're at it again: the team extreme trio is playing with numbers and rhetoric to convince Albertans that the cause of our province's current financial woes is the free-spending government, and that the only way forward is for the government to slash public spending and decimate the public services and infrastructure that Albertans rely on every day. Team extreme is, of course, that group of right-wing ideologues who have spent billions of dollars and at least two decades trying to convince us that taxes are bad, government is bad and anything with the word public in front of it is bad. The current lineup has the Wildrose Party as its political arm, the Canadian Taxpayers' Federation as its advocacy arm and the Fraser Institute as its research arm. The latest salvo came last week when the Fraser Institute released a report claiming that Alberta's current economic situation is not a result of low oil prices, but rather of government spending since 2004


that has outpaced population and inflation as well as GDP growth in the province. It's a lovely little report with nice charts and colourful graphs, but in typical Fraser Institute fashion what is not said speaks far louder than what is. The reason for selecting 2004 as the starting year, for example, is never articulated in the report. Maybe it was chosen because this was the year that the provincial government began reinvesting in both the public services that had been absolutely gutted and the crumbling infrastructure that had been neglected and over-capacity for the previous 10 years? The massive cuts and spending patterns of the previous decade provide important context to the growth in spending that began in 2004, but that context doesn't fit team extreme's ideological objective—so they just left it out. The report's authors also failed to point out the role that the implementation of their own extreme ideas played in the post-2004

spending spike. For the previous decade, the Alberta government had bought into the extreme right's "no deficits" obsession. Instead of maintaining and investing in infrastructure at the bottom of the economic curve, therefore, they waited until the top of the economic wave. The government's decision to not spend until the boom resulted in it paying 200 to 400 percent more for the same projects than it would have just three years earlier. Again, the Fraser Institute doesn't mention this boom period cost escalator. One can only assume it's because this inconveniently makes the exact opposite case of the one it presents. There is also the fact that, even though the report focuses on deficits (which are calculated as a function of revenue and expenses), the authors only actually track the changes in expenses over the years—completely ignoring the decisions and global events that impacted government revenues over

the last two decades. Factors like the move to the single rate tax in 2001, the reduction in royalties in 2009 and again in 2010, and the 2009 recession all impacted government deficits, but the analysts at the Fraser Institute decided it simply wasn't necessary to factor them into their report. One of the useful things to know, when looking at Alberta's spending trajectory over the last few years, might be how our spending compares to that of other provinces. Sadly, the Fraser Institute doesn't agree. There is absolutely no mention of how we compare in spending to other jurisdictions. Why? Well, probably because that comparison would show that in 2014, total Alberta government spending per capita was in the middle of the pack nationally, and actually less than six of the nine other provinces. Of course, sharing that comparison might make it difficult for team extreme to generate the appropriate level of panic and outrage about government spending,

so it was probably best to leave it out entirely. Perhaps the saddest thing about this latest attempt to demonize spending is the degree to which the mainstream media reported its findings unquestioningly and uncritically—and even worse, as actual research that made a contribution to public policy debate and dialogue in Alberta. Hopefully Albertans will not be fooled by media's active endorsement of this report and see it for the ideologically based number manipulation and shoddy research that it is. There is much to gain from a careful analysis of spending and revenue trajectories in Alberta over the years, which would provide a greater understanding of how we got here. Unfortunately, this report accomplishes none of that. V

nority be treated as equal citizens in every respect—including language— managed to get into parliament. Most of the HDP's voters were Kurds, including many conservative and religious Kurds who had previously voted for Erdoğan's party, but its secular and liberal values also persuaded many ethnic Turks to vote for it. It only got 13 percent of the vote, but that was above the 10-percent threshold a party must exceed to win any seats in parliament at all. The arrival of the HDP changed the parliamentary arithmetic and deprived the AK of its majority. Erdoğan could have opted for a coalition, but he was stranded in the powerless presidency, unable to change the constitution, and could not even personally be part of such a coalition government. So he decided to gamble on another election. The Kurdish votes were not coming back to the AK Party and the only other possible source were the ultranationalists who had been alienated

by his peace talks with the PKK. (The talks began and the shooting stopped four years ago, although the official ceasefire was only declared in 2013.) Now he needed to restart the war against the PKK, and that would be most unwelcome to his American allies. He solved the problem by saying he would attack ISIS and other "terrorists," which got Washington on board—but since the Turkish air strikes began in August, they have hit 20 PKK targets for every strike against ISIS. It's not even clear that Turkey has finally shut its border to ISIS volunteers. The PKK is fighting back, of course, but ISIS has not been appropriately grateful that Turkey is only bombing it (quite lightly) for diplomatic reasons. It is almost certainly responsible for all three mass-casualty attacks using suicide-bombers in Turkey this year. There is only one consolation in all this: Erdoğan's electoral strategy doesn't seem to be working. A poll last month showed that 56 percent of Turks hold him directly responsible for the new war. The polls also show AK's share of the vote falling, and that of the HDP rising. Erdoğan is facing defeat, and he richly deserves it. V

Ricardo Acuña is the executive director of the Parkland Institute, a non-partisan, public policy research institute housed at the University of Alberta.

GWYNNE DYER // GWYNNE@vueweekly.com

Erdoğan's war

Restarting conflict has Turkey's president facing defeat The death toll from the twin suicide bombs at a peace rally in Ankara on Saturday has reached 128. The Turkish police were not present to provide security (they never are at "opposition" events), but they did show up to fire tear gas at the mourners afterwards. Who did it? Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu offered three possibilities: the Kurdish separatist organization PKK; anonymous "extreme leftists;" or Islamic State. Selahattin Demirtaş, the co-leader of the pro-Kurdish HDP party that organized the rally, offered a fourth alternative: people trying to advance the interests of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's Justice and Development (AK) party. The atrocity certainly served Erdoğan's strategy of creating an atmosphere of fear and impending calamity before the elections on November 1, in which he hopes to get back the parliamentary majority he lost in the June elections. But it's hard to believe that the AK Party has suicide-bombers at its disposal: it is an Islamic Party, but nothing like that extreme. It's equally unlikely to have been the work of the PKK, because a very large proportion of the people at the rally were Kurds. Moreover, the PKK is a secular organization, which makes it an improbable source of suicide-bombers. The suggestion that

"extreme leftists" were responsible is ridiculous: what would be their motive? Which leaves ISIS, aka Islamic State, as the probable perpetrator. ISIS uses suicide-bombers as a matter of course, and it is certainly angry at President Erdoğan. He treated it quite well in the early years of the Syrian civil war, keeping the Turkish border open for its volunteers to flow across by the thousands. He even closed the border to Kurds who wanted to help the defenders of Kobani, a city in the northern, Ku r d i s h - m a jority part of Syria—a siege that lasted four months and ended in an ISIS defeat. Erdoğan is a deeply religious Sunni Muslim. He wanted to see the overthrow of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad, an Alawite (Shia) ruling a mostly Sunni country, and he didn't much care who the opposition were so long as they were Sunnis. He also didn't want to see a Kurdish mini-state appear just across Turkey's southern border, so he preferred an ISIS victory over Syria's Kurds.

But his priorities changed after he lost the June election. Now his own power was at stake, and to keep it he needed a crisis. In fact, he needed a war. Assuming that the AK Party would not only win its fourth straight election this year but gain a two-thirds majority of seats, Erdoğan moved on from 10 years as prime minister and

Erdoğan moved on from 10 years as prime minister and got himself elected president last year. The presidency is a largely ceremonial office, but with a two-thirds majority he could change the constitution and make it all-powerful. got himself elected president last year. The presidency is a largely ceremonial office, but with a two-thirds majority he could change the constitution and make it all-powerful. But his party didn't get a two-thirds majority in the June election. It didn't get a majority at all: only 258 seats in the 550-seat parliament. The main reason was that the HDP, a party demanding that Turkey's one-fifth Kurdish mi-

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries. up front 5


// ©iStockphoto.com/AMAYRA

Alberta's unbroken glass ceiling Women are still under-represented in provincial leadership positions


n July, the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives published a report, "The Best and Worst Places to be a Woman in Canada 2015," which ranked the 25 most populated cities in the country based on how women were faring relative to men. Modelled on an international index published annually by the World Economic Forum, the report measured five areas: economic security, leadership, health, personal security and education. Alberta's two major cities did not do well: Calgary and Edmonton ranked 23rd and 24th, respectively. In a written statement to the Edmonton Journal, Shannon Phillips— Alberta's first minister responsible for the status of women in almost 20 years—said the results of the study "are disappointing and speak to the previous government's lack of progress in eliminating the gender gap." To be fair, the former government had acknowledged the problem and was taking steps to correct it. In a speech last March to the Women's Executive Network, former premier Jim Prentice noted that while twothirds of Alberta's public sector jobs are held by women, they make

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up just one third of high-ranking executive positions and hold just one in three appointments to the 172 agencies, boards and commissions (ABCs) which control more than half of the province's roughly $40-billion budget. "We've begun bouncing, or refusing, appointments that are brought forward that do not reflect gender diversity," Prentice told those present. Considering some of the salaries doled out by the ABCs, such action might go a long way to addressing the province's gender-wage gap. For example, the Alberta Financial Services Corporation (AFSC), which exists to provide loans to small businesses and farmers and to administer crop-insurance programs, has a total of six men on its six-member board. According to the corporation's most recent financial report, AFSC president Brad Klak earned over $632 000 in salary and benefits this year. Of its six executive officers, only one is a woman, and she is the lowest paid, earning over $70 000 per year less than the next highest-paid male executive. Similar statistics can be found throughout the ABCs: the Edmon-

ton Journal reported last spring that its analysis of the five most powerful boards revealed that all five have male chairs, two are composed exclusively of men—including the Alberta Capital Finance Authority, which controls $14.4 billion in assets—and two of the five have less than 20 members who are women. "Women are substantially underrepresented in leadership positions in the public and private sectors," Phillips said during a speech she delivered in Calgary last month to outline the steps she is taking to get the Status of Women ministry fully operational. She made commitments to gender equality and made specific mention that when it comes to gender pay inequity, Alberta leads the way. A 2012 Parkland Institute report based on Statistics Canada data found Alberta women who work full-time earn 68 percent of what men earn—the biggest gap in the country. Just a few days before Phillips' speech, in which she made broad commitments to address gender inequality and specifically mentioned wage inequality, the government

posted the employment contracts of its political staff online. After removing administrative support positions from the list, there were approximately 58 senior staff appointments and they did achieve a 50-50 split relative to gender. A closer look, however, reveals the vast majority of the top positions, including the Premier's Chief of Staff, are held by men. In fact, 10 out of 12 Chiefs of Staff positions are held by white men, and of the 58 appointments made, only two were members of visible minorities. The term "glass ceiling" is often used to refer to the invisible barrier to professional advancement facing women and members of visible minority groups. When asked if their commitment to addressing inequality might be a case of "do as I say, not as I do", and if the government is going to follow up on Prentice's edict to achieve gender parity on the province's ABCs, Phillips' press secretary, Laura Tupper, responded by email. "In order to encourage more women to seek out leadership positions in the workplace and around decision-making tables, our govern-

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

ment will review employment standards with the goal of strengthening family friendly work standards, including better compassionate care leave and time to handle family duties," she writes. "We are also committed to recruiting more women to leadership positions on agencies, boards and commissions. I will also add that the Government of Alberta is addressing gender equality within the Alberta Public Service (APS) through a dedicated Women in Leadership (WIL) program." Tupper advised that the goal of the WIL unit is gender equality at all management levels in the public service. She did not mention that the program was launched by the previous government in May 2013. For her part, Phillips appears to be taking a more outward look at the issue of gender inequality. Tupper forwarded a written statement attributed to Phillips, though it had little to do with the questions that were asked. "It is unacceptable that women still need to choose between their families and their careers," Phillips' CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 >>

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statement read. "In order to fulfill our ministry's goal of seeing more women in leadership roles across this province, we will be looking at reviewing employment standards to support flexible work environments, because part of my vision for this ministry is giving Alberta women the best tools to thrive both at home and in the workplace." Women aren't just being left behind in the public service. A 2014 federal government report shows women occupy just 12 percent of Canada's corporate board seats and only nine percent of seats on boards in the resource sector. Last year, Alberta's Securities Commission was one of just two provinces that refused to sign on to national efforts to increase women's representation on corporate boards. Last week, the Commission re-

leased information indicating that just 6.6 percent of seats on boards of directors are held by women. The day after Phillips gave a speech outlining her plans for her ministry, Bill Rice announced he was retiring from the head of Alberta Securities Commission. His board's explanation, that its refusal to participate in the national effort to recruit more women was because the matter was not within its mandate, might be an opportunity for the new government to put its money where its mouth is with respect to eliminating gender inequality. With an executive search for Rice's replacement under way, the final word on the appointment and the board's mandate rests with Finance Minister Joe Ceci.


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LET’S TALK VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

Send your resumĂŠ to Ron Drillen at rdrillen@vueweekly.com up front 7




Food Matters:

Waste Not Challenge F

// Donna Griffith

LitFest brings together food authors to address food waste firsthand

ood has not been forgotten at LitFest: the culinary component of this year's non-fiction festival delves into a host of issues including food waste, new farming practices and backyard chickens. The afternoon session is titled Food Matters: Waste Not Challenge and will feature cookbook authors Cinda Chavich and Signe Langford, food author Jenna Butler, Chef Ryan O'Flynn and local food writers Jennifer Cockrall-King and Liane Faulder. Food waste is possibly the most talked-about issue in food culture right now, so it's unsurprising that LitFest would hone in on this. "I really was shocked. I've been a food writer and a journalist for many, many years and I did not know this," Chavich says, calling from interior BC, where she's been touring her latest book, The Waste Not, Want Not Cookbook. "It's one of those things that wasn't on anybody's radar until sort of like a year ago, and then a bunch of things have been happening." Chavich was compelled to write Waste Not after discovering just how much food is wasted in North America—a staggering 40 percent. She's taken a practical approach to the issue, organizing her book by food type so readers can easily flip to whatever item they need to use up (carrots, chicken, bread),

learn purchasing and storage information, then read a slew of quick mini-recipe suggestions followed by a couple of full recipes. "I wanted it to be sort of like a handbook," she explains. "I did all the Google searches so you don't have to. ... What I'm telling people is, don't go out and get a recipe and get all the ingredients and cook something. My new thing is cook backwards: look in your fridge, see what you have, and make a recipe out of it." This approach will be demonstrated firsthand at the Food Matters sessions, as Chavich is challenging O'Flynn to a black-box cooking competition to show participants they need not be a slave to recipes. She's also doing a launch of her book that morning at the Strathcona County Library. The backyard chicken movement has spread through North American unevenly. With our recently concluded pilot project, Edmonton is still behind places like Portland where hens and even goats are permitted in urban lots, but well ahead of places like Toronto where this legislation isn't even on the table. Langford has gone out on quite a limb in publishing Happy Hens and Fresh Eggs, a book that's part egg cookery and part candid storytelling, based on her personal adven-

// Signe Langford


Sat, Oct 17 (2 pm) Food Matters: Waste Not Challenge The Westin (10135 - 100 St), $20 – $25 tures in keeping hens in Toronto. "To me, it's all just part of food security, food sustainability and just part of the whole food movement," says Langford, calling from her home. "To me, it's always been an obvious extension of the kitchen. ... It is really forward thinking, but from the outside it appears backwards. "Even if a backyard chicken situation is not ideal, it's better than five to seven to a cage the size of a microwave," she continues, referring to the grossly inhumane conditions in which battery-caged chickens reside. "It's amazing what Big Agriculture has—very, very, very much by design—kept away from us; they don't want us to know." It will be very interesting to see how Langford, Chavich and the other authors address food waste and its ancillary issues. These conversations are vital for the ongoing development and maturation of our food culture—and, no less importantly, a deserved celebration of our successes. MEL PRIESTLEY


Cinda Chavich // Touchwood Editions

VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015



Goddess Golden Ale

Goddess Golden Ale Persephone Brewing Company, Gibsons, BC $16.99 for six-pack of cans

Persephone Brewing combines responsible business with tasty beer I regularly explore new beer options available on store shelves: it's part of my job. (Yeah, I know—tough gig!) I am always thrilled when I stumble across a beer that makes me stand up and take notice. When that happens, I start researching the brewery behind it. It's much rarer for that research to make me really take notice. Persephone Brewing Company is an example of this. This small, young BC brewery is located in the town of Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast (score one point for location). The brewery resides on an 11-acre farm that, when fully mature, will grow much of its malt and all of its hops, as well as offer a demonstration hop development space. The brewery has developed a wide range of "ecologically positive" methods to reduce its environmental footprint and is also structured as a social enterprise, meaning its mandate prioritizes social and environmental stewardship over return to investors. Persephone has socially

proactive hiring practices, engages in community development and is BC's first "B-Corporation"—a certification that recognizes social responsibility in business. Needless to say, Persephone is pretty impressive from a business standpoint. Then there's the beer: to date, every one I have tried has been wellmade. Possibly its most quaffable offering is the Goddess Golden Ale. It's a blonde ale, which is an unassuming style designed to be easy to drink. Goddess Golden Ale is a medium gold beer with a light haze and a big rocky white head that drops into a loose collection of bubbles. The aroma gives off soft grain, some honey and a touch of light fruitiness. Some yeast esters and a light earthy hop play in the background. The front flavour is soft and fruity with berry and peach alongside some light grainy malt. The middle sharpens up a little bit, adding

some pilsner character and grainstalk sharpness. The finish brings out a delicate grassy and earthy hop. It's not too bitter, just enough to give an edge to the beer and make it seem less sweet. The linger is grainy and grassy with a light fruity ester in the back. As predicted, Goddess Golden Ale is a refreshing and easy beer, but it's also more interesting than an average blonde ale. It certainly isn't one-dimensional, building character by integrating fruitiness with a light grain note. I really like Persephone's approach to this beer: it doesn't try to impress but simply does what it needs to do—and does it quite well. Add in Persephone's approach to business and you have an allaround winner.V Jason Foster is the creator of onbeer.org, a website devoted to news and views on beer from the prairies and beyond.


Culinary mashup on 118 Avenue Roma Bistro offers a mysterious, confusing mix of food and atmosphere


and prawns looked attractive and oma Bistro is bewildering. It starts with the name. What came with novel sides like plantain, kind of food do you think would be frijoles, fresh tortillas and fried yucca. One of my favourite served at a place named Central American nibRoma Bistro? A little Roma Bistro bles is the pupusa, so Italian, maybe, or per9737 – 118 Avenue we ordered a couple haps a heretofore unex780.479.8838 ($4 each), though only plored avenue of Huncon queso was availgarian cuisine? Nope. It's Central/South American, made from able. The beef empanadas (also $4 scratch, to order, by Colombian res- each) were proudly endorsed and our taurateur Maria Moy. The restaurant server also guided us toward arepa con todo ($12) and patacon pisao also serves wor wonton soup. Then there's the strange nightclub ($13) to round out the order. atmosphere of the place, thinly appliqued over the husk of an old Uncle The pupusas were perhaps the Albert's. I guess it's not that strange, least compelling part of the meal. because Roma Bistro has a reputa- They were piping hot and beautifully tion as a popular gathering place on formed handmade tortillas stuffed the weekends for Latin dance (a sign with cheese, but bland. (Some crisped out front boasts of salsa and bachata pig skin or beans inside might have lessons). But when it's merely acting helped with that.) And the kitchen as a restaurant, the sparse array of was a tad stinting with the curtido: tables around a big, empty dancefloor, the crunchy, slightly fermented cabcolourful ambient (read: dim) lighting bage slaw that is half the beauty of and, currently, extensive Halloween a pupusa. Thin tomatillo salsa is standecorating—along with the complete- dard with every pupusa I've ever had, ly covered-up windows—feel incon- but here it underlined the wanness of gruous with a functional dining estab- the dish. The empanadas were more impreslishment that prices entrées between $20 and $35. My immediate feeling sive—deep-fried turnovers of granuupon entering, at 7:30 on a Thursday lar, slightly chewy dough filled with night, was that the house lights were cheese, ground beef and potato, served with a garlicky, stealthy green going to come up any second. The overhead energy-efficient UVs hot sauce. That was more like it. The patacon pisao was definitely do make the napkins glow in the murk, but they're not great for read- the most novel dish of the meal: pating a menu by. Squinting, co-diner and ties of fried plantain loaded up with I decided we wanted to share some chunks of medium rare beef, guacasmaller Latin American delights, mole and cilantro. The portion of five though the many preparations of was generous and the exotic, starchy, beef, pork, chicken, salmon, tilapia faintly banana-flavoured base for the

savoury ingredients intriguing enough to make you want to eat them all. They could have used a condiment of their own, preferably more of that green hot sauce. The patacon and the arepa are Venezuelan delicacies, which only deepens the mystery of Roma Bistro's ethnic orientation. Arepa is a flatbread, similar to a fluffy tortilla, that Venezuelans split and fill like a pita. Ours came con todo ("with everything"),

comprising lettuce, tomatoes, shreds of seasoned chicken and hunks of chorizo sausage, with a side of tomatillo salsa. It, too, was satisfying, if not entirely remarkable. With a meal under our belts, we still felt like we hadn't pierced the enigma of Roma Bistro. A vast swath of the menu remained unexplored, but would we be back? The tension between the meal's high points and the disorienting setting in which they

transpired resulted in a wash, and the polite but tentative service was not a tie-breaker. If you're not already a fan—and there seem to be many on the joint's also-bewildering Facebook page—and you want to draw your own conclusions about Roma Bistro, do take along cash as the in-house ATM is finicky about which cards it will honour. SCOTT LINGLEY


oh, the possibilities...

VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015





LitFest headliner Jon Ronson takes on public shaming in social media

Jon Ronson


on Ronson had not previously viewed his writing as a way to change minds. But then he took on the issue of public shaming. He witnessed social media, a place that meant community and connection to him, being used to condemn. "It came from, 'What has my beloved social media done? I married a monster.'" Ronson says. "If I hated social media, I wouldn't have written this book with such passion." In So You've Been Publicly Shamed, Ronson documents highprofile cases of social-media shaming and the effects that follow the condemned for years. Jobs are not just lost, careers are ruined, relationships broken and, in some cases, lives ended. Ronson's coming to town, as part of LitFest's 10-day

celebration of non-fiction, to discuss the book. "I think in reading it I'm trying to make people feel what it feels like to have an anxiety attack," Ronson says. The effect is achieved: with the downward spiral of the shamed, it's hard to not throw the book across the room. But Ronson's goal is to change this situation. "My previous book was kind of playing anxiety for laughs," he notes. "With this book I feel it's more of a campaign, and I want people to change their behaviour." It's the online mob, more than the shamed, that he hopes will take a look at their actions. Ronson says that regardless of beliefs—left or right, progressive social justice advocate or misogynist—

people are not thinking of their fellow humans in complex ways. "They're thinking, 'I'm going to define you by this one tweet,'" Ronson notes. And once the mob has spoken, few are willing to speak out as defenders of the shamed. Ronson uses the case of Justine Sacco, who he believes did nothing wrong, as an example. The online world watched as Sacco flew to South Africa not knowing a tweet she had sent moments before take off would cast her as a racist forever, ending her career and future prospects. "Nobody supported her," Ronson says. "The mainstream media, all these people who knew that her joke wasn't intended to be racist, all shut down and allowed that to happen."

Ronson's belief in the power of social media is why he sees the potential for more empathetic and nuanced conversations about our individual lives. His book documents the complex case of Adria Richards, where accuser and accused face the consequences of condemnation. Richards posted a photo of two men who had been making inappropriate jokes at a tech conference. All involved lost their jobs, but Richards faced greater online misogyny and scorn for posting about her life as a woman of colour in the male-dominated tech industry. Ronson hopes the future of online conversation will explore both sides of the conversation, allowing for understanding and an end to


Part of LitFest Thu, Oct 15 – Sun, Oct 25 Various locations litfestalberta.com the misogyny out there. "All we have to do is think of Twitter as a window into other people's worlds and as a place to be curious," Ronson says. It's a topic he's not leaving. Ronson is already forming his next project on the evolution of our online conversations. "This is the only time where I finished a book and felt that the journey isn't over."





Colin Mocherie


Tue, Oct 20 (7 pm) An Evening With Jon Ronson Winspear Centre, $20 – $25

The Steadfast Tin Soldier / Fri, Oct 16 – Sun, Oct 18; Fri, Oct 23 & Sat, Oct 24 Alberta Opera's stock-in-trade is classic tales respun into fun, frenetic adaptations for a modern crowd. This year, the company's tackling a Hans Christian Andersen classic: here, the Steadfast Tin Soldier's tale of love between the titular trooper and a paper ballerina—besieged by a dastardly Jackin-the-Box—is infused with new music and energy. It'll be touring schools throughout the year, but there's a public sneak peek over the next couple of weeks. (West-

bury Theatre, ATB Arts Barns, $10 – $20) Die Nasty / Mondays (7:30 pm) The indelible improvised soap opera begins its season-long romp through a stylized world on Monday. This year—the soap's 25th season!—is set in the 1920s Paris, so maybe Hemingway will show up! Or Fitzgerald! Or both, in among a mix of familiar and new faces from the era that the Canadian Comedy Award-winning company will be playing in until the end of May. (Backstage Theatre, $13; $250 season pass)

VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015

Wayne Jones + Colin Mochrie / Sun, Oct 18 (7:30 pm) Canadian comedy legend Colin Mocherie—of Whose Line? and This Hour Has 22 Minutes fame, as well as myriad other sorts of fame—is pairing up with Edmonton-raised, Toronto-based improviser Wayne Jones for a special night of improv. They'll be joined by beloved standup Sterling Scott and fellow improvisers from Rapid Fire Theatre. (Zeidler Hall, Citadel Theatre, $25 – $35) V


Rawr! A Study in Sonic Skulls, one of the works being displayed at Exhibiting Sound // Courtney Brown and Sharif Razzaque

Exhibiting Sound I

t wasn't that Stephan Moore made a sudden leap from traditional composition into computer-made music. He found his way there step by step: the classically trained musician had an interest in both computer programming and improvised music, which led him to start using computers as an instrument once that sort of technology came around in the '90s. Then he started pushing the limits of that tech, exploring its capabilities, and finding them much to his liking. "You start realizing: I can actually create situations where the computer does this on its own," Moore says during a phone call. "I teach it some rules, and maybe I create a system it can work within, and maybe behaviours will emerge from that system. Or maybe I give it some access to the outside world in the form of sensors of some kind; I let it see how much light there is, or let it listen to the space that it's in, and try and respond to what it's hearing." That sort of system of composition fits into what's called sound art, something Moore's been focused on making for years now. And in Exhibiting Sound, going up at dc3 Art Projects, he will showcase some of his works alongside four other sound artists, all exploring the show's title cause: how can sound be considered as a type of gallery art? How can it be shown in that sort of space? The works in Exhibiting Sound will explore those questions in myriad ways: some aural, some silent— Moore's contributions will actually be the latter this time around. While some of the show's other works—by Courtney Brown, Sharif Razzaque, Marla Hlady and Eleanor King—will play with ideas in more auditory ways, he's bringing images of the sound code he uses to generate compositions, to be displayed as a standalone work. "It's actually sound code being shown as visual art," Moore says. "You can look at it, and if you understand the language, you can probably understand some of what's going on in it, and even if you don't understand the language at all, you can look at it and you can start to see relationships between the objects, and kind

Until Sat, Nov 14 dc3 Art Projects Fri, Oct 30 – Sun, Nov 1 Exhibiting Sound conference exhibitingsound.ca of come up with a guess for what sort of sounds it might make, or how it might work. "I think you can listen to it and understand the flow of the sound in one way, or you can look at it and have this whole other access to the process," he continues. "I think the two things become complementary to one another, and I think it becomes really interesting to enter the piece through both directions, and see how that changes it." For Moore's part, creating under the banner of "sound art" helps him reframe how he conceptualizes the work he's making, and the questions he asks himself as he goes about it. "When you start to think of it as sound art and not music, all of a sudden you start to realize some of the blinders that the world of working in music—at least for me, as a Conservatory student—had had, and how [with] the frame of sound art, I was able to get around some of those," he says. "I feel like with music, I'm always thinking about voicing and orchestration, and counterpoint, and chord progressions. Interplay of melodic figures; the various aspects, the nuts and bolts of composition. It's very inward-looking. With sound art, it's not that I totally forsake those things. But all of a sudden I'm thinking about, 'What's the room I'm in? How are people entering that room? What is the lighting like? How is the sound occupying this space? How does the sound feel if it's coming from this direction rather than that direction?' A whole range of questions that are outside of the typical composer's realm, that were, to me, very exciting questions, and questions that sound art really invited me to dig into."

October 15 - 24, 2015 @ 7:30 pm Timms Centre for the Arts, University of Alberta

Beyond Therapy

by Christopher Durang

Student tickets $12 ualberta.ca/artshows



VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015



A curious facet of religious living // Ian Jackson, EPIC Photography

The Good Bride E

ven among the current crop of fundamental western religious groups, the Quiverfull faith is a curious take. Its followers eschew all forms of birth control, and live their day-to-day lives in a biblical patriarchy: the man of the house is the closest to God, with any women born into the family set to live at home as helpers and servants until the day comes—if it ever does—that father decides to marry them off. It's the belief system practiced by the Duggars of 19 Kids and Counting—and more recently, of great scandal—one

Ravenscroft They’d kill to keep it a secret.

By: Don Nigro Oct 14-24 2015


that's piqued the interest of Northern Light Theatre artistic director Trevor Schmidt. "That culture, I think, is ripe for examination," Schmidt explains. "And since we chose the play, all that [Duggars] exposé stuff has happened, and they've now been disgraced. "I'm sure there's something really wonderful about family values in those cultures and the families are very close," he continues. "But I also think that strange idea of isolation, and no social interaction with anyone who thinks differently than you—I think that's really dangerous and damaging in society." It's on one such a devotee that The Good Bride finds dramatic focus: the one-woman show sees a young bride awaiting her husband to be—a man a few decades her senior—and, when left alone with her thoughts, finds herself feeling increasing uncertainty about the situation. The script was written by Edmonton-raised playwright Rosemary Rowe, who now calls Vancouver home. It's a satire: on his first read of a draft, Schmidt notes he laughed out loud on page one ("I was like, OK, I'm interested in this," he recalls). But the script's critical barbs aren't just about lampooning faith for the sake of it. "It's really important to me—like with Pink Unicorn last year—because we're examining a character with faith, that it's not about making fun of them, and it's not about taking pot-shots at Christianity or anything like that," Schmidt says. "I really feel strongly that it needs to be even-handed and respectful of people's beliefs. So I'm happy with

VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015

Fri, Oct 16 – Sat, Oct 24 ) Directed by Trevor Schmidt PCL Studio, ATB Financial Arts Barns, $16 – $28 the play: I think this one has a little more of a satirical edge than Pink Unicorn did about the religion." The Good Bride also marks the first show in Northern Light's 40th season. Schmidt—who first got involved with the company back in '95 when he first moved to Edmonton, and has been artistic director for about 14 years now—notes that planning for the milestone season was less about finding a throughline, as many NLT seasons do, and more of a showcase of what the company does best. "Let's do a whole bunch of everything," he recalls, of planning the season. "Let's show what we've done over the past 40 years." The resulting season includes a remount of recent Fringe hit Flora & Fawna's Field Trip, written and performed by Schmidt and Darrin Hagen; a bilingual co-production with L'Uni Theatre, The Passion of Narcisse Mondoux, which will run in both English or French, depending on the night; a "really dark wildcard" as its season-ender in Wish; and The Good Bride's social exploration for an opener. "It's an interesting little piece, and it turns quite desperate and dark by the end," Schmidt says. "Which I think is typical of Northern Light stuff—I like that. Who likes a happy ending? Not me." PAUL BLINOV


PREVUE // THEATRE Looking for true love // Ed Ellis

Beyond Therapy C

hristopher Durang's Beyond Therapy tells the story of Prudence and Bruce, two neurotic 30-somethings who try to find love with the help of their kooky psychiatrists. Set against a heavily stylized backdrop of 1980s Manhattan (think big hair, acid-washed jeans and Cyndi Lauper), the play follows the couple as they fail again and again to forge a lasting connection. "It's hilarious in a kind of funnyouch way," director Glenda Stirling says. "You're laughing but you're kind of going, 'Oh, yeah, I know what that feels like.'" Stirling—who trod the boards of the Timms Centre herself in Tina Howe's Museum more than 20 years ago—has striven to evoke the spirit of the '80s in her production. She's been working with set designer Hannah Matiachuk and lighting/costume designer Alison Yanota since springtime, trying to strike a balance between the specificity of the play's setting and the universality of its themes. "It was a different time. There were no cellphones. None of the apps or dating websites that we have access to now existed then," she says. "So it really was about an ad in the paper. And I think even that by itself to a modern audience

Until Sat, Oct 24 (7:30 pm) Directed by Glenda Stirling Timms Centre for the Arts, $12 – $22 is incredibly bold and brave. You don't get to go online and check out profile pictures of the person before you commit to meeting them. You go solely on the basis of this ad. ... We have access to photos and Googling people and all that kind of stuff, whereas they just had to walk into the restaurant blind and hope they recognized this human being." Prudence and Bruce work with their psychiatrists to craft their classified ads in the same way that we tinker with our Tinder profiles today. Their eventual meeting and the drama that ensues takes place at a heightened emotional level which Stirling describes as "the wacky world of Durang." "It's absolutely reality, but it's reality on its tippy-toes a little bit," she explains. "Everybody's holding onto a helium balloon—or an anvil—depending on the scene. He's not afraid of the extremes that human beings go to."

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Les Blues de oubliées W

Poet turned playwright Pierrette Requier

hen Pierrette Requier's paternal grandmother left Jersey Island—the largest isle in the English Channel—for Canada, it was to escape the unrest encircling Europe in 1912, as well as a class system that prevented upward mobility. At that time, she wasn't legally considered a person: her story, like most women of the era, was quashed by the culture of the time, and by the sheer need to survive the harsh conditions of a new country. After a few years in Montréal, she'd settled in Donnelly, near Peace River, where she lived out her life, including 40 years spent as

a widow after her husband passed. But, unlike many women of her generation, her story wasn't lost: Requier's brother interviewed their grandmother on her 90th birthday about her travel to Canada and her life here. When Requier later found the tape—at a time when she was feeling the need to work on a project reflecting the francophone part of her bilingualism—the poet found herself wanting to elevate the tale for an audience of some kind. "I wanted my grandmother to have a voice," Requier reflects. "She was not heard; she was very old fashioned. ... [listening to the tape] I learned to really love her personality, and her toughness and her tenderness. And I learned about my grandfather, who I never met—she was widowed for 40 years." Requier transcribed the tapes and began to develop a work. It first took the form of a series of monologues, but soon evolved into something more theatrical: Les Blues de oubliées, L'UniTheatre's season-opening show. The script dabbles in both French and occasional English (there are also projected surtitles) to offer a glimpse

into that settler prairie-woman experience: four voices—Requier's grandmother, but also others, including one that says "things that these women never got to say,"— a voice which was paramount, as even on tape, Requier found her grandmother suppressing thoughts and feelings. "I discovered, while transcribing her, [her saying], maybe I shouldn't say this, maybe I shouldn't say that," Requier says. "But when you transcribe the voice like that, you get the cadence of a person's voice—you get their fears, you get their joys, passions." Some of that seemed to naturally lend itself to theatre, too. "She cut loose a few times," Requier says. "I went, 'What? I'm going to act that one out!'" Requier, Edmonton's current poet laureate, is a bilingual author who didn't start writing poetry until her thirties, after years spent as an elementary school teacher with a love of language arts. Poetry crept into her life little by little: she started reading it, then doing some journal writing that was poetry, and then performing at the occasional read-

Thu, Oct 15 – Sat, Oct 17; Wed, Oct 21 – Sat, Oct 24 (7:30 pm) Directed by Brian Dooley La Cite Francophone, $20 – $30 ing. The more she wrote, the more she embraced her bilingual heritage in her poetic voice: Requier's English poems find French words and accents popping up, colouring its delivery with the intersection of both official languages. "I think the way I operate is that I really follow my desire—the strongest desire: what must I do?" she notes. Following that desire into theatre meant adjusting from poetry's more auditory focus to writing that was intended to be staged as well as heard. "It made me dream differently, because I'm so auditory, it had to be visual," she says. "Trying to imagine how people might move onstage. It was really a stretch, but it was a good ... it's a good format to express the next stage in my writing: to write grandmother's stories from the point of view of her granddaughter."



WHAT’S ON AT UALBERTA? Studio Theatre:



Br ide

Beyond Therapy

by Christopher Durang Oct 15 – 24 @ 7:30 pm Matinee Thurs, Oct 22 @ 12:30 pm

Timms Centre for the Arts

Convocation Hall: Contemporary Canadian

Featuring Buzz and 15 for Piano by U of A’s Howard Bashaw. Performed by Guillaume Tardif (violin) & Roger Admiral (piano).

Sun, Oct 18 @ 3 pm Convocation Hall

FAB Gallery: Master of Fine Arts Graduation Shows Natalie Jachyra, Drawing and Intermedia Elizabeth Adlam, Painting

Until Oct 24



The Voice of the Whale and other creatures

Performed by Shelley Younge (flute) with guests Eileen Keown (piano) & Colin Ryan (cello).

Sun, Nov 1 @ 3 pm

FAB Gallery 1-1 Fine Arts Building

Convocation Hall


VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015



Dance Argentine Tango Dance at Foot Notes Studio • Foot Notes Dance Studio (South side), 9708-45 Ave • 780.438.3207 • virenzi@shaw.ca • Argentine Tango with Tango Divino: beginners: 7-8pm; intermediate: 8-9pm; Tango Social Dance (Milonga): 9pm-12 • Every Fri, 7pm-midnight • $15

Brazilian Zouk Dance • Spazio Performativo, 10816-95 St NW • 780.974.4956 • hello@ludiczouk. com • ludiczouk.com • Drop-in Brazilian zouk social dance classes. Classes are inclusive; everyone is welcome. No partner needed • Every Wed (no class on Oct 21), 7:30pm-9pm. Runs until Dec 16 • $18 (single class), $150 (ten classes) Sugar Foot Ballroom • 10545-81 Ave • 587.786.6554 • sugarswing.com • Friday Night Stomp!: Swing and party music dance social every Fri; beginner lesson starts at 8pm. All ages and levels welcome. Occasional live music–check web; $10, $2 (lesson with entry) • Swing Dance Social every Sat; beginner lesson starts at 8pm. All ages and levels welcome. Occasional live music–check the Sugar Swing website for info • $10, $2 lesson with entry

FILM Cinema at the Centre • Stanley Milner Library Theatre, bsmt, 7 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.496.7070 • Film screening every Wed, 6:30pm • Free • Schedule: We Are What We Are (Oct 21), It Follows (Oct 28)

Edmonton Film Society • Royal Alberta Museum Auditorium, 12845-102 Ave • 780.439.5285 • edmontonfilmsociety@gmail.com • royalalbertamuseum. ca • royalalbertamuseum.ca/events/movies/movies.cfm • Tall in the Saddle Series: Will Penny (Oct 19)

From Books to Film • Stanley A. Milner, 7 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.496.7000 • epl.ca • Films adapted from books every Fri afternoon at 2pm • Schedule: Three Days of the Condor (Oct 16),

Home Movie Day • Provincial Archives of Alberta, 8555 Roper Road • An international celebration of amateur films and filmmaking. Individuals and families will share their own home movies and see other films in turn • Oct 17, 12-4pm • Free (RSVP at 780.427.1750 or paaevents@ gov.ab.ca)

LA BOHÈME • Arden Theatre, 5 St. Anne St, St. Albert • 780.459.1542 • ardentheatre.com • Set in the Bohemian Paris of the 1930s, experience the tragic story of the penniless poet and seamstress who meet and fall passionately in love, but their happiness is threatened when Rodolfo discovers that Mimì is gravely ill • Oct 18, 2pm • $10 (adult), $15 (children) Metro • Metro at the Garneau Theatre, 8712-109 St • 780.425.9212 • Halloween Extravaganza!: DEDfest 2015 Festival (Oct 20-25), Two Thousand Maniacs! (Oct 21) • Metro Bizarro: Two Thousand Maniacs! (Oct 21)

galLeries + Museums ALBERTA CRAFT COUNCIL GALLERY • 10186-106 St • 780.488.6611 • albertacraft.ab.ca • A Second Look: Simon Wroot in collaboration with Five Yukon Artists reinterpret Alberta and Yukon landscapes; Sep 5-Oct 17 • Masterworks: signature pieces by some of Alberta’s brightest fine craft stars; Oct 10-Dec 24; Artist reception: Oct 24, 2-4pm • Less Is More: artwork by Keith Walker; Oct 24-Nov 28

Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA) • 2 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.422.6223 • youraga.ca • Tyler LosJones: A Panorama Protects its View: Jan 23-Jan 31, 2016 • Charrette Roulette: Language; Jul 18-Nov 15 • Sincerely Yours: By Alberta artist Chris Cran; Sep 12-Jan 3 • Rough Country: The strangely familiar in mid-20th century Alberta art; Oct 3-Jan 31 • Open Studio Adult Drop-In: Wed, 7-9pm; $18/$16 (AGA member) • All Day Sundays: Art activities for all ages; Activities, 12-4pm; Tour; 2pm • Late Night Wednesdays: Every Wed, 6-9pm • Art for Lunch: 3rd Thu of the month, 12:10-12:50pm; Chris Cran, Sincerely Yours (Oct 15)

Art Gallery Of St Albert (AGSA) • 19 Perron St, St Albert • 780.460.4310 • artgalleryofstalbert. ca • Frozen Asset: art by Tony Stallard; Sep 22-Nov 28 • The Winter That Was: Pierre Bataillard; Oct 1-31 • Art Ventures: Drawing with Thread (Oct 17); 1-4pm; drop-in art program for children ages 6-12; $6/$5.40 (Arts & Heritage member) • Ageless Art: Continuous Line Drawing (Oct 15), 1-3pm; for mature adults; $15/$13.50 (Arts & Heritage member) • Preschool Picasso: Winter Wax Resist Landscape (Oct 17); for 3-5 yrs; pre-register; $10/$9 (Arts & Heritage member) BUGERA MATHESON GALLERY • 10345-124 St • bugeramathesongallery.com • Resonanz: artwork by

Ernestine Tahedl; Oct 16-Oct 30; Artist reception: Oct 16, 6-9pm; Oct 17, 1-4pm

• Brain Storms: artwork by University of Alberta Alumni; Sep 25-Jan 23

Creative Practices Institute • 10149-122 St,

VAA Gallery • 3rd Fl, 10215-112 St •

780.863.4040 • creativepracticesinstitute.com • Living Room: artwork by Jeffrey Klassen; Oct 14-Nov 7

visualartsalberta.com • Alberta Spirit: Acaca Alberta Community Art Clubs Association; Oct 1-Nov 28

Daffodil Gallery • 10412-124 St • 780.760.1278

VASA Gallery • 25 Sir Winston Churchill Ave, St Albert

• daffodilgallery.ca • Be Your Own Bird: artwork by Cindy Revell; Oct 14-Nov 7

• 780.460.5990 • vasa-art.com • Documenting: art by Samantha Williams-Chapelsky; Sep 30-Oct 31

dc3 Art Projects • 10567-111 St • 780.686.4211

West End Gallery • 10337-124 St • 780.488.4892 • westendgalleryltd.com • Artwork by W.H. Webb; Oct 17-29

• dc3artprojects.com • Exhibiting Sound; Oct 14-Nov 14

Douglas Udell Gallery (DUG) • 10332-124 St • douglasudellgallery.com • 48th Annual Fall Show; Oct 10-Oct 24

Literary An Evening with Jon Ronson • Winspear

front gallery • 12323-104 Ave • thefrontgallery. com • Sneaky Travellers: artwork by Tony Baker; Oct 16, 7-9pm

Centre, 4 Sir Winston Churchill Square • winspearcentre. com • Author Jon Ronson will share his stories from the

ab.ca • Is it possible to safely and happily ride a bike in winter? • Oct 18, 1:30-3pm • Free; register online at sclibrary.ab.ca, or by calling 780.410.8600

Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything? With Timothy Caulfield • Strathcona County Library, 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park • sclibrary.ab.ca • Health science expert Timothy Caulfield identifies and debunks celebrity culture’s influence on lifestyle choices and health-care decisions • Oct 22, 7-8:30pm • Free; register online sclibrary.ab.ca, or by calling 780.410.8600

LitFest: Edmonton's Non-Fiction Festival • Various locations throughout Edmonton • litfestalberta. comAvid readers with nonfiction content and creators through a series of events chic gatherings and gourmet experiences • Oct 15-25

Waste Not, Want Not With Cinda Chavich • Strathcona County Library, 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park • sclibrary.ab.ca • Taking a close look at the global environmental problem of food waste. Pick up tickets at Tix on the Square, or at the door • Oct 17, 10-11:30am • $10 (general), $5 (students) Strathcona County Library, 401 Festival Lane, Sherwood Park • sclibrary.ab.ca • Pick up tickets at Tix on the Square, or at the door • Oct 17, 12-1:30pm • $10 (general) $5 (students)

780.410.8585 • strathcona.ca/artgallery • Un: artwork by Walter Jule; Sep 11-Oct 25

Gallery at Milner • Stanley A. Milner Library Main Fl, Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.944.5383 • epl. ca/art-gallery • Gallery walls: Justices Soldiers’: Paintings by Justine Berger; through Oct • Gallery display cases and plexi-glass cubes: Edmonton Potters’ Guild; through Oct

Theatre 11 O'Clock Number • The Backstage Theatre, 10330 84 Ave (North Side of the ATB Financial Arts Barns) • 90 minutes of improvised entertainment that unveils scenes, songs and choreographed numbers completely off the cuff based on audience suggestions • Every Fri, starting Sep 25-Dec 18 then Jan 22-Jun 24, 11pm • $15 (online, at the door) • grindstonetheatre.ca

Jake’s Picture Framing • 10441-123 St NW • Brushstokes: Recent juried works by Edmonton Art Club artists; runs until Oct 31 Jeff Allen Art Gallery (JAAG) • Strathcona Place Senior Centre, 10831 University Ave, 109 St, 78 Ave • 780.433.5807 • seniorcentre.org • Artists Edmonton Japanese Community Association; Oct 8-Nov 11

Beyond therapy • Timms Centre for the Arts, 87 Ave & 112 St • uab.ca/shows • An outrageous 1980s comedy. Two singles looking for love and penning personal ads with the help of their wacky psychiatrists • Oct 15-24, 7:30pm • $25 (adult), $22 (senior), $12 (students)

Lando Gallery • 103, 10310-124 St • 780.990.1161 • landogallery.com • Fall Gallery Walk; until Oct 15 • Lando Art Auctions; Oct 16-18

Chimprov • Citadel's Zeidler Hall, 9828-101A Ave

Latitude 53 • 10242-106 St • 780.423.5353 •

• rapidfiretheatre.com • Rapid Fire Theatre’s longform comedy show: improv formats, intricate narratives, and one-act plays • Every Sat, 10pm • $12 (door or buy in adv at TIX on the Square) • Until Jun

Intersecting Sets: artwork by Sarah Burwash, Sweet Smelling Ashes; and Willa Downing; Oct 2-Nov 14

Loft Gallery • AJ Ottewell Gallery, 590 Broadmoor Blvd, Sherwood Park • 780.449.4443 • artstrathcona. com • Open: Sat-Sun 12-4pm • Art Show and Sale by members of the Art Society of Strathcona County; Oct 16-18; Opening reception: Oct 16, 7-9pm

Curtain Up - The Hit New Broadway Musical Revue • Horizon Stage, 1001 Calahoo Road, Spruce Grove • eliteproducer10@gmail.com • facebook. com/eliteperformingartsco • Featuring more than 30 songs from the Broadway stage. With music from such shows as The Lion King, Annie, Les Miserables, Oliver, Mary Poppins and many more • Oct 18, 7:30-9:30pm • $45 (adults), $42 (seniors (65+)), $34.50 (student (13-18)), $31.50 (child (12 and under))

McMULLEN GALLERY • U of A Hospital, 8440-112 St • 780.407.7152 • friendsofuah.org/mcmullen-gallery • Weather Report: Andrzej Maciejewski; Aug 29-Oct 18 • Father Douglas: Inspired by William Blake's writings Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, Father Douglas' surrealist portraits of animals metaphorically explore various complexities of the soul and human experience • Oct 24-Dec 6

Curtain Up - The Hit New Broadway Musical Revue • Horizon Stage, 1001 Calahoo Road, Spruce Grove • eliteproducer10@gmail.com • facebook. com/eliteperformingartsco • Featuring more than 30 songs from the Broadway stage. With music from such shows as The Lion King, Annie, Les Miserables, Oliver, Mary Poppins and many more • Oct 20, 7:30-9:30pm • $42 (adults), $37 (seniors (65+)), $30 (student (13-18)), $25 (child (12 and under))

Musée Héritage Museum • St Albert Place, 5 St Anne Street, St Albert • MuseeHeritage.ca • 780.459.1528 • museum@artsandheritage.ca •The Street Where You Live; Sep 8-Nov 15

Naess Gallery • Paint Spot, 10032-81 Ave • 780.432.0240 • paintspot.ca • Meandering: two artists capture the roving line at rest with Susan Bailes and Bette Lisitza. ARTISAN NOOK: The Fabric of Life: colourful fabric art by Kathryn deBree • Both exhibitions, Oct 5-Nov 16 • VERTICAL SPACE: The faculty exhibition, staff artists offer their works for pleasure & purchase

the good bride • Northern Light Theatre, #201, 8908-99 St • 780.471.1586 • northernlighttheatre.com • Every night from 3pm to midnight, 15-year-old Maranatha Graham puts on her homemade wedding dress and hopes that today will be the day her groom Pete picks her up from the Pullmans' house, where Daddy has sent her to wait. Pete could arrive at any moment. But as her wait wears on, Maranatha has an increasingly difficult time ignoring Satan's whisperings • Oct 16-24 • $27 (adult), $25 (students/seniors)

Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts • 9225118 Ave • 780.474.7611 • volunteer@thenina.ca • The Artist Inside: Removing Barriers Through Art; Oct 15-30; Opening reception: Oct 15, 5-7pm North Academic Lounge The King's University • 9125-50 St • daniel.vanheyst@kingsu.ca

The Hothouse Prince • ATB Financial Arts Barns Varscona Backstage Theatre, 10330-84 Ave • teatroq.com • Obscure young Prince Dmitri Romanov-Orsk is expelled from his palace in 1917 and makes his way across the world from Paris to rural Ontario, with the aid of three remarkable sisters • Oct 2-17

• kingsu.ca/visualart • Found Wanting art exhibit opening: artwork by Betty Spackman and folk-gospel artist Jeanine Noyes; Sep 23-Oct 15

Peter Robertson Gallery • 12304 Jasper Ave • 780.455.7479 • probertsongallery.com • Gregory Hardy; Oct 1-19

Les Blues Des Oubliées • La Cité Francophone, 8627-91 St • p.boutet@lunitheatre.ca • 780.469.8400 • lunitheatre.ca • The story of a Franco-Albertan woman who journeys literally and figuratively to discover the truth and source of her roots. With English surtitles • Oct 14-17, Oct 21-24, 8pm (matinees Oct 17 & 24 at 1:30pm) • Opening night: $30 (adult), $25 (senior), $20 (student); Regular: $25 (adult), $20 (senior), $15 (student); Free (kids 14 and under with parent)

Picture This Gallery • 959 Ordze Rd, Sherwood Park • 780.467.3038 • picturethisgallery.com • The Great Art Event; Sep-Oct Provincial Archives of Alberta • 8555 Roper Road • PAA@gov.ab.ca • 780.427.1750 • culture.alberta. ca/paa/eventsandexhibits/default.aspx • Voices from Our Past: artwork by Katherine Braid; Sep 25-Jan 23

The Hothouse Prince • Varscona Backstage

Royal Alberta Museum • 12845-102 Ave • 780.453.9100 • royalalbertamuseum.ca • Out of Bounds: The Art of Lynn Malin; Sep 5-Nov 15

Scott Gallery • 10411-124 St • scottgallery.com

frontlines of society’s fringe. A book signing and Q&A session to follow • Oct 20, 7pm • $25 (adult), $20 (senior/ student)

• Splinter, Wash, and Walls: artwork by Jim Davies; Sep 19-Oct 10

sNAP Gallery • Society of Northern Alberta Print­Artists, 10123-121 St • 780.423.1492 • snapartists.com • Jule & McGarth; Sep 27-Nov 7

Southgate Centre • Southgate Centre, 5015-111 St • 780.435.3721 • Visit the Canadian premiere of the Van Gogh Museum Edition Collection, consisting of nine carefully selected masterpieces • Oct 16-Nov 15 • $5 (per person), free (kids 10 and under) Main Fl, 116 St, 89 Ave • museums@ualberta.ca • museums.ualberta.ca • Thu-Fri: 12-6pm; Sat: 12-4pm

Upper Crust Café • 10909-86 Ave • 780.422.8174 • strollofpoets.com • The Poets’ Haven Reading Series: Most Mon (except holidays), 7pm, Sep-Mar; presented by the Stroll of Poets Society • $5 (door)

Write Funny With Charles Demers •

Gallery@501 • 501 Festival Ave, Sherwood Park •

U of A Museums • Human Ecology Bldg Gallery,

780.459.1530 • sapl@sapl.ca • starfest.ca • A literary festival featuring authors such as Heather O'Neill (Lullabies for Little Criminals, The Girl Who Was Saturday Night); Sean Michaels (Us Conductors); Lawrence Hill (Book of Negroes); Kim Thuy (Ru); and Nick Cutter (The Troop) • Sep 11-Nov 10 • Tickets from $5

Audreys Books • 10702 Jasper Ave • 780.423.3487 • audreys.ca • Ted Barris "Fire Canoe" Book Launch (Oct 15, 7pm); Kate A. Boorman "Darkthaw" Book Launch (Oct 16, 7pm) Edmonton Story Slam • Mercury Room,10575114 St • edmontonstoryslam.com • facebook.com/ mercuryroomyeg • Great stories, interesting company, fabulous atmosphere • 3rd Wed each month • 7pm (signup); 7:30pm • $5 Donation to winner

Frostbike With Tom Babin • Common Ground Café, 50 Brentwood Boulevard, Sherwood Park • sclibrary.

Rouge Lounge • 10111-117 St • 780.902.5900 • Spoken Word Tuesdays: Weekly spoken word night presented by the Breath In Poetry Collective (BIP); info: E: breathinpoetry@gmail.com Scrambled YEG • Brittany's Lounge, 10225-97 St • 780.497.0011 • Open Genre Variety Stage: artists from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue-Fri, 5-8pm

Standard candles • 5 Floor, CCIS Building (#13 on campus map), University of Alberta campus • Alice Major shares her brand-new collection of poetry • Oct 22, 7pm

STARFest: St. Albert Readers' Festival • St. Albert Public Library, 5 St. Anne Street, St. Albert •

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

Theatre, ATB Financial Arts Barns, 10330-84 Ave • 780.433.3399 • teatroq.com • Tells the tale of the obscure young Prince Dmitri Romanov-Orsk who, expelled from his palace in 1917, makes his way across the world from Paris to rural Ontario, with the aid of three remarkable sisters • Oct 1-17 • $16-$30

Ravenscroft • Walterdale Theatre, 10322-83 Ave • 780.439.3058 • walterdaletheatre.com • A psychological dark comedy that is both funny and frightening. You will not guess the ending, but you will be teased, seduced, bewildered, amused, frightened and led to a dark encounter with truth, or something even stranger • Oct 14-24

TheatreSports • Citadel's Zeidler Hall, 9828-101A Ave • rapidfiretheatre.com • Improv • Every Fri, 7:30pm and 10pm • Sep-Jun • $12/$10 (member) at TIX on the Square

arts 15




Thu, Oct 15 – Sun, Oct 18 Rainbow Visions Film Festival Garneau Theatre Full schedule at rainbowvisions.ca


very city in Canada, from large to midsize to even smaller, has an LGBT film festival. Except Edmonton. Like, everyone. And many of them quite established: you've got Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Regina, Saskatoon—Toronto I think has two— Montréal, Quebec City, Halifax. It's crazy. When you do the research you realize everybody across the country has a really good, solid LGBT film festival. And Edmonton didn't. And we realized that's a massive need in this city." Guy Lavallee, festival director for Northwestfest (formerly the Global Visions Film Festival), has been working for over two years to meet this need—fixing what he calls "a glaring omission in Edmonton's cultural landscape." Next weekend, his work will come to fruition with the inaugural edition of the Rainbow Visions Film Festival. Twelve movies, from documentaries to dramas to dark comedies, will light up the screen at the Garneau Theatre with queer narratives. Although the weekend festival is of modest size, Lavallee and the Rainbow Visions team have curated a diverse array of films that cater to a wide variety of tastes. "It was [important] finding that balance so that every movie wasn't about the same subject matter or the same types of characters," Lavallee says. "It's the same approach I take to the [Northwestfest] documentary festival. You could have 40 films about destruction of the environment—because there's that many out there— but then you've got a pretty one-note


// Bruce LaBruce

festival." With the lineup that was ultimately selected, Rainbow Visions promises to be positively polyphonic. No two films are remotely similar. There's Tangerine, a "super fun and hilarious and raunchy" flick about two transgender women in Hollywood on a mission of revenge. There's Naz and Maalik, a tale of two Muslim boys from Brooklyn having misadventures in the spirit of Richard Linklater's Before Midnight. There's The Year We Thought About Love, which Lavallee describes as "a really family friendly, real-life, Gleetype story." Aside from giving viewers a variety of options, it was equally important for Lavallee that the festival choose films reflecting the diversity within the queer community. Especially considering the prevalence of movies like Roland Emmerich's Stonewall (which invented a Ken-doll white gay protagonist, erased historical queer people of colour and transgender activists, and now has a nine-percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes), Rainbow Visions strives to create an inclusive and nonoppressive space. "If you look at the film lineup there's gay content, lesbian content, transgender content," Lavallee says. "We wanted to make sure we were trying to appeal to everybody ... I had a selection committee, because I really wanted to make sure that there were a number of voices ... I wanted to make sure that I had a really diverse, invested group of people." In addition to representing the di-

versity of the modern queer community, Rainbow Visions will also acknowledge queer cinematic history. Although most of its films were released in the past year, the festival is partnering with the recently established Queer Media Database Canada-Quebec Project to present some classic Canadian queer movies as well. Claude Jutra's À tout prendre and Stanley Jackson's Cornet At Night were both released in 1963, and both deal with queer topics obliquely. "Claude Jutra was gay, but he couldn't explicitly make a film [about that]," Lavallee notes. "So he made a film about an interracial relationship. Which at the time was also taboo, but you could depict it on screen. And I think that's why they selected this film to show, and that's what the discussion is going to be around that: using a lot of different types of symbolism to get across what the actual themes are." Accompanying these subtext-laden classics will be three decidedly explicit films by notorious Canadian queer artist Bruce LaBruce: two early shorts, which combine pornography with viscera and gore; and Otto, or Up With Dead People (2008), which tells the story of a young gay zombie in Berlin. LaBruce himself will be attending the festival and participating in a talkback panel about queer Canadian cinema. As a filmmaker whose work has pushed so far outside the mainstream of Hollywood cinema, he says that his Canadian roots have had an enormous influence on his work. "It's an identity thing," LaBruce states. "America has a frontier mentality and

manifest destiny and all that kind of stuff. And Canada is more about having a lack of identity, or searching for an identity, and the land-myth is about being swallowed up by nature, like the Leviathan. It's a completely different land-myth, it's a completely different historical background for all artists and filmmakers. It's a way of trying to forge an identity, especially in comparison to America, which is so powerful and kind of overwhelming culturally." Described in these terms, Canadian identity itself parallels the queer experience—living in the shadow of a culture that outnumbers you 10-toone, struggling to establish your own values and identity without being crushed by the ubiquity of their narratives. Indeed, from LaBruce's perspective, queers are increasingly being crushed and absorbed into the dominant straight culture. "It feels like the gay movement is going through an identity crisis now of its own, with the assimilationist movement becoming so mainstream and driving the gay identity. ... It's turned into a very conservative movement on a certain level, on a number of levels. I think queers now are—as I was in the '80s—are not only fighting against the mainstream and mainstream policies that are homophobic or that are not inclusive for queers, but they're also fighting against their own movement and challenging it and questioning which direction it's going in." LaBruce has always been fighting on the furthest fringes of the gay move-

VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015

ment, drawing his audience down into the murky, seedy underbelly that no one wants to acknowledge. "I used to have this feeling to challenge myself, to outdo myself with each movie," he says. "To see how I could push the envelope even further ... it almost became my trademark to have this one big gross-out or shocking scene [in each film]. But I have no problem with that. Some people say, 'Oh, you're just doing that to be provocative or for shock value' and it's like, 'Yeah. What's wrong with that?'" With a pantheon of infamous scenes ranging from a skinhead jerking off onto Mein Kampf to a man getting fucked by the stump of an amputee's leg, LaBruce's films have always tried to disrupt their viewers' conservative preconceptions. "How do you represent the unrepresentable?" he says. "For me it's about exploring those margins and those forbidden zones and how far you can push into them. And do it in a way that's clever or political or actually has some kind of meaning." If LaBruce's transgressive energy inspires audience members, they can get involved and bring their own ideas on board for future incarnations of Rainbow Visions. "Come up to us and just talk to us and just tell us," Lavallee says. "Because we welcome that. We want to make it as good as it can possibly be, and I think a large part of that is involving people who have a vested interest in having the festival stick around."



OCT 15 - OCT 21





Hyena Road T

he best war stories on page and screen—All Quiet on the Western Front, Catch-22, The Things They Carried, Full Metal Jacket, The Thin Red Line—search for, and sometimes even find, an awful profundity in battle's brutal pointlessness. But Paul Gross' Hyena Road, Canada's own war-on-terror film, can't get beyond embedding us among the troops (GoPro-style shots, military code and jargon) to strike at any deep, dark truths about the recent war in Afghanistan. Ryan Sanders (Rossif Sutherland) is a top sniper; he and his team—Travis (Allan Hawco), Hickie (David Richmond-Peck), Tank (Karl Campbell)— are caught in an ambush but saved by a mysterious Afghan elder. Intelligence officer Pete Mitchell (Gross, quite good) figures out the elder is ex-mujahideen legend "The Ghost" and starts to leverage him against a


common enemy. The story, at least, allows Hyena Road (badly overdone soundtrackwise), to dig in among the complexity of occupied Afghans' tribal feuds, codes of honour, and shifting allegiances to the Taliban, CIA, or Canadian Forces. Efforts at reportorial detail and authenticity can seem a bit forced, though (Gross' voiceover is too teacher-y), and there's predictable comic-relief (visits to the trailer of a "cleaner" supported by intelligence-services) and romance (Ryan and Jennifer [Christine Horne], a fellow officer). When you're making a flick about men caught in the crossfire in a SNAFU-of-a-war in Asia, the standard's of the highest order—Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket—and too much here seems a salty effort to put us "in the shit": Travis' wife undressing on

Now playing Directed by Paul Gross  a videochat with him; Ryan and Jennifer's clandestine heavy-petting; General Rilmen (Clark Johnson) lacing his talk with plenty of expletives. But Kubrick's film kept a chilling distance, exposing a suicidal frontline masculinity. Here, despite its sobering, even tragic, climax (weakly offset by sudden freedom for some captive children), Hyena Road never finds much more to say than "there is no winning" and "[we] might have the clocks, but [Afghanistan's] got the time." The former's been sadly obvious for years; the latter's been crystal-clear—to would-be conquerors, historians, and so many others—for centuries.










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But if I never grow up, when do I get a cool sword?

Pan M

yth-takes or re-takes? Maybe the legend of the little boy who never grew up—a pop-cult unto itself, with Michael Jackson its oddest devotee—has been retold on the big screen so much (Hook; Return to Neverland; Peter Pan) because creator J M Barrie botched the job so very strangely the first fairy-go-around. (In Barrie's 1911 novel Peter and Wendy, the author-narrator variously resents Peter; calls children "heartless;" says "I despise" Wendy's mother; talks over the child reader's head; offers coyly sexual innuendo about Wendy.) This Pan, more origin-story than prequel, is a postmodern splish-splash of F/X spectacle, feminist heroes, mom'slove clichés and otherworldly fantasyquest, all starting off with an Oliver Twist. We're dropped into a London orphanage during the Blitz, where Peter (Levi Miller) and friend Nibs (Lewis MacDougall) rebel against ogre-ish

nuns. But pirates are nabbing nepotism-less nippers in the night, and pilfered Peter finds himself in Neverland, picking at rockfaces for fairy-dust "pixum" at the behest of pit-mine boss Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman). In search of his mother, Peter leads newfound pal Hook (Garrett Hedlund) and Smee (Adeel Akhtar) into the natives' forested lands, where Tiger Lily (Rooney Mara) and her tribe discover he's the flying saviour of ancient prophecy. The film ziplines here, there, everywhere. The Neverbird's a bone-brained killer with bright plumage; Tiger Lily's tribe is a motley crew of indigenous people (Mara is fiercely good, but her warrior-princess's whiteness remains an inexplicable pigment of the imagination). Jackman nearly steals this wild and woolly show with his rheumyeyed, pasty-faced, raven-haired buccaneer, greeted by his enslaved miners with a swelling rendition of the cho-

Now playing Directed by Joe Wright  rus from "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (?!). The movie's feel skids from circus-tent carnivalesque to amusement-park giddiness: bungee-ing pirates, a cable-car freefalling, a trampoline fight, bumperboat duelling between sky-schooners in a huge ice-crystal cavern ... Never boring, Pan's also—like Peter and Wendy—never sure what it wants to be: a wee bit steampunky? Kids' flight-of-fancy fantasy? Too-literal fairy tale? Action-adventure romp? Zany eco-parable? And so, funnily enough, after all its pandemonium, in its own eager-to-please, ultimately disappointing way, it may be closer to the fascinating-and-frustrating-failure spirit of Peter and Wendy than most Pan adaptations.

Royal Opera House Cinema Season





780-459-1542 •





VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015




FRI 9:00PM SAT - SUN 3:15 & 9:00PM MON- THUR 9:00PM




FRI, OCT. 16– THUR, OCT. 22


n a scene that echoes Pulp Fiction (or a lot of Tarantino films, really), Beeba Boys opens with a handful of well-dressed gangsters shooting the everyday shit: cracking bad jokes, teasing one another, showcasing a playful shade of masculinity. Then they arrive at their destination and shoot another gang member in front of his girlfriend, who meets a similar fate. Then we're immediately taken to the guy's wake, where his killers are all present and dancing, consoling some familial figures as they celebrate his life. But really, they're celebrating their own status and the untouchable air of ill-gotten, well-entrenched power that encircles them.

Beeba Boys is Deepa Mehta's entry into the realm of gangster film, a world that reportedly intrigued her after the Oscar-nominated Canadian director read about Indo-Sikh gangs in Vancouver (the script is based on true events), as well as realizing the genre was overwhelmingly a boys' club of writers and directors. It's a noble pursuit, but in practice, it suffers under the shackles of genre: rather than explore or subvert a gang-flick's cliches, Beeba Boys subscribes to them wholesale. The most interesting moments come when the film gets away from its genre and into the intersection of Indian culture and gangster lifestyle: gangleader Jeet Johar (Bollywood star Randeep Hooda), unmarried, still lives with his parents and young son, despite owning a luxurious apartment (where his blonde girlfriend Katya [Sarah Allen] soon takes up residence); cultural events are used for drug distribution; Johar's mother knows his more illicit activities because she takes an aquafit class with other Indian mothers, where they all dish about their sons (there's a sense of humour buried in the script that

Opens Friday Directed by Deepa Mehta  could've been more prominent). A conversation with Johar's troubled, alcoholic father that reveals some of the horrors of the early immigrant experience is maybe the film's most affecting moment. But they all feel like side-trappings to a blander central push: the guns and glory and Scarface-ish arc take precedent, much to the film's detriment. Women (except Johar's mother) are just accessories to power; his realization on the effects of his business on his son seem shoehorned in and mostly unpacked. Beeba Boys is skillful enough in going through the genre's tropes. The casting is well-done (Hooda is excellent, and Paul Gross has a tiny, topknotted cameo), and its action beats come through effectively enough— but the film's depth can be summarized “crime doesn't pay,” which, coming from a director who purported to come at the gangster film from a new angle and voice, feels disappointingly rote.





VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015




New horizons Northcote takes a more direct approach to songwriting on Hope Is Made of Steel


he term "experimental record" can mean many things, whether it's incorporating new instrumentation, creating an overarching concept or mashing up genres. But for Matt Goud, the singer-songwriter behind Northcote, the notion of experimentation meant challenging himself to write lyrics that were more direct on his new album, Hope Is Made of Steel. "I wanted to challenge myself as a person to make some songs to be just a bit more understandable," he says, in the midst of a day of errands as he prepares for his tour. "I think in the past, especially on the first record, Gather No Dust, there's a more intuitive nature to the lyrics. And I love all that type of lyric writing, but at this point I wanted to use actual descriptions ... a bit more direct imagery." The desire to write more concise

songs stems back to some of Goud's influences—most notably classic rock and '90s alternative. He explains the songs that were hitting home for him were incredibly simple in concept but still packed a great deal of meaning. This went against the feeling he's often had as a songwriter, that he was required to maintain an air of mystery and craft complex, metaphorical lyrics. "I kind of rebelled against that on this record," he says. "And that's kind of tough because you think oh, there should be more poetic writer-ness to it, but I cut that off at the knees." To that end, Hope Is Made of Steel is filled with vivid imagery and anthemic, Springsteen-like melodies, as heard on the album opener "This Is Our Time" featuring Chuck Ragan. "This record is very positive and

Fri, Oct 16 (8 pm) With Glorious Sons Starlite Room, $19 // Tyson Elder

hopeful," Goud says. "I mean, I just finished my twenties. I turned 30 when I basically finished this record, so I'm really excited for the next decade, and that's a lot of what the record means to me." The sonic shift from the more subdued melodies on Goud's previous work towards the heavier, rock-driven songs on Hope Is Made of Steel is also

a product of 18 months spent touring through the United States, Canada, Europe and the UK during 2014. The first half of those 160 gigs were just Goud and his friend and guitar player Stephen McGillivray, and the latter half included bandmates Mike Battle and Derek Heathfield. "I was playing electric guitar, and that felt really exciting, really good," Goud says. "So that was kind of like

a little bit of inspiration and courage to be like, yeah, the next year or two I really want to play electric guitar and play loud and be more physically engaged in the music as opposed to being a singer at a café or whatever. ... The record's definitely got the most instruments of any of my records so far, so I'd say the touring gave me a little bit of courage to turn it up." MEAGHAN BAXTER



Kimberley MacGregor W

hen Vue last spoke to local singer-songerwriter Kimberley MacGregor, she was juggling her solo career with playing in six other groups, all while finding her own musical identity and rounding out her back-up band. Since the release of her debut album, True, in 2014, MacGregor has solidified her roster of backing musicians, and she has stopped playing in the dizzying six-band schedule to focus on her solo career. MacGregor is now getting ready to release her new album, I Am My Own. "I really pared things down since the first album, mostly out of necessity," MacGregor says over the phone. "Most of the time when you play gigs, you can't have a 13-piece band on stage with you,

it's not practical. So we pared it down to a very tight four-piece." On her previous record, MacGregor worked with a number of musicians, thanks in part to playing in those six different bands. MacGregor's band has now been slimmed down to consist of Nathan Burns (slide guitar), Harry Gregg (bass) and Geoffrey Hamdon O'Brien (drums). I Am My Own was recorded live off the floor at Riverdale Recorders. MacGregor co-produced the record with Gregg, who she worked with on True, and new-tothe-scene producer Stefan Kijek, a friend of MacGregor's and musician who was interested in producing a record.

"The first album was a little more folky, [almost] R&B, and there was different-sounding songs that I could clearly tell you which artist I was inspired by," MacGregor says. "Whereas this album is really cohesive in sound and just all mine. It doesn't sound like anybody else." The album splits from the R&B, folk-pop sound of True, leaning towards a more raw, rock 'n' roll quality, established at the outset with the her first single "Trouble." Within the album's 12-tracks are gritty guitar riffs, heavy percussions, and MacGregor's lusty, soulful vocals (the only thing to be carried over from the first record). True featured songs chronicling relationships and break-ups, while I Am My Own tackles heavier

Sat, Oct 17 (9 pm) Big Al's House of Blues, $12

themes of MacGregors own personal empowerment, a point driven home on the album's final track, "I Am Not Here," featuring local hip-hop artist Tzadeka. "It's definitely a woman's-anthem-type song, kind of declaring that I'm not here to be or do or like—for any of these things that I think woman in our culture get brainwashed to think that's why they exist," she explains. "I'm taking it back and saying, 'I am my own.'"



// Josef Jacobson




VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015



fri oCT 23, The winspear live aT The winspear and JCl produCTions presenTs

hawksley workman

Black Mastiff

w/ fiona Bevan

Thur oCT 29, The winspear

xavier rudd & The uniTed naTions


w/ Jon and roy

fri nov 5, Brixx

Tim Chaisson w/ guesTs

fri nov 13, Brixx

Jesse roper

w/ sTone iris, and guesTs saT nov 14, sTudio 96 JCl and Top noTCh presenTs

all ages and liCensed

ChiC gamine w/ guesTs

Tue nov 17, Brixx JCl and sTarliTe room presenT

indian handCrafTs, and greys w/ guesTs

wed nov 18, The winspear JCl and live aT The winspear presenT


w/ speCial guesT John k samson of The weakerThans Thu nov 19, Brixx JCl and sTarliTe room presenT

ryan BoldT kaCy and ClayTon CurrenT swell

(deep dark woods), w/ alameda

n September of 2013, Clay Shea opened an email that would take him into the heart of the Palm Desert, produce a new album and restore his faith in the music industry. But that story begins with a lawsuit. "Who's Vista Chino?" Shea recalls saying. Vista Chino is a stoner-rock band from the Palm Desert of California fronted by John Garcia. More importantly, Vista Chino is the new name of Kyuss Lives!. For those of you unfamiliar with the mythology of the Palm Desert scene, Kyuss Lives!—formerly Kyuss, formerly Sons of Kyuss—was a group that Josh Homme, lead singer of Queens of the Stone Age, belonged to. From 1987 to 1995, Kyuss was the genre's high-water mark. In August of 2012, Homme successfully sued Garcia over the rights to the name Kyuss, forcing Garcia to rename the band Vista Chino. The email Shea opened in 2013 was a request for his band, Black Mastiff, to open for Vista Chino. Black Mastiff is a fellow stonerrock band in the tradition of the Palm Desert, but it's formed in the crucible of snow and ice rather

than sand and sun. Dignitaries of the Edmonton scene, Shea and associates have been rattling skulls for the past several decades. "I wouldn't have known who it was, had someone I like to bullshit music with not [told me]," Shea explains. "I got home from work that day and had an email asking if we wanted to open the show. Had I not known it was Kyuss I would have went, 'Who is this Vista Chino? We don't want to do this.'" Garcia fell for Mastiff like a bag of hammers off a cliff, through a canyon and down a crevasse. "He approached us all throughout the night [of the show], and it didn't seem like bullshit," Shea remembers. "When we were loading out, he cornered us all in the van and said, 'I want to be involved.'" This encounter with Garcia initially seemed like something very familiar to Shea—"We've all played the game a long time," he says. "Even at that point, we didn't take him very seriously." Things did become serious several months later after a chance encounter with Garcia in Poland. Shea received a request from Garcia to cover Mastiff's "Rolling Stoned" for

Sat, Oct 17 and Sun, Oct 18 (9 pm) With Black Thunder (Sat), Withermoon (Sun) Wunderbar, $12 in advance, $15 at the door his 2014 self-titled solo album as well as an invitation to record at Thunder-Underground studios in Palm Springs. Alongside Garcia and famed desert-band producer Harper Hug, Black Mastiff laid down Music Machine, the album that will see release at Wunderbar on October 17. After 30-plus years, two children and a life full of change, Shea is now seeing flashes of the freedom and creativity promised by bands like the Grateful Dead and commented on by writers like Lester Bangs. "To be working with people of that calibre that are willing to let us do it at our pace, that understand that we have families, houses, mortgages, jobs, to allow us that balance— that isn't all or nothing and to still get that support and have people believe in you ... it's not what I thought we were going to have." SHAWN BERNARD


saT deC 12, union hall

w/ guesTs

sun deC 13, Brixx


w/ guesTs sun feB 14, mCdougall uniTed ChurCh edm folk musiC fesTival and JCl presenTs

frazey ford w/ guesTs

.com/music 20 MUSIC

VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015




here's something to be said for capturing the raw authenticity evoked during a live-off-the-floor album recording, but the studio also offers myriad creative possibilities. "With this album I wanted to really delve into what it means to be a recording artist and explore what the possibilities are of making a record," says Halifax-based musician Ben Caplan, who worked with 35 different musicians to create the aural tapestry that is his new album, Birds With Broken Wings. "I was in a position to experiment a little bit, and I wanted to really dig in. I mean, there's so many constraints to live performance—budget being one—and then the logistics of moving people around, coordinating schedules. The great thing about making records is that it doesn't have to be something that you have to figure out the logistics of travelling with. You can capture just a moment, so I tried to design my ideal

moments and experiment through that process." Caplan is on the road with five musicians, a far cry from the immense roster of instruments present on the album—which includes the usual mix of drums and guitar along with more eclectic additions of harp, cimbalom and darbouka, the overall mix lending a heavy EasternEuropean influence to Caplan's largely folk melodies. But recreating the album onstage isn't the point, he notes. His previous album, In the Time of Great Reckoning (2011), captured the essence of his live show, but he wanted to let Birds With Broken Wings exist as its own entity. Many of the album's 11 tracks have existed for some time now—in some cases even before Reckoning was released. His writing and recording processes are often separate from one another, and he says he writes in a solitary mode, where his best work comes in bursts

Sat, Oct 17 (9:30 pm) Brixx, $15

here and there before being revised later on. A new layer to that method was introduced this time around with the addition of all the new musicians—some of which Caplan knew from past work, while others were brought in by hip-hop artist Socalled, who produced the album. "A lot of the time we had written arrangements that we were chopping up and using different parts of— sometimes faithfully, sometimes changing things in the studio," Caplan explains. "And then oftentimes we would get different instrumentalists to experiment or improvise with us in the studio, and then we would do a lot of editing after the fact to pull it together in postproduction."

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 7:30 PM • $32




ardentheatre.com E



VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015



karaoke THURSDAYS with Host JR • 9pm–1am FRIDAYS with Bob Gaetz • 5–8pm

friday & Saturdays Live ENTERTAINMENT • 9PM-1AM

Snake Legs Sat, Oct 17 With Old Towns The Buckingham



Sunday's OPEN MIC 8pm – 12am Host: One Percent

E 12340 Fort RD • sandshoteledmonton.com Tickets available at TIX on the Square, The Gramophone and at the door.

2015–2016 Season

*For more information on concerts, visit edmontonchambermusic.org

Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble*

Tues, Oct 20, 2015 at 8 PM

dmonton's own Snake Legs makes music to get sloppy drunk and have fun to. The foursome's partypunk-rock is a high-energy, head-shaking good time that also explores the human condition through lyrics cowritten by guitarists Adam Burt and Curt Blandy. "I feel like people get tricked into bad lyrics—we're trying to do the opposite: make poppy music or danceable music that actually has something behind it," Burt says, over the phone with Blandy and bassist Andrew Brostrom on the line. "Something people can kind of relate to," Blandy adds. The group straddles the partypunk label—the Blandy-written

"Tiger Eyes" is a fuzzy, party-rock song about living life to the fullest while Burt's slightly darker "Desperate Times" is a plea of compassion for the homeless wrapped in a tight punk song. But the band ably makes it work, despite the polarizing subject matter. "Regular pop music, it's kind of like nothing has a motivation or is trying to change something or bring something to light," Burt says. "It's more just pretty simple lyrics that can get through to people, which isn't bad." "We don't write songs to make people happy," Blandy adds. "We write songs about stuff and hopefully they like them."

Snake Legs released a self-titled, four-song EP in May, but it has plans to record a full-length in the near future. The band had to stop at four tracks due to financial constraints, but it's in the process of applying for a grant to get the album off the ground—and Burt and Blandy are pumping out material consistently at a song-per-month pace. "Usually, whenever it's time to do a new song, we'll just kind of flipflop whose song it is, and that gives the other one the time to write and finish one for a next round," Blandy explains. "We never usually discuss duty— who has to write the next song and when—it just sort of happens that way, which is convenient." Burt explains. "Sometimes when Curt writes a song, I go, "And now I'll write one.'" "We inspire each other," Blandy adds jokingly.




Good Riddance Ensemble Caprice*

Wed, Oct 21 (7 pm) With Off With Their Heads, Fire Next Time Starlite Room, $24

Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 8 PM

London Haydn Quartet* Feat. Eric Hoeprich, basset clarinet

a couple tracks coming from Rankin's solo songwriting sessions and Pabich's riffs that were done during the group's separation.

Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 8 PM // Alan Snodgrass


Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra*

Miró Quartet* & Colin Currie (percussion)


Fri, March 11, 2016 at 8 PM

Tues, April 12, 2016 at 8 PM

n case you missed it, California's venerable underground punk foursome Good Riddance has returned with a new album, Peace In Our Time, and a North American tour after an eightyear hiatus. The Santa Cruz-based group—Russ Rankin (vocals), Chuck Platt (bass), Luke Pabich (guitar) and Sean Sellers (drums)—officially disbanded in 2007, which was expected to be a permanent thing (the group had turned down several offers to get back together and play). In late 2013, Good Riddance regrouped to perform at some music festivals after the band members realized they missed playing music together, but they grew tired of rehearsing the old songs. "We were excited to play something new. We were on the retro thing where people would be like, 'Oh, cool,

Good Riddance is back. I can go hear this song from 20 years ago,'" Rankin says over the phone from a tour stop in Baltimore, Maryland. "But for us, as a band, we were just aching to play something different after a while." So Good Riddance went back to the studio, almost a decade after its last album was released, to record Peace In Our Time, the eighth album in the band's repertoire. "When we decided to start writing [for this album], we had a pretty good jumping-off spot in terms of material that was good to go," Rankin says. Good Riddance teamed up with producer Bill Stevenson at Motor Studios in San Francisco, whom the band worked with on several of its previous albums. The record took about six months to complete, but songwriting for it went as far back as 2010, with

VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015

Peace In Our Time picks up where the last album, My Republic (2006), left off, emitting a cohesive California sound on all 14 tracks. For Rankin, this album encapsulates the Good Riddance sound—gritty hardcore punk with social and political lyrics—of previous albums, while throwing in some tracks that are a nod to the band's influences: Paint It Black, Bad Religion, Black Flag and the Descendents. "Our whole situation for the band had changed: it's not a full-time thing," he says. "So for us, it's just a chance for us to enjoy the opportunities we are getting and see the band in a different perspective now that we've had different careers, families and raising children. ... I think the time away has put the band in a nice perspective for us, so that we're just enjoying the opportunity to play at all and to connect with our fans." JASMINE SALAZAR



10442 whyte ave 439.1273 10442 whyte ave 439.1273 CD/ city and LP colour If I Should Go Before You



BA Johnston is ostensibly Canada's hardest-working musican, so show him some damn respect and attend his show. Awesome. (Wunderbar, $12)








w w w. b l a c k b y r d . c a SEE MAG: Jan 3, 1c x 2”/ 28 AG RB: BLACKBYRD MYOOZIK SALES:Samantha H S01367


name may suggest, this is not a Halloween act. Instead, "The Harpoonist," also known as Shawn Hall and "The Axe Murderer," his bandmate Matthew Rogers, are two bluesfolk musicians on a Canadian tour. (Arden Theatre, $32)

MARTHA WAINWRIGHT / FRI, OCT 16 (7:30 PM) Daughter of musicians Loudon Wainwright III and Kate McGarrigle, and sister of singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright, Martha Wainwright has crafted her own career as a folk-rock musician. (Festival Place, $40 – $50)


Call 780.481.YUKS FOR TICKETS & INFO .....................................................................


No Sinner is a sum of all its influences: Nina Simone, Tina Turner, the Rolling Stones and Diana Ross. Opening performances by the Stephanie Harpe Experience and Ashley Weir. (Mercury Room, $13 in advance, $15 at the door)





Edmonton-based bands the Olm and Ocra collaborated on making ambient-experimental music packaged in a cassette format, which will be available at the show. Cassettes are back. Tell a friend. (Wunderbar, $5)






a six-piece local band that makes some gritty ska-music. Support acts include Ben Disaster and the Devil's Sons. (9910B, $20)


OCT 16 & 17

MAD BOMBER SOCIETY / SAT, OCT 17 (8 PM) Mad Bomber Society is



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EDMONTON.CNTY.COM 13103 FORT RD • 643-4000

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

music 23




THU OCT 15 Accent European Lounge Mayhem-

ingways and Braden Gates; 7:3010pm; $15 (adv), $20 (door) Atlantic Trap & Gill Open Mic with

Stan Gallant Big Al's House of Blues Thirsty

Thursday Jam; 7:30pm Blues on Whyte Y Brothers; 9pm Bohemia Kill Matilda, The Nailheads, A Gentleman's Pact; 9pm Brittany's Lounge Scrambled YEG:

Thu; dance lessons at 8pm; Cuban Salsa DJ to follow Union Hall 3 Four All Thursdays:

rock, dance, retro, top 40 with DJ Johnny Infamous

FRI OCT 16 Apex Casino Mourning Wood;

9:30pm Arden Theatre The Harpoonist & The Axe Murderer; 7:30pm; $32 Atlantic Trap & Gill Duff Robison;

9pm Bailey Theatre–Camrose Valdy

(folk/roots/world); 8pm; $25; All ages Big Al's House of Blues M*A*R*S (rock/pop/indie); 9pm; $10; No minors Blue Chair Café Kat Danser; 8:30-

10:30pm; $20

Uptown Folk Club Kevin and Dustin Welch; 7:30pm (doors), 8pm (show); $15 (adv), $18 (door)

Bourbon Room Live Music every Sat

Wild Earth Bakery–Millcreek

Brixx Bar Ben Caplan with guests;

Live Music Fridays: this week featuring; Each Fri, 8-10pm; $5 suggested donation

8:30pm (door), 9:30pm (show); $15; No minors

Wunderbar B.A. Johnston with Napalmpom and TeeTahs (metal/ hard rock/punk); 9pm; $12; No minors Yardbird Suite Mike Morrisseau

Quartet; 7pm (doors), 8pm (show); $16 (members), $20 (guests)


La Cité Francophone Mayan Suite;

Blues on Whyte Y Brothers; 9pm

12-1pm; Free

Bohemia At Her Feet, Fear the Mam-

Winspear Centre Late Night

DJs 9910 DJ Numark; 8pm; $20 (adv)

Cafe Blackbird Trevor Howlett;

every Fri Night with Jared Sowan and Brittany Graling; 8pm

7:30pm; $6

Brittany's Lounge Scrambled YEG:

Café Haven Music every Thu; 7pm

Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue- Fri, 5-8pm

DJs on all three levels

Brixx Bar Ted Leo; 8:30pm (door),

9:30pm (show); $20; No minors

Clarinet; 9:30pm; $24

BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Every Friday THE BOWER Strictly Goods: Old school and new school hip hop & R&B with DJ Twist, Sonny Grimez, and Marlon English; every Fri THE Common Good Fridays: nu

disco, hip hop, indie, electro, dance

7pm; $2 CASINO EDMONTON Colleen Rae and

Cornerstone; 9pm CASINO YELLOWHEAD Robin Kelly:

Axe; 7pm (doors); $39.95; No minors Duggan's Boundary The Rural

Routes (folk); 9pm Festival Place The Claire Lynch Band (country); 7:30pm; $20 Festival Place Mark Sterling with Special Guest Rod Davis of the Quarrymen Presents: Songs of John (pop/rock); 7:30pm; $36-$42 FILTHY McNASTY'S Free Afternoon

Concerts: The Frolics with guests The Greys; 4pm Gas Pump Saturday Homemade Jam:

Mike Chenoweth Hilltop Pub Open Stage, Jam every

Sat; 3:30-7pm Horizon Stage Sing-a-Long-a

Grease; 7:30pm; $20

Vinyl Night: Every Thu; 8pm-late; Edmonton Couchsurfing Meetup: Every Thu; 8pm

9:30pm; No minors

Coral de Cuba Beach Bar: Beach

Leaf bar and grill Open Stage

LB's Pub ChillFactor (rock/pop/indie);

Sat–It's the Sat Jam hosted by Darren Bartlett, 5pm

Party Jam hosted by the Barefoot Kings; Ukulele lessons 7:30pm followed by Jam at 8:30pm Open Jam Nights; no cover

Mercury Room Hibria with Unleash the Archers and guests; 8pm; $15 (adv)

Fionn MacCool's–Downtown

MKT Fresh Food and Beer Market

Craft Addict Thursday Presents: Andrew Scott; 7pm; No cover; All ages

New West Hotel 4's A Crowd

Early Stage Saloon–Stony Plain

Live Local Bands every Sat


J R Bar and Grill Live Jam Thu;

9pm with One Percent (R&B/soul); 8pm every Thu L.B.'s PUB South Bound Freight

open jam with hosts: Rob Kaup, Leah Durelle MKT Fresh Food and Beer Market

Thu and Fri DJ and dance floor; 9:30pm Naked Cybercafé Thu open stage;

8pm; all ages (15+) New West Hotel 4's A Crowd NORTH GLENORA HALL Jam by Wild

Rose Old Time Fiddlers every Thu; contact John Malka 780.447.5111 Red Piano Every Thu: Dueling pianos

at 8pm Ric’s Grill Peter Belec (jazz); most

Thursdays; 7-10pm Smokehouse BBQ Live Blues every Thur: Graham Guest; 7-11pm Starlite Room Delhi2dublin;

8pm (doors), 9pm (show); $20; No minors Tavern On Whyte Open stage with

Michael Gress (fr Self Evolution); every Thu; 9pm-2am

O’byrne’s Live band every Sat,

3-7pm; DJ every Sat, 9:30pm On the Rocks The Disastronauts;

Krush Ultra Lounge Open stage


to Alaska, with Alameda and The Velveteins; 8pm

with weekly local and visiting DJs on rotation plus residents Echo and Justin Foosh

Cafe Blackbird Guitars 2 Go;

Druid Irish Pub DJ every Fri; 9pm

8pm; $10

electric rodeo–Spruce Grove DJ

Caffrey's in the Park Grave New

every Fri


The Provincial Pub Friday Nights:

Carrot Coffeehouse Live music

every Fri; all ages; 7pm; $5 (door)

Indie rock and dance with DJ Brodeep


RED STAR Movin’ on Up: indie, rock,

The Buckingham Scenic Route

Cornerstone; 9pm CASINO YELLOWHEAD Robin Kelly:

Elvis tribute; 9pm Duggan's Boundary The Rural

Routes (folk); 9pm Festival Place Martha Wainwright

(singer songwriter); 7:30pm; $40-$50 Fionn MacCool's–Downtown Two-

funk, soul, hip hop with DJ Gatto, DJ Mega Wattson; every Fri Sou Kawaii Zen Lounge Amplified

Fridays: Dubstep, house, trance, electro, hip hop breaks with DJ Aeiou, DJ Loose Beats, DJ Poindexter; 9:30pm (door) Union Hall Ladies Night every Fri Y AFTERHOURS Foundation Fridays

Orlando's 1 Bands perform every

week; $10 Overtime Sherwood Park Live music;

9:30pm Palace Casino–WEM Dahlia

Wakefield (rock/pop/indie); 9:30pm Parkview Community Hall Lynn

Miles & Keith Glass; $20 (adv), $25 (door) Red Piano Bar Hottest dueling piano

show featuring the Red Piano Players every Sat; 9pm-2am Rendezvous Pub James Beaudry Band, Between Brothers, Savage PlayGround; 8pm River Cree–The Venue Grits & Glamour; 7pm (doors), 9pm (show); $59.50 Sherlock Holmes–Downtown

Adam Holm (folk/pop); 9pm Sherlock Holmes–U of A Andrew

Fisted Friday Present: Robb Hill; 8pm; No cover; All ages


Scott (alt/country); 9pm

LB's Pub RadioActive (rock/pop/ indie); 9:30pm; No minors

Apex Casino Mourning Wood;

Sherlock Holmes–WEM Mark

MKT Fresh Food and Beer Market

Arden Theatre Amelia Curran;


Mcgarrigle (folk); 9pm Sneaky Pete's Sinder Sparks K-DJ

Thu and Fri DJ and dance floor; 9:30pm

7:30pm; $32


Show; 9pm-1am

Atlantic Trap & Gill Duff Robison;

Winspear Centre Create the

New West Hotel 4's A Crowd


Change Masterpiece Gala; 6pm

On the Rocks The Disastronauts;



Black dog Freehouse Thu Main Fl:


Bailey Theatre–Camrose The Rose City Roots Music Society presents: No Sinner (rock/pop/indie); 8pm; $25; All ages

Starlite Room Desert Dwellers, Kayla Scintilla, Evolution; 9pm (show); $20; No minors

Throwback Thu: Rock&Roll, Funk, Soul, R&B and 80s with DJ Thomas Culture; jamz that will make your backbone slide; Wooftop: Dig It! Thursdays. Electronic, roots and rare groove with DJ's Rootbeard, Raebot, Wijit and guests

Overtime Sherwood Park Live music; Palace Casino–WEM Dahlia

Wakefield (rock/pop/indie); 9:30pm Red Piano Bar Hottest dueling piano

show featuring the Red Piano Players every Fri; 9pm-2am Rendezvous Pub BoneYard and

Century Room Lucky 7: Retro '80s with house DJ every Thu; 7pm-close

Filthy Sinner; 8pm

The Common The Common

Adam Holm (folk/pop); 9pm

Uncommon Thursday: Rotating Guests each week! electric rodeo–Spruce Grove DJ

every Thu FILTHY McNASTY’S Taking Back

Thursdays Krush Ultra Lounge Open stage;

7pm; no cover On The Rocks Salsa Rocks: every


Carrot Coffeehouse Sat Open mic;

Elvis tribute; 9pm

Bourbon Room Dueling pianos

cha island tea co Bring Your Own


Century Casino Harlequin & Kick

Brixx Bar Gang Signs; 8:30pm

All adult performers are welcome (music, song, spoken word); every Thu, 1:30-3pm

rie & The Wildflowers; 8pm; $10 Caffrey's in the Park Grave New

Traffic Jam Concerts on Fridays at Five: Pianists Jeanne Yang, Joachim Segger; each Fri until Nov 27, 5-6pm; $10 (door)

moth, Co-Kaynes, Dad's Clone; 9pm; $7; 18+ only

Carrot Coffeehouse Thu Open Mic:

Cafe Blackbird Emily Nancy Guth-

First Presbyterian Church

Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue- Fri, 5-8pm (doors), 9pm (show); $10; No minors

Night with Jared Sowan and Brittany Graling; 8pm

Sherlock Holmes–Downtown Sherlock Holmes–U of A Andrew

Scott (alt/country); 9pm Sherlock Holmes–WEM Mark

Mcgarrigle (folk); 9pm Starlite Room The Glorious

Sonswith guests Northcote & more; 8pm (doors); $19; No minors Tiramisu BISTRO Live music

every Fri

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

Big Al's House of Blues Kimberley MacGregor -I Am My Own- CD Release Party with Concealer and Tzadeka; 8pm; $12 (adv), $17 (door); No minors Black Dog Freehouse Hair of the Dog: this week with Ross Neilsen & The Sufferin’ Bastards (live acoustic music every Sat); 4-6pm; no cover Blue Chair Café Rollanda Lee; 8:30-10:30pm; $15 Blues on Whyte Every Sat

afternoon: Jam with Back Door Dan; Y Brothers; 9pm Bohemia DARQ Saturdays: Industrial

- Goth - Dark Electro with DJs the Gothfather and Zeio; 9pm; $5 (door); (every Sat except the 1st Sat of the month)

Wunderbar Black Mastiff at Wundi: Night One with guests Black Thunder (metal/hard rock/ punk); 9pm; $12 (adv), $15 (door); No minors Yardbird Suite Kris Davis Trio; 7pm (doors), 8pm (show); $24 (members), $28 (guests) YEG Dance Club Cash Cash & Tritonal (Untouchable); 9pm; $50 (adv)

Classical Oasis Centre River City Big Band

presents Wycliffe Gordon; 8-11pm; $35 at Tix on the Square Winspear Centre Vaughan Williams & Françaix; 8pm; $24-$79

DJs 9910 Mad Bomber Society (punk/ reggae/ska) with Ben Disaster and The Devil's Sons; 8pm; $20


The Menace Sessions: alt rock/ Electro/Trash with Miss Mannered; Wooftop: Sound It Up!: classic Hip-Hop, R&B and Reggae with DJ Sonny Grimez & instigate; Underdog: Alternating DJs THE BOWER For Those Who Know...:

Deep House and disco with Junior Brown, David Stone, Austin, and guests; every Sat

O’BYRNE’S Open mic every Sun;

9:30pm-1am Old Timer's Cabin Edmonton Blues

Society presents Memphis Bound Blues Challenge Finals; 12pm (doors), 1pm (show); $15 (door); All ages On the Rocks Dahlia And The Value


BRIXX Metal night every Tue

Bernard Snell Auditorium–Foyer

DV8 Creepy Tombsday: Psychobilly, Hallowe'en horrorpunk, deathrock with Abigail Asphixia and Mr Cadaver; every Tue

Hear’s to Your Health Concerts; 5-6pm; Free Winspear Centre ESO & Winspear Overture Tour; 12-1pm

B Street Bar Live Music with Lyle Hobbs; 8-11pm, every Wed

Villans; 9pm


Rexall Place Slipknot; 7pm;



WED OCT 21 Big Al's House of Blues Wailin' Wednesdays Jam; Every Wed, 7:30pm; All ages

by Mark Ammar; 4-8pm

Blue Jay’s Messy Nest: mod, brit pop, new wave, British rock with DJ Blue Jay

Druid Irish Pub DJ every Sat; 9pm

Starlite Room Landmark Events Showcase; 3pm (door); $15 (adv), $20 (door); No minors

DV8 T.F.W.O. Mondays: Roots industrial,Classic Punk, Rock, Electronic with Hair of the Dave

Encore–WEM Every Sat: Sound and Light show; We are Saturdays: Kindergarten

Wunderbar Black Mastiff (rock) with Withermoon; 8pm; $12 (adv), $15 (door)

Tavern on Whyte Classic Hip hop with DJ Creeazn every Mon; 9pm-2am

Mercer Tavern DJ Mikey Wong



Convocation Hall Contemporary

Big Al's House of Blues Tuesday Night Jam with host Harry Gregg and Geoffrey O'Brien; 8-11pm

Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue- Fri, 5-8pm

Blues on Whyte Mike Mackenzie

Duggan's Boundary Wed open mic

Richard's Pub Sunday Jam hosted

THE Common Get Down It's

Saturday Night: House and disco and everything in between with resident Dane

every Sat The Provincial Pub Saturday

Nights: Indie rock and dance with DJ Maurice RED STAR Indie rock, hip hop, and electro every Sat with DJ Hot Philly and guests ROUGE LOUNGE Rouge Saturdays:

global sound and Cosmopolitan Style Lounging with DJ Mkhai

Canadian featuring University of Alberta Department of Music with Howard Bashaw and Guillaume Tardif and with Roger Admiral; 3pm; $20 (adult), $10 (student), $15 (senior) Festival Place I Go On Singing, Paul Robeson's Life in His Words & Songs; 7:30pm; $34-$38

Sou Kawaii Zen Lounge Your


Famous Saturday with Crewshtopher, Tyler M


Sugar Foot Ballroom Swing Dance

Party: Sugar Swing Dance Club every Sat, 8-12; no experience or partner needed, beginner lesson followed by social dance; sugarswing.com

Soul Sundays: A fantastic voyage through '60s and '70s funk, soul and R&B with DJ Zyppy


Band; 9pm Brittany's Lounge Scrambled YEG:

Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue- Fri, 5-8pm Druid Irish Pub Open Stage Tue: featuring this week: Brendan Smith; 9pm L.B.'s PUB Tue Variety Night Open stage with Darrell Barr; 7-11pm Leaf bar and grill Tue Open Jam:

Tavern On Whyte Soul, Motown, Funk, R&B and more with DJs Ben and Mitch; every Sat; 9pm-2am

Mondays with Jimmy and the Sleepers; 8-11pm

Mercer Tavern Alt Tuesday with

Union Hall Celebrity Saturdays: every Sat hosted by DJ Johnny Infamous


Blue Jay’s Messy Nest: Mod, Brit Pop, New Wave & British Rock with DJ Blue Jay; Wooftop: Metal Mon: with Metal Phil (fr CJSR’s Heavy Metal Lunch Box)

New West Hotel Tue Country Dance

Blues on Whyte Mike Mackenzie

Kris Harvey and guests

Overtime–Sherwood Park Bingo Robertson-Wesley United Church

Blackjack's Roadhouse–Nisku

DV8 Tavern Secondhand Habit Fall

Blue Chair Café Brunch: Jim

Mercury Room Music Magic

Findlay Trio; 9am-3pm; Cover by donation Blues on Whyte Y Brothers; 9pm Diversion Lounge Sun Night Live on

the South Side: live bands; all ages; 7-10:30pm Duggan's Boundary Celtic Music

with Duggan's House Band 5-8pm Mercury Room No Sinner with The

Stephanie Harpe Experience and guests; 7pm

Monday Nights: Capital City Jammers, host Blueberry Norm; seasoned musicians; 7-10pm; $4

Service: acoustic open stage every Sun

Greeley (acoustic rock, country, Top 40); 9pm-2am every Wed; no cover PLEASANTVIEW COMMUNITY HALL

Acoustic Bluegrass jam presented by the Northern Bluegrass Circle Music Society; every Wed, 6:30-11pm; $2 (member)/$4 (non-member) Red Piano Bar Wed Night Live:

Edmonton Chamber Music Society, Academy of St. Martin in the Fields Chamber Ensemble; 8pm; $50 (adult), $45 (senior), $15 (student) Rocky Mountain Icehouse Live

music with the Icehouse Band and weekly guests; Every Tue, 9pm Sands Hotel Country music

Stage with Brian Gregg; 7:30pm (door); no cover Wray and Jeff Hendrick; every Wed; 7:30-10pm; no cover

Classical McDougall United Church

Soloworks with Anne Lindsay; 7:30pm; $15/$20 (tickets available at door)



Yardbird Suite Tuesday Session:


BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE Main Floor: Alt '80s and '90s, Post Punk, New Wave, Garage, Brit, Mod, Rock and Roll witih LL Cool Joe and DJ Downtrodden on alternate Weds


Brixx Bar Eats and Beats

Night with Darrek Anderson from the Guaranteed; every Mon; 9pm Sherlock Holmes–U of A Open Mic Night hosted by Adam Holm; Every Mon

oct/17 Desert Dwellers, ubK presents

KayLa scintiLLa, evoLution

Stephanie Urquhart Quartet; 7:30pm (door)/8pm (show); $5

Brit Pop, Synthpop, Alternative 90’s, Glam Rock with DJ Chris Bruce; Wooftop: Substance: alt retro and notso-retro electronic and dance with Eddie LunchPail

oct/18 LANDMARK EVENTS SHOWCASE oct/21 good riddance concertWorKs.ca presents

w/ Off with their heads, fire Next time, & Guests


Classics on Vinyl with Dane RED STAR Guest DJs every Wed


oct/23 stylust beats w/ special guests ubK presents

oct/24 san holo w/ special guests 1 PRICE 1 TICKET 2 DAYS 2 EVENTS

oct/25 the bros. landreth: unionevents.com presents

Runaway TRain TouR W/ donovan Woods


-- halloween --

concertWorKs.ca presents


w/ boids, worst days down & old boys club

oct/31 -- halloween --

Wednesdays: Wed night party with DJ Alize every Wed; no cover

THE Common The Wed Experience:

Free love presents

this event to take place in temple

Zen Lounge Jazz Wednesdays: Kori

Billiard Club Why wait

Acoustic instrumental old time fiddle jam every Mon; hosted by the Wild Rose Old Tyme Fiddlers Society; 7pm; contact Vi Kallio 780.456.8510

concertWorKs.ca presents

Overtime–Sherwood Park Jason

dancing every Tue, featuring Country Music Legend Bev Munro every Tue, 8-11pm

Rouge Resto-Lounge Open Mic

Newcastle Pub The Sunday Soul

mic Wed: Hosted by Jordan Strand; every Wed, 9-12 jordanfstrand@gmail.com / 780655-8520

Rossdale Hall Little Flower Open

with Shannon Johnson and friends; 9:30pm

Duggan's Boundary Monday

Tour with Absinthe From Society and guests (metal/hard rock/punk); 8pm; $10

Original Joe's Varsity Row Open

O’BYRNE’S Celtic jam every Tue;

BBQ jam hosted with the Marshall Lawrence Band; 4pm Open mic every Sun hosted by Tim Lovett

New West Hotel Rodeowind

hosted by dueling piano players; 8pm-1am; $5

Toonz every Tue

open mic

Band; 9pm

Lessons: 7-9pm • Rodeowind

Band; 9pm

Big Al's House of Blues Sun

Blues on Whyte Mike Mackenzie

with host Duff Robison

Trevor Mullen


'80s and '90s, Post Punk, New Wave, Garage, Brit, Mod, Rock and Roll witih LL Cool Joe and DJ Downtrodden on alternate Weds

oct/16 the glorious sons w/ northcote, & guests

Brittany's Lounge Scrambled YEG:

Big Al's House of Blues Blue

Y AFTERHOURS Release Saturdays



ubK presents

ZoMbie soundclash - ft.:

bassenJi, eproM neon steve unionevents.com presents

Jocelyn alice w/ Guests

The STarliTe room iS a privaTe venue for our memberS and Their gueSTS. if you require a memberShip you can purchaSe one aT The venue prior To / or afTer The door TimeS for each Show.

VENUEGUIDE Accent European Lounge 8223-104 St, 780.431.0179 ALE YARD TAP 13310-137 Ave Arden Theatre 5 St Anne St, St Albert Atlantic TRap & Gill 7704 Calgary Trail South "B" Street Bar 11818-111 St Bailey Theatre 5041 50 St, Camrose Bernard Snell Auditorium 8440-112 St Big Al's House of Blues Yellowhead Inn, 15004 Yellowhead Trail BLACK DOG FREEHOUSE 1042582 Ave, 780.439.1082 Blackjack's Roadhouse– Nisku 2110 Sparrow Dr, Nisku, 780.955.2336 BLUE CHAIR CAFÉ 9624-76 Ave, 780.989.2861 BLUES ON WHYTE 10329-82 Ave, 780.439.3981 Bohemia 10217-97 St Bourbon Room 205 Carnegie Dr, St Albert THE BOWER 10538 Jasper Ave, 780.423.425; info@thebower.ca Brittany's Lounge 10225-97 St, 780.497.0011 Brixx Bar 10030-102 St (downstairs), 780.428.1099 The Buckingham 10439 82 Ave, 780.761.1002, thebuckingham.ca BUDDY’S 11725B Jasper Ave, 780.488.6636 Cafe Blackbird 9640-142 St NW Café Haven 9 Sioux Rd,

Sherwood Park, 780.417.5523, cafehaven.ca Caffrey's in the Park 99, 23349 Wye Rd, Sherwood Park CARROT Coffeehouse 9351118 Ave, 780.471.1580 Casino Edmonton 7055 Argylll Rd, 780.463.9467 Casino Yellowhead 12464153 St, 780.424 9467 Central Senior Lions Centre 11113-113 St Century Casino 13103 Fort Rd, 780.643.4000 Cha Island Tea Co 10332-81 Ave, 780.757.2482 Common 9910-109 St Convocation Hall University of Alberta Daravara 10713 124 St, 587.520.4980 Duggan's Boundary 9013-88 Ave, 780.465.4834 DRUID 11606 Jasper Ave, 780.454.9928 DUSTER’S PUB 6402-118 Ave, 780.474.5554 DV8 8130 Gateway Blvd Early Stage Saloon– Stony Plain 4911-52 Ave, Stony Plain, 780.963.5998 Electric Rodeo–Spruce Grove 121-1 Ave, Spruce Grove, 780.962.1411 Encore–WEM 2687, 8882-170 St Festival Place 100 Festival Way, Sherwood Park, 780.449.3378 FILTHY MCNASTY’S 10511-82 Ave, 780.916.1557 Fionn MacCool's–Downtown

10200-102 Ave First Presbyterian Church 10025-105 St NW Hilltop Pub 8220 106 Ave Horizon Stage 1001 Calahoo Rd, Spruce Grove Irish Sports Club 12546-126 St, 780.453.2249 J AND R 4003-106 St, 780.436.4403 Java xpress 110, 4300 South Park Dr, Stony Plain, 780.968.1860 Kelly's Pub 10156-104 St La Cite Francophone 8627 Marie-Anne Gaboury L.B.’s Pub 23 Akins Dr, St Albert, 780.460.9100 Leaf bar and grill 9016-132 Ave, 780.757.2121 McDougall United Church 10086 MacDonald Dr NW MKT Fresh Food and Beer Market 8101 Gateway Blvd, 780.439.2337 Mercer Tavern 10363 104 St, 587.521.1911 Mercury Room 10575-114 St Naked Cybercafé 10303-108 St, 780.425.9730 Newcastle Pub 8170-50 St, 780.490.1999 New West Hotel 15025-111 Ave noorish caFé 8440-109 St NORTH GLENORA HALL 13535109A Ave O2's–West 11066-156 St, 780.448.2255 O’BYRNE’S 10616-82 Ave, 780.414.6766 Oasis Centre 10930-177

St NW Original Joe's Varsity Row 8404-109 St Orlando's 1 15163-121 St O'mailles Irish Pub 104, 398 St Albert Rd, St Albert ON THE ROCKS 11730 Jasper Ave, 780.482.4767 Overtime–Sherwood Park 100 Granada Blvd, Sherwood Park, 790.570.5588 Palace Casino–WEM 8882-170 St NW Parkview Community Hall 9135-146 St NW Pleasantview Community Hall 10860-57 Ave The Provincial Pub 160, 4211-106 St Red Piano Bar 1638 Bourbon St, WEM, 8882-170 St, 780.486.7722 RED STAR 10538 Jasper Ave, 780.428.0825 Rendezvous 10108-149 St Richard's Pub 12150-161 Ave, 780.457.3118 Ric’s Grill 24 Perron Street, St Albert, 780.460.6602 River Cree 300 East Lapotac Blvd, Enoch Rocky Mountain Icehouse 10516 Jasper Ave, 780.424.3836 ROSEBOWL/ROUGE LOUNGE 10111-117 St, 780.482.5253 Rose and Crown 10235-101 St Sands Hotel 12340 Fort Rd, 780.474.5476 Sherlock Holmes– Downtown 10012-101 A Ave Sherlock Holmes–U of A

8519-112 St Sherlock Holmes–WEM 8882-170 St Sideliners Pub 11018-127 St Smokehouse BBQ 10810-124 St, 587.521.6328 Sneaky Pete's 12315-118 Ave Sou Kawaii Zen Lounge 1292397 St, 780.758.5924 STARLITE ROOM 10030-102 St, 780.428.1099 STUDIO MUSIC FOUNDATION 10940-166 A St Sugar Foot Ballroom 10545-81 Ave Tavern on Whyte 10507-82 Ave, 780.521.4404 Tiramisu 10750-124 St Uptown Folk Club 7308-76 Ave, 780.436.1554 Vee Lounge, Apex Casino–St Albert 24 Boudreau Rd, St Albert, 780.460.8092, 780.590.1128 Wild Earth Bakery– Millcreek 8902-99 St, wildearthbakery.com Winspear Centre 4 Sir Winston Churchill Square; 780.28.1414 WUNDERBAR 8120-101 St, 780.436.2286 Y AFTERHOURS 10028-102 St, 780.994.3256, yafterhours.com Yardbird Suite 11 Tommy Banks Way, 780.432.0428 YEG Dance Club 11845 Wayne Gretzky Dr Yesterdays Pub 112, 205 Carnegie Dr, St Albert, 780.459.0295 Zen Lounge 12923-97 St

ted leo oct/17 ben caplan oct/16

w/ guests

w/ guests


we hunt buffalo w/ guests

Lettuce Produce Beats oct/30 aaron Jackson oct/24

Free love presents

-- halloween --


VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

(audiophile i usa)

tim chaisson w/ guests

music 25


braintumour.ca • 1.800.265.5106 ext. 234 • Support group for brain tumour survivors and their families and caregivers. Must be 18 or over • 3rd Mon every month; 7-8:45pm • Free

treatment and harm reduction in French, English and other African languages • 3rd and 4th Sat, 9am-5pm each month • Free (member)/$10 (membership); pre-register

Canadian Injured Workers Association of Alberta (CIWAA) • Augustana Lu-

Mindful Eating With Michelle Brewer: Mindful Meals • Riverdale (private home) •

theran Church, 107 St, 99 Ave • canadianinjuredworkers.com • Meeting every 3rd Sat, 1-4pm • Injured Workers in Pursuit of Justice denied by WCB

Edmonton Photographic Historial Society • Highlands Library • 780.436.3878

COMEDY Black Dog Freehouse • Underdog Comedy show: Alternating hosts • Every Thu, 8-11pm • No cover

Century Casino • 13103 Fort Rd • 780.481.9857 • Open Mic Night: Every Thu; 7:309pm

COMEDY FACTORY • Gateway Entertainment Centre, 34 Ave, Calgary Tr • Fri-Sat: 8:30pm • Myles Weber; Oct 15-17

Comic Strip • Bourbon St, WEM • 780.483.5999 • Wed-Fri, Sun 7:30pm; Fri-Sat 9:45pm • Battle to the Funny Bone; every Mon at 7:30pm • Triple Threat Tuesday; every Tue at 7:30pm • Greg Warren; Oct 14-17

Connie's Comedy • Draft Bar & Grill, 12912-50 St • Featuring Ken Valgarden and Matt Labucki • Oct 21, 7:30pm

DRUID • 11606 Jasper Ave • 780.710.2119 • Comedy night open stage hosted by Lars Callieou • Every Sun, 9pm DJ to follow

Empress Ale House • 9912-82 Ave • Empress Comedy Night: featuring a professional headliner every week Every Sun, 9pm

Rouge Lounge • 10111-117 St • Comedy Groove every Wed; 9pm Groups/CLUBS/meetings

• Gather and marvel over the latest finds in photography, discussions, and much more • 3rd Wed each month, 7:30pm

Edmonton Ukulele Circle • Bogani Café, 2023-111 St • 780.440.3528 • 3rd Sun each month; 2:30-4pm • $5

FOOD ADDICTS • Alano Club (& Simply Done Cafe), 17028-124 St • 780.718.7133 (or 403.506.4695 after 7pm) • Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), free 12-Step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, undereating, and bulimia • Meetings every Thu, 7pm

• nawca.ca • Meet every Wed, 6:30pm

Organization for Bipolar Affective Disorder (OBAD) • Grey Nuns Hospital, Rm 0651, obad@shaw.ca; Group meets every Thu, 7-9pm • Free

Poor Vote Turnout • Rossdale Hall, 1013596 Ave • poorvoteturnout.ca • Public meetings: promoting voting by the poor • Every Wed, 7-8pm Presbyterian Church bsmt, N. door, 6 Bernard Dr, St Albert • For adult children of alcoholic and dysfunctional families • Every Mon, 7:30pm

Fort Saskatchewan 45+ Singles Coffee Group • A&W, 10101-88 Ave, Fort Saskatchewan • 780.907.0201 (Brenda) • A mixed group, all for conversation and friendship • Every Sun, 2pm

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer Information Night • Habitat for Humanity Prefab Shop, 14135-128 Ave • vbatten@hfh.org • 780.451.3416 ext. 236 • hfh.org/volunteer • Learn about taking the next step and what opportunities are available • 3rd Thu of the month, 6-7pm, until Nov 2015 • Free

Hand Injury Focus Group • University of Alberta • 780.965.5954 • craftthefuture@yahoo. ca • A 90-minute focus group for attendees to share experience, wisdom and lessons learned so that others going through it can benefit • Oct 15, 5:30-7pm • Free (with light meal and perks + prizes); phone or email to participate

Lotus Qigong • 780.477.0683 • Downtown • Practice group meets every Thu

Brain Tumour Peer Support Group •

St Jean, Rm 3-18 • 780.490.7332 • madeleinesanam.orgs/en • Program for HIV-AID’S prevention,



Northern Alberta Wood Carvers Association • Duggan Community Hall, 3728-106 St


Aikikai Aikido Club • 10139-87 Ave, Old Strathcona Community League • Japanese Martial Art of Aikido • Every Tue 7:30-9:30pm; Thu 6-8pm Mount Zion Lutheran Church, 11533-135 St NW •

Registration: info@vofa.ca • A guided mindful meal meditation. Bring your own veggie meal (no eggs), plate and cutlery. Meals will not be shared • Oct 15, 6:30pm • $10 (cash only please)

Schizophrenia Society Family Support Drop-in Group • Schizophrenia Society of Alberta, 5215-87 St • schizophrenia.ab.ca • The Schizophrenia Society of Alberta-Edmonton branch provides a facilitated family support group for caregivers of a loved one living with schizophrenia. Free drop-in the 1st and 3rd Thu each month, 7-9pm

Sensational Ladies Night • Warp 1 Comics & Games, 9917-82 Ave • 780.433.7119 • facebook.com/sensational.ladies.night • A night dedicated to women indulging in various geekeries with other women once a month in a friendly and safe environment. Featuring a book club, board game nights, art jam and much more. No prior geekery knowledge required • 3rd Wed of every month, 6-8pm • Free Seventies Forever Music Society • Call 587.520.3833 for location • deepsoul.ca • Combining music, garage sales, nature, common sense, and kindred karma to revitalize the inward persona • Every Wed, 7-8:30pm

Sherwood Park Walking Group + 50 • Meet inside Millennium Place, Sherwood Place • Weekly outdoor walking group; starts with a 10-min discussion, followed by a 30 to 40-min walk through Centennial Park, a cool down and stretch • Every Tue, 8:30am • $2/session (goes to the Alzheimer’s Society of Alberta)

TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY (TOPS) • Grace United Church annex, 6215-104 Ave • Low-cost, fun and friendly weight loss group • Every Mon, 6:30pm • Info: call Bob 780.479.5519


A portion of the proceeds will go to:

Tashi Ling Society, 10502-70 Ave • Tranquility and insight meditation based on Very Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche's teachings. Suitable for meditation practitioners with Buddhist leanings • Every Thu, 7-8:30pm • Donations; jamesk2004@hotmail.com

Toastmasters • Club Bilingue Toastmasters Meetings: Campus St. Jean: Pavillion McMahon;

780.667.6105 (Willard); clubbilingue. toastmastersclubs.org; Meet every Tue, 7pm • Fabulous Facilitators Toastmasters Club: 2nd Fl, Canada Place Rm 217, 9700 Jasper Ave; Carisa: divdgov2014_15@outlook.com, 780.439.3852; fabulousfacilitators.toastmastersclubs.org; Meet every Tue, 12:05-1pm • N'Orators Toastmasters Club: Lower Level, McClure United Church, 13708-74 St: meet every Thu, 6:45-8:30pm; contact bradscherger@ hotmail.com, 780.863.1962, norators.com • Terrified of Public Speaking: Norwood Legion Edmonton, 11150-82 St NW; Every Thu until 7:30-9:30pm; Free; contact jnwafula@yahoo.com; norwoodtoastmasters.org • Upward Bound Toastmaster Club: Rm 7, 6 Fl, Edmonton Public Library–DT: Meets every Wed, 7-8:45pm; Sep-May; upward.toastmastersclubs.org; reader1@ shaw.ca • Y Toastmasters Club: Queen Alexandra Community League, 10425 University Ave (N door, stairs to the left); Meet every Tue, 7-9pm except last Tue ea month; Contact: Antonio Balce, 780.463.5331

WEDNESDAY NITE Faith Focus • First Presbyterian Church, 10025-105 St • 780.422.2937 • firstpresbyterian.ca • fpc@telus.net • Continuing in-depth examination of the action-packed ‘Acts of the Apostles’ • Every Wed until Nov, 6:30-8pm

Oct 30 & 31 • The Enjoy Centre Fri 4–8PM • Sat 10AM–3PM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT WORLDOFVENDORS.CA th



WOMEN IN BLACK • In Front of the Old Strathcona Farmers' Market • Silent vigil the 1st and 3rd Sat, 10-11am, each month, stand in silence for a world without violence


9-Hour Redefining Conflict Workshop Series • MRJC offices, 10066-151 St • Learn conflict management concepts, enhance your understanding of yourself and others in conflict situations, and try out new communication techniques to resolve differences • Starting Oct 15 & Nov 27 • $75 (includes all materials); register online mrjc.ca, or 780.423.0896

Bringing Black Dots to Life: A Composer's Journey • Muttart Hall, 10050 MacDonald Drive • 780.497.5082 • Looking at a few of Allan Gilliland's most popular pieces and traces their development from blacks dots on the page, to fully formed works performed by some of the best ensembles and soloists in the world • Oct 21, 12:10-12:50pm

Election Panel 2015: Governing with No Clear Winner? • McLennan Ross Halls A and B, Law Centre (111 St and 89 Ave), University of Alberta • Looking at how government can form if there's no clear winner in the October 2015 election. Paula Simons from the Edmonton Journal will moderate the panel • Oct 15, 7pm

Fertility Awareness Charting Circle • Remedy Cafe, 8631-109 St • faccedmonton@ gmail.com • fertilityawarenesschartingcircle.org • First Mon each month (Oct-May), 6:30-8:30pm • $10 (suggested donation) • RSVP at faccedmonton@ gmail.com

transgender umbrella and their family/supporters; 3rd Mon, 7-9pm, each month

St Paul's United Church • 11526-76 Ave • 780.436.1555 • People of all sexual orientations are welcome • Every Sun (10am worship) Team Edmonton • Various sports and recreation activities • All-Bodies Swim: Bonnie Doon Leisure Centre, 8648-81 St NW; pridecentreofedmonton. org; Every 3rd Sat of the month, 9:30-10:30pm • Badminton: Oliver School, 10227-118 St; badminton@ teamedmonton.ca; Every Wed (until Feb 24); $5 (dropin) • Bootcamp: Oliver Community Hall, 10326-118 St; bootcamp@teamedmonton.ca; Every Thu, 7pm; $30 (full season), $15 (low income or students)

WOMONSPACE • 780.482.1794 • womonspace. org, womonspace@gmail.com • A Non-profit lesbian social organization for Edmonton and surrounding area. Monthly activities, newsletter, reduced rates included with membership. Confidentiality assured

Woodys Video Bar • 11723 Jasper Ave • 780.488.6557 • Mon: Massive Mondays Comedy Night with Nadine Hunt; 8pm; New Headliner Weekly • Tue: You Don't Know Show with Shiwana Millionaire; 8pm; Weekly prizes and games • Wed: Karaoke with Shirley; 7pm-1am • Thu: Karaoke with Kendra; 7pm1am • Fri-Sat: Dancing and events until close • Sun: Karaoke with Jadee; 7pm-1am

Human Rights are Universal: A Musical Exploration with Michael Gfroerer • Robertson-Wesley United Church,


10209-123 St • rwuc.org/sac.html • Every Sun, 3-5pm; Oct 18-Dec 6

United Church, 9915-148 St • 780.452.4454 • st.andrewsquiltgroup@gmail.com • Large selection of quilts & afghans. Smaller items also available • Oct 17, 10am-2pm

LEAF Edmonton Persons Day Breakfast • Sutton Place Hotel, 10235-101 St • edmonton@leaf.ca • leaf.ca/edmonton-pdb-2015 • Topic will be "Cultures of Sexual Violence" • Oct 15, 7:30-9am • $60 (regular), $25 (student/senior/ low income)

Seeing is above All • Acacia Hall, 10433-83 Ave, upstairs • 780.554.6133 • Free instruction in meditation on the Inner Light • Every Sun, 5pm QUEER BUDDYS NITE CLUB • 11725 Jasper Ave • 780.488.6636 • Tue: Retro Tuesdays with Dj Arrow Chaser; 9pm-close • Wed: DJ Griff; 9-close • Thu: Wet underwear with Shiwana Millionaire • Fri: Dance all Night with DJ Arrowchaser • Sat: Weekly events and dancing until close • Sun: Weekly Drag show with Shiwana Millionaire and guests; 12:30am

EPLC Fellowship Pagan Study Group • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • eplc.webs.com • Free year long course; Family circle 3rd Sat each month • Everyone welcome

Evolution Wonderlounge • 10220-103 St • 780.424.0077 • yourgaybar.com • Community Tue: partner with various local GLBT groups for different events; see online for details • Happy Hour Wed-Fri: 4-8pm • Wed Karaoke: with the Mystery Song Contest; 7pm-2am • Fri: DJ Evictor • Sat: DJ Jazzy • Sun: Beer Bash G.L.B.T.Q Seniors Group • S.A.G.E Bldg, Craftroom, 15 Sir Winston Churchill Sq • 780.474.8240 • Meeting for gay seniors, and for any seniors who have gay family members and would like some guidance • Every Thu, 1-4pm • Info: E: Tuff69@telus.net INSIDE/OUT • U of A Campus • Campus-based organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified and queer (LGBTQ) faculty, graduate student, academic, straight allies and support staff • 3rd Thu each month (fall/winter terms): Speakers Series. E: kwells@ualberta.ca Pride Centre of Edmonton • Pride Centre of Edmonton, 10608-105 Ave • 780.488.3234 • Daily: Community drop-in; support and resources. Queer library: borrowing privileges: Tue-Fri 12-9pm, Sat 2-6:30pm, closed Sun-Mon; Queer HangOUT (a.k.a. QH) youth drop-in: Tue-Fri 3-8pm, Sat 2-6:30pm, youth@pridecentreofedmonton.org • Counselling: Free, short-term by registered counsellors every Wed, 5:30-8:30pm, info/bookings: 780.488.3234 • Knotty Knitters: Knit and socialize in safe, accepting environment, all skill levels welcome; every Wed 6-8pm • QH Game Night: Meet people through board game fun; every Thu 6-8pm • QH Craft Night: every Wed, 6-8pm • QH Anime Night: Watch anime; every Fri, 6-8pm • Movie Night: Open to everyone; 2nd and 4th Fri each month, 6-9pm • Women’s Social Circle: Social support group for female-identified persons +18 years in the GLBT community; new members welcome; 2nd and 4th Thu, 7-9pm each month; andrea@pridecentreofedmonton.org • Men Talking with Pride: Support and social group for gay and bisexual men; every Sun 7-9pm; robwells780@hotmail.com • TTIQ: a support and information group for all those who fall under the

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

Annual Quilt Sale • St. Andrew’s

Dark Matters • TELUS World of Science, 11211-142 St • 780.451.3344 • An 18+ only event here the science is served on the rocks & the adults come out to play. This month's theme is Rock n' Roll • Oct 15, 7-10pm • $14 (adv), $20 (door) DeepSoul.ca • 587.520.3833; call or text for Sunday jam locations • Every Sun: Sunday Jams with no Stan (CCR to Metallica), starring Chuck Prins on Les Paul Standard guitars; Pink Floydish originals plus great Covers of Classics: some FREE; Twilight Zone Lively Up Yourself Tour (with DJ Cool Breeze); all ages Edmonton Woman's Show • Edmonton EXPO Centre, Hall A, 7515-118 Ave NW • info@edmontonshows.com • womanshow.com • See various vendors, special guests from the American Big Brother TV series, and so much more • Oct 17-18, 9am-5pm

E-Ville Roller Derby Presents: Double Header • Edmonton Sportsdome, 10104-32 Ave NW • Catch Edmonton's very own junior Roller Derby team, The Wild Rose All-Stars, take on the Miss Demeanors of Regina. If you want more then stick around and watch E-Ville Dead take on the Pile of Bone All-Stars • Oct 17, 5:30-10pm • $10 (adv Mars & Venus or through Brown Paper Tickets), $15 (door)

Growcase • Royal Alberta Museum, 12845-102 Ave • growcase2015.eventbrite.ca •A fun night of comedy, where internationally known entertainers will share an evening of upbeat entertainment • Oct 17, 6:30pm (doors), 7pm (show) • $45, 18+ only Nerd Nite 22 • The Club, Citadel Theatre, Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 9828-101A Ave • Topics and presenters include... "On modern journalism" by Samantha Power; "The Science of Zumba®" by Andrea Beça; "Mould on my sausage: the what, why and how of the microbiology behind charcuterie" by John Billiau • Oct 15 • $15 (adv), $18 (door)

Sailor Jerry Cocktail Seminar • Wine & Beyond (Emerald Hills location) and/or Wine & Beyond (Windermere location) • An evening of culture and cocktail's as Sailor Jerry brand ambassador Arron Thomas talks about the infamous spiced rum • Oct 16-17 • $10; 18+ only, no minors

Scrambled YEG • Brittany's Lounge, 10225-97 St • 780.497.0011 • Open Genre Variety Stage: artist from all mediums are encouraged to occupy the stage and share their creations • Every Tue-Fri, 5-8pm Sustainability Awareness Week • University of Alberta, 116 St & 85 Ave • 780.248.1924 • lisa.dockman@ualberta.ca • sustainability.ualberta. ca/saw • With over 55 free workshops, tours and events, it’s a chance to explore dozens of social, environmental and economic challenges and solutions • Oct 19-Oct 23 Wholly Handmade • The Agora at the Strathcona County Community Centre, 401 Festival Way • kingsleyevents@shaw.ca • kingsleyevents.com • Over 90 handmade crafters and artisans on display. Featuring home decor, jewelry, bath and beauty products, baby and children's items, gourmet food, clothing, and more • Oct 17, 10am-5pm • Free

FREEWILLASTROLOGY ARIES (MAR 21 – APR 19): Here's actor Bill Murray's advice about relationships: "If you have someone that you think is The One, don't just say, 'OK, let's pick a date. Let's get married.' Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to go to places that are hard to go to and hard to get out of. And if, when you come back, you're still in love with that person, get married at the airport." In the coming weeks, Aries, I suggest you make comparable moves to test and deepen your own closest alliances. See what it's like to get more seriously and deliriously intimate. TAURUS (APR 20 – MAY 20): Some firefighters use a wetter kind of water than the rest of us. It contains a small amount of biodegradable foam that makes it 10 times more effective in dousing blazes. With this as your cue, I suggest you work on making your emotions "wetter" than usual. By that I mean the following: When your feelings arise, give them your reverent attention. Marvel at how mysterious they are. Be grateful for how much life force they endow you with. Whether they are relatively "negative" or "positive," regard them as interesting revelations that provide useful information and potential opportunities for growth. GEMINI (MAY 21 – JUN 20): Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell is a BBC TV mini-series set in the early 19th century. It's the fictional story of a lone wizard, Mr Norrell, who seeks to revive the art of occult magic so as to accomplish practical works, like helping the English navy in its war against the French navy. Norrell is pleased to find an apprentice, Jonathan Strange, and he draws up a course of study for him. Norrell tells Strange that the practice of magic is daunting, "but the study is a continual delight." If you're interested in taking on a similar challenge, Gemini, it's available. CANCER (JUN 21 – JUL 22): We humans have put buttons on clothing for seven millennia. But for a long time these small knobs and disks were purely ornamental—meant to add beauty but not serve any other function. That changed in the 13th century, when our ancestors finally got around to inventing buttonholes. Buttons could then serve an additional purpose, providing a convenient way to fasten garments. I foresee the possibility of a comparable evolution in your personal life, Cancerian. You have an opening to dream up further uses for elements that have previously been one-dimensional. Brainstorm about how you might expand the value of familiar things. LEO (JUL 23 – AUG 22): You would be wise to rediscover and revive your primal innocence. If

you can figure out how to shed a few shreds of your sophistication and a few slivers of your excess dignity, you will literally boost your intelligence. That's why I'm inviting you to explore the kingdom of childhood, where you can encounter stimuli that will freshen and sweeten your adulthood. Your upcoming schedule could include jumping in mud puddles, attending parties with imaginary friends, having uncivilized fun with wild toys and drinking boisterously from fountains of youth. VIRGO (AUG 23 – SEP 22): While still a young man, Virgo author Leo Tolstoy wrote that "I have not met one man who is morally as good as I am." He lived by a strict creed. "Eat moderately" was one of his "rules of life," along with "Walk for an hour every day." Others were equally stern: "Go to bed no later than 10 o'clock," "Only do one thing at a time," and "Disallow flights of imagination unless necessary." He did provide himself with wiggle room, however. One guideline allowed him to sleep two hours during the day. Another specified that he could visit a brothel twice a month. I'd love for you to be inspired by Tolstoy's approach, Virgo. Now is a favourable time to revisit your own rules of life. As you refine and recommit yourself to these fundamental disciplines, be sure to give yourself enough slack. LIBRA (SEP 23 – OCT 22): Many astronomers believe that our universe began with the Big Bang. An inconceivably condensed speck of matter exploded, eventually expanding into thousands of billions of stars. It must have been a noisy event, right? Actually, no. Astronomers estimate that the roar of the primal eruption was just 120 decibels—less than the volume of a live rock concert. I suspect that you are also on the verge of your own personal Big Bang, Libra. It, too, will be relatively quiet for the amount of energy it unleashes. SCORPIO (OCT 23 – NOV 21): For now, you are excused from further work on the impossible tasks that have been grinding you down. You may take a break from the unsolvable riddles and cease your exhaustive efforts. And if you would also like to distance yourself from the farcical jokes the universe has been playing, go right ahead. To help enforce this transition, I hereby authorize you to enjoy a time of feasting and frolicking, which will serve as an antidote to your baffling trials. And I hereby declare that you have been as successful at weathering these trials as you could possibly be, even if the concrete proof of that is not yet entirely visible. SAGITTARIUS (NOV 22 – DEC 21): One afternoon in September, I was hiking along a familiar path in the woods. As I passed


my favourite grandmother oak, I spied a thick, six-foot-long snake loitering on the trail in front of me. In hundreds of previous visits, I had never before seen a creature bigger than a mouse. The serpent's tail was hidden in the brush, but its head looked more like a harmless gopher snake's than a dangerous rattler's. I took the opportunity to sing it three songs. It stayed for the duration, then slipped away after I finished. What a great omen! The next day, I made a tough but liberating decision to leave behind a good part of my life so as to focus more fully on a great part. With or without a snake sighting, Sagittarius, I foresee a comparable breakthrough for you sometime soon. CAPRICORN (DEC 22 – JAN 19): Canadian author Margaret Atwood has finished a new manuscript. It's called Scribbler Moon. But it won't be published as a book until the year 2114. Until then, it will be kept secret, along with the texts of many other writers who are creating work for a "Future Library." The project's director is conceptual artist Katie Paterson, who sees it as a response to George Orwell's question, "How could you communicate with the future?" With this as your inspiration, Capricorn, try this exercise: Compose five messages you would you like to deliver to the person you will be in 2025. AQUARIUS (JAN 20 – FEB 18): Every hour of your life, millions of new cells are born to replace old cells that are dying. That's why many parts of your body are composed of an entirely different collection of cells than they were years ago. If you are 35, for example, you have replaced your skeleton three times. Congratulations! Your creativity is spectacular, as is your ability to transform yourself. Normally these instinctual talents aren't nearly as available to you in your efforts to recreate and transform your psyche, but they are now. In the coming months, you will have extraordinary power to revamp and rejuvenate everything about yourself, not just your physical organism. PISCES (FEB 19 – MAR 20): The coming weeks will not be a favourable time to seek out allies you don't even like that much or adventures that provide thrills you have felt a thousand times before. But the near future will be an excellent time to go on a quest for your personal version of the Holy Grail, a magic carpet, the key to the kingdom or an answer to the Sphinx's riddle. In other words, Pisces, I advise you to channel your yearning toward experiences that steep your heart with a sense of wonder. Don't bother with anything that degrades, disappoints, or desensitizes you. V

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Volunteers Wanted

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Artist to Artist

Call for One Act Play Submissions: Stage Struck! 2016 is a one-act play festival sponsored by the Alberta Drama Festival Association, Edmonton Region. The festival will be held at La Cite on March 11-12, 2016. For more information or to request a registration package, contact Syrell at 780-493-0261 or email syrellw@telus.net. Submission deadline is December 21, 2015.



Artist to Artist

DRAWING FROM THE MODEL Draw from live models, male & female, in a studio setting. Use the drawing/painting materials of your choice-graphite, charcoal, paint (watercolour, acrylic, oil); bring your own supplies. This is a self-guided class, but advice will always be around when needed, as Chris Jugo manages the class. $15/session, Tuesdays, October 6, 13, 20, & 27. Limited enrollment, so register early! Contact The Paint Spot, 780.432.0240; accounts@paintspot.ca; www.paintspot.ca.

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Musicians Wanted

Black/Death Metal Band Seeks Drummer Drummer needed for a 3 piece Black/Death Metal band. We are established and have played a few shows around the city. We recorded our 7 song debut album with our old drummer, which we are releasing soon. Our jam space is located just outside of downtown. Check us out here www.facebook.com/anthroplague

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3100. Appliances/Furniture 2020.

Musicians Wanted

Black/Death Metal Band Seeks Drummer Drummer needed for a 3 piece Black/Death Metal band. We are established and have played a few shows around the city. We recorded our 7 song debut album with our old drummer, which we are releasing soon. Our jam space is located just outside of downtown. Check us out here www.facebook.com/anthroplague

or www.reverbnation.com/anthropl ague9. Phone - 780.292.3397. Serious inquiries only.

Old Appliance Removal Removal of unwanted appliances. Must be outside or in your garage. Rates start as low as $30. Call James @780.231.7511 for details


Legal Services

Final Estate Planning Wills, Powers of Attorney and Personal Directives. Please call Nicole Kent with At Home Legal Services(780) 756-1466 to prepare your Final Estate Planning Documents.

Bliss YogaSpa Ltd. is in need of Spa/Yoga Cleaning Attendant (NOC 6661);

Bliss YogaSpa Ltd. is in need of Spa/Yoga Cleaning Attendant (NOC 6661); F/T-Permanent; Working Hours: 8 hours/ day, 40 hours/week, shift work between 8:00AM – 10:45PM, 2 varied days off per week; $14.00/hour + Blue Cross Medical Benefits after 3 months’ probation; Duties: Complete sanitation and housekeeping duties throughout the facility as directed using the defined cleaning solutions and processes; Complete shoe/boot concierge service for customers; Scented towel preparation for Yoga classes; Complete scheduled cleaning of locker/wash room areas; Complete regular floor maintenance including sweeping, mopping and other care as needed; Complete sanitation, housekeeping and safety logs; Maintain facility cleanliness to standards of Bliss YogaSpa; Assist in the preparation, dismantle and set up of Spa treatment rooms; Assist in the preparation, dismantle and set up of Yoga classes; Assist in the sanitation of spa instruments and tools; May assist with in house laundry duties; Perform other related duties as required; No specific education is required; Experience is an asset but not required; Mail, Fax or E-mail resume: Employer: Bliss YogaSpa Ltd; Work Location: 5954 Mullen Way, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6R 0S9; E-mail: info@blissyogaspa.com; Fax:780-439-2893

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Doing the work for you

High-tech toys dominated this year's eroFame sex-toy show I've just returned from eroFame, the biggest business-to-business sex-toy trade show in Europe. Europe is usually several steps ahead of North America in toy development: many actual designers and manufacturers, who make the toys we see branded and packaged by other companies, present their new designs at eroFame. I was able to get a glimpse of what's likely to show up on the shelves of your local toy store in the next six to 12 months. The biggest trend this year was machines that do the work for you. Until recently the only types of toys available for stimulating penises were sleeves. Although there are hundreds of different variations, they all

boil down to the same way to play: put your penis into a very textured tube and pump away. The creators of Autoblow changed the game when they came up with a mechanical toy that performs the action for you, through a motorized piston around the sleeve. Other toy makers have taken that idea and run with it: almost every major brand at eroFame had some type of motorized sleeve that spins or pistons, or does both at the same time. There were so many of these that some of the booths looked like showrooms for small, futuristic DustBusters. While the original Autoblow is a great toy, these newer multi-function gadgets will definitely create some competition.

There were also a lot of penetration machines. Many people are familiar with the Sybian, the infamous fucking machine. While a lot of people want it, few people have a Sybian because of the size and the cost. At eroFame, there were a number of much smaller, less-expensive machines that could put this kind of fun within reach for more people. My favourite was one that comes apart to store all of the pieces and the motor in a case the size of a small toolbox. It even looks like a toolbox so you can store or take it anywhere. The other major theme at eroFame was smartphone-controlled toys. When I wrote about the ANME Show in Los Angeles in July

2014, I described Bluetooth technology as an emerging trend that still had a ways to go. It has taken a huge leap since then. The toys I reported on from that show—the Minna KGoal and the Aneros Evi, which use apps to help you do Kegel exercises—are available now. We Vibe, which was the first to hit the market with a user-friendly Bluetooth toy, has developed an even better and more responsive app that gives it even more functions. There were also several new Bluetooth toys at the show that are small, simple and very functional. They should be showing up here within the next year. In the past, I have been very pessimistic about mixing high technology

ALBERTA-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS •• AUCTIONS •• MEIER GUN AUCTION. Saturday, October 31, 11 a.m., 6016 - 72A Ave., Edmonton. Over 150 guns - handguns, rifles, shotguns, hunting and sporting equipment. To consign 780-440-1860. AUTO/TOOL/SURPLUS AUCTION Saturday, Oct. 17, 10 a.m. Autos, tools, panels, surplus, Bobcat, sleds, benches, tents, pressure washers. Scribner Auction, Highway 14 Wainwright, Alberta. 780-8425666. www.scribnernet.com AERO AUCTIONS Upcoming Auction. Thurs., Oct. 22, Edmonton. Live & On-Line Bidding. Mining, excavation, transportation equipment, rock trucks, excavators, dozers, graders, truck tractors, trailers, pickup trucks, misc attachments & more! Consignments welcome! Visit: aeroauctions.ca. 1-888-600-9005. UNRESERVED BANKRUPTCY AUCTION. Thursday, October 22, 10 a.m. 10528 - 123 St., Edmonton. Anthem Sportswear. Porsche Cayenne S, VW Golf, & Caravan. Embroidery, silk screen, engraving equipment; all season sportswear; executive offices & computers. Foothills Equipment Liquidation Co Ltd.; www.foothillsauctions.com. 780-922-6090. SUN., OCT. 18, St. Albert, 780920-8303. 34 Ford 5 window, 1950 Chev Œ© ton, 2010 GFX, Bobcat S300, J.D. 555G, material shaker, screener, tools, trailers, antiques, skidoos. Full day sale; prodaniukauctions.com.


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FALL CLEARANCE - 3 used 20’ X 80’ Mobile Homes. SRI, Moduline, Triple M. Clean Condition. Ready to move. 1-780-9392442; edmarchand4@gmail.com. GRANDVIEW MODULAR HOMES Now Offering 24 X 68 Homes. Starting from $157,900 including delivery (Conditions apply). Call one of our two locations for details: 403-945-1272 (Airdrie) or 403-347-0417 (Red Deer).

•• REAL ESTATE •• UNDEVELOPED COUNTRY RESIDENTIAL LOTS at Baptiste Lake, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, October 29 in Edmonton. 2.05+/- and 1.62+/- title acres, power & natural gas at property line. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; rbauction.com/realestate.

with toys. Designers kept trying to fit toys around existing technology. They were novel and cool, but they had to be used in specific and limited—usually unnatural—ways. I've always said that high-tech toys will never take off until designers flip that equation and adapt the technology to the toy, using it to make the things we naturally do more intense and exciting. From what I saw at eroFame, it looks like that time has finally come. V Brenda Kerber is a sexual health educator who has worked with local not-for-profits since 1995. She is the owner of the Edmonton-based, sex-positive adult toy boutique the Traveling Tickle Trunk.




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FARMLAND/GRAZING LAND near Keephills, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, October 29 in Edmonton. 6 parcels - 855+/acres West of Stony Plain. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; rbauction.com/realestate. HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL LOTS in High River, Alberta. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, October 29 in Edmonton. 2 parcels - Paved street, zoned Direct Control/ Highway Commercial Industrial. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; rbauction.com/realestate.


VUEWEEKLY.com | OCT 15 – OCT 21, 2015



Dan savage savagelove@vueweekly.com

matt jones jonesincrosswords@vueweekly.com

"Order in the Food Court!"—all rise, then be seated at a table. SUSPICIOUS SPASMS


1 Get a move on? 5 Baseball Hall of Famer Ty 9 Episode 1 title, frequently 14 Actor Sharif or Epps 15 Et ___ (and others, in Latin) 16 Entertainment venue 17 Act like a nomad 18 Pound cake ingredients 19 Hardiness 20 Stealing cheese from the taqueria? 23 "Twister" star Hunt 24 Belonging to you and me 25 Hewlett-Packard CEO Whitman 28 Compelled 31 Handle hardship 32 The main character of "Blindspot," at first 35 Courtroom mallet 36 With 37-Across, additional order in the court? 37 See 36-Across 39 On the subject of 40 Cal Ripken's team 41 Detained 42 Club attendee, maybe 44 NYC winter hrs. 45 Judy Garland's eldest daughter 46 Musical endings 51 Why this writer's silent on forgetting malt vinegar? 55 Self-serve dessert, slangily 57 Long ride around town? 58 Greek salad ingredient 59 In a weak way 60 "___, meeny, miney, moe ..." 61 Got better, maybe 62 Measured by the teaspoonful 63 Lead-in to "boy!" or "girl!" 64 Old stories


1 Covered area leading to a doorway 2 Love, to Dean Martin 3 Complain pettily 4 Latter half of a donut chain 5 Columnist Herb who coined the word "beatnik" 6 Gymnast Korbut 7 HBO drama set in Utah 8 Shellfish soup 9 Covers a lot of ground?


10 Colored eye area 11 With "The," film with Will Arnett as Batman 12 "Be My Yoko ___" (Barenaked Ladies single) 13 Coal or pine product 21 Behind on bills 22 Big container of coffee 26 Duel blades 27 Hair holders 29 Nutritionist's stat 30 Ending for super or inter 31 "Carmina Burana" composer Orff 32 Agrees (with) 33 Humane Society transactions 34 Neither masc. nor fem. 35 Acceleration measure 36 "For heaven's ___!" 37 "Lord of the Rings" beast 38 "A pox on you!" 40 Reducing 42 Fizzle out 43 Iggy of pop charts 45 Christopher of "Back to the Future" 47 Organ meats 48 San ___ 49 Garden store buy 50 Elms provide it 52 TV marine Gomer 53 Group led by Master Splinter, initially 54 Georgetown athlete 55 DVD remote button 56 "The Serpent and the Rope" novelist Raja ©2015 Jonesin' Crosswords

I am a cis woman in my mid 20s. I get a pang or a spasm of pain in a place deep in my clit/urethra area. I can't pinpoint which part exactly. It takes me by surprise every time it happens, so I jerk around and press my crotch for a hot second—which doesn't help, but it's about the only thing I can do. This obviously does not look cool in public, and regardless of when it happens, the episode irritates me. Around four or five convulsions happen and then quickly it's over. There's no pattern—it happens at random times and anywhere from one to four times daily. It started about a week ago. It doesn't hurt when I pee, apply pressure to the area, work out, masturbate or orgasm. I wonder if my lady spasms are associated with stress. I started a new job in September that I love, but it's very demanding of my time, which has taken a toll on my mental and physical health (ie, doing work things all fucking day, having no "me" time). What's going on down there? What's the solution? Will doing Kegels help me manage these spasms? (PS: I'm a lesbian if that detail is helpful.) Super Perplexed About Spasms Mostly I shared your letter with Dr Lori Brotto, an associate professor in the Department of Gynecology at the University of British Columbia. Dr Brotto has done extensive research on vaginal/vulval pain and is a recognized expert on this subject and lot of others. Brotto shared your letter with Dr Jonathan Huber, an Ottawa-based gynecologist with expertise in treating genital pain. "SPASM definitely needs to see a physician as soon as possible to have her vulva and vagina examined," Dr Brotto and Dr Huber wrote in their joint response. "The collection of symptoms she describes does not map perfectly onto any single diagnosis, so these ideas below are best guesses." Before we get to those best guesses, a word of warning for the hypochondriacs in my readership: If you're the kind of person who can't read about mysterious symptoms and their possible causes without immediately developing those symptoms—particularly vagina-having hypochondriacs—you might want to skip the rest of this response. OK, back to the good doctors ... "Sudden onset, intermittent genital pain can be caused by a number of simple things, such as abrasions, an infection, an allergic reaction, buildup of smegma, dermatosis, etc," Dr Brotto and Dr Huber continued. "Although these things are unlikely to be the cause of her pain, they're easy to rule out and treat, if necessary." ("Wait just a minute," I hear some of you crying. "Women don't have problems with smegma—that's just a dudes-withforeskins* problem." Dr Brotto

responds: "Women get smegma, too. We don't hear about smegma in women because yeast infections get a lot more attention. But smegma in women is the same as smegma in men: a harmless buildup of skin cells and oils.") "SPASM's symptoms most closely map onto a condition called 'interstitial cystitis' (IC) or bladder pain syndrome," Dr Brotto and Dr Huber explained. "IC is diagnosed when there is chronic bladder or urethral pain in the absence of a known cause. It's typically described as having the symptoms or sensations of a bladder infection, without actually having an infection. Although IC usually has a gradual onset and presents with pressure more often than pain, some women do describe a sudden onset, with pain as the most prominent symptom as opposed to pressure. Since IC often coexists with vulvodynia (vulval pain), dysmenorrhea (painful periods), and endometriosis (when endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus), if this individual has any of these other diagnoses, then IC may be more likely to account for her pain." How can you determine if it's IC? "IC is best assessed by a urologist, who may choose to do further urine tests, like examination of urine under a microscope, and even a cystoscopy—putting a narrow camera through the urethra into the bladder to take a look." Another possible cause: a urethral diverticulum. "It's like an outpouching along the tube of the urethra," Dr Brotto and Dr Huber wrote. "This is kind of like a dead-ended cave where urine and other debris can collect, which can possibly lead to infection and pain." A gynecologist might be able to diagnose a diverticulum during a normal exam—just by feeling around—but you'll most likely need to have a tiny camera stuffed up your urethra to diagnose this one too, SPASM. Moving on ... "Some of her symptoms also sound like the beginnings of 'persistent genital arousal disorder' (PGAD), a condition of unwanted genital sensations and arousal in the absence of sexual desire. PGAD can be triggered by stress and temporarily relieved with orgasms. For some women with PGAD, it is related to starting or stopping a medication (especially antidepressants)." The good news: You don't need to cram a selfie stick up your urethra to determine whether you've recently stopped taking antidepressants. More good news: There are treatments for all of these conditions. "In sum, we feel she should see a gynecologist first and possibly get a referral to a urologist," Dr Brotto and Dr Huber concluded. "She also asks about whether Kegel exercises will help. Sometimes pelvic floor dysfunction can contribute to vaginal/vulval pain, and seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist to learn prop-

VUEWEEKLY.com | oct 15 – oct 21, 2015

er pelvic floor exercises (including but not limited to Kegels) can help. A good gynecologist will be able to test her pelvic floor strength and control, and advise whether she should be seeing a pelvic floor physiotherapist." Follow Dr Brotto on Twitter @ DrLoriBrotto, and follow Dr Huber @DrJonathanHuber. (PS: Lesbians, in my experience, are always helpful.)


I am a 23-year-old Italian girl and I have been in a long-distance relationship for one year. We love to have sex, and when we are far away, we send each other hot pictures and videos. At least two times per week, we masturbate on Skype. There is something that confuses me about the way I masturbate when I am alone. My boyfriend watches pornos daily when we are far away. This is something I don't like, but I have not asked him to give up watching pornos. I think there is nothing wrong in pornos by themselves: Sometimes I watch them, and when we are together, it's me who suggests to watch them together or I let him watch them while I'm giving something to him. However, I'm not a fan of him watching pornos when he is alone. But when I masturbate, I think only about him watching porno alone. What's wrong with my sexual fantasies? Confused Italian Asking Obviously There's nothing wrong with your sexual fantasies, CIAO, you're just experiencing a little cognitive dissonance and residual sex-negativity—and that particular tension can both distress and arouse. But seeing as your boyfriend is going to look at porn (and other women) whether you want him to or not (just as you look at porn and other men), and since you enjoy porn together, I would advise you to err on the side of embracing your fantasies. And don't feel like you have to overcome the cognitive dissonance. The naughtiness of it, the transgression and the symbolic betrayal—all of that turns you on. So live with it, lean into it and enjoy it. V *For the record, quickly, before Tumblr explodes: Some women have penises! Some women with penises are uncut! A tiny percentage of uncut-penis-having women have poor personal hygiene practices and consequently have smegma under their foreskins! #TheMoreYouKnow On the Lovecast: It's everyone's favorite half-mulleted, hilarious lesbian ... Cameron Esposito! Listen at savagelovecast.com. @fakedansavage on Twitter













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