Fitness Classes Jerry Havens FEATURE
Symphony of Northwest Arkansas Paul Haas, Music Director Astor Piazzolla – Fuga y Misterio Ludwig van Beethoven – Symphony No. 9 APRIL 6 / Walton Arts Center Ode to Joy: Beethoven’s Ninth Sponsored by Highlands Oncology Tickets On Sale Now! / 479.443.5600 1/2 MILE to the BEST skincare experts in NWA Lance Henry M.D. Emily Staggs APRN, DCNP Linsey Lindley M.D., PhD Ryan Crowder PA-C Jon Dickson PA-C Nathan Johnson M.D. Jarret Faust PA-C Andrea Thompson PA-C Philanthropy enables the U of A to achieve new heights and advance our mission. A planned gift, such as a charitable gift annuity (CGA), is one way you can help shape our path forward. “I wanted to add to our scholarship funds and decided to give through a CGA. I now receive annuity income and will help support Arkansas students well into the future.” - Ms. Frances Vestal B.A.’56 To learn more, contact the Office of Planned Giving. 479-575-7271 • Moving Forward Together 2 BUTTERFIELD LIFE MARCH + APRIL 2024
6 16 18 4 6 9 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 19 20 21 22 From the CEO Feature Profile Jerry Havens Newcomer Q&A Rick & Jo McClarrinon Anniversaries & New Neighbors Employee Spotlight Alice Dawson: Marketing Specialist Featured Village Events Village Snapshots
& Patty Stiles’ Cottage
Feature Aux Arcs to Ozarks
& About Crystal Bridges presents ‘Exquisite Creatures’ Entertainment Upcoming Shows at Walton Arts Center Foundation Donations Ozark History Gaebale Festival at University of Arkansas Fitness & Wellness BTV Fitness Class Reminders Contents Christopher Marley, Convocation, 2020. Monitor lizards, tegu lizard. 48 in. x 68 in. © 2024 Christopher Marley | BUTTERFIELD LIFE MARCH + APRIL 2024 3
Jack Mitchell
Interim CEO
Kelly Syer
Director of Marketing
Leann Pacheco Sales Counselor
Dave Marks
Move-In Coordinator
Riki Stamps
Director of Programs & Events
Michael Burks
Asst. Director of Programs & Events
2024 Council Members
Doug Prichard, President
Marolyn Fields, Vice-President
Adella Gray, Secretary
Jerry Rose, Past President
Liz Brantley, Marian Catron, Roy Clinton, Vernon Collins, Ned Irving, Lenora Metz, David Renfroe, Carol Spears
Chuck Nickle, President
Will Clark, Vice-President
LeRoy Duell, Treasurer
Dr. Kim Chapman, Secretary
Chuck Culver, Dr. Michael Hollomon, Mark McNair, Bill Mitchell, Tom Olmstead, Nina Simmons, Tim Stults, Beth Vaughan-Wrobel, David (Dave) Williams
1923 East Joyce Boulevard Fayetteville, AR 72703
Main: (479) 442-7220
Marketing: (479) 695-8056
Butterfield LIFE may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission from the publisher. Butterfield LIFE is published by Butterfield Trail Village. Contents © 2024. All rights reserved. Produced by DOXA / VANTAGE
Opened in 1986, Butterfield Trail Village is a locally governed 501(c)(3) non-profit retirement community. As Northwest Arkansas’ only comprehensive Life Plan Retirement Community, BTV offers active older adults worry-free living that is secure, independent and fulfilling – and the freedom to enjoy plentiful activities both inside and outside the Village.
From the CEO
“Optimism is the most important human trait, because it allows us to evolve our ideas, to improve our situation, and to hope for a better tomorrow.”
–Seth Godin
Reflecting on the opportunity I have had to serve as interim CEO for Butterfield Trail Village, I realize I’ve gained a renewed sense of what it means to be optimistic. It would have been fairly easy to come out of retirement and just quietly report to work for a few months – with an intent to simply manage the day-to-day basics. Right away, however, countless heartfelt conversations with residents and staff presented a clear picture of hopefulness, passion for this special place and a vision for an evolving tomorrow. These insights inspired me to dig in.
Since August 2023, I have witnessed so much dedication, compassion and creativity. I’ve heard big ideas, listened to dreams and seen people pull together to accomplish important things. Optimism and a belief in the culture of Butterfield has been at the core of all of this, and it has been an honor and pleasure to participate in the many ways we are actively shaping a very bright future for this remarkable senior living community.
I anticipate that very soon Butterfield will be introducing you to a new Chief Executive Officer. Selecting the kind of person we want to lead the Village has required time, diligence and even a bit of soul-searching. Our very dedicated board of directors believes it’s not enough just to possess the knowledge and experience required of the role; our residents, families and staff deserve a leader who exemplifies the many qualities of our culture of caring.
We have such opportunities ahead of us – great things regarding both our people and our physical place. I feel lucky to have shared in what Butterfield provides, and I will continue to watch with keen interest what enormous good is to come.
With great faith and optimism,
Jack Mitchell Interim CEO Butterfield Trail Village
Cr ystal Bridges Presents The Van Cliburn Concer t Series Mark your calendar for these extraordinary concerts from award-winning musicians. Emanuel Ax | April 10 Kenny Broberg and Maria Ioudenitch | July 26 Bax-Chung Duo | September 5 Get tickets and more information at We pr ovide compassionate , pr of essional cancer suppor t and e ducation in the Nor thwest A rk ansas re gion today and tomorr ow. HopeC ancerRe source s .org 479-361-5847 5835 W. Sunse t Av e. • Springdale , AR @Hope CancerRes ources NEED A NURSE! Because sometimes you just SERVICES: Foot Care Wound Care Medications Management Elimination Management Lab Collection Transportation Private Recovery Nursing Caregiver Respite Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Alternative Medicine Care Plans Owners Shawn & Candi Trained Foot Care Nurses 25+ years of experience 479-225-5299 NEE BUTTERFIELD LIFE MARCH + APRIL 2024 5
Words by Michelle Parks | Photos by Stephen Ironside
Growing up in Lonoke, Jerry Havens often went camping alone. He’d walk two blocks to the railroad tracks, then follow the tracks five miles to a bayou, where he slept amidst nature. For breakfast, he cooked eggs. “I can still feel the dew when I’d wake up in the morning.”
About 2,000 people lived in his hometown, located 30 miles east of Little Rock in rice country. His dad went through eighth grade in school, and his mom completed two years of junior college after high school. She ran a small grocery store adjacent to their home in the middle of town.
Jerry is 14 and seven years older than his two brothers, so he spent much time on his own –hunting, fishing, camping and thinking. Today, he often reflects on developments in his life, how if certain things hadn’t happened, particularly in connection to a couple of people, “my life would have been totally different.”
One of those was a high school teacher who took an interest in him and noted certain strengths, such as math. The teacher suggested Jerry become an engineer. That idea stuck and eventually set him on a path toward a career in chemical engineering. Now an Emeritus Distinguished Professor, he taught at
JERRY HAVENS: Understanding the World Through Science
the University of Arkansas for more than 40 years, and he’s served as a consultant to dozens of U.S. and international government agencies and industries.
Jerry would come to specialize in two main areas: atmospheric dispersion of hazardous gases and aerosols and fire/explosion phenomena. He’s written 50 to 60 peer reviewed papers and presented his work around the world. A paper he considers one of his best focuses on the atmospheric dispersion that resulted from the 1984 chemical spill at a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, then a city of 1 million people, which he’s visited several times.
Ten years after the incident, he helped a team of doctors understand the areas most affected so they could study how people were impacted. Now, at age 84, he’s still investigating, writing and presenting on the topic.
For his first year of college, Jerry received a scholarship at Arkansas Tech University, where he entered the pre-engineering program. On a visit home, he heard that his dentist’s son was studying chemical engineering at the University of Arkansas.
Jerry liked that it was among the most challenging of engineering fields, so he decided to scope out the Fayetteville campus himself. When he wandered into the chemical engineering department, the department head was the only person there, and they spent hours talking about the program.
Jerry was hooked. He transferred to the U of A his sophomore year and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering in 1961. He’d been in ROTC during college and graduated with a commission as second lieutenant. Next, he went to the University of Colorado at Boulder, which offered him a good fellowship, for his master’s degree in chemical engineering.
Before he went in the Army, they let him take a job at Procter & Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he worked for a year. When the Army called, they sent him to Columbus, Ga. Near the end of his training, they noticed he was a chemical engineer. He’d had some medical problems, so — while the rest of the class went to Vietnam — he was assigned to the arsenal in Pine Bluff, just 30 miles from his hometown, which produced smoke grenades and chemical weapons.
When Jerry finished his doctorate in 1969, he had to decide whether to stay in Norman or leave to pursue a career. He wasn’t sure of his next path. Then he got a call from the U of A offering him a position in 1970.
In his early years at the U of A, Jerry knew of only a few experts in fire and explosion phenomena, and none were chemical engineers. “It was coming into being though, because the chemical industry was expanding, and they were having big accidents and explosions.”
I do a lot of work with difficult thinking, so I’ve learned to not let anything interrupt me.
On sabbatical in his seventh year, Jerry served as technical advisor to the Office of Merchant Marine Safety for the U.S. Coast Guard in Washington, D.C. The Coast Guard regulated the carriage of hazardous materials by water, including “drug store tankers” – ships carrying as many as 40 or 50 different chemicals in segmented compartments. They asked him to look at the chemical formulas for each chemical and determine how to manage those cargos – creating guidelines of which chemical was unsafe to put next to another chemical in case the compartments leaked.
Jerry returned to Procter & Gamble for a year, but decided he didn’t want to stay in the chemical industry. Though his family didn’t want him to give up a good job, he applied and was accepted to the medical school program at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences.
But he never got there. While in the technical library at Procter & Gamble, he saw an ad in Chemical Engineering magazine for graduate students at the University of Oklahoma. A professor there was researching a topic of interest to Jerry: the automatic control of processes.
So, westward he returned. Three weeks before he was scheduled to start medical school, Jerry drove to Norman, Okla., and met with Cedomir Sliepcevich, a Distinguished Professor, who offered him a fellowship. Jerry focused on the automatic control of processes for a year with another faculty member, but then switched to fire and explosion phenomena so he could work directly with Sliepcevich. “That’s where my career started.”
But his attention soon shifted to another issue: liquefied natural gas, or LNG. Liquefying natural gas allows it to be transported from its source location to those using it. In the late 1970s, there were five import terminals on the East Coast for some of biggest ships afloat loaded with LNG coming from the Middle East. There were concerns about the terminal locations becoming targets or an explosion happening.
Using mathematical models, Jerry calculated the degree of hazards these terminals posed — the potential size of an explosion, how far away someone could be burned or injured — and determine buffer zones. He wrote a report that was sent all over the world and is still on the internet. His work rebuffed the calculations being made then. He narrowed the danger zone down to less than ten miles and a minimum of two to three miles. He returned to Fayetteville and continued to work on LNG.
Jerry and his students at the U of A developed mathematical models for the atmospheric dispersion of toxic and flammable materials. In the
case of a big spill that forms a cloud and moves downwind, these calculations help determine how far away the materials can still be dangerous. They wrote the first dispersion model for the regulatory federal agency, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), which is still in use.
They also studied it through physical modeling, using an 80-foot-long wind tunnel built inside a former factory turned research center. Jerry was director of the Chemical Hazards Research Center from 1980 to 2013, when he returned to primarily teaching.
A main focus for Jerry has been the 1984 explosion at the pesticide plant in Bophal, India, considered, then and still, the world’s worst chemical accident. A plant operator who was there the night of accident gave Jerry a report that became the key to understanding the chemical reactions that occurred, causing about 40 tons to be spilled in the middle of the city. It also helped him analyze the composition of the chemicals in the resulting cloud that moved downwind.
He considers his paper on Bophal significant because it offers “mathematical predictions of what we think was a good explanation of how far and in what quantities this material spread out over the city.”
Jerry also was brought in as the principal expert on fire hazards for the federal investigation into the fire that destroyed the Branch Davidian Complex near Waco, Texas, in 1993. He and an associate used mathematical models to determine if the tear gas the military used could have started the fire and/or accelerated its spread. Factoring multiple building dimensions, with wind speeds and directions, they calculated the highest concentrations of tear gas in each room. And they determined that the fireball was caused by a propane tank in the kitchen.
Though many people were interested in the cult aspect of this well-known incident, Jerry’s work on it was very clear. “It was just science, and I didn’t have to do any judgmental things.” The toxicologists used his research to consider how the tear gas — typically used for riot control outside, where it can disperse — impacted the people inside the building. The concentrations were lethal.
In 2017, Jerry and Carolyn Krodell married, and they live in a Village Home. He’s more of a recluse — preferring to stay home to read and study — while she’s more involved. They enjoy traveling, including trips to England on the Queen Mary II, and have seen The Phantom of the Opera in London three times. He enjoys his morning coffee and exercises three times a week at the fitness center. His son lives in Bella Vista, and his daughter lives in Ga., where she teaches biology at South Georgia State College.
And Jerry is still researching and writing about liquefied natural gas, including a piece about the risk of vapor cloud explosions that he sent to federal regulators in early 2024. The United States is now the biggest exporter of LNG, much of that connected to fracking. Natural gas must be cooled by 200 degrees in order to liquefy it for storage or transport, and that process requires refrigerants that use heavy hydrocarbons, which are explosive. Federal regulations still haven’t been rewritten to address this hazard.
The BTV library has a copy of Thin Safety Margin, a book he recently co-authored on the watercooled, plutonium-fueled SEFOR reactor, which conducted explosion safety experiments in the 1960s near Fayetteville.
As a benefit to his life of research, Jerry noted that one of his strengths is the ability to concentrate on things, almost to the exclusion of everything around him. “I do a lot of work with difficult thinking, so I’ve learned to not let anything interrupt me.”
Rick & Jo McClarrinon
When did you move to Butterfield?
We moved in on December 20, 2023 — just five days before Christmas.
Where are you from?
Rick was born in Jacksonville, Fla. but moved to the Midwest, where his father began working for Gulf Oil after the war. Jo was born and raised in Arkansas and has spent most of her life living in Fayetteville.
What did you do before retirement?
Rick worked for the Arkansas Department of Education as an educational consultant for 28 years, while also earning a doctorate in education at the University of Arkansas. Before finally retiring, Rick served as the 504 Coordinator at Shiloh Christian School in Springdale.
Jo has held down the fort as homemaker, wife, mother and grandmother — from which she has never retired.
Do you have children and grandchildren?
We have four children between us (one is in heaven), and eight grandchildren. They are dispersed across the United States and abroad.
Why did you choose Butterfield?
Primarily, moving to Butterfield is a gift to each other, and our children. We were on the Carriage Club list for six years and had been attending a Bible study at BTV on Wednesday mornings. We'd always been impressed with the residents and staff, and knew this is where we wanted to spend the time that God had left for us.
David and Janee Crotts 7th
Don and Linda Hayes 24th
Richard and Ardith Wharry 24th
Nick and Jerilyn Nicholson 2nd
Don and Claudette Hunnicutt 15th
Bill and Judy Schwab 23rd
New Neighbors
Recent Village Move-Ins
Rachel Wolverton
Cary Haramoto and Marlene Samuel
Faye Head
Bob and Sherri Lewis
Nancy Kehn
Naomi Baird
Rick and Jo McClarrinon
Alice Dawson: Marketing Specialist
An energetic and purposeful stride, paired with enthusiastic greetings by name and a warm smile for everyone in her path – that’s what is immediately noticeable about Alice Dawson. Part of the Butterfield team since October 2021, Alice was first hired to work for the human resources department, and then transitioned into an administrative coordinator position in the business office. When an opportunity materialized on the Butterfield marketing team to establish a brand-new marketing specialist role, Alice’s committed customer service focus, professionalism and obvious love of the Butterfield community made her the clear choice for a position responsible for creating a key positive first impression for BTV.
Alice has built a career focusing on the core values of work ethic, resilience and integrity – characteristics taught by her parents through lived example. Originally from a tiny farming community near Austin, Minn., Alice moved to Rogers in the seventh grade after her parents decided Northwest Arkansas would be a good place to retire. They stayed until her high school graduation, but opted to return to Minnesota. Alice remained behind to attend college at Arkansas Tech University, where she studied for two years until funds ran out.
“I love walking the halls and common areas... making sure [our residents] know they are seen and appreciated”
-Alice Dawson
Shifting gears to the necessity of working full time, Alice soon met and became great friends with Dave Dawson. For a few years, she attempted to get several of her single girlfriends to go out with this wonderfully kind man – until it finally became apparent she was the one who should be dating him. Engagement followed three years later, and the couple have been happily married for more than 30 years. They have one son, Max, a senior at Hendrix College.
Once married, Alice decided to complete her degree and enrolled at the University of Arkansas. Working 30 hours a week in retail, she attended school fulltime to earn a bachelor of arts in communication with a minor in gender studies. Following graduation, Alice was hired by TransMontaigne, Inc. and later StaffMark Investment, LLC. In both cases, the
companies moved their operations. Uninterested in relocation, she landed a new role as executive coordinator for ad agency ThompsonMurray, which was eventually purchased by Saatchi & Saatchi X.
As fast-paced and interesting as ad agency work was, Alice’s heart was pulling her back to the U of A – but this time as an employee. She accepted a position on the University’s advancement team, taking on a support role for donor and constituent relations that she absolutely loved. An eventual opportunity to become the executive assistant for then UA Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Sharon Gaber was too great to pass up, so Alice switched gears into the academic side of the University. Through Dr. Gaber, Alice learned a whole new level of work ethic, perseverance and sheer stamina that served as enormous inspiration. Eventually Dr. Gaber left the U of A, and Alice found herself being recruited back to Saatchi & Saatchi X, where she remained for several years until learning of an opening at Butterfield that could offer her a better work/life balance.
Alice’s days now on the BTV campus bring her happiness, and she revels in moments of talking with residents. “This generation deserves the highest amount of honor and respect,” she says. “I love walking the halls and common areas, visiting with our residents and making sure they know they are seen and appreciated. I like to think kindness is my ‘super power’ – my greatest strength. The humanity of Butterfield is so important, and I know I can add to that through the way I interact with people.”
In their free time, Alice and Dave enjoy volunteering for Central United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. Family is very important to them, and they work to maintain an active lifestyle. Alice appreciates music and art, and taps into her creative side through photography. When describing her bucket list, Alice says she has been especially inspired by an 85-mile hike of the famous Camino de Santiago trail that several residents undertook in 2023 – and how much the experience positively impacted them. She’s not yet had the chance to travel internationally, but she and Dave have their passports and are dreaming of future adventures together.
Alice Dawson
Featured Village Events
Let’s Celebrate Our Village!
Butterfield is unique because of the initiative and motivation behind its inception. First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville members, Stephen and Margaret Stephan, founded a long-range planning committee that eventually lead to the first conception of the Village in 1977. The committee realized broad-based community involvement would be required for a successful project, and in January 1981 the group requested support from citizens with an expressed interest. Eighty-five donations of $2,500 each provided the first movement toward incorporation. Following First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville’s lead, four other churches also agreed to serve as non-financial sponsors. Construction of the first campus buildings began in 1984. Please join staff and residents as they share personal historical accounts and hopes for the future – as we celebrate the 38th anniversary of Butterfield Trail Village retirement community!
MARCH 20 | 8:30 AM
U.S. Marshals Museum and Lunch
Federal Marshals have served our country since 1789 – in critical but often unseen ways. Committed to justice, integrity, and service, the Marshals are widely recognized for using guts, creativity and dedication to execute their role in law enforcement. Set on the banks of the Arkansas River in Ft. Smith, Ark., the U.S. Marshals Museum is housed in an innovative facility featuring a unique exterior with a modified star-shaped design to signify the star badge worn by all U.S. Marshals. Five immersive galleries demonstrate the ever-evolving role the Marshals have played in upholding our Nation’s rule of law. We will discover the Marshals' way of thinking and the principles at the core of all they do. Lunch will follow at Rolando’s Nuevo Latino Restaurante.
In Concert: American Pianist Asher Armstrong
Asher Armstrong is frequently seen in Canada, the United States and Europe as a recitalist, chamber performer and orchestra soloist. Armstrong is currently on the University of Toronto piano faculty and formerly served as Assistant Professor of Piano at the University of Arkansas. He has also taught at Interlochen School for the Arts in Michigan, Indian Springs Academy of Music in Cincinnati and Kingsway Conservatory of Music in Toronto. An advocate for women's music, Armstrong’s captivating program will feature little-known works by composers Varvara Gaigerova and Ilse Fromm-Michaels, as well as substantial offerings by J. S. Bach and Johannes Brahms.
APRIL 4 | 1 PM
Cries from the Cotton Field - A Sneak Preview with Filmmaker Larry Foley
“I heard their cries from the cotton field. And so without financial means, and throwing myself into the arms of Providence, I escorted 43 families to the Ozarks, where we founded a new community—Tontitown.”
-Father Pietro Bandi
First United Presbyterian Church of Fayetteville and Butterfield will host a sneak preview with clips from Larry Foley's film Cries from the Cotton Field, a history of Italian immigrants whose journey brought them to Tontitown, Ark. Foley joined the University of Arkansas faculty in 1993, and eventually led the Journalism Department to become the School of Journalism and Strategic Media – twice earning national reaccreditation. His documentaries have earned eight Mid-America Emmys® and 24 Emmy nominations in writing, journalistic enterprise, history, cultural history, special programs and community service. Foley will offer comments and notations about the new film, premiering May 2024.
Margarita Monday at Mariachi's Grill & Cantina
Tai Chi and Yoga Classes in the Lodge
KUAF 91.3 FM Mobile Listening Lab - BTV Residents Share Love Stories
Mike & Patty Stiles’ Cottage
Photos by Stephen Ironside
The Stiles' cozy cottage features a muted color scheme with stylish blue accents that flows seamlessly from room to room. Capable planners, they came to Butterfield knowing precisely what would fit into their new space –and the beautiful result yields all the comforts without any crowding.
The bright, cheery galley kitchen is a showpiece of the cottage, featuring ample storage, plenty of natural light and an eye-catching two-tone subway tile backsplash that adds subtle visual interest. A table for four offers a nearby coffee or dining spot that looks out sliding glass doors onto a sun-bathed side patio.
Continuing a vibe of serenity and calm, the Stiles’ primary bedroom is furnished and styled for comfort. French doors offer access to the back patio, along with a view into stately, mature trees and the open green space stretching behind all of the Butterfield cottages.
The light-filled primary bath features a spacious double-vanity with lots of storage. A few tasteful jungle-themed accents which carry through from the bedroom offer playfulness and continuity for the ensuite layout.
Avid fans and attendees of all manner of University of Arkansas sports, the Stiles' office wouldn't be complete without their impressive collection of Razorback paraphernalia and recognition of their years of loyal support.
Even during the winter months, when the Stiles' outdoor spaces aren't overflowing with lovingly tended blooms, they enjoy having a spot to relax in the fresh air and think about their beloved Hogs!
Aux Arcs to Ozarks A Regional History & Travel Series
Words by BTV Director of Programs & Events Riki Stamps
Growing up in Southeast Arkansas, the foundation of my childhood and teen memories was built on time spent roaming the flat upland mixed pinehardwood forests with my family, as we camped, hunted or explored. The peaceful wind blowing through the white pine trees is permanently etched in my memory.
“Geologic forces raised the Ozarks. Myth enshrouds these Ozarks.”
-Dr. Brooks Blevins
I visited Fayetteville for the first time in 1978, trying to decide between the University of Arkansas and Arkansas State University. The drive from Pine Bluff was at night, and when we crested the hill on winding old Highway 71, the lights of Fayetteville dotting the city mountains and valleys were a vision I will never forget. Following my time at ASU, I married a young man from Springdale and we settled in Fayetteville. Over the decades, I have visited many locations in and around what is known as the Ozarks – a place full of history and beauty. The Ozarks are my forever home; there is much more to learn about the beautiful secrets of the past, human presence and historical events surrounding us. Forever the adventurer, I am excited for Butterfield residents to join me in uncovering all there is to experience in our gorgeous region – a very special journey we will present through a new series of lectures and destinations called Aux Arcs to Ozarks.
The word "Ozark" derives from the corrupted French "aux-arcs," a shortened form of a term that likely meant "to (or toward) the Arkansas Post" or that referred to the area where Arkansas (Quapaw) Indians resided near this early French post in the Arkansas River delta. The Ozarks, also known as the Ozark Mountains or Ozark Plateau, actually extends across five states: Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma,
Kansas and Illinois. The majority of the region falls in Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas.
The Ozarks are subdivided into four smaller areas: the Springfield Plateau, Boston Mountains, Salem Plateau and St. Francois Mountains. These expanses represent the largest area of rugged topography between the Appalachians and the Rockies. The Boston Mountains in Northwest Arkansas feature the highest peaks of the Ozark Mountains, many exceeding 2,000 feet. Some of these mountains –including Mount Magazine, the tallest mountain in Arkansas – are found within the Ozark National Forest.
It is remarkable to consider that the Ozarks were once covered by ocean. Dr. Matt Covington, Associate Professor of Geology at the University of Arkansas, will be our first presenter on the topic of geomorphology, the scientific study of the origin and evolution of the Earth's surface. Using field observations, physical experiments and numerical modeling, geomorphologists strive to understand
View from Mount Magazine in the Ozark-St. Francis National Forest
Boston Mountains
Salem Plateau
St. Francois Mountains
Springfield Plateau
what causes landscapes to have their particular physical characteristics. Through the study of landform, terrain history and dynamics, these scientists explain the past – and also help predict future changes destined for the land we inhabit.
Archeological evidence has shown that PaleoIndians, also known as Bluff Dwellers, likely lived in the Ozarks during the last ice age, between 12,000 to 14,000 years ago. Following the Paleo-Indian period, scores of tribes such as Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Peoria and Saukees inhabited the eastern Ozarks. Toward the western part of the region, Shawnee, Pawnee, Osage and Choctaw tribes – just to name a few –made the area their home. Following the Louisiana Purchase, the United States government’s voluntary and forced westward relocation of additional tribes like the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole brought more Native Americans into portions of the Ozarks, with the best-known act of Indian-removal resulting in the deadly Trail of Tears through Arkansas and into Oklahoma. We will be learning about some of these beautiful cultures in an effort to gain a better understanding and deeper appreciation of the values, traditions and beliefs of the Native people of the Ozarks.
“Geologic forces raised the Ozarks. Myth enshrouds these Ozarks,” says Dr. Brooks Blevins, Noel Boyd Professor of Ozarks Studies at Missouri State University. He will present a lecture on “The Old Ozarks” and touch upon colorful stories about places and people that influenced and perpetuated
myths and misunderstandings about the region that persist even today. From the days when the hill country was the hunting ground of the Osage to the log-cabin bear hunters and pioneers of the early 1800s, Blevins will introduce us to the Ozarks as it was before the Civil War.
Our Aux Arcs to Ozarks series will include day trips to experience our stunning national forests, as well as view historical sites mentioned by guest speakers. We’re planning fun overnight adventures in Missouri and Oklahoma, as well as visiting charming Mountain View, Ark., where Appalachian culture made a prominent mark on the folk music associated with the Ozarks for generations.
Director of the Arkansas Archeological Survey Dr. George Sabo will talk with us about the fascinating Osage Nation – and we will learn about European exploration and settlement by the Spanish, French and Germans. We’ll spend time discovering details about the Civil War in the Ozarks, plus delve into even more evolving topics and excursions to be scheduled through the end of the year.
I hope you’ll join me on this quest to embrace our beloved Ozarks history and culture, and I can’t wait for us to learn more together!
Arkansas Ozark Mountains - Calftail Cut on Highway 43 near Centerpoint
Buffalo National River in Northern Arkansas
Hawksbill Crag/Whitaker Point, Boston Mountains in Newton County, Arkansas
Unraveling Humanity’s Intimate Relationship with the Natural World
Crystal Bridges presents ‘Exquisite Creatures’
On March 16, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art will open Exquisite Creatures, a three-dimensional exhibition that celebrates nature’s infinite variety. Created by artist Christopher Marley, the show features more than 400 individual objects of preserved plant, animal and mineral specimens, including crystals, lizards, beetles, parrots, butterflies, crabs and much more.
The stunning mix of colors and textures will be arranged in precise geometric compositions, creating a mosaic of the natural world intended to inspire wonder and foster a desire for preservation.
“I believe visual enjoyment of the natural world is one of the most effective tools for motivating learning and understanding,” said Marley. “With Exquisite Creatures, we’re inviting Crystal Bridges visitors to immerse themselves in a world where order, diversity, symmetry and balance come to life in vibrant, awe-inspiring displays. I couldn’t be happier to share this exhibition with the Arkansas community – I hope everyone who sees it is inspired to develop a deeper connection to the outside world.”
unfamiliar elements in the natural world became an obsession. All organisms used in Exquisite Creatures, and throughout all of Marley’s work, are either reclaimed after dying of natural or incidental causes or sustainably obtained through a large network of people and institutions that share his passion for nature.
Throughout the exhibition, guests will have the rare opportunity to view many wondrous creatures up close, prompting them to take a deeper look at their environment. While Exquisite Creatures is on view, Crystal Bridges will also celebrate biophilia, the love of life, through various community programs, including an art-making activation with “Creature Kits” at local libraries and a Cocktail Crawl in partnership with local restaurants.
Additionally, the museum will host an opening lecture given by the artist on March 15, a Creature Fest on March 16, a week of spring break family-centered activities, K-12 school tours of the exhibition where students can create their own exquisite creature to be displayed in the museum and special programming encouraging outdoor exploration of the institution’s own trails and grounds.
Marley is an artist, naturalist, photographer and author who uses preserved natural specimens as his medium. He grew up in the Pacific Northwest, immersed in nature from his earliest memories. During a decade spent traveling the world as a fashion model, Marley’s passion for discovering
Exquisite Creatures will remain on view at Crystal Bridges through July 29. Tickets to the exhibition are $12 for non-member adults. Museum members, SNAP participants, Veterans and youth 18 and under are free. Additional information and tickets are available at
Left: Christopher Marley, Ontogenesis, 2016.
Butterflies. 30 in. x 64 in. © 2024 Christopher Marley |
Right: Christopher Marley, Convocation, 2020.
Monitor lizards, tegu lizard. 48 in. x 68 in. © 2024 Christopher Marley |
Music To Your Ears
Upcoming Shows at Walton Arts Center
By Anna Buie
From traditional concerts to innovative a cappella performances, Walton Arts Center is bringing some vocal heavyweights to the stage this spring. You can experience a free performance by the U.S. Navy Band Sea Chanters or dive into all things a cappella at the annual Voice Jam Festival.
Coming up first, the Sea Chanters are performing on Saturday, March 16 at 7:30pm. As the United States Navy’s official chorus, the ensemble performs a variety of music including traditional choral music, sea chanteys, patriotic fare, opera, Broadway and contemporary music. The group regularly performs for the public in the Washington, DC area and throughout the country while on national tours.
The Sea Chanters are frequently found at the center of our most important national events, including inauguration day performances and state funerals. In addition, the group has appeared on “Larry King Live” and “CBS This Morning” as well as during the premiere of the movie Pearl Harbor
The Sea Chanters have enjoyed a great reputation performing with orchestras from across the nation and with recording stars including Perry Como, Marian Anderson, Kenny Rogers and Lionel Richie. Throughout their history, the Sea Chanters have remained true to the Navy’s watchwords of pride and professionalism, and they continue to flourish as a vibrant ensemble.
This is a free performance, but you must reserve tickets in advance.
A cappella fans and performers alike will gather April 12 and 13 for the annual VoiceJam Festival, a weekend of acaactivities. It all kicks off with a concert by multi-Platinum® a cappella sextet
Take 6 at 8pm on Friday, April 12. This group has collaborated across genres and toured the globe with their funky grooves mixing gospel, jazz, R&B and pop.
On Saturday, workshops and masterclasses will feature a variety of topics at different skill levels such as a cappella arranging, vocal percussion, body percussion, rehearsal technique, and solo singing led by Deke Sharon, Erin Hackel, Tony Huerta, Jia-Ching Lai and Take 6. These workshops are open to the public, but registration is required.
The festival culminates with the competition on Saturday, April 13 at 7:30pm when top groups from around the country go head-to-head. Up to eight groups will be selected to compete, there is no age limit for group participants and no school affiliation necessary. The winner will be named VoiceJam champion and will receive a professionally produced video of their set. Judges will also award outstanding arrangement, vocal percussion, soloist and choreography. Cheer on these harmonizing, beatboxing, mind-blowing groups and cast your vote for aca-fan favorite.
Tickets for Take 6 and the VoiceJam Competition are on sale now. Want to see both shows? Then purchase a combo ticket for just $29. This competition has become one of the most loved events of the Walton Arts Center season.
Get tickets to these and other great shows at, by calling (479) 443.5600 weekdays 10am-5pm, or by visiting the Walton Arts Center Box Office weekdays 10am-2pm.
Upcoming Shows
Drum Tao
March 12 at 7pm
Pilobolus Re: Creation Tour
March 14 at 7pm
Disney’s Aladdin March 26-31
Michael Palascak
April 4 at 7:30pm
Jackie Venson
April 5 at 7:30pm
Take 6
April 12 at 8pm
VoiceJam Competition April 13 at 7:30pm
Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird April 16-21
Left: VoiceJam Festival Right: Sea Chanters
VoiceJam Festival
The Foundation is grateful for the gifts received between November 1, 2023 to January 23, 2024 from the following donors:
Ron and Polly Hanson in memory of Rick Roessler
Hugh Kincaid in memory of Rick Roessler
Howard & Katherine Brill in memory of Rick Roessler
Diane Shaw in memory of Rick Roessler
Linda Eickmann in memory of Rick Roessler and Kurt Tweraser
Carolyn Smart in memory of Rick Roessler, Kurt Tweraser and Neil Schmitt
Orville and Susan Hall in memory of Kurt Tweraser
Ron Hanson in memory of Carolyn Clary
Mary Katherine Williams in memory of Judy Schatzman
Michael and Martha Ward in memory of Judy Schatzman
Pat Cornish in memory of Phoebe Goodwin and Fay Marie Johnson
Curtis Shipley in memory of Glenda Newman
Beth Vaughan-Wrobel in memory of Phyllis Eddins
Lucia Allen
Julie Olsen
Jane Spellman
Ardith Wharry
Ruth Ledrie
Health Care/Special Care Remodel/Sensory Garden Fund
Larry Masters in memory of Phil Phillips
Lyle Gohn in memory of Phil Phillips
Beth Vaughan-Wrobel in memory of Phil Phillips
Bill Stuart in memory of Phil Phillips
Sally King in memory of Phil Phillips
Vernon Collins in memory of Phil Phillips and Kurt Tweraser
BTV Cottage Friends in memory of Kurt Tweraser
Dorothy Mitchelson in memory of Kurt Tweraser
Susan Rieff in memory of Mary Alice Kenney
Jon and Jacquelyn Hassel in memory of Rick Roessler
Beth Vaughan-Wrobel Steele
John and Karen Cole
Music and Performance Fund
Rebecca Summerlin in memory of Liz Howick
Larry Lawson in memory of Marion Wasson
Pat Jahoda
Scholarship Fund
Michele Utterson in memory of Jackie Rocha, Fran Pearson and Liz Howick
Library Fund
Gaye Cypert in honor of Riki Stamps, Michael Burks and Pat Jahoda
Paula Furlough
Dorothy Mitchelson
Last Fling Before Finals’ Lasted More Than 25 Years
The winning entry was “Gaebale,” an acronym for the University of Arkansas’ schools: graduate, arts, engineering, business, agriculture, law and education.
Pronounced “gay-buh-lee,” it was known as “the last fling before finals,” a springtime festival to counter the annual fall homecoming celebration. Concocted by the university chapter of the Blue Key National Honor Fraternity and approved by the student senate, it debuted on May 7, 1947, with the varsity musical, Pig Parade, at the university’s outdoor Greek Theater. A Queen of Gaebale was crowned, and Frankie Masters and his orchestra performed at a ball at the university fieldhouse.
Gaebale was off and running. During the first few years, jazz drummer Gene Krupa and bandleader Xavier Cugat headlined. By the mid-1950s, it included a carnival midway and a soapbox derby down Maple Street, known as the Coaster Classic. When big band orchestras were cast aside for rock ’n’ roll, students brought in Chuck Berry, James Brown, B.B. King, Ike and Tina Turner and Steppenwolf, to name a few, for Gaebale’s musical entertainment.
The event was so popular, the crowning of Miss University of Arkansas took over as Gaebale’s featured pageant. Donna Axum, former Miss America and a University of Arkansas student, emceed 1966’s event.
But the care-free days of soapbox derbies and beauty pageants were fading. In 1970, Gaebale
was overshadowed by a 600-person march in protest of the fatal shootings of four students at Kent State University a week earlier and the United States’ invasion of Cambodia. The protesters ended their march in front of the local draft board on Center Street where they sat down, blocking traffic. Several University of Arkansas students were arrested.
Gaebale – Student Guide
For more than a quarter century, Gaebale was an anticipated springtime event at the University of Arkansas. Shown here in the 19611962 Student Information Handbook are photos of the annual soapbox derby and crowning of Miss University of Arkansas.
The Student Information Book is from the Shiloh Museum’s Steve Meldrum Collection (S-2007-54-2).
Gaebale, however, muddled along. In 1972, the Miss University of Arkansas pageant and carnival were no longer part of the festivities. A year later, it included a concert at Barnhill Fieldhouse featuring John Hartford, Freddie King and Colours, a screening of Little Big Man, a comedy troupe and a bluegrass concert by local musicians on the student union lawn.
Then, Gaebale quietly vanished.
A newer celebration continues today at the University of Arkansas. The annual Springtime of Youth Music Festival began in 2015 and features acts ranging from hip-hop to electronic dance artists. The festival’s name, however, is steeped in University of Arkansas tradition. “Springtime of Youth” is from the university’s alma mater, written in the early 1900s.
Gaebale – Midway
A midway was a big part of Gaebale festivities at the University of Arkansas, as shown in this 1949 photo. Note that one of the attractions, with images of aquatic life on its exterior, has “Naughtycal Nonsense” painted over the door. A sign on the booth at the far right indicates there may have been some Dixieland jazz music by the Razorback Band. Photo is from the Shiloh Museum’s Ada Lee Smith Shook Collection (S-99-108-53).
Sandra Cox Birchfield, Shiloh Museum of Ozark History
BTV Fitness Class Reminders Clip and Save
Butterfield offers a wide range of exercise classes tailor-made to keep our seniors feeling strong and empowered to live fulfilling lives. Clip out the class reminders for sessions you want to be sure to attend, and put them up in a spot that will serve as a reminder. Participants enjoy both the healthy movement and the social engagement – and it’ll be even better if you’re there!
Mon | Wed | Fri 8:30am
Lodge Gym /Aquatic Gym
Start your day o right with resistance exercise!
Revitalize muscle cells, reduce fat and fight frailty.
Mon | Wed | Fri 9am Aquatic Gym
Stretch and activate muscles that are holding you back while you improve posture and lower stress.
Mon | Wed | Fri 9:30am Aquatic Gym
Build stamina and strength, while you reduce fat and rehab muscles and joints...the low-impact way.
Wed | Fri 10:30am Lodge
Gain yoga benefits without having to get up and down from the floor. Great for body and mind.
Mon | Wed 3:45pm Lodge
Controlled strengthening and stretching improves body alignment, mental focus and breathing.
Tues | Thurs 9:45am Lodge
Gentle ancient Chinese exercise and stretching improves balance, mood and lower inflammation.
Contact Fitness and Wellness Director Jennifer Neill at or (479) 695-8035.
PLEASE NOTE: Class locations may be subject to change following completion of the Dining Room and Convocation Room renovation. Details will be shared well in advance.
Tues | Thurs 10:30am Lodge
Improve posture, coordination and body awareness to combat balance issues that can cause injury.
Tues | Thurs 9am
This one-stop shop will get your heart pumping with 35 minutes of fun, fast-paced strength training. Get stronger so you can keep doing what you love to do.
Mon 9:30 am Lodge
Emphasizing slow, fluid movements performed in a sequence, routines are gentle and graceful. Excellent for every joint and muscle + great exercise for the brain.
Wed | Fri 9:30am
Aquatic Center Gym
Boxing for exercise is proven to strengthen and condition the entire body at any age. Air punches, bodyweight exercises and a bit of speed training are fun and e ective.
Tues Thurs Mon Wed Tues Thurs TAI CHI sequence, routines are gentle BOXING WITH ED Aquatic Center Gym the entire body any age. Air JENNIFER Contact Fitness and Wellness Director PLEASE NOTE: Class locations may be RESISTANCE TRAINING Gym/AquaticGymRevitalizewithStartyourresistanceexercise! reduce fat figh frailty. PILATESMon Wed Fri AquaticGym activatemuscles that holdingyou while improveposture stress. WATER AEROBICSMon Wed FriAquatic30amGymstamin and while reducefatrehabmuscles joints...the ow-impa way. CHAIR YOGA Wed10:30amFri Lodge Gainyogabenefitswithout having up down from Great BALANCE CLASS Lodge coordinaImproveposture, tion awarenesstocombatbalance issuesthat causeinjury. YOGAMon3:45pmWed Lodge Controlledstrengtheningand ingimprovesbody breathimentalfocu ng TAI CHI Tues Thurs Lodge improvesGentleancientChinese balance,mood lowe infla YANG STYLE TAI CHI9:30Mon hasizing fluidsequence,movementsperformedroutinesaregentleeveryandgraceful.Excel joint muscle great xercise rain. BOXING WITH ED Wed9:30amFri Aq CenterGym Boxingfor provenstrengthenandcondition entirebody bodyweiage.exercisesand bit speed trainingare and ective. GET FIT JENNIFERWITH Tues Thurs Lodge one-stop yourheartpumpingfast-paced35 strength g. st so can doing you QUESTIONS? ContactFitnessandWellnessDirector (479)695-8035. subjectPLEASENOTE:Classlocationsmaybe tochangefollowingcompletion of DiningRoom ConvocationRoom renovation.Details besharedwell RESISTANCE TRAINING Mon Wed Fri :30am LodgeGym/AquaticGym Startyour right Revitalizewithresistanceexercise!musclecells,reduce ndfightfrailt PILATES Mon Wed 9am AquaticGym Stretch activatemuscles thatareholdingyouback hileyouimproveposture lowerstress. WATER AEROBICS Mon Wed Aquatic9:30amGym Buildstaminaandstrength, rehabwhileyoureduce musc low-impactway. CHAIRYOGA Wed10:30am Lodge Gainyogabenefitswithout having up down fromthefloor.Greatforbody andmind. BALANCECLASS Tues10:30amThurs Lodge coordinaImproveposture, tion body awareness mbatbalance issue thatcancauseinjury. YOGA Mon Wed 3:45pm Lodge Controlledstrengtheningand stretchingimprovesbody alignment,mentalfocus reathing. TAICHI Tues9:45amThurs Lodge GentleancientChinese andstretchin improvesbalance,mood lowerinflammation. YANGSTYLE TAICHI 9:30Monam Lodge Empha zingslow,fluid movementsperformed sequence,routinesaregentle everyandgraceful.Excellentfor jointandmuscle great exercise thebrain. BOXINGWITHED Wed9:30am AquaticCenterGym Boxingforexercise proven trengthenandcondition theentirebodyatanyage. unches bodyweight exercisesand ed aininga fu and ective. GETFITWITH JENNIFER Tues Thurs 9am Lodge Thisone-stopshopwill minutesheartpumpingwithfun,fast-pacedstrengthtraining.whatyoucankeepdoing youlove d QUESTIONS? ContactFitnessandWellnessDirector or(479)695-8035. PLEASENOTE:Classlocationsmaybe subject changefollowingcompletion renovation.oftheDiningRoomandConvocationRoom Detailswillbesharedwellinadvance. 22 BUTTERFIELD LIFE MARCH + APRIL 2024
D ickson St.
100 West Dickson St. Fayettevill e, AR 72701 (479) 442-6262
Johnson-Willow Creek
5201 Willow Creek Dr. Johnson, AR 72741 (479) 521-7876
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APRIL 16-21 • 8 SHOWS
in HARPER LEE’S TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD AARON SORKIN BARTLETT SHER A new play by Directed by Media Support: Bob & Becky Alexander Friends of Broadway Broadway Series Sponsor: Premier Broadway Series Support and Show Underwriter: Broadway Series Support: Show Sponsor: Night Out Series Sponsor: Show Underwriter: Brett & Kara Biggs Upcoming Events