Women and the Church

Page 33

Sexism within the church Women were asked about how frequently they experienced a series of scenarios that would typify sexist behaviour. The results were mixed, with a significant proportion of women reporting never experiencing some of the scenarios listed. Some of the results were encouraging, such as 65% of women reporting that their ideas and suggestions are constantly or regularly welcome in the church. 61% of women reporting hearing sexist jokes and comments in a Christian setting and for one in five this is a regular occurrence. Similarly, around 60%

have experienced being interrupted by male peers or agreed that their ideas are more likely to be accepted if presented by a man. A significant percentage (40%) of women have experienced mansplaining at least sometimes in the church or have felt crushed or diminished in meetings. While no one would say that sexist jokes or comments (whether directed at women or men) are acceptable in a church context, yet these remain part of church life. Does this reflect the church culture or the culture in which a church resides - or both?


Š VOX magazine: www.vox.ie


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