VOX July 2018

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Finding Faith Tour 2018


God’s presence was a recurring theme during this year’s Finding Faith Tour. Many were discovering or re-discovering what it means to “be” with God, experiencing the intimacy of His love, enjoying Him and knowing Him, even in times of suffering or struggle.



oel: “I’m in a process of a deepening understanding of how small I am; that He is everything. The more I am willing to depend on Him, the more I experience the reality of His presence. I think there has been an on-going readjustment as I’ve begun to understand that He wants a say in all the little details of my life. I’m realising that He deeply desires a deep connection and relationship with me. We are doing a study that is highlighting some of this. The author talks a lot about the fact that we are called firstly to a love relationship with God and because we love Him, we obey Him.” Cindy: “I am really learning that Jesus is with me, just feeling His presence and His love. He is so present all the time. He answers those little prayers. I see Him working with the kids. If we are in the car, we pray together and we are all learning to hear from Him and understanding that He actually wants to communicate with us. I’m learning a lot about Him and the way He wants to interact with us. So many people are carrying pain and trauma, those parts of their hearts haven’t been healed. I want to help them to give that pain to Jesus.”

im: “One thing I find unique is that in this little church the Holy Spirit is present, you can feel the presence of God every Sunday morning.” Shirley: “We are very small in number but God is blessing us. The folk here have a real heart to see people meet with Jesus and a real hunger for God and His presence.”





have been spending a lot of time reading the English puritans. I’m continually amazed at how much they loved Jesus because they realised how much Jesus loved them. They always talk about basking in the radiance of God’s love. For me, today and recently, those thoughts fill my head of being able to bask in the radiance of God’s love for me. In Christ, I get to share in the love the Father has for the Son, in the Spirit. It fills me with joy and gives me perspective.”



’m in a time of change because I’m retiring so it is a time to look back. Three of our children died in the first 24 hours of life but it was in those darkest times when I felt the presence of God the most. God has been a rock to me. I remember those Tom and Jerry cartoons…Tom runs out over the edge of the cliff and he falls but there is a branch halfway down the cliff. God was that branch to us. I remember thinking either this is all rubbish or God is my only hope. In good times and in bad, He got me through. I know that God is my friend. Just as I’m sitting here drinking coffee with you, He is sitting here with us and He will be with me tomorrow morning. You can take it for granted or go through moments of doubt but He is a constant presence. I think doubt is a good thing because when you ask the questions, you realise that God is real.” JUL- SEP 2018 VOX


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