Natural Remedies to Cure Vaginal Dryness

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Natural Remedies to Cure Vaginal Dryness September 19, 2020 · natural cures, for female dryness, feminine dryness, female dryness cure, vaginal dryness

Typically characterized as a symptom of menopause, vaginal dryness is a common problem for women aged over 50, many of whom are often embarrassed about it. They refuse to talk about it even though it’s a condition that affects their daily lives, causing discomfort when they stand, sit, walk, or urinate. Not anymore, Forget about your worries and delve deep into the science of this condition, as we talk about natural cures for feminine dryness.

What Causes Vaginal Dryness?

Also known as vaginal atrophy, vaginal dryness is a symptom of decreased estrogen levels, often associated with menopause. Estrogen, the main female sex hormone, is responsible for maintaining the female reproductive system. One of its core functions is to maintain vaginal lubrication and strength. Estrogen levels typically fall with age, which is when women experience dryness and feel the vaginal walls become thinner. This causes a lot of discomfort down there, especially during sex.

However, vaginal dryness can affect women of any age. Few factors that may cause this are: Contraceptives like birth control pills reduce the body’s natural hormones that keep the vaginal tissue lubricated. Excessive smoking reduces the blood’s capacity to carry oxygen to the vagina, so it becomes thinner and drier. Medications such as antidepressants and antihistamines restrict blood flow to the vagina. Childbirth causes the estrogen levels to decline dramatically. Chemotherapy can cause vaginal dryness as a side effect. Sjogren’s Syndrome is an autoimmune disease that affects the body’s moisture-producing cells.

What Are the Symptoms of Vaginal Dryness?

Aside from the discomfort and soreness, some of the prominent symptoms of vaginal dryness can include: Pain during sex Light bleeding Mild discharge Urinary tract infections (UTI) Low libido Vaginal itching

Alongside these, there are other symptoms that are associated with menopause, such as: Hot ashes Night sweat Insomnia Fatigue

How to Cure Vaginal Dryness Naturally? While it’s important to go to a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, you can also try a few natural remedies that have helped women considerably. Some of them are given below: . Coconut Oil: This is apopular home remedy due to its antimicrobial and fatty properties that improve the health of vaginal walls through lubrication and protection against microbes.Use

only a small amount, that too only on the outside of the vaginal opening. 2. Vitamin E: Research has shown that using Vitamin E can reduce vaginal dryness. Whether you consume Vitamin E as suppositories or apply it topically as a gel or oil, Vitamin E is worth a shot. 3. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera has great scientifically proven moisturizing and healing properties. You can use either pure aloe vera or a store-bought gel. 4. Olive Oil: Olive oil is a natural lubricant that can act as a great remedy for vaginal dryness. This is because doctors have recommended this oil for moisturizing and strengthening vaginal tissue. 5. Calendula Oil: Several studies have shown the benefits of applying any topical item containing calendula oil to heal vaginal dryness and its symptoms. It is mainly effective in reducing the burning sensation that many women experience while suffering from this condition. 6. Evening Primrose Oil: Evening Primrose Oil is a multipurpose oil that has helped several women in maintaining feminine health. Studies have shown its benefits in dealing with menopause-related symptoms, including vaginal dryness. Taking primrose oil as a supplement, in addition to flax seeds, can improve estrogen imbalance significantly. . Red Clover Supplement: Some studies state that consuming red clover supplements can reduce vaginal dryness and other menopause symptoms. You can either consume it as

supplements or make herbal red clover tea. 8. Jojoba oil Jojoba oil: is said to have several medical benefits. In particular, this oil not only acts as a moisturizing agent but also has antiinflammatory properties that can be beneficial for vaginal health. Aside from these solutions, some lifestyle changes can help improve the condition to a great extent. For instance, regular exercise can induce blood flow, which, in turn, restores hormone levels. You should also limit your alcohol and caffeine intake since these items may contribute to the condition. Instead, add food rich in plant estrogens, otherwise known as phytoestrogens, to your diet, with flax seeds, nuts, and soy products. Vaginal health is an important topic that shouldn’t be pushed aside. Don’t let embarrassment stop you from seeking help in case you are suffering from any issues down there. If you’re experiencing discomfort in that area, try out these natural cures for female dryness. Talk to a doctor first if you’re apprehensive. Most importantly, take care of your lady friend! Add a heading here.



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