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With a strong interest in architecture and a background in knitwear design, Silvia Fado recently completed a Masters in Fashion Footwear at the London College of Fashion.

For her latest collection, Kinetic Traces, Silvia was intrigued by the relationship between the movement of the body and Fashion footwear design on the one hand, and high performance Sports footwear and body movement on the other. She wanted to explore the philosophical and aesthetic consequences of changing the dynamic of that relationship. The principal functions of footwear are often sacrificed in Fashion. This project brought Sports footwear fundamentals to high-end fashion. Sports footwear design is based on function and wear ability, which are not features commonly applied in Fashion footwear. Silvia Fado has been analysing comfort elements in footwear, particularly impact absorption, shoe weight, traction (the relationship between shoe and surface) and upper durability. She sought to bring these concepts into the design of high-end women’s high heels. The central concept of the project development was impact absorption, which was studied from a mechanical point of view because heels are structures, which are affected by many different forces during the process of human motion.


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