Kids Count in Nebraska 2011 Report

Page 46



Approved providers are relatives or individuals known to the

it is not unusual for a child to be moved repeatedly while in

child or family prior to placements.

out-of-home care. Numbers for multiple placements vary

In December 2010, there were 1,947 approved foster

between the FCRB and DHHS based on differing definitions

homes, a decrease of 69 approved foster homes from 2009.

of the term ‘multiple placements.’ DHHS uses the federal

Licensed foster homes also decreased by 293 in 2010, to

definition in order to meet federal standards and to be able to

1,715. In general, some of the loss in licensed homes may

compare placement rates across states. The FCRB closely

occur due to a decrease in the number of youth in foster

matches the federal definition for placement setting changes,

care or because the licensed homes adopt the children

with modifications based on statute and best practice. The

whom they were fostering and then decided against fostering

FCRB modifications typically result in a calculation present-

more children. Also, as approved homes can only be used

ing a higher number of placements. Though this report

for children who are relatives or close friends of the child,

has previously used data collected by FCRB for multiple

these homes are closed to further placements as soon as the

placements, these data were not available this year. Instead,

specific child leaves the home.

statistics using data from DHHS are reported. Of children in care on December 31, 2010, 25.3% had

Lack of Foster Care Homes

experienced four or more placements. Generally, Black and

According to DHHS, a total of 3,662 approved or licensed

American Indian youth experienced the most placements,

homes were available in Nebraska in December 2010. This

compared to other youth in foster care. For example, on

is a decrease of 362 possible placements from December

December 31, 2010, 8.0% % of American Indian youth and

2009. Nebraska has long faced an ongoing need for foster

6.0 % of Black youth in care had experienced 10 or more

placements, but fluctuations in the child welfare system in

placements compared to 5.2% of White youth. Table 4.6

the 2009 and 2010 have worsened the likelihood of ap-

provides data on the number of placements in foster care by

propriate foster placements. More children have reportedly

race and ethnicity.

been placed in group homes, which often are not the ideal placement. Further, group homes themselves have struggled to meet the increasing needs of children placed out of home.

Table 4.6: Number of Placements by Race and Ethnicity (December 31, 2010)


1 to 3

Placements 4 to 6 7 to 9

lower functioning and/or significant acting-out behaviors) and




5.0% 5.0%

sibling groups of three or more. Foster homes provide the

Black/African American



6.5% 6.0%

least restrictive, most family-like out-of-home placement for




3.0% 3.7%

children who cannot remain at home.




4.6% 3.2%

Note: If you are interested in making a difference in a child’s life by becoming a foster parent, please call 1-800-7PARENT for information.

Native American



7.7% 8.0%

Other/Unknown/Declined 79.3%


6.0% 3.3%

Foster care providers are always needed, particularly for children who are teenagers, who have special needs (i.e.,


White (Not Hispanic)



5.2% 5.2%

Multiple Placements




5.4% 5.2%

The ideal situation for a child placed in out-of-home care is

Source: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

to experience only one placement, creating the consistency

Note: Caution should be used if comparing these data to the same from previous Kids Count reports, as a different source is used this year. The sources use different methodology in calculating number of placements.

recommended for positive child well-being. Unfortunately,

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