Voice of Asia e paper October 21 2016

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VOICE OF ASIA 29 28years yearsofofdedicated dedicatedservice servicetotothe thecommunity community

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Medicare Annual Open Enrollment: Six Steps for Picking The Best Plan Read on Page 18 or Call 832-806-1000

Vol. 29 No. 42 Friday, October 21, 2016 • Published Weekly from Houston • 713-774-5140 24 Pages ( 2 sections) 50 cents E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

Epic Dusheera and Diwali Festival at Constellation Stadium by Shobana Muratee UGAR LAND - It was that time of the year when Constellation Stadium gets a cultural makeover, from Sugar Land Skeeters baseball ground to a celebration pavilion for Diwlai - ‘Festival of Lights’. Drawing capacity crowds for the fifth year in a row, the stadium had nearly


10,000 people on Saturday, October 15th evening witnessing the largest Diwali celebrations in Houston organized by the Shri Sita Ram Foundation. As the epic drama ‘Ramayan’ – the story of Lord Rama and his conquest over the evil King Ravana of Lanka unfolded on stage, crowds cheered ‘Jai Sri Ram’, hailing victory of good over evil! Lord Rama corona-

tion thereafter, was heightened by showering of flowers from a helicopter,

“Everyone felt the presence of Lord Ram. Spirituality was in the air and the atmosphere was electrifying with slogans of Jai Shri Ram, reverberating all night along,” expressed Dr. ArunVerma, founder, Shri Sita Ram Foundation. he wel-

comed the guests and dignitaries: Consul General of India, Dr. Anupan Ray, Himesh Gandhi, Mayor pro-tem, City of Sugar Land, Harish Jajoo, Sugar Land Councilman, Ken Mathew, Mayor pro-tem, City of Stafford and Sam Merchant representing US Congressman Al Green. He later recognized Continued on page 8

Vinnie Verma (left) founder of host organization Shri Sita Ram Foundation getting ready for the Maha Aarti at the Diwali festival held at Skeeters Stadium. With her is with Grand Sponsor Wells Fargo representative. Photo by Bijay Dixit.

U.S. Postal Service Commemorated Festival of Diwali with a Forever Stamp Ram Leela drama troupe on a float during the parade at the Constellation Stadium in Sugar Land. Photo credit by Bijay Dixit.

Read on Page 10

Saadhana Unmesh ‘Spectrum’ Brings Indian Classical Best

A panoramic view of Saadhana Unmesh - Spectrum : Hindustani classical music concert presented by renowned vocalist Pandit Suman Ghosh’s Center for Indian Classical Music of Houston (CICMH) on October 15th at the Rice University Shepherd School of Music. Photo credit: CICMH. READ REPORT ON PAGE 3

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Election Decision Time: Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton Commentary by Nik Nikam, MD


am independent , and I am not supporting any candidate at this time.

More than an individual, it’s a question of what principle we all believe and practice. Donald Trump (DT) is part of a larger system that is going to be governing this country if he is elected; and similarly if Hillary Clinton (HC) is elected she will peruse her party agenda. The real question is how these ideologies differ and which one you subscribe to. Just as anyone who believes in Christianity or Islam follows their principles, the same thing holds true in a two-party political system. As a doctor, I follow conservative principle and believe in doing what is just right for my patients. I’m sure you don’t want me to order a number of tests on you just because I can. Resources in this world are limited, and we have to learn to be conservative to protect our resources for the coming generations. You may not feel that way. You may have a different view of this world. I feel this election is going to decide what kind of justice system we are going to have for the next 2-3 decades and that is vital to this country’s future, based on what principle you adopt. DT is obviously going appoint conservative judges who are just supposed to interpret the law and not create or administer the law. The immigration issue had been tossed around for more than 3 decades and the hardcore career politicians in Washington have done nothing. DT is the one to educate the problem of illegal immigrants taking jobs away from American latinos, along with committing crimes, etc. The trade deficit with China is more than $500 billion, and no politician in the past has ever stressed. This is an due to upside down trade agreements, where our country is bleeding in all directions economically. DT is the first person to educate the public on what trade

(Photo credit Rawconservative) deficit, and currency manipulation by Chinese could do to this country. Let’s talk about the jobs. Most the manufacturing is gone, and the service jobs have gone to other countries from the trade deals made by HC team. They are going to get worse. DT is the first person to hammer the point that we need to bring jobs back to America, force Apple to make their iPhone in the US. DT is willing to do the unconventional things against the Washington establishment to bring this country back its jobs,etc. He is not afraid to call for term limits on congressmen and senators. We have term limits at state levels for Governors, etc. Let’s talk about Globalization with open borders, open trade, and jobs; which have taken a toll in Europe leading to Brexit. Brexit would be like a preview if American elections were a feature movie. Other areas that need to be abolished are the so-called super PAC, wall street megadonors, and the Washington lobbies for special interest groups, banks, and drug companies. I’m sure you are not going to see the special privileges removed under DNC or for that matter the GOP establishment.

The Authentic Power of Michelle Obama Commentary by Frank Bruni


sn’t it delicious that after trafficking in racism, promoting sexism and using a lie about Barack Obama’s birthplace as a pivot into political relevance, Donald Trump could receive his final death blow from a black woman: the president’s wife? And isn’t it interesting that after so many years of keeping a studied distance from the ugliness of the political arena, the first lady is throwing herself with such passion into this grotesque campaign? That says everything about the singular threat that Trump poses, and she’s emerging as the fiercest counter to it: Michelle Obama, octopus slayer. She’s effective because she has never gone looking for a fight — we know that about her. She acts when she has something to defend, and as she made clear in a stirring, searing speech late last week, that’s more than her husband’s legacy, which a Trump victory would decimate. It’s her dignity as a woman. It’s the dignity of all women. I don’t mean to overstate her impact: Trump was going down before she joined the chorus of condemnation. But her eloquence is sealing the deal. First at the Democratic convention in late July and then in New Hampshire on Thursday, she embodied the nation’s conscience and staked her claim as the most earnest guardian of our most important values.

that part. She has made too many messy compromises and revealed too much rococo calculation. Those hacked John Podesta emails suggest that she doesn’t blink until a sprawling committee of Clinton whisperers has hashed out the wisdom of it. Barack Obama can’t play that part, not at this exact moment, in his precise mood. On the stump in Ohio last week, he essentially asked voters not just to reject Trump but to punish the G.O.P., and his obvious, warranted glee over the party’s travails had a score-settling, told-you-so quality to it. He excoriated Republicans for the “swamp of crazy that has been fed over and over and over and over again.” He told them that Trump is the nominee you get when your agenda is “based on lies, based on hoaxes.” He wasn’t merely safeguarding America’s future. He was reveling in his revenge.

has honed a talent — rare in Washington — for rising above pettiness, and she and her speechwriters have aced a nuanced, soulful alternative to common reproach and gardenvariety rancor. I think of the gorgeous passage in her convention speech about moving to Washington and watching her daughters wake up every morning in a white house built by black slaves. That observation admonished America for its sins but also brimmed with appreciation, complimenting and congratulating the country on its progress. It got at something that politics and politicians seldom do: the complicated, inarguable truth. Her speech last week was just as exceptional, because it was less a summons to the barricades than a cry from the heart, and she’d planned to make remarks along these lines even before she heard the recording

of Trump’s 2005 conversation with Billy Bush. Then that recording came out, intensifying her determination. “It hurts,” she said, referring to the sort of entitlement that Trump expresses, the kind of language that he uses and his obvious belief that women exist chiefly for his pleasure, which takes precedence over their autonomy. “It’s like that sick, sinking feeling you get when you’re walking down the street, minding your own business, and some guy yells out vulgar words about your body.” She added that women often “pretend like this doesn’t really bother us, maybe because we think that admitting how much it hurts makes us as women look weak.” “Maybe we’re afraid to be that vulnerable,” she theorized, but she let her own vulnerabil-

The problem with ISIS. The current administration has not been able to address in an effective manner, while the Russians are bombing the civilians(?) in Syria. So, it is not that people blindly vote for one candidate. People should vote for the principle they believe in and the party that can deliver along those lines. I have not even talked a single issue with Hillary Clinton, so far. I’m sure there are others who have a different view of this country, and they stand by that. I have no problem with that. Is DT perfect? The answer is no! He has many flaws, maybe, more so than most or-

ity show, in a voice that trembled. It was her bridge to every American that she had any hope of reaching. There has been incessant chatter during this election cycle about authenticity. There has been as much misunderstanding, especially among Trump’s boosters, about what it really means. Insults aren’t badges of authenticity. They’re evidence of rudeness and frequently cruel. Profanity doesn’t render you authentic. It just proves that you’re a child. You know what struck me as authentic? The way that the first lady and George W. Bush leaned into each other and held hands at a funeral for police officers in Dallas back in July. Or the way that they embraced in Washington at the opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture. To look at those images is to understand Michelle Obama’s power. She isn’t tailoring her behavior to talking points. She isn’t filtering her emotions through any partisan agenda. She has arguably become the 2016 race’s moral authority, which is why Clinton, in the most recent debate, repeated her widely quoted assertion that “when they go low, we go high.” That’s hardly accurate about everyone in the Democratic Party, the Clinton campaign or the Obama administration, but it’s a fair enough description of how the first lady comports herself.

Michelle Obama probably also wants revenge for the worst of what her husband (and she) went through, but you don’t hear that in her words. That’s largely because she has the luxury of not being a politician. She isn’t and won’t be running for anything. She hasn’t been forced to weigh in on a bevy of issues, potentially alienating voters who disagree, or to exhaust her ammunition on a range of fronts. You want high approval ratings? Exit elected office, or never enter it in the first place. But in addition to that, she


Hillary Clinton can’t play

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

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dinary people. Yet, he has mobilized 11 million people, and each one of his rallies draws 20,000-30,000 views on live streams, which no other politician has been able to do. This is a fact. Do I agree with everything he says? The answer is no. But, then do you agree with everything your teenager or your spouse does? You have the constitutional right and power to change things you don’t like by exercising your vote on Nov. 8, 2016. It is a precious power responsibility that lies within you. We should be voting our consciousness, keeping in mind what is in our best interest, in the interest of our profession, and of course our children’s future.

What a contrast to other political surrogates. What an antidote to all the crazy spinning. Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, is playing some parlor game to see how far she can travel from reality, how creatively she can gin up distractions and how subtle an expression — by turns bemused and beatific — she can wear. My favorite Conway-ism was that certain members of Congress shouldn’t upbraid Trump because they are guilty themselves of forcing French kisses on unwilling women. Translation: Let he who is without tongue cast the first stone. Can you believe that she once marketed herself as a strategist who could help Republicans collapse the gender gap? Trump trails Clinton by 15 points among women, according to an analysis of October polls that Nate Silver did last week. At this point in 2012, Mitt Romney trailed President Obama by eight. “It seems fair to say that, if Trump loses the election, it will be because women voted against him,” Silver wrote. How perfect. Misogyny will play midwife to history. After being treated by Trump as if they’re disposable, women will dispose of him — at the urging of the first lady, in the service of the first female president. They will let him know that no matter how much money he has or how big a star he is, there are places where his tentacles can’t travel. Not all the Tic Tacs in the world could sweeten that fate.



FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Second Front Page

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Tel: 713-774-5140


Saadhana Unmesh ‘Spectrum’ Brings Indian Classical Best by Sanchali Basu

Spectrum”, a masterpiece presentation by the Saadhana Pariwar, students of Center for Indian Classical Music (CICMH) with their guru Pandit Suman Ghosh, and Shashikala Ghosh brought out the best of the seven musical notes (like 7 colors of rainbow) on the afternoon of October 15th at the Rice University Shepherd School of Music. Largely attended by music enthusiasts and dignitaries which included Consul General of India, Houston, Dr. Anupam Ray, Dr. Rathna Kumar, Dr. Virendra Mathur, Govind Shetty and Sonal Buchar.

Pandit Ghosh aptly chose the Sarang ragas (early afternoon) to set the tone of the program. He and his almost 80 students delighted the audience with a good selection of Sarang ragas, beginning with an invocatory bandish, a creation of Sangeet Martand Pandit Jasraj in Shudh Sarang, “Jao ji jao Shyam Chhaliya,” followed by “Piu palan laagi mori ankhiyan” in Gaud Sarang and a composition by Jnan Prakash Ghosh (one of Pandit ji’s gurus) in raga Brindavani Sarang. The next set of compositions that were presented was in the Malhar raga, and Panditji mentioned the significance of Tansen’s “Miya ki Malhar” which brought rain in Akbar’s court while he sang. In modern day context, Panditji referred to his guru, the Sangeet Martand who had sung, “Barkha hritu aayi” in the Dhuliya Malhar in Delhi once on an otherwise clear day in the peak of summer and it had started pouring cats and dogs. The Surdasi Malhar, Bin barasan ka chhaye badarwa” was noteworthy. The meditative, mysterious, sooth-

Consul General Dr. Anupam Ray addressing the audience at the Saadhana Unmesh concert at the Rice University on Oct. 15th. as Pandit Suman Ghosh, and Shashikala Ghosh look on. Photo credit CICMH.

ing late night Kauns ragas were then offered by the choir of exceptionally well trained students. Panditji mentioned that each of the students ranging from the age of 8 to over 60 were all capable solo singers in their own right and commended them on being able to keep up with the constant extemporary improvisations as the raga demands. Emcee Sunanda Vashisht informed the audience about the style of Haveli singing which preceded Khayals by 200 years. Haveli sangeet in Raga Patdeep, composed by Pandit Jasraj, was then performed by the budding musicians. It was good to know that this genre of mu-

Vocalist Pandit Suman Ghosh, founder, Center for Indian Classical Music (CICMH) takes a bow at the ‘Spectrum’ concert finale. Photo credit:CICMH.

sic has been revived, popularized and taken to towering heights by the Sangeet Martand, and now by his worthy torchbearer, Pandit Suman Ghosh. The spring time Shringaar and Bhakti rasa were brought out in the Bahar ragas, ranging from Hindol, Khamaj, Basant and Bhairav. Carnatic flavor was added to the evening with the Kanada class of 3 ragas – Kaunsi, Suha, Gunji. ‘Khelo na ham sang Hori’ in Nayaki Kanada was a delight to the ears. The Nagadhwani Kanada was a composition by Pandit Motiram ji – Dada Guruji (father of Pandit Jasraj) who died in 1934. The grand finale on Darbari Kanada (raga of the kings and King of the Ragas) - Har har har Bhootnath Pashupati, and the excellent Sargam medley on rare raga Hemvati, took the audience on a spiritual high. With permission from the CGI who went “wah wah” and “Bahut acchhe” throughout the course of the program, the evening ended with a bhajan, “Man tohe..Satya ki raaha chalaaun”. The latter talked about the mind which is the most powerful tool and control of the mind can be attained by simplicity and following the path of truth. The composition is by Sant Kabir and was set to music by Pandit Suman Ghosh. Dr. Anupam Ray commended and applauded the guru and students for upholding and transferring the 5000 years of culture and classical music in the Vedantic tradition to the world. Guruji and Guruma thanked and acknowledged all participants and volunteers in the background. Several members were awarded the Saadhana Gaurav certificate and Archana Tripathi was awarded the Saadhana Rathna award.

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ployer may disclose most matters related to work, including whether the employee was fired. The only legal limitation on what may be disclosed is our defamation laws. If an employer were to say things that were untrue, it could be liable for damages. Q. My landlord has not fixed a serious problem in my kitchen. Do I have the right to just fix it myself and withhold the repair cost from my rent? A. What you are talking about is called “repair and deduct,” and as a general rule you may not do this. Assuming you have given your landlord proper written notice to make the repairs and the condition affects your health or safety, you may repair and deduct only for a few specified very serious problems. The law allows you to deduct if the repairs are for the overflow of raw sewage, the lack of water or heat, or certain housing code violations that materially affect health or safety. In all other cases, your remedy is to sue for the cost of repairs or terminate your lease. If you withhold rent when you don’t have the legal right to do so, you could be evicted. For more information about this law, look at the landlord tenant section on my website below.

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Open House Programs Scheduled Nov. 14 &15 Evenings at School of the Woods-Montessori


chool of the Woods will present two evening Open House Programs in November. On Monday, November 14, the Woods Middle School faculty will discuss how Montessori philosophy impacts 7th and 8th grade students and promotes love of learning in this age group. Woods Middle School is on the School’s main campus at 1321 Wirt Road. The second Open House Program will be on Tuesday, November 15 at Woods High School. Faculty and students will explain the college prep curriculum as it pertains to the

Montessori environment. They will also discuss how Montessori education tenets and fundamentals apply to the older student. Woods High School is located at 7812 Bobbitt St., just a half-block from the main Wirt Road Campus.

nonsectarian school, Houston’s oldest continuously operating Montessori school, pre-K through grade 12, and is fully accredited. Woods High School is one of only several Montessori high schools across the U.S.

The meetings are structured as full evening events, both programs beginning at 7 PM. Parents, students, prospective students and anyone interested in Montessori education are invited to attend.

Three additional Open House Programs will be held at the Wirt Road campus in 2017

School of the Woods is an independent, nonprofit and

-- January 10, 17 and 24 for upper and lower elementary levels and for early childhood ages. For more information, call School of the Woods, 713.686.8811.

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FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

FORT BEND VIEW Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Tel: 713-774-5140


Fort Bend ISD student dies Victim in ‘Bump and Rob’ after collapsing at swim meet attempt speaks out



UGAR LAND (CNN) - A community is in mourning for a high school swimmer who suddenly died following a swim meet.

ISSOURI CITY (FB Co. Sheriff’s Office) - Shakar Khanu attended her community’s neighborhood watch meeting Friday because she had a warning to share, from what she thought was a fender bender.

His classmates are trying to make sense of the circumstances that led to Brian Yuen’s collapse and death Saturday. A moment of silence was held at a football game that night to honor the Clements High School senior.

Khanu said a white Chevrolet Camaro hit her bumper at the intersection of Silver Grove Lane and Bridgeton Place Lane in the Riverstone Subdivision in the Missouri City area on Oct. 3.

Also, friends and family honored him at a vigil Sunday evening at Don Cook Natatorium.

“When it was happening, I don’t think a lot of people knew,” said Emily Miranda, a swimmer at the school. “I think they wanted to keep it so nobody was like freaking out. When it did happen, it was very quiet, and you could just really

They escaped without taking anything.

Shakar Khanu (Photo: Facebook)

Anyone who has information on this crime is asked to call Fort Bend County Crime Stoppers, Inc. at 281-342-TIPS (8477).

Khanu got out of her SUV to survey the damage, as anyone would have done.

“I just know he had a medical emergency and had CPR at the pool for 15 minutes,” said Brian Yuen’s brother, Arthur. “He was rushed to the ER hospital and they tried to revive him for, like, 40 minutes. That’s what I’ve heard, and he just never responded.”

Yuen had just finished competing at a swim meet Saturday morning when he had a medical emergency. He died after being taken to the hospital.

“I think the guy or whoever was in the car noticed something fishy was going on. So he slowed down the car,” Khanu said, scaring off the two men who attempted to rob her.

“Somebody bumped from the back,” Khanu said.

Most of the crowd was dressed in blue, Yuen’s favorite color.

“He was funny guy, super humble, super sweet,” said Soham Dhar, a friend of Yuen. “Anything you asked of him, he would just smile and laugh and like, ‘Yeah, of course.’”

slowed down.

Clements HS student Brian Yuen. (Photo: Facebook) hear them crying.” Yuen was an accomplished swimmer, and his two brothers also competed with their high school team. “As you were walking out, you saw a lot of people crying,” Miranda said. “It was really depressing. Like everybody knew him, he was a really, really successful swimmer.” “He’s so talented,” Dhar said. “Whether it be music or athletics or education, he succeeded in anything he put his mind to.”

Consular Camp to be held at Sri Ashtalakshmi Temple on October 22


UGAR LAND - Consulate General of India, Houston in association with Sri Ashtalakshmi Temple will be organizing a one-day Consular Camp on Saturday, October 22, 2016 from 10am - 3pm at Sri Ashtalakshmi Temple, 10098 Synott Road, Sugar Land, TX 77498. US passport holders of Indian origin, who are in the process of applying for OCI card, Visa and/or Renunciation of Indian nationality, may bring in their applications with the supporting documents to the Consular Camp. Indian passport holders who are in the process of applying for renewal of their Indian passport, may also bring in their applications with the supporting documents to the Consular Camp. Officers of the Consulate General of India, Houston will verify the applications and supporting documents. Applicants may thereafter send the approved applciations to CKGS, Houston. Since this is a special drive, Indian nationals and persons of Indian origin may avail this opportunity and meet officers of the Consulate General of India, Houston.

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LARKIN - ID # A004639 Shelter staff named me LARKIN.I am a spayed female, red Black Mouth Cur. The shelter staff think I am about 2 years and 9 months old.I have been at the shelter since August 05, 2016.

For more information about this pet, call: City of Sugar Land Animal Services at (281) 275-2364

With less than a year left before graduation, his friends said they can’t believe Yuen won’t be joining them at college. “Thinking about how he’s not on this earth anymore, I don’t know. It doesn’t really comprehend in my life,” Dhar said. The Fort Bend Independent School District released a statement saying it is “heartbroken” by Yuen’s death. The district added that its thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends during this difficult time.

“I thought it was an accident; so, I just came out from my car and the guy also came out of his car. He said ‘accident, accident,’ then I looked to see what happened to the back of my car,” she said. That’s when Khanu realized she was being set up. “He just held my hand and put the gun on me. Give me the money. Give me the money,” Khanu said. Fort Bend County Sheriff’s deputies told KPRC2 the man pulled out a silver handgun. According to investigators, a second man attempted to open the front passenger’s door, which was locked. A surveillance camera from a nearby house recorded the attempted robbery. Khanu said a passerby likely noticed something was going wrong and

A nearby camera showed that the culprits’ vehicle appeared to be a white 2016 Chevrolet Camaro. (Photocapture: CCTV)

Shooting leaves one dead


Fort Bend County man shot two men – killing one – after the pair allegedly assaulted residents at his house early Saturday. Deputies were called to a home in the 15500 block of Schumann at around 12:30 a.m. with regard to a shooting incident. Preliminary investigation revealed that two suspects armed with a handgun approached and assaulted residents of the home.

A resident retrieved his own handgun from within the house and fired and hit both suspects during the assault. The first suspect, Hashem Abu Amarah, 24, died at the scene. The second suspect, Faisal Abu Amarah, 20, was transported to Memorial-Hermann Hospital – The Medical Center via LifeFlight and was last reported to be in stable condition and expected to survive. - (Fort Bend Co. Sheriff’s Office)



FBISD Board of Trustees kick off “Listening Tour” at Marshall High School


ORT BEND ISD (October 17, 2016) – Fort Bend ISD’s Board of Trustees successfully kicked off its “Listening Tour” at Marshall High School on Monday, October 10, 2016. The event is part of a four-stop tour throughout the District. The purpose of these tours is to provide parents and community members a chance to talk to the Board in a more intimate setting. Members of the audience are able to write down their questions and take them to roundtables in order to have them answered by Board members and members of the Executive Leadership Team. “We are extremely happy with the turnout of parents and community members that came out to our first ‘Listening Tour,’” said FBISD Board President Kristen Tassin. “We are here to listen, engage and respond to the entire FBISD community, so we encourage everyone to attend.” In the near future, questions that were asked and answered during the roundtable discussions will be posted to the District website, www. fortbendisd.com. Student groups from the Marshall High School feeder pattern performed for a crowd of more than 100 parents, community members and staff. The Missouri City Middle School Advanced Orchestra and the Missouri City Middle School Advanced Treble Choir performed before the “Listening Tour.” Immediately following the event was a Board workshop, where the Marshall AFJROTC performed the Presentation of Colors, the Marshall High School Mixed Choir sang the National Anthem, and selected students from Glover Elementary led the audience

Board Trustee KP George talks to a parent and student during the roundtable sessions. (Photos: FBISD)

Missouri City changes elections from May to November


ISSOURI CITY City elections in Missouri City will be held in November instead of May. Missouri City City Council approved a resolution in a 4-3 vote Monday to move elections after members debated the issue.

in the Pledges of Allegiance. Artwork by students from Glover, E. A. Jones, Armstrong and Hunters Glen Elementary Schools, Missouri City Middle School and Marshall High School was also on display. If you missed the first “Listening Tour,” there will be three more stops around the District. Roundtable discussions will begin at 5 p.m., followed by the Board workshop at 6 p.m. The public is invited to stay for the workshop so they can witness the Board in action. Light snacks and refreshments will also be served.

The list of the remaining tour dates is below: November 7, 2016 Bush High School, 6707 FM 1464, Richmond, 77407 5 p.m. – “Listening Tour” 6 p.m. – Board workshop February 6, 2017 Hightower High School, 3333 Hurricane Ln. Missouri City, 77459 5 p.m. – “Listening Tour” 6 p.m. – Board workshop March 6, 2017 Travis High School, 11111 Harlem Road, Richmond, 77406 5 p.m. – “Listening Tour” 6 p.m. – Board workshop

by Dec. 31. Proponents of the resolution cited a need for higher voter turnout, more convenience for voters and lower city costs. Opponents said city issues would

With the change, any city elected person’s position that would have been up for grabs in May will be extended in N o v e m b e r. The next city elections until November 2017. “This is all I ever hear, ‘Why are we having elections in May?’’” Council Member Yolanda Ford said of feedback from community members.

Board Trustee KP George and Chief Information Officer Long Pham address parents over technology questions during the roundtable question and answer session.

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

According to meeting documents, Ford was the council member who had requested the body consider a resolution. The City of Missouri City Charter Review Commission received a request at its Sept. 12 meeting to reschedule elections, but the commission ultimately voted against the idea. However, City Council has discretion and is allowed under Texas law to change elections from May to November as long as it is done

be buried at the bottom of the November ballot and that the switch would not necessarily save money. “There will still be an election in May,” said Mayor Allen Owen, who opposed the resolution. “There’s school boards in May, so you aren’t saving anything. You’re still going to have to have the same polls open that we have for our elections.” Meeting documents cited that Fort Bend County Election Administrator John Oldham did not anticipated any cost increase for a shift to a November election. “It actually probably will save

Read these stories and more community stories Visit us online www. voiceofasiaonline.com

them some money,” Oldham said Tuesday. He said it could reduce expenses for the because, in November, Missouri City would always share costs with the county. In May, he said, the cost of the election depends on which entities are participating. He said since Missouri City has exited the May cycle, costs for Fort Bend ISD’s elections would increase, for example. May election costs have ranged from just less than $18,000 to about $50,000 in the last three years; the most expensive was for $50,000 in 2016, which included a runoff. Ford, along with council members Chris Preston, Don Smith and Anthony Maroulis voted in favor of the resolution while Floyd Emery, Jerry Wyatt and Owen voted against it. The opponents of the issue all said they thought Missouri City residents should get to have input or decide the issue themselves. “I’m not voting against this [as an issue],” Wyatt said. “I’m voting against this because the citizens had no input into it.” Three members of the public came to speak at the meeting about the issue, two in opposition and one in favor of the change to November city elections. “People when they think of elections, they think of November,” Ford said. “When we have a May election people say, ‘Oh, I didn’t know there was an election in May. I just voted in November.”



Katy couple accused of enslaving nanny enters plea deal


OUSTON, Oct. 19, 2016 - Crying outloud in a Houston federal courtroom Wednesday, a Katy couple admitted in a plea deal they helped a Nigerian woman enter the U.S. under false pretenses, held onto her passport and threatened harm if she did not continue working long hours, cleaning and caring for their five children for no pay. Both husband and wife pleaded guilty to the steepest individual federal charge against them, but prosecutors said the dismissed charges would not have impacted the length of their sentences. Chudy Nsobundo, 57, pleaded guilty to visa fraud, admitting he fraudulently filled out an online application for a tourist visa for the nanny, falsely representing that she was his sister and would be coming to the United States for her niece’s wedding. Sandra Nsobundo, 49, pleaded guilty to unlawfully withholding the woman’s passport during her employment with the family. In exchange for their pleas, the couple will not have to forfeit their home. The government, however, has asked that they pay $129,000 to their former employee, who remains in the U.S. under protected status.A local Katy couple is accused of holding their livein nanny against her will for two years while forcing her to clean, cook and take care of five kids without pay, court documents state. Chudy Nsobundu, 56, and his wife, Sandra Nsobundu, 50, were charged Monday with forced labor, withholding documents, conspiracy to harbor an illegal alien and visa fraud. - Accusations detailed -

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the couple allegedly subjected a 38-yearold woman to physical and verbal abuse for two years while she worked at their residence. The woman, a Nigerian national who traveled to the United States in September 2013, was allegedly forced to clean the house, make meals, and care for the couple’s five children every day from 5:30 a.m. to 1 a.m., a criminal complaint states.

with the youngest child, the complaint states. She had contemplated leaving the family

Authorities said the woman was rescued in October 2015 following a tip to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.

Clements High School to host annual Haunted House, Oct. 22

While working, the woman was not allowed to watch television or sit down because she “was not being paid to be lazy,” the document adds. She was also only allowed to eat leftovers from previous meals, use cold water to bathe, and was forced to sleep on the floor because “she was too smelly” to lay in the kids’ beds, prosecutors allege. If the victim wanted milk for her tea, she would have to “strain the milk out of the children’s cereal bowls,” the complaint states. Sandra Nsobundu once “drug the victim by her hair and hit her across the face because she did not like the socks the victim put on one of her children,” prosecutors allege. Sandra Nsobundu then allegedly said she would shoot and kill the woman for not taking care of her children the way she wanted them cared for, according to the complaint. - Isolated and aloneThe woman did not have access to a phone to communicate with family and was only allowed out of the house for short walks around the block

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Aqua Vista: On the Lake 4 beds 2.5 baths Formal living and dining, great views of the lake from all bedrooms.

Schedule for 8th Indian Film Festival of Houston Friday, October 28, 2016, 5:15 pm, followed by Q & A session Driving with Selvi (Documentary Film) Director: Elisa Paloschi Language: English – 1hr 14min Storyline - Selvi, like so many girls in India, is a child bride in a violent marriage. One day she escapes, and goes on to become South India’s first female taxi driver. This is the ten-year journey of a charming, strong, and courageous young woman who defies all expectations, moving beyond the pain she’s experienced to create a new life. Friday, October 28, 2016, 7 pm, followed by Q & A session Born to Run – Budhia Singh (Feature Film) Director: Soumendra Padhi Language: Hindi – 112min With English Subtitles

Saturday, October 29, 2016, 4 pm Amdavad Ma Famous - Famous in Ahmedabad (Documentary Film) Director: Hardik Mehta Language: Gujarati – 29min With English Subtitles


ORT BEND ISD – Clements High School Theatre will host their annual haunted house on Saturday, October 22 from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. at the school’s Theatre Black Box, located at 4200 Elkins Drive in Sugar Land. This year’s haunted house theme is “The Haunted Doll-

house.” The event is geared toward middle school children and older. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. All proceeds raised will go directly toward the Clements High School Theatre Department.

SL Museum celebrates Halloween, Oct 21 & 28 he Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land, will present Museum of Madness and Mayhem Haunted House for ages 15 and older from 7-11 p.m. Oct. 21 and Oct. 28.

Houston Zombie Walk. This interactive haunted house features zombies, strolling characters, Wilbur’s Mine of Madness, the Dollhouse of Death, Night of the Living Dead, and the Paleontology Hall of Horror exhibits.

Step into the darkened museum after hours to experience the Museum of Madness and Mayhem Haunted House, presented in collaboration with

The Houston Museum of Natural Science at Sugar Land, is located at 13016 University Blvd., Sugar Land, TX 77479.


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Greystone Way: On the Lake 3 beds 2.5 baths updated home with great lake views.

8th Film Festival of Houston Oct 28-29, 2016

Storyline - A biopic about Budhia Singh, the world’s youngest marathon runner whose story garnered controversy and inspiration around the world.

The woman was promised $100 a month as compensation, but she was never paid, according to the complaint.

Homes for immediate LEASE


but stayed because she was concerned for the well-being of the children, the document adds.

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016


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Rolling Mills: 4 beds 2 baths in heart of Sugar Land. Walk to Elem school and park.

Call Ron Aga 832 423-6973

Champions Real Estate Group 6117 Richmond Ave. Ste: 120, Houston, TX 77057

Storyline - Set within the kaleidoscopic backdrop of the kite-flying festival in India, ‘Amdavad Ma Famous’, witnesses the transformation of 11-year-old Zaid from a boy next door to an aggressive and passionate kite-runner until he comes across a hindrance that prevents him from flying kites on the terrace. And thus begins the fight for the terrace on the day of the biggest kite flying festival in India.

Saturday, October 29, 2016, 4:30 pm Daaravtha - The Threshold (Short Film) Director: Nishant Roy Bombarde Language: Marathi – 30min With English Subtitles Storyline -An adolescent Pankaj is discovering his sexuality. Torn between a patriarchal Indian upbringing full of gender-stereotypes and his natural urge to identify with the opposite gender, he finds an opportunity to express his desires within the bounds of cultural ethos.

Saturday, October 29, 2016, 6 pm, followed by Q & A session Moh Maya Money - In Greed We Trust (Feature Film) Director: Munish Bhardwaj Language: Hindi – 108min With English Subtitles Storyline - A young real-estate broker tries to pull off a huge scam, which goes horribly wrong. To fix everything he involves his begrudging wife leading to an end neither could imagine. For more information: www.iffhinc.org



FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Epic Dusheera and Diwali Festival at Constellation .......

Parade Marshal Himesh Gandhi, Mayor pro-tem, City of Sugar Land leads the parade at the Skeeters Stadium with Dr. Arun Verma during the Dusheera - Diwali festival . Photo credit: Bijay Dixit.

Giant red Lord Ganesha seated at the entrance.In front is the elaborate flower rangoli. Photo by Bijay Dixit

priest Hanuman Swami of Rama, Jaya Niketan temple of Katy was all transcending experience for many. Apart from the costume competition, children got to enjoy the pony rides, explore the fire engine and play in the playground. But the best part was in the grand finale giant effigies of Ravan, Kumbhakarn and Meghnad were set ablaze symbolizing ridding the world of evil. The spectacular fireworks illuminating the skies were the highlight of the event. “Attending Diwali - DasheharaMela in the Skeeter’s stadium organized by ShriSita Ram Foundation was a thrilling experience for me and my wife Pushpa. Every performance, pared, burning of Ravan’s effigy and the firework in the packed stadium was amazing. Houston became Ram Jiikii Ayodhya when the rose petals showered from the sky. What a celebration!,’ exclaimed Hindi guru Arun Prakash, Author ‘Namastejii’ elementary, intermediate and advance Hindi books. An event of such a magnitude takes a whole year of planning and the host organizers; Sri Suta Ram Foundation is already getting a head start on 2017. The play Ram Leela will be presented on Sunday, November 6th at 3pm at the Stafford Centre.

Continued from page 1

Grand Sponsors Wells Fargo Bank and the Nova Asset Management and other sponsors and vendors. Media sponsors, including Voice of Asia were also recognized on the occasion. Classical and Bollywood dances by local artists engaged the audience throughout. The epic play ‘Ramleela’ presented by Dr. Ratna Kumar was engaging with its many characters (of all ages) and colorful costumes. Ashirwad – A Blessing, presented an enchanting and informative skit, “Goddess Lakshmi’ (Goddess of Fortune), detailing the avatars and power of Goddess Lakshmi, superbly directed by Geetha Ravala. Last year they had presented Goddess Durga. Reciting the ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ was added to this year upon the request of former Consul General Harish Parvathaneni and will remain as an attraction. The cultural segment was emceed by Dr. Nik Nikam, Director, and Sangeeta Dua, host, TV Houston. Under the floodlights, 50 ornate floats representing various organizations of Houston were led in parade by Parade Marshal Himesh Gandhi, Mayor pro-tem, City of Sugar Land and Dr. Arun Verma. The grandeur of the parade was in the variety and detailing of the

Consul General Dr. Anupam Ray with Dr. Arun Verma.

floats like Goddess Lakshmi seated on a lotus, Lord Ram’s Court and all the magnificent Gods and Goddesses, brides, temple chariots, the elegant Wells Fargo stagecoach, and dancers captured the essence of Indian culture. Abha Dwivedi gave the commentary while presenting the floats. This was followed by the Maha Aarti led by Hindu priests from Sri Meenakshi temple and others, and joined by Dr. Arun Verma, Mrs. Vinnie Verma, Consul General Dr. Anupam Ray, his wife Dr. Amit Goldberg, mother and son and other dignitaries and

Students of Divya Unni, Choreographer, performing. They are one of the many dance performers.

guests. The sounds of chanting emerging from the center of the stadium (where the aarti was being performed at a shrine) synchronized with the thousands in the bleachers, all holding digital diyas (lamps), joining in the aarti. Part of the celebrations included the bazaar with 70 stalls including nine food vendors serving delicious Indian street style food. The entire stadium was decorated with over 250,000 multicolored light bulbs. A giant Lord Ganesha at the entrance, 25ft tall Lord Hanuman, and full-fledged temple in the concourse managed by A scene from the play on Goddess Lakshmi directed by Geetha Ravula who played in the lead role.

Ram Leela play featured at the Constellation Stadium in Sugar Land as part of the Dusheera-Diwali celebrations. Photo (s) credit: Bijay Dixit.

From L-R: Dr. Sen Pathak (2nd) Subhash Gupta and Sarojini Gupta (5th & 6th) and members of media honored on the occasion.. Koshy Thomas, Voice of Asia publisher seen far right.

Read this stories and other community stories Visit us online www. voiceofasiaonline.com

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Greystone Way: On the Lake 3 beds 2.5 baths updated home with great lake views.

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Aqua Vista: On the Lake 4 beds 2.5 baths Formal living and dining, great views of the lake from all bedrooms.


Bellaire: 4 beds 3.5 baths in West U area. Formal Dining and large game room.

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Rolling Mills: 4 beds 2 baths in heart of Sugar Land. Walk to Elem school and park.

Call Ron Aga 832 423-6973

Champions Real Estate Group 6117 Richmond Ave. Ste: 120, Houston, TX 77057



FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Otsukimi Moon Viewing Festival

Dallas Kiyari Daiko performing at Otsukimi Moon Viewing Festival.

The moon shining brightly over Otsukimi while shakuhachi master Stan Richardson and students play.


ast Saturday, the autumn moon was full and bright over Klyde Warren Park as the Otsukimi Moon-viewing Festival attendees gazed up at the night sky. Otsukimi, or “moon viewing,” is a Japanese tradition that dates back to the Heian period, or 794-1185 AD, that celebrates the full autumn moon and the harvest. This year’s festival, presented by the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth and the Crow Collection of Asian Art, featured traditional Japanese arts and crafts, food, and music. The Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas provided telescopes so attendees might have a closer look

at the brilliant moon. Some may have even seen the image of the fabled rabbit from the Japanese folk tale associated with the Otsukimi festival, “The Rabbit in the Moon.” In addition, The Bunny Burrow Rabbit Rescue non-profit organization brought many fluffy friends to help celebrate and shared information on responsible rabbit keeping with everyone. Performances included Dallas Kiyari Daiko Japanese drum group, shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute) master Stan Richardson and his students, and world renowned violinist Kazuhiro Takagi, concertmaster of the Dallas Chamber Symphonist. In addition to

enjoying the musical groups, guests were encouraged to write haiku, or Japanese poetry. Later in the evening, they had the opportunity to present their haiku to the audience. Throughout the evening, attendees were also able to enjoy a plethora of booths exhibiting Japanese calligraphy and origami, ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) presented by Ikebana International, a kimono demonstration, and a traditional tea ceremony presented by Urasenke Tanko-kai. Several kidfriendly activities were available, including a necklace-making activity themed after the Rabbit-in-the-Moon folk story. Glow-in-the-dark face

Festival attendees try their hands at Japanese calligraphy. painting by Crow Collection staff members was a very popular option. A variety of Japanese food was offered, such as bento boxes, ramen, an-pan red bean buns, and moon-shaped rice dumplings.

The Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth and the Crow Collection of Asian Art present the Otsukimi Moon Viewing Festival annually. Otsukimi 2016 marks the 17th year of their partnership.



FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

THE STATUE OF EQUALITY Dedicated to Sri Ramanujacharya The tallest sitting statue in the world

About Sri Ramanujacharya:


U.S. Postal Service Commemorated Festival of Diwali with a Forever Stamp


EW YORK CITY (October, 05, 2016) — The U.S. Postal Service commemorated the joyous Hindu festival of Diwali by dedicating the Diwali Forever stamp today. The first-day-of-issue dedication ceremony took place at the Consulate General of India in New York City. The public is asked to share the news using the hashtag #DiwaliStamp. “The Postal Service is honored to issue this Forever stamp that celebrates the Festival of Diwali,” said U.S. Postal Service Vice President of Mail Entry and Payment Technology Pritha Mehra. “We hope these stamps will light up millions of cards and letters as they make their journey through the mailstream.” Joining Mehra in the dedication ceremony were: Ambassador Riva Ganguly Das, Consul General of India; Diwali Stamp Project Chair Ranju Batra; India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and Member of the United Nations Security Council (Ret.) Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri; Sand Hill Group Managing Director M. R. Rangaswami; and Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY). Ravi Batra, Esq., Chair, National Advisory Council South Asian Affairs served as emcee. “I am very honored to be part of history as the United States Postal Service releases the Diwali Forever stamp at the consulate today,” said Das. “Since the start of the American Revolution, destiny has beckoned the United States and India to be the closest allies,” said Ravi Batra. “The Diwali Forever stamp represents nothing short of respectful inclusive indivisibility: E Pluribus Unum — within America and between two sovereigns.” “While this journey may have taken years, the Postal Service has issued a Diwali stamp that will continue to resonate forever,” said Ranju Batra. “Now for the first time there is a stamp that celebrates Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists as Americans forever. Our heartfelt thanks to all of those who have supported this stamp. The Diwali stamp will be a matter of pride for generations to come.” The stamp design is a photograph featuring a traditional diya oil lamp beautifully lit, sitting on a sparkling gold background. Diya lamps are usually made from clay with cotton wicks dipped in a clarified butter known as “ghee” or in vegetable oils. Sally Andersen-Bruce of New Milford, CT, photographed the diya. Greg Breeding of Charlottesville, VA, designed the stamp and William J. Gicker of Washington, DC, served as the project’s art director. Also known as Deepavali, Diwali celebrates the triumph of good over evil. Spanning five days each autumn, Diwali is considered by some to be the start of the new year. On the Hindu calendar, Diwali falls on the eve of, or on, the new moon that occurs between midOctober and mid-November. In 2016, the main day of the festival will be celebrated Oct. 29 for South Indians and Oct 30 for North Indians. Diwali is a shortened version of the Sanskrit word Deepavali, which roughly translates as “a necklace of lights.” During Diwali, the flickering oil-wick diyas sprinkle the homes of observers around the world. Before the festival, many Hindus traditionally go shopping, clean their homes, open their doors and windows, create intricate rangoli — a vibrant floor pattern traditionally made from materials such as rice powder, colored sand and flower petals — and light diyas with hopes that Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth

and prosperity, will visit. In some regions of India, people play games, just as Hindu lore says that the god Shiva did. On the festive main day of the holiday, families pray for Lakshmi, dress up in their best clothes, enjoy lavish feasts and sweets, exchange gifts and light fireworks. Diwali also marks the new year for people in Gujarat and a few other states of India. Diwali also is celebrated as a major holiday by followers of the Jain and Sikh faiths. The Diwali stamp is being issued as a Forever stamp. This Forever stamp is always equal to the value of the current First Class Mail 1-ounce price. The Postal Service receives approximately 40,000 suggestions for stamp ideas annually from the public. Stamp subjects are reviewed by the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee. Of that, approximately 25 topic suggestions for commemorative stamps are

selected by the committee for the Postmater General’s approval. Visit this link for information on upcoming stamp events. Ordering First-Day-of-Issue Postmarks Customers have 60 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at local Post Offices, at The Postal Store website at usps.com⁄shop or by calling 800-782-6724. They should affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes to themselves or others and place them in a larger envelope addressed to: Diwali Stamp Stamp Fulfillment Services Cancellation Services 8300 NE Underground Drive, Pillar 210 Kansas City, MO 64144-9998

ne man, Acharya Ramanuja, born a 1000 years ago and a great philanthropist of his time, championed the most basic of all values that protects us--the notion of equality of all souls. At a time when culture had been polluted by unnecessary taboos, he crossed caste barriers and invited all to learn the sacred mantras and religious knowledge which until then, The Statue of Equality - Acharya Ramanuja had been the privy of only a few. He made sure people of all communities 2017. Adjacent to this is a muwould be able to enter temples seum dedicated to teaching the and taught compassion for all Vedic values of equality of all beings as we are all children souls and will be supported by of the same divine parents. He multimedia in multiple languagdemonstrated through teach- es. This “statue of equality” is ings that we all need to serve located in close proximity to the fellow man with love and re- International Airport in Hyderaspect and correct the inequities bad so that people from around between people and he encour- the world may visit, learn these aged and practiced charity and ancient values of equality and alms, truthfulness, humility, and how to implement them, reinrighteous conduct to all souls. vigorate themselves, and return He gave importance to protect to their communities to solve those in need including animals the problems they face. and the environment and he The Vision of HH Sri Chintook every effort to overcome na Jeeyar Swamiji becomes a discrimination and disparity bereality: tween human beings. A 216 ft. tall, monolith statue Acharya Ramanuja is deemed of Sri Ramanuja Acharya is the the incarnation of Rama’s vision of Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swayounger brother, Lakshman. In miji, the founder of both Jeeyar celebration of his 1000th birth- Educational Trust (JET) which day, or Sahasrabdi Thirunak- focuses on Vedic teachings, and shatram, HH Sri Chinna Jeeyar VTSEVA, an international serSwamiji, is currently construct- vice organization that aids the ing the world’s largest sitting needy around the world. It will statue immortalizing Bhaga- be the tallest sitting statue in the vad Ramanujacharya’s form world. and message, to be unveiled in The Statue of Equality in

Shamshabad, India showcasing: 1. Center for Vedic Education and Learning 2. Center of Worship representing 108 Divya Deshams 3. Center for Service and Healthcare 4. Center for Vedic Research and Preservation 5. Center for recreational and cultural activities In order to uphold the self-evident truth that all beings are created equal and that this truth is a core part of our cultural heritage, we sincerely request everyone to be a part of the Statue of Equality project where every dollar donated will reach millions via the above centers planned around the statue. Free Admission to The Cullen Hall. Grand Cultural Program a nd Dinner in Houston. “Samantha Vaibhavam” November 26th 2016, 5:-00pm-8:30pm Please show your support by participating in the cultural event on Nov 26th, in the presence His Holiness Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji, who is spearheading this project. Due to limited seating, admission is free by registration only. Complimentary snacks and dinner will be served. Please register at WWW. ASHTALAKSHMI.ORG If you wish to donate, we humbly accept any amount and can be made at the time of registration.



Chinmaya Mission Navratri Celebrations - An Offering to Amba Ma

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Refugee and immigrant children at Shaw STEAM center go on a field trip

Families enjoying doing the Garba Raas during the Navratri celebrations at Chinmaya Mission. Photo by Jayesh Mistry. by Vinod Sharma


hinmaya Mission Houston celebrated Navratri on Saturday, October 15, 2016, at the Stafford Civic Center with much fanfare. As in the years past, this year’s celebration was once again very well attended and a grand success. First and foremost it was a celebration of Ma Amba , The mother Goddess, by family members of all ages and this spiritual underpinning was evident throughout. As parents and grandparents modelled devotion to the next generation, respectfulness, celebration of oneness and a self of belonging, connected one and all. The main hall at the Stafford Civic Center was packed to capacity with Chinmaya Mission members and their families. The sights, the sounds and the mood were truly remarkable. The room was resplendent in the variety of colors and shades of ornate and elegant clothes that reflected the rich cultural diversity of India. Although the languages in which the melodious songs were sung were many, the enchanting music and the joyful mood was what all seemed to tuned into. It was heartwarming to see everyone unselfconsciously joining in the merry traditional community dances – be it the garaba, dandiya, sanedo, or bhangra

– just for the fun of it. The children’s excitement, camaraderie among the adults and time tested bonds between senior citizens, knew no boundaries. It was after all a gathering of a village that is raising 1000+ Chinmaya balavihar students. As is customary at Mission, an army of sevakas and sevikas had worked tirelessly behind the scenes and organized the event so well that activities seemed to flow seamlessly from the opening prayer held promptly at 7:30 pm to the finish at 11:30 pm. From the beautifully decorated entrance which this year featured an artistic treat of a rangoli - one formed using cookies, candy and jalebi; to the beautiful alter in the center of the dance floor for Ma Amba. The well-staffed dining area was open throughout the evening for Mission members to have a sumptuous and delicious dinner at their leisure, only punctuated by the arati at 8:30 pm. This celebration has always been very popular with Chinmaya Mission J-CHYK and CHYK students from high school and college. What made this year’s celebration particularly enjoyable was seeing a large number of Chinmaya Bala Vihar elementary school students who joined in. The

unbridled enthusiasm, excitement and energy of all students raised the tempo and maintained it at a high level through the evening. It was gratifying to be part of an event where so many new friendships were formed, existing bonds were strengthened, pride in a rich cultural heritage was affirmed, acceptance and joy were so freely shared and inherent goodness was modelled. This joyousness pervaded the space and wafted like fragrance from an agarabatti offered, with gratitude and devotion, to Ma Amba by her children on this auspicious occasion. On Sunday morning after the celebration, when Madhavi Aunty asked the over 300 elementary school Bala Vihar students gathered in Sarasvati Nilayam for prayers before class, if they had enjoyed Navaratri – their response an overwhelming– “Yes, - we want it every Sunday�. From the rousing applause that seconded a message to Acharya Gaurang Nanavaty from a family, who “felt very happy and blessed to be a part of the Chinmaya family� the adults in the Smrti hall had enjoyed the celebration as much as the children had. For more information on Chinmaya Mission Houston and its activities visit www.chinmayahouston.org

Kids at Sewa’s ASPIRE centers. Visit Houston@sewausa.org by Anuja Deshpande


ewa International and Cryptonite, together organized a fun filled trip to the Robert R. Shaw center for STEAM on 9th of October 2016 for kids from underserved communities. Sewa Houston conducts after school programs (ASPIRE) for refugee and immigrant families, and more than 70 kids are enrolled in these programs. Also, Sewa team celebrates Sewa day annually to promote volunteerism in every section of the society. This year, the Cryptonite group volunteered to teach ASPIRE kids about science as part of Sewa day celebration. Cryptonite is a group of high school students from Katy ISD, who study robotics and have won many competitions in designing and building robots.

At the Robert R. Shaw center, Cryptonite students designed three types of fun filled experiments for kids to learn from. These experiments were based on principles such as air pressure, dynamic design, force and elasticity. The field trip also included presentation on robot designing and testing, lab tour and live demonstration. More than 30 kids attended the field trip and had great learning experience. Many of them would love to come back and know more about robotics. More than 20 volunteers worked well together to make this event a success. President of Cryptonite, Chetana Samal and Project Coordinator of Sewa, Kavita Tewary were instrumental in arranging the trip. ASPIRE education coordinators (Camilla Escobar, Amit Pandya, Anuja Deshpande), and volunteers (Andres Erazo, AmeriCorps Vista Hasita Karthick) supported the event.

Houston welcomes HH Sri Sri Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji

SRI ASHTALAKSHMI TEMPLE, JET HOUSTON CHAPTER Samatha Vaibhavam Grand Cultural Program with Swamiji’s Pravachanam At Cullen Performance Hall, Houston On Saturday 26th November, 2016 5 pm – 8.30 pm

Program at Cullen Hall ď Ź Swamiji's Pravachanam ď Ź

Songs by Celebrity

Singer Sriman Ghazal Srinivas ď Ź

Classical Dance per-

Cullen Admission is free by registration ONLY. Register at www.ashtalakshmi.org Complimentary evening snacks and dinner! Seats are limited. Reserve Early!

Phone: 281-826-2602, E-mail: equality@ashtalakshmi.org


formances by Sriman Raghava Vedantam ď Ź

Snacks served from

4:00 - 4:45pm. Dinner to follow the event.

Sri Chinnajeeyar Swamiji’s Vision of


The Tallest Sitting Statue in the World at 216ft. Being built at Sriramnagar, Shamshabad, Hyderabad, India To be installed, unveiled, and dedicated to the world in 2017

Take part in this once in a Lifetime Opportunity to participate in the Centenary Celebrations of the Birth of Sri Ramanujacharya

Please also join us in HH Chinna Jeeyar Swamiji's

‘Thirunakshatram’ celebrations at Sri Ashtalakshmi Temple, 10098 Synot Rd., Sugar Land 77498 No Nov. 26th, 2016, Starts 9am (followed by mahaprasadam lunch)


FRIDAY, October 21, 2016



ONLINE .COM voiceofasiaonline.com

Vol. 29 No. 42

Section 2

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Drenched in fashion It’s raining kimonos in Tokyo

by Jennie Matthew

Tel: 713-774-5140

Global health: longer lives, more lifestyle disease by Marlowe Hood

OKYO, Japan | AFP - It’s raining kimonos in Tokyo. US-based Japanese heavymetal superstar Yoshiki kicked off Japan Fashion Week by sending models down the runway in sexy, reimagined kimonos on Monday, Oct 17th.



ARIS, France | AFP - Life expectancy worldwide has jumped by a decade since 1980, rising in 2015 to 69 years for men and nearly 75 for women, according to a comprehensive overview of global health released Thursday. These extra years came in large measure thanks to a sharp drop in deaths from communicable diseases, especially over the last decade, said the Global Burden of Disease report, published in The Lancet.

It may not be high fashion to purists, but such is the fame of the dyedblonde, androgynous-looking cofounder of rock band X Japan that he opened the latest edition of Tokyo’s twice-yearly style bonanza. Music fans, the Japanese celebrity press and the fashion pack crammed into a catwalk show that opened with a flamboyantly dressed Yoshiki seated at his trademark transparent baby grand for a classical-inspired duet with a female electric violinist in black stilettos. To pondering chords on the piano, models dressed in Yoshiki’s collection

Despite population increases, combined mortality from HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis -- both major killers -- fell by more than a quarter, from 3.1 million in 2005 to 2.3 million in 2015. Designer Yoshiki played while models strutted. (AFP) as models with crimped hair stuck in serpent-like strands gingerly navigated the soaking runway in vertiginous

open the eyes of the world to the traditional Japanese garment. “After I moved to Los Angeles 20 years ago, I really understood the importance of Japanese culture,” he explained. “If I’d stayed in Japan, I wouldn’t have realised there are so many Japanese restaurants around the world. I think that is really good, and I want kimono culture to be same as Japanese food.” The music that accompanied the show, he said, was pure improvisation -- so busy had he been with a music festival until recently. “When I played, I focused on the kimono as having the main role,” he said, his blonde hair falling in soft waves around his face, lips accentuated in pink lipstick.

Yoshiki posed backstage with a featured model. (AFP) of traditional style kimonos -- albeit crafted in red leather to mimic snake skin or metallic golds and silver -sashayed, or even shuffled, down the runway. Bolts of lightening flashed overhead and storm sound effects crashed over the sound system as black curtains parted in the middle of the catwalk to reveal Yoshiki standing over a drum set. He carefully removed his overcoat, then powered through a high-energy drum solo as Western models appeared in strapless, kimono-inspired cocktail dresses that grazed the thigh in chessboard black and white, zebra print with a dalmatian-print flourish, or pink and red florals. Rain poured down from the ceiling

stilettos. Yoshiki played drenched to the skin in a pussy bow blouse. The climatic look was a transparent plastic kimono that left little to the imagination -- exposing the model’s bare breasts and saving her blushes only with a patterned micro, undergarment at the waist. The rain, Yoshiki explained to reporters, was inspired by Alexander McQueen, the late British designer considered one of the greats of his generation, who soaked his own runway in 1998. A musician who transcends both the rock and classical worlds, and was raised by parents in the kimono business, Yoshiki said his passion was to

It was the musician’s second kimono airing at Japan Fashion Week following his debut last October, also showcasing body-hugging kimonos, also slashed to miniskirtlength and worn with stilettos. Kimonos for men and children are his next dream, he said. Sponsored by online retailer Amazon this season, Tokyo Fashion Week is in its 12th year. Between Monday and Saturday it will showcase around 50 up-andcoming designers with established brands.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), set in 2000, set hard targets for reducing child and maternal mortality, and combatting key communicable diseases, by 2015. A 15-year clock on a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) -- several of them health related -- began running last year. The report is intended as a benchmark for this new effort. There have been other major health gains over the last quarter century. The number of deaths of children under five, for example, dropped by more than 50 percent from 1990 to 2015, to 5.8 million.

And malaria mortality plummeted by more than a third, from 1.2 million in 2005 to 730,000 last year.

National score cards: But that was still well short of the MDG calling for under-five mortality to be slashed by two-thirds. Had that target been met, another 14 million children would have survived to see their fifth birthday.

During that decade, life expectancy went up in 188 of 195 countries and territories.

There were exceptions to the generally positive trends, many stemming from conflict.

At the same time, however, noncommunicable diseases of all kinds -ranging from cancers to heart disease and stroke -- claimed more lives, with the death toll rising from 35 million in 2005 to 39 million in 2015.

Since 2011, global deaths from war have risen massively due in large part to fighting in Syria, Yemen and Libya.

Over this period, annual deaths due to diarrhoeal diseases decreased by 20 percent.

“As we live longer, the burden of non-communicable diseases is rising -- along with the attendant costs of treatment,” Kevin Watkins, head of Save the Children UK, noted in a comment, also in The Lancet. Many of the diseases on the rise are associated with ageing: cancers, coronary artery disease, cirrhosis of the liver and Alzheimer’s, among others. The paradox is that even as lifespans grow, more people are spending more time in ill health of living with disabilities, the 100-page study found. Centralizing the expertise of nearly 1,900 experts, the report -- coordinated by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington in Seattle -- comes at the juncture between two major UN health initiatives.

Male life expectancy in Syria has dropped more than 11 years since the civil war there began. In 2015, the number of people displaced by armed conflict and disasters reached a record 65 million. Over half of the world’s refugees are children. The report also “graded” countries, indicating whether mortality levels from specific causes were lower or higher than expected, taking into account each nation’s income and education levels, as well as fertility rates. The United States, for example, scored very poorly on coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and drug abuse. Many Eastern European countries scored poorly on these, as well as alcohol abuse and stroke. Western European and East Asian countries, generally speaking, scored highest.

It attracts 50,000 visitors to the Japanese capital each season.


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Ready for a cruise? Travel agent offers pro tips


hristine Brown, cruise sales manager for Expedia Cruise Ship Centers, recently won the Rising Star award, presented by the Cruise Lines International Association. She beat out travel agents from all over the cruise industry for the recognition. “Winning this award speaks first and foremost to my passion for travel, but also to my relationships with my clients,” she said, adding that developing close relationships with clients enables her to “get to the heart of what they want to see and do in the world.” What are the benefits of having a travel agent? There’s a misconception that travel agents are just human booking engines, when really the role holds so much more than just securing the itinerary. The true value of travel agents is thinking of them as personal travel concierges — someone who is at all times an advocate for their client. Some people are comfortable booking online, and that’s OK. For many travelers, though, a trip is a huge investment and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. A travel agent can navigate the intricate ins and outs and tailor to specific wants and needs of the client. Where do you see Expedia Cruise Ship Centers going in the next five years? The two Las Vegas locations will focus on getting the brand name out there in the community, letting people know the value and expertise we bring as travel consultants affiliated with a big brand. We are constantly recruiting more agents to our team and growing our client base. There may even be another Las Vegas location at some point to help navigate spectacular vacation experiences for travelers in the area. How has the travel industry changed over the past 10 years? Cruising is becoming more and more popular, and the individual cruise lines are building more and more new ships to meet demand. Data from CLIA say the industry has grown 68 percent in the past 10 years, which is incredible. I read that every shipyard in the world is in use right now, so the industry literally cannot grow any faster. Cruising as a vacation offers tremendous value in that meals, entertain-

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Watch out, Tesla!

New luxury electric cars to hit the market by Stephanie Michaud


enrik Fisker, whose previous Anaheim-based automotive venture went bankrupt in 2013, announced plans Tuesday to introduce a new luxury electric vehicle to compete with Tesla.

“Cruising as a vacation offers tremendous value.” ment and your accommodations are built into the base cruise fare. It allows people to plan one trip that visits multiple places in a reasonable amount of time, while only unpacking once. What is the most valuable advice you have for first-time cruisers? There are so many tips, but here are a few to keep in mind: 1. Let your agent know your vacation expectations. What do you think your cruise will be like, look like, where it will go. This will help them match you with the right cruise line and itinerary. 2. On the day of embarkation, pack a carry-on with cruise boarding passes, passports, any prescription medications, a change of clothes and bathing suit. 3. Take time to explore the ship when you first get on and closely plan your days with the nightly newsletter placed in your stateroom (bring a highlighter to mark it). 4. You don’t have to dress up, or bring a tux or formal wear. Cruise lines are doing away with their “formal nights” and replacing them with casual elegance or country club casual. 5. When the ship is in port, there are some great deals that can be found at the onboard spa. 6. Insure your trip. A vacation can be a big investment. Protect it from medical issues, delays, interruptions, etc. Where is your favorite place to visit? What place is still on your bucket list? So far, my favorite trip has been

Australia: Sydney, Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Great Barrier Reef. You can’t go wrong when you visit iconic places, famous beaches and a natural wonder of the world. I also love Paris. I’ve always been obsessed with everything about it — the art, architecture, food and fashion. For a long time, my No. 1 bucket-list vacation was Vietnam and Cambodia. After that I’m eyeing the Galápagos, Maldives, Seychelles, Iceland and more of Asia. Whom do you admire? My parents have always been an inspiration to me. They always taught me that if there was the opportunity to do something unique or travel somewhere new, to jump at the chance. Walt Disney had a vision and made it come to life. Not only does his company tell stories like no other, but the level of service and how Disney treats clients is second to none. I am always studying Disney’s best practices. Marie Forleo is an inspiring female entrepreneur. Ever since her “Everything is Figureoutable” speech on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday, I’ve been following what she teaches, her thoughts, ideas and lessons, and incorporating them into my daily routine. Her words have really changed me as a businesswoman. What is the best business advice you’ve received? Fortunately I’ve had no end to talented business coaches and mentors who have imparted wonderful advice to me. The most memorable piece of advice I’ve received is: “Organize yourself and your business the right way; allocate times during your day and week for certain tasks.”

and cutting-edge electric car ever created,” he said. “If the electric car is to succeed as a mass market vehicle, we need a radical new battery technology and battery pack integration, and our vehicles will have just that,” Fisker said. “With our game-changing battery technology, now is the time to develop more affordable, mass market vehicles.”

Fisker said he is relaunching his eponymous company, Fisker Inc., which he started in 2007, along with In addition to a premium vehicle, a battery arm called Fisker Nanotech. The Danish automotive designer is the Fisker said he is developing a masscreator of the 2012 Fisker Karma, which was billed as the world’s first premium electric car with a range extender. According to a statement announcing his new venture, the Danish entrepreneur plans to introduce a “spiritual successor” to his Photo: Fisker Automotive via Wikimedia Commons Fisker Karma in the second half of 2017, “featuring a battery technology market, affordable electric vehicle that that will deliver the world’s longest will retail for less than its competielectric range of any production car tors, but will feature a longer electric range. previously developed.” Fisker, who will hold the title of chairman and CEO, said: “Fisker Inc. will spearhead a revolution in electric cars that will disrupt the electric vehicle market and change the world.” “Both the technology and the market are more mature now than when we first started out as pioneers in the electric vehicle industry, and our new vehicle will be the most innovative

Fisker is known for designing the BMW Z8 and Aston Martin’s V8 Vantage and the DB9. From 2001-05, he was design director and board member of Aston Martin and also held various senior roles at Ford Motor Co. From 1989-2000, he held various positions at BMW, including president and CEO of BMW Designworks USA.

Lagerfeld checks into the hotel business


ARIS, France | AFP - Fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld announced Monday he planned to launch his own branded hotel chain, with the first property set to open in the Chinese gambling hub of Macau in 2018.

der their own names. His first hotel is being built with a local partner in the luxury Lisboa Palace Complex in Macau, but the Lagerfeld group is “in the process of study-

Rajit Kapur : The lovable everyman In a conversation that veers from nostalgia to cultural politics, Rajit Kapur reflects on his craft and concerns


ome childhood memories never die. One of them is Rajit Kapur playing Byomkesh Bakshi in Basu Chatterjee’s interpretation of Sharadindu Bandyopadhyay’s popular fictional stories of the Bengali detective who loves to call himself

can’t think beyond two episodes.” It is this lack of homework that keeps Kapur away from television. “You need to chew your food. If you swallow it, you won’t get the taste.” As for Gandhi, Kapur says his men-

The marketing handicaps apart, Kapur feels, acting has become more natural and better stories are coming out in the last five years. “Whatever be the budget of the film, if the story is not compelling and there is no emotional content to hold the viewer, it won’t work irrespective of who is in it and where it is filmed.”

Rajit Kapur (Photo: Thulasi Kakkat) the seeker of truth. The truth is, many adaptations later, Kapur remains the best Bakshi. And who can forget his experiments with truth as the young Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in The Making of Mahatma. In both cases he rose above factors like ethnic identity and face value to make parts his own. “I am very fortunate that these two roles still hold people’s interest,” says Kapur. “I had already played Michael Madhusudan Dutt in Yugantar when director Shubhankar Ghosh suggested my name to Basu Chatterjee. He made my job so easy that I just had to learn how to tie dhoti,” he chuckles in a telephonic conversation. “He had done all the scripting, translation and dialogues in advance. He gave me the script of 20 episodes with dialogues in one go and said that I will get the next 13 very soon. In television, we have moved ahead with technology but still we

“A two-character film, it is very sensitive and beautifully made. I just hope many people get to see it. It brings out how a man can be insecure and why a wife has to spell out everything to be understood.” Kapur says that the young director (Pushan Kriplani) and writer have worked very hard but unfortunately they are not connected with industry honchos and entertainment wizards.

tor Shyam Benegal was convinced that he didn’t want to match his facial expressions with the young Gandhi. “He wanted me to understand his mind and his actions, and said if I get them right people would forget about the lack of facial similarities,” says Kapur as he speaks from the sets of Reloaded, the prequel of Bang Bang.

It is important, he adds, that filmmakers have realised the importance of giving the script to actors in advance. “Earlier a lot of scripting and dialogue writing was done on the sets. Now we are little more focussed. There is emphasis on pre-production work and many more filmmakers are being able to tell stories close to their heart.”

At a time when there were water tight compartments between art and commercial films, Kapur was our lovable everyman riding on films like Suraj Ka Satvan Ghoda. When the walls were being broken he sneaked into the mainstream space and added weight to films like Ghulam. After a lull, Kapur is back and says his hands are full. It is another matter that he is still not being challenged enough. The last instance was The Threshold, where he and Neena Gupta played the middle-aged couple, who revisit their relationship after their son’s marriage.

And the lack of challenge in films pulls Kapur to theatre which he says, “flows in his bloodstream”. The play requires no set, no director and a different actor performs it every time. Some big names like John Hurt, Sinead Cusack and Ken Loach have attempted it. In India, Arundhati Nag has tried it. “The challenge is you can’t do any preparation. You don’t know what are you expected to do. You are in an unknown territory. You have to make do with whatever presence of mind and

Karl Lagerfeld has been the artistic director at Chanel since 1983 (AFP Photo/ Patrick Kovarik) The 83-year-old German-born designer has already collaborated with luxury Parisian address Le Crillon and the Metropole in Monaco, but the new business will see him and his company design entire hotels. Leading fashion houses from Dior to Diane von Furstenberg have developed a lucrative side-business away from the catwalk by designing suites and other interiors for hotel owners. Lagerfeld intends to follow the example of rivals such as Armani, Bulgari and Versace which have gone one step further and opened properties unexperience you have.” There are some basic instructions that are given to the actor 48 hours before the performance. They are like wearing comfortable clothing, not reading about it and asking any other actors. They don’t guide you into what needs to be done on stage. It only says that you should be loud and clear so that the audience can hear you clearly,” Kapur grins. The actor doesn’t want to go into the politics of the play but he is playing a lot of political characters. He confirms that he is playing Jawaharlal Nehru in Solar Eclipse, a Hollywood film that promises to present an alternative view of the events leading to Partition. “It is a small role. It was not like I had to play Nehru for a month. But yes, I get to deliver his famous midnight speech.” Then he is playing a Mus-

ing other opportunities to open other properties around the world,” it said in a statement. The current artistic director at Chanel will also lend his talents and trademark to luxury residences, restaurants and private clubs, the group said, as part of a push into the interior design business. The Lisboa Palace Complex in Macau -- an enclave that is the only place in China where gambling is legal -- will include casinos, restaurants and various hotels, notably the Versace Palace. lim League leader in Begum Jaan. It brings us to the brouhaha around Pakistani artists working in India. “My point is we could have asked the artistes to go back if the two countries were at war and diplomatic ties had been snapped. When the diplomatic ties are in place, why are we declaring war on the actor community first,” he wonders. He agrees with the Prime Minister’s view that there is difference between the government and the people of Pakistan. “Artistes are ordinary people.” One asks, if it could be a step-by-step process. “Then why are you starting with artistes. Just because they are easy targets as they are always in public eye,” questions Kapur as he rushes for his next shot. (The Hindu)



Rich countries ‘confident’ of meeting climate finance pledge

On the trail of South Korea’s high-tech peeping Toms


EOUL | AFP - Walking into an empty women’s bathroom stall, Park Kwang-Mi waves a hand-held detector around the toilet seat, paper roll holder, doorknob and even the ventilation grill on the ceiling. “It’s my job to make sure there’s no camera to film women while they relieve themselves,” the 49-year-old said after similarly inspecting dozens of public toilet stalls at a museum in Seoul. “It’s weird that there are people who want to see something like that ... but this is necessary to help women feel safe,” she told AFP.

The so-called Paris Agreement aims to curb global warming to under two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-Industrial Revolution levels (AFP Photo/Patrick Kovarik).


ARIS, France | AFP Rich countries, which have pledged $100 billion (91 billion euros) every year from 2020 for poor countries to deal with climate change, said Monday they were “confident” of meeting the target. Pledges made in 2015 alone would boost public finance from $41 billion in 2013-14 to $67 billion in 2020, they said in a report entitled “Roadmap to $100 billion”. This was based on calculations of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and relate to funds from governments and multinational development banks, not private contributions. “It should be considered a conservative, indicative aggregation of public climate finance levels in 2020, rather than a firm prediction,” the countries said. The report, signed by 38 developed nations and the European Commission, was released in Marrakesh at a meeting to prepare for the annual round of UN climate talks to be hosted by Morocco in November. Last year’s round, in France, yielded the so-called Paris Agreement to curb global warming to under two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-Industrial Revolution levels. The $100 billion pledge was made at the 2009 talks in Copenhagen, where it was a major sticking point in negotiations. The hard-fought Paris Agreement, seeks to limit climate change by curbing planetwarming gases emitted by mankind’s burning of coal, oil

and gas for energy and heating. The dollar amount was finally not enshrined in the binding agreement itself, but in an attached non-binding “decision” document, which committed developed countries to “set a new collective quantified goal from a floor of $100 billion per year” -- meaning it can only go up. “We are confident we will meet the $100 billion goal from a variety of sources, and reaffirm our commitment to doing so...” the countries said. The sourcing of the money had been one of the main points of contention, with poor nations insisting most of it should come from governments rather than loans, companies, multilateral agencies or development aid. The money is meant to ease the shift from cheap and abundant coal to renewable energy sources, and for shoring up defences against climate change impacts such as freak storms, drought and sea-level rise. In the “Roadmap”, the donor countries committed themselves to “use public finance and policy interventions to effectively mobilise private finance.” Observers welcomed Monday’s report but said there was

still a need for donors to show exactly how they will make up the remaining difference. “We know that the national climate plans in the Paris Agreement will take trillions of dollars to implement,” said Alison Doig, climate change adviser for Christian Aid, which defends the interests of climate change victims. “The public finance outlined today will help, but is not enough.” Meanwhile EU environment ministers launched talks in Luxembourg on how to divide among the 28 member states the overall target of cutting greenhouse gases by 2030, in line with the Paris deal. French Environment Minister Segolene Royal voiced optimism. “Some countries have substantially changed” their stance and adopted a “positive attitude”, she said, as she urged leaders to take advantage of the momentum in the fight against climate change and introduce legislation. In July the European Commission unveiled national targets, insisting Britain is still legally required to help the bloc meet its UN goal despite being set to leave.

A member of Seoul city’s all-female “hidden camerahunting” squad, Park is at the forefront of a battle against “molka”, or “secret camera” porn. South Korea takes pride in its tech prowess, from ultrafast broadband to cutting-edge smartphones. Around 90 percent of its 50 million people possess smartphones -- the highest rate in the world. But it’s a culture that has also given rise to an army of tech-savvy peeping Toms in a still male-dominated country with a poor record on women’s rights. Many use special smartphone apps to film up women’s skirts as they ride subway escalators or sit at desks, and spy cameras to gather footage from changing rooms and toilet stalls. The images are then often shared to numerous molka speciality sites on the Internet. Such practises have become so rampant that all manufacturers of smartphones sold in South Korea are required to ensure the cameras on their devices make a loud shutter sound when taking photos. Molka crimes are daily news, and perpetrators cover a broad social range. A pastor at a Seoul megachurch with 100,000 members was caught filming up a woman’s skirt on an escalator.

Europe steers lander towards Mars


ARIS (AFP) - Europe sent a tiny lander on a three-day, million-kilometre (621,000-mile) trek to the Martian surface Sunday to test-drive technology for a daring mission to scout the Red Planet for evidence of life. There were nervous mo-

ments for ground controllers when the unmanned mothership, dubbed Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), stopped sending status updates just as it despatched the paddle pool-sized lander, Schiaparelli, on its way. “Everything



FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

track,” spokeswoman Jocelyne Landeau-Constantin of the European Space Operations Centre told AFP by telephone after an anxious hour of resetting commands and waiting for a response.

His smartphone was packed with similar images of other women. A 31-year-old obstetrician was jailed for secretly filming female patients and nurses in a changing room and sharing some of the images on the Internet. And the head coach of South Korea’s national swimming team resigned last month after two male swimmers were found to have installed a hidden camera in the locker room of their women teammates. According to police data,

the number of molka crimes jumped more than six-fold from about 1,110 in 2010 to more than 6,600 in 2014. While some offenders use smartphones, others employ spy-style gadgets, including ballpoint pens, glasses or wrist watches equipped with micro lenses, said Hyun Heung-Ho, a detective attached to Seoul police’s metro squad. The squad was established in 1987 to fight subway crime like pickpockets, but now its main focus is on tackling various kinds of sexual harassment, including molka crimes.

Scientists grow mouse eggs from stem cells in lab by Mariëtte Le Roux


ARIS, France | AFP | Japanese scientists said Monday they had grown mouse eggs entirely in the lab, then fertilised them to yield fertile offspring, a scientific first cautiously hailed by experts in human reproduction. The technique -- which involved coaxing stem cells into becoming mature eggs -- was still much too risky and controversial to be reproduced in humans, commentators said. “This is the first report of anyone being able to develop fully mature and fertilisable eggs in a laboratory setting right through from the earliest stages of oocyte (immature egg) development,” commented Richard Anderson of the University of Edinburgh’s MRC Centre for Reproductive Health. While the technique may be useful to treat infertility “one day”, the paper also showed “the complexity of the process and how it is a long way from being optimised,” he said via the Science Media Centre in London. Only a small number of embryos which grew from the eggs developed into normal mice. The lab-grown eggs were more likely to have chromosomal abnormalities. The authors of the paper -published in the science journal Nature -- reported using two types of stem cell, which are neutral, juvenile cells that can become most any type of specialised cell of the body. The first kind was harvested directly from mouse embryos, the team said, and the other cre-

ated in the lab by reprogramming cells taken from mouse tail tips back into a juvenile state from which they can re-specialise. The stem cells were grown into mature eggs, which were fertilised in the lab as well. The resulting embryos were then transferred into surrogate mice. Of those that survived, both male and female pups were fertile and produced another generation of mice, the authors reported. Ethical conundrum -”The data are primarily of interest to scientists, although potentially of clinical interest to those patients who lack eggs of their own,” Martin Johnson, a professor of reproductive sciences at the University of Cambridge, wrote in a comment on the paper. Congratulating the Japanese on a “remarkable achievement,” he pointed out that there were, however, major limitations. Not only was there a high risk of abnormalities, but the scientists had to add a type of cell, which can only be obtained from an embryo, to the petri dish during the egg maturation process. This poses an ethical problem for human reproductive science. One day these cells may also be grown in the lab, but this may take years, observers said. Even if we could grow a human egg from stem cells, “the final and ultimate test for fully functional human ‘eggs in a dish’ would be the fertilisation using IVF, which is also ethically not allowed,” said James Adjaye, director of the Institute for Stem Cell Research and Regenerative Medicine in Duesseldorf, Germany.


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Section 2

Young Life

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Tel: 713-774-5140

Number of young Indian women Son beaten on school bus “driven out of US by battling breast cancer rising Islamophobia”

by Shreya Kalra, Indiatimes

Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani is a twice-Fulbright scholar who works in counter-terrorism


lobally, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) and while the international community is doing their part - from the UAE holding free BC examinations around the country to Pink walks in the USA - to spread awareness, we ask what the Indian government is doing. Oncologists in India are grappling with one of the toughest challenges ahead since BC is the leading cause of cancer among women in India and is spreading at a speedy pace in rural areas as well. According to reports, one fourth of cancers among Indian women are found to be breast cancer. The most alarming aspect about the current situation is that an increasing number of young women are suffering from breast cancer. According to data prepared by Breast Cancer India, a resource site managed by NGO The Pink Initiative, the number of young people being diagnosed with breast cancer is on the rise. 25 years ago, out of 100 patients, only 2% were between 20-30 years old and 7% were between 30-40 years old. Currently, 4% are between 20-30 and 16% are between 30-40 years old. Oncologists say each hospital sees two or three teenagers every year. The cancer registry at Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Oncology and Research (SRIOR) in Coimbatore shows breast cancer in women below the age of 35 has gone up from 3% to 8% in a decade. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) registry in Delhi confirms the trend: occurrence in the 2040 age group has gone up from 5% to 15% in 20 years. Woman In India are bravely fighting the disease without much support from the government due to lack of awareness policies, particularly in case of cancer. Ujwala Raje, 44, was diagnosed with early stage cancer when she was 40. This was her second contact with breast cancer - her mother was detected with it at 60 when the cancer had reached a later stage.

by Rachel Revesz, The Independent



Ms Luten told The Independent the school principal had tried to get in touch with the Usmani family by phone, but was unable to reach them.

Muslim man who works in counter-terrorism has moved his family back to Pakistan after a series of attacks and discrimination against him, his wife and three sons in North Carolina. Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani’s wife witnessed their seven-year-old son, Abdul Aziz, walk off the school bus last week, battered and bruised. A group of classmates had kicked and punched him, twisted his arm and repeatedly called him “Muslim”. Alarming trend: occurrence in the 20-40 age group has gone up from 5% to 15% in 20 years. (Graphic: Indiatimes) Family support, Ujwala says, is “very essential” and is what helped her through. “I pushed my mother’s morale when everyone else around us thought it was a gone case because of the taboo around the word cancer,” she said. According to Ujwala, awareness about cancer, is of utmost importance. “Currently I do not think enough is being done to spread awareness about breast cancer. Those who have directly or indirectly been affected by it have the awareness but that’s it. Right now, not enough people go for regular check-ups. There is awareness around diabetes and heart diseases but that has taken India years of conversation around them to reach where we are today and the same needs to be done for breast cancer,” Ujwala said. Cancer has negative connotations attached to it but it definitely does not mean the end of life. Its treatment is harsh and invasive but despite all the apathy, there are women with success stories, who are living their lives after leaving cancer behind. The battle, though, is not easy. In summer of 1996, Farida Rizwan, 29, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had to undergo invasive surgery

and chemotherapy because the cancer was in its third stage. Farida was already taking care of her 31 year-old sister also battling with breast cancer. Her mother had been diagnosed with the same cancer two years previously. Her treatment lasted six months and she didn’t have much support since her sister was very critical and in fact passed away two months. Farida battled it out and survived. “Going through chemo takes a big toll on the body and mind, and because I was almost dealing with it alone, I came out much stronger,” she recalls. Farida agrees that the government, even after 20 years, has not been able to spread awareness about breast cancer. “First of all so many Indians aren’t insured and even then cancer treatment is exorbitant. The government should make strong policies for cancer treatment and also different ones for cancer survivors. Right now, I’m a cancer survivor unable to secure any insurance,” she said. Meanwhile, oncologists agreeing to the fact that number of cancer patients is on the rise, say that people’s lifestyle is responsible for it.

“We have policies prohibiting that type of behaviour. It’s not tolerated in our schools and when it happens it’s addressed.” Mr Usmani took his family to Pakistan last week and is now trying to find an online schooling system for his three children.

A picture of the boy in a sling - a fan of Captain America - was posted online and was shared and commented on thousands of times.

“Probably due to my work, I feel more safe in the US than Pakistan, yet my kids say they feel more safe in Pakistan than the US, so we are in a very interesting dilemma,” he added.

Despite media attention, Mr Usmani told The Independent he had still not heard back from the school, which was telling parents and the media that his son’s version of events did not corroborate with witness interviews.

“My children say they feel good but psychologically I know they are still trying to cope. Abdul said: ‘I want to go back but only when I feel strong enough’, so we have taken him to a psychiatrist.“

“We haven’t received a response from the principal, [the school is] saying they can’t connect with us, yet everyone else can,” he said.

Abdul has recovered from his physical injuries, except for a bump to his head, said Mr Usmani.

Lisa Luten of the Wake County Public School System said an investigation had been launched by the principal of Weatherstone Elementary School. “They did not see anything and nor did the bus driver. [Abdul] did not report anything to the children around him or to the bus driver,” she said. “There was one seven year old sitting next to that child on the bus, and that child did report playfighting. But they weren’t aware of [Islamophobic] Dr. P K Julka from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) says, “There is a rise in all forms of cancer. The main culprits include tobacco abuse, hereditary factor and wrong lifestyle. While

But he said the family would remain in Pakistan until after the US elections next month. “[Abdul] said he loved the USA and would go back, when he’s strong enough. I don’t know how long he will stay [in Pakistan]. “My wife and I don’t want to go back to the US either. But I have to go back for my work. We’ll just wait until the elections and see what happens.”

tobacco is the leading contributor to cancer – around 40 per cent cases can be attributed to this – other causes include sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating and bad sexual habits.

US sees sharp rise in immigration by undocumented children


ashington | AFP - The number of unaccompanied children illegally entering the United States across its southern border spiked 49 percent over the past year, officials in Washington said on Monday.

“Border security alone cannot overcome the powerful push factors of poverty and violence that exist in Central America. Walls alone cannot prevent illegal migration,” Johnson said. “Ultimately, the solution is longterm investment in Central America to address the underlying push factors in the region.”

The Department of Homeland Security reported that 56,692 children traveling without adults were intercepted at the US border with Mexico in the fiscal year ending in September, compared with 39,970 the previous year.

Johnson said the DHS has tried to enforce the immigration laws “in a fair and humane way.”

Overall, 408,870 adults and children were intercepted at the border, an increase of 23 percent over the previous year, according to the DHS.

“But, the reality is the system is broken, and badly in need of comprehensive immigration reform that only Congress can provide,” he said. Johnson also called for the creation of a path for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States to “get right with the law.”

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the number of undocumented immigrants, while on the rise, is a fraction of the number entering the United States from the 1980s through 2008. “The demographics of illegal migration on our southern border has changed significantly over the last 15 years,” Johnson said in a statement. “Far fewer Mexicans and single adults are attempting to cross the border without authorization, but more families and unaccompanied children are fleeing poverty and violence in Central America.”

The Department of Homeland Security reported that 56,692 children traveling without adults were intercepted at the US border with Mexico compared with 39,970 the previous year (AFP Photo/John Moore). For the second time in three years, more Central Americans were caught at the border than Mexicans, the agency reported. The first time that happened was in 2014. The increase in undocumented

immigrants attempting to enter the country comes as the US boosts efforts with allies in Central America to stem the surge, which often is linked to poverty and gang-related violence in the home countries.

In 2014, the US, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador adopted an ambitious “Alliance for Prosperity” program aimed at curbing migration by improving conditions in Central America.

The DHS report comes three weeks ahead of the November 8 presidential election, with the immigration issue looming large -- particularly in the campaign of Republican candidate Donald Trump, who has vowed to build a wall along the southwestern border and make Mexico pay for it. Democrat Hillary Clinton, by contrast, has called for immigration reforms that could provide a pathway to legal status for many undocumented immigrants.


Section 2

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Bollywood Masala

Email: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com

Priyanka Chopra sorry for cover ‘insulting refugees’


ollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has apologised after being criticised for modelling an “insensitive” top on a Conde Nast Traveller magazine cover.


“It doesn’t matter if they are Pakistani artists, Pakistani music directors or Pakistani directors. From now on we will not release their films,” said Nitin Datar, chairman of India’s Cinema Owners and Exhibitors Association (COEA).

Both the actress and Conde Nast were criticised over the “privileged” message, with many pointing out that being a refugee was “not a choice”. Conde Nast told the BBC their intention was to highlight labelling of people.

The ban applies to single screen cinemas in four states -- Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and Karnataka -- and not big multiplexes, which tend to be frequented by India’s more affluent.

Chopra told India’s NDTV news channel “I’m really apologetic about sentiments being hurt. I have always been against labels. I am very affected and feel really horrible, but the message has been misconstrued.

‘We are all travellers’ Conde Nast also put out a statement in which it stood by the cover and tried to clarify the intention behind the photograph. Explaining that it believed in a “world without borders” and “had a point to make”, the statement said: “We must recognise that we are all on a journey. Whether we are moving across oceans or just a few kilometres, or in our mind’s eye, into a completely different

Mumbai-based film trade analyst Akshaye Rathi told AFP that he expected the ban to affect between 300 and 350 movie theatres. Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has apologised after being criticised for modelling an “insensitive” top on a Conde Nast Traveller magazine cover. Photo: CONDE NAST TRAVELLER world, whether we are doing so due to free will or circumstance - we are all travellers.” The magazine cover, which was tweeted out by Chopra earlier this month, almost immediately caused outrage in India, with many saying that it was inappropriate, especially in the context of the Syrian refugee crisis. “The lack of choice in removing one’s home and hearth

The films affected by the decision will be Fawad’s ‘’Ae Dil Hai Mushkil’’ and Mahira’s “Raees” stani artists in Indian films. The Karan Johar-directed movie -- which stars former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor -- features Pakistani playback singer Fawad Khan.

It also threatened to stall the October 28 release of “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil”.

India blames Pakistan for the raid on its army base in Indian Kashmir on September 18 which saw the Indian army respond with “surgical strikes”.

The Indian Motion Picture Producers Association, which represents a number of Hindi film industry employees, last month passed a motion banning Pakistani artists until relations between India and Pakistan improve.

Following the militant attack, the fringe but noisy right-wing group Maharashtra Navnirman Sena called for a ban on Paki-

Tensions between the nuclear-armed states are high due to the ongoing unrest in Kashmir, which both claim as their own.

from the familiar to the alien is one fraught with heartbreak and the feeling of being cornered.

The move comes as Hindu nationalist groups pile pressure on the makers of upcoming release “Ae Dil Hai Mushkil” (“This Heart is Complicated”) to drop a Pakistani artist from the romantic drama.

“Very different from picking out the next attractive destination on your bucket list, and surfing through Airbnb for that perfect place to park oneself,” read an opinion in the Huffington Post.

Not all Bollywood friendships are fickle: Sajid Khan

Social media users expressed similar views.

Have Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh broken up?


U M BAI | AFP They met on the sets of Sanjay Leela Bansali’s Ram Leela and have been low key since Padukone started filming her Hollywood movie “XXX” with Vin Diesel. If industry rumours are to be believed, Bollywood’s IT couple has hit a patch of rough weather.

Indian cinemas group bans films with Pakistani artists UMBAI | AFP | A group of Indian cinemas said Friday they would not screen any films featuring Pakistani artists in protest at an attack by militants that killed 19 Indian soldiers in Kashmir.

The top has the words “migrant”, “refugee” and “outsider” crossed out while the word “traveller” stands out.

“The magazine was very clear that they wanted to send a message about addressing xenophobia with labels.”

Tel: 713-774-5140


ilmmaker Sajid Khan says contrary to the perception that Bollywood celebrities cannot be friends, there are some genuine friendships in the industry.

shared a great chemistry and were interesting to talk to, his favourite episode has been that with Bachchan and Sinha.

“We are hosting together but we never try to get into each other or outdo each other. In fact, I am so protective about

“It’s true that friendships in the film industry are fickle but that holds true for life in general. How often do you mistake your colleagues for friends but in real life they are not... You change job and new people become your new friends. It happens in Bollywood as well,” Sajid said. The director says some real friendships will be seen on his chat show Yaaron Ki Baarat.

Bollywood actors Ranveer Singh (L) and Deepika Padukone appear for the promotion of the upcoming Hindi film “Bajirao Mastani” in Mumbai on December 7, 2015. (AFP PHOTO)

Ram-Leela, Bajirao-Mastani pair’s relationship it seems has hit the rocks. The Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone duo has been rumoured to be dating for the last two years now, although it has not been “officially” confirmed by either of

the two actors. India Today reports that, Ranveer is annoyed at Deepika for not sharing the same enthusiasm that he has for her career. The actor was hoping that his lady-love would share the trailer of his new film

“Befikre”. However, DNA reports that Deepika chose not to comment on the story, Ranveer’s spokesperson refuted the rumours. The two will now start shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmavati.

“This is a myth that industry people can never be friends because I have friends and even on our show people, who are close in real life, are coming together,” Sajid said. The Zee TV show, which premiered recently, welcomes two Bollywood friends every weekend who talk about their bond. So far, Amitabh BachchanShatrughan Sinha, Parineeti Chopra-Sania Mirza, Farah Khan-Karan Johar and Yuvraj Singh-Harbhajan Singh have been the guests on the show. Sajid says while all the pairs

Sajid Khan (FILE PHOTO) Sajid says Riteish, with whom he has collaborated on most of his films, is like his younger brother. “Riteish is like Farah to me. I love him dearly and only want the best for him. We respect each other and that’s what shows on screen.

him that if I don’t feel he gave a good take I ask for a retake.” The show marks Sajid’s return to full-fledged hosting after a gap of six years and the filmmaker says he was dying to get back to it. Continued on page 18

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FRIDAY, October 21, 2016


Section 2

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Houston’s Chinese Community Center holds Health Fair


n October 15, 2016, The Chinese Community Center held its annual health fair at 9800 Town Park Drive.

Tel: 713-774-5140

Medicare Annual Open Enrollment: Six Steps for Picking Best Plan With all the media attention on Obamacare, it’s easy to overlook the annual open enrollment period for the nation’s more than 55 million Medicare beneficiaries, which runs from Oct. 15 through Dec. 7.

Over 100 attendees from as young as two years old to as senior as 96 years old came from all over the Houston area including the immediate surrounding neighborhoods of Alief, Gulfton, and Sharpstown. Houston organizations and universities were on hand to educate, assess, and provide resources to the community.

Now is the time to switch Medicare Advantage and stand-alone Part D prescription-drug plans. You can also drop your private plan and go back to Original Medicare.

With the assistance of Walgreens, 150 flu shots were administered. Texas Woman’s University Physical Therapy students were present to conduct fall risk and balance assessments. Judy Hsi from New Century Health & Beauty Academy provided and highlighted the importance of colon care. Hope Clinic provided information regarding services their clinics have to offer located in Chinatown and Alief.

Each year, both Medicare Advantage and Part D plans make changes to their benefits, cost-sharing, provider networks and monthly premiums, says David Lipschutz, senior policy attorney with the Center for Medicare Advocacy. That means the plan that best served you in 2016 may not be the same one in 2017 – particularly if your health needs have changed during the year.

Prevent Blindness Texas, had adult and children vision screenings and provided referrals for more comprehensive eye exams. American Student Dental Association Outreach Committee from the University of Texas School Of Dentistry was present to conduct dental screenings, education, and information regarding referrals.

Here are six steps to take during Medicare’s annual open enrollment period to make sure you’re covered by the plan most likely to meet both your medical and financial needs: Dental assistants were on hand to teach good oral hygiene to the kids.

1. Fight inertia, plan to shop. Most people are inclined to sit-out open enrollment. According to a recent analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation, roughly 8 in 10 people enrolled in a Part D or Medicare Advantage plan stick with the same policy from one year to the next. That may be the path of least resistance, but it’s probably not the cheapest.

University of Texas Houston School of Nursing conducted BMI screenings and education in nutrition and ways to lower blood pressure. National Community Pharmacist Association for the University of Houston College of Pharmacy conducted glucose and blood pressure screenings and answered any questions attendees had. The event helped educated and served the community members with low access to health care. One of the most successful stories was a senior who received her first vision screening in over 20 years who later took home a voucher for a more comprehensive vision test and

Eye exams were conducted for community members. information on how to get more information from CCC on benefits that she may qualify. Many attendees left

with community resources and information to help them lead healthier and happier lives.

Breast cancer research stamps available at post offices


ASHINGTON — As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Postal Service is reminding customers that they can help fund Breast Cancer research by purchasing the Breast Cancer Research Stamp, a semi-postal stamp issued to help raise funds for breast cancer research. Available year-round, the 60cent self-adhesive stamps are sold in sheets of 20. Each stamp has a postage value equivalent to the First-Class Mail 1-ounce stamped letter price in effect at the time of purchase. The stamps are available at Post Offices nationwide, online at usps.com and by phone at 1.800.STAMP.24. The amount the Postal Service contributes to Breast Cancer research is determined by the difference between the First-Class rate in effect at the time of pur-

chase and the 60-cent purchase price, minus a nominal amount to offset costs incurred by the Postal Service. The distribution of the Postal Service contribution is specified by law, with 70 percent given to the National Institutes of Health and the remainder to the Medical Research Program at the Department of Defense. As of Sept. 2016, the sale of more than 1 billion stamps since its 1998 inception has raised more than $83 million for breast cancer research. The Breast Cancer Research Stamp was issued at the White House July 29, 1998. It was the first semi-postal stamp in U.S. history. In 1997, Congress authorized this first semi-postal stamp for the specific purpose of raising funds from the American public to assist in finding a cure for breast cancer. In 2015, President Obama signed Public Law No. 114-99 that extended the sale of the Breast Cancer Research Stamp through Dec. 31, 2019. Designed by Ethel Kessler of Bethesda, MD, the stamp features the phrases, “Fund the Fight” and ““Find a Cure” and an illustration of a mythical “goddess of the hunt” by Whitney Sherman of Baltimore. The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

In 2017, there will be nearly 20 percent fewer stand-alone Medicare Part D drug plans available nationwide, according to Health Pocket Inc., a technology company that compares and ranks health plans. If yours is among the plans leaving the market, you’ll need to take action to replace it. 3. Evaluate all plan costs. In 2017, premiums for stand-alone drug plans will average $53.22 (less than $1 more than in 2016). Deductibles – the amount you’ll pay before your plan kicks to help cover your medication costs – will average $227.43, just $10 more than this year. With Medicare Advantage plans, the average premium is actually dropping slightly for 2017 by about 4 percent, according to the consulting firm Avalere. Nearly 1 in 3 plans will have a $0 premium. But to figure out which plan will best meet your needs, look beyond averages. “People don’t look into other options because they hear overall costs [may be] going up, but they should because there might be a better priced plan for them,”

Sajid Khan Continued from page 17 “I left hosting six years ago to pursue filmmaking. So, I was dying to return to it because I feel it comes naturally to me. I am at ease while doing it.

Schwarz says. Finally, be sure to evaluate each plan’s out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles, co-pays and coinsurance. “Don’t go by premium alone, which a lot of people do,” Lipschutz says. “Oftentimes, lower premiums will mean higher deductibles or other out-of-pocket costs when using services.” 4. Look for your doctor. More than half of all seniors say keeping their doctor is their No. 1 priority when it comes to Medicare, Purpura says. So if your doctor is important to you, make sure he or she accepts the plan you want to enroll in. “It’s critical to make sure your doctor accepts your Medicare coverage,” he says. “If your doctor is out-ofnetwork or doesn’t participate in Medicare, you’ll face significantly higher costs for routine doctor visits and other types of care.” 5. Take a close look at coverage for prescription drugs. Reviewing each plan’s formulary, or list of covered drugs, is critical because the cost of drugs is likely to be among your biggest health care expenses during the year. “Most of the time and for most people, when all of your drugs are on the formulary, that will be the least expensive plan,” Schwarz says. And pay close attention to the list of pharmacies in a plan’s network. You’ll pay less when you fill prescriptions at a pharmacy listed as offering “preferred cost sharing.” 6. Take advantage of free resources. There are tools and professionals available to help you choose the best Medicare Advantage and Part D plan for your needs. The Plan Finder tool on Medicare.gov will give you a sense of what your estimated drug costs will be for the year for each plan. Plan Finder will also show you the number of stars a plan has received – a measure of Medicare’s quality rating system, which ranks both Medicare Advantage and Part D drug plans from one to five stars. Yes, we can help you select right plan that will serve you cost effectively. Contact Sudhir Mathuria @ 713-771-2900. While Sajid feels all of them are great hosts, he personally draws inspiration from American actor Billy Crystal. “One host I love watching is Billy Crystal. His hosting was never scripted, it was organic. I have walked a little bit on his footsteps. I have imbibed some in me. “He used to go into the crowd. I remember during my first award show in 1998, I broke the rule and went into the audience. The TV crew was perplexed but that segment worked!”

“I also feel I am a very good host and I can push myself to new boundaries without a script. Hosting should be organic ; boring an audience with your hosting is the worst you can do. I’m happy to be back and hope to entertain audience again.”

“My favourite duo has been Mr Bachchan and Shatrughan Sinha, for the sheer reason that I am their fan. That’s what made it more special.

Many actors and directors like Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar have taken up hosting in the past and been successful at it.

“To listen to their anecdotes and all the tales was just amazing. It was one moment in my life when I was actually nervous hosting.”

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2. Start by looking for changes. By now, you should have received an Annual Notice of Change from your insurer. This document will list upcoming changes to your existing coverage, such as the cost of premiums and co-pays, and show a comparison of the plan between this year and next. “The lowest-level intervention is to just take a close look at the Annual Notice of Change your plan has sent you,” says Casey Schwartz, senior counsel for education and federal policy with the Medicare Rights Center. “It’s a way to make sure there’s nothing about your plan you rely on that is changing.”

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Section 2


The details behind the Beijing property deal that nearly ensnared Donald Trump in Chinese corruption Feature by Zheping Huang


EIJING | AFP - US presidential candidate Donald Trump could be developing a real estate complex in the central business district of Beijing today if his Chinese business partner, a powerful state-owned company, hadn’t been involved in corruption. Trump Hotel Collection, the Republican nominee’s hotel company, negotiated with the State Grid Corporation of China to brand and manage a major development, now worth $1 billion, in Beijing’s Guomao neighborhood back in 2013, according to an AFP scoop on Oct. 17. Robby Qiu, former head of Trump Hotel’s Greater China office, told the newswire that

the two parties signed a memorandum of understanding for a deal that could have been worth $100 million to $150 million for Trump over 15 years. But they called off negotiations, sources told AFP, after an investigation into the powergrid operator found it was illegally using public land for the project. There’s no suggestion that Trump was involved in the inquiry, AFP added, and his company is not “currently in talks with State Grid.”


Email: voiceasia@aol.com

So what exactly was the illegal project? China’s National Audit Office answered the question in a 2015 report (link in Chinese). In 2012, State Grid originally said it would build a R&D center covering a total land area of nearly 60,000 square meters (646,000 sq ft), where half the land was public. But after the project was approved that year, two subsidiaries, Luneng Group and North China Grid, began to de-

PHOTO: AFP velop a real estate complex instead, including “high-end hotels, serviced apartments, office buildings, commercial [build-

World Bank to loan Bangladesh $2bn for climate fight


HAKA | AFP - World Bank president Jim Yong Kim Tuesday announced $2 billion in soft loans for Bangladesh to help one of the world’s impoverished nations to fight climate change.

and deadlier.

Bangladesh has been one of the worst victims of global warming, with thousands of people being killed by cyclones in recent years that have become more frequent

“Today .... I’m announcing a $2 billion dollar commitment for climate-related projects in the next three years.”

“Bangladesh is among the countries most at risk from the impacts of climate change. We must confront climate change now as it hits the poor the hardest,” said Kim.

Kim made the pledge after

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

touring schools that double as cyclone shelters during major storms. He also visited rural communities, powered by solar systems. Bangladesh has built embankments along its coastal belts and hundreds of cyclone shelters that double as schools. The country holds 160 million people, a fourth of whom who live below the poverty line, .

ings], and exhibition [halls]” worth 7 billion yuan (now $1 billion). As of February 2014, 1.3 billion yuan (now $190 million) had been invested into the project, the auditor’s report noted. Later State Grid responded to the report (link in Chinese) and said that the company would use the land in the original way it had been approved.

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A construction plan published by Beijing’s urban planning and land authority in 2013 shows that the original project for the R&D center included two connecting towers no less than 250 meters in height, adjoining the Sihui Qiao bridge in the Guomao neighborhood. A Google Earth image captured in May 2016 shows the area is still a construction site, though it is marked as “Huitong Times Plaza” on China’s Baidu Map. As a recap: In 2012, State Grid got approval to build a R&D center; in 2013, it pitched the project to Trump as a commercial property development, and in 2015, it was found to be cheating. State Grid, the world’s largest electricity utility company, is still in deep trouble. The 2015 National Audit Office report also revealed at least four asset purchases State Grid did between 2010 and 2014 without the approval from China’s top state-enterprise watchdog, including a sports center in Brazil purchased for 800 million yuan (now $120 million). As a result, at least four exhead of State Grid subsidaries have been investigated—and one was sentenced ten years in jail—for corruption charges by earlier this year, news portal Tencent reported.

Past Chairman of TIE (The Indus Entrepreneurs) Ashok Rao cuts the ribbon at the grand opening of Thrive Nutrition in Houston’s Meyerland neighborhood.


ounded by local entrepreneur Amrita Menon, Thrive is Houston’s leading location for affordable and quality nutritional supplements. Menon and Rao’s remarks at the grand opening event celebrated Houston’s growing commitment to healthy living, as well as the city’s rich entrepreneurial network. Thrive nutrition also has locations in Kingwood and West University.

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PepsiCo pledges healthier US inflation moves higher offerings in September


EW YORK CITY | AFP - PepsiCo set new targets for more healthful food and beverages Monday and announced pledges to reduce product packaging and limit water use. With US soda giants under pressure to produce more healthy beverages, Pepsi pledged that by 2025, at least two-thirds of the 12 ounce beverages it sells will contain 100 or fewer calories. At least threequarters of foods sold will not exceed 1.1 grams of saturated fat per 100 calories. Pepsi’s “2025 Sustainability Agenda” also included policies to limit water consumption, incorporate more recyclable packaging and purchase crops from sustainable farms. Besides soda, Pepsi’s brands include Gatorade sports drinks, the Frito-Lay snack brand and Tropicana orange juice. A study released last week by academics at the Boston Uni-


ASHINGTON | AFP - US inflation rose in September at the fastest pace in five months, reflecting increases in the prices of fuel and housing, the Labor Department said. The consumer price index rose 0.3 percent for the month on a seasonally adjusted basis, matching analyst expectations, according to the department.

US soda giants are under pressure to produce more healthy drinks (AFP Photo/Justin Sullivan) versity School of Public Health faulted Pepsi and rival CocaCola for fighting added taxes on high-sugar sodas at the same time they provide funding to health organizations. The study questioned whether the soda giants’ funding for those groups was driven by marketing rather than public interest. PepsiCo chief executive Indra Nooyi said the company’s 2025 Sustainability Agenda aims to

be consistent with United Nations sustainable development goals and the 2015 Paris climate agreement. “To succeed in today’s volatile and changing world, corporations must do three things exceedingly well: focus on delivering strong financial performance, do it in a way that is sustainable over time and be responsive to the needs of society,” Nooyi said.

UN under fire for picking Wonder Woman to lead campaign


NITED NATIONS | AFP - The United Nations on Monday defended the choice of comic book character Wonder Woman to lead a campaign for the empowerment of girls following criticism that the choice was demeaning to women. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is due to attend a ceremony on Friday to officially designate Wonder Woman as the UN honorary ambassador for the empowerment of women and girls.

“The campaign for women’s empowerment is represented by a cartoon when there are so many real-life women who could have been chosen,” she said. Rafi, who has written to Ban urging him to skip the ceremony, is pushing for a boycott of the event on Friday, demanding that Wonder Woman be dropped from the campaign. “It should be scrapped,” she told AFP.

UN spokesman Stephane DuThe announcement came a jarric hit back at the criticism, few days after Antonio Gu- saying the choice of Wonder terres, the former prime minis- Woman was simply an attempt to 5pm. reach younger audiences. Portugal,thru wasFriday chosen8am to till t hourster areofMonday be the next secretary general, “In order to reach young peodisappointing women’s groups who had campaigned for the ple, in order to reach audiences first woman to be appointed the outside this building, we need to be creative,” he told reportworld’s diplomat-in-chief. ers. “It’s ridiculous,” said Shazia But Rafi rejected that explaRafi, one of the leaders of the She4SG campaign and a former nation, saying “younger womsecretary general of Parliamen- en are no longer looking at themselves and think they need tarians for Global Action.

this year have waited for signs of stronger inflation before raising interest rates, but have so far left them unchanged since December at 0.25-0.5 percent. Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, said the annual figure was “rocketing.” “We expect to see a 2.5 percent rate by next February, by which

The initiative, dubbed “All the Wonders We Can Do,” will focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment, one of the UN’s global goals for the next 15 years. DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson is set to attend the event along with “surprise guests” -- possibly actress Lynda Carter, who portrayed Wonder Woman in the hit TV series in the 1970s. “Yes it’s a comic book, it’s science fiction,” Dujarric said after fielding several questions about the choice of Wonder Woman. “I wish I could use my lasso of truth.”

However, Steven Ricchiuto, chief economist at Mizuho Securities USA, said that a relatively small monthly increase in the core index, excluding food and fuel, “suggests that there are still powerful deflation forces present in the goods area.”

Over the prior 12 months, the index was up 1.5%, the largest yearly gain since October 2014. A 5.8 percent rise in gasoline prices accounted for more than half of the monthly increase. Housing rose 0.4 percent, the largest increase since May. Prices for new and used cars, communications and apparel were down. The costs of medical care and auto insurance moved higher. Excluding food and fuel, where prices are more volatile, the index for September rose only 0.1 percent but was up 2.2 percent over 12 months.

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to be dressed in cleavage and bustiers to be taken seriously.” The UN spokesman urged critics to wait for the formal announcement on Friday before drawing any conclusions about the goals of the year-long campaign.

point we think surveys of inflation expectations will have risen significantly,” he wrote in a client note.

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Indian American Sonal Shah sought Obama team’s help on fundamentalism charges


ASHINGTON - Sonal Shah, the first Indian-American appointed to the presidential transition team of Barack Obama had written that the “frenzy” ethnic Indian press accused her of Hindu fundamentalism in 2008 to discredit him and having her quit, according to data released by WikiLeaks. Shah, a top Sonal Shah (Photo: Case Foundation) economist who was appointed to then pres- that this might tarnish the imident-elect Obama’s transi- age of Obama. tion team in 2008, wrote to “There are hundreds of blog the team’s top leadership that posts and articles on this and the accusations of her being a without any responses, the right-wing Hindu fundamenrumours are feeding on each talist and that she supported other. the communal violence in More interestingly, they Gujarat, was mainly aimed at discrediting Obama, the were planning a public camemails released by WikiLeaks paign to embarrass the president-elect and have me reyesterday said. “I am writing to get some sign. I had several calls from guidance from you in man- prominent folks in India sayaging the India press frenzy ing the best way to counter about my alleged right-wing the lies and rumors was to put politics and terrorist tenden- something out there denying cies,” Shah wrote on Novem- the allegations. Others sugber 10, nearly a week after gested doing a controlled inObama became the first non- terview,” she wrote. Denis McDonough, who is White male to win the US currently the Chief of Staff, presidential elections. She was being accused of asked her to draft a defence siding with Hindu fundamen- for them to look into. “A presidential transition is talist and was alleged of being always a time of wild rumors supportive of their cause. As her opponents launched and unfounded gossip, so I’d a media campaign against her, like to set to rest a few baseShah sought guidance from less reports that have been her party leadership fearing circulating on the Internet,” she wrote in another email the

Americans may have lost up to $47M in India tax scam


ndian police detained 70 people and were investigating hundreds more after it emerged that a group allegedly posing as call center workers in a Mumbai suburb may have been part of a tax scam that cheated Americans out of more than $47 million, reports said. Police raided buildings on the outskirts of the densely populated city on India’s west coast on Tuesday evening. They said they found employees on the phone masquerading as Internal Revenue Service officials to try cheat Americans into handing over money by saying they owed back taxes. “You can call it a scam center,” Parag Manere, a deputy commissioner of police in Thane, just east of Mumbai, told The Wall Street Journal. “We are questioning those who were involved in the fraud, including those posing as tax investigators.” The newspaper reported that it was not clear if the people arrested had lawyers. The IRS has not commented on the case. (- WSJ Online)

same night. “First, I’ve never been affiliated - in any way, shape or form - with any Indian political party or similar group. To clear up one false rumor: I’ve never been affiliated with the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), or any such organization. I’ve never been involved in Indian politics, and never intend to do so,” Shah wrote. “Second, my personal politics have nothing in common with the views espoused by such groups. I’ve always condemned any politics of division, of ethnic or religious hatred, of violence and intimidation as a political tool,” she said.

“Third, some Internet rumours have attempted to link me to Hindu nationalist groups through a variety of tenuous connections. “Relief work I’m proud to have helped coordinate following the Gujarat earthquake of 2001, or cultural and religious affiliations of some of my family members, or apolitical humanitarian work... I have no ties to any such groups, and never have,” Shah said. Shah was later appointed in the Obama administration. From April 2009 to August 2011, she served as the Director of the Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation in the White House. (Courtesy: Times of India)

Trump pledges strong US ties with India if elected president


EW JERSEY, Reuters - US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged that the United States and India would be “best friends” if he is elected and that he would boost intelligence sharing with India in the battle against militants.

Indian American in Congressional run faces racist ire by Varghese K. George, The Hindu


erala-born Peter Jacob, a newcomer candidate, is taking on formidable Republican rival Leonard Lance. Indian American Democrat Peter Jacob – newcomer Congressional candidate from New Jersey’s 7th District taking on a formidable Republican rival – has become a target of racist ire. Swastika signs were painted on the sidewalk in front of his home first, and later on the wall, in two separate incidents, recently.

tayam in Kerala, he came to the U.S as a toddler, and was raised a Christian. His name appears to have caught the attention of the dormant antiSemitic groups that revile the large presence of the Jewish community in the area. While Mr. Lance sided with Mr. Jacob against the anti-Semitic hate, he was quick to link the Democrat to an Islamist terrorist. Mr. Jacob had described the Orlando shooter as a “an individual who felt challenged by internalised homophobia and had easy access to weapons of mass destruction.” In the Republican rendering, he is only

The name of Indian American Democrat Peter Jacob newcomer Congressional candidate from New Jersey’s 7th District - appears to have caught the attention of the dormant anti-Semitic groups that revile the large presence of the Jewish community in the area. A web platform carried an article that posted his photograph alongside the picture of the Orlando shooter who killed 49 people at a gay nightclub in June. Republican Leonard Lance who is defending the seat that he holds since 2009 shared the article on his Facebook page, triggering a pushback from Mr. Jacob’s millennial supporters. Mr. Lance later removed the post. Youthful platform



Mr. Jacob’s youthful charm and the political platform that is in line with Bernie Sanders’s philosophy have enabled him to make inroads in the district that has been emphatically Republican, and he has managed to close the gap in some measure. “We are now trailing by three points. We hope to make that up in the next three weeks,” the bearded, soft-spoken, 31-yearold told The Hindu, during a break between door-to-door campaigning recently. He has 300 fulltime volunteers with him and he is one the candidates endorsed by Mr. Sanders.

Trump spoke at an event sponsored by the Republican Hindu Coalition to raise money for victims of terrorism. It featured Bollywood-style performers who danced in colourful, traditional costumes. “If I’m elected president, the Indian and Hindu community will have a true friend in the White House, that I can guarantee you,” said Trump, who noted that as a real estate developer he has two “massive developments” in India.

FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

a “radical Islamic terrorist.” Republicans oppose any move for gun control and promote homophobia themselves. For them, he is the change Mr. Lance has been a supporter of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and that cuts both ways, as Mr. Jacob keep discovering on his campaign trail. Those who look at Mr. Trump look for change and in 7th District, Mr. Jacob is the change. On Saturday he walked into a home that had a prominent Trump sign outside. “Normally candidates don’t enter such a house. But I routinely approach Trump supporters and explain to them that the U.S Congress needs people like me to argue the case of people like them. People want change, and they are receptive to our message,” he said. Mr. Lance’s image of being a Washington insider, and Mr. Jacob’s promise of being the change hold the potential of a surprise here. “We have requested Mr. Sanders to campaign. That will give us a big push,” Mr. Jacob said.

Born in Vazhoor near Kot-

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has developed a friendly relationship with President Barack Obama, a Democrat who wants Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton, to win the Nov. 8 election. Republican Hindu Coalition Chairman Shalli Kumar (2nd R) helps Donald Trump light a ceremonial diya lamp before he speaks at a Bollywood-themed charity concert (Photo: Jonathan Ernst)

“We will defeat radical Islamic terrorism when I’m

president. We will stand shoulder to shoulder with India in sharing intelligence and keeping our people safe mutually,” said Trump. He called India a strategic ally and that “we will be best friends” if he wins the election.


FRIDAY, October 21, 2016



FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

Your Horoscope for the Week of October 21, 2016 READ YOUR COMPLETE HOROSCOPE

by Hardik Vyas, Astrologer Cell : 832-298-9950


Libra (R,T) 23 Sept to 22 Oct

Aries (A,L,E) 21 March to 20 April Fresh energy covered with wisdom will enable you to figure out things more easily than before. Listen to information and develop ideas. The old routine is getting your spirit down. You don’t know whether to embrace or run away from them. Overwhelming feelings put you back in touch with who you really are. You are ready for a different kind of interaction. You know that you can accomplish much when you are working as part of the team.

Accept your role and assume that last minute changes are for the best. You need to plan your approach, carefully. Take the time you need to present yourself & your ideas. If you think more positively, you’ll be able to handle any situation thrown your way. Once you get started, you’ll be able to influence others greatly to your way of thinking. You’re understandable as well as interesting. By week’s end, make plans for a get together with friends & family. It’ll be just what you need. Invite others to spend time with you.

Taurus (B,V,U) 21 April to 20 May

Scorpio (N,Y) 23 Oct to 21 Nov

Your creative side will be awakened to a higher level. Discover the new powers you possess. You may have felt restrained lately, but you’ll soon feel like you could climb mountains. Patience will be required, but more important is focus. Find the team that you can best work with. Spread out into new physical or mental space. You’d much rather start something new than committing yourself to tired old business. This is the perfect time for you to find a new approach to use to gain needed support.

Excel in everything you do. Cash in on a fresh start by opening your mind and learning about people. Things will come more easily to you once you do. You won’t require any permission for the truly important things. Someone will offer your name to those in charge. Your confidence level will rise and others will be able to see things from your perspective. Be patient with those who still can’t see the view.

Sagittarius (BH,F,DH,TH) 22 Nov to 21 Dec

Gemini (K,CHH,GH) 21 May to 20 June Accept the past and move forward towards the future. There may be too many things to decide on at once. Take your direction from honor and a sense of purpose. You’ll have to work step by step to achieve more realistic improvements in your life. Someone may be happy with the situation as it is but you are not. Take your time, read, write & express your thoughts in words. If you can open your mind & your heart to someone who shares your goals, you’ll find that there are no restrictions on you.

Listen to your intuitive feelings. You may need to experiment with different ways to achieve your goals. You’re all about big ideas and big events. Try your best to get you priorities straight. You need to find something to help you to relax & relieve the stress you feel. Things are temporary, not written in stone. You can generate ideas with the best of them, but you should know your limits. Utilize experts who can bridge the gaps in your knowledge. You are very much the peacemaker these days. You’ll feel emotionally rejuvenated.

Capricorn (KH,J) 22 Dec to 20 Jan

Cancer (D,H) 21 June to 22 July When someone wants you or your opinion, you can lend them an ear, but you can’t solve their problems for them. Be clear on that. Now is the time for you to take charge of your own destiny. Look into courses to help you to reach these new goals. Your ability to communicate on many levels will help you to gain support. You will be able to accomplish many things, but first you must make the effort to investigate new techniques & procedures. A little week-end get away may be just what you need.

Work hard & play hard is your motto.. Count your blessings instead of finding fault with others. New ideas will become an interesting change from your everyday routine. Your initial effort to gather information may be scattered, but something that you experience, this week, will spark you to discover new ways to achieve your goals. Answers will come more easily than usual. Write down your thoughts, ideas & concepts. Study other things that tie into your ideas.

Aquarius (G,S,SH) 21 Jan to 19 Feb

Leo (M) 23 July to 22 August Promises may have been broken, but you need to conserve your energy for more positive use. You’ll feel frustrated by other’s neglect for your feelings. Express yourself clearly & directly. If you speak your mind calmly, you’ll make your point. You will not cause any hurt feelings if you are honest to your words & commitment. Your thoughts will become clearer as the week winds down. Make plans to escape reality & enjoy a little bit of free time to play. Old friends know you better than anyone.

Feel as if things have been going well, but you may feel as if something important is missing. You need to focus your energy into a new plan or project in order to reach your immediate goals. Don’t go searching for anything in particular, as your solution will present itself to you. Learn to try to let things come to you, rather than chasing rainbows. Express your appreciation to those who have helped you. You’re on your own path this week, so prepare for the solitude. Higher Authority will not be denied, so get back to your work.

Pisces (D,CH,Z) 20 Feb to 20 March

Virgo (P) 23 August to 22 September Friends that will require for your attention, Listen to them, but try not to get sidetracked by their requests. Help them if you can, but don’t put a priority over your own plans. Express your inner thoughts & feelings to someone close to you. They will be able to help you deal with a subject that’s very close to your heart. Strength, which begins with courage and you happen to have lots of that. Don’t allow others to press your emotional buttons.


Channel your energy through shortcuts. You’ve done it all before, so now all you have to do is re-call your magic and make it appear. Your every desire will peak the passion meter. Beware of a fair weathered friend who may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Ask for proof and insist on honesty. Base your decisions on what you know for sure. Putting things into a more positive perspective will help you to see things clearer. The current status is different from the way it was, so get with the new program or you’ll be left behind.



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FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

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Job Posting - News Producer

Are you a newscast producer who’s ready to move up to a top 10 market? Here is your chance to work for one of the nation’s best broadcasting companies that is dedicated to covering local news.

We are looking for an aggressive, cool-under-pressure News Producer who knows what it takes to put together a well-paced, creative, highly-showcased newscast. KTRK-TV, the ABC Owned station in Houston, TX wants a confident, passionate producer who knows how to find informative content, knows how to meet the needs of the audience, and knows how to scrap everything for breaking news. You must have excellent news judgment, the ability to come up with unique story ideas every day and be a strong writer who knows how to advance stories effectively. You will required to command the control room and manage an ever-evolving rundown during live newscasts. Knowledge of ENPS and desktop editing a plus. Will need to show examples of your tease and headline writing ability. Candidates must also have complete understanding of social media and digital content, how to use it within newscasts and how to use it to reach viewers. Candidates should have at least three years line-producing experience in a major market.

KTRK-TV, the ABC O&O station in Houston, TX is accepting applications for an Associate Producer. The person hired for this position will line produce a section of our weekend morning newscasts and have opportunity to fill in on other newscasts as well. Applicants must have experience working as a line producer. This is a newsroom that embraces new technology. ENPS /Aurora/Ignite experience a plus – as is good understanding of social media and how it can be used to reach viewers and create content. Candidates must be able and willing to learn both non-linear editing and writing for our digital platforms. Applicants must be willing to work overnights, weekends and holidays. To be considered interested applicants must apply online at disneycareers.com, ref job #403168BR. Please upload a cover letter, resume and list of references. In addition, please mail writing samples and a DVD of or link to your latest newscast to: Robin Freese, Executive Producer, KTRK-TV, 3310 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005. Reference job #403168BR Equal Opportunity Employer –Female/Minority/Veteran/Disability/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. No Telephone Calls

For consideration all interested applicants must apply on-line at: www.disneycareers.com by uploading your resume, cover letter and references. Job Req. ID: 403169BR Equal Opportunity Employer –Female/Minority/Veteran/Disability/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. No Telephone Calls

MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE WEEK Use a Recurring Meeting to Bust Bureaucratic Logjams Every company has them: smart, well-intentioned managers who inadvertently slow down the company with too many questions, too much analysis, and too much process. To speed up these people, consider holding a recurring meeting on Monday mornings to air and resolve the conflicts that are preventing execution. Meet, talk, and stay in the room until the issues are resolved. This will send a clear signal that any conflicts preventing the organization’s ability to act — especially at the front line — will be allowed to linger for a maximum of four business days. A commitment to making fast, firm decisions raises the organization’s metabolism and shows everyone that leadership’s bias is toward acting and executing on behalf of customers. Employees will come to expect that endless analysis and deliberation won’t be tolerated.

Source: Adapted from “How to Stop People Who Bog Things Down with Bureaucracy,” by James Allen WWW.HBR.ORG

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FRIDAY, October 21, 2016

In a first, India and China hold Blue-eyed tea-seller becomes social media sensation in India and Pakistan joint Army exercise in J&K Arshad Khan, 18, a chai-wallah from Islamabad, gets modelling contract after Instagram image goes viral across subcontinent for an interview. He told local media he was flattered by the attention but, ever the professional, said he preferred people not to shoot his picture while he worked. On Wednesday a savvy online retailer, Fitin.Pk, seized on Khan’s sudden fame to sign him up to model a range of its clothes. His picture – and posts swooning over it – were shared worldwide across social media, including in India, where ire towards the Pakistani government is running high after militants in Kashmir killed 19 Indian troops last month.

Photographer Jiah Ali snapped the chai-wallah at a bazaar in the Pakistan capital on Sunday. (PHOTO: Jiah Ali/Instagram)


SLAMABAD (AFP) - A blueeyed tea-seller from Islamabad has scored a modelling contract after featuring in an Instagram post that went viral. Even more unlikely, the 18-yearold’s picture topped trending lists across Indian social media, warming an icy patch between the neighbours that has included calls for Pakistani actors to be banned from the Indian film industry. Photographer Jiah Ali snapped the chai-

wallah at a bazaar in the Pakistani capital on Sunday. Her Instagram post spread to Twitter and Facebook and kicked off a search for the name of the vendor. He was identified on Tuesday as Arshad Khan, a teenager from Kohat district, who had been making tea at the Itwar Bazaar for three months.

A Mumbai-based union for actors and film technicians has also banned any production houses in the city from employing Pakistani staff, and called for any who remained in the country to be deported.

Khan told the Dawn newspaper his first inkling of the scale of his fame was when he spotted local boys with flyers depicting his face. He was also mobbed by media outlets clamouring

Arshad Khan has reportedly said he would be willing to make the jump into film or television. The union may want to consider making an exception.

Sri Lanka President’s battle with smoke and mirrors


OLOMBO - Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena has tried to defuse tensions triggered by his public outburst against the country’s main anti-graft bodies, but hinted at risks from a restless military. Cabinet spokesman Rajitha Senaratne told reporters at the weekly cabinet briefing that President Sirisena discounted reports of a serious chasm between him and the unity

India has blamed Pakistan for harbouring the militants, a charge Islamabad denies. The tension has spilled over into Bollywood, with rightwing Hindu groups threatening to disrupt the debut of an upcoming romantic comedy starring the Pakistani actor Fawad Khan.

government led by Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. “Reports of the government imploding are wildly exaggerated,” Senaratne said. “Defeated sections are dreaming of taking power, but that will not happen even if they attain nirvana.” Despite Senaratne’ s staunch attempt to play down and differences, he admitted that the President was highly concerned about causing dis-

satisfaction within the ranks of the military. The President told ministers on Tuesday that he did not approve of retired senior commanders being hauled up before courts accused of bribery and corruption. Civil society groups at a press conference last week said the President was misled by military intelligence chief, Brigadier Tuan Suresh Sallay, an appointee of the former administration still holding the highly sensitive job. Prof. Sarath Wijesuriya appealed to President Sirisena to remove Sallay


EW DELHI (AFP) - In a first, India and China on Wednesday carried out a joint army exercise in eastern Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, a move that comes amid hectic diplomatic manoeuvring between the two countries over a host of issues like Nuclear Suppliers Group and designation of Masood Azhar as a terrorist by the

Hut at Chushul Garrison of Eastern Ladakh, along with Chinese troops of Moldo Garrison. Sources said that in February, the exercise was held in the Chinese side and this time in the Indian side along the line of Actual Control. The Indian team for the exercise was led by Brigadier R S Raman and that of the Chinese was led by Sr Col Fan Jun.

The exercise was a great success and has not only refined the drills to provide succour to the border population in case of natural calamity but has also increased the level of trust and cooperation between the two border guarding Indian and Chinese armies today held the second joint forces along the tactical exercise. (Pic credit: ANI/Twitter) LAC in Eastern Ladakh, the Army UN. said in a statement here.The joint During the day long exercise on exercise, compliments the Hand in Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Re- Hand series of the India-China joint lief (HADR) a fictitious situation of exercises and the effort of both the earthquake striking an Indian Border nations to enhance cooperation and village was painted. Thereafter joint maintain peace and tranquillity+ teams carried out rescue operations, along the border areas of India and evacuation and rendering of medical China, it said. assistance. This year’s edition of ‘Hand in This was done as a sequel to the first Hand’ will be held at Aundh, near Joint Exercise held on February 6 in Pune in Maharashtra, from Novemthe area of Border Personnel Meeting ber.

who he alleged was involved in several other cases which are currently under investigation by the Criminal Investigation Division. The state Attorney General told courts recently that the military was not cooperating with investigators probing the 2010 abduction of cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda. Police sources have said that Sunday Leader Editor Lasantha Wickramatunga’s murder in January 2009 too had been carried out by the same team responsible for Eknaligoda’s abduction and the attack on another editor Upali Tennakoon. Military intelligence officers have

been implicated in all three cases. Two former Inspector Generals of police, several retired Deputy Inspector Generals, a retired top army general and several key figures will either be arrested or questioned in connection with the on-going investigations, according to official sources. Senaratne was asked Wednesday how the military that did not raise a murmur when their top war general Sarath Fonseka was publicly humiliated and jailed during the former regime could now be restless when retired admirals are prosecuted. The minister said he did not see any reason for the military to be upset over on-going investigations. (EconNext)

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