The Continuum

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The Continuum 双悦园 | Experience East Coast Living at its Best

Luxury real estate marketing has become an international game. Understanding what is considered to be a luxury in multiple cultures is now a requisite education for luxury real estate marketing professionals.

For example, what is considered to be luxury in Singapore, the fifth wealthiest country in the world? Its rapid economic growth and favorable business climate converted a port city into a major urban capital. In razing orchards and plantations to build high rises and an urban infrastructure The Continuum, the country's agricultural output became non-existent. Singapore is a country that imports the overwhelming majority of its food (eggs are the exception) and half of its water. Now, home grown vegetables, fruits, and herbs have become the new luxury.

Greening up the concrete façade of the city began with the chefs of the luxury hotels such as the Four Seasons and the Fairmont, who were not satisfied with the imported organic fare. These chefs began growing herb gardens on their rooftops. This expanded to growing banana trees, chilies, bell peppers and more. Other business and restaurants have followed suit, and are growing lemons, curry leaf, lemon grass and mint.

In a country proud of its gastronomic heritage and a people who value diversity in gourmet fare, this trend of homegrown produce has become vitally importance to continue its dominance as a culinary capital. Using organic produce is also beneficial to the environment as it has an impact of lowering greenhouse emissions. Now, the government of Singapore is supporting residents to grow their vegetables on their rooftops, or participate in community gardens.Without leads, it is no longer possible to accomplish anything, it is one of the key things to take note of for anyone who is involved in business line. This is the same for real estate agents. Without leads, they would have nothing for them to work on.

Leads act as the starting point of any moves the agent's going to take. But how do you find real estate leads? Not just any normal leads, but leads that will truly boost your sales on real estate. In order to generate real estate leads, there are certain things within your power that you can try.

Firstly, make use of seminars to aid you in generating leads. This way in generating real estate leads is one of the better methods because most of the people who attend the seminar will have a similar topic in mind: properties. By approaching them through your sales presentation, you can generate a certain level of response from your audience. Sometimes when you are good enough, you can create a deep impression on them which might even result in them approaching you instead!

Next would be through your own private network. Through the clients you have from the past, or those you have met through seminars, you can generate a list of leads from them. Sometimes they might be looking for new properties to invest in, or even have friends who are currently looking around. Approach them for some referrals, but do not display that you are only approaching them for leads. Otherwise, I'm quite positive they will be happy to provide you with the potential customers that will buy properties from you.

Another way would be conducting house viewings. It's one of the better more certain methods to generate real estate leads. Most people who attend house viewings are usually interested in buying homes, making them potential clients for you. By showing them the current conditions of the property, they will have a general impression of how the house is like. In other words, potential clients might be more certain in whether this would be their ideal choice or not. Do take note that the property that is being viewed should be kept in tip top condition; otherwise it might result in adverse effects on the clients.

Marketing through adverts is one of the older and more effective ways to generate leads. Even though it is pricier than other methods in generating leads and might cost a large portion of

your budget, you will get the reaction that you desire. Since you have to start somewhere, why not start here. If you do not have a readily approachable client, you might as well use it as a stepping stone to start off. Do keep in mind that to generate good real estate leads; try not to apply the common styles seen from adverts as seen on buses or in shopping malls. Not only is it expensive, there can be drawbacks if not done correctly.

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