Woking Builders | CATH Building Services in Woking

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Woking Builders | CATH Building Services in Woking

It is a big decision to undertake major home Improvements or extending your existing home. Not everyone fully understands the impact of having builders working within your house. There will be lots of noise, this will not affect builders woking you if you are at work all day but it's a different matter if you work from home or stay home looking after children. There will also be lots of dust and plenty of mess everywhere.

If you are renovating a bathroom or kitchen you may not be able to use these rooms for a number of days. It may be worth considering moving out for a while into a hotel or staying with relatives. Having your whole house re-wired or re-plumbed has lots of considerations. You may not have water or electricity for a number of days. Also the builders will need access to every room and in most cases will have to lift floorboards and chase channels in the walls. It might be a good idea to put non-essential items into a garage or into storage; this will keep them safe and will also help the builders move around your house.

You need to be able to trust the builders in woking in your home. If you are at work all day you have to trust that the builders are actually working and doing a good job. You could take time off work so you can oversee the work going on. Leaving for work after the builders arrive or coming home earlier to meet them means you will be able to get a daily progress update. If this is not possible you must contact your builder everyday for an update of the work they have done and are planning to do. Getting a friendly neighbour to keep a record of the time they arrive and leave, this will certainly keep the builder in-line, as they will not know how you found this out. Question them for turning up late or leaving early, there may be a good reason for it, like picking up materials. You also need to be able to trust them with your possessions. It's

advisable that you do not leave any valuables in your house. You may trust your builder and may have known them for years, but they may use sub-contractors and may not know these people personally.

You may decide that all this will cause you too much stress and disruption; you should maybe consider moving to a house that needs no work doing to it. If you have no reason to stay in the house that is now too small for you or needs major renovation work doing, then you should seriously consider moving house woking builders. This may seem like a drastic measure but you may find a house that meets all your requirements and is cheaper in price. Yes you will have the disruption of having to sell your house and move out but major construction work can take many months with lots of different setbacks along the way.

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