Email Excerpts of a Guru

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Email Excerpts of a Guru


Sex and Love Sex is not love; it is something which should always be with love. So make sex something divine by first taking your own time to invoke real love between the partners. Understand that the real joy, even in a sensual experience, is only when both the partners really love each other nicely. Take your own time to let this love come about, and then physical relationship will be something pure and a satisfying act. As a grahasthi we never advise anyone to stop physical relationships, but let it not be ‘the’ important thing. Let it just come when you feel that proximity towards someone on the basis of mutual values, love & perceptions of life. The proximity may lead you to even create someone like your beloved. Having physical relationships without any love is prostitution, and this will never let the person taste the real meaning of love or joy.

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