Clyne|| The german language in a changing europe

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Variation and change in political discourse


[increasing penalties] [justice] [improving border controls]. Another emphasis is on traditional family values. The role of the woman is described as 'miitterlicher Mittelpunkt der intakten Familie' (maternal centre of the intact family). While the pulpit is rejected as a vehicle for the propagation of a social gospel (politische Propaganda), religion is encouraged as a way of rekindling Nationalbewufitsein (national consciousness). The Republicans describe their opponents and critics as Chaoten, Neurotiker, Assoziale and Radikalinskis (Der Spiegel, February 1989), while their opponents use words such as Entsetzen, erschiittert, Enttduschung, alarmierend and erschreckend to describe them and their policies and language. Because the Republicans wish to portray themselves as 'respectable' and trustworthy, they stress in their political literature their democratic and non-violent intents: Nicht mit Gewalt - Nur mit dem Stimmzettel (Not by violence - Only by ballot paper) This contrasts with some of their simple slogans which appear to be indirect speech acts of incitements: SchluB mit dem Asylbetrug (An end to asylum betrayal) Weg mit . . . (Down with ...) Das Boot ist voll (The boat is full) In April 1994, the mainstream parties instigated public discussion on whether the Republicans should be banned for anti-constitutional activity. The discourse of the NPD and DVU does not make any attempt to speak to the middle-of-the-road protest voter and addresses mainly the issues of German national identity and migration, using a more traditional ultra-right register. The election propaganda of the two parties, the NPD's weekly newspaper Deutsche Nachrichten, the Deutsche Wochenzeitung and

the longer-established National-Zeitung (weekly circulation 10,000), which are close to the DVU, give some insights into their language. The assumption of a threat of a foreign takeover of Germany provides the basis of most of the discourse, e.g.: Deutschland muB deutsch bleiben! (Germany must stay German!) Deutschland bleibt unser Land! (Germany will remain our country!) Quite violent implications of forced removal or 'ethnic cleansing' are inherent in the slogans:

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