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The inspiration behind this assignment was through a photograph that I was able to capture at the Honolulu Zoo. As I was taking the photograph I noticed a crowd of children pointing and laughing at the tiger. After looking at the tiger within the photo more closely, I began to notice a sadness in the animal’s eyes. I thought thiis image would be very fitting for the stereotype assignment. The fence in front of the animal is a powerful image in my mind of an animal that is restrained against its will.


My inspiration for this assignment came from the natural earthy color blends that refelcts off of the visually appealing Dali museum. The museum is naturally engagning and the framing the trees provide in the photo creates a nice blend of green and blue colors. The challenge with this assignment was creating a pamphlet that was aesthetically pleasing and captured the feel of the museum. I think the use of distortion was an interesting and succesful approach.


For the poster assignment, I decided to take advantage of the current position I have as a public relations intern with AARP FL. An event that was often occuring during this assignment was the AARP and AT&T Senior Tech Rally. I deicded to create posters in preparation for the upcoming event. The proect went through a series of transformations.The challenge with this assignment was attempting to engage an audience through font alone.

For the magazine typesetting spread assignment, I decided to focus on another landmark within the St. Petersburg community and that is Albert Whitted Airport. The challenge with this assignment was the creating a design that reflected a friendly and approachable airport with a rich history. I wanted to do this with vibrant color boxes that complemented the images I had taken.



The idea behind creating a stock chart for the social network The branding assignment was one that I had fun creating. I was able to apply the look of my brand

Facebook seemed appropriate given that the site went public last

on to merchandise through Zazzle.com, which I thought provided inspiration for a potential

year and has faced a few bumps in the road throughout that time.

startup in the future. The idea behind the logo was to create a play on words that would be able to

The challenge for this assignment was transforming the data into

be both a symbol and a word. I immediately thought of the word checkmark. I then decided to

something that is informative and provides insight into Facebook and

replace the “check� portion with an actual checkmark and create a marketing company. The final

it’s stock fluctuations.

product resulted in what you see before you.



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