Community Lodgings Annual Report 2013

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Opening Doors to Independence Since 1987

Annual Report FY 2013

Administrative Offices 3912 Elbert Avenue # 108 Alexandria, VA 22305 T: 703.549.4407 E:

Donor Designation Code: 8358

Donor Designation Code: 22650

Family Learning Center 607 Notabene Drive # 1 Alexandria, VA 22305 T: 703.549.4407

OUR MISSION Community Lodgings lifts families from homelessness and instability to independence and self-sufficiency through both Transitional and Affordable Housing, and Youth and Adult Education Programs held at our Fifer Family Learning Center.

Letter from the Board Chair, Marie Muscella and Executive Director, Bonnie Baxley

Dear Supporters, As the fiscal year comes to an end, we look back with gratitude for your support and with pride in our programs. This year as we prepared for our physical expansion, we also implemented new, state of the art, protocols to ensure a standard of excellence continues to prevail throughout the entire organization. Much of our focus has been on improving our infrastructure, creating a stronger foundation for us to move ahead and expand our Youth and Adult Education Programs. During the year, we renovated our building at 612 Notabene Drive, a 10-unit apartment building that houses families transitioning out of homelessness. We hired a full-time staff to build a stronger and more vibrant afterschool program for high school students. We purchased and implemented donor management software to ensure high-quality stewardship from our supporters. We created a volunteer system that makes it easier to engage passionate, dedicated individuals that are so crucial to our families’ successes. We converted our Transitional Housing Program for homeless families to a “transitionin-place” model. We cultivated relationships with additional community organizations, setting the stage for enriching our programs in a new – and exciting – fiscal year. We embark on fiscal year 2014 with stronger infrastructure in place, allowing us to further fulfill Community Lodgings’ mission. In the coming year, we will meet the needs of more Alexandria families through the expansion of our award-winning programs. First, we will extend our Fifer Family Learning Center programs into New Brookside, an apartment complex one block from our Arlandria-based center. At New Brookside, we will introduce two preschool classes and two playgroups for mothers and infants in the additional space, creating educational programs that support families and their children from birth through adulthood. In more exciting news, we will be expanding our educational and family support services to Alexandria’s West End as well, where we will adopt the learning center at Brent Place. The Youth and Adult Education Program will see a significant expansion this year and as a result service families in a larger geographical area. Over the coming months, we will formalize our partnerships and our direction through a new strategic plan, which will define Community Lodgings’ role in addressing the emerging needs of the community. We look forward to moving our organization into an exciting future of “Opening Doors to Independence”. Thanks to our staff, Board of Directors, community of supporters and the many families we serve, for making all of this possible.

WHAT’S NEW? Renovation


Bonnie Baxley is presented with the Nonprofit Leader of the Year Award for 2013 by Joe Shummard.

Caring. Fearless. Passionate. These three words perfectly describe our Executive Director Bonnie Baxley, who was recognized as the 2013 Nonprofit Leader of the Year at Spring for Alexandria's 15th Annual Alexandria Business Philanthropy Summit at First Baptist Church.

In February 2013, with support from HomeAid Northern Virginia and Pulte Homes, renovations were completed on a 10-unit Community Lodgings’ apartment building that provides homes for 10 homeless families transitioning directly from the shelters as part of the Transition-in-Place Program.

In nearly eight years serving as Executive Director and seven years prior to that serving as a Board Member, Baxley has notched more than a few accomplishments during her nonprofit tenure. Community Lodgings’ supportive program designed for homeless and low-income families have received award after award under her watch. Baxley has also successfully navigated the Alexandria fundraising landscape, managing to keep her organization fiscally sound while others were unable to recover from the recent economic tumult. “As a nonprofit director, my goal is to ensure that Community Lodgings has high-quality programs that make a real difference in the lives of the needy,” says Baxley. “It is a privilege to be able to make this happen and an honor to be recognized for it. I am grateful.” Transitional Housing Families are provided a beautiful new home and support services to move ahead in life!

WHAT’S NEW? Expansion In fall 2013, Community Lodgings is expanding its educational program into two new sites, The New Brookside Apartments and Brent Place Apartments. Each location will provide space for our programs and the opportunity to educate, guide and support the most vulnerable families and their children in Alexandria. All program components are targeted to eliminating the cycle of poverty, but our philosophy is that education is the ‘ticket out’. This expansion will allow us to serve more families in need and help their children succeed in school. With trusted bilingual staff, and increased variety of growing programs and services, Community Lodgings is Alexandria’s best resource for self-help and life improvement. Through our Transitional and Family Learning Center Programs – all within walking distance of the community – we will touch over 400 lives per week.

The New Brookside

Brent Place

The New Brookside apartment building.

Brent Place is one of the most compromised communities in Virginia. It is located at 375 South Reynolds Street in Alexandria's West End and is owned and operated by Homes for America, a Maryland based 501(c) (3) nonprofit housing development entity.

The New Brookside space was donated to Community Lodgings by the owner of New Brookside Apartments, giving us the opportunity to implement afterschool programs for additional at-risk children in the Arlandria neighborhood.

TRANSITIONAL HOUSING PROGRAM Goal: We provide homeless families with subsidized housing, budget mentoring, employment counseling, family therapy, childcare, and other assistance that helps them reach the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency.


homeless families participated in our transitional housing program.


Over the past year families have successfully completed the program and reached self-sufficiency.

A BEAUTIFUL NEW START: SOU SOU Sou-Sou is an attentive young mother with one eye and one ear perpetually trained on young Colin, her two-and-a-half-year-old. However, her path to her sleek, modern, one-bedroom unit, was not a smooth one; she was isolated and alone, a victim of domestic violence. But her arrival at Community Lodgings’ apartment four, after stints in a friend’s small room and a homeless shelter, couldn’t have been happier. Now, this well-educated, multi-lingual, young woman, who speaks Arabic, French and English, and likes to read psychology books when she is not working, is looking forward to independence and making a contribution to others. Beaming, Sou-Sou described her new apartment, as tears came to her eyes when Charlyne first opened the door. “It was a big surprise. Everything was brand new, and so beautifully furnished. In my first home we used to eat on a towel on the floor. Everything from the big things, to the smallest detail, everything from A to Z, was beautiful, and in my favorite greens and yellow.” In just two short weeks, Community Lodgings helped Sou-Sou find her job, helped her organize her life and introduced her to a built-in support network. She has an Egyptian neighbor, also a young mother, and they share childcare duties and each other’s company. Sou-Sou has independence in her sights; her ambition is to be a social worker, to help children and work for a large organization and travel. “I have everything I need, and more,” said the young woman, about to turn 30 and anticipating a bright future for herself and her son.

Transitional Housing Family moving into their newly renovated home.


Adults in our program spent hours attending workshops on parenting, life skills, financial responsibility, support groups, and job skills training. We give our clients access to all youth and adult education programs as well as parenting workshops and English/computer literacy provided through our Family Learning Center.




Goal: Help advance English speaking/writing

low income Alexandrians were given affordable housing.

skills among homeless and low-income adults to expand employment opportunities and improve family communication.

37 disadvantaged families pay below-market/affordable rent. These are predominantly Latino families who are also able to participate in our Youth and Adult Educational Programs.


adults were served through our ESL and computer literacy courses.

16 of 37 families currently living in our affordable housing program have lived there for at least 5 years; providing stability in the community.

English classes provided for the community.

OUTREACH All families in our programs and the community have easy access to our Fifer Family Learning Center.


Arlandria residents received free walk-in assistance from Family Learning Center staff.

Impact An Arlandria resident, new to the area, came to the Learning Center looking for help finding employment and ended up getting a job! Our bilingual personnel provide walkin assistance to anyone in need.

Parents receive information from staff.

Residents sought help with:  Employment Assistance  Office Use  Staff Assistance  Translation

YOUTH EDUCATION PROGRAM Goal: Help at-risk children to increase academic achievement and to decrease at-risk behavior, while keeping parents involved in children’s lives.


students in our program this year; of

them:      

All students qualify as low-income; The average family income is $19,700 per year; 114 speak English as a second language; 18 have experienced sexual, physical, or emotional abuse; 16 receive Special Education Services; and 7 have a history of homelessness.

College Bound: Javier A few days ago, a confident and outspoken young man dropped in our Family Learning Center. Javier, who entered our afterschool program at the age of 8, graduated from Community Lodgings’ program for high school students in 2011 and earned his diploma from T.C. Williams High School the same summer. He revealed only a slight hint of nervousness in discussing his upcoming college course load and seemed relatively unfazed by the giant leaps he has made to pursue pre-medical preparation at James Madison University. Speaking with Javier brought back memories of his significant childhood struggles. He maintained that it was Community Lodgings’ staff, afterschool programs and resources that rescued him and helped to redirect his priorities. Our staff – our high school coordinator, in particular – patiently worked with Javier to focus on graduation, higher education, and beyond. Of course, this is only possible in a setting where support and continuity are provided from elementary school through high school, such as our Family Learning Center.

Trip to Maryland Science Center

Accomplishments: 

100% of students

enrolled in our programs passed all core courses. At-risk elementary school students made great use

76% of them showed an increase in math scores and of time at our Family Learning Center .

94% of them showed improvement in L.A. scores. 

100% of our students exhibited positive behavior in school.


children enrolled in our afterschool program have participated in the program for 3 years or more.

The boy matured exponentially in his high school years. When Javier expressed interest in extracurricular activities, our staff helped him develop a more active approach. Our afterschool coordinator accompanied him to meetings with the school’s rugby coach. Then she worked closely with Javier and a few of his peers to identify local swimming lessons, which we subsidized. By his senior year of high school, Javier was a member of the rugby and swim teams, and even worked as a lifeguard the following summer to save for college. Just two years into his college career, Javier is on a full scholarship to James Madison University. He is a Biology major and will pursue a career in medicine. We can only hope for similar outcomes for over 100 children currently being served in our afterschool programs (and the additional 60-100 that we will serve in two new sites opening this fall!!!). But with six high school graduates having completed our afterschool programs in the past four years, we are mighty confident that more successes are just around the bend. Our afterschool programs for middle and high school students provide continuity and stability.

6 students have graduated from high school and enrolled in college since 2009.


Learning Center Youth winners of the Harry Potter Reading Contest. To meet academic and behavioral goals, we:   

Lamont, a 14 year old high school student enrolled in both our afterschool program and our Transitional Housing Program, received a full scholarship to attend a weeklong art camp at the Corcoran School of Art and Design in July. Each morning, he attended Cartooning class - an area in which he is particularly talented. During the afternoon session, Lamont attended Watercolor class - a challenging medium which he picked up quickly and nearly effortlessly. Lamont's teachers describe him as "meticulous" in his work and say that his attention for detail is "well beyond his years".

 

Maintain an instructor-student ratio of 1:3 ; Employ academic and behavioral incentive programs; Track homework completion, school grades and LeapTrack scores; Monitor behavior in program on a six-level scale; and Increase parents’ involvement in children’s academic and social lives.

All students receive an average of

350 hours in annual support.

Over the past six months, Community Lodgings has been lucky to forge a valuable partnership with the Corcoran Gallery of Art and College of Art + Design. We reported in a previous newsletter that Corcoran will present a weeklong Camp Creativity workshop on songwriting at our Family Learning Center this summer. But Corcoran has also worked closely with our staff to offer additional opportunities for individual students with an interest in the arts. The partnership is the result of hard work by Corinne Winburn, President of Birdsong Communications Group, who sits on both Community Lodgings' Afterschool Advisory Board and the Corcoran Museum of Art's Education Committee Board. Community Lodgings’ Safe Place Winners

VOLUNTEERS At Community Lodgings, we value volunteers and realize that without them, we would not be able to provide valuable services to Alexandria’s most vulnerable families. Here you will find just a few examples of how volunteers help our mission.


Volunteers have donated their time.

Volunteer Projects Included:

4,068 total hours volunteered.

           

Apartment Renovations Architect Drawings Christmas Store Financial Education Labor Volunteer Work Landscape / Gardening Mentoring Tutoring Office Support Coordinate Programs Budget Mentors ESL Tutors

Volunteer helps with the community garden.

FY 2012 Balance Sheet Assets

FY 2012-2013

Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Grants and pledge receivable Other Receivables Advance to related entity Rent receivable, CLI Multifamily LP Prepaid Expenses, ClI Multifamily LP Prepaid Expenses Expense escrows and deposits

Total Current Assets Property and Equipment Less accumulated depreciation

Other Assets Work in Process Reserve for Property Replacements Reserve for Property Replacements, CLI Multifamily LP Escrow held through loan account Escrow held through loan account, CLI Multifamily LP Total Other Assets

Total Assets

$51,929 $29,512 $1,420 $2,500 $715 $6,126 $11,751 $20 0

$104,153 $4,066,606 ($2,401,583)

$15,485 $33,850 $21,481 $3,412 $4,113 $78,341


Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Accounts Payable and accrued expenses Current maturities of long-term debt, CLI Multifamily LP Current maturities of long-term debt Security deposits, CLI Multifamily LP Security deposits

Total Current Liabilities Long-term debt Line of Credit Notes payable, net of current maturities Section 754 adjustments, CLI Multifamily LP Notes payable, net of current maturities

$8,569 $76,497 $29,180 $13,895 $10,025

$138,166 $15,000 $533,775 $345,298 $313,902


Net Assets Minority interest in Limited Partnership Equity in CLI Multifamily LP Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted

Total Net Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

($273) ($25,321) $469,459 $57,511

$501,376 $1,847,517

FY 2012 Revenue & Functional Expenses Functional Expenses Youth and Adult Education Programs

Transitional Housing Program

9% 6%


Affordable Housing Program

Management & General





In-Kind 7%

Government 16%

Property Income 34%

Foundations 26%

Program Fees Income 3%

Fundraising 4%


Individuals 3%





Program Fees Income

Property Income


Coorporations/Businesses/ Churches/Organizations 7%

A Special Thank You to our Supporters Alexandria Kiwanis Foundation Doris and Charles Ablard Lynn Abram Unalane C .Ablondi Eileen and Tim Ahern Jennifer L. Akman Susan and Jerome Akman Alexandria Community Trust Alexandria Times Alexandria Toyota Ingrid Allen American Psychological Association Barbara and Alan Anderson Elaine and George Anderson Shirley Anderson Jose Andres Angelo Investment Company Barbara Archey Marcia and Derek Argust Michelle Arslan Elizabeth R. Arnold Deborah and Philip Barbara Robert A.Barnett Tricia Bassing Maureen Bates F.W Bauers Jr. Walter L. Baumann Bonnie and Troy Baxley Robin Baxley Regina F Beach Douglas E. Beakes Bonnie J.Becker Diane Byers and David D. Bernhard Mary Bier Connie and Steve Blood Boeing Employees Community Fund Rebecca and George H. Bostick Rebecca Bostick Donna McPherson & Thomas F. Boudreau David B Bowman II Rich Boyd Sharon Boyd Stephen E. Brady Mary Ellen Brauer Charlyne Braxton Lynn and John Brennan Lisa Jacobs and Paul F. Brinkman Henry S. Brooks Christine Brosonski Ann and Philippe M. Bruno

Amoret B. Bunn Edmond Hunt Burke Marc Bursink Jon Bunger Elise Bruml and Gary T. Burtless Marilyn Bryant Burgundy Farm Country Day School Sherry L. Buschmann Sandra and Robert Calhoun Camille A. Caliendo Capital One Foundation Christine and Matt Cordes Nancy Carson Susan K. Casey Felix Castro John Taylor Chapman Kathleen and Stephen Cheney Paul Cheng Christ Church Christ Church Gift Shop Chef Jackie Cipriano Clark-Winchcole Foundation William Clayton Ellen and Doug Cleary Kyle J Coble John E. Coffey Richard Cole Jeri G Coleman Patrica Collins CommuniTea Calling Community Foundation of No.VA Susan Collins Peggy and Donald Cook Geoffrey Cooper Youngnan Copenhafer Donna J. Cramer and John Woods Thomas J. Culligan Brooke and Christopher M. Curran Janice and David J. Curtin Alice and Kevin Gerard Curtin Michael D'Amelio Cathy and Bert A. David Jr. Patricia C. Davis Kim and Randall E. Davis Linda Deibert Francis J. Derby Suzanne and Michael D.Derby Marty and Stephen DeVine Bryan Diaz Cheryl and Andy Dichter

Thomas G. Donlan Nicholas Dopuch Mary F. Downey Laura and Fred S. Dunning Jr. Edwin D. Dupree Kevin J. Durkin Anna K. Dvorchik Sara and Denis Dwyer II Douglas Dziak Sharon Eddy Florence Eley Lee and Ted Ellett Emmanuel Episcopal Church Mary S. Engel Eleanor B. Engh Fannie Mae Besu Feleke Carson Lee Fifer Jr. Susan and Dennis Fitzpatrick Deborah C. FitzSimmonds Jeremy Flachs Libby Langworthy and Jonathan J. Fleuchaus Vicki L. Forness Jessica R. Foster Patricia Frame Laura Francis Frantz Family Fund Sofia Fraser Fraternal Order of Eagles (ALVA Aerie, No. 871) Freddie Mac Foundation Freddie Mac's Employee Giving Prog. Lorraine Friedman Suzi and Matt Friedman Gannett Foundation Roger J. Gendron George Mason Elementary PTA Vivian George Susan L. Gerock John Gilmore Jr. David Ginsburg Susan Ginsburg Victor M. Glasberg and Associates Greg and Cynthia B. Golubin Martin Rea Goodhart Aaron Gorski Grace Episcopal Church

A Special Thank You to our Supporters Robert E. Gray Thomas A. Greco Susan Green Alicia Greenwood Janet R. Gregor Gary Grimes Rusty Grimsley Tatiana Gutierrez Paul Haire Charlotte Hall Virginia M. Hammell Eric E. Hampl Jacqueline M. Hansen John Hardies Keith Harman Judy Harmatz Ginger and John M. Harrington Jr. Edward Harris J. Harris Scott Harris Jonathan M. Harvey Hattie M. Strong Foundation Jennifer Heatherington Anne and Bruce Hedman Mary and Steven M. Hellem Douglas D. Henry Susan J. Henry Susan Hepler Michele Smith & Glen M. Hewitt Douglas P. Hibshman Kenneth L. Hill Sharon and Patrick Hogan Holy Cow Burgers Fund Frank Homburger Lerone Robert Honeyghan Victor Kerns Suzanne Kratzok & Richard Howard Patrick Kitchen Sommelier Roy Koons Ruth Hartley Margaret Howe Dennis Hunt Nancy and Richard Hunt Liza Hutchinson Immanuel Church On The Hill Ivakota Foundation Shanda T. Ivory Wendy and Douglas F. John Libby and Bruce E. Johnson Gordon O.F. Johnson Ted G. Jones

Carrie Keene Bonnie and Jim J. Keightley Mary B. Kelly Randall Kelly Margaret F. King Philip Kirchberg Linda Kirk Pierce Klemmt Jane and Frederick W. Knops Jane Knops Kenneth Kolson Brooksie Koopman and John Eaton Tara Knox and P. James Kornick Ted Krivoruchka Anne K. LaFond May Lynn Landgraf Susie and John LaValle Lawrence Leasing LLC Monica M. Leak Helen and Philip Lewis Kathy G. Lewis Elizabeth H. Link Elizabeth and William A. Livingston Selena Hutchinson & Marcus Livingston Daniel J. Logan Allen Cabot Lomax Rachel Loose Michelle Lore Margaret Lorber Linda and Sidney Lowery John B. Lumsden Mary Lutz Lambros M. Magiafas Alan J. Marcus Joseph P. Markoski Julie Markoski Dianne Markowitz Joe Martin Marisa Martineau Kristen and Greg Moore Annie Moyer Mason Hirst Foundation Maury Lane Fund Joseph J. McCarthy Jennifer McCreery Ann H. McDonald William D. McInturff Ann and Christopher M. McMurray Andrea McNicholas Laura J. Medhurst

Adriana Medina Jesus Medrano Sandy Mejias John Grattan Metz Jr. Carole Miller Joel Miller Hannah N. Millick Stephen A. Milone Kristen Moore Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation Michael Morrell Lori Morris Roza Murchison Michael F. Murphy Marie Muscella Michael Nayeri Michael J. Natoli David Needman William L. Neff James Neurohr Rita Newbegin Jeffrey A. Newhouse Mary and Neil S. Newhouse Scott A. Newsham Anthony Nguonly Nixon Peabody LLP Susan S. Norwitch Margarita C. Nunez Melissa O'Conner Resa and Dan O'Flaherty Amy C. O'Hara Michael J. Oliver Kelley Organek Elizabeth Ottaway Lynn and Neil A. Parent Robert S. Pasley Biz Van Gelder and Oliver B. Patton Constance L. Peduzzi David Jose Pereira John Perlman Erik Peterson Thomas R. Pickering Linda Pitts Cathleen Phelps Lauri M. Ploch Robert E. Polson John L. Porter Frances Pratt Robert W. Prichard

A Special Thank You to our Supporters Aprile Pritchet St. Stephen's and St. Agnes Charlene and David M. Pritzker Jean Stanford PulteGroup Audrey E. Stauffer Mark Raabe Maggie and Barry Stauffer Michael Reardon Susan F. Steinberg Steven Reed Sue and Jesse J. Stewart Jr. Mary Ann Rehnke Kay and Herbert Stewart John Reiter Richard T. Stone John J. Renner Christine Suchy Renshaw-Porter Family Fund James Sullivan Gayle T. Reuter Timothy Sullivan Angela M. Rice Katherine Summer Virginia V. Rocen Marcia Summers Emily Rodegast Robert Swain Barry Roman Systems Engineering Group Ronald McDonald House Charities Beverly H. Tauke Cynthia P. Roscoe Sharon and Paul G. Taylor Jayne and Frank Rose III Paul W. H. Taylor Ross Family Fund Mildred Hartman Tazelaar Rotary Club of Alexandria Teresa Terminassian Lisa Nicole Rowen The Hampstead Companies RunningBrooke Fund The Maple Tree Fund Anthony D. Ruvolo Lawrence H. Thompson Saint Paul's Episcopal Church Susan Townsend Jeffrey Talley Salmon Robert Trautman Sue and Paul R. Savary Trinity United Methodist Choir Dennis Sawyer Trinity United Methodist Church The Scheidel Family George E. Tuttle Jr. Scheidel Foundation Steven Tuttle Allan M. Schneider Catherine Tyler David W. Schoeder United Methodist Women of Trinity Church Ruby Schropp Thomas Van Zoeren Tyler T. Schropp Verizon Foundation David M. Schubert Alex Viorst Karen Shaines Richard C. Voigt B. Kari Shapero Mereith and Doug Wade Anne and Brian Sheridan Charles D. Walker Kevin Sherlock Stephen J. Wallace Sally and Calvert Simmons Wal-Mart Foundation Elizabeth Simmons Michael J. Waltrip M. Noel Sipple Washington Forrest Foundation Cynthia Skinner Wells Fargo Foundation Alva Smircina Angela and Patrick Welsh Babette Smith Gail Sullivan and John R. Westcott C. Tegwin Smith Ann and Thomas J. Whalen Harrison Claude Smith Mariana and Jack H. White John R. Smucker Whiteoak Group John D. Sommer Michael David Wiggins Speck-Caudron Investment Group Karina Wiggs St. Elmo's Coffee Pub, Inc Susan and Roger Willis

Corinne Birdsong Winburn Terese and William Winslow Donnan Chancellor Wintermute Jasper Womach Robin and John R. Wood Mahlet Yohannes Ralph C. Young Your Dog's Best Friend Robert F. Zikowitz Alan Ziter Zoe Boutique

We are proud of our supporters and are grateful for your generosity. In the event that we have failed to include your name, please contact us and let us know, and kindly accept our apology for the oversight.

To Donate, Contact Us Community Lodgings 3912 Elbert Avenue #108 Alexandria ,VA 22305 (703)549-4407 Donations can also be made through our website.

FY 2013 Staff Staff Bonnie W. Baxley Executive Director

Karina Wiggs Director of Operations

Board of Directors Marie Muscella Board Chair

Anne LaFond Vice Chair

Erika Orozco

Frank Rose

Property Manager


Charlyne Braxton

George Tuttle

Transitional Housing Manager

Jim Dempsey Associate Executive Director of Development

Jessica Foster Co-Director of Educational Planning

Antonio Tamariz Family Learning Center Administrator

Rebecca Waltrip Co-Director of Educational Planning

Liliana Mendoza Program Assistant

Eric Lopez Building Engineer

Jose Trejo Building Engineer Assistant


Derek M. Argust Marty DeVine Susan Fitzpatrick Timothy J. Graf Virginia Hammell Douglas P. Hibshman Rick Howard Selena Hutchinson Helen Lewis Chris McMurray Kristen H. Moore Luis Paniagua Barry Roman Steve Wallace Angela Welsh

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