Sequoia saxophones

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the sound coming from the soul

“Devi amare per poter suonare� L. Armstrong

il suono che nasce dall'essenza Il sassofono Sequoia nasce da un sogno, da un'intuizione e dalla grande passione di Roberto Buttus, titolare dell'omonimo laboratorio che, dopo anni di esperienza nelle riparazioni di strumenti a fiato, ha deciso di “sporcarsi mani e faccia” creando uno strumento originale, più vicino sia alle esigenze dei professionisti che a quelle dei neofiti, ugualmente mossi dalla ricerca del bello. Una gamma di modelli dal suono largo, caldo e dotati di grande proiezione unitamente ad un'attenta ricerca dell'ergonomia, che ben si adatta a mani sia “piccole” che “grandi”, dona la libertà ad ognuno di poter ricercare ed esprimere al meglio il proprio suono. Il progetto Sequoia prende vita in seno al laboratorio stesso, da anni luogo di ritrovo consolidato di ogni sorta di sassofonista e punto ideale dove scambiarsi opinioni, esperienze di vita e di musica insieme. Infatti, visitare il laboratorio significa intraprendere un viaggio in un mondo pieno di passione, entusiasmo ed amore per la musica stessa, entrare in uno spazio capace di rapire ed affascinare anche coloro che ritengono l'arte dei suoni un mero passatempo per idealisti.

Là dove si arresta il potere delle parole, comincia la musica” R. Wagner

the sound coming from the soul Sequoia saxophone was born from a dream, an intuition and the great passion of Roberto Buttus, owner of the homonym workshop, who, after a long experience of reparation of wind-instruments, has decided to “put himself in the front-line” by creating an original instrument closer both to professional musicians’ requirements and to beginners equally moved by the beauty of music. A range of items with wide and warm sound, a great focus together with a careful research for ergonomics suitable both for “small” and “big” hands. All this gives anyone the freedom for better research and expression of its own sound. Sequoia project begins inside the workshop itself, a well-known meeting-place for any kind of musician where people can simply exchange opinions, life and music experience together. Visiting the workshop, indeed, means setting out on a journey in a world full of passion, enthusiasm and love for music itself, capable to rapture and fascinate even those who consider the art of sound as a mere hobby for idealist people.

“La chiave del genio sta nella semplicità K. V.

the sound coming from the soul Sequoia saxophone was born from a dream, an intuition and the great passion of Roberto Buttus, owner of the homonym workshop, who, after a long experience of reparation of wind-instruments, has decided to “put himself in the front-line” by creating an original instrument closer both to professional musicians’ requirements and to beginners equally moved by the beauty of music. A range of items with wide and warm sound, a great focus together with a careful research for ergonomics suitable both for “small” and “big” hands. All this gives anyone the freedom for better research and expression of its own sound. Sequoia project begins inside the workshop itself, a well-known meeting-place for any kind of musician where people can simply exchange opinions, life and music experience together. Visiting the workshop, indeed, means setting out on a journey in a world full of passion, enthusiasm and love for music itself, capable to rapture and fascinate even those who consider the art of sound as a mere hobby for idealist people.

Là dove si arresta il potere delle parole, comincia la musica” R. Wagner

« For those who cannot or even will not afford top-level saxophones by acknowledged makers master Roberto Buttus has constructed Sequoia, which differs the most from the afore mentioned in its price. Sequoia saxophones are excellent instruments, distinguished for good intonation, ergonomics, qualitative materials, the final composition and a moderate price. Thus, the quality is in optimal proportion to the price.» Matjaž Drevenšek, classical saxophonist and Full Professor at Academy of Music in Ljubljana, Slovenia « Roberto Buttus is a master of his craft. I can always count on his small masterpieces. The instruments he repairs are always as good as new. He clears all the technical problems that may occur and successfully repairs an instrument's intonation. It is hard to imagine what my clarinet would sound like without Roberto's magic.» Jože Kotar, principal Clarinet of the RTV Slovenija Symphonic Orchestra and Full Professor at Academy of Music in Ljubljana, Slovenia « When I was testing the new collection of Sequoia saxophones I realised they are simply amazing. Soprano saxophone has made such a huge impact on me with its excellent intonation, sound focus and incredible mechanics that I recommend Sequoia saxophones to every dedicated saxophonist.» Jure Pukl, jazz soloist and composer

“La chiave del genio sta nella semplicità K. V.

zvok, ki prihaja od znotraj Saksofoni Sequoia so se rodili iz sanj, intuicije in velike strasti Roberta Buttusa, lastnika glasbenega ateljeja, ki se je po letih servisiranja pihalnih inštrumentov odlocil, da s svojim delom stopi v ospredje. Ustvaril je izvirni inštrument, ki je bližje tako zahtevam poklicnih glasbenikov kot tudi popolnih zacetnikov, prav tako ganjenih nad lepoto glasbe. Vrsta inštrumentov s širokim in toplim zvokom, preciznost in poglobljeno delo na ergonomiki, ki ustreza tako velikim kot majhnim rokam - vse to daje vsakomur svobodo, da bolje razišce in izrazi svoj lastni zven. Projekt Sequoia se zacne v samem ateljeju, kjer se srecujejo raznovrstni glasbeniki , ki si lahko tam izmenjujejo mnenja, pa tudi življenjske in glasbene izkušnje. Ob obisku ateljeja se clovek poda v svet strasti, navdušenja in ljubezni do glasbe. Ocara lahko celo tiste, ki vidijo v glasbeni umetnosti le hobi za zasanjane ljudi.

Moja duša je kakor srebrna struna, ki zazveni, ce dahneš vanjo” Ivan Cankar

« Za tiste, ki si vrhunskih saksofonov priznanih proizvajalcev financno ne morejo ali pa ne želijo privošciti, je mojster Roberto Buttus razvil Sequoio, ki se od prej omenjenih najbolj razlikuje po ceni. Pri Sequoia saksofonih gre za odlicne inštrumente, katere odlikujejo dobra intonacija, ergonomija, kvalitetni materiali, koncna izdelava ter zmerna cena. Torej, optimalno razmerje med kvaliteto in ceno.» Matjaž Drevenšek, klasicni saksofonist in redni profesor na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani « Roberto Buttus je mojster svojega poklica. Vedno se lahko zanesem na njegove male mojstrovine. Po njegovem servisiranju so inštrumenti takšni, kot bi bili novi. Odpravi vse tehnicne težave, ki se pojavijo in se uspešno spopade s popravki intonacije. Težko si predstavljam, kako bi zvenel moj klarinet brez Robertovih carovnij.» Jože Kotar, solo klarinetist simfonicnega orkestra RTV Slovenija in redni profesor na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani « Ko sem preizkušal proizvodnjo novih saksofonov Sequoia sem ugotovil, da so neverjetni. Sopranski saksofon me je tako navdušil z odlicno intonacijo, zvokovno projekcijo in neverjetno mehaniko, da saksofone Sequoia priporocam vsakemu resnemu saksofonistu.» Jure Pukl, jazzovski saksofonist, solist in skladatelj

“Glasba je jezik duha. Njene skrite strune vibrirajo med srcem pevca in dušo poslušalca Kahlil Gibran

the sound coming from the soul

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