What are the benefits of Vitamin B12 for us - Vitaminquick

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The Benefits of Vitamin B12


• B12 is also known as Cobalamin, this is based because of the single red atom of the trace element cobalt at its center • It's found naturally in the foods we consume • A deficiency in B12 may cause pernicious anemia

What is the vitamin b-12 • B12 is a water soluble vitamin, it helps with the nervous system & brain function • It aids with our metabolism & synthesis of biologic compounds such as creatine, phospholipids, and neurotransmitters for DNA & RNA • Helps with the increase of red blood cells in the body

Food Sources from B-12

Recommended Dosage of B-12 • The RDA (recommended daily allowance) for men & women between the ages of 19 & older is 2.4 mcg a day • For pregnant teens & women the intake should be 2.6 mcg • For women who are breastfeeding their intake of B-12 should be 2.8 mcg

Facts of B12 • Approximately 50% of body vitamin B12, is stored in the liver, while the remainder is distributed among active tissues • Without vitamin B12, folate becomes an inactive form & folate deficiency symptoms develop • B-12 is essential for healthy function of the nervous system as it helps maintain nerve fibers • B-12 hasn't been proven to help prevent heart disease • Scientist also don't know if B12 may aid or prevent dementia

Deficiency of B-12 • Deficiency of B12 disrupts blood formation and affects cognitive functions • Deficiency of B12 might be from the consumption of an only vegetarian diet • Having a poor diet • Various symptoms range from red tongue, fatigue, and loss of appetite • A common treatment for B12 are from either supplementing the vitamin in sublingual form usually 1000mcg - 5000mcg, or consuming more foods in one's diet which all include meat, milk, cheese, eggs & fortified cereals and or soy milk

Conclusion • If a person doesn't consume the right amount of B12 it may lead to adverse side effects • Two main reasons for B12 deficiency are insufficient intake and the inability to absorb vitamin B12 • B12 isn't only important for the metabolism, it as well is important for abnormal fatty acids. • Generally most people do receive the recommended dosage of B12 from their food.

Disclaimer • All of the information which was provided shouldn't be used in place of a doctor or medical advice given by your provider. Generally if one has any questions concerning what is best for them, then its best to talk to your doctor or medical provider before the use of any dietary supplements.




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