Vista no. 108, September-October 2016

Page 44

Nordic Naturals for


Omega-3s link to childhood learning A growing body of scientific evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids—particularly EPA and DHA—are important structural and functional brain components that influence children’s learning and memory from conception through adolescence. KA RLA S C HM I DT, C N, NOR D IC N ATUR AL S E D U CATOR AND CERT I FI ED NUTR ITIO N IS T. DUR IN G HE R OVE R 25 YEAR S I N T H E FI E L D, S H E H AS W O R K ED A S A RE SEAR CHER , WR I T ER , DI ETARY S UPPL EM EN T SPE CIALIS T, AND P R I VAT E NUT R ITIO N AL C O N S ULTAN T.

Do children get enough omega-3s? The vast majority of children do not consume enough cold-water, oily fish to obtain adequate amounts of omega-3 fats. Compounding this shortfall is the V I S TA M A G A Z I N E I S S U E N O . 1 0 8

acids in the blood significantly prefact that omega-3 fatty acids are essential, dicted a child’s behavior and ability to meaning our bodies cannot produce learn. Higher levels were associated them, so we must get them through food with better reading and memory.” or supplementation. It is no surprise • “Access to omega-3 fatty acids (EPA that omega-3 deficiency is a leading & DHA) early in life is important nutritional deficiency amongst children. for intellectual development There are many consequences to this during the first years, and it deficit, however none is more relevant can also have an impact on IQ, for long-term health than omega-3s’ school abilities and academic effects on brain structure and function. performance up to the age of 18.” Omega-3s: brain Given the significance of academic sucdevelopment & function cess to a child’s well-being, self-esteem, Childhood is a period of rapid brain and motivation to learn, improving growth. From birth to age two is contheir omega-3 status is a worthwhile sidered the primary growth phase; the pursuit. The biggest challenge for most brain doubles in size. Spurts of developparents is simply how to get their child ment also occur at age two, ages seven to consume omega-3s on a daily basis? to nine, and during mid-adolescence. Knowing the importance of omega-3 fats Tips for Omega-3 success like DHA, researchers have had a strong 1. Include a serving of cold-water, oily fish like salmon, cod, mackerel, interest in studying how these fats affect halibut, sardines, or anchovies a child’s performance of school-based at least two times per week. skills such as concentration, reading, and 2. Choose an effective fish oil spelling. Here are a few excerpts from supplement from a reputable the more noteworthy scientific findings. manufacturer. Avoiding a negative Omega-3s’ connection fish oil experience is paramount to to learning a child’s willingness to continue. • “Children who obtain omega-3s from 3. Some children won’t swallow soft diet and supplementation are more gels, but many enjoy biting into likely to experience positive behavior, them, especially if they’re naturally high levels of concentration, and flavored to tastes that children successful learning patterns.” enjoy (e.g. strawberry, lemon, • An Oxford University study: “From a etc.). Liquid omega-3s are great sample of nearly 500 schoolchildren, alternatives and can be mixed into we found that levels of omega-3 fatty yogurt, juice, or a smoothie. f



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