Happy holidays!

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Dear friends, We are again approaching Christmas and New Year, and naturally it makes us look back at the past year. I’m assuming the first thing we all think about is the pandemic. Twelve months ago no one could imagine that a virus would come to affect the whole world and totally change our everyday lives. During the year we were all forced, sometimes up close, to experience the effects of Covid -19. Sick relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors. In too many cases with an irreversible end. Incredibly sad. During this time, we have also experienced closures and restrictions regarding the opportunities to meet, travel and socialize. Many are the businesses that have been hit hard. At the same time, we have experienced how we humans have shown an ability to adapt to the most challenging situations, to find ways forward, to assist somebody in need, to extend a hand and work together to best solve difficult situations. Fantastic. We have helped the elderly, sometimes unknown. We have taken individual responsibility for the best interests of the collective. We have all contributed in different ways aiming to limit the damage, to one day hopefully be able to return to something comparable to what we called “everyday life” before the pandemic. Wise men and women tell me that the world will never be the same again, which well might be the case. So I guess we are all curious to learn what will change, hopefully for the better, going forward. We hear about the vaccines that ignites a lot of hope and we see many technical developments taking place. Let us believe that we are moving towards better times! With these words, I would like to extend my warm thanks to all of you, dear colleagues, partners and customers, for the way in which you have adapted to the situations that have arisen during the year now ending. Thank you for your flexibility, thank you for your support, thank you for the care you have shown and thank you for the good cooperation! When we now, with a little perspective, look back on all the challenges that we have handled and together found solutions to, one can only be impressed and inspired. A great teamwork, thank you! On behalf of the ViskoTeepak Senior Management Team it is my pleasure to wish all of you, and your families, happy, healthy and peaceful holidays & a prosperous and successful 2021! Happy holidays! Tom Pussinen, Johanna Backholm, Daniel Wahlfors and Luc Van Erom

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