1 minute read

Making A Statement

The distinctive OK DINER brand can be seen on several road-sides across the UK and the welcoming exterior façade has been enhanced by Hi-Lite™ Classic LED contour tube.

For the last 10-years OK DINER have been giving customers an authentic diner experience with stacked burgers, griddle favourites, bottomless coffee plus wings and dogs (that’ s chicken wings and hot dogs to us).

Visive supplied the Hi-Lite™ Classic LED contour tube to Harper Signs, who completed the installation of the signage for OK DINER.

Hi-Lite™ Classic's visually stunning LED contour tube creates the distinctive atmospheric warm and welcoming external image we come to recognise with an American dining establishment.

To provide the maximum impact two different coloured LED linear lines were used in parallel.

For over 65 years Harpers Signs has been providing quality products and excellent customer service. They design, manufacture and install signage for various leading brands in leisure complexes, restaurants, hotels and retail stores in the UK.

www.okdiners.com www.harpersigns.com

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